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Maybe they moved that Clone Wars 20th Anniversary logo to the side of the box to be consistent with the Snowtrooper Battle Pack? I recall that one having a little emblem on the side depicting Hoth to indicate that the set goes with the Hoth AT-ST and UCS AT-AT.

The use a windscreen for the microfighter is a departure from the norm. Usually, there is only some cheese slopes representing the windscreen. But it is a good piece to get, and to me the set is a cheap way to finally get a Boba figure for my Slave One MOC, and also a parts pack.

1 hour ago, The Stud said:

Maybe they moved that Clone Wars 20th Anniversary logo to the side of the box to be consistent with the Snowtrooper Battle Pack? I recall that one having a little emblem on the side depicting Hoth to indicate that the set goes with the Hoth AT-ST and UCS AT-AT.

Yeah, that was cool on the hoth pack. I hope it hints at more 03 sets. I almost wonder if the gunship this year will be muunilist

32 minutes ago, PRbrickbuilder said:

The use a windscreen for the microfighter is a departure from the norm. Usually, there is only some cheese slopes representing the windscreen. But it is a good piece to get, and to me the set is a cheap way to finally get a Boba figure for my Slave One MOC, and also a parts pack.

Yeah. I really don't like the design, but the important thing is that it's a cheap way to get Boba.

21 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Yeah, that was cool on the hoth pack. I hope it hints at more 03 sets. I almost wonder if the gunship this year will be muunilist.

That would be sweet. That being said - is there a gunship rumored for 2023? 

As far as I know there are no solid rumors of a Republic Gunship for 2023, just wishlisting speculation because it was reasonable to hope for a Gunship to go with the 2022 AT-TE. But then we got the Unjustified instead.

A picture of the 501st Heavy and Officer has appeared (seemingly from a display of some sort), and the Officer's helmet is the existing one with holes above the brow line. Provided that the Minifig is not misassembled, it looks like we are not getting a lower placement for the rangefinder as we see on the box. 😕

55 minutes ago, McMurder_them_softly said:

That would be sweet. That being said - is there a gunship rumored for 2023? 

I think a Gunship is very likely this summer wave given there isn't much new content to pull a large set from outside of the Fondor (also the Mantis but it may be too soon for that). It almost certainly won't be Muunilist 10, though I think a small 2003 CW set may be possible. 

2 hours ago, McMurder_them_softly said:

That would be sweet. That being said - is there a gunship rumored for 2023? 

No, it just seems likely, but there are no sources saying it's coming.

1 hour ago, Classic_Spaceman said:

A picture of the 501st Heavy and Officer has appeared (seemingly from a display of some sort), and the Officer's helmet is the existing one with holes above the brow line. Provided that the Minifig is not misassembled, it looks like we are not getting a lower placement for the rangefinder as we see on the box. 😕

Yeah, I highly doubted that they'd have made ANOTHER new mold for the clone helmet so soon.

1 hour ago, Gontron said:

I think a Gunship is very likely this summer wave given there isn't much new content to pull a large set from outside of the Fondor (also the Mantis but it may be too soon for that). It almost certainly won't be Muunilist 10, though I think a small 2003 CW set may be possible. 

There's usually 2 big sets released in the August wave so it's possible that we get a gunship and the Fondor or Mantis. I don't think it would be too soon for a Mantis set as the sequel is due to release in March, and Fallen Order has been out for a few years now so Lego's set designers should have plenty of reference material to work from.

The TIE Bomber looks amazing! Glad they've kept it the same scale as the previous version. I really like the new cockpit design as well. I'm curious to see if this design is just for the Bomber or if it will become the norm for all TIE variants and we see it on the upcoming Interceptor as well.

The 501st Battle Pack looks fine but its really all about the minifigures over the build there.

2 hours ago, Gontron said:

I think a Gunship is very likely this summer wave given there isn't much new content to pull a large set from outside of the Fondor (also the Mantis but it may be too soon for that). It almost certainly won't be Muunilist 10, though I think a small 2003 CW set may be possible. 

