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Probably the three most important lines we could get are Pirates(liscenced or not), Wild West and liscence The Hobbit.

  Wobo Ihi said:
A steampunk-ish theme would be too awesome.

Seconded. :thumbup:

Also going along with the Pirates thing...some sort of Space Pirates or Air Pirates (like Crimson Skies) theme would be pretty cool deino2.gif

As far as licenses go...I think we have enough for the time being and I would personally like LEGO to continue to be very careful and deliberate with it's license choices :wink:

As people have previously said, I'd love to see a LEGO Doctor Who theme. :wub:

Bringing back Space, Pirates, and Wild West is also a must, IMO.

  Clonecommando007 said:
I had an idea like that for star wars! :tongue: It's still a great idea. I think there should be a whole line of it, probably of medieval themed characters. There would be figure packs that you could purchase for $10-$20, and several different sets of different terrain and buildings. You could mix and match them around (like a modular battlefield) or you could take them apart, and build your own battlefield!

Great idea. Think of all of the possibilities with a line like that. :grin:

I agree 100% with Deinonychus. A steampunk Air Pirates theme would be amazing!

I think that there would be a great intrest in such a theme, and there would be a lot of sets that lego could make out of that. Think of all the greebling...

  Fluyt said:
- In general: more animals (chickens, sheep, cows, pigs etc.), maybe combined with a farm theme?
  Sandy said:
As for me, a continuation to the Fantasy Era theme will suffice. Elves, legendary monsters, mystical objects, mighty heroes... Throw anything of that sort this way and I'll be happy. :blush:

These are the two ideas within this thread I would most like to see. Being an avid castle fan, these would be the most useful to me. However, I wouldn't mind aztec or pirate themes... :classic:


The Mummy.

Jurassic Park.



Iron man.

Classic spies.

Another, better adventures line.


Retro space.

Not in any particular order just some themes i would like to see. And i know some are improbable like Hellboy.

I have merely one request. Get back the spiderman license.

And better yet expand it through all marvel movies or even comics. I'd love to see a classic doctor doom. And instead of that other company making a ton of...megabloks, TLG could make movie and comic accurate sets, therefore hitting two audiences: children and AFOLs.

I know it would take a longtime, but i can wait...and dream :cry_happy:

Edited by The Nightwing Reborn

sets request:

Ferrari Cars in minifig scale that are not F1 :cry_happy:

  Dovchenko said:
Can't say I'd like to have a Nintendo Theme.

But if anyone's ever played Age of Empires III, maybe something sort of like that. No, I don't mean having Aboriginal oppression. But historical... something that's actually interesting unlike half the garbage we get nowadays. I don't think it's too much to ask for something like good old classic space again, either. Maybe we could have some western, easily my favourite theme of all time, even though I got one set... not to drone.

I completely agree! :thumbup: (my best ideas, or other mentioned ideas are in bold)

Age of Empires is the best series of PC games ever made!!! There could be sets before the birth of Christ, such as

- Greeks

- Egyptians

- Other African/Middle Eastern tribes like the Mesopotamians

Also, from Age of Empires II:

- Goths and Teutons

- Saracens and Persians

- Mongols and Huns (Like Ninjas :sing: )

- British, French, Celts BUT NOT VIKINGS (but they could reuse the helmet mold I suppose for a few sets)

- Chinese and Japanese (also from Age of Empires III era)

And from Age of Empires III:

- Industrial Revolution-esque European country forces

- Native Americans from various areas, not just Great PLains Indians like the first WW theme!

I just thought of something else:

A new Racers line for use with minifigs (but better than Speed Racer)

I still like the sound of a theme with Aztecs though!!!

  copmike said:

I would like you all to post your requests/ideas for new themes or sets here. It's easier to have them all in just one thread :thumbup: !

So far the requests has basically been WW, Ninjas, Pirates & Romans. This is now known to TLG.

