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6 hours ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

The CMF „rumour“ is Bantha Poodoo, but the rest are (sadly) real :sceptic:

Glad to hear it.

Though it is really sad how believable it is that they would charge 7 bucks for a single figure, and even sadder is that I know, they know, we all know, people would buy them like the suckers we are.

Unfortunately that day will come soon enough :iamded_lol: (I know they already tried 20 bucks that with the Vidiyo boxes, but everyone knows those didn't sell)

40 minutes ago, MKJoshA said:

I fear EB has just been part of a cycle of self-fulfilling prophecy. I'm not the only one who's last track of the data over the past few days. But we've had some newer posters (FoggyFate & Renown) to the forum post leaks. Someone then took that info and posted it on Insta saying it came from EB. Then EB users talked about it like it was a certainty. Now, maybe all the "leaks" are accurate. Time will tell if FoggyFate and Renown gave us the right info. Sorry you two if you're on the money, but I've seen this happen too many times not to be a little skeptical.

Let's all take a deep breath and see if anyone else backs up these rumors before going further bonkers.

Renown has posted here before. And he knows what he’s talking about. 

I’ve just blitzed through the last 24 hours so may have missed something, but I thought the Chewbacca D2C was rumoured for May. Is there a May D2C set number, or are we possibly not getting one this year?

49 minutes ago, FoggyFate said:

Yeah no I completely understand being skeptical, that’s definitely smart. To try and clear things up the swampspeeder should be set 75359.

So it’s almost in BP territory now! :laugh: Reminds me of that 2014 one

1 hour ago, MKJoshA said:

I fear EB has just been part of a cycle of self-fulfilling prophecy. I'm not the only one who's last track of the data over the past few days. But we've had some newer posters (FoggyFate & Renown) to the forum post leaks. Someone then took that info and posted it on Insta saying it came from EB. Then EB users talked about it like it was a certainty. Now, maybe all the "leaks" are accurate. Time will tell if FoggyFate and Renown gave us the right info. Sorry you two if you're on the money, but I've seen this happen too many times not to be a little skeptical.

Let's all take a deep breath and see if anyone else backs up these rumors before going further bonkers.

@Falconfan1414 has confirmed they are real tho.

And @Renown has accurately leaked Star Wars things in the past.

12 hours ago, Retro Brick Reviews said:

Probably the same reason they started the helmets and dioramas with only OT: because they can know with confidence that OT sets will sell a normal amount, and therefore they can look at how well they do as a measure of how much people like the concept without any extraneous factors. If they did a mech for the prequels or sequels, that could skew things positively (prequel fans buying 35 Maul mechs) or negatively (Star Wars fans pistol-whipping every eight-year-old who tries to buy a sequel set). By just doing OT characters, they can see how much people want the mechs as an overall line.

Exactly. OT sets have tended to sell the best for the longest time and are the most "buy because you like the specific set regardless of the era" thing. If they put a new clone in one of the mechs it would instantly become a bestselling set regardless of the fact that most of the buyers probably wanted the clone and not the mech, which tells lego nothing on how mechs in general would sell.

11 hours ago, NoOneOfImportance said:

Has anyone considered that the $650 could be a new Death Star...? 

Definately could be.

11 hours ago, The Stud said:

I was taking a hiatus from the Lego Community but this news inspired me to log on and join in on the discussion. This news is… interesting to say the least. 

-The $15 mech sets sound like lame, uninspired cashgrabs… that are probably going to be really successful with kids. I mean, when’s the last time you could get Darth Vader in a $15 set? Unless these for some reason come with some new exciting variants, these are going to be easy passes.

Agree with most of this stuff, but I will say I'm not sure how well Boba and the Stormtrooper will do, especially with Boba in a $10 set already.

8 hours ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

That gives me a sliver of hope. But they may still cheapen out and just use Kashyyyk Clones again :tongue: 

It's been long enough that the Kashyyyk clones would likely be new prints anyway (I mean, the helmet would have to be), so i don't think it'd be "cheaper", more just a continuation of their weird obsession with the 41st.

2 hours ago, MKJoshA said:

I fear EB has just been part of a cycle of self-fulfilling prophecy. I'm not the only one who's last track of the data over the past few days. But we've had some newer posters (FoggyFate & Renown) to the forum post leaks. Someone then took that info and posted it on Insta saying it came from EB. Then EB users talked about it like it was a certainty. Now, maybe all the "leaks" are accurate. Time will tell if FoggyFate and Renown gave us the right info. Sorry you two if you're on the money, but I've seen this happen too many times not to be a little skeptical.

Renown's been around for ages, and all his stuff is accurate. Foggy's more of an unknown, but as others have said, falconfan backed him up.

