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Hi again everyone!

Well this part of the Embassy is really heating up :tongue:! Lot´s of ideas & suggestions! I´ve noted them and will bring them on to TLG.

Thanks for your energy!


Hi again everyone!

Well this part of the Embassy is really heating up :tongue:! Lot´s of ideas & suggestions! I´ve noted them and will bring them on to TLG.

Thanks for your energy!


Thanks a lot! And our energy?! Pshh! Thank you for your energy!! :sweet:

Hi again everyone!

Well this part of the Embassy is really heating up :tongue:! Lot´s of ideas & suggestions! I´ve noted them and will bring them on to TLG.

Thanks for your energy!


I'm surprised that neither you nor Hinckley were the ones to bring up Fabuland. :wink:

Hi again everyone!

Well this part of the Embassy is really heating up :tongue:! Lot´s of ideas & suggestions! I´ve noted them and will bring them on to TLG.

Thanks for your energy!


Thank you very much, copmike! :sweet::thumbup:

In order to that you don't get a cold if there are no more wishes after this set list heated you up :tongue: here some more wishes (this time not with these exactly content and legitimation descriptions :wink: ) :laugh: :

Things I would like to see:

1.More civilian vehicles in the City line. How about a bunch of cars in a similar size/piece count to the yellow car in the recent petrol station but in different styles (sedan, hatch, pickup/UTE, SUV, bus etc). Or how about some civilian motorbikes (just a guy on a motorbike would work)

2.Postman impulse set. Include a postman minifig, a red bicycle (or a motorcycle same as in the Indiana Jones motorcycle chase but with a red body) and a mailbox made the same as the one in the postal van with some letters.

3.Paramedic impulse set. Include a paramedic minifig (like in the recent ambulance), a stretcher and some accessories for it.


6.Hotdog/food cart set. Would include small food cart, chef minifig plus food pieces for a hotdog.


8.Civilian minifigs (sets with a pile of normal generic non-specific-occupation minifigs wearing everything from suit+tie to jeans+t-shirt to fancy evening dress and with headgear ranging from baseball caps to hair to fancy hats)

9.Restaurant/bakery/fast food outlet/cafe/greengrocer/other food type place in the City line (no the Cafe Corner and Market Street and Greengrocer dont count)


I totally agree with you, jonwill!

I exactly would like all these sets very much, too! :wink: Mainly shops :blush: ! More civilian houses, vehicles and minifigs are something TLG really should release!

But the post officers should get yellow bikes like in the classic little post office!

Since last year (with the cargo harbor and the container stacker) and this year (truck with forklift, post plane, post car, all the CG sets, the City Impulse sets and of course 10184 Town Plan ( :wub: :wub: :wub: )) Lego goes in the right direction not only releasing police and emergency sets. That's great! :thumbup:

My further list of sets I want for City:

-bank with security truck (large playability and action if some bandits would be included, too)

-post office (necessary as addition to the post plane and the post car)

-woman with blue bicycle

-woman Impulse sets (there are nearly no women until now in the Lego City :cry_sad: )

-kids Impulse sets (I think Lego is a toy for kids - so why are there no kids :sceptic: (despite from 10185 Green Grocer which isn't City))

-men Impulse sets

-big station

-cargo loading station

-train level crossing for two trains


-modern engine shed with roller doors

-passenger ship with dock (S@H, mainly for AFOLs of course)


-fishing cutter with little harbor and little fish market

-oil rig (since there is a CG platform why not an oil rig, too, to give the CG officers somebody to rescue in the wideness of the sea :wink: )

-oil harbor with tanker and oil tanker (ship) (perfect addition to the petrol station, the cargo theme and the harbor/sea theme)

-little park with kiosk

-toy shop/lego store :wub: (perfect ad for Lego and of course JFOLs would like it very much especially if it comes with minifig scaled printed Lego boxes :wub: )


For more precise set descriptions and more wishes please read Ideas for new City sets - the upper ones are only the most spectacular and wanted.


