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That's insane that list is real. I'm most excited for the Ghost. A long overdue set. The Rebels line also dropped off after Season 3, (I think the last Rebels set we got was the Phantom 2.0) so it's nice to see it make a comeback. 



2 minutes ago, THELEGOBATMAN said:

Honestly, I couldn't care less for any of those sets, but I'm glad people are excited. I realise all of those are extremely highly desirable ships (poor wallets tho :tongue:).

The prices for some of those are simply unacceptable — the Swamp Speeder costs 27€ for 108 pieces? That has to be quite possibly the worst PpP ratio I've ever seen for a regular set. Republic Gunship has 1080 pieces for 150€? What a terrible deal. 

 Honestly, nearly all Star Wars sets have terrible prices this year — both Dioramas should cost 20€ less, Battle Packs are overpriced as hell, Microfighters cost twice as much, 20–60€ regular sets cost 10€ too much, and the 100€+ sets should cost at least 30€ less.

It's beyond ridiculous. The only set I'm buying this year is the Throne Room Diorama, and I'm gonna wait for a huge discount too.

The prices of a lot of things not just Lego have drastically increased as of late but yes I would categorize what Lego is doing as "beyond ridiculous." In regards to the Gunship, BP, and Swamp Speeder poor PPP and higher prices has to do with the fact that CW/prequel fans will go hard for any new clone legion. I think it's a fair assumption to make that the 2020 501st set selling like hotcakes at the $30 price point has led to the Swamp Speeder's high price given its an easier way to acquire the 332nd trooper, same is true for the shock troopers in the gunship but less so because there is always one flagship set at $160-$170.

The dioramas on the other hand are stupidly overpriced because their target customer isn't a young dumb clone-crazed, die-hard SW fan (like myself) but rather an older fan who grew up on the OT and won't realize (or care) that they're getting fleeced. All they see are dioramas that all look fantastic and very sleek with the black base. They can use it for example like my dad as a perfect office backdrop or in a den of some kind; its a really great display piece that doesn't look like a toy but is a great reminder of your fav movie. TLG markets the sets as "adult" so they can milk them for every dollar they can possibly get; which is perfectly fine cause making money is the goal at the end of the day but it is sad for us collectors.

I have no concrete explanation for the non-diorama/non-army building sets being super overpriced other than inflation and corporate greed. The new Fang & TIE set is the perfect example of this cause while the TIE is a beauty those 4 figs r megablocks and the Fang's wings don't seem to rotate which is gonna suck. $100 dollars is way too much for that one.

In regards to the $649 UCS Venator, I don't think anyone's purchase would hinge on the set having or not having Rex or any clone for that matter, and given TLG saying they didn't want to lock desired figs behind massive paywalls I would say it's a safe bet that the Rex won't be exclusive though the Yularen and the bandaid on rex might be. In that same way the inclusion of figs won't make anyone buy the set their inclusion shouldn't deter people either. Most people spending $649.99 on the set will be CW or at least prequel SW fans who are buying for a very intricate and fantastic model so a clone's inclusion will only be a bonus. It's a day one buy for me regardless of if it had figs but I'm very happy to get them either way cause it will mean that everyone who complained about the Gunship figs (including myself) will have no reason not to support this prequel UCS which will lead to the holy grail, dare I say it: ***ARC-170*** in the year of our lord 2025 for the 20 year anniversary of the GOAT SW movie ROTS.

12 minutes ago, Tariq j said:

That's insane that list is real. I'm most excited for the Ghost. A long overdue set. The Rebels line also dropped off after Season 3, (I think the last Rebels set we got was the Phantom 2.0) so it's nice to see it make a comeback. 

Yeah that’s right. The Shuttle may have been overpriced but getting blind Kanan AND Thrawn in that set was great at the time.

Man, we’ve sure been in a drought for Lego Star Wars news recently, am I right guys?


