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1 hour ago, KevinMD said:

Holy crap, swamp speeder is confirmed to be from the yoda chronicles!

This is the exact kind of thing that gets taken out of context on Youtube or Instagram and then reposted back here as an "actual" rumor.

1 hour ago, Kit Figsto said:

To be completely honest, regarding the 501st battle pack, am I blind, or is there not really that big of a difference in the figures to where it's completely sacrilegious to place those figures with other 501st clones?  Because, I'm really not seeing it.  The one guy has different arms, and the heavy troopers have a bandolier over their armor?  Even if there is that big of a difference, I feel like to 95% of consumers, they aren't going to notice or really care that much, it's just the people very invested in clone collecting that will.  

Like, I just don't think it's fair to write it off as "this battle pack isn't actually that good" (I'm not saying anyone on this forum has said that, but I have seen that opinion expressed online) because of some very slight differences in printing.  It's also one of those things where I 100% guarantee people would be complaining just as much, probably more, if they just re-used the 501st clones from the last set. 

So the issue with the 501st Battlepack is not that it's bad on its own by any means. It's a battlepack which contains 4 clone from a beloved legion. With lots of visual variance, and is fresh and new for clone battlepacks.




The main issue that people have with the 501st battlepack is not the clones themselves but rather the lack of army buildability with the set. Now for your average consumer and or child that's not an issue, they spend $20 they get 4 cool clones and a neat cannon build. Great! But for those of us who generally like to buy unreasonable amounts of battlepacks (like 10, some people take it even further and buy 50+ of these things) the set does not have much of that "re-buy" value and as a result feels like wasted potential for a battlepack slot (of which we get 1 a year now) If you buy 10 of these you end up with 10 officers, 10 snipers and 20 heavy troopers. Which some may not mind. A lot of us do mind though. It's not exactly clone wars accurate to have that kind of army composition, and as a result most battlepack megabuyers generally would prefer it had a couple of normal troopers instead.

The best way I can explain some people's dislike for the set is that a normal battlepack would come with 2 figures you do want a lot of, and 2 random figures you probably don't for example: 2 Phase 1 plain clones and then a clone captain and a clone commander.
You want the pack for those regs. Then we get build up a big bin of those more high ranking special clones like captains and commanders which you can't do much with. You could even sell them off long after the set retires and make all your money back eventually.

The 501st Battlepack is like a set of JUST the high ranking special clones you can't do much with. So getting 1 or 2 is great but getting 10 is just pointless because why would you need 10 Officers, 10 snipers and 20 heavies. Sure if you specifically want to depict a star wars battlefront 2 game it makes sense but for animations, mocs, displaying and just general army building, or even playing, I don't need that many special clones. It genuinely feels like you're buying a battlepack made of the bad halves of 2 much better battlepacks lol.

A much better option in my opinion would have been to put these cool 501st Clones in a cool 501st themed set. Like a $50 501st branded vehicle or something similar. That would mean that special clones feel special and that set would be amazing for it's unique clones.

But a battlepack is just supposed to be 4 grunts to fill up a baseplate, I'd have much rather they did either a 212th Battlepack (Airborne, Gunner, 2x 212th Troopers) or maybe a 187th Battlepack (2x 187ths, 1x Airborne and Maybe an ARF Trooper or something). Those would be clones taken from more expensive sets, and made much more available by battlepacks, which is the benefit of battlepacks: cheap clones (or whatever figure is in it obvs).
Whereas what we have is essentially 4 clones who could have sold a much more expensive set, being put into a battlepack first, but the battlepack doesn't achieve any of it's main purposes: Cheaper availability of clones from more expensive sets or the ability to build an army.

TL:DR Good set, bad battlepack. Wasted battlepack slot (since they only do 1 a year now) when those clones could have been used to sell a more expensive set. Would have been better to see re-used clones at a cheaper price point than previously or just a different era of battlepack entirely.

