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1) Bubble bobble (on C64): I used to play with 2 joysticks by myself, so I had the blue dragon killed instead of my green one. That allowed me to 1) get the silver door at levels 20, 30, 40, 80 and 90. 2) Complete the game without ever being killed. <- now, that's a memorable moment!

2) Wing Commander (on PC): I finished the game. The first time I ever completed it, I didn't know it was the last mission and ejected. Then I replayed it (and got killed some times). Then I completed BUT with my last missile I took down my mission partner! (eventually, I trashed the enemy ship with laser cannons only!). After a few more times, I did it without ejecting and without killing a friend. But I got disappointed I didn't get thw medal that was described as the "greatest achievement for a pilot" or something like that.

3) World series of poker (on PC): I won a tournament for the first time.

I like the Mongoose better. I think it's faster. Also, which kind of Warthog do you like, the transport or the turret?

Well I would have loved to have a Mongoose in the first HALO. And the Machine Gun 'Hog is better. But the Rocket Hog in the PC version is better.

1. SW Republic Commando

Blowing up the huge Sepratist ship on Kashyyyk and then Hearing Sev yelling on the intercom that he needs help then hearing the droidekias blasting on the intercom then silence.....Then geting told you cant resuce him and have to go :cry_sad:

2. BattleField 2: Euro Force Booster Pack.

Flying the Eurofighter the first time and geting my first kill in a plane..... :cry_happy:

That plane is SO awesome it feels like your using a cheat when you fly it, its that good :tongue::cry_happy:

3. BattleField 2: Euro Force Booster Pack.

Geting chased by 2 MiG 29's only to out-manouver them and blow em up then fly over their base and bomb it and kill them and acouple other guys while they were waiting for their planes to respawn....


#1) Earthbound - Gyigas

I literally fought him for an hour before I faq'ed figured out that you need to "pray" him to death. I finally finished around 4am that day. :grin:

#2) Final Fantasy VI (III ver.) - The Apocalypse

So, the main villain, Kefka, helps his master, the emperor, find the legendary "warring triad" which can give him the god-like power needed to rule the world. Your party intercepts them, Kefka goes all crazy, and takes all the power for himself. Then he kills off the Emperor, and throws the triad off balance, which causes mass destruction and chaos all over the world... what a dick-move... :sadnew:

#3) Sonic 3 & Knuckles - Beating the game

This was literally the first game I beat, and I did it with Knuckles and his hard route too... :tongue:

1. I remember fooling around in Oblivion on a new character at my friend's house. I was beating up Jaufree, or whatever that lead monk's name, but for some strange reason the physics just went crazy. From one punch he would fly all the way across the room and he would hit the bookcase. So I would continue to beat him up and it was just so funny how he would just go flying across the room.

2. This one if fairly brief, but I remember getting top in the server in COD 2 with loads and loads of kills, low deaths. Those kills were a lot higher than anyone else. I don't remember how I got the score, however.

3. In Halo 2, in a level that completely passes my memory, my friend and I cleared out the entire area of enemies. We got the warthog and put it in some type of pillar/tower thing. I stood on top of it and we both threw plasma grenades and then the entire thing shot me out of the roof like a cannon. I flew pretty damn far.

Well, I'm sure there's much better.

1. Shooting that guard with the silenced PP7 in Goldeneye 007 from inside the air vents above the toilets. It just never got old, and it was a joy to see that hat go flying every time...

2. It's so tough to pick one moment, but I think just the feeling of freedom you got from galloping across Hyrule field on Epona as Adult Link in Ocarina of Time. The feeling you could go anywhere and do anything was just immense.

3. The frantic worry of hurling a gamecube controller around the room in a 12 person game of Warioware: Mega Party Games on Gamecube. The moment when you saw the c-stick imprinted on someone's forehead added onto the fact that they failed to simply press the A button - priceless.

1. Pokemon Saphire version. The moment I bought the game, I said "I want the dude on the case!" So, when I caught Kyogre, I was immensely happy. Beat my first Elite 4 with it. Then, beat them over 50 times training him to Lvl. 100. :cry_happy: It got to a point where I had to defeat them almost twice to gain a level in the nineties. Good times, well spent.

2. Halo 3: The first multiplayer match I won against my friend. That might not seem like much, but Holy Hell that guy is a beast at Halo 3! It took me over 80 shots to finally WIN a match. (not all at once) I finally won with a shotgun and plasma pistol. :tongue: But he was spamming a Plasma Pistol and Energy Sword.

