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I would like a "WWII" theme BIGTIME!!!!!!!!! plus an "Age of Empires III" theme.

How about SPACE PIRATES.The theme could include the evil Cyber Pirates,the Informanoids (A group of bounty hunters who give their service to the highest bidder,who in this case is the Cyber Pirates),and the justice dealing Galactic Navy.

Erm... Isn't that kind of what the new Space Police is? :sceptic: I mean, it's more City Police in Space than Pirates in Space, but the story is basically the same.

Here is a new theme, unrelated to any (ok so slightly in some cases) previoulsy mentioned themes.

Airships. Balloons. Vintage planes.

The whole Golden Age of Flight shebang.

I really, Really, REALLY want to have more retro flying things. An airship pod goes for $40 (last time I checked) on Bricklink... That has to mean something.

I would also like a more dieselpunk looking theme, jeeps, 40s and 50s style planes and cars and other such things. A desert based theme would be cool too (what with all the tan)

I just really really want some sort of airship.

Fabuland should be revived!

  • 2 weeks later...

I would like to see an Ancient Japan theme.

TLC could make a big town set (like the Medieval Market Village) and it could have things like a katana stall, a kabuki theatre, some houses (with the tables where they serve the tea) and a bar.

Bluebeard, out-

I would like to see an Ancient Japan theme.

TLC could make a big town set (like the Medieval Market Village) and it could have things like a katana stall, a kabuki theatre, some houses (with the tables where they serve the tea) and a bar.

Bluebeard, out-

That's a great idea, Capt. Bluebeard! :thumbup:

And/Or some Japanese or Chinese sets for the City theme would be great, too, e. g. a little China Town for our Lego Cities with Chinese restaurant and a little shop.


Edited by Klaus-Dieter

I would like TLC to do a Discworld theme:

  • the Unseen University
  • the Nightwatch
  • the Patricians Palace
  • the Mended Drum
  • the Dragon sanctuary
  • Deaths house
  • the postoffice
  • the opera
    and more.

Plus all the great characters off course; Rincewind, the luggage, the wizards, watchmen, dwarfs, trolls, vampires, citizens, thiefs, assassins and so on.

All and all there are 36 novels to choose from, that should be enough I think. I mean they did Harry Potter from just 7.

Time travel theme! But not only vehicle sets.

It would be based on traveling along old Lego themes like Castle, Space, City, and helping minifigs with dangerous timemix.

And of course Fabuland should be revived!

Edited by Lordofdragonss

more lambos to minifig scale and other town buildings (not just emergeny or airports)

Now I know Zombies aren't really kid friendly, but perhaps a set or two each year as an exclusive S@H product would sell well. Say zombies attacking a gas station etc.

TLC may not go for something like this as they are probably looking to market a theme world wide. So in this case, I think the time travelling idea has appeal to new kids and AFOLs if there was to be classic characters involved. :classic:

As being a City-Town fan i would really like to see a taxi driving around the city streets.

Also a new cargo plane that actually CAN CARRY CARGO having the ability to open from the back (even if it is a plane from the current "<insert that tiresome argument> parts"line.)

As being a City-Town fan i would really like to see a taxi driving around the city streets.

I totally agree with you, Zorbas!

A Taxi Station with two taxis, a little office and some minfigs, perhaps even a little shop or something like that would make a perfect addition to the awesome Town Plan and the amazing City Corner! :oh:


Practically all the historical/ethnical suggestions I've read in this thread are stuff I'd really like to see produced by TLG! :classic:

One suggestion from me about another historical theme would be Victorian Age, practically 19th century Europe, but instead of focusing it on the British empire I would focus it on the technology and culture of the time.

