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29 minutes ago, Jenga Fett1 said:

I really hope we do get more obscure characters as well. But I noticed that some fans throw a tantrum when a lesser-known character is included.

To be honest, as much as i love the clone wars, i hate it as lego, im getting tired of these 7 year olds who just watched TCW, prequels and bad batch complain ane complain and complain and complain and complain and complain, it never stops... and yes ik i shouldn't make my opinion negative because of what others think, but it bothers me, i cannot enjoy TCW anymore because of these people, and i think this is why in recent years Rebels has surpassed TCW for me.

im a huge Legends fan, i want more legends characters, them putting Sloane is amazing and hope they can shove in a few more legends character like dr aphra maybe?

24 minutes ago, Hhalcyon said:

morbius is the best movie ever

Huh? Who said im an OT and mando fan? Im a star wars fan, i love all things star wars except ROS, kenobi episode 4 and Reva, i tend to prefer legends over anything, quit making assumptions, i too really want clone sets, and if you read anything i've said before relating to this, you'd know i want a plo's bros gunship, but a reason why me and people like @Mandalorianknight criticize some of you guys, it's because some of y'all (maybe not you) but some of y'all just whine and whine and whine about the most minute detail that was incorrect, all some (not all) want is just prequel clone sets and nothing else, and don't try to counter argue "oh well uh thats just a few people!" No, its a huge part of the lego SW community that is VERY vocal and out there, they're literally some of the people you most likely watch daily, you guys harassed lego employees with 501st clones and now complain that "uh well theres too many 501st clones" isn't this what you wanted? We only got 2 SETS for them how is that "too much".

and also, i agree, the people who currently are in charge grew up with OT unlike us, they have a biase, but there will most likely be a shift when younger people get in charge, also, when you say "star wars" to the average person, they think of  luke, han, chewie, vader, r2-d2 and 3po.

we got yularen in a polybag which limits availability and also pretty sure he skyrocketed in price.

Also please, no fox, he killed fives and thorn is way better.

18 minutes ago, Jenga Fett1 said:

Can we stop arguing about the OT, PT, ST, and everything else?

I agree, i am sorry if this is considered as starting fights or star wars talk, but sometimes you just have to argue.

Edited by Goofster

3 minutes ago, Goofster said:

Huh? Who said im an OT and mando fan? Im a star wars fan, i love all things star wars except ROS, kenobi episode 4 and Reva, i tend to prefer legends over anything, quit making assumptions, i too really want clone sets, and if you read anything i've said before relating to this, you'd know i want a plo's bros gunship, but a reason why me and people like  criticize some of you guys, it's because some of y'all (maybe not you) but some of y'all just whine and whine and whine about the most minute detail that was incorrect, all some (not all) want is just prequel clone sets and nothing else, and don't try to counter argue "oh well uh thats just a few people!" No, its a huge part of the lego SW community that is VERY vocal and out there, they're literally some of the people you most likely watch daily, you guys harassed lego employees with 501st clones and now complain that "uh well theres too many 501st clones" isn't this what you wanted? We only got 2 SETS for them how is that "too much".

we got yularen in a polybag which limits availability and also pretty sure he skyrocketed in price.

Also please, no fox, he killed fives and thorn is way better.

"Quit making assumptions" Makes assumptions: "you guys harrassed lego employees with 501st blah blah" don't lump them in with me i wasn't even a lego collector when that set first came out, i'm certainly not complaining about more of them either. I'm also not whining about details either, i'm personally really quite sick of hearing about "DURR THE HELMET THE HELMET WRONG DURR" and "WHY NO CRAB DROID REEE" that AT-TE was fantastic and easily my favourite lego set since the 2008-2013 era.

Clearing out all those assumptions we both made about each other I don't think there's much to arg- I mean disagree over. You're not a prequel hater and I'm not an MANDR brainwashed 9 year old.

I also had no idea Yularen was a polybag thing, I thought he came in a star destroyer or something.

But to "no fox, he killed fives and thorn is way better"

ahem, as the bratty entitled fan of the clone wars that i am:


9 minutes ago, Hhalcyon said:

Clearing out all those assumptions we both made about each other I don't think there's much to arg- I mean disagree over. You're not a prequel hater and I'm not an MANDR brainwashed 9 year old.