3. SW Republic Commando: The final mission, when everyone keeps breaking off to use the turrets, and you have to kill three (I think) Dwarf Spider Droids without a full squad. Then, after the ship is destroyed, and the squad forms up, you hear Sev get taken out, and you must evac. Damn that sucked. Then, the whole flippin' Kashyyyk invasion begins, and you find out that you were the leaders into it?!? Holy crap! Then, Yoda gives out the orders, and the screen goes black. I was ready for another mission! But no, the credits starteds rolling. I was like, WTF?!?!?! Oh well, great game nonetheless.


1) Bubble bobble (on C64): I used to play with 2 joysticks by myself, so I had the blue dragon killed instead of my green one. That allowed me to 1) get the silver door at levels 20, 30, 40, 80 and 90. 2) Complete the game without ever being killed. <- now, that's a memorable moment!

I love you.

AND, you just made me remember a very nice, very similar moment... in the continuing story of Bubble Bobble, "Parasol Stars", on the Turbografx 16.

Getting up to the end by using "player 2" to get the special door and hearing that beautiful song during the credits, as only the Turbo's unique sound engine could deliver.

Really brings a tug to my heart, replaying that in my head.

  • 5 months later...

Metroid Prime 3- Rundas. THE coolest character in video games EVER.

Gears of War 2- Lambent Brumak. 'Nuff Said.

Halo 3- The Covenant. One of the awsomest levels in video games ever.

1. Death of Paulie in Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven .

2. Destroying Spanish galleon in Sea Dogs. My first cannon battle in this game.

3. When I realized true identity of Revan in Knights of the Old Republic.


1) The time I beat my first Mega Man game (Mega Man 9).

I loved the credits with the catchy tune and the awesome 8-bit artwork of the 8 Robot Masters doin' stuff. :classic:

2) Playing Okami for the first time. It was amazing! :cry_happy:

I really must get the PS2 version, as I've heard that version is better than the one on the Wii.

3) Playing my first Pokemon game, Pokemon Emerald.

Bluebeard, out-

Edited by Capt. Bluebeard

A new update (all recent games):

1.) Motorstorm Pacific Rift - Winning a race in a bike against all monster trucks by a margin of 0.01 seconds!!! :sweet:

2.) Burnout Paradise - Finally getting all of the 490 online challenges! That's one big commitment! :hmpf:

3.) LittleBig Planet - beating the final boss without losing a life and then walking into a dangerous pit! :hmpf_bad:

Motorstorm Pacific Rift - Winning a race in a bike against all monster trucks by a margin of 0.01 seconds!!! :sweet:

Cool! How many times did you die? :tongue:

1: BF2 - destroying last clone in a turret. The turret explodes and the game says 'Victory', with the clone hitting the camera. :laugh:

2: COD5 - Killing 100 people in one online match without dying and only using a knife. :devil:

3: TFU - Throwing a scout into a stormie who hit another stormie, who hit another stormie, who hit another stormie and then they all went off the edge of a chasm. :thumbup:


1. Beating Super Mario World for Game Boy Pocket

2. SW Battlefront Space Battle

3. Playing Wii for the first time

1. Making it to the elite 4 on pokemon yellow... just one of those all time classic gaming moments.

2. Finally beating Ganon after 4 different boss forms and after weeks of playing the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

3. Getting that last row cleared off on tetris so that you can stay alive one more turn.

  • 3 weeks later...

1. When playing Battlefield: Vietnam against my brother, when we constantly were sniping each other, sneak up just in front of him and kill him with a knife.

2. In SW: Battlefront 2, I was a Shocktrooper at Hoth, locking on rebel Snowspeeders. When I fired a missile, the speeder was shot down before my missile hit him. Because of that, the missile flew straight to a very badly damaged AT-AT, destroying it... :blush:

3. World in Conflict. I think the last mission from the singleplayer-campaign was the first one where I could use a carpet bomber. I think I didn't know how deadly a B-52 can be. Because the enemy was very close, I let the BUFF drop his eggs very close. Too close, destroying one of my tanks.

1.) Halo 3: Beating the level 'Cortana' on Legendary. It took awhile, but I still did it.

2.) Pokemon Platinum: Getting to the Pokemon League in a relatively quick manner.

3.) COD4: Getting 50 No Scope headshots in one game.

