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13 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

This is laughably hyperbolic. By almost any metric, this is a fine year. Not the best, but far from the worst ever. (For the OT, we're finally getting Yavin, we got our first bomber in 20 years, the return of midi-scale, and an excellent, if a little overpriced, diorama. Clone fans get Rex and Cody helmets alongside another clone battle pack that finally includes macrobinocs, as well as rumors for rex. Mando fans have a variety of sets coming, ahsoka fans have two large sets right off the bat, and there are still multiple large unknown sets coming.) You can find a much worse year for any of those even WITHOUT the unknown sets. 

"Clone fans get Rex and Cody helmets" Woo! We were all so excited about that, everyone LOVES those overpriced vaguely helmet shaped sets don't we. We definitely wouldn't have preferred literally any other sets at the $60 price point.

"Clone battlepack that finally includes macrobinocs" A clone battlepack which includes 0 army buildable standard clones. It's literally not even a "clone wars" set. It's a battlefront 2 set. 6 Years after that game came out. It's an obvious cash grab of "oh you missed the actual good set? here's another ""501st battlepack""" which contains no actual 501st Clone Troopers from the original set."

What devalues this year to me MOST is that mediocre battlepack. Think of what other clone battlepacks we could have had, but Lego wanted to capitalise on the last few dregs of 501st hype 3 years after the end of the clone wars tv show. We could have had any number of clone battlepacks which included macrobinocs, they could have done a 212th battlepack, theme it off the umbara arc and have it include that accessory. Or they could have done a 327th pack with them too. Even if Lego was actually trying to do right by Battlefront players, all 9 of them left, the actual game features 4 classes: Assualt, Heavy, Officer and Specialist. The 501st Battlepack does not contain the assault class, which is visually a standard trooper. That was a deliberate choice they made that I can only describe as dumb or actively anti-consumer.

By no means is the 501st battlepack the worst battlepack by any stretch but it's very clearly something most clone army builders didn't want or ask for, it's very clearly an attempt to milk the 501st Legion set that retired last year.

A rumor of a Rex figure doesn't make this a good year for clone wars fans. An actual Rex figure wouldn't even save it from being a mediocre year.  With that all out the way. I wasn't even talking about the year as we see it. I'm talking about that hypothetical year from the original post where the yoda starfighter and swamp speeder are 4+ sets for toddlers, but thanks for mocking me and giving me a platform to complain about the 501st battlepack.

Assuming the swamp speeder wasn't designed to be as anti-consumer as the 501st battlepack i'm sure this year will be fine.

7 minutes ago, Brickroll said:

Potentially hot take, but I think that this year has a reasonable potential to beat out 2021 in terms of sets, depending on how the sets look. 

That is indeed a hot take :tongue: No way a wave filled with mechs, the physical manifestation of a meme, a boring temple, and other random mish-mash can beat the excellent TCW and Mando range we got back then!

While saying 2023 is the worst LSW year ever is a bit hyperbolic, I have to admit it definitely ranks among my least favourites so far. Those Ahsoka sets better be good :snicker:

Edited by BrickBob Studpants

5 minutes ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

While saying 2023 is the worst LSW year ever is a bit hyperbolic, I have to admit it definitely ranks among my least favourites so far. Those Ahsoka sets better be good :snicker:

Okay if 2023 (as we currently understand it, it's of-course a case of speculation and leaks at the moment) isn't the worst ever. Then what is? What actually IS the worst? Because I just looked through literally every year back to like 2005 and saw great looking waves.

7 minutes ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

That is indeed a hot take :tongue: No way a wave filled with mechs, the physical manifestation of a meme, a boring temple, and other random mish-mash can beat the excellent TCW and Mando range we got back then

Wait until September and you will change your mind 

25 minutes ago, Brickroll said:

Potentially hot take, but I think that this year has a reasonable potential to beat out 2021 in terms of sets, depending on how the sets look. I get that that year introduced a lot of new minifigures, but the summer waver had kind of a mediocre build quality in my opinion. I liked the 1HY sets moderately well, but I think this year has already beaten those out too. 

