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7 hours ago, Brickroll said:

So is the rumor really just that the palace is getting delayed? That doesn’t seem so bad, but thanks for letting us know @Lego_Minecraft_Goat.

Thanks for posting this, @Brickroll All that stupid hype for that. Spare us with the cryptic tease crap in the future.

Quite surprising to see the reveal of such a small set so many months in advance actually. That price hike is... wow. Luckily I'm not interested anyway, and I don't care about a 'new and improved helmet print'.

I'm actually a bit disappointed in the snub fighter. I already knew that my hopes for it resembling the R-41 Starchaser would probably be in vein, but even though it looks OK it does not really give me Star Wars vibes. On the other hand, I like both Nikto and don't mind them having the same faceprint at all. Lego has become too detailed with faceprints for a long time IMO (but that's just me). The price is pretty steep to be sure but when it inevitably drops below 25 euros I'll see if I've warmed up to it.

Much like the rest of you, I don't like the new prices of the sets but I think the average fan is gonna let it slide cause it doesn't look as egregious with the added Grogu and new helmet. The snub fighter increase feels like pure greed cause even if it was $30 flat there should have been one more figure or element or something extra added. Overall both sets are discounted pickups for me but for the average fan, they won't lead to the significant pushback we need against the recent Lego price hikes. I think @Mandalorianknight mentioned it earlier but releasing their profit #'s and announcing increasing revenues every year since 2018 on the same day they announced these new sets and prices is so crass that I truly believe their PR department is a single intern who gets paid in piece cups and runs a horrible Instagram account. 

Mando + BB Spoilers


That BB epsidoe was fantastic, best one yet IMO. While I don't think we will get any sets from it I do hope the reappearance of the TK troops means they might show up at some point, hopefully with commandos.

The Mando episode was strong too and I'd be cautiously optimistic for a Bo Katan fig and hopefully her white version of the Fang in the Fang/Tie set this summer. 


6 minutes ago, kidtheboss611 said:

Much like the rest of you, I don't like the new prices of the sets but I think the average fan is gonna let it slide cause it doesn't look as egregious with the added Grogu and new helmet. The snub fighter increase feels like pure greed cause even if it was $30 flat there should have been one more figure or element or something extra added. Overall both sets are discounted pickups for me but for the average fan, they won't lead to the significant pushback we need against the recent Lego price hikes. I think @Mandalorianknight mentioned it earlier but releasing their profit #'s and announcing increasing revenues every year since 2018 on the same day they announced these new sets and prices is so crass that I truly believe their PR department is a single intern who gets paid in piece cups and runs a horrible Instagram account. 

Mando + BB Spoilers

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That BB epsidoe was fantastic, best one yet IMO. While I don't think we will get any sets from it I do hope the reappearance of the TK troops means they might show up at some point, hopefully with commandos.

The Mando episode was strong too and I'd be cautiously optimistic for a Bo Katan fig and hopefully her white version of the Fang in the Fang/Tie set this summer. 


I agree in general, but I think that the microfighter will be a shelfwarmer at $16. The snubfighter entirely depends on whether or not the pirates show up more, but mando and grogu are the only draws of the microfighter, and they're just so widely available already. I think most kids at this point already have them, and as such there's no reason to go for it. I think you're spot on about the PR department too. It's either that, or the PR guy believes he's supposed to be doing a parody.


Thoughts on mando and BB


We won't see anything for the outpost (by the way, is this our first time seeing human blood in animated SW?), but it was a solid episode and does increase the odds of TK troopers slightly, I guess. The more they show up, the more likely we get them.

Mando S3 episode was incredible. I loved it, especially the ending. I thought for awhile the season would be about him getting into the mines, so I'm excited to see what's next, especially with the beast. Also, I don't really "ship" characters, but Mando and Bo-katan had great chemistry here. And Grogu's increased role is perfect. Allowing him to be more capable while still clearly being a toddler.


