August 19, 20222 yr I think the 501st BP is meant to show off the new helmet mould. If they are based off the bf2 classes they would each have different accessories clipped in, like the visor for the heavy and a rangefinder for the officer. I can only hope the sniper has the macrobinoculars like we see in the game, it could mean Bly and the 327th are on the way.
August 19, 20222 yr 1 hour ago, Mandalorianknight said: THANK YOU! Not sure why most people seem not to like these dioramas, I love the chosen scenes and think they have potential to be really great! Because they don’t offer any new minifigs and the scenes have been done before too Of course they’ll look good if this year’s dioramas are any indication, but do we really need another Death Star duel so shortly after the previous one, with the exact same minifig selection again? Granted, there isn’t much to be done in that case. Except for going with, y’know, a different scene altogether?
August 19, 20222 yr So that's 3 Disney+ sets, 3 Clone sets, 4 OT sets (assuming the 3rd helmet is ROTJ). 50% are 18+ sets and 3-of-the-5 that aren't 18+ are D+. The BP and 2 Mando sets are the 'only' ones likely to have new characters/trooper variants.
August 19, 20222 yr Sounds like a good list, though the only one I'm definitely getting is the BP. Mando sets are a maybe, but it'll depend on how much I like S3 and if the sets themselves are any good.
August 20, 20222 yr I think this list is great. I'm most excited to see what the Clone helmets look like. I love the helmet collection. Also really curious to see what the now $230 UCS set is.
August 20, 20222 yr I haven’t spent a lot of money on Lego Star Wars the last couple of years but this wave is going to break me. Seeing ROTJ get all this love for the 40th anniversary is making me squeal. Speeder bike remake means we’ll finally get an Endor Luke remake. Always can never get enough of the Final Duel as it’s my favorite scene in all of cinema. And more Mandalorian on the way…Pinch me I’m dreaming
August 20, 20222 yr 4 hours ago, QuiggoldsPegLeg said: People don’t like them because they’ve all been from the Original Trilogy and a decent chunk of the pieces and price go into a useless black border. Plus they seem to be $5 to $10 overpriced because Lego knows that the target audience is able to shell out more money than kids are. I've talked about this before, but OT sets seem to sell best, especially among adults, and ESPECIALLY among the 'adults who aren't afols" market. OT sets in the first few years of a gimmick are how we get to prequel sets. (see helmets as an example) As for the "useless black border", the black border is cool. It makes the set look more like a display piece. I wouldn't say they're any more overpriced than other sets from SW. Would you say the dioramas are overpriced like Grievous's fighter, or Snoke's Throne Room? 3 hours ago, BrickBob Studpants said: Because they don’t offer any new minifigs and the scenes have been done before too Of course they’ll look good if this year’s dioramas are any indication, but do we really need another Death Star duel so shortly after the previous one, with the exact same minifig selection again? Granted, there isn’t much to be done in that case. Except for going with, y’know, a different scene altogether? I'll give you final duel (Though the diorama is the first one I'll pick up, and as arguably one of the best and most character-defining scenes in SW, it DESERVES the spot), but speeder chase? That was done once. Without leia. In the first year of the theme. Almost 25 years ago. (Also, I'm calling it now, 2024 will include 25th anniversary X-wing and TIES, and if there's no Falcon in 2023 2HY, we'll see one then too.) And yeah, I'm totally biased, but I LOVE the final duel. The atmosphere, the character developments, the dialogue, the BEST LIGHTSABER FIGHT IN SW (I know it's an insanely unpopular take) it is without a doubt my favorite scene in SW, even if I think ESB is a stronger movie overall. 4 hours ago, ArrowBricks said: I hope so much that the 501st sniper is an Arf Trooper. I’d cry with happiness. I... I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you this... but not only is this one most likely the BF2 "specialist".... I think the ARF mold is gone. 51 minutes ago, mirkwoodspiders said: I think this list is great. I'm most excited to see what the Clone helmets look like. I love the helmet collection. Also really curious to see what the now $230 UCS set is. A $200 set after the price hike. Good to see someone who likes the helmets. I'm not personally fan enough to buy them, but they do look cool.