But to "no fox, he killed fives and thorn is way better"

It's all good, we're both still star wars fans at the end of the day.

Those weren't my exact intentions with "assumptions" i even put "(maybe not you)" because i do not know much to go off if you're a "brainwashed M&R 9 year old" or not, what i meant by that was grouping the TCW fans who really want TCW sets, sorry about that misinterpretation.

also it's alright about yularen, you're ofc not gonna know who came in which set when what time what hour and where.

we shouldn't have both jumped into conclusions by making assumptions about eachother.

Trust me, i fricking LOVE TCW too and want sets, but i understand that it isn't a main priority right now for TLG.

Still though, NO FOX!, he killed fives, didn't let anakin see ahsoka etc!

i think we can shake hands, we are both civilized lego and star wars fans at the end of the day, 🫱

EDIT: yeah i also got pretty uh idk if i can use profanity but "pissed" during that other post (before this).

Edited by Goofster

1 hour ago, Hhalcyon said:

We are "entitled" to every clone trooper ever made. They are all star wars characters.

This is a joke, or a parody, right? You don't legitimately believe lego needs to make literally every clone trooper? Like, you're not legitimately thinking there's a reasonably way we'd get Dogma or Doom or Thire?

1 hour ago, Legofan2001 said:

People can argue for weeks on how end about how important P2 Rex is but the facts don’t change that P2 Rex has not been in any sets for 10 years and even if you want to buy that figure BEST CASE is paying 150 dollars if not upwards of 250! I honestly don’t see how lego is okay with an aftermarket like that especially when P2 Rex has shown up in new media every single year since 2020!

Lego says they don't look at/care about aftermarket, which is either a lie or an economic blunder, but yeah I totally agree with the wider point. We are due a Rex.

1 hour ago, Flawless Cowboy said:

8 years after TPM we already had Clone Wars (2003) and Clone Wars (2008) was in full production. Both overlap with the prequels. Not a single major overlapping show has been made or is being made alongside the sequels that even rivals Tartokovsky’s small series. 

... the two season Resistance animated series? The rumored sequel-sequel movie set for 2025, the one star wars film that actually seems to be getting developed? This is just patently untrue

1 hour ago, Fulcrumfan91 said:

Facts. Still waiting on some figures of him and the twins.

For some reason I read this as Neil Patrick Harris and Alison Brie's characters from visions and was really, really confused.  But yeah, we definately need Saw. Edrio and Benthic would be nice too, but I don't think we'll see them.

49 minutes ago, Hhalcyon said:

Well you OT and Mandalorian fans get Bossk, Dengar, Admiral Sloane, Old Yularen, Nien Nunb, Greedo, Artillery Storm Troopers, Flame Storm Troopers, Shadow Troopers, Dark Troopers, General Dodanna, General Veers among COUNTLESS others of OT/Mando characters who were on screen for about a minute.

First of all, we don't have Nien Numb, so... yeah. Second, don't compare Bossk or Dengar to random background clones.


I WILL NOT tolerate this fox slander. He did what he thought was right. It's not his fault there was a galactic conspiracy he wasn't able to see. 


Also, we're getting super off topic, but it's nice that the mods are letting it play out given there isn't much new info to talk about and everyone seems to be remaining mostly civil.

Edited by Mandalorianknight

Honestly the two focuses for Lego sw at the moment seem to be Mandalorian-era stuff and more adult oriented OT sets, both of which make sense when Mandalorian is so popular with the main target age group. I’d say clone wars sets are the third biggest group, hence why we’ve been lucky enough to receive so many clone variants. 

thank goodness there are also one-off sets for Kenobi, Andor, bad batch, book of boba Fett and other tie-ins as well. At least Star Wars isn’t like marvel where Disney+ series are almost completely ignored 

Edited by Darth Shadowthrone

16 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

The rumored sequel-sequel movie set for 2025, the one star wars film that actually seems to be getting developed?

no... that cant be true!! that impossible!