Edited by Hhalcyon

3 hours ago, ArrowBricks said:

To get back on target, I do hope news about the summer wave soon. What is one thing that you want answering based on those sets? For me, the obvious is the minifigure selection for the Swamp Speeder. But, more obscurely I’m intrigued to see IF they do a special box-art for the 4+ Young Jedi set, and if the Yoda Starfighter, is, in fact, based on that show too! 

I have so many things I want answered...mostly how how the ships look, what figures will be included...ok I guess whether (if it comes out) the T-6 looks amazing and what figures it has haha. 

I wonder whether it'll be the big set (1k pieces) or the smaller one...and if it's the larger one, what the smaller set will be. Also it surely must have the flying and landing mode function thing so excited to see how that ends up getting implemented!

3 minutes ago, Fulcrumfan91 said:

I have so many things I want answered...mostly how how the ships look, what figures will be included...ok I guess whether (if it comes out) the T-6 looks amazing and what figures it has haha. 

I wonder whether it'll be the big set (1k pieces) or the smaller one...and if it's the larger one, what the smaller set will be. Also it surely must have the flying and landing mode function thing so excited to see how that ends up getting implemented!

I honestly don't see how a T6 shuttle could use 1k pieces. The old one was about 400 pieces so even if they doubled the piece count somehow it'd still only come out to 800ish.

Hold up, yoda chronicles? Huh? Thats so random, the show is waaaayy past it's prime, it literally ended, no one really remembers it, is it getting revived?

im down for it, hopefully we get that one defect clone with the blue arm!!!

19 minutes ago, Hhalcyon said:

I honestly don't see how a T6 shuttle could use 1k pieces. The old one was about 400 pieces so even if they doubled the piece count somehow it'd still only come out to 800ish.

I mean....I could see it tbh especially since a lot of sets use way smaller pieces nowadays. The original had a fin that was constructed on one side only, this one might be more reinforced. 

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5 minutes ago, Goofster said:

Hold up, yoda chronicles? Huh? Thats so random, the show is waaaayy past it's prime, it literally ended, no one really remembers it, is it getting revived?

im down for it, hopefully we get that one defect clone with the blue arm!!!

It was a joke. The Yoda Chronicles hasn't been a thing for awhile now.

2 minutes ago, MKJoshA said:

It was a joke. The Yoda Chronicles hasn't been a thing for awhile now.

Ah ok thank you, that one had me lol.

1 hour ago, Fulcrumfan91 said:

I have so many things I want answered...mostly how how the ships look, what figures will be included...ok I guess whether (if it comes out) the T-6 looks amazing and what figures it has haha. 

I wonder whether it'll be the big set (1k pieces) or the smaller one...and if it's the larger one, what the smaller set will be. Also it surely must have the flying and landing mode function thing so excited to see how that ends up getting implemented!

It would be pretty cool if the Ahsoka sets mimic the Kenobi ones in that the larger set is a prominent ship from the show and the smaller one is a location build. Most people hated the Mapuzo Duel set, but there’s no denying that it was shockingly accurate to the scene it represents. The set might be bland and boring, but I’m sure it would have been much better if the source material was more inspired.

The Ahsoka show will certainly have far more interesting locations than Kenobi did, so the possibilities are exciting.

Edited by Kaijumeister

4 hours ago, jdubbs said:

So certain are you?

Hell yeah swamp speeder is based on the origional trilogy, let's go.

Jokes aside it HAS to be TCW if rex is involved, as is rumored. I'm not sure how it being ROTS even got started.

4 hours ago, AD_Bricks said:

Oh my god yes, I remember those from Light of the Jedi, they need to make a set of that. Also would be a good way to rope some older fans into buying a YJA set to justify making it at all.

I want to preface this by saying I VEHEMENTLY dislike the high republic. I don't like what I've read of it, I don't like the jedi's "golden age" being 2-400 years before TPM, I don't like that stupid rock thing, and I HATE that the level of technology in the high republic makes KOTOR stuff near-impossible.

That said, I would kill a man for a Vector starfighter, those things look sick. Bonus if it comes with the trandoshan jedi dude, he was cool.