August 20, 20222 yr I love the sound of the Clone sets and the TIE Bomber, finally after 20 years!! I don't know what the ??? Sets are but man, I hope against hope that one of them is based on the finale of TBoBF. Boba Fett riding a Rancor fighting Cad Bane is too awesome NOT to be a LEGO set and the new Cad Bane tube piece feels like it was made for more than just the Justifier. Edited August 20, 20222 yr by ToaDraco
August 20, 20222 yr Glad to hear we're finally getting a new TIE Bomber set. Been wanting a remake of that one for years now. Seems a bit soon for another 501st Battle Pack but it makes sense for them to be available if there's a chance Captain Rex is coming in the near future. I do hope we see other clone types next year though. The 212th could use a cheap alternative for filling out the AT-TE, the rest of the Phase I clones (Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant and Pilot) still need to be updated to the new style and it would be nice to get more variety with the Phase II clones such as the Wolfpack and Shock Troopers. Not sure how I feel about the Endor Speeder Bike Chase diorama. I'm glad we're getting a new Endor Luke for the first time since 1999 but the chase itself could have been done as a regular set at a much cheaper price. The Final Duel set could be interesting though depending on the build. I do hope they update the Royal Guards with the skirt piece as the capes on the old figures look completely outdated now. More Mandalorian sets sounds good but its a shame there isn't anything new for any of the other shows. Feels like a missed opportunity not doing an Andor set with Saw Gerrera or a BOBF set with Cad Bane and Black Krrsantan. Maybe in the summer wave?
August 20, 20222 yr 3 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said: And yeah, I'm totally biased, but I LOVE the final duel. The atmosphere, the character developments, the dialogue, the BEST LIGHTSABER FIGHT IN SW (I know it's an insanely unpopular take) it is without a doubt my favorite scene in SW, […] Don’t forget the music! The funny thing is, I 100% agree with you there It is hands down my favourite scene in all of SW and the main reason why ROTJ is my favourite film in the franchise (RO being a close second). HOWEVER, I still think the diorama is pretty pointless. If it wasn‘t for the 2020 version, I wouldn‘t mind as much. It‘s just too soon for another one for my liking 8 minutes ago, wesker said: Feels like a missed opportunity not doing an Andor set with Saw Gerrera or a BOBF set with Cad Bane and Black Krrsantan. Maybe in the summer wave? THIS. Andor is now the FIFTH project to feature Saw, and still no minifig. Plus a TBoBF set featuring those spoiler characters would be bloody amazing! When people were hyping up how good this wave was, something like this is what I had in mind!
August 20, 20222 yr Yeah the lack of Andor sets is a bit of a shame. I don't think we've had a Mon Mothma figure either since 2009(?). There are going to be 12 episodes so there must be something they could've given us. The wave is really solid though. Its great to see a TIE bomber after so long and it'll be nice to get some 501st figures.
August 20, 20222 yr 2 hours ago, Tariq j said: Yeah the lack of Andor sets is a bit of a shame. 75351 or 75354 could still be Andor sets, since Promobricks didn't provide any descriptions on them.
August 20, 20222 yr The #1 rule of the LEGO Star Wars line is to not follow logic. First it took actual fan lobbying to get them to make 501st. But they did it - yes! Ok, no Rex, but that's fine, it's a battle pack. Then they included just one 332nd clone in a set... alright, typical stingy LEGO. Next: Mace Windu's non-canon legion. Alright, at least LEGO is making different clones and they look cool, but still weird. Next: a lot of 212th and Cody. Yes, do this LEGO! Next: more 501st, random videogame specialists this time? Why? Any fan could say obviously, just make sets of different clones we actually see in stuff (with or without their commander depending on the size of set), and THEN circle back around to supplement them. And I think the fans would be right! Everybody likes different clones, and to have different corps. I'm sure these will be cool, and I'll probably buy a set to add to my clone collection, but where are our 327th Stat Corps or 21st Nova Corps or Wolfpack etc etc etc. Why do we need more random 501st before any of those. It's nothing new either of course. LEGO used to put random undesirable (or un-massable) clones in battle packs back at the heyday of battle packs too, like that one with a Horn Company clone and two Bomb Squad clones. Different clones always look cool, but come on.