I don't know about those price hikes really. Maybe it is because I currently live in Germany but lots of sets are on discount for significant periods of time in multiple (web)shops. I don't think I even saw the dioramas for full price on Amazon for instance, and Obi-Wan's AOTC starfighter was like 23 euros upon release. I don't remember ever seeing it for full price as well.

So I'm pretty curious to see how the online price of that microfighter will develop.

Regarding today's episode of Mando


Bo-Katan's ship is not a Fang fighter, it's a larger ship that holds more people. We got one in 2021 but in different color scheme. The Fang that will come with Interceptor is a single pilot ship and aside from Rebels and TROS we haven't seen them anywhere else yet. So don't go into May expecting the ship we saw today, they are similar in terms of shape and design philosophy but they're absolutely not the same.

Literally created the account to clarify that, as I've seen it jumbled up here.

1 hour ago, Mandalorianknight said:

I agree in general, but I think that the microfighter will be a shelfwarmer at $16. The snubfighter entirely depends on whether or not the pirates show up more, but mando and grogu are the only draws of the microfighter, and they're just so widely available already. I think most kids at this point already have them, and as such there's no reason to go for it. I think you're spot on about the PR department too. It's either that, or the PR guy believes he's supposed to be doing a parody.


Thoughts on mando and BB

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We won't see anything for the outpost (by the way, is this our first time seeing human blood in animated SW?), but it was a solid episode and does increase the odds of TK troopers slightly, I guess. The more they show up, the more likely we get them.

Mando S3 episode was incredible. I loved it, especially the ending. I thought for awhile the season would be about him getting into the mines, so I'm excited to see what's next, especially with the beast. Also, I don't really "ship" characters, but Mando and Bo-katan had great chemistry here. And Grogu's increased role is perfect. Allowing him to be more capable while still clearly being a toddler.



I actually totally agree with the shipping to be honest and could see them going that route to reunite the scattered Mandalorians. She showed more care for him in 20 minutes than she has anybody else during her character's entire existence including her sister until after her death. (though I don't think they will cause my guy Din isn't willingly taking his helmet off again)


1 hour ago, Big_Daddy said:

I don't know about those price hikes really. Maybe it is because I currently live in Germany but lots of sets are on discount for significant periods of time in multiple (web)shops. I don't think I even saw the dioramas for full price on Amazon for instance, and Obi-Wan's AOTC starfighter was like 23 euros upon release. I don't remember ever seeing it for full price as well.

So I'm pretty curious to see how the online price of that microfighter will develop.

TBH for the people on this forum who are collectors and keep up to date with discounts we know that there will be the standard 20% discount at Target & Amazon and while that can still be expected the new price just balance out the automatic post-release discount. The Microfighter would usually drop from $9.99 to $7.99 but will now fall from $15.99 to $12.99 and the Snub will go from $35 to $28 instead of from $30 to $24. Effectively you're paying the price if either set would have been released at pre-price hike prices. 

31 minutes ago, Koaleu said:

Regarding today's episode of Mando

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Bo-Katan's ship is not a Fang fighter, it's a larger ship that holds more people. We got one in 2021 but in different color scheme. The Fang that will come with Interceptor is a single pilot ship and aside from Rebels and TROS we haven't seen them anywhere else yet. So don't go into May expecting the ship we saw today, they are similar in terms of shape and design philosophy but they're absolutely not the same.

Literally created the account to clarify that, as I've seen it jumbled up here.


Upon further research, you are correct they are different but do look very similar (assuming you're going off Fenn Rau's ship). However, I'd willing to bet my entire Lego Budget for the decade on Lego making a white Mandalorian ship, adding Bo Katan, and modeling like the concept art of her ship at 40:22 in episode 2 then calling it a "Fang fighter". While I'd be thrilled with either I'd prefer an actual single-seater Fang Fighter and TIE with no named characters cause then I could buy a couple.