Edited by Klaus-Dieter

Hmm... now that I think of it, a Monkey Islandtm theme would be awesome! :grin: (althought it does seem pretty unlikely that lego would create such a theme :sad: )

Things like the Scummtm Bar, Stan's previously owned vessels, Voodoo shop/shack, Governors mansion etc. lots of possibilities.

1.Code Lyoko. It's a highly popular animated series. There are several things in the show that are easy to turn into LEGO, like Kankrelots. There's going to be three animated films next year, and possibly a 5th Season. If done right, they would sell incredibly well. There are many possibilities for the sets, and making their vehicles, including the Skid, would be simple for the set designers.

2.Super Mario Bros. It's the most popular video game franchise of all time, and knowing the shitload of Mario merchandise they've had in the past, LEGO might as well go for it. Making sets based off of the NES and SNES games would be pretty cool, IMO. I can already tell they'd sell like hotcakes.

3.Kingdom Hearts. It's nearly begging to become LEGO sets. It's a very popular game franchise, with a few games coming out next year, and like Code Lyoko, it'd be simple for the set designers to make, and it'd sell very well.

Legend of Zelda and Super Smash Bros wouldn't be bad, either.


I would like LEGO to revive the Pirates theme. Why? Because it's such a great and rich in posibilities theme! I think even now, it is still very popular among older fans of Lego (AFOLs).

reviving Pirates or Western or Ninja's (older sets of these theme's where very nice) is good for selling the sets to children ,cause cildren dress up like cowboys,pirates, ninja's and adventurers. look at the indiana jones sets: in Ostend,Belgium (where i live :p) are 4 "real" toy shops and NONE of them has indy sets in stock anymore.

Please excuse me for that I forgot to add four more sets I really would like of the City theme, copmike :classic: :


-some kind of factory and/or power plant

-apartment houses (where should the minifigs live otherwise - and Playmobil sells its apartment houses very well)

-ice cream parlor

And as a new Lego City subtheme I'd like a comeback of Paradisa (which would perfectly go with the new amazing CG sets :thumbup::wink: ):

-beach hotel



-ice cream parlor


-summer cottages

-coast guard watch place at the beach


Apart from that this City subtheme would be a perfect addition to the Coast Guard theme it could be a chance to introduce girls in a non-Belville Lego theme, too :wink: .


Edited by Klaus-Dieter

Make some more UCS sets. Like the Wright Flyer we once had, also bring back some Star wars UCS models back like the Snow Speeder :thumbup: .

Just had the best idea! Brickmaster magazine in the UK!

Just had the best idea! Brickmaster magazine in the UK!

Not a theme or a set, but that is a very good idea! It looks cool, yet we don't get it! :angry:


Idea #1

I would like to request a fabuland-esque theme. Unlike the older larger scaled version though it could be made in minifigure scale with slightly oversized head molds in the shapes of animals. It would still have the focus on simple and child friendly themes with the round windows, tiled roof parts and colorful designs but it would be at the normal minifigure scale. It could literally be a remake of the older sets in a new system sized style. I would prefer it to remain as true to the original concept as possible and use as many original parts as possible or, if the molds are destroyed, a comparable part in a familiar design.

The parts would be better in the standard hard ABS but could also be made in the newer rubber like the heads that are used for starwars.

These parts, especially the heads, would also have applications beyond just a new fabuland. A bird or cat head could be used for an ancient eygptian series or set. Any of them could be an alien race in an upcoming space, futuristic, or even town based series where a ufo crashes. These could also be used in a fantasy setting too.

The other parts like round windows, car parts, roof tiles, trees, and many others could be used in a future town series easily and like any well design LEGO part they would find application in any number of themes.

Idea #2

A licensed product with Nintendo. Nintendo is the largest and most family based videogame company in the world. They have dozens of instantly recognizanble characters such as Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Princess Peach, Samus, Link, Zelda, Ganon, Kirby, Donkey Kong and many more. These characters are in over 100 different game titles and sequels spanning nearly thirty years. Sets made with these characters or any of the hundreds of others Nintendo has rights to would, like the StarWars brand LEGO sets, be collectible with adults both male and female, teens, and children. There is a strong following within nearly every age group and like LEGO, the Nintendo products are internationally successful with adults and children.