August 20, 20222 yr That 501st battlepack sounds great to me as an army builder - I reckon the heavy will most likely be the EA BF2 heavy trooper design as already speculated, since Hot Toys recently announced a figure of him as well and as we know Lego do like to use figures as references for their clone designs (2014 Kashyyyk standard Phase 2s, 187th). I do really like that design so I'll probably be picking up at least 4 or 5 of this set to complement my 2020 501st army. Though I'll be interested to see if he matches the Hot Toys offering with its Cody-style arrows beneath the mouth area on the helmet, or if it will follow the EA BF2 design and just have a standard 501st stripe there instead. The other 2 clones, the sniper and the commander, will be interesting - the BF2 specialist and officer designs are probably most likely but since they haven't been named as such in the leak maybe there's a chance they'll be different, after all the specialist would need a new mould for the macrobinoculars which probably wouldn't see much further use unless they did Bly (though I would really like such a part). Perhaps the sniper could be a 2005 BF2 style Airborne, Lego have gotten a surprisingly good amount of use out of that helmet recently. For me the ideal commander would be better as a legends style Commander Vill design with cloth kama and pauldron, though I expect this commander whichever design he uses will probably have a printed kama sadly. One interesting thing is the heavy should, in theory, have a different leg print with more blue on it - this could be good for replacing the legs on the 2020 Jet Troopers, since they incorrectly used standard 501st legs. The heavy's legs would be closer to what they should look like (though still not perfect). If we get the EA BF2 specialist his legs are a good match for Captain Rex as well. Really looking forward to seeing pictures of these figs. Also that Captain Rex helmet might be the first helmet set I'd buy if it looks good Edited August 20, 20222 yr by Sabre-aN
August 20, 20222 yr 6 hours ago, BrickBob Studpants said: Don’t forget the music! The funny thing is, I 100% agree with you there It is hands down my favourite scene in all of SW and the main reason why ROTJ is my favourite film in the franchise (RO being a close second). HOWEVER, I still think the diorama is pretty pointless. If it wasn‘t for the 2020 version, I wouldn‘t mind as much. It‘s just too soon for another one for my liking Of course, the music too! I guess. I think the final duel is becoming one of those sets that lego is going to try to have on shelves almost all the time. Which reminds me, we're about due for another system Luke's Landspeeder. 2014-2017-2020-... The UCS one might have bought us some time, though. 7 hours ago, ToaDraco said: I love the sound of the Clone sets and the TIE Bomber, finally after 20 years!! I don't know what the ??? Sets are but man, I hope against hope that one of them is based on the finale of TBoBF. Boba Fett riding a Rancor fighting Cad Bane is too awesome NOT to be a LEGO set and the new Cad Bane tube piece feels like it was made for more than just the Justifier. I think the BOBF finale set is coming, it's just such an obvious set choice. Desirable figs (bane, boba... actually, I'm not sure how desirable he'll be. It used to be that every boba figure would be a minimum of $15-20 on BL, but with the newest one coming in a $10 set...), very clear-cut build choices (big droid, our first brick-built rancor, depending on the size of the set maybe some destroyable walls or the Freetown transport), etc. Edited August 20, 20222 yr by Mandalorianknight
August 20, 20222 yr 1 hour ago, Mandalorianknight said: Of course, the music too! I guess. I think the final duel is becoming one of those sets that lego is going to try to have on shelves almost all the time. Which reminds me, we're about due for another system Luke's Landspeeder. 2014-2017-2020-... The UCS one might have bought us some time, though. I never understand the complaints (not saying you complained, I feel like you just mention the likely set cycle)? Lego doesn't produce them repeats for the AFOB minority buying every single version of em. Like any other producer they produce what sells. Therefore the 10 most iconic OT sets and around 2 PT sets are what we will get most of the time. I've read so many comments stating the last landspeeders and throne room sets were boring - I was even tempted at both sets as the designs were actually much better and more accurate. Always awesome that they put a good figure in a cheap set. Even greater, if they update the helmet or at least some of the prints. 10€ set would even be in my tight budget . My Post OT Boba is using the better original helmet/jetpack combo. Looks great but the original Boba would like his helmet back
