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13 minutes ago, Hhalcyon said:

Do you happen to know what 12 they are lol?
I know germany, UK, denmark, poland and spain has them. I would assume France, Czech Republic, Belgium and Netherlands have them but not sure how to check that without a very expensive holiday.

Belgium doesn't have them, unfortunately.

Baylan, Shin, and Elsbeth in the same set?! Now you have my attention :excited: Hope the first two get nice new orange blades! 

So all we‘re missing in terms of major characters is Zeb, Ezra, and Thrawn.

Edited by BrickBob Studpants

The minifig lineup and price point for set 75364 for Ahsoka reminds me of the minifig lineup and price point for set 75336 for Kenobi. I hope the ship, whatever it is, is as good as the Scythe. That's an amazing set (for a very forgettable ship!)

25 minutes ago, Hhalcyon said:

Nice little bit of news for everyone. The Lego Star wars magazines (europe only to my knowledge) this month are a double special. All of them have an X-wing(micro) but there are versions which give a bonus gift of: Rey + BB8, Millenium falcon, luke skywalker, tusken raider, tie bomber and (IMO) most significantly, the 2020 501st Trooper. (They did the 501st Trooper in a magazine last year, and this double special is featuring previously featured gifts)

This edition of the magazine goes for £6 in the UK (not sure of EU price, but it's gonna be about 50% more than the normal magazine cost) So if you're out on your daily travels you could pick up some standard 501st Troopers if you missed the 501st Legion Set. The 501st Trooper isn't expensive on bricklink as it is but this is generally still slightly cheaper.

Yet another recirculation of the figure is only going to drive those prices down that little bit more for everyone else. F for lego investors but eh screw em.

That's issue 94 btw.

Im curious what gift is after obi wan

29 minutes ago, Agent Kallus said:

Ninja'd by an edit? That's cheating :tongue:

Hey, technically I was just fixing a typo. Or was I? :wink:

10 minutes ago, Duke27 said:

So are there 2 ships in 100$ Ahsoka’s set or just one big?

FluffySky indicated just a New Republic ship, but again, I think that'd be a bit odd with three antagonists and what is probably just a generic NR pilot and droid in the set. I wouldn't be surprised if it was another TIE Advanced VS. A-Wing or TIE Interceptor VS. Fang Fighter type set. We didn't get a good look in the trailer but Shin did appear to be flying a starfighter of some sort. Then again, we did also see Baylen and Shin boarding and attacking some sort of New Republic vessel as well, so who knows?

12 minutes ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Baylan, Shin, and Elsbeth in the same set?! Now you have my attention :excited: Hope the first two get nice new orange blades! 

So all we‘re missing in terms of major characters is Zeb, Ezra, and Thrawn.

Honestly, i do not care, im not gonna pay 100€ for these live action remakes of Team Rock- i mean 5th brother and 7th sister that are gonna die in the same episodes they were introduced in but with reskins, but, could it be from that one scene where the girl with the white hair deflects blaster bolts from a Rebel?

23 minutes ago, Duke27 said:

So are there 2 ships in 100$ Ahsoka’s set or just one big?

My guess is one Rebel ship where these 3 Team Rocket members come and make a carnage in the ship.

Edited by Goofster

1 hour ago, MKJoshA said:

I don't care what Disney says. Anything written by Zahn should be canon :vader:

Sure, Disney doesn't consider it canon. But Zahn has said he sees people being able to watch Rebels and read his newer Thrawn books and move right into Heir to the Empire. Nothing he's produced has contradicted what's in the Heir trilogy and beyond.

Ahsoka could be what finally begins to contradict it, but I hope Zahn has enough sway over the arc of his characters that it doesn't.

1. Totally agree, like 100%. I heard someone once say that to effectivly write a man like Thrawn, you have to be able to think like he does, and Zahn's definately shown he can do that. The Thrawn trilogy is by far the best "sequel trilogy" we've ever had, and I don't just mean the sequel films. Mandoverse, anything else in legends, Zahn's original thrawn trilogy beats it all.

2. Unfortunately, it pretty much has too, as the timelines are matching up here. Though that 


leaked opening of mando episode 7

heavily implies Thrawn's story will be an adaption of heir to the empire, to an extent that if they were to focus more on Gideon than Thrawn as the Thanos of the mandalorian saga, I could definately see it working in such a manner that this happens around/in between/"offscreen" within the thrawn trilogy.