Edited by omegabadbatch

10 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:


... the two season Resistance animated series? The rumored sequel-sequel movie set for 2025, the one star wars film that actually seems to be getting developed? This is just patently untrue

I’ll be honest, Resistance was so niche I had to look it up, first time I’ve seen anyone mention it. But you’re right. 

11 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

This is a joke, or a parody, right? You don't legitimately believe lego needs to make literally every clone trooper? Like, you're not legitimately thinking there's a reasonably way we'd get Dogma or Doom or Thire?

They don't NEED to but there's no reason NOT to. If we can get characters with no lines from the OT i see no reason characters who are on-screen for much longer with more lines and scenes like Doom or Thire couldn't happen in some kinda set. Are they a priority? No. But was General Dodanna a priority? was Vice Admiral Sloane a priority? or General Veers?


First of all, we don't have Nien Numb, so... yeah. Second, don't compare Bossk or Dengar to random background clones.

My B, I mandella'd myself into thinking the B-wing had Nien Numb but it's actually a different Sullustan called Ten Numb. Who was apparently from a deleted scene in Return of the Jedi. OT fans should be rioting for Nien Numb tbh. It's an injustice. But it kinda illustrates my point even more, if we can get TEN NUMB, a guy who was in 30 seconds of a deleted scene. Why would we not be able to get Doom? I don't particularly want Doom myself but it'd be neat and he's certainly more in-demand than Ten Numb ever was or would be.


I WILL NOT tolerate this fox slander. He did what he thought was right. It's not his fault there was a galactic conspiracy he wasn't able to see.

The third option: I don't LIKE fox. I hate Fox. I LOVE to HATE Fox. He's the Argus Filch of the Star Wars franchise. A useless jobsworth who routinely accidentally allows the bad guys plans to come to fruition by being too dedicated to his cause and getting in the way of the good guys. He's a heel. I love to boo that annoying red idiot and audibly cackle whenever I see his death in that one comic.

Today i'm going to be writing a 5000 word essay on why Fox is the most compelling, grounded and relatable villain in Star Wars since Darth Vader. Chapter 1 of 301: The birth of CC-1010. More commonly known as Fox, CC-1010 was born on Kamino in the year- *user has been banned*

20 minutes ago, Darth Shadowthrone said:

Honestly the two focuses for Lego sw at the moment seem to be Mandalorian-era stuff and more adult oriented OT sets, both of which make sense when Mandalorian is so popular with the main target age group. I’d say clone wars sets are the third biggest group, hence why we’ve been lucky enough to receive so many clone variants. 

When TCW came out, it was the hot new thing that was popular, mando is the same thing, it's literally about eras of what content we are receiving, so it makes sense.

Edited by Goofster

6 minutes ago, Hhalcyon said:

No. But was General Dodanna a priority? was Vice Admiral Sloane a priority? or General Veers?

OT fans should be rioting for Nien Numb tbh. It's an injustice. But it kinda illustrates my point even more, if we can get TEN NUMB, a guy who was in 30 seconds of a deleted scene. Why would we not be able to get Doom? I don't particularly want Doom myself but it'd be neat and he's certainly more in-demand than Ten Numb ever was or would be.

The third option: I don't LIKE fox. I hate Fox.

1. You gotta think of the circumstances, they made an x wing, x wing = episode 4 and rebellion = the guy who said the plan to destroy the death star, and sloane was just them being nice and slipping an imperial character into an empire set, etc.

2. No we shouldn't, although it's questionable how we haven't gotten him yet but we've gotten coleman trebor, it's not an injustice, we are not justified to go harass them for a guy who looks like a space monkey with a mustache, just a little minifig at the end of the day. Hopefully we do get him for the ROTJ celebration.

3. Did i miss something? I honestly don't remember clone commander doom, he was in TCW right? What arc?

4. The fox thing was a joke lmao.


anyway i feel like the big ahsoka set will become 125€ and the big mando set will stay the same price.