3 hours ago, Kit Figsto said:

EDIT: I will say, though, I understand annoyance with getting another 501st pack so quickly after the last one, my guess as to why it went 501st is probably because

The weirdest part to me is that if I'm understanding some of the comments right, some people are saying another pack of four of the 2020 troopers WOULD BE PREFERABLE to the battlefront ones, which is absurd to me. It'd be a battle pack of nearly the exact same figs as the previous one, aside from holes in the helmets. That's nuts to me. Now I get the argument for it being a 212th pack or something, and as a 212th fan I'm partial to it, but I also really like that we got the different specializations and attachments, and I just love the idea that it's almost an expansion set for a 501st legion. 

2 hours ago, Old Master said:

We should make a bot that summarizes main points and highlights at the end of each day to make this ish easier to read lol

Alternatively, we could create a new thread. The "news" thread is basically nothing, so we could retool it into something where authorized posters can summarize reveals, leaks, and rumors with any sort of basis. It lets the discussion thread stay a discussion thread while still allowing people who don't want to slog through pages a day know what's going on.

Edited by Mandalorianknight

16 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Jokes aside it HAS to be TCW if rex is involved, as is rumored. I'm not sure how it being ROTS even got started.

For like the 9th time today: Because it's literally not in the clone wars. The Rex """"""""""""""""rumor"""""""""""""" started because some random instagram leaker said it, and that lego leaker and their leaks have been banned from the leaks subreddit since then for making stuff up and stealing leaks without credit. Not exactly reputable.

I think considering that the Swamp Speeder is only ever seen IN REVENGE OF THE SITH we can assume that it's going to be a ROTS set. The only instance of a swamp speeder we've had (of 3) that could even slightly be considered as not being ROTS was the 2010 one which had a clone trooper and Bariss Offee. It's worth noting that Bariss Offee did not leave the jedi order until 2013, 3 years after the set she featured in the swamp speeder with, meaning she would have been assumed to be on Kashyyyk with her Jedi master Luminara Unduli. The set also featured a phase 2 clone, 2 years before phase 2 armor was introduced to the clone wars TV show. Therefore, the set must have atleast been BASED ON revenge of the sith or the lego designers had time travel. The other 2 swamp speeders aside from that are indesputably ROTS with 1 featuring Kashyyyk troopers and the other feature wookies and 442nd troopers (who were only ever seen in a deleted scene from ROTS) The swamp speeder was only ever seen in ROTS. Literally nothing else.

So someone remind me how Rex is supposed to end up in this set? or that the set is going to be based on the clone wars? Could it happen? sure. But why would it? It makes no sense.

Edited by Hhalcyon

Re the Ahsoka T-6, I'm thinking minifigs will include the following:



Ahsoka, Sabine Wren, Huyang, Morgan Elsbeth, potentially hmm Zeb?


9 minutes ago, Fulcrumfan91 said:

Re the Ahsoka T-6, I'm thinking minifigs will include the following:


  Reveal hidden contents

Ahsoka, Sabine Wren, Huyang, Morgan Elsbeth, potentially hmm Zeb?


I can definitely see the first three being included!

31 minutes ago, Fulcrumfan91 said:

Re the Ahsoka T-6, I'm thinking minifigs will include the following:


  Reveal hidden contents

Ahsoka, Sabine Wren, Huyang, Morgan Elsbeth, potentially hmm Zeb?


Do not open this tab unless you're ok with potential spoilers for the show, but this is what I think in terms of likelihood of included characters across two sets totaling what, $150?


Let's say between the two sets we have 9 fig slots.

1: (Guranteed) Ahsoka

2: (Basically guranteed): Sabine

Now, here are the remaining characters rumored to appear/confirmed to appear that make sense as figures (I don't think we'll see Huyang, nor do I think we'll see Hayden in whatever form he ends up appearing in

Dark Jedi villain, Dark Jedi's Apprentice, Kintsugi Stormtrooper, Morgan Elsbeth, Thrawn, Ezra, Hera, Chopper.