Oh wait, I forgot that the remaining 2023 Mandalorian set leaked: 75348 Mandalorian Fang Fighter vs TIE Interceptor. Like the other Mandalorian sets this year, I unfortunately find this one to be pretty underwhelming. The TIE Interceptor looks really good and the Fang Fighter looks relatively decent, apart from the fact that it appears they didn’t include the rotating wings, which are a key component of the ship or at least when it appeared in Rebels. It was super cool how the wings spun around the stationary cockpit in the show and for an already overpriced set, the fact that they failed to include that  important feature is so disappointing.

Not to mention the immensely underwhelming minifigure selection: Din Djarin reuse (technically the first time we’re getting this updated version I guess), a TIE Pilot that is probably a reuse and that leaked (Clan Kryze or Protector?) Mandalorian figure were expected, but I assumed that we’d get at least 1-2 more interesting figures in the set. Instead, we get a generic Astromech Droid… and nobody spoilery or interesting whatsoever.

It feels like Lego did not learn their lesson from the last time they did a set like this: Vader’s TIE Advanced vs. A-Wing Fighter from Rebels. That was another solid-but-overpriced set with two $30-40 sized ships and a small figure selection. That set at least had more interesting figures going for it (none of which were a wasted generic Astromech) and more iconic ships as well. Honestly, the fact that the Jabba’s Throne Room set is delayed/cancelled, the two May Mando S3 sets are so underwhelming and how I’m not in a rush to get any other current sets is leaving me tempted to skip May the 4th this year, unless they have a super desirable promo.

Kind of a bummer that this is the only new Lego Star Wars development, and it’s another recent Lego thing that I feel negative about.


Wait a minute… I forgot the boatload of amazing news that we just received! Genius move by Promobricks to drop the rumor of all these highly requested sets coming on April Fool’s Day to keep people guessing if it’s true or not. The fact that they doubled down on it, claimed it wasn’t a joke and posted about it on all of their platforms made me raise an eyebrow. Still, I was taking a massive grain of salt (these all sounded very wishlistly and too good to be trye) but was hoping it would pan out. And here we are. Here are my thoughts on everything:

-75359 Republic Swamp Speeder: Remember when people thought the idea of Rex and Luminara coming in this set was absurd? Honestly a very bizarre vehicle choice for a pseudo-332nd Battle Pack, but I’m just happy that we’re getting a 332nd Battle Pack, especially with Vaughn. And unless they were going to make up a random vehicle, it’s not like there were any small vehicles Lego could have used for these troopers from the Siege of Mandalore arc. For a Swamp Speeder set, yeah, I would have preferred Bly and some 327th, or even more 41st Kashyyk Troopers, but I’m still very happy with this set. Definitely going to get multiples. Very smart choice to do this as an Ahsoka tie-in, as these are her troopers.

-75354 Republic Gunship: Oh my god. It’s finally coming. I’ve been awaiting for a new play-scale Gunship for so many years but I already gave up hope of us getting a new one in 2023. This is the best Lego news in such a long time for me. The minifigure selection is surprising (no Jedi and I didn’t expect Coruscant Guard/Shock Troopers to be the troopers focused on here) but I’m here for it. FINALLY a new Padme figure (2019 notwithstanding) and probably in a new outfit this time! A new Chancellor Palpatine is awesome too and it’s great that we’re getting an updated version of his iconic red outfit without the awful TCW stylization. Commander Fox was a character I never thought we’d get in Lego form, so I’m very excited to be getting him. And of course, getting new Shock Troopers is amazing. Like last year’s AT-TE, I plan on getting multiples of this set before it retires.

-75357 The Ghost: Lego. I know I’ve been really hard on you lately. But oh my god, I cannot believe that you’re putting out updates of two of my all-time Lego Star Wars white whales this summer (the Gunship and the Ghost). Okay, granted, I did actually get the original Ghost set for a great price last summer. However, while I made a lot of modifications to it and do like that original set, I still really wanted a remake and here we are. For almost double the price of the 2014 set, I have to imagine that this one will see major improvements over the original. I’m curious to see how they handle the back of the ship: is there still going to be a Phantom? I guess it depends on what’s there in the Ahsoka series, as the minifigure selection leads me to believe that this set is based on that series with Jacen, Quarrie (who is a bit odd but I feel like I kinda sorta remember hearing a rumor about him being in this series?) and what is probably a new character included in this set. While my preference would have been to get a Rebels-based Ghost remake with the whole crew in their S3-S4 attire (that we never got in Lego form aside from Kanan), I’m still super excited about this one.