17 minutes ago, Goofster said:

3. Did i miss something? I honestly don't remember clone commander doom, he was in TCW right? What arc?

Commander Doom. I can't upload a pic for some reason it's just giving me an error. Regardless he was a minor character from Episode 1 of Season Six of the Clone Wars. He's present during the Battle of Ringo Vinda where Tup's chip goes a little goofy and he commits a war crime. If there was ever a CC to call a background character, it was him. He does have more screentime than a lot of OT characters who had figures but ignoring that because screen time doesn't matter, He's insignificant. He's just a Doctor Doom easter egg as his appearance was based off him. Same with Thorn who is a Thor reference. I doubt we'll ever see someone like Doom or Thorn unless Lego ever does a CMF series and needs somewhat desirable, visually interesting minor characters to pad it out. Stranger things have happened though. Republic Fighter Tank with 187th Clones would have been much lower on my list of "things likely to ever happen" and we got that.

Honestly some kind of "Battle of Ringo Vinda" set with Tiplar, Tiplee, Doom and like, Admiral Trench is PEAK wishlist clone wars fans nonsense but it'd give us some very unique characters from a fairly well remembered scene of one of the more well known clone wars episodes (It's part 1 of Fives' last arc in TCW) so I still cross my fingers on that. Thorn just will not happen though. He just died and looked cool for 30 seconds. There's nothing set-able about his scene.


1 hour ago, Flawless Cowboy said:

I’ll be honest, Resistance was so niche I had to look it up, first time I’ve seen anyone mention it. But you’re right. 

It even got multiple lego sets. Definately not up to par with Clone Wars or Rebels, but it's out there. 

1 hour ago, Hhalcyon said:

They don't NEED to but there's no reason NOT to. If we can get characters with no lines from the OT i see no reason characters who are on-screen for much longer with more lines and scenes like Doom or Thire couldn't happen in some kinda set. Are they a priority? No. But was General Dodanna a priority? was Vice Admiral Sloane a priority? or General Veers?

My B, I mandella'd myself into thinking the B-wing had Nien Numb but it's actually a different Sullustan called Ten Numb. Who was apparently from a deleted scene in Return of the Jedi. OT fans should be rioting for Nien Numb tbh. It's an injustice. But it kinda illustrates my point even more, if we can get TEN NUMB, a guy who was in 30 seconds of a deleted scene. Why would we not be able to get Doom? I don't particularly want Doom myself but it'd be neat and he's certainly more in-demand than Ten Numb ever was or would be.

Well, there are a couple things here. First is that Veers and Dodanna are definately more recognized by casual fans than random clones, even if it's moreso "The bearded dude who gives the briefing on the death star" or "the guy who commanded the AT-ATs". The characters themselves might not be the most engaging, but they definately are part of some of the most iconic scenes in the franchise. Sloane is definately a wild card, but that gets us to the other point: a lot of it is based on what they CAN be in. This is where Ten Numb factors in. Yeah, he's not well-known at all, but he's a B-wing pilot, so it makes sense for him to show up in a B-wing. The issue with putting every concievable clone into a set is that they run up against each other. My homie Thorn, as well as Doom, Lock, Tup, Kix, and all the other obscure clones won't be made, because out of the clone wars era sets lego produces, only a fraction of those would make realistic sense to include a unique clone trooper in, and they're gonna put the more famous ones in there because they sell better and people actually want them. Doom might be more in-demand than Ten Numb, but they can't put him in a B-wing. Jesse might be more in demand than a 501st specalist from BF2, but we'd never have heard the end of it if he was in the battle pack.

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Wow. Every Saturday for the past month, like clockwork, this thread goes off the rails. The OT/PT/ST debate has merit and some value for this specific topic. But you all killed it dead for now so let's please drop it... at least till next Sat. But seriously, we need to stop this trend of getting so far off track every time the weekend starts. Otherwise I'm just going to lock it when I wake up on Sat and unlock it Sun afternoon.

8 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

TLDR: Just like you think the prequels are good, the people who grow up with the sequels will think they are good.

Thank you for getting the point I was trying to make.


7 hours ago, EvanHnuel said:

This is a Lego discussion thread for upcoming sets dude.


7 hours ago, Fulcrumfan91 said:

Tell that to everyone else debating the latest films and characters, dude. Thanks.