I'd prefer a new Venator over another Gunship personally. Its been a lot longer since the last one came out and with Gideon's Light Cruiser retiring we're due another set to fill in that Star Destroyer niche. Although I wouldn't complain if we do end up getting the Fondor or Mantis.

If we get a similar structure to previous summer waves, we could potentially (and ideally) get all three sets next summer. We usually get 2-4 sets in the $100-170 range each summer wave and depending on what size they do each ship at, a new Gunship, the Mantis and the Fondor Haulcraft could all be done within that range.


Speculation and hoping to validate my predictions for next year aside, I think it's pretty neat that Lego will have the primary TIE variants from the OT (not including Vader's TIE Advanced or the TIE VIP Shuttle which had little screen time) of the standard Fighter, Bomber and Interceptor all available at once. 

18 hours ago, Clone OPatra said:

I think Lemerbrix is talking about the previous 501st set being on Walmart clearance, for plain 501st figures. It has been on clearance, or at least discount.

This one could go on clearance too, you never know. If LEGO supplies as much to the US as they tend to, and keep it on shelves for a year or more, the average consumer will have gotten it and there will be plenty left. Here in Australia I guarantee it will be on shelves for less than a month and then never again, just like the previous 501st set and Mace's non-canon purple Clone tank.

Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about, not on clearance in my area.

13 minutes ago, BigA_7 said:

How much do all of these sets cost?

501st Battle Pack - $19.99

TIE Bomber - $64.99

Slave I Microfighter - $9.99

The quality of that mini AV-7 cannon build in the 501st set is a really nice surprise, I'm not going to use it for anything due to the small size but nonetheless I think it's a nice really nice representation of it. Looking forward to building it several times!

Good to see the heavy troopers with their visors, shame about the inaccurate legs on them (and the specialist) but that was expected from the original rumours, it makes them look a little bit too plain IMO. I'll probably swap the arms for blue ones to try and 'fix' that, whilst the actual EA BF2 / Hot Toys 501st Heavy Trooper's arms are still mostly white they do have a bit more blue than the standard 501st there (extra blue on the elbow strap and on the hands, in addition to the standard blue shoulder and wrist band) so I think I can justify the arm swap to myself on that basis. Kind of strange weapon choice with that double barreled blaster they've got though, I'd guess it's meant to be a generic heavier weapon or the assault class's shotgun. I was expecting either long blasters or perhaps something like what Paz Vizsla got in the Mandalorian Forge set to represent the rotary blaster. But I'm not bothered anyway as I'll just replace them, and those pistols and black binoculars pieces will come in handy for other plans

Excited for the specialist's macrobinoculars & to see how they look flipped up, they'll be great for equipping an Umbara squad of 212th as well as the 501st, especially if we get a spare in the set. Would have been nice if they were printed or dual moulded so that they could have had the black viewport, but for a small visor part like that it would have been difficult and in a battlepack like this that would have probably been too expensive, so I'm just happy we're getting it at all. Hopefully there's a small recess there so that the shadows can fill it in instead, can't really tell from the photos we have so far

Not a massive fan of the officer especially with the rangefinder in the 'high' position on the real figure, but that was expected - it's a strange mistake they've made in the box art render, where they accidentally put it where it should be to be accurate where it looks a lot better, I mean there isn't a hole there so when putting together the assets for the render you'd think it would be obvious where it actually fits. It'd be funny if against all odds it turned out the specialist & the officer actually do have different helmet moulds and the real officer fig we've got a photo of was put together with the wrong helmet, but whilst it'd be great I don't think that's the case, it'd be too much cost & I doubt Lego would want two near identical helmet moulds with identical prints in production, let alone in the same set.