August 20, 20222 yr 3 hours ago, Clone OPatra said: I'm sure these will be cool, and I'll probably buy a set to add to my clone collection, but where are our 327th Stat Corps or 21st Nova Corps or Wolfpack etc etc etc. Why do we need more random 501st before any of those. It's nothing new either of course. LEGO used to put random undesirable (or un-massable) clones in battle packs back at the heyday of battle packs too, like that one with a Horn Company clone and two Bomb Squad clones. Different clones always look cool, but come on. I am absolutely convinced, beyond convinced actually, we will see all the legions at some point. We called the 2011-2014 era the “golden age”, 2020-2030 I’m convinced must be the “clone era”. Lego has realised the insane market for clone troopers and vehicles, and they’re not too difficult to do providing you don’t exhaust clone vehicles. Look, I’m not overly keen on the 501st specialists, because I’d rather an Arf Trooper, an AT-RT Driver, and the Utapau clones (one in grievous Starfighter…can’t remember and cba to check). However, it’s a clear sign Clone minifigures are here to stay. Anybody else super excited for the Tie Bomber, but feel Lego have missed an opportunity with the figures? - Perfect set for Ozzel Edited August 20, 20222 yr by ArrowBricks
August 20, 20222 yr 2 hours ago, Kim-Kwang-Seok said: I never understand the complaints (not saying you complained, I feel like you just mention the likely set cycle)? Lego doesn't produce them repeats for the AFOB minority buying every single version of em. Like any other producer they produce what sells. Therefore the 10 most iconic OT sets and around 2 PT sets are what we will get most of the time. I've read so many comments stating the last landspeeders and throne room sets were boring - I was even tempted at both sets as the designs were actually much better and more accurate. Always awesome that they put a good figure in a cheap set. Even greater, if they update the helmet or at least some of the prints. 10€ set would even be in my tight budget . My Post OT Boba is using the better original helmet/jetpack combo. Looks great but the original Boba would like his helmet back Yeah, no, I totally agree with you. We're not the targets for the repeats. That said, unless the throne room diorama is actual garbage, it's an instant purchase for me. I actually use the Jet trooper pack in blue for my OT boba (not my UCS Slave one OT boba though, he sits unaltered behind that cockpit screen, never to be exposed to the elements) 2 hours ago, ArrowBricks said: I am absolutely convinced, beyond convinced actually, we will see all the legions at some point. Anybody else super excited for the Tie Bomber, but feel Lego have missed an opportunity with the figures? - Perfect set for Ozzel I mean, not all the legions, but yeah, I think we'll see more soon. Lego's figured out that clones sell well. My guess is within the next 3 years we'll have a 212th battle pack, kashyyk and Coruscant guard battlepacks or semi-battlepacks like the tank, another 501st set with named characters and/or ARCs and ARFs, and 1-2 slightly more obscure legions like the 327th or galactic marines. I'm excited for people to have an official TIE bomber, and like I said a TIE bomber is better than no tie bomber, but I can't see it being nearly big enough. I do agree that the figures were a loss though. TIE pilot is of course neccesary and a GONK is fine, and I suppose Vader works as the "main character" pull. But for a $65 set to have 3 figures, one of them built from basic bricks.... I think it needed at least one more, probably two. Just Ozzel and a snowtrooper or something would have been fine.
August 20, 20222 yr Even if the Battlefront franchise is dead again I'm glad to see more references and sets based off of it years later. This is great news for those who didn't buy the 501st Legion set due to the higher price because they can finally army build at a reasonable price. I don't think there has been definitive word on Accessory packs next year but I think an Endor Troopers and 212th pack would be the likely options (I don't think we'll know though until December). The Tie Bomber and Speeder Bike chase are also incredibly good OT set picks and a Rex Helmet has been the most request PT helmet from what I've seen. This is sounding like the best winter wave in years so far.