It could for instance include sets like the following:

tiny/impulse (<10$/e):

- chimney sweeper

- penny-farthing bicycle

- steam-powered car

small (10-25$/e):

- man-propelled airplane

- flying balloon

- early steam locomotive

- baker

- Lumiere cinema studios

- bohemienne painter's room

- barber shop

medium (25-60$/e):

- victorian house

- victorian theatre / opera

- victorian cafe' house*

- dirigible (zeppelin)

large (>60$/e):

- victorian mansion

- world wonders' fair exibition

- circus

- red-brick factory

*means brothel, but marketed as cafe' house for the kids :classic:

Or a much more modest request.... I'd like to see accessory sets like these:

- trees, bushes and flowers

- roadsigns and semaphores

- street lamps, park benches and fountain

- fences

Or at least sell trees (old types: pines, fruit and cedar trees) and roadsigns (printed or stickers I wouldn't mind, but a large assortment anyway) on pick-a-brick.

Edited by Legoist



As much as I'd love for that, there's no chance unless we see a return to the series on the screen, and I don't think we will.


As much as I'd love for that, there's no chance unless we see a return to the series on the screen, and I don't think we will.


Why not? In the early '90s and I think in or around 2001 the series returned, with many merchandise and toys.

I'm amazed it took till Page 15 of this topic for someone to advocate the return of Model Team, especially a version of it with more Technic and Power Functions. Such a theme would give AFOLs with both technical and aesthetic flair the challenge they are seeking.

The Taj Mahal may satisfy the aesthetic builders and the Power Functions Bulldozer may satisfy the technical builders but we need to combine the two successfully. Such combination is the hallmark of only the best model builders.

I accept that prices will start at about £100 but this is for the AFOL market, so we could have rarer colours involved as well (sand green, medium blue, orange, purple - not all in the same set!). In the AFOL market the absence of any large customised pieces would be best. We need versatility. Ideally every set in the new range would have instructions for 3 models, all of them decent enough to exhibit. On meeting the criteria of 3 decent models and a desirable parts list I would buy 3 sets anyway!

I suggest that the simplest any of these sets should be is a bit like this truck:


The aesthetics need sprucing up to Model Team standards but it has 4-wheel steering, motorised drive, functional 5th wheel and centre axle lift.

How about a classic sports car in British Racing Green with functional engine, steering and suspension, with steering and drive remotely controlled by Power Functions?

Sets should be "one thing that does this, this and this" (e.g. 5580 Rig with extra functions), not "this and that and the other" (e.g. jeep with boat on trailer)

At the top end there are a few people who make 1:13 scale trucks that are scale models with full functionality. I'd say you have some ready made set designs there. The top end could go up to £350 with 5000 parts like the Millennium Falcon because these are UCS Model Team sets. The Taj Mahal may have more pieces but it's more repetitive so less enjoyable. I would expect a UCS Model Team set to require no more than 4 of any sub-assembly. The chassis must be rigid, not made of purely studless beams.

The catalogue turnover of such sets would naturally be slower than average because it takes longer to design models with more pieces. I suggest one new set per year with each set lasting 3-5 years in the catalogue, depending on popularity.


I agree! A new model team line would be great!

3 words: Bill and Ted.


I think that there should be a Nintendo theme, and here are my reasons, from a business standpoint:

1. Nintendo is at a new hight in their company history, outselling both Sony and Microsoft by a very large degree.

2. A good majority of the people who own Nintendo systems are casual gamers, consisting largely of children.

3. Children, who are a great majority in buying Nintendo products, are also the great majority of consumers for lego.

4. Super Smash Bros. Brawl was the best selling game for 2008, and Mario Kart Wii was second, both being produced and published by Nintendo (so they have complete control over both series).

5. Nintendo also has a fairly large fanbase established within the adult gaming community, many of whom would fight an AFOL any day for a chance at a Nintendo LEGO set, seeing it as a Nintendo collectors item.

6. Nintendo itself contains a wide variety of games, from the Mario series, to Super Smash Bros., to Metroid, and The Legend of Zelda. Each of these games have their own unique world, as to give a huge variety within the line, being able to make fantasy, castle-based, and space-based sets, spanning across the Nintendo universe, and then the potential of bringing them all together in a Super Smash Bros. set.

That is my argument for the support of a Nintendo-based LEGO line. Even though this does not sound very likely for 2010, because of the recently required Disney license, it is a good consideration for 2011 or for an adequate replacement for Star Wars.