1 hour ago, kidtheboss611 said:
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I actually totally agree with the shipping to be honest and could see them going that route to reunite the scattered Mandalorians. She showed more care for him in 20 minutes than she has anybody else during her character's entire existence including her sister until after her death. (though I don't think they will cause my guy Din isn't willingly taking his helmet off again)



I'm only making this more off topic, but I think Din definately takes his helmet off, willingly, in front of a whole group of mandos later this season. I think he's going to start realizing that the armorer's cult is wrong, but so is Bo-Katan's abandoning of the creed. Sort of like Luke's jedi order (what we know of it in both canon and legends)

1 hour ago, Koaleu said:

Regarding today's episode of Mando

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Bo-Katan's ship is not a Fang fighter, it's a larger ship that holds more people. We got one in 2021 but in different color scheme. The Fang that will come with Interceptor is a single pilot ship and aside from Rebels and TROS we haven't seen them anywhere else yet. So don't go into May expecting the ship we saw today, they are similar in terms of shape and design philosophy but they're absolutely not the same.

Literally created the account to clarify that, as I've seen it jumbled up here.

Good point. While @kidtheboss611 is right that they could just have given it the wrong name, for a $100 set I think it's more likely that it's a TIE interceptor and correctly named Fang Fighter.

19 minutes ago, omegabadbatch said:

bad batch is a good show I dont understand why there is no any bad batch set in this year

I have to imagine the main issue is that the vast majority of bad batch sets are just gonna have Clone Force 99 or a part of it in all of them. And they maybe don't want to make the figures too common? Then again they throw Mando and Grogu in loads of sets.

They maybe also consider it as part of their few clone wars sets for each year and just have ideas for regular clone wars stuff first, thinking/knowing it would *probably* sell better (though if they think a yoda star fighter would sell better than a Bad Batch V-wing they're wrong, trust me i asked the entire fanbase 😉). Or maybe they don't want to explicitly depict clone troopers as bad guys in their sets which would probably cut the amount of sets they could make quite a bit. It doesn't make sense but you know what corporate can be like.

Not sure how long ago these episodes came out but some BB spoilers in here (though not the episode from this week)


Honestly though if we don't get a Trandosian Hunter Flamethrower AAT with Gunji, a couple trandosians and maybe a couple BB members, i might riot. I also wouldn't mind if they used Bad Batch as a vehicle to make another Republic (well, i guess it'd be imperial now) Gunship, maybe with a couple BB members, a couple shiny clones, a pilot and Scorch.

All of that is pure speculation but it's some things to consider.

24 minutes ago, Hhalcyon said:

I have to imagine the main issue is that the vast majority of bad batch sets are just gonna have Clone Force 99 or a part of it in all of them. And they maybe don't want to make the figures too common? Then again they throw Mando and Grogu in loads of sets.

They maybe also consider it as part of their few clone wars sets for each year and just have ideas for regular clone wars stuff first, thinking/knowing it would *probably* sell better (though if they think a yoda star fighter would sell better than a Bad Batch V-wing they're wrong, trust me i asked the entire fanbase 😉). Or maybe they don't want to explicitly depict clone troopers as bad guys in their sets which would probably cut the amount of sets they could make quite a bit. It doesn't make sense but you know what corporate can be like.




Lego can use imperial prototype stormtroopers. Or Crosshair again. I would like v wing more too.


you might be right. Lego never showed clones as bad guys in lego sets. They never done jedi vs clone set. And maybe they dont want set with good bad batch vs ''good' clones.

Edited by omegabadbatch

spoilers bad batch


and clones in bad batch are good guys. Cody and Mayday. Clones have inhibitor chips.



maybe lego is waiting for clone rebellion to release clones in BB sets? clones vs stormtroopers


Edited by omegabadbatch

16 minutes ago, omegabadbatch said:

spoilers bad batch

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and clones in bad batch are good guys. Cody and Mayday. Clones have inhibitor chips.



Okay but that's not how story telling works. You can get into the philosophical details of the issue all you want but at the end of the day the clones are shooting at the good guys and that makes them the antagonists of the story. We could equally say "oh well storm troopers are just doing a job to feed their families" and then call them good guys too. But we don't do we? because narratively they are the bad guys. Droids are just programming but we call them the bad guys, hell First Order troopers were kidnapped as children and brainwashed to be soldiers but they are also bad guys.