2 hours ago, omegabadbatch said:

tomorrow is clone wars panel so I would like to see clone wars sets

We almost definately won't, unfortunately.

1 hour ago, The Stud said:

Update on 75364 from Promobricks: it's supposed to include a New Republic pilot and an Astromech droid with a dark blue and yellow color scheme. Three of the villains from the Ahsoka trailer are also included: Baylan, Shin and Morgan Elsbeth. (The former two were the ones with the orange-ish lightsabers and the third one we know from The Mandalorian Chapter 13: The Jedi.) This updated minifigure selection is a lot more interesting than just getting a bunch of New Republic pilots like we previously thought, though it is curious that we are getting three villains in what is presumably a hero ship set. I'm just glad that we're getting those specific characters this year though; that's less we have to worry about getting in additional Ahsoka sets next year

It kinda looks like Shin steals a NR starfighter at some point in the trailer, so maybe that's the scene it's based on? I could see episode 1's ending being their attack on the new republic convoy.

17 minutes ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Baylan, Shin, and Elsbeth in the same set?! Now you have my attention :excited: Hope the first two get nice new orange blades! 

So all we‘re missing in terms of major characters is Zeb, Ezra, and Thrawn.

YES! This was my biggest gripe with these sets, that we were missing the primary antagonists. I am very glad we have them. 

11 minutes ago, The Stud said:

FluffySky indicated just a New Republic ship, but again, I think that'd be a bit odd with three antagonists and what is probably just a generic NR pilot and droid in the set. I wouldn't be surprised if it was another TIE Advanced VS. A-Wing or TIE Interceptor VS. Fang Fighter type set. We didn't get a good look in the trailer but Shin did appear to be flying a starfighter of some sort. Then again, we did also see Baylen and Shin boarding and attacking some sort of New Republic vessel as well, so who knows?

I think 2 makes sense given the figures. Shin is piloting a starfighter at some point, and it almost looks to me like a commandeered new republic one. I could definately see another dogfight set. The other option is the convoy ship, but I doubt it, as the NR figure selection sounds more like the standard starfighter pilot/astromech combo than bridge crew or troopers, and you'd think if they were doing the convoy ship we'd have some standard NR troopers for Baylon to kill.

5 minutes ago, Goofster said:

Honestly, i do not care, im not gonna pay 100€ for these live action remakes of Team Rock- i mean 5th brother and 7th sister that are gonna die in the same episodes they were introduced in but with reskins, but, could it be from that one scene where the girl with the white hair deflects blaster bolts from a Rebel?

More like Mara Jade and Joruus C'Baoth if we're comparing them to other SW characters. Definately could be, given we also see Baylon having a new hallway scene on what is assumably that same ship, but the figure selection would still seem a little odd. If it is that large NR ship, you'd expect a trooper or two.

12 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

More like Mara Jade and Joruus C'Baoth if we're comparing them to other SW characters. Definately could be, given we also see Baylon having a new hallway scene on what is assumably that same ship, but the figure selection would still seem a little odd. If it is that large NR ship, you'd expect a trooper or two.

They're still just inquis-idiots reskins that are gonna die by dumb ways by both Ezra and Ahsoka in the same episodes they were brought in 😂

57 minutes ago, Hhalcyon said:

Do you happen to know what 12 they are lol?
I know germany, UK, denmark, poland and spain has them. I would assume France, Czech Republic, Belgium and Netherlands have them but not sure how to check that without a very expensive holiday.

Foil Bags can be found in Germany, Austria, Poland, UK, Spain, Ireland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Netherlands, France, Portugal, Italy, Slovakia. 
Haven't checked: Switzerland, Denmark.

39 minutes ago, omegabadbatch said:

Im curious what gift is after obi wan

I wouldn't put much stock in it being good to be honest. Pretty much 3 or 4 of them a year are decent minifigs.

im sorry but, these so called inquisitors or


"dark jedi"

are just absolute dumb pointless BUFFOONS, they are the creations of people who don't know how to make side villains, im calling, those 3 idiots are gonna die in the same season and be completely incompetent just like the inquisitors before them, they are just inquisitors reskinned but the


jedi title

which the inquisitors already had, so realistically they still are inquisitors just with different names, i maybe wrong, but its a 99% chance whatever im saying because of all the previous stuff that has came before, just like Vaas from Far Cry 3 said "insanity is, doing the same fricking thing, over and over and over again, thinking this time, crap will change".