Edited by Mandalorianknight

33 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Agree with most of this stuff, but I will say I'm not sure how well Boba and the Stormtrooper will do, especially with Boba in a $10 set already.

That is a good point I had thought about. It’s odd that they’re doing a cheap Boba mech so soon after his microfighter, but I assume this one will have an OT variant to pair with the Vader and Stormtrooper ones. Vader’s a guaranteed success with the kiddos and I think the Stormtrooper will do fine just because they’re surprisingly not super common these days, especially in cheap sets. For all the complaints about how Lego treats the prequels versus the originals, it’s been a lot easier to build up a Clone Army versus an Imperial Army in recent years.

Speaking of clones: based off the piece count, I imagine the Swamp Speeder will be somewhere in between 8091 and 75035 in size. Not really ideal but the shrunken down AV-7 cannon in the 501st Specialist Battle Pack is charming enough, so hopefully that’s the case here. Like I mentioned before, Bly and some 327th troopers will make the set a hell of a lot more interesting to me, though I’ll likely still use this set to army build with whatever clone variants it comes with.


As for the discussion about the lack of new characters in this wave, I think these sets still have a lot of potential for great minifigures regardless of whether we’ve gotten them before. From the OT, Jabba, Ep. 6 Bib Fortuna, Endor Luke, Yavin Leia, Endor Leia and Boushh Leia (a lot of Leia outfits come to think of it) are all variants or characters we haven’t gotten for a while, and many of which aren’t cheap to get at the moment. The value of a lot of the Rebels figures have massively gone up in recent years so potentially getting new variants of Ahsoka Tano, Chopper, Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren and eventually Ezra Bridger and Grand Admiral Thrawn (probably won’t be getting those latter two until next year) are also very much welcome. And we’re guaranteed to be getting some interesting new characters in the 4+ set.

Something else to keep in mind is that there’s still other sets we don’t know anything about. This info should keep us fed for a little while, and I’m sure we’ll get more here very soon.

Edited by The Stud

Huh, an interesting wave, indeed!
I could probably care less about the mechs, but who knows..

The Yavin 4 set sounds fascinating! I don't think I'll get it, but it's nice to see something like this FINALLY appearing :sweet: 

The 4+ set might be fun, too, though I'm mainly excited for the Ahsoka sets, and maaaayyybe the $625(?) D2C set.
Am I getting it right, that the Swamp Speeder might contain Aayla Secura's clone troopers (I forgot the names :blush:)? In that case, that would be a great set, too!


Edited by CF Mitch

1 hour ago, CF Mitch said:

Am I getting it right, that the Swamp Speeder might contain Aayla Secura's clone troopers (I forgot the names :blush:)? In that case, that would be a great set, too!



Pure speculation fuelled by a fake leaker yesterday to which some prominent YouTubers have (for whatever reason) taken as part of the trustworthy info we received yesterday. 

Yavin IV sounds absolutely delightful, it’s one of the few OT locations that haven’t been properly represented yet so this is phenomenal. And more play sets at higher price points are always welcome. Mini figure selection will be pretty solid too, we haven’t had ceremonial Leia in ten years so that will be a good update with the new dress piece. Mon Mothma and a grey variant of Bail would be nice too. And I adore the standard rebel fleet trooper design in general so more of them is cool. Will definitely pick this up on Day 1. Swamp Speeder I have no interest unless it’s Bly. 

D2C is very interesting. Jabba’s Sail Barge was rumored to have 6,500 pieces at $500 and this is 5,000 pieces at $650. Maybe they made it smaller and tossed in more minifigs idk, but my hunch is that this isn’t the Barge. (I really hope it is tho) $650 is a bit much for any Endor set being the Bunker and Village. Don’t think they would give us both in one set, it would be one or the other. So I’m putting this as a new Death Star remake since there’s no other MBS style location from the OT left with Yavin IV confirmed for summer. 

Hello guys, I am new here, got back to Lego star wars recently.

I was following all the leaks yesterday and one thing that I thought about (I've heard it somewhere else before) and didn't see it being mentioned here is the possibility that the D2C set in September will be a new UCS Slave I. Would the piece count make sense in your opinion?

Reasons for that are the following:

- Microfighter in January, that happened already in the past apparently (Microfighter and then ucs of the same ship), 

- a lot of Boba Fett recently after the book of Boba Fett show and his appearance in Mandalorian (new mech with Boba as well, really popular character lately both in the universe and in terms of Lego sets), 

- 20th Anniversary Slave was really popular, it's been a few years since Slave had an UCS (smaller one as well). But it would be a repeat of the same UCS so I am not sure whether they would do it.