Thank you very much for informing TLG about that, copmike! :thumbup::sweet:


I have got a lot of wishes for sets which TLG should release. But since there are too many of them I only want to restrict to the for me most important ones:

Western Train With Train Station


(very similar to Brick Miner's amazing Legoredo Station; perhaps with elements of the official set 3225 Classic Train, too)

a train station (first floor: ticket desk and bank to wait, second floor: office or little apartment) with platform and a Western train consisting of: a large steam engine, a little tender, a passenger cab, an open freight waggon, a closed freight waggon and a little caboose

including some cargo stuff, some boxes and barrels, some letters, some suitcases, gold pieces, tickets, bills and two horses

minifigs: engineer, conductor, ticket seller, woman, man, train worker and two bandits

Why this set?

Every JFOL and AFOL likes trains very much. Since TLG regrettably missed a WW train in their amazing Western theme of the years 1996/97, this set would kill two birds with one stone: The "former" WW collectors (mainly AFOLs) would really like to extend their WW collection with an awesome train set. The other train fans (mainly JFOLs) would like it very much, too, since a train is always something very beautiful - and it would give them the chance to get introduced in the WW theme.

The combination of the train with the station is in my eyes very important because on the one hand it increases the playability of this set a lot. On the other hand this set would be very expensive even without the station (~140 Euros) - so it would be better to have to pay about 30 Euros more but to have a station included, too, because: If someone is able to pay ~140 Euros, he/she is able to pay 170 Euros, too.

More ideas are following in the next minutes and in the next weeks. :wink:


Wild West Scene


1. Saloon

(similar to Brick Miner's amazing Gunslingers Saloon or my Nicolas Saloon)

a saloon in red and yellow colours consisting of two floors:

first floor: room with swinging door, counter, rack, two-four seats and table

second floor: balcony and room with bed, cupboard and commode

including two barrels, a horse, some cups, some tumblers and a suitcase

minifigs: saloon owner, cowboy and bandit

2. Post Office

a post office in yellow and brown colours consisting of two floors:

first floor: post office with desk and rack

second floor: post man's apartment with a bed, a table with an oil lamp and a seat

including some letters and packets

minifis: post man and old man with top hat

3. Bank

(similar to the bank in the official Gold City Junction)

a bank in white, red and blue colours (similar to the one in the Legoredo Town set from the year 1996) consisting of only one floor:

counter with safe

including some gold pieces and some bills

minifigs: banker and bandit

4. Watering Place

a watering place consisting of:

a big water barrel and two shrubs

including a horse

minifig: sheriff

5. Stage Coach

(similar to The Brickster's amazing Wild West Stagecoach or Brick Miner's awesome Stagecoach Hold-up)

a stage coach in red and yellow colours

including two horses, some gold pieces, some suitcases, a box, a treasure box and some letters

minifg: coachman and woman

Why this set?

Since 10184 Twon Plan is such a success, I think there is a good chance to release a set with more buildings and some minifigs and vehicles in the WW theme, too. The reasons for why I think that a set like this would be very succesful are very simiar to the reasons for why I'd like a Western train with station and think that it would sell very well, too: On the one hand there are again the "former" WW collectors who miss a stage coach, a post office and a saloon very much. They would really like to get these amazing vehicle/buildings. On the other hand there are the (mainly) JFOLs who didn't grow up with this theme. They would really like this set because it offers a lot of action and playability - and (here again) they could get introduced in the WW theme with this set.


Edited by Hinckley

Wampa's Cave


the Wampa's cave (built similar to Yoda's hutt) with entrance, a place for the Wampa to sit and eat on the one side and a rig to let Luke hanging down form the wall on the other side

including Wampa, a Tauntaun, a skeletton, a little tent and some emergency equipment

minifigs: Luke (Hoth style) and Han (Hoth style)

Why this set?

A lot of Star Wars fans (mainly AFOLs - I think - but perhaps even JFOLs, too) are looking forward to get Tauntauns, a Wampa and a Hoth styled Luke. Consequently many SW fans would really like to buy it. Since it shows one of the most eventful scenes of the Old Triology it would be a set with a lot of playability and lots of action - thus very interesting for JFOLs, too.