-75367 UCS Venator Star Destroyer: Another dream come true. I love the Venator ship and a UCS version is one of the few remaining UCS ideas that especially interests me. I figured that we’d get one eventually but I didn’t think it’d be any time soon, and I thought that it was a pipe dream to think otherwise. I’m glad to say that I was wrong! I think this thing will look beautiful. I definitely won’t be getting this for a few years (I still need to get the UCS Razor Crest, AT-AT and Falcon before this…) but I definitely plan on getting it at some point. Getting a Clone Wars-era Yularen will be super cool and for those worried about this Rex being exclusive: I would not sweat it. I saw people pointing to figures in other UCS/MBS sets remaining exclusive but unlike the rest of them, Rex is way too important of a character to only include here. The fact that the bandaged face is being highlighted so much leads me to believe that that could be the exclusive element here, plus a wide release version may omit some finer detailing.

-75364 Ahsoka’s Shuttle: This one’s from Reddit, not Promobricks, and we pretty much already knew it was coming, we just didn’t know with what figures or if it was the $70 or $100 Ahsoka set. Not to brag but I believe that I predicted this set to a tee during or shortly after Celebration last year: a $70 T-6 Shuttle with at least Ahsoka, Sabine and Huyang. Very excited for this one as well, can’t wait to see how it looks. I’m curious as to what the $100 Ahsoka set will be now since it’s not going to be the T-6 Shuttle or The Ghost. I’d guess a villain ship (not Thrawn’s Star Destroyer) since this wave seems very light side heavy.


Well, consider me impressed Lego. I’ve been really burnt out recently and I had mixed feelings on the summer wave and 2023 as a whole for Lego Star Wars, but these rumors have really turned things around. Yeah, Buildable Chewbacca and Star Wars mechs are still super lame, but getting these sets, plus other things like Yavin IV this year, have gotten me excited. Can’t wait for more details.

Hopefully the ahsoka sets start leking or we get more info on that 100$ set

anyway since y'all are giving out your opinions, here's mine:


gunship: finally, after 10 years,  we're finally getting one, i think sheev and padme should really be excluded from this set, i'd prefer to get an AT TE like gunship with Fox, 3 shocks and 2 Battle droids, but since the shocks are coruscants guards, it makes senses, i honestly don't have a padme, so hopefully she turns out looking good! definitely buying since how disappointing that fang fighter set is.

fang fighter vs tue interceptor: the builds are incredible! So detailed and almost accurate! But... the figures aren't exciting, and im more of a minifig guy personally.

ghost: hoping the build will be like the falcon from 2019, well, the minifigs are odd, i think ill pass on this set unless i get it for a good price or  can buy it off ebay with no figs for a good price.

venator: wow, this honestly really sucks, locking Captain Rex behind 650$ wall? Dang that's mean, you couldve put a clone that collectors would like having that also wouldn't bother normal people that much, hopefully Rex is still in another set that is unknown for this year, im guessing the other figure is either gonna go down in price, or this one could be cheaper on the secondary market because of how many people would end up buying, i doubt we'll get an interior tbh, young yularen is cool, but yet again you're making him inaccessible to the wider public, i mean they could've kept him in there as the exclusive fig, but this is the second time, it sucks honestly, glad we're at least getting a venator set though.

swamp speeder: as much as a Captain Vaughn hater i am, im still gonna get this, gonna went on Amazon for it to at least get rid of 5 euros before i do, but yeah 108 pieces? Yikes, maybe theres some big pieces or something? Cool to see more 332nd troopers tho.


5 hours ago, MaximillianRebo said:

This just in: Lego does NOT hate the Prequels.

They don't hate the Clone Wars; they do hate the Prequels. :laugh_hard:

25 minutes ago, ArrowBricks said:

The Republic Gunship minifigure selection is fairly weak imo, but I’m being grumpy. 