Now that's a fair bit farther than I'd take it, but I can sort of see what you mean. The gauntlet fighter and marauder both stick out to me as subpar builds. (Which ironically are the only two I have, somehow.)

44 minutes ago, EvanHnuel said:

That's probably just wishful thinking, but if they are 18+ I dont think its a 0% chance. If not, I really hope Lego drops this in 2024 especially in light of how poorly received these new 2 dioramas are. 

I don't think the dioramas have been generally poorly received. Maybe here the endor one has, but I've shown them to friends of mine and other casual star wars fans, and they've all said they were pretty cool and expressed interest in getting a copy of the throne room for themselves. Like the UCS sets, these are meant for adults who aren't already buying the system sets.

19 minutes ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

That is indeed a hot take :tongue: No way a wave filled with mechs, the physical manifestation of a meme, a boring temple, and other random mish-mash can beat the excellent TCW and Mando range we got back then!

While saying 2023 is the worst LSW year ever is a bit hyperbolic, I have to admit it definitely ranks among my least favourites so far. Those Ahsoka sets better be good :snicker:

It's definately not better than 2021, but I'd put a couple of the sequel years, some of the earlier stuff, and one or two of the TCW dominated years with the wacky face prints above it.

And again with the temple? I get that you personally don't like it, but you can at least see how FINALLY getting Yavin is a win for a lot of fans, right?

And I have no idea what the builds will be, but in terms of new characters and variants, I think you'll be excited for the ahsoka sets based on the rumors. New major characters with interesting designs, new, unique armor, and of course, some highly anticipated returning characters who we didn't even got the costumes of their most recent previous appearances for.

20 minutes ago, Hhalcyon said:

"Clone fans get Rex and Cody helmets" Woo! We were all so excited about that, everyone LOVES those overpriced vaguely helmet shaped sets don't we. We definitely wouldn't have preferred literally any other sets at the $60 price point.

"Clone battlepack that finally includes macrobinocs" A clone battlepack which includes 0 army buildable standard clones. It's literally not even a "clone wars" set. It's a battlefront 2 set. 6 Years after that game came out. It's an obvious cash grab of "oh you missed the actual good set? here's another ""501st battlepack""" which contains no actual 501st Clone Troopers from the original set."

What devalues this year to me MOST is that mediocre battlepack. Think of what other clone battlepacks we could have had, but Lego wanted to capitalise on the last few dregs of 501st hype 3 years after the end of the clone wars tv show. We could have had any number of clone battlepacks which included macrobinocs, they could have done a 212th battlepack, theme it off the umbara arc and have it include that accessory. Or they could have done a 327th pack with them too. Even if Lego was actually trying to do right by Battlefront players, all 9 of them left, the actual game features 4 classes: Assualt, Heavy, Officer and Specialist. The 501st Battlepack does not contain the assault class, which is visually a standard trooper. That was a deliberate choice they made that I can only describe as dumb or actively anti-consumer.

By no means is the 501st battlepack the worst battlepack by any stretch but it's very clearly something most clone army builders didn't want or ask for, it's very clearly an attempt to milk the 501st Legion set that retired last year.

A rumor of a Rex figure doesn't make this a good year for clone wars fans. An actual Rex figure wouldn't even save it from being a mediocre year.  With that all out the way. I wasn't even talking about the year as we see it. I'm talking about that hypothetical year from the original post where the yoda starfighter and swamp speeder are 4+ sets for toddlers, but thanks for mocking me and giving me a platform to complain about the 501st battlepack.

Assuming the swamp speeder wasn't designed to be as anti-consumer as the 501st battlepack i'm sure this year will be fine.

The Rex helmet is already sold out at my local stores. People seem to like it, even if you specifically don't.

It's our what, 4th? 5th? clone battle pack type set? You'd have preferred a remake of the 501st battle pack from 2.5 years ago at that point? And really, no army buildable standard clones? That's a stretch. If we go off battlefront 2, you'd see a ton of these guys. And no, it's not literally based on the clone wars. But I gurantee you if we got a new X-wing piloted by Carson Teva, people would still say it's "really an OT set", not mando. The era and content are what matters IMO, and the set has four nonunique clones and a repeatable CW era build. I personally love it and bought multiple copies to shore up my 501st. And geez, "anti-consumer". Not this again. The lego designers aren't secretly going against consumers. 