Both of you, stop mini-moderating.


4 hours ago, Flawless Cowboy said:

I never said they don’t have value. Your reading comprehension is depressingly poor. Anyhow, this is getting off topic. 


3 hours ago, Flawless Cowboy said:

Complete misread of my post, check your glasses. I never used fandom opinion to both uphold the prequels and lambast the sequels, as I explained earlier, fan opinions do not decide artistic merit, full stop, but they do decide whether or not Disney makes more sequel content in the form of toys and shows.

Fan opinion decides where money moves, which was the only reason I brought it up in regards to the sequels, as I don’t believe they are loved enough to warrant the same attention, toy-wise, that prequels get. 

8 years after TPM we already had Clone Wars (2003) and Clone Wars (2008) was in full production. Both overlap with the prequels. Not a single major overlapping show has been made or is being made alongside the sequels that even rivals Tartokovsky’s small series. 

Stop bad-mouthing your fellow forum users.

Again these past pages just explains everything wrong with LSW and I know I’m going to heat for this but I would’ve postponed the Yavin IV Base till 2024 and in its place I would’ve released a new Falcon based on ROTJ. A ROTJ Falcon would finally give us Nien Nunb and brand new ROTJ Lando and if you go off the deleted scenes from ROTJ an updated Crix Madine and Rebel Commandos. 


12 minutes ago, Legofan2001 said:

Again these past pages just explains everything wrong with LSW and I know I’m going to heat for this but I would’ve postponed the Yavin IV Base till 2024 and in its place I would’ve released a new Falcon based on ROTJ. A ROTJ Falcon would finally give us Nien Nunb and brand new ROTJ Lando and if you go off the deleted scenes from ROTJ an updated Crix Madine and Rebel Commandos. 

for me next falcon should have minifigures from episode 4. Last falcon with them was 12 years ago? Last one was from episode 9, before from solo, before from episode 7

15 minutes ago, Legofan2001 said:

Again these past pages just explains everything wrong with LSW and I know I’m going to heat for this but I would’ve postponed the Yavin IV Base till 2024 and in its place I would’ve released a new Falcon based on ROTJ. A ROTJ Falcon would finally give us Nien Nunb and brand new ROTJ Lando and if you go off the deleted scenes from ROTJ an updated Crix Madine and Rebel Commandos. 

At the risk of going back off topic, the 2019 falcon is still kicking, so we won't see a new system one until it retires.


To try and help re-topic the thread, what do we actually know about the swamp speeder? 4 minifigs, 108 pieces, $25-30? Because going off that, the four minifigs would have to be P2 Rex, Darth Revan, Rebel Friend, and Netflix Daredevil for me to see the set as worth it at that PPP. 

10 minutes ago, Legofan2001 said:

Again these past pages just explains everything wrong with LSW and I know I’m going to heat for this but I would’ve postponed the Yavin IV Base till 2024 and in its place I would’ve released a new Falcon based on ROTJ. A ROTJ Falcon would finally give us Nien Nunb and brand new ROTJ Lando and if you go off the deleted scenes from ROTJ an updated Crix Madine and Rebel Commandos. 

Those minifigs sound great, but I feel like most people are Falconed out by now (or at least for now). The previous playscale Falcon is still being sold along with the UCS one right now. 

1 minute ago, Mandalorianknight said:

At the risk of going back off topic, the 2019 falcon is still kicking, so we won't see a new system one until it retires.


 To try and help re-topic the thread, what do we actually know about the swamp speeder? 4 minifigs, 108 pieces, $25-30? Because going off that, the four minifigs would have to be P2 Rex, Darth Revan, Rebel Friend, and Netflix Daredevil for me to see the set as worth it at that PPP. 

Unless they’re using some giant pieces in the set, it sounds like an insanely overpriced battle pack at this point.

2 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

To try and help re-topic the thread, what do we actually know about the swamp speeder? 4 minifigs, 108 pieces, $25-30? Because going off that, the four minifigs would have to be P2 Rex, Darth Revan, Rebel Friend, and Netflix Daredevil for me to see the set as worth it at that PPP. 