You can make your villains and their henchmen as tragic as you like, they're still the antagonists.


Edited by Hhalcyon

8 minutes ago, Hhalcyon said:
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Okay but that's not how story telling works. You can get into the philosophical details of the issue all you want but at the end of the day the clones are shooting at the good guys and that makes them the antagonists of the story. We could equally say "oh well storm troopers are just doing a job to feed their families" and then call them good guys too. But we don't do we? because narratively they are the bad guys. Droids are just programming but we call them the bad guys, hell First Order troopers were kidnapped as children and brainwashed to be soldiers but they are also bad guys.

You can make your villains and their henchmen as tragic as you like, they're still the antagonists.


yes you are right

1 hour ago, omegabadbatch said:


Lego can use imperial prototype stormtroopers. Or Crosshair again. I would like v wing more too.


you might be right. Lego never showed clones as bad guys in lego sets. They never done jedi vs clone set. And maybe they dont want set with good bad batch vs ''good' clones.

Angry Clone face appeared often on Stormtroopers including FO ones.

You guys are severely overthinking this. Look. I doubt lego cares about having the BB and clones on opposite sides. Imp crosshair was in the first BB set.

The reason we haven't had many BB sets is a mix of lego's general concern with show sets, the sheer amount of material that's been releasing, the fact that they've already produced a large amount of clone sets, etc. 

Adding onto @Mandalorianknight’s point, Lego is especially concerned with show sets based on the animated series. If it’s not TCW, they’re probably not going to do much. Their missteps with the Rebels subtheme ended up dooming that line and has played a big role in the way they go about developing sets for other animated shows. Arguably the biggest reason the Rebels line floundered was probably because they did too many large sets and too many of those sets were vehicles with too little screen time. Lego went off of early concept art and they still seem to struggle with getting relevant concept art for sets based off the animated shows, as two of the four sets from the Resistance and TBB lines were also ships with very little screen time or recognizability. (The Black Ace TIE Interceptor and The Justifer respectively.)


With how clone-crazed fans have been in the last couple years, I do think that it’s interesting that we have a TCW-esque show that’s solely focused on the clones, but we’re getting very little merchandise from it, and not just with Lego. To be fair though, TCW is tried and true. Generally speaking, sets with clones and Jedi against battle droids will probably draw more people than new stuff from TBB.

It’s also hard to tell how well the Bad Batch sets have sold so far. I know TBB Shuttle was a set I saw overstocked quite a lot and very few people were clamoring for the iconic vessel known as The Justifier. (Though that is still a pretty good set, and I’m not just saying that because I got it for free.)

8 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Thoughts on mando and BB

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We won't see anything for the outpost (by the way, is this our first time seeing human blood in animated SW?), but it was a solid episode and does increase the odds of TK troopers slightly, I guess. The more they show up, the more likely we get them.

Mando S3 episode was incredible. I loved it, especially the ending. I thought for awhile the season would be about him getting into the mines, so I'm excited to see what's next, especially with the beast. Also, I don't really "ship" characters, but Mando and Bo-katan had great chemistry here. And Grogu's increased role is perfect. Allowing him to be more capable while still clearly being a toddler.


Considering the fact that Bo-Katan can remember her father, she’s probably at least 20 years older than Din…

5 hours ago, omegabadbatch said:

bad batch is a good show I dont understand why there is no any bad batch set in this year

We won't know that till all this year's sets are out. 

Call me a fool but until we've seen every episode of season 2 I'm gonna hope that this Swamp speeder is a bad batch set, especially if it comes with Rex as we haven't seen him with one otherwise ( yes Lego could easily ignore that and yes someone mentioned a comic where he's in the same panel as one and yes we don't know if will end of coming with rex anyway (and imagine if it comes with Phase 1 rex then the minifigs in sets would be the inverse of the helmet sets), I'm not even sure where the 'maybe Rex is in the swamp speeder' rumour came from)

Hell maybe the all mysterious 1083 piece set is a set based on the latter half of bb s2?