Set designs could be taken directly from any of the games Nintendo would allow. A Hyrule temple of time, Bowsers flying airship, Samus' Federation class gunship, Donkey Kongs tree top house and many others could be instant successes.

Like StarWars with its clones and storm troopers, Nintendo themed sets (which could include battle packs) could be filled with all manner of army builder type figures. Kremlings, Goombas, Metroids, Moblins, Kobolds, Paratoopas, Toadstools, Space Pirates and many others could be successful sets or included to make sets more appealling than just the instantly recognizable lead characters in Nintendo games.

There are even the lesser known games that feature dozens more characters and ideas that could be used for future sets. The Fire Emblem series, Wario and his cohorts, and plenty of other lesser known but well desired characters and sets would be very welcome.

I know this may be an impossible suggestion but I would feel better if I knew that TLC knew about this and that there are hundreds of AFOLs looking for this exact partnership to occur along with thousands of parents and children who would gladly buy these types of sets to both play with and collect as a truly collectible item.

Idea #3

A table top game series. LEGO would not even have to produce any new parts, or molds though both would add to the concept. There are a number of tabletop games currently in production but I think that a LEGO based version would be not only superior in quality but also in design. It could be themed in castle, pirate, ninja, roman, space, a combination of them all or something totally different. This is just an idea and I don't really want to try and define what it should be. I think that this is something TLC could use to draw in new AFOLs and teens that view LEGO products as just toys and allow LEGO to expand its market to a group of people who are doing this on there own with LEGO. The direction the tabletop game could go should be decided with the help of the ambassadors and the community.

It should not rely on cards like the adventurers sets did though. This should be a miniatures adventure or battle style game. Something collectible, expandable, customizable, and unique to the LEGO experience.

Exactly the three ideas I would suggest!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :classic:

With emphasis on the third. A collectible tabletop game with the customization and uniqueness of LEGO would drain my wallet faster than anything else. I've wanted them to do this for a long long time.

ok you all have great suggestions :cry_happy:

1.i think they should get a chronicles of narnia theme notbecause i like the movies alot but because imagine all the new moulds they could make like minotaur,griffins centaurs etc. Also becuase they have some really kool knghts it the recent movie that have really great design and armor, also beacuse it would have many more sequels which could continue and make many more sets and creatures like idk hmmm.......... ill think about something later

2. hmmmm another good theme could be like a castle war one were like ninjas,knights,vikings,trolls,forestmen, etc. fight in gigantic wars or like rivalries well its hard to say but like a theme were you bring all the castle themes ever created and mak them fight or something :thumbup:

Edited by G.L.MAN

Okay, I've been tallying the suggestions in a spreadsheet -- not my job, but I'm entirely too enamoured of spreadsheets and tallying. :classic: Our Ambassador might already be doing this, but in case anyone else is interested... As of this point in the thread, I count significant (>=3 votes) interest in:

  • Wish-list extensions of existing themes: City/animals (3), City/civilian vehicles (3).
  • Games (more "Heroscape" build-a-landscape than chess): (5).
  • Revived themes: Pirates (6), Clasic Space (3), Fabuland (3), Wild West (3).
  • Speculative fiction themes: Steampunk (4), fantasy air/space pirates (3).
  • Additional historical themes: Mesoamerican (4), multi-era like the game "Age of Empires III" (3).
  • Additional licenses: Nintendo games (5), Doctor Who (3).

Note that certain suggestions can appear under multiple topics (I just haven't figured how to tabulate that yet). E.g., "Western with train station" would go under both "Revival/Western" and "Trains."

Does the EB website support a poll/questionnaire system, by any chance? Possibly just by the mods? I can create one on my LiveJournal account, if anyone's interested in more organized voting during this brainstorming process.