Looks like the chap who's got the 501st set is planning on doing a review of it on his YouTube so that should give us a better look at everything anyway

TIE bomber looks great, though I don't think I'll pick it up as I don't really have a space for it in my army & I'm still using the old 2012 TIEs anyway

Edited by Sabre-aN

14 minutes ago, Sabre-aN said:

The quality of that mini AV-7 cannon build in the 501st set is a really nice surprise, I'm not going to use it for anything due to the small size but nonetheless I think it's a nice really nice representation of it. Looking forward to building it several times!

It is really nice, the recent battlepacks/accessory packs have all had excellent builds. I'm pretty happy about it.

3 hours ago, The Stud said:

If we get a similar structure to previous summer waves, we could potentially (and ideally) get all three sets next summer. We usually get 2-4 sets in the $100-170 range each summer wave and depending on what size they do each ship at, a new Gunship, the Mantis and the Fondor Haulcraft could all be done within that range.

I think the mantis can even be done Sub-$100, I think the MOC I made was something I thought lego would price at $90. It's shape is simple enough that you can fit a 3 seater cockpit and at the very least one of either the couch/mission selection or kitchen. EDIT: Though I suppose $90 in summer 2021 would be like $110 now...


Alright, time to explain my theory. The plan is simple. First off, lego knows clones sell. They've seen the demand. And recent sets have clearly leaned into that (AT-TE, tank with non canon legion, our second 501st battle pack in 3 years, etc). A republic gunship seems very likely, especially considering last year's AT-TE. Now the part where we put on the tinfoil hat. When lego celebrated ESB's anniversary, we had a hoth AT-AT released under that branding. All signs point to the AT-TE having originally been a 20th anniversary AOTC set before being "replaced" by a ROTS one for Cody reasons. And now they're celebrating the Clone Wars 03 anniversary. Now obviously I have no solid evidence or leaks or anything, but it seems pretty likely to me that summer 2023 will have a gunship with anniversary branding, and the 501st set is meant to fit with it. Now to get even more crackpot, we could hope that given the clone wars 03 branding instead of the clone wars 08 branding (as it would be the 15th anniversary of that) may suggest it's a clone wars 03 based gunship, or even the legendary muunilist 10 gunship.

TLDR: I think there's a very solid chance a gunship is coming, and it could maybe be the muunilist 10 one. 

Edited by Mandalorianknight

2 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

TLDR: I think there's a very solid chance a gunship is coming, and it could maybe be the muunilist 10 one. 

Agree with you completely, plus the UCS Gunship will either reach its end of life or be close to it by that point. The UCS Gunship also shows the huge potential for improvement on the 2013 version, so I hope its not just a "perfected" model like the AT-TE (which is fantastic, don't get me wrong). 

Anyway, this sort of speculation probably belongs in a clickbait YouTube thumbnail and will inevitably lead to disappointment, even if we do get a gunship. 

Back to the 501st set, while a printed slit on the macros would be nice, its so thin on the in universe one that it doesn't bother me much. I'd need to see better pictures though, as if its a flat face it needs printing, but if it is pointed like it should I think its fine.

4 hours ago, Sabre-aN said:

it's a strange mistake they've made in the box art render, where they accidentally put it where it should be to be accurate where it looks a lot better


33 minutes ago, AD_Bricks said:


I mean the fact that Lego ignored where it’s placed in the first place means they do not care about the people that will get angry online, so I can’t imagine them adjusting it just to make it look a tiny bit better to that group. And for that matter, did that sway anyone who was going to buy that set not to get it? I don’t think it makes much sense to them to do that.

Regarding waving at our crystal balls and maniacally cackling as we predict the future, I’m unsure about a Muunilist gunship. I suppose it could happen, but something tells me a regular one would be more popular.

Also, you all know that I’m the last one to jump to conclusions about future clone sets (other than that one time, I’m still sorry about that mods), but I really wouldn’t be surprised if we got a Bly or someone similar sometime down the line given we’ve got that piece—it seems really strange to just use a one off for a battle pack. With that said, stranger things have happened. I wouldn’t put money on it either way though, I could see Lego forgetting about it.