Hoth Rebel Defendence


including a medium sized laser cannon and a snowy rock

minifigs: Hoth Rebel Captain and three Hoth Rebel Troopers

Hoth Imperial Attack


including a white speeder bike and a gun on a frame

minifigs: Snowtrooper Captain and three Snowtroopers

Why these two sets?

BPs are sold very well. And SW Lego fans really like them. A lot of SW collectors (mainly AFOLs) but a lot of SW fans (mainly JFOLs), too, would really like to buy these sets in order to create the big Battle of Hoth.

For me (and the most other SW fans, too) it's very important that a BP doesn't come with four times the same trooper. There has to be almost one "leader" (captain/sergeant/lieutenant/commander/...) of this little group of troopers in the BP to firstly make it possible to create a realistic battle (mainly important for the AFOLS) and to get/have an alternation of minifigs (mainly important for JFOLs but for AFOL of course, too).


Edited by Klaus-Dieter

A lot of people seem keen on western - I personally think it is one of the favourites for a new theme, as hinted at somewhere by Legomilk - I'll try and find that thread.


  Tom_castlefan said:
A lot of people seem keen on western - I personally think it is one of the favourites for a new theme, as hinted at somewhere by Legomilk - I'll try and find that thread.


You mean this topic?

These two themes surely will be some sort of Space theme and Pirates:

  legomilk said:
to me you're sorry, I can not disclose any details what is expected in 2009 but I know there are many theme birthday

in 2009 mainly come from large sets

but beware lego will by the high oil price can tap more expensive

Western was released in 1996/97 (or 1975-1977 if you want to count the very old theme) - consequently no big birthday.

But I really hope and even think that TLG is going to release some WW sets in the next years in the Factory theme (read this). :wink:


Edited by Klaus-Dieter

Mini-fig scale transforming mecha with a Macross/Transformers aesthetic Given the revitalized popularity of transforming robots due to the success of Bay's movie and the new Transformers: Animated show, I think the time is right for TLG to delve into this kind of theme. I've seen some brilliant efforts on Brickshelf and other sites, as well as creating some of my own, and I know that it's certainly possible to do without becoming too complex for the target age range. If done well, with the same kind of thought and effort put into the Agents, Batman, and Star Wars lines, I think TLG would find themselves with another hit theme with more than just a couple years' longevity, much like Bionicle. The prospect of a live-action Robotech movie, produced by and possibly starring Tobey Macguire, also gives me hope that a transforming theme will be made, even if it is Robotech, derived and re-imagined for American t.v. from the superior Macross series. For me, it'd be a step in the right direction as far as the LEGO sets go.

I'd surmise that a Wild West theme would, ironically, find more popularity in Europe, where history, and the interest therein, are far more prevalent. American kids are a bit removed from the old West, as there's very little in pop culture today to incite kids' interests...that's not to say there aren't kids who read about it, or are exposed to the lore and culture by virtue of curiosity or location, but I'd venture to say that in this age, stuff like Ben 10 is more of a draw than the old West.

For the record, growing up in western Pennsylvania during the late 70's, and 80's, neither I nor any of my friends had much interest in wild west stuff. The old show Wild, Wild West was the closest I came to watching anything based on the old West, and that's b/c it was more like James Bond in a steampunk world. Now, steampunk would definitely be an interesting theme, with Old West styled buildings, but with retro-styled machines and mecha.

I'd love a small line of updated classic space sets to celebrate the approximate 30 year anniversary of Classic Space. In particular I'd like to see modern takes incorporating SNOT techniches on the 924 and 928 space ships, they could be the 934 and 938.

Things I would like to see:

1.More civilian vehicles in the City line. How about a bunch of cars in a similar size/piece count to the yellow car in the recent petrol station but in different styles (sedan, hatch, pickup/UTE, SUV, bus etc). Or how about some civilian motorbikes (just a guy on a motorbike would work)

2.Postman impulse set. Include a postman minifig, a red bicycle (or a motorcycle same as in the Indiana Jones motorcycle chase but with a red body) and a mailbox made the same as the one in the postal van with some letters.