Okay so I have a few suggestions: there are my dream themes and then there are my dream-themes. I'll start with the ones that actually came to me in dreams.


1) Storybook Theme

So in my dream I was in a toy store and found these new Lego sets that were based on a combination of "Alice in Wonderland" and "Peter Pan." They had really cool minifigs :classic: . Anyway, I've been thinking about it and I think a really cool theme that could have a long lifespan would be a theme based on classic children's stories. They could do a different story every year. Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan might go something like this.

A) Alice in Wonderland

Down the Rabbit Hole - $30 - Includes Alice, the White Rabbit, the opening to the real world, vertical shaft full of strange things on shelves, and the glass table with the "Eat Me" food and "Drink Me" bottle at teh bottom

Advice from a Catepillar - $10 - Includes Alice, the Caterpillar, a hookah and mushrooms galore

A Mad Tea Party - $20 - Alice, Mad Hatter, March Hare, Dormouse, crazy chairs and teacups

The Queen's Croquet Ground - $40 - Alice, The Queen of Hearts, couple other card-people, cheshire cat, white rabbit flamingos, rose trees, etc.

Who Stole the Tarts - $50 - The final courtroom scene with a brick-built giant Alice (hey, a man can dream)

There'd probably also be a $5 set with Alice and the Cheshire Cat in a tree. And then there could be another whole year's worth of sets for Through the Looking Glass. Yeah, this theme would be awesome and it would mean more blond hair and a female fig in every set. :classic:

B) Peter Pan (my favorite book as a kid)

Darling's Bedroom - $10

Mermaid's Lagoon - $20

Indian's Camp - $30

Lost's Boy's Hollow - $40

Captain Hook's Pirate Ship - $70

What's really great about Peter Pan is that it contains so many different fantastical elements. You've got Pirates, Indians, Mermaids and Fairies all mashed together in one theme.

2) Tops

In a different, much older dream I encountered Lego sets in a theme Tops. I only saw the small set and it was just a couple people in top hats on a rooftop. Maybe this could just be a theme exploring famous heights (mount rushmore, Eiffel tower, etc.) and each one has a minifig in a top hat standing on top of it? Or maybe it's a play theme with Tops vs. Bottoms. The Tops live above ground and have top hats and canes and fight using the power of choreographed dance. The Bottoms are sewer dwellers (mutants?) with no appreciation for music and they are quite fed up with all the people tap dancing on their ceilings. Might be a nice twist on the Town theme. I'm envisioning split level sets with lots of trap doors and such. Also the Bottoms could have giant alligators ala the new giant sharks in the Agents sets.

Dream Themes

3) Time Travel

I just want to say off the bat that I am in no way asking for a return of Time Cruisers or Time Twisters. Those sets were ug-ly, and of course everyone hates Timmy. I also didn't like the underlying implication that time travel was needed for the different lego themes to interact. I am much more of the Bill and Mary Idea book school of thought that castle and space and town and so on all coexist simeltaneously. But I'm getting on a huge philosophical tangent so I'll stop here.

That being said... I think that a properly executed Time Travel theme could be awesome. Instead of focusing on all the time travel machines like time cruisers did, it should focus on the places/events traveled to. This could go a few different ways. They could do a theme about visiting real historical events/places (hannibal crossing the alps, the hanging gardens of babylon, ben franklin's famous kite flight, etc.) They could even have different subthemes, like Inventions

or Discoverys or Monuments. Another way this theme could go is more like the agents theme, where each set is little adventure, except they would happen in different eras. You'd have the obligatory dinosaurs, maybe a tussle with an Egyptian Pharaoh, evil robots in future, etc. Then there's the option of a license with an established time travel franchise like Dr. Who. I personally think the album Broken Bride by Ludo would make a great Lego theme. Time travel, dinosaurs, zombie-apocalypse, what else do you need?