And no, if all it was was a rumor of a rex figure, or a complete one, it alone wouldn't make this a good year for CW fans. But the fact that there are at least 4 CW era sets this year, one of which is a clone battle pack and the other of which is rumored to include the single most requested clone ever, definately makes it better than that 2016-2019 era at least. Not to mention there are still multiple large unknown sets. 
Also, how did I mock you? Like, what? 


6 minutes ago, Duke27 said:

Wait until September and you will change your mind 

Those Ahsoka sets must be amazing then, because nothing we‘ve seen or heard of this year can hold a candle to the 2020, 21, or 22 2HY waves :tongue: Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think any of them are outright bad. They mostly bore me

Hello all :D

I am stoked for Ahsoka sets. I can't see this year being so bad with these, great helmets, tie bomber, Yavin, and + 2 mystery sets on the way.

8 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

And again with the temple? I get that you personally don't like it, but you can at least see how FINALLY getting Yavin is a win for a lot of fans, right?

Glad a lot of people seem to be happy, but this one just mystifies me. Why do so many people care about a musty old background fodder temple? :tongue: And before anyone makes a ToD comment, the Indy temples actually have important, iconic, and fun action sequences that take place inside of them. The temple on Yavin might as well just have been a cave :shrug_oh_well: 

8 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

New major characters with interesting designs, new, unique armor, and of course, some highly anticipated returning characters who we didn't even got the costumes of their most recent previous appearances for.

We shall see about that. TBOBF also featured some great characters like Krrsantan, Cad Bane, or Cobb Vanth, none of which have appeared in any sets.

14 minutes ago, Hhalcyon said:

Okay if 2023 (as we currently understand it, it's of-course a case of speculation and leaks at the moment) isn't the worst ever. Then what is? What actually IS the worst? Because I just looked through literally every year back to like 2005 and saw great looking waves.

Alright, let's go off what you seem to be focusing on, the clone wars era.

2016- Obi wan starfighter (Obi-wan, R4-P17.), spider droid (Yoda, 41st trooper, battle droids.) Turbo Tank (now this one was a solid W for prequel era. Luminara, Vos, and some 41st clones.). That's it. That's all the year had prequel wise. 2 re-used clones.

2017- Yoda starfighter (Yoda, R2), duel on naboo (Maul, Obi-wan, Qui-gon), RFT (Aayla, gunner, droids), Hyperdrive ring starfighter (obi-wan, jango, boba, R4-P17.). once more, only 3 sets. The pattern of these being a good era for Obi-wan fans begins to emerge. 1 new clone trooper.

2018-Grievous speeder (mace, grievous). Jedi and clones battle pack (Ki-Adi, 2 p1s, Bariss), Anakin's starfighter (anakin, R2). Our third year with 3 prequel sets, but no big one this time. 1 new clone trooper.

2019-  2019 actually kicks it up a notch with 3 kashyyyk sets (AT-AP, Gunship, scout walker, though still only with Gree and 2 41st variants between them), as well as some TPM microfighters and a podracer 20th set. 

2023- 501st battle pack (3 new clone troopers), Rex helmet, Cody helmet, Swamp Speeder (rumored to include rex), potentially a large set or two.

You could definately make the argument that 2019 was better, but 2016-2018 I feel like are all objectively worse. Unless your definition of the prequels is obi-wan and jedi starfighters, you aren't getting much. 

1 minute ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Those Ahsoka sets must be amazing then, because nothing we‘ve seen or heard of this year can hold a candle to the 2020, 21, or 22 2HY waves :tongue: Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think any of them are outright bad. They mostly bore me

This is a fairly reasonable take to me, especially since I know you like to look at new figs and variants, where we haven't had too much. Though again, the ahsoka sets will definately pull through with some new/interesting figs.