Back on topic, I quite like the battle pack. I’ll probably get one since I started playing BF2 this year and I quite like it.

9 minutes ago, Brickroll said:

it seems really strange to just use a one off for a battle pack. With that said, stranger things have happened.

Arc trooper helmet says hello. That being said, they do seem ever so slightly attuned to sort of giving people different clones at the moment, so hopefully they will do Bly.

The rangefinder in the predictably wrong spot looks pretty awful. It won't look right when folded down for its actual use as a rangefinder either. The clones that use the visor attachments look fine, so I will probably get one copy of the set, but the officer helmet is bad.

I'm actually very happy that we only have 3 "real" sets this January wave (not counting the brickheadz). I still have some sets left to buy from previous waves (TIE, AT-ST, Battlepacks and Imperial Shuttle).

Honestly all 3 of the sets seem amazing to me!

The Slave 1 microfighter is actually a real ship! It has a closed cockpit! Also getting a Boba Fett character in such a cheap set is awesome.

The 501st battlepack is an immediate purchase for me. 4 clones and an actual, usable build of a canon! The price is high, but I think it is a great comeback, to the old battlepacks era.

The TIE Bomber looks promising with a nice minifig selection, but as others pointed out the windshield seems too small when compared with last TIE Fighter or TIE Advanced sets. Still, for me it's a long awaited model that I'll happily pick up as soon as I can.

The more I look at the image of the 75347 Tie Bomber set, the more I am impressed with how good it looks.

I've been comparing it to other pictures of the Tie Bomber, like those pulled or rendered from Star Wars Squadrons assets (example), and the details they've captured with LEGO pieces is really well done.
When looking at the non-LEGO image I was thinking things like "this could be done with a roller skate piece", and then switched over to the leaked LEGO image to see that's exactly what they used.

This set will be a day one purchase for me.

Tie Bomber looks pretty good, can't wait for the reviews and size comparison to see how it fits in with other sets. 

Gonna pick up a few of the 501st specialist battle packs to add to my regular collection at some point. Cannon is nice, figures look decent as well. 

8 hours ago, Clone OPatra said:

Arc trooper helmet says hello. That being said, they do seem ever so slightly attuned to sort of giving people different clones at the moment, so hopefully they will do Bly.

The rangefinder in the predictably wrong spot looks pretty awful. It won't look right when folded down for its actual use as a rangefinder either. The clones that use the visor attachments look fine, so I will probably get one copy of the set, but the officer helmet is bad.

Like you say, we've had a ton of new clones the past 3 years. I'm gonna use your comment as an excuse to crunch the numbers.

2020: Airborne, 332nd, 501st, 501st jet

2021: Bad Batch (IDK if they count), CC. I'm counting this as the "off year" where they were waiting to see how well the sets sold

2022: p1 shiny, 187th, 187th airborne, 212th, gunner, Cody.

That's, at minimum, 11 new clones over the past 3 years, with 3 more in 1hy of this year alone. I'd say a swamp speeder with Aayla, Bly, and 2 327th fellas is likely to come in the next couple years.

9 hours ago, AD_Bricks said:


Yeah, it's pretty suspicious. It's a weird thing to have as an accident, for it to just exactly be where it should instead of where it actually is.

1 hour ago, lomis said:

The more I look at the image of the 75347 Tie Bomber set, the more I am impressed with how good it looks.

I've been comparing it to other pictures of the Tie Bomber, like those pulled or rendered from Star Wars Squadrons assets (example), and the details they've captured with LEGO pieces is really well done.
When looking at the non-LEGO image I was thinking things like "this could be done with a roller skate piece", and then switched over to the leaked LEGO image to see that's exactly what they used.

This set will be a day one purchase for me.

I feel like something has to be off about this set, right? It looks so good for $65.

We can see it's got a bombing function, stud shooters, looks great, seems sizable, etc.

Edited by Mandalorianknight

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