4) Return to Aquanzone

And by Aquazone I mean Aquanauts and Aquasharks style. The subsequent sub-themes just didn't do it for me. (Although I was a big fan on the new Aqua Raiders.) I alway thought Crustaceans might be a good faction. I don't know if it would be normal humans in crustacean style subs, or if they would be like stingrays and be hybrid creatures. I think it would be cool to throw a faction in there that is not evil and a natural undersea dweller. Atlanteans perhaps? :classic:

Wow, that ended up being a bit longer than I expected. And now I want to go build MOCs for all of these themes...

Before I go I just want to also add another vote to the tallies for Pirates, Steampunk, and a real (non-Factory, non-Star Wars, non-Mars based) Space theme.

One word,

Warcraft :wub::wub:

(Warcraft III, not WoW)

But it will probably never happen, because the game is kind of violent. But the in-depth storyline would make great sets. But again, Blizzard may not want to agree to such a thing. But we already have trolls. :sceptic: Why even call them trolls? Their Orcs. But a Thrall minifig with a new wolf mold would be awesome! And demons like Mannoroth and Archimonde would be cool. And night elves. And better undead figs. And.. (pause) too much typing.. :tongue:

Temple Of Doom sets would be nice. We need a Mola-Ram! (Thinks for a second..) SHORT ROUND! :tongue:

Starcraft is one of the best sci-fi RTS games of all time, sold a ton of copies too.


Starcraft? You've got to be kidding me. :hmpf_bad: Honestly, Starcraft sucks IMO, I played it, and I had no idea what was going on, and my base got raided by zergs. Idk what the Blizz emplyee's were smoking when they thought about making Starcraft II. The game's an epic phail IMO.

But on on other hand, we need a Wacraft IV, badly. They're making Starcraft II and Diablo III, and not WC4. :hmpf_bad::hmpf_bad::hmpf_bad:

CopMike, add Warcraft III to your list of do-hickeys. :grin:

Edited by Scyzoryk

um well, HALO!!!, nintendo themed would be nice as well, super smash brothers mainly, more sets with yoda

ok you all have great suggestions :cry_happy:

1.i think they should get a chronicles of narnia theme notbecause i like the movies alot but because imagine all the new moulds they could make like minotaur,griffins centaurs etc. Also becuase they have some really kool knghts it the recent movie that have really great design and armor, also beacuse it would have many more sequels which could continue and make many more sets and creatures like idk hmmm.......... ill think about something later

2. hmmmm another good theme could be like a castle war one were like ninjas,knights,vikings,trolls,forestmen, etc. fight in gigantic wars or like rivalries well its hard to say but like a theme were you bring all the castle themes ever created and mak them fight or something :thumbup:

You do realise Megabloks have made Narnia sets... right?

Edited by The Rancor

I completely agree! :thumbup: (my best ideas, or other mentioned ideas are in bold)

Age of Empires is the best series of PC games ever made!!! There could be sets before the birth of Christ, such as

- Greeks

- Egyptians

- Other African/Middle Eastern tribes like the Mesopotamians

Also, from Age of Empires II:

- Goths and Teutons

- Saracens and Persians

- Mongols and Huns (Like Ninjas :sing: )

- British, French, Celts BUT NOT VIKINGS (but they could reuse the helmet mold I suppose for a few sets)

- Chinese and Japanese (also from Age of Empires III era)

And from Age of Empires III:

- Industrial Revolution-esque European country forces

- Native Americans from various areas, not just Great PLains Indians like the first WW theme!

I just thought of something else:

A new Racers line for use with minifigs (but better than Speed Racer)

I still like the sound of a theme with Aztecs though!!!

Sweet ideas you've got here! Pre-Christ won't go well though not counting your Egyptian Mummies, that's like opening an Ecchi line for people like Sir Dano (I still don't get what it is?) or a strictly dragon line for Dragonator. But still, all of these could and should become themes in my eyes.

Here's what I remember from when I was a kid: Ninjas. Indians. Extreme Team (w/ my first set!). Johnny Thunder. Insectoids. Rock Raiders :wub: . Knight's Kingdom. Bionicle. Crash Em' Racers. Harry Potter (heavily underrated). Star Wars (from the very beginning!) Town JR (if it wasn't so hated I'd buy that construction set, also if it was just generic town... :hmpf: .