2 minutes ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Glad a lot of people seem to be happy, but this one just mystifies me. Why do so many people care about a musty old background fodder temple? :tongue: And before anyone makes a ToD comment, the Indy temples actually have important, iconic, and fun action sequences that take place inside of them. The temple on Yavin might as well just have been a cave :shrug_oh_well: 

We shall see about that. TBOBF also featured some great characters like Krrsantan, Cad Bane, or Cobb Vanth, none of which have appeared in any sets.

It's a cool step pyramidal design, and has some iconic scenes inside it (the briefing, the throne room.) I would have been fine if it had just been a diorama or two, but c'mon, you're telling me you don't see the appeal of the rebel base? 

To be fair, our only TBOBF sets were one based on mando S2 and one essentially for mando S3 (and a microfighter, fine.). We were never gonna get those figs in them. At least here we can be reliably sure it's not, like, the Razor Crest and mando's hypothetical 3rd ship or something.

7 minutes ago, Old Master said:

Hello all :D

I am stoked for Ahsoka sets. I can't see this year being so bad with these, great helmets, tie bomber, Yavin, and + 2 mystery sets on the way.

Nice to see some optimism. I totally agree.

1 minute ago, Mandalorianknight said:

The Rex helmet is already sold out at my local stores. People seem to like it, even if you specifically don't.

It's our what, 4th? 5th? clone battle pack type set? You'd have preferred a remake of the 501st battle pack from 2.5 years ago at that point? And really, no army buildable standard clones? That's a stretch. If we go off battlefront 2, you'd see a ton of these guys. And no, it's not literally based on the clone wars. But I gurantee you if we got a new X-wing piloted by Carson Teva, people would still say it's "really an OT set", not mando. The era and content are what matters IMO, and the set has four nonunique clones and a repeatable CW era build. I personally love it and bought multiple copies to shore up my 501st. And geez, "anti-consumer". Not this again. The lego designers aren't secretly going against consumers. 

And no, if all it was was a rumor of a rex figure, or a complete one, it alone wouldn't make this a good year for CW fans. But the fact that there are at least 4 CW era sets this year, one of which is a clone battle pack and the other of which is rumored to include the single most requested clone ever, definately makes it better than that 2016-2019 era at least. Not to mention there are still multiple large unknown sets. 
Also, how did I mock you? Like, what? 


I really don't know where you're getting "4th 5th battlepack type set" We've had a lot more than 5 clone battlepacks over the last 20 years. But even if we pull it to just the current clone style we've had 3: 501st Legion set, clone command station and the current 501st.
If you're including the republic fighter tank or the AT-TE as a battlepack or even a vaguely battlepack-esque set you really need to recalibrate your definition of battlepack because $20-30 per clone is not standard battlepack pricing. Battlepacks also tend not to include 1000 piece walkers either.

Pointing out that the clones are non-unique doesn't make them army builders. What clone army do you know that has no actual troopers? It's an additonal cash grab to go with the 501st Legion set that just retired.

I also have no idea where you're getting "4 clone wars era sets this year" If we understand a set as a "play set" then we have the battlepack, presumably the yoda interceptor and presumably the swamp speeder which is 3. Notably the swamp speeder isn't even a clone wars set either it's a ROTS set.

As a side note The swamp speeder, much like the 501st clones from the current battlepack, much like the republic fighter tank and the clones in it ARE NEVER SEEN IN THE CLONE WARS TV SHOW OR MOVIE. Even the AT-TE is based off of ROTS and not the show itself, similarly the clone command station was based on Episode 2. So what do TCW fans get? Set's based around Battlefront 2, Episode 2, Episode 3 and Bad Batch. And our only actual clone wars set based off Star Wars: The Clone Wars we've had since 2021 is: Yoda's starfighter.

and if we understand set as "anything lego" then we've got 5, battlepack, 2 helmets, yoda fighter and swamp speeder.

7 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Alright, let's go off what you seem to be focusing on, the clone wars era.

2016- Obi wan starfighter (Obi-wan, R4-P17.), spider droid (Yoda, 41st trooper, battle droids.) Turbo Tank (now this one was a solid W for prequel era. Luminara, Vos, and some 41st clones.). That's it. That's all the year had prequel wise. 2 re-used clones.