Edited by Goofster

20 minutes ago, Goofster said:

They're still just inquis-idiots reskins that are gonna die by dumb ways by both Ezra and Ahsoka in the same episodes they were brought in 😂


50 minutes ago, Goofster said:

Honestly, i do not care, im not gonna pay 100€ for these 

Do you need to slather on negativity for a show none of us have seen yet?

19 minutes ago, Hhalcyon said:

I wouldn't put much stock in it being good to be honest. Pretty much 3 or 4 of them a year are decent minifigs.

Eh as long as it's a fig I'm intergued. 

1 hour ago, Hhalcyon said:

Nice little bit of news for everyone. The Lego Star wars magazines (europe only to my knowledge) this month are a double special. All of them have an X-wing(micro) but there are versions which give a bonus gift of: Rey + BB8, Millenium falcon, luke skywalker, tusken raider, tie bomber and (IMO) most significantly, the 2020 501st Trooper. (They did the 501st Trooper in a magazine last year, and this double special is featuring previously featured gifts)

This edition of the magazine goes for £6 in the UK (not sure of EU price, but it's gonna be about 50% more than the normal magazine cost) So if you're out on your daily travels you could pick up some standard 501st Troopers if you missed the 501st Legion Set. The 501st Trooper isn't expensive on bricklink as it is but this is generally still slightly cheaper.

Yet another recirculation of the figure is only going to drive those prices down that little bit more for everyone else. F for lego investors but eh screw em.

That's issue 94 btw.

Ohh that's good, I couldn't remember if the star wars ones got double packs like Ninjago sometimes does. I'll be on the lookout for a good one, thanks for the heads up.

18 minutes ago, Agent Kallus said:


Do you need to slather on negativity for a show none of us have seen yet?


Im sorry for the negativity, but we already know how this inquisitor story ends, they die in dumb ways and than we get less thrawn because the show was wasted focusing on Team Rocket over here.

Anyway on a positive side, maybe we'll get a phantom 2.0 remake in winter 2024 with Ezra, Zeb and Thrawn

EDIT: also not really dissing the show, im dissing the annoying inquisitors that have just became the norm in star wars, i honestly don't want to see an inquisitor that isn't the grand inquisitor, because at least he knew what he was doing, unlike 9th brother, 5th brother, Reva and the 7th sister, when you have 4 cases of goofsters, i have every right to expect that their lightsabers turn into helicopters too

Edited by Goofster

I'm guessing that's it as far as Celebration set reveals.  It seems unlikely that they'd go too far into the summer with any reveals, and since we already saw the X-Wing and dioramas, that'll probably be it.  If they were going to do any Ahsoka stuff, I'd guess it would've been shown today.  I know that the dioramas weren't the most exciting reveal for us, but they weren't officially unveiled yet anyway, so for a lot of people, this was the first time seeing them.  I guess that's the price of paying attention to leaks :tongue:.  We're probably going to have to wait on the Fang Fighter until after either episode 7 or 8 of Mando, and then I'd guess once that's revealed, it'll just be a matter of waiting until sometime in May/June when we get pictures of the summer sets.

32 minutes ago, Goofster said:

They're still just inquis-idiots reskins that are gonna die by dumb ways by both Ezra and Ahsoka in the same episodes they were brought in 😂

Probably the third one that's actually an inquisitor reskin or whatever, but Shin and Baylon are supposed to be the main antagonists of the series.

11 minutes ago, Goofster said:

im sorry but, these so called inquisitors or

are just absolute dumb pointless BUFFOONS, they are the creations of people who don't know how to make side villains, im calling, those 3 idiots are gonna die in the same season and be completely incompetent just like the inquisitors before them, they are just inquisitors reskinned but the

which the inquisitors already had, so realistically they still are inquisitors just with different names, i maybe wrong, but its a 99% chance whatever im saying because of all the previous stuff that has came before, just like Vaas from Far Cry 3 said "insanity is, doing the same fricking thing, over and over and over again, thinking this time, crap will change".

They definately don't seem incompetent based on the trailer. Also, the dark jedi differentiation is important. Speficially, Baylon is supposed to be 


A jedi who fled the known galaxy and became twisted and insane, like C'baoth. He's likely going to play a similar role that C'baoth did in the original Thrawn trilogy; a very powerful but unstable twisted jedi that Thrawn has to wrangle with to keep under control. 