My guess is the remaining figure slots end up something like this:

3: Dark Jedi

4-6: Dark jedi apprentice OR morgan elsbeth OR kintsugi stormtroopers

7: Ahsoka Repeat/ other Ahsoka variant

8-9: Depending on whether or not lucasfilm attempts to keep them secret, I think the figures could either be Thrawn and Ezra or simply repeats of the Kintsugi Stormtooper/dark jedis/other members of the ghost crew.

TLDR: There are a lot of interesting figs we could see, and given the cost of the sets, I think we have a shot at getting the majority of them, even if the two everyone wants might not show up for other reasons.

13 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Do not open this tab unless you're ok with potential spoilers for the show, but this is what I think in terms of likelihood of included characters across two sets totaling what, $150?

  Reveal hidden contents

Let's say between the two sets we have 9 fig slots.

1: (Guranteed) Ahsoka

2: (Basically guranteed): Sabine

Now, here are the remaining characters rumored to appear/confirmed to appear that make sense as figures (I don't think we'll see Huyang, nor do I think we'll see Hayden in whatever form he ends up appearing in

Dark Jedi villain, Dark Jedi's Apprentice, Kintsugi Stormtrooper, Morgan Elsbeth, Thrawn, Ezra, Hera, Chopper.

My guess is the remaining figure slots end up something like this:

3: Dark Jedi

4-6: Dark jedi apprentice OR morgan elsbeth OR kintsugi stormtroopers

7: Ahsoka Repeat/ other Ahsoka variant

8-9: Depending on whether or not lucasfilm attempts to keep them secret, I think the figures could either be Thrawn and Ezra or simply repeats of the Kintsugi Stormtooper/dark jedis/other members of the ghost crew.

TLDR: There are a lot of interesting figs we could see, and given the cost of the sets, I think we have a shot at getting the majority of them, even if the two everyone wants might not show up for other reasons.

Haha yeah I could see any of these....I'm gonna also guess the 1083 piece set will be The Ghost with some of those missing characters that I didn't mention. I think that's it considering it'll be an amazon exclusive. It seems like it'd make sense. 

3 hours ago, Hhalcyon said:

TL:DR Good set, bad battlepack. Wasted battlepack slot (since they only do 1 a year now) when those clones could have been used to sell a more expensive set. Would have been better to see re-used clones at a cheaper price point than previously or just a different era of battlepack entirely.

I appreciate you giving a good explanation of your position on it!  I think I've always been a person that never used battle packs as a way to amass figures (ie buying multiples) and moreso as someone that used them as a way to get interesting figures for cheap.  So, stuff like the Bounty Hunter BP, or the Tatooine BP or Jedi and Clone BP were great sets to me, because it gave me useful/formerly rare/desirable figures in a cheap set.  Now, I definitely see the appeal of amassing a big army, but I guess that's just never been my thing, so I've never taken an issue with a BP that isn't as conducive to army building, especially in a case like this where you could still get away with adding these figures to your clone army without too much of an issue, at least in my opinion.  But, to each their own, and I can understand why some people would've rather gotten something else.


1 hour ago, Fulcrumfan91 said:

Haha yeah I could see any of these....I'm gonna also guess the 1083 piece set will be The Ghost with some of those missing characters that I didn't mention. I think that's it considering it'll be an amazon exclusive. It seems like it'd make sense. 

I was about to say that I can't see them doing three big ahsoka sets, so it's probably not, but... hear me out. If there were ever a time to release a ghost after rebels ended, it would be now, with Ahsoka. They could even have it be rebels-based, since many of the characters show up in Ahsoka. Now, at 1083 pieces it can't be the falcon-sized, interior-having ghost I personally wanted, especially if it includes the phantom, but a ghost nonetheless. And like you say, the amazon exclusivity has, in the past, been their go-to for stuff that they see as obscure. (Vader's Castle). (You could kind of count the Crest here too, as it would had to have been in development before Mando's release, and lego is notorious for it's fear of show-based SW sets before mando took off.)

2 hours ago, Hhalcyon said:

For like the 9th time today: Because it's literally not in the clone wars. The Rex """"""""""""""""rumor"""""""""""""" started because some random instagram leaker said it, and that lego leaker and their leaks have been banned from the leaks subreddit since then for making stuff up and stealing leaks without credit. Not exactly reputable.