In other news, the 212th trooper magazine is now available in the UK, I picked up 3 yesterday and that means I now have have enough to be pawns on a chess board.


Edited by Agent Kallus

45 minutes ago, QuiggoldsPegLeg said:


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Considering the fact that Bo-Katan can remember her father, she’s probably at least 20 years older than Din…



Her age just doesn't really work. Either she looks like she's significantly older than she should be in TCW, or she aged absurdly well by the time of Mando.

24 minutes ago, Agent Kallus said:

In other news, the 212th trooper magazine is now available in the UK, I picked up 3 yesterday and that means I now have have enough to be pawns on a chess board.

There are not many times I wish I lived in europe, but this is definately one of them. 212th is my favorite legion and since I have my MOC AT-TE I'm not paying $140 just to get a couple of em.

36 minutes ago, Agent Kallus said:

Hell maybe the all mysterious 1083 piece set is a set based on the latter half of bb s2?

I haven't seen many people discuss that possibility but I feel like it makes a lot of sense. I don't see much reason why Lego wouldn’t do another BB set this year when we got one in 2021 and 2022, especially since S2 will be airing for a large part of the year. 1083 is also a similar number of pieces to the Marauder set, so that one could definitely include all of the main characters in their S2 designs. There are absolutely other shows or films this set could be, but BB is both relevant and already a known quantity (unlike Skeleton Crew, which I've also seen suggested). 

Obviously there's no real evidence that the 1083 piece set is BB, but I'd say it's a reasonable possibility for now. I seriously doubt the Swamp Speeder is BB, but who knows. Crazier things have happened. 

3 hours ago, Agent Kallus said:

In other news, the 212th trooper magazine is now available in the UK, I picked up 3 yesterday and that means I now have have enough to be pawns on a chess board.


One of my friends went out at the crack of dawn to grab us a couple each. Can't wait to add them to my collection. 

We both keep seeing people posting pictures of them buying their towns entire stock so I imagine this issue will disappear fairly quickly. 

As for the Bad Batch, genuine question, is it generally quite popular? Do the sets sell well? I can only speak anecdotally, but in my nerdy group of friends there's only two of us who are willing to watch it and even we're pretty behind. 

I assume we will get more sets at some point, but between the Rebels blunder, the fact that I can't see one of the two prior sets being that popular (the Justifier), the sheer amount of current SW content and (potentially!) a lesser interest than there was in Clone Wars and Rebels (?), I wonder how many there will actually be. I could just be talking megablocks though so please do correct me if I'm wrong. 

Edited by SEmrys

1 hour ago, SEmrys said:


As for the Bad Batch, genuine question, is it generally quite popular? Do the sets sell well? I can only speak anecdotally, but in my nerdy group of friends there's only two of us who are willing to watch it and even we're pretty behind. 

I assume we will get more sets at some point, but between the Rebels blunder, the fact that I can't see one of the two prior sets being that popular (the Justifier), the sheer amount of current SW content and (potentially!) a lesser interest than there was in Clone Wars and Rebels (?), I wonder how many there will actually be. I could just be talking megablocks though so please do correct me if I'm wrong. 

I can't really say how popular Clone wars was among adult fans when it first came out as I was only 8 and has no pulse on the adult fandom, but bad batch is definitely more popular among adults than rebels was at launch, its also alot more accessible really.

1 hour ago, SEmrys said:

One of my friends went out at the crack of dawn to grab us a couple each. Can't wait to add them to my collection. 

We both keep seeing people posting pictures of them buying their towns entire stock so I imagine this issue will disappear fairly quickly. 

I would have thought so, but then again the 501st trooper didn't disappear too quickly in my area. I mean I went to the shop at 4:45pm yesterday and there were still plenty available.

Yeah when I said enough to be pawns that was 8 in total not just of the magazine ( 2 from the 2014 BP, 3 from magazines, 3 from the AT-TE)

very good year with lego magazines. First hoth luke. Its ok. But Bo Katan? I couldnt belive it. And then 212 clone which is good to army building. I wonder what are next minifigures in magazines.

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