Unfortunately for todays standards... half of them fail or have yet to fail. Crash Em' Racers were... 5 pieces? but so fun, maybe a better, brick-built version with storylines? How about LEGO RACERS 3? Johnny Thunder? Indiana Jones is cool in all but I'm sure having both Johnny and Indy wouldn't matter if they were careful...

But the REAL sets I reccomend and not babble on about...

A remake of Space Port. Got the large shuttle for Christmas (we didn't have so much money so that was the biggie set) along with a few smaller ones. MISSION CONTROL NEEDS A REMAKE! No more Alien BS, just Space Exploration! Add in destruction features! Ship malfunctions! It break in half when you press buttons! I might rebuy Mission Control but most likely, I'll just rebuild it somehow and get the parts I need to finish it up (I need the main battery/stickers!) plus rebuild every single one of the small sets I own for Space Port.

A "workers" theme for City. You could have an office, shop, farm, factory. Maybe even a school would fit in there. An impulse set could be a hot-dog stand or some such.

Anyways, whatever you call the subtheme (maybe if it is not too depressing, you could call it City Life), it would add life to a city and allow the kind of make-believe life role-play that kids do (ala Sims).

Duplo has often had a farm, but Duplo is really not that great even at 5 years old, and I think a farm would still be play value to age 8 or so at least. Probably should just be a medium set - keep it fairly limited (as the Duplo sets are).

I think the factory set could be awesome (and should maybe be the largest set). Lego has so many vehicles that a car factory seems most appropriate. Plenty of opportunity for action elements there (kids can have all the machinery go crazy in the factory, etc.)

The office should be two stories (at least) although obviously it probably has to be the standard open-back construction with relatively small floorspace (although it could be medium-large set in the theme). It could have an elevator as an action piece. The interior would have reception, floor area (probably only two desks) and managers office.

The shop could be the small-medium set, just a simple "convenience store" type layout, kind of like Green Grocer ground floor interior except simple exterior and a couple more shelves/cabinets inside.

Another ideas for simple small sets (maybe smaller than the convenience store) would be a hair salon, bakery, takeaway (just kitchen plus counter!).

Edited by brickzone

Duplo has often had a farm, but Duplo is really not that great even at 5 years old, and I think a farm would still be play value to age 8 or so at least.

Duplo definitely has the best themes - farm, zoo, circus, supermarket! :tongue: TLC should just take a few Duplo themes and translate them into system.

I'd suggest two general ideas for themes:

Something with Animals: farm, zoo, safari, etc.

Something Historical: like castle, vikings, ninja, wild west, adventurers, pirates. Maybe Greece...


:classic: i would like lego to make the indiana jones and the last crusade tank with like two nazi trucks a medical car and like a jeep for fome nazi's and donovan's crew car and like 8camels and some horses and indy and sallah and his dad estimated price:$180.00-$200.00.

As I stated already, HALO!!!! It maybe a little violent for kids, yes, but it would attract a larger adult audience, giving LEGO more money to make what we want. I say that because adults have more money than kids do and it would sell more. If this were to become a theme, it should be done as Microsoft did. Start with Halo: Combat Evolved, and work their way up. The first set should be called Revielle. It would contain Master Chief, 2 Marine Crewman, and 2 Brick-built elites, something like Saber-Scorpion's, and a small portion of the Cryo Bay and the control room up top. Maybe the whole Cryo Bay room in agood 70-80 set. LEGO could also do minifig packs, like they can't do for star wars. The Vehicals would be awsome, and maybe weed get more purple ish colored bricks with the covenant sets. Just something to think about. What does every one else think of a HALO them? Since it's a liscensed product, we would get fleshie Marines. :classic:

Other ideas would be like a modern or futureistic military line. Have the Navy, Marines, Army, Air Force and ,Coast Gaurd and maybe have that a branch of theme of the city line, and preferably with fleshie heads.

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