So someone remind me how Rex is supposed to end up in this set? or that the set is going to be based on the clone wars? Could it happen? sure. But why would it? It makes no sense.

While that is where it started, I believe some other, more reputable sources have implied he and Luminara are in the set. But you have a fair point. The set itself is, or was, ROTS based. Rex's inclusion makes it more of a TCW set in that it's a generic GAR vehicle with a fig from TCW, which is what I'd guess Jdubbs is referring too, but the vehicle itself is from Revenge of the Sith. What I'd guess happened here is that it was originally based on ROTS, but lego saw an opportunity to include rex, so they did, making it TCW, much like the AT-TE and P2 Cody.

Now, does Rex make the set worth $25-30? Absolutely not. For 108 pieces that better be a bionicle or something.

23 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

I was about to say that I can't see them doing three big ahsoka sets, so it's probably not, but... hear me out. If there were ever a time to release a ghost after rebels ended, it would be now, with Ahsoka. They could even have it be rebels-based, since many of the characters show up in Ahsoka. Now, at 1083 pieces it can't be the falcon-sized, interior-having ghost I personally wanted, especially if it includes the phantom, but a ghost nonetheless. And like you say, the amazon exclusivity has, in the past, been their go-to for stuff that they see as obscure. (Vader's Castle). (You could kind of count the Crest here too, as it would had to have been in development before Mando's release, and lego is notorious for it's fear of show-based SW sets before mando took off.)

Hahaha maybe the 1.3k piece one is the Ghost too. Idk honestly. I'd be more than happy with the T6 but yeah Ghost would be a must buy for me


Also we have more HD images of the diorama sets. Cool figures!

Edited by Fulcrumfan91

1 hour ago, DrCoomer said:

Don't know if this has been mentioned, but it looks like Palpatine has a new face print too. Larger eyes?

It looks like the biggest difference is that this version doesn’t have pupils. 

I can't find HD images of the throne room yet, but the ones of the Endor set definately make it look better IMO. I still think it needed more trees/foliage, but those speeder bikes look excellent, and with a better understanding of the size it looks more like it's worth $80 to me. (Not that I'd say it's worth $80, but it's closer than I thought it was.)

Edited by Mandalorianknight

6 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Do not open this tab unless you're ok with potential spoilers for the show, but this is what I think in terms of likelihood of included characters across two sets totaling what, $150?

Watch them pull a TBOBF, and release a set based on the Ahsoka episode from Mando S2 instead. Or better yet, her appearance in TBOBF :laugh_hard: Granted, I wouldn‘t mind that at all for a regular set, but a tie-in set to a show should, well, be based on that show

Higher quality of new endor Leia and Luke from throne room set leaked. Wow that new hairpiece is so bad on Luke,  looks way oversized to the point that I prefer old hairpiece for Luke. New Leia looks good though, although poncho would be preferable option in my opinion.

7 hours ago, QuiggoldsPegLeg said:

It looks like the biggest difference is that this version doesn’t have pupils. 

If he really doesn't have pupils then LEGO is downgrading badly. The sith eyes we've been getting up to now were perfect

8 hours ago, QuiggoldsPegLeg said:

It looks like the biggest difference is that this version doesn’t have pupils. 


15 minutes ago, Koaleu said:

If he really doesn't have pupils then LEGO is downgrading badly. The sith eyes we've been getting up to now were perfect


At least it could potentially be used for TROS custom figs of Palpy (?)

Edited by AD_Bricks

1 hour ago, benderisgreat said:

Wow that new hairpiece is so bad on Luke,  looks way oversized to the point that I prefer old hairpiece for Luke. New Leia looks good though, although poncho would be preferable option in my opinion.

Those are some hot takes. Personally the new hairpiece looks consistent with the size and volume of most hairpieces nowadays, so doesn't bother me. All hairpieces are much larger than the original ones through the early 2000s were.

I think the printing on Leia is technically fine, though the leg colour is wrong, but having a poncho even if it's somewhat inaccurate still feels more deluxe and preferable.

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