2017- Yoda starfighter (Yoda, R2), duel on naboo (Maul, Obi-wan, Qui-gon), RFT (Aayla, gunner, droids), Hyperdrive ring starfighter (obi-wan, jango, boba, R4-P17.). once more, only 3 sets. The pattern of these being a good era for Obi-wan fans begins to emerge. 1 new clone trooper.

2018-Grievous speeder (mace, grievous). Jedi and clones battle pack (Ki-Adi, 2 p1s, Bariss), Anakin's starfighter (anakin, R2). Our third year with 3 prequel sets, but no big one this time. 1 new clone trooper.

2019-  2019 actually kicks it up a notch with 3 kashyyyk sets (AT-AP, Gunship, scout walker, though still only with Gree and 2 41st variants between them), as well as some TPM microfighters and a podracer 20th set. 

2023- 501st battle pack (3 new clone troopers), Rex helmet, Cody helmet, Swamp Speeder (rumored to include rex), potentially a large set or two.

You could definately make the argument that 2019 was better, but 2016-2018 I feel like are all objectively worse. Unless your definition of the prequels is obi-wan and jedi starfighters, you aren't getting much.

Oh yeah cus 2016 is somehow worse even though it had 1 large republic vehicle (with 2 named jedi) and 1 mid sized cis vehicle. That definitely beats *checks notes* a mediocre battlepack, a star fighter and a 100 piece swamp speeder (that may not even be a good army builder, we don't know yet).
2018 - At least gave us a grievous for the first time in a while, and as hated as the jedi and clones battlepack is, it came with 2 nice jedi and 2 clones. Given that lego only ever puts 2 of the same clone in a battlepack anyway, that's a win for me. All those spare Ki-adi-mundis and bariss offees would suck but it's no worse than giving us a clone commander and captain for example, of which i would want 1 or 2 anyway. Better battlepack, better named figure selection. Next.

2017 does draw my ire now that i look at it though. 1 actual clone wars era set, and once again it is the RFT, a set we've had an inexplicable amount of times for something that literally never appears in the movies or tv shows.

FINE. 2017 sucked. But "second worst ever" still isn't ideal. And i'd hardly call "you said worst ever but there's actually one year that was worse" hyperbolic

I must say the 501st battle pack this year isn't really an Army builder. It's all specialist troop types never seen outside the game. I've bought two just to make a personal squad I have stories for. Definitely not to reinforce the masses.

Also to say clone fans are happy/satisfied with the helmets is a tad laughable. They are good for what they are, but not something most fans asked for. It's just a "oh they made that, I like it!" Which is fine, but doesn't really mean much to the average System collector. 

18 minutes ago, Hhalcyon said:

If you're including the republic fighter tank or the AT-TE as a battlepack or even a vaguely battlepack-esque set you really need to recalibrate your definition of battlepack because $20-30 per clone is not standard battlepack pricing. Battlepacks also tend not to include 1000 piece walkers either.

This made me laugh more than it should have. :laugh:

11 minutes ago, ARC2149Nova said:

I must say the 501st battle pack this year isn't really an Army builder. It's all specialist troop types never seen outside the game. I've bought two just to make a personal squad I have stories for. Definitely not to reinforce the masses.


It's better than most battle packs for army building to be honest, even if they're not regular infantrymen. The increased variety is nice too. If they were in the realistic print style I'd definitely have bought several packs.

  • Author

I don't know where else to point the "best year/worst year" discussion. But it's a good way to derail this topic. Try to keep those discussions short and sweet so the rest of us don't have to scroll for pages to find where the discussion got back on track.

Well, I enjoyed reading the divergent opinions on this matter. It just shows that we have different expectations, and consume, experience, build, and remember/memorise Lego Star Wars in so many different ways. 

I do wish I’d go back and read the 2011-14 forums on site and see what people thought at the time. I remember how excited I was at all the amazing rumours (especially Palpatine’s Arrest and the random Coleman Trebor in the AT-TE, as well as 2014 summer wave leaking on New Years Eve with the OT list but so many well needed sets such as the Cantina). I would later join Eurobricks after reading the forum since 2011-12. 