I hope that I have presented my argument clearly and have given the ambassadors a valid suggestion.

Anyone else agree that a 'Tremors' Lego branch would be incredible?!

Think of it:

Wave one:

-Boulders- Val, Earl, and Rhonda, with some poles to pole vault, a few brick-built boulders, and Rhonda's truck, with a Graboid. $10.00

-Val and Earl's Truck- Val and Earl, their truck (about the same size as Two-Face's van), the roadworker's work area (tools, jackhammer, etc.), and a few collapsed rocks with a hidden mechanism to make a Graboid tentacle shoot out. $20.00

-Walter Chang's Market- includes Val, Earl, Rhonda, Walter, and Nestor, with the Market (about the same size as the Krusty Krab) and Water Tower and a

Graboid. $30.00

-The Gummers' RecRoom- includes Burt and Heather with TONS of weapons and guns, with a breakaway wall and collapsible roof. $40.00

and then wave 2 based on Tremors II, wave 3 on Tremors III, etc.

Edited by Dollar Bill

After having seen the 10195 Republic Dropship and AT-OT I thought: Why do we Classic Castle fans don't get a giant castle set with a giant castle and a lot of minifigs for about 200-300 Euro, too?!

So here is a new idea for a set I really, really would like to see in the Castle theme:

King's Giant Castle :wub: :wub: :wub:

consists of several parts and a huge amount of minifigs and horses:

Part 1: King's Tournament

-a big tribune with two seats (for the king and the queen)

-a round tournament tent

-a "barrier"

-a lot of tournament weappons, two horses with big printed covers, a bear barrel, some tumblers

-queen, king's knight on horseback, king's knight, dragon knight on horseback, dragon knight

Part 2: Castle Entry

-big tower with drawbridge, portcullis and armory

-smugglers' carriage (for carrying vegetables on it and a secret box inside for smuggling weappons) with horse

-little field with plants on it and a scarecrow

-a lot of weappons, some vegetables

-smuggler, little prince, little princess, two guards

Part 3: Castle Keep

-castle keep with three floors (first floor: stables and kitchen, second floor: throne room and dining room, third floor: attic with library and wizzard's laboratory)

-two horses, some weappons, a pan, a pot, some tumblers, a dish, some books, laboratory accessory, two bats

-wizzard, two knights on horseback, female cook

Part 4: Donjon

-donjon with three floors (first floor: secret passage and repository, second floor: entrance and treasure room, third floor: king's sleeping room with big bed and writing table)

-a fountain, the king's horse with big printed cover, market stand (for selling vegetables), vegetables, chicken legs

-king, jester, archer, market woman

Part 5: Castle Walls And Towers

-three little castle walls (one with battlement and the two others with regular pinnacles)

-a little tower with a catapult on it

-a bigger tower with treasure chamber downstairs and a spooky room upstairs

-two treasure boxes, eight gold pieces, some jewels, some stones

-castle ghost (with white hands and "glow in the dark" function), three archers, one guard, a prisoner

The different parts are modular which in this context doesn't mean that they have backwalls but which does mean that you can put them together like you want that you can create your "own" castle (= the are different possibilities how to combine the different parts of the castle).

The castle, the minifigs which belong to it and the accessory should be in classic style - meaning that new molds and new torso designs can be used - but no fantasy creatures, fantasy elements and senseless action elements.

Thanks for reading! :classic:

For discussing this my idea please write your comment(s) here. :wink:


Edited by Klaus-Dieter

I like the idea of a taxi themed set. Even if the car can't hold 2 MF's - just make the cars yellow with checkered signs, etc. Not sure how they'd model them after the Euro counterparts (I don't know what cabs are like in other countries...).

Bring back the Wild West and Vikings.

Templar Knights, Saracen warriors, Mongul Hordes, Egyptians in "Historical Battle Packs".