If that happens I just hope it's called Slave and not Boba Fett's Starship... It could have something like new Boba Minifig design, carbonite Solo etc (if based on the OT) . 




14 minutes ago, maul said:

Hello guys, I am new here, got back to Lego star wars recently.

I was following all the leaks yesterday and one thing that I thought about (I've heard it somewhere else before) and didn't see it being mentioned here is the possibility that the D2C set in September will be a new UCS Slave I. Would the piece count make sense in your opinion?

Reasons for that are the following:

- Microfighter in January, that happened already in the past apparently (Microfighter and then ucs of the same ship), 

- a lot of Boba Fett recently after the book of Boba Fett show and his appearance in Mandalorian (new mech with Boba as well, really popular character lately both in the universe and in terms of Lego sets), 

- 20th Anniversary Slave was really popular, it's been a few years since Slave had an UCS (smaller one as well). But it would be a repeat of the same UCS so I am not sure whether they would do it.

If that happens I just hope it's called Slave and not Boba Fett's Starship... It could have something like new Boba Minifig design, carbonite Solo etc (if based on the OT) . 




If we're talking about 650$ set in September - highly unlikely. The last UCS Slave 1 was pretty close to correct scale, had 1996 pieces and was priced at 200$. Given the inflation, sure, you could bump the price to 250 or even 300$ but not much more in my opinion. Also, piece count is way higher for September D2C so Slave 1 would have to either be really massive, over the correct scale or would be a part of something else in the set, which I think is highly unlikely. 

In my honest non-expert opinion, if the Slave 1 would be a UCS set this year it would be the one releasing on May the 4th (closer in price to the last one), but I don't believe that will be the case either

2 hours ago, CF Mitch said:

Huh, an interesting wave, indeed!
I could probably care less about the mechs, but who knows..

The Yavin 4 set sounds fascinating! I don't think I'll get it, but it's nice to see something like this FINALLY appearing :sweet: 

The 4+ set might be fun, too, though I'm mainly excited for the Ahsoka sets, and maaaayyybe the $625(?) D2C set.
Am I getting it right, that the Swamp Speeder might contain Aayla Secura's clone troopers (I forgot the names :blush:)? In that case, that would be a great set, too!


No I’ve already confirmed the figure selection and the only interesting figure is Luminara.

18 minutes ago, Leaks and News said:

No I’ve already confirmed the figure selection and the only interesting figure is Luminara.

The fact you haven't been banned yet is really dampening my faith in the EB mods

Edited by Retro Brick Reviews

Excited to finally be getting Yavin IV after all these years!

Don't really have too much of a preference for which setting the Swamp Speeder will be based on. Felucia would be ideal for Commander Bly but I'd be okay with another Kashyyyk version again. If its anything like the Republic Tank hopefully they throw a Jedi in to go alongside the clones. New versions of either Luminara Unduli or Aayla Secura would be most welcome.

3 hours ago, The Stud said:

Yavin Leia, Endor Leia and Boushh Leia (a lot of Leia outfits come to think of it)

Its shaping up to be a great year for new Leia figures and those are only the retail sets. There's also still the possibility of a fourth appearance depending on what the upcoming MBS/UCS sets are based upon. To think getting her character used to be a rarity back in the day.

8 minutes ago, Legofan2001 said:

Mandr just said that one of the blank sets in the summer wave is a Mando season 3 set.

I think he’s either misinterpreted as there was a bunch of stuff thrown around or he actually does have a source.

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59 minutes ago, Retro Brick Reviews said:

The fact you haven't been banned yet is really dampening my faith in the EB mods

We have real lives too. Sometimes you just have to give us a few extra hours.

So if the Swamp Speeder is at ~100 pieces for 25$ that puts it being barely bigger than the old battle pack version. If its that big then why not make it a battlepack at the point? 

Edited by Gontron

The Swamp Speeder PPP just seems extreme, even with the warnings of inflated prices we’ve been given. What seems like a barely battle pack worthy set now occupies an even higher price point? Either it has some large pieces or the minifigures will be that desirable, which I somehow doubt given the minimum leeway 106 pieces can provide. 

@QuietBricks I think he definitely has a source on this, plus one of the usual leakers did confirm another Mando S3 set for the summer some time back.

Edited by Kaijumeister

6 minutes ago, Gontron said:

So if the Swamp Speeder is at ~100 pieces for 25$ that puts it being barely bigger than the old battle pack version. If its that big then why not make it a battlepack at the point? 

This new Swamp Speeder literally has less pieces than the new 501st battlepack…………

only guess is that this set includes named characters or droids.

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