The point is, we all have our own views and expectations and however much we think ours is right or superior, they are just opinions. I did, however, thoroughly enjoy reading so many analyses and the nostalgia of those great days. 

To get back on target, I do hope news about the summer wave soon. What is one thing that you want answering based on those sets? For me, the obvious is the minifigure selection for the Swamp Speeder. But, more obscurely I’m intrigued to see IF they do a special box-art for the 4+ Young Jedi set, and if the Yoda Starfighter, is, in fact, based on that show too! 

Edited by ArrowBricks

10 minutes ago, ArrowBricks said:

To get back on target, I do hope news about the summer wave soon. What is one thing that you want answering based on those sets? For me, the obvious is the minifigure selection for the Swamp Speeder. But, more obscurely I’m intrigued to see IF they do a special box-art for the 4+ Young Jedi set, and if the Yoda Starfighter, is, in fact, based on that show too! 

I don't remember the precise date but isn't there supposed to be some lego reveal thingy in like april? It's annoying I cannot even remember what it was called to google it.

EDIT: I think it's at star wars celebration, 12pm (IDK What timezone, thanks google) on April 8th. But apparently they're focussing on ROTJ so we might not see the Swamp Speeder there.

Edited by Hhalcyon

2 hours ago, Hhalcyon said:

Notably the swamp speeder isn't even a clone wars set either it's a ROTS set.

So certain are you?

2 hours ago, Kaijumeister said:

Oh wow the Young Jedi Adventures poster has Jedi Vectors on it. I’ve been wanting that ship ever since the High Republic books first debuted - imagine getting that ship for the first time as a 4+ set, unlikely as that would be!

Oh my god yes, I remember those from Light of the Jedi, they need to make a set of that. Also would be a good way to rope some older fans into buying a YJA set to justify making it at all.

22 minutes ago, jdubbs said:

So certain are you?

It's not a leak it's a cope.

It HAS to be a ROTS set. The swamp speeder never appeared in TCW and i'm a little tired of lego taking things from other movies and games and calling them "clone wars" sets. Looking at you Republic Fighter Tank (never seen on screen), 187th Legion (Purple appearance non-canon and never seen on screen), 501st Battlepack (all 3 figures being from Battlefront 2 and never being seen on screen). Those all being sold as "clone wars" sets.

It's definitely a me issue but I think it's criminal we got a £40 Republic Tank with something never seen in the clone wars and characters we never saw in the clone wars (aside from Windu and battledroids obviously) and a battlepack that once again has no basis in TCW show or movie. Instead of either of those being sets actually being based on the TV show rather than a video game that long died off in popularity.

So if it's another instance of Lego doing a set from another movie or a game and then trying to call it clone wars I'll be incredibly disappointed.
Hopefully it's just coincedental that that happened twice recently and Lego will just use their brains and say "Oh this was only ever seen in 2 scenes in Episode 3 so let's put episode 3 figures in it and put it in an episode 3 box" (Preferably something with the 327th but 41st Elite would make just as much sense, would even pair quite well with Yoda for some ahem, reenactments of iconic scenes. Oh they could put Aayla in the swamp speeder with the 327th for the same reason. IDK if that's too dark for Lego but i can still want it.)

8 minutes ago, Hhalcyon said:

It's not a leak it's a cope.

Just a heads up, @jdubbs tends to be in the know about upcoming sets. If they question something, it’s not just speculation. But damn, getting Windu with that sweet arm printing makes me really want an updated Clone Wars Obi-Wan.

@AD_Bricks Absolutely! The Vector simply screams for Lego representation.

I know we all have our varying opinions on this year so far, but for me the most questionable set of them all is that buildable Chewbacca. I cannot imagine that set being that successful, anyone here actually excited to see it? I’m iffy on Yoda’s Starfighter too, but hope that set will be more than just an excuse for Lego to use up excess Yodas and R2s.

Edited by Kaijumeister

52 minutes ago, jdubbs said:

So certain are you?