PPP is a pretty cocky one indeed so i think there will be highly desired minifigs as the main selling point, whether or not its Rex, who knows. 

4 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

At the risk of going back off topic, the 2019 falcon is still kicking, so we won't see a new system one until it retires.

And I really hope it's many years after that.

5 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:



To try and help re-topic the thread, what do we actually know about the swamp speeder? 4 minifigs, 108 pieces, $25-30? Because going off that, the four minifigs would have to be P2 Rex, Darth Revan, Rebel Friend, and Netflix Daredevil for me to see the set as worth it at that PPP. 

I think it could be 4+ set

This swamp speeder set intrigues me! To manage expectations, what would be the worst minifigure selection it could come with? 

IMO a kashykk clone trooper and an assortment of battle droids would be the most boring option for me. Thank god the Yoda star fighter means he shouldn’t be included in this set 

Edited by Darth Shadowthrone

40 minutes ago, jdubbs said:

And I really hope it's many years after that.

Hot take (apparently): I think some variant of the falcon, x-wing, and TIE need to be on shelves almost constantly. They are the three most iconic vehicles in star wars. Now, that doesn't mean we need one every 2-3 years. I think lego could realistically do something like 1 every 4-5 years. 

Now, it'll have been 5 years since the last falcon, and 13 since the last OT falcon. I think 2024 would be fine for an OT falcon (any film in the trilogy).

45 minutes ago, QuiggoldsPegLeg said:

Unless they’re using some giant pieces in the set, it sounds like an insanely overpriced battle pack at this point.

Yup. The figs could make it "worth it" in the sense that they're desirable enough for people to buy it, but on an objective level, this thing would have to be a freakin bionicle to be worth $25-30 at 108 parts.

41 minutes ago, EvanHnuel said:

PPP is a pretty cocky one indeed so i think there will be highly desired minifigs as the main selling point, whether or not its Rex, who knows. 

Yup. It's got to be more desirable than even just 4 standard clones, i think, since there's be a set $5-10 cheaper with MORE PARTS on shelves that also has 4 clones.

19 minutes ago, Darth Shadowthrone said:

This swamp speeder set intrigues me! To manage expectations, what would be the worst minifigure selection it could come with? 

IMO a kashykk clone trooper and an assortment of battle droids would be the most boring option for me. Thank god the Yoda star fighter means he shouldn’t be included in this set 

4 minifigs seems to imply they aren't battle droids (if they are, the set will sell, like, 5 copies total.). But now you've jinxed us. The set will come with 4 yodas.

1 minute ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Hot take (apparently): I think some variant of the falcon, x-wing, and TIE need to be on shelves almost constantly. They are the three most iconic vehicles in star wars. Now, that doesn't mean we need one every 2-3 years. I think lego could realistically do something like 1 every 4-5 years. 

Now, it'll have been 5 years since the last falcon, and 13 since the last OT falcon. I think 2024 would be fine for an OT falcon (any film in the trilogy).

Yeah, LEGO is going to keep re-releasing these ad infinitum, that's just a fact of life. Does it need to be to quite this extent, though? I would say no. We happen to have all 3 on shelves at the moment, but that's not always been the case, and as we get further from the OT/ST and more and more new media crowds the space, I would hope maybe LEGO could evolve to "1 of those 3 should be on shelves" rather than 2 or all 3 as we've been getting the last 5-6 years.

I also think the Falcon's continued appearance in the ST (and Solo) helped keep it on LEGO's radar. Since it's unlikely to appear in new media for the foreseeable future, I could see them scaling back — way back — on how often they re-release it. They haven't done a System ISD in a long, long time (sure, other sets are similar), and if they feel the need to do an iconic OT flagship set, I think that could come first at this point, esp. if the current Falcon is somehow still on shelves this Christmas. 

That said, I would prefer almost anything else over these three sets, the Falcon especially. With only one or two slots each year large enough to support "big" ships, it's a real drag that it chews up a slot every few years. I would love to see an Imperial Cargo Shuttle, or a Fondor Haulcraft, or an AT-ACT, or Dryden's Yacht... just, something new. But sadly most of those simply won't ever happen.

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