I always thought it would be against the non-violence policy so I did shut up, but since I found out that the new Indiana Jones is PG13 in the US, same as "Quantum of Solace" - I would like to see james Bond as a new licence. (perhaps when Indy is over one day, since Indy was just a nod to 007 somehow)

- Vehicles: Lots of different cars, planes, ships, motorcycles etc. - from all the different movies in realistic fashion with some gimmicks, easy to make sets with chase scenes from the movies (DB5, Goldfingers Rolls, Nelly, iceberg with interiour, Zeppelin, Lotus-Sub, Disco Volante etc etc.)

- Minifigs: Bond in different suits, all the amazing villains (I don't want to make a list, but imagine Goldfinger, Odd Job, Dr. No, Blofeld, Jaws, Le Chiffre...), Bondgirls, M, Q and Moneypenny and also the henchmen - lots of cool figures!

- playsets: perhaps Dr No's base or the volcano in Japan, Moonraker base, Goldeneye base, a Poker table set or something like this

The James Bond series is the best known and longest running series of movies in history, it offers plenty of locations, vehicles and characters that are all known from endless times on TV. The character is one of the most famous characters created in the 20th century and legend to kids all over the world, especially boys. Even though there were never that man toys made about the movies, what is a big chance for TLC to own the market.

I think it would be a wonderful theme that would be loved by boys and AFOLs alike with plenty of realistic models with very well playability.

And i think the humour and funny self reference, carried by the well known characters and vehicles would deliver a good selling theme on one day.

Thanks for reading! :classic:

EDIT: I would be so glad to see anything with more realistic vehicles! So far there are only a few newer train sets and the Indiana Jones line for minifigs. Bond would cover the 60s - today, what would be a great addition for real life vehicles!

Edited by Zzz

Here are some set wishes I have for a possible Folk Festival theme :wub: :wub: :wub: in the City theme (no April Fool!):

Ferris Wheel

consists of three parts:

1. Ferris Wheel

Ferris wheel (with six gondolas) with cashpoint

including some coupons and some tools

minifigs: female shop owner, worker and a couple

2. Shooting Gallery

shooting gallery with a lot of details

including a lot of accessory and some guns

minifigs: male shop owner, father with baby buggy and little son

3. "Candy Stall"

"candy stall" with big sales counter, popcorn machine and machine for candy floss

including a lot of candy stuff and accessory

minifigs: female shop owner, mother and little daughter


rollercoaster (may use the tracks of the IJ set "Temple of Doom") with either one big carriage or minimum three seperate carriages

including some coupons and some tools

minifigs: male shop owner, worker, two women and two men


merry-go-round with animals, cars and motor cycles

including some coupons and some tools

minifigs: female shop owner, father and two children


consists of two parts:

1. "Ball Stand"

"ball stand" with pyramides of balls

including some balls and tins

minifigs: female shop owner and little girl

2. "Luncheonette"

"luncheonette" (where you can buy mainly sausages and drinks) with some tables in front to eat

includings some sausages and some drinks

minifigs: cook, little boy and mother

Balloon Seller

including a lot of different coloured ballons

minifig: ballon seller

The Ferris Wheel, the rollercoaster and the merry-go-round could function with the new PFs. :wink:

An illumination mainly of the Ferris Wheel but even of all the other fairground rides and all the stalls would be amazing! :oh:

A Folk Festival theme - and there mainly a Ferris wheel, a "candy stall" and a shooting gallery would be absolutely awesome! :wub: :wub: :wub:

Thanks for reading! :classic:

For discussing these ideas please go here - thanks!


Edited by Klaus-Dieter

  • 1 month later...

Well, with LEGO and Disney's new agreement, I'd like to see a National Treasure theme, I mean, it would be nice to have that car chase scene where Ben(Nicolas Cage) and Riley(Justin Bartha) drive that red camper van and that big concession(spelling?) truck that Ian(Sean Bean) and his men drive trying to get away with the Declaration of Independence.

Or possibly even the big underground room with the winding staircase that starts collapsing all around the characters, it'd be a good way to get a few of these and these.

And it'd be nice to get a blonde version of Agent Trace hair for Dr. Chase(Diane Kruger), I could think of so many uses for that hair in that color.

... But that's just me, sorry, but I just really like that movie. :blush:

Edited by Strikerâ„¢

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