I have a whole bunch, but here are my top three:

1. The end of Halo, after the pelican goes down and you have to get to the last ship in time while the awesome music is playing in the background. That part alone made me play the game all over again. Everything blowing up as you're going off ramps in a warthog. Pure awesomeness. :thumbup:

2. In Republic Commando, when your freeing the acclamator republic ship from trandoshans and you're trying to turn the ships laser turrets on as the enemy is firing on you from the outside and throwing every battle droid they have at you on the inside. The "Brothers All" mandalorien chant in the background makes it very intense.

3. Third is tied for either the Pearl Harbor attack in Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault, or when you find out the huge plot twist in Knights of the Old Republic.

Edited by Spyder

MY turn!

The fight with Giygas in EarthBound after Pokey turns off the Devil Machine.

Beating Super Mario Bros (This would've been number one if the SMB in question hadn't been the GBC Super Mario Bros. Deluxe version which has savegame feature).

I remember playing Klonoa- Door to Phantomile. I think the freaky cape dude who is made of empty space is the best boss in the game. As is his freakish clown minion.


It's hard to choose just three moments. I would probably go with these three:

1) Resident Evil Code Veronica. When, as Chris, you confront Wesker. Seeing Chris finding out he is still alive and then seeing that he is no longer human as he super speeds across the room to beat you down. One of the more memorable moments in the RE series for me.

2) KOTOR. Playing Dark Side when you approach the rest of the crew on Rikata Prime just before you go to assault the Star Forge. Their reactions are great. Making the Wookiee kill the Twilek was great. My only regret was that Carth was allowed to escape. I wanted to kill him more than anyone else in the game. I am comforted to know I killed everyoe else on the planet and he would likely get eaten by something or just stay stranded there. In fact, most of the dark side ending was good.

3) Star Wars Rebel Assault II. The end when Rebel technicians are about to examine the TIE Phantom you have spent the entire game trying to aquire, Darth Vader sends the self destruct signal. Your trophy is blown up right in front of you and part of what you accomplished was for nothing. Memorable because it was kind of a let down and it demonstrated how advanced Imperial communication technology must be.

Reading through the thread I am suprised so many people were blindsided by the big reveal in KOTOR. I had it figured out just a few hours into the game. Of course I was looking for a twist of some type and I was looking for clues.

  • 2 months later...

My first most memorable moment is when i get a good mission game to play..

My second most memorable moment is when i was able to win a level which i am trying to win from many days..

And my third most memorable moment is when some new game of some series is going to be released..

#1 when I beat skullmonkeys and unlocked

#2 When me and my sister where talking about Willie trombone on the main menu of skullmonkeysskullmonkeys.jpg instead of klaymen coming out of the door willie did.

#3 Whenever I finally got to the first boss of Soul reaver and destroyed Melchiah.

Edited by computerbug

1. Look Mom, I can Walk Through Walls!

I was playing Medal of Honor: Frontline, and when I went to a specific spot(Never been able to do it more than once on each level) in Operation Repunzel, the game went wacky, blinked, and I was able to walk through walls, see down on the main platform that the designers used to build up the level, and could see Nazis that you can't even find in the game.

2. The Mystery of the Disappearing Fish-on-a-Board...

... in Medal of Honor: Frontline. I've found it in four levels so far. You can only see it for a split second, but I've seen it appear in Yard by Yard, Operation Repunzel, Arnhem Knights, and some other level. It looks like a sign that would be over a fish merchant shop.

3. The Wall that Men Could Walk Through...

In Clipping Their Wings on Medal of Honor: Frontline.

When you get near a hallway towards the giant tankard of molten lava, walk as far as you can until you near a hallway on your left, walk down in, get the bazooka ammo, and walk directly forward. There is a wall panel you can walk through and see the room with the giant tankard, another small room, and the beginning of the next level, Enemy Mine.

1. star wars battlefront 1: more than 70 kills without dieing :sweet:

2. command and conqeur generals zero hour: FREAKING SCUD BUG :angry:

3.star wars battlefront 2 : more than 40 headshots on kamino!!!!

1). Beating the 'Murder World" Level in "Ultimate avengers" (It was Very creepy)

2). Earning the rank of general in Star Wars Battlefront 2

3). Finally placing the bomb on the gate in the last level of "Call of Duty: World at War: Final Fronts" (I kept getting killed by the enemy, so i decided to waste my smoke bombs, and Charge the gate)

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