3.Paramedic impulse set. Include a paramedic minifig (like in the recent ambulance), a stretcher and some accessories for it.

4.Petrol tanker to match the recent gas station.

5.City accessories (road signs, traffic lights, street lighting, trees, fences, bus stops etc)

6.Hotdog/food cart set. Would include small food cart, chef minifig plus food pieces for a hotdog.

7.Rock band/concert set. Picture a small stage with a rock band on it including speakers, amps, rock band with instruments, keyboard, guitar, drums, microphone, use those girder pieces to build some lighting.

8.Civilian minifigs (sets with a pile of normal generic non-specific-occupation minifigs wearing everything from suit+tie to jeans+t-shirt to fancy evening dress and with headgear ranging from baseball caps to hair to fancy hats)

9.Restaurant/bakery/fast food outlet/cafe/greengrocer/other food type place in the City line (no the Cafe Corner and Market Street and Greengrocer dont count)

10.Auto repair type shop (again matching the gas station) with tow truck.

-The Elder Scrolls (not just oblivion, the WHOLE series!)

-Lego EarthBound (not just earthbound/MOTHER2, the whole series!)

-A elevated train system

-UCS old computers

-a new ninja/samurai line

-a moonbase system

-Some sort of landscaping system

-generic houses in multiple colors

-assorted civilian vehicles

-a mountain cabin

Edited by maiq the liar

I would really like to see a Starcraft theme.

(For those of you who don't know it is basically Terrans(Humans) vs Zerg vs Protoss)

For each of the 3 races there would be the one 'big' set which would be like the Terran's Command Center which comes with a few of the builder units (SCVs)

Then maybe like a battlepack for each of the race like 4 Marines for Terrans, Zerglings for the Zerg, and some Zealots for the Protoss.

The bigger units would be like 50$ the smaller ones like 20$.

I know this is based of a game rated 'Teen' but Star Wars games are rated 'Teen', the movies were PG-13, and kids would probably buy these sets even if they didn't know what they were.

Just some of my input.


I think a lot of these licensed theme suggestions are highly unlikely, for instance:

  Uberlag said:
I would really like to see a Starcraft theme.

(For those of you who don't know it is basically Terrans(Humans) vs Zerg vs Protoss

I'd never heard of this before, had anyone else?


Nope :tongue:

Starcraft is one of the best sci-fi RTS games of all time, sold a ton of copies too.


  Shoc said:
I think a lot of these licensed theme suggestions are highly unlikely, for instance:

I'd never heard of this before, had anyone else?


Are you serious, you've never heard of Starcraft!?!

Halo anyone?

Aww c'mon its not that violent :tongue:

(Actually its possible to create your own Halo Lego theme with the customs from Brickforge and Brickarms and MOCing)

Besides that, I think a historical them would be nice :classic:

the Chinese have a long spanding history, TLG can make a Chinese theme, they did Japanese, they should do Chinese as well

  Lost Viking said:
Are you serious, you've never heard of Starcraft!?!

I don't think I had...

Anyway, I hardly think TLC are going to make sets of video games, excluding Star Wars which they have the licence for.

Two of my reasons are:

1. A lot of the games suggested are violent, or not so much aimed at children, although children may play them.

2. TLC would be in effect making these sets, encouraging people to play video games, therfore putting them off Lego :tongue:

I don't feel like saying any more. Meh, this topic is just asking what you would like TLC TLG to make, so yeah, you may like them to make sets based on games, but it is very unlikely.

Also, a lot of movies suggested would be unlikely, not necessarily because they are innapropriate, but because some of them are not current, or going to have sequels. TLC would only make a licenced theme of a current film, or a series that is hugely popular and spawning sequels, like Indiana Jones and Star Wars... Hmm... :classic: I'll shut up now :tongue:


Edited by Shoc

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