Haha I mean it's not my Gunship; AOTC was my first cinema Star Wars experience and I didn't have access to watching The Clone Wars until I was an adult so nostalgia means that any gunship without a similarity to the 2013 75021 is not going to feel right to me (the UCS version could have been so good :wall:). However, if this line up was in any other set it would be considered fantastic. Shock Troopers have been going for around £60 for ages now and are highly sought after and then to get Fox as well. Really hoping Padme is in her ROTS end outfit that also featured in Clone Wars Season 7 so that the minifigure feels more Prequel based, but I can't deny I would have loved another AOTC Geonosis Arena version of her.

13 minutes ago, BacktoBricks said:

However, if this line up was in any other set it would be considered fantastic.

Could say that for any set and any lineup, though.

We are in 2023 and we still can’t get a Clone Pilot. It’s just strange considering we get Fox but not a PILOT. Very odd. 

Edited by ArrowBricks

4 minutes ago, ArrowBricks said:


We are in 2023 and we still can’t get a Clone Pilot. It’s just strange considering we get Fox but not a lookout. Very odd. 

So, 5 figs,




-2 Shocks

i honestly prefer getting 2 shocks over 1 shock and 1 pilot, it would look odd, but if we're talking about replacing padme and sheev, im down, one of them can stay but the other has to go.

Edited by Goofster

4 minutes ago, Goofster said:

So, 5 figs,




-2 Shocks

i honestly prefer getting 2 shocks over 1 shock and 1 pilot, it would look odd, but if we're talking about replacing padme and sheev, im down, one of them can stay but the other has to go.

I’d have had 6 figures. But, I just would not have done it based off this scene. However, I don’t mind it it’s just strange considering we get three clones and zero Pilot. 

Edited by ArrowBricks

14 minutes ago, BacktoBricks said:

They don't hate the Clone Wars; they do hate the Prequels. :laugh_hard:

Haha I mean it's not my Gunship; AOTC was my first cinema Star Wars experience and I didn't have access to watching The Clone Wars until I was an adult so nostalgia means that any gunship without a similarity to the 2013 75021 is not going to feel right to me (the UCS version could have been so good :wall:). However, if this line up was in any other set it would be considered fantastic. Shock Troopers have been going for around £60 for ages now and are highly sought after and then to get Fox as well. Really hoping Padme is in her ROTS end outfit that also featured in Clone Wars Season 7 so that the minifigure feels more Prequel based, but I can't deny I would have loved another AOTC Geonosis Arena version of her.

My preference for Padme would be the Loyalist Committee outfit from the beginning of AOTC. Its more iconic than any of her ROTS gowns and was her primary Senator costume throughout TCW.

3 minutes ago, ArrowBricks said:

Could say that for any set and any lineup, though.

We are in 2023 and we still can’t get a Clone Pilot. It’s just strange considering we get Fox but not a lookout. Very odd. 

Not really. If the Swamp Speeder had been say Kashyyyk Troopers and say, Chewbacca, I think this forum would have had something to say about it. Yes Kashyyyk Clones aren't on shelves at the moment, but I don't think anybody would have considered that a great line up. True we may never get a Clone Pilot though. :snicker:

1 minute ago, BacktoBricks said:

Not really. If the Swamp Speeder had been say Kashyyyk Troopers and say, Chewbacca, I think this forum would have had something to say about it. Yes Kashyyyk Clones aren't on shelves at the moment, but I don't think anybody would have considered that a great line up. True we may never get a Clone Pilot though. :snicker:

Yeah but you can’t really complain about it because they’d have the new style clones and it’s based on an accurate scene. There’s a difference between preference and just objectively bad. 

Haha, convinced it must be a meme at this point with the Pilot. 

Edited by ArrowBricks

2 minutes ago, wesker said:

My preference for Padme would be the Loyalist Committee outfit from the beginning of AOTC. Its more iconic than any of her ROTS gowns and was her primary Senator costume throughout TCW.

Any outfit that crossovers would be great for me, but I just can't see us ever getting her end ROTS outfit if not here, even though this line up does show that Lego can surprise us with unexpected selections.