August 20, 20222 yr 12 hours ago, BrickBob Studpants said: THIS. Andor is now the FIFTH project to feature Saw, and still no minifig. Plus a TBoBF set featuring those spoiler characters would be bloody amazing! When people were hyping up how good this wave was, something like this is what I had in mind! Surely Lego will include Saw in a set if we get more Andor sets in 2HY, it’s getting kind of ridiculous how much they’ve dodged releasing that figure. I can’t imagine why they’re doing that, but “Bor Gullet will know the truth.” Unless they do a brick-built Rancor, I’m not sure if Lego will go back and do a TBOBF set including one. It’d make sense to rerelease the molded one in a set while the show is still fresh, but we’re going to be about a year out from the show’s release by the time 2HY 2023 news comes in and there are so many new projects that will be out or almost out by that time. 3 hours ago, ArrowBricks said: Anybody else super excited for the Tie Bomber, but feel Lego have missed an opportunity with the figures? - Perfect set for Ozzel I think Promobricks said that there could be additional figures in the TIE Bomber but I don’t want to get my hopes up after that lacking selection in the 2021 Imperial Shuttle. Hell, I’d rather get Ozzel and/or Piett in this set instead of another Vader, but I’d imagine that I’m in the minority on that one. It just occurred to me that with how prominently Mon Mothma has been featured in Andor’s promotional material, it’s kinda surprising that she wasn’t included in a set. She seems to be the co-lead of the series and it’s not like her role will be a surprise like Grogu, Omega or young Leia. Then again, Ahsoka and Rex were essentially the co-leads of TCW Season 7, which got four sets with two Ahsokas and not one Rex. Edited August 20, 20222 yr by The Stud
August 20, 20222 yr 2 hours ago, Gontron said: I don't think there has been definitive word on Accessory packs next year but I think an Endor Troopers and 212th pack would be the likely options (I don't think we'll know though until December). People knew about them a while earlier, it was just obscure as it was the first year. I can’t see why they’d stop releasing them, they’ve been highly successful… ;) 1 hour ago, The Stud said: I think Promobricks said that there could be additional figures in the TIE Bomber but I don’t want to get my hopes up after that lacking selection in the 2021 Imperial Shuttle. Hell, I’d rather get Ozzel and/or Piett in this set instead of another Vader, but I’d imagine that I’m in the minority on that one. I hope so, but I think you’ve answered it perfectly here. It’s similar to the Imperial Shuttle… That shuttle would have been so much better with a speeder bike and scout trooper… or just a stormtrooper lol and no bike.
August 20, 20222 yr Just thought I'd put these here for reference though the BF 2 officer clone isn't called a commander so perhaps it;s not him? but they easily could've have him a commander without knowing. It;s probably more likely him than Appo or Vaughn.
August 20, 20222 yr 4 hours ago, Gontron said: Even if the Battlefront franchise is dead again I'm glad to see more references and sets based off of it years later. This is great news for those who didn't buy the 501st Legion set due to the higher price because they can finally army build at a reasonable price. I don't think there has been definitive word on Accessory packs next year but I think an Endor Troopers and 212th pack would be the likely options (I don't think we'll know though until December). The Tie Bomber and Speeder Bike chase are also incredibly good OT set picks and a Rex Helmet has been the most request PT helmet from what I've seen. This is sounding like the best winter wave in years so far. Totally agree with your accesory pack choices, I think they're very likely. I also agree, and like the positivity. Seems like there's a lot of complaints here for a wave that gives a lot of people what they want: At minimun, 5 new figures (501st clones, Endor Luke, Endor Leia), with more probably included in the mando sets, and always the possibility any existing characters will get new prints. Nice balance of OT, mandoverse, and PT Another clone battle pack. Specifically some highly requested choices (a "real" 501st battle pack, an endor speeder chase set, PT helmets, TIE bomber, etc.) When people say lego doesn't listen to the fans, point them to this wave. 1 hour ago, Agent Kallus said: Just thought I'd put these here for reference though the BF 2 officer clone isn't called a commander so perhaps it;s not him? but they easily could've have him a commander without knowing. It;s probably more likely him than Appo or Vaughn. One cool thing is that aside from the heavy's torso, they're normal 501st clones just with extra parts... so you can pretty much use this as a "normal" 501st pack too. I think I've just talked myself into getting at least 2 copies. Also, just realized this: This 501st pack is coming right as the last one retires. I wonder if it's a new evergreen set, where they try to always have one on shelves (Like x-wing, tie, falcon, landspeeder) Edited August 20, 20222 yr by Mandalorianknight
August 21, 20222 yr I'm not too familiar with BF2, so can someone just clarify this for me? Assuming the clones were misnamed in the leak, these are the figs we'll be getting, right? 2 of the first trooper in the picture, 1 of the 2nd, and 1 of the 3rd? Spoiler 4 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said: One cool thing is that aside from the heavy's torso, they're normal 501st clones just with extra parts... Won't the 2 heavies' helmets be different too?
August 21, 20222 yr 1 hour ago, AD_Bricks said: I'm not too familiar with BF2, so can someone just clarify this for me? Assuming the clones were misnamed in the leak, these are the figs we'll be getting, right? 2 of the first trooper in the picture, 1 of the 2nd, and 1 of the 3rd? Hide contents Won't the 2 heavies' helmets be different too? 2 on the left, 1 in the middle, 1 on the right. The Heavy (left most) will most likely have a different torso and helmet print while the Specialist/Sniper (right most) will have a normal torso with 2 small marks on the chest. The Officer (middle) will probably have a unique kama/leg print.
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