, which is thematically very different from an inquisitor. Shin is Baylon's apprentice, which is also a whole different thing. And given the endgame we know is coming, I'd be surprised if they all died. Probably the inquisitor dude, but I doubt both Shin and Baylon are killed off this season.

4 minutes ago, Goofster said:

Im sorry for the negativity, but we already know how this inquisitor story ends, they die in dumb ways and than we get less thrawn because the show was wasted focusing on Team Rocket over here.

Anyway on a positive side, maybe we'll get a phantom 2.0 remake in winter 2024 with Ezra, Zeb and Thrawn

Aside from the two of them not being inquisitors (and not just in name, as I said above), we don't know that they'll die this season, and I think keeping Thrawn in the shadows is good for this season. He needs to be built up as a threat, and the more you use someone like Thrawn, the less effective they'll be seen as if they keep losing to the main characters. Plus, it's not exactly like Thrawn is gonna hand-to-hand fight Ahsoka.


In an attempt to get back on topic, I once again am asking for the magazines to show up in America, and have no idea why they don't. Even putting aside the fact that we're missing out on the figures at cheaper prices, you'd think the magazine would do well here, no?

12 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:


Honestly, i can get called negative all i want, but im speaking from the past, which has always showed inquisitors as incompetent buffons, and they still kinda are inquisitors, evil force sensitive or jedi who work for the empire, just like the inquisitors, and they definitely do look incompetent, ahsoka slices baylon in half and thats the end of it.

Also, some of y'all may ask, "do you just hate every inquisitor" yes but also kinda no, the inquisitors are always so poorly executed,so i have every right to expect these fellas to be mid characters too, people are gonna hype these two too much, and end up disappointed, y'all can dunk on me whenever im wrong after the show ends, but i doubt that'll happen because of the previous poor iterations of inquisitors, thrawn is already just huge a threat, he has proven that in rebels and the thrawn trilogy, i think im gonna rest my case here but, im honestly disappointed the show isn't primarily about thrawn but the main antagonists are gonna be more boring team rocket rip offs, cant wait for chin to say "its chinin' time" and chin all over the place than die.

Edited by Goofster

18 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:


In an attempt to get back on topic, I once again am asking for the magazines to show up in America, and have no idea why they don't. Even putting aside the fact that we're missing out on the figures at cheaper prices, you'd think the magazine would do well here, no?

Yeah it is Lego discussion not show discussion :tongue:

But I have been led to believe that America has less of the culture of kids magazines so I'd assume that's why they don't sell them there?

31 minutes ago, Goofster said:

Anyway on a positive side, maybe we'll get a phantom 2.0 remake in winter 2024 with Ezra, Zeb and Thrawn


5 minutes ago, Agent Kallus said:

Yeah it is Lego discussion not show discussion :tongue:

But I have been led to believe that America has less of the culture of kids magazines so I'd assume that's why they don't sell them there?

I think it might be an europe exclusive thing because of denmark.

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52 minutes ago, A Great Builder said:

Back to the X-wing:

When did this become legal?



I was wondering that too. Have they ever used that technique in an official Lego set before?

Tiles have been used like that for years. It's illegal to do that with plates because they're slightly thicker, but it's perfectly legal with tiles 

25 minutes ago, MKJoshA said:

I was wondering that too. Have they ever used that technique in an official Lego set before?

Yes, I own the 21309 Saturn V rocket. On the moon surface portion of the set, they use that technique for the US flag (a 1x2 tile).

Edited by YourLocalB2

That New Republic set minfigure lineup sounds epic! 

Does seem possible that we are getting another two-pack…I am very happy. 

People have also seen the Yavin Base and are impressed. Check @Lifebricks on Instagram (his story). Here you will find his thoughts! 

God I do hope Lego doesn’t disappoint. The rest of this year sounds beyond amazing. So much content. Fingers crossed! 

Edited by ArrowBricks

1 hour ago, YourLocalB2 said:

Yes, I own the 21309 Saturn V rocket. On the moon surface portion of the set, they use that technique for the US flag (a 1x2 tile).

I also own that set and hadn't clocked it was that which made it legal until you mentioned it. Every day's a school day, I guess.

Saw the UCS X-wing in person at SWCE today, and it looked pretty good. It did look very... Stud-y, though. I think having the studs on the side of the nose section makes it look less sleek than it maybe should. Nice set, but I probably won't pick it up.

Edited by TeddytheSpoon

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