Me checking this forum after a night's sleep: "Hey guys so what about those very obvious fake leaks yesterday, they really thought we would fall for..." 


joking aside, I'm really happy with the selection though I would like to see the sets before making conclusions. My wallet is already shivering with apprehension 

TIE interceptor looks really good though! Finally, after 17 years (not counting that red baron thingy)

Honestly it seems like a theme that this year, for once, the main draws of the sets are the builds, not the minifigures. I mean, they're putting out some fan favourites like the TIE intercepter and bomber, the Yavin 4 base, the gunship (Pretty sure this will be the first Padme since 2015), A VENATOR, and the Ghost. The only real exceptions to this are the swamp speeder and Yavin 4, which is 50-50.

9 minutes ago, wesker said:

My preference for Padme would be the Loyalist Committee outfit from the beginning of AOTC. Its more iconic than any of her ROTS gowns and was her primary Senator costume throughout TCW.

They could fill out a CMF Series of just Padme outfits. They would certainly need the extra budget.

13 minutes ago, ArrowBricks said:

Yeah but you can’t really complain about it because they’d have the new style clones and it’s based on an accurate scene. There’s a difference between preference and just objectively bad. 

Haha, convinced it must be a meme at this point with the Pilot. 

It’s not just Lego at this point. Even with that Micro Galaxy Squadron line that’s currently running (which has already had ~7 LAAT/i toys already over the past 6 months alone), the ships only ever include one pilot rather than two. Ironically this at least is still better than what Lego is doing.

Edited by Kaijumeister

16 minutes ago, wesker said:

My preference for Padme would be the Loyalist Committee outfit from the beginning of AOTC. Its more iconic than any of her ROTS gowns and was her primary Senator costume throughout TCW.

Given that we're getting Fox and shock troopers I assume the set has to be from CW or ROTS cause Fox and shocks weren't in AOTC but only during the CW. 

Im honestly glad we're finally getting a system scale gunship, and the addition of shock troopers with fox is cool! Just disappointing we didn't get plain phase 2 and at least one pilot and another shock

So btw could we get that Gree and Wolffe from the promotional image? Gree could be in the jedi starfighter and idk about wolffe, maybe next year

When we ask for a Gunship pilot, Is that the phase 2 style helmet from the Z95 Headhunter set? I might buy him off bricklink and and full out my Gunship with 501st clones.

Or buy a phase 1 pilot and fill it out with phase 1 shinies.

Hope padme has some kind of Senator outfit and one of her crazy hair pieces.


Edit: Apparently it's a Coruscant Gaurd Gunship so will be mostly red?

Edited by il_Medico

Have Promobricks (or anyone else) confirmed that the other 3 figs in the swamp speeder are indeed all standard 332nd, or is it still their earlier guess based on them knowing Vaughn will be in it? Could be potential for a plain P2 in there if it's not yet fully confirmed, they did appear in the Mandalore arc, though I wouldn't count on it.

Really impressive lineup of CW sets to fit in their 'anniversary' theme, the Venator is a fitting tribute, might have to get that if it can fit in my cabinet. If the gunship build looks good I'll probably get a couple to replace my 2013 ones, I would actually like it if they're a little smaller in exchange for more detail & better shaping, that way they'll fit better with the 2022 AT-TEs. Will certainly pick up at least 1 swamp speeder for Vaughn, probably more unless I bricklink extra figures from it instead

Those are some truly interesting sets, since my collection is still missing a Republic Gunship and a Ghost. I like the minifig selection of the Gunship, whereas I'm a bit disappointed about the Ghost not including Zeb. It doesn't bother me much though.

I honestly didn't expect a Venator at that price point. No way I'd buy one, but its mere existence indicates a level of confidence in the PT era. So that's good. I don't mind the figs behind such a paywall, the good captain is bound to appear in a cheaper set or magazine gift.

And the swamp speeder... I don't know, those weird Ahsoka clones were about the most cringe-inducing in-universe expression of Filoni's love for Ahsoka, his own precious Star Wars OC. I'm still gonna pick up the set when there's a discount though, because I'm gonna regret if I don't.

Really hoping it's a standard Gunship and not a red variant. Then it'll be years more before the release a standard Gunship.

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