Holy crap, swamp speeder is confirmed to be from the yoda chronicles!

10 minutes ago, Kaijumeister said:

Just a heads up, @jdubbs tends to be in the know about upcoming sets. If they question something, it’s not just speculation. But damn, getting Windu with that sweet arm printing makes me really want an updated Clone Wars Obi-Wan.

@AD_Bricks Absolutely! The Vector simply screams for Lego representation.

I know we all have our varying opinions on this year so far, but for me the most questionable set of them all is that buildable Chewbacca. I cannot imagine that set being that successful, anyone here actually excited to see it? I’m iffy on Yoda’s Starfighter too, but hope that set will be more than just an excuse for Lego to use up excess Yodas and R2s.

I wasn't questioning anything Jdubbs said, I said "Swamp speeder isn't TCW" and then clarified that I wasn't leaking anything, it was just my own cope. Me trying to manifest the set into not being another "CLONE WARS *Wink*" set where they take something that was distinctly NOT in TCW and call it a TCW set. 

6 minutes ago, KevinMD said:

Holy crap, swamp speeder is confirmed to be from the yoda chronicles!


9 minutes ago, Hhalcyon said:

I wasn't questioning anything Jdubbs said, I said "Swamp speeder isn't TCW" and then clarified that I wasn't leaking anything, it was just my own cope. Me trying to manifest the set into not being another "CLONE WARS *Wink*" set where they take something that was distinctly NOT in TCW and call it a TCW set. 

Ah my mistake, I misread.

To be completely honest, regarding the 501st battle pack, am I blind, or is there not really that big of a difference in the figures to where it's completely sacrilegious to place those figures with other 501st clones?  Because, I'm really not seeing it.  The one guy has different arms, and the heavy troopers have a bandolier over their armor?  Even if there is that big of a difference, I feel like to 95% of consumers, they aren't going to notice or really care that much, it's just the people very invested in clone collecting that will.  

Like, I just don't think it's fair to write it off as "this battle pack isn't actually that good" (I'm not saying anyone on this forum has said that, but I have seen that opinion expressed online) because of some very slight differences in printing.  It's also one of those things where I 100% guarantee people would be complaining just as much, probably more, if they just re-used the 501st clones from the last set.  

*Ducks down to avoid flying objects in my direction*

EDIT: I will say, though, I understand annoyance with getting another 501st pack so quickly after the last one, my guess as to why it went 501st is probably because

- the last one sold well

- clones with color are more visually appealing than plain white clones, especially to casual buyers/kids

- there aren't really that many legions that we could realistically get a BP for.  Other than the 501st, there's the 212th (already in a set this year, so I would assume they didn't want to double up on those yet), Kashyyyk troopers (cool looking, but not sure if they'd be more appealing than the 501st to a general consumer), 332nd (would definitely have been cool), 327th (I would've liked to get this, but if given the option between 501st and 327th, I feel like the 501st is more recognizable), or Wolfpack (I would absolutely love this, but I feel like it's never going to happen since TCW ended).

Point being, I agree that it would've been nice to get a different legion, but I feel like writing this BP off strictly because it's slightly different 501st clones doesn't make sense to me personally.

Edited by Kit Figsto

We should make a bot that summarizes main points and highlights at the end of each day to make this ish easier to read lol

46 minutes ago, KevinMD said:

Holy crap, swamp speeder is confirmed to be from the yoda chronicles!

Yodas chronicles are back, yay! Best SW content ever 🙌

5 hours ago, Calanon said:

These new dioramas just look... disappointing, honestly. Besides the given of them being overpriced for what they are the playset of the playsets of the DS2 duel are all a lot more comprehensive. The window build looks nice though.

The speeder chase though... well, everyone's already said about the figs. On top of that though the trees don't look great - admittedly it's a scale thing but whilst I think the trunks look okay the canopies look sparse and uninteresting. The vanes look good but the back is ugly, it's very wide and looks disproportionate. The build to accommodate two figs also does not look great.

I agree, at least it safes my wallet, the only way I can try to be positive, except the tie-bomber and snubbfighter, there is nothing else I wantes so far this year.

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