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9 minutes ago, CallumPears said:

He is not from Episode 6. I would like the set a lot more if it was RotJ Boba. 

We've actually only ever had one proper RotJ Boba, in the 2017 Skiff, and I was hoping this mech would have a new version of that one, with added arm printing (especially since it's the RotJ anniversary). As it is, this mech is pointless for people who already have the UCS Slave 1 or Betrayal at Cloud City versions of Boba (and he doesn't even have his cape).

I know those Boba figures are expensive so it's good for kids and casual collectors to get him but if they'd made the RotJ version it'd still be a great figure for people who just want a detailed Boba while also being good for people who want them to finally release a fully-detailed RotJ version. 

Hi, I'm a pedantic Lego Star Wars fan. I obsess over the tiniest of details and accuracies. I'm that guy.


13 hours ago, Graupensuppe said:

In RotJ he had a gray suit and dark red gauntlets.

that's something that Lego definitely cares about and would put effort into making a unique version of for an ROTJ set in current year, yep 100%

They definitely haven't shown how little they care about screen accuracy at all.

Say what is that swamp speeder doing in the streets of mandalore, and why is vaughn completely wrong, wait a minute we only saw the tie bomber in ROTJ for like 9 seconds and Sloane wasn't even in that movie, what's that spider droid doing at the battle of utapau, and when did Palpatine and Padme ever ride a red gunship, and the 187th troopers were never purple in canon, and hang on a second we never saw a tie interceptor fight a fang fighter, and wasn't there a cyborg operating that spider tank, and when did boba fett, vader and stormtroopers use mechs, and when did we ever see a hoth scout trooper, and Tala never wore that oufit in that scene and Obi-wan never fought those 3 inquisitors, and there were no artillery troopers in that scene, we never saw any sith jet troopers, and Ahsoka and the 332nd never fought battledroids, and rey never fought a knights of ren transport and..

Does everyone get my point by now? that's just the made up stuff that lego has done since 2020. Anyone who thinks Lego wouldn't put an episode 5 boba fett in an episode 6 set is literally insane.

12 hours ago, QuiggoldsPegLeg said:

It’s the same reason I’m not worried about paying a ridiculous amount of money for the C-3PO with the dual-moulded leg from Luke’s Landspeeder, because I know it’s only a matter of time before that becomes the norm in all the sets he appears in. And since he’s C-3PO, he’ll be appearing in lots of sets.


I dont think that c-3po from ucs landspeeder will be in another set. Only legs are exclusive in this c3po. C-3po from death star trash compactor is now main c-3po which will be in other sets.

or dual moulded leg c3-po could be in another ucs set? but im sure that he wont be in play sets

Edited by omegabadbatch

4 hours ago, Hhalcyon said:

. Anyone who thinks Lego wouldn't put an episode 5 boba fett in an episode 6 set is literally insane.

Is that in the DSM? tune down the hyperbole a notch. You can voice an opinion without being unpleasant about it.

1 hour ago, ginja said:

Is that in the DSM? tune down the hyperbole a notch. You can voice an opinion without being unpleasant about it.

Who put you in charge? I can make as big a hyperbole as I want, it's not a violation of the rules. Therefore:


Edited by MKJoshA
Adjusting font size.

1 hour ago, omegabadbatch said:

I dont think that c-3po from ucs landspeeder will be in another set. Only legs are exclusive in this c3po. C-3po from death star trash compactor is now main c-3po which will be in other sets.

or dual moulded leg c3-po could be in another ucs set? but im sure that he wont be in play sets

I could see 3PO from the Landspeeder (or similar to it with the dual-moulding) coming in a set down the line, as dual moulding is becoming more common, but I do think they'll stick with the Compactor 3PO for a bit (which is still a great fig).

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48 minutes ago, Hhalcyon said:

Who put you in charge? I can make as big a hyperbole as I want, it's not a violation of the rules.

I'm in charge. And I say you're out of bounds with this one. Please dial it back.

6 hours ago, Hhalcyon said:

Hi, I'm a pedantic Lego Star Wars fan. I obsess over the tiniest of details and accuracies. I'm that guy.


Really? The differences are quite obvious to me (sand blue undersuit, dark tan or olive green cloak (depending on the lighting), sand green vambraces and jet pack, pouches on the sides of the belt (not in the middle) vs. light grey undersuit, dark green cloak, dark red vambraces, blue jet pack, pouches around the entire belt). 

6 hours ago, Hhalcyon said:

Say what is that swamp speeder doing in the streets of mandalore, and why is vaughn completely wrong, 

This is not the same thing as using ESB Boba in a RotJ set; this set is a Battle Pack, so the build is not the main draw of the set. Additionally, since BPs quite often just include crappy little tablescrap builds, a decent (albeit somewhat small) version of a real vehicle is welcome IMO. Also, Vaughn is not "completely wrong"; the only way to make him more accurate would be to give him a printed visor, which LEGO obviously cannot/will not do (otherwise Cody would have gotten a printed visor as well). 

6 hours ago, Hhalcyon said:

wait a minute we only saw the tie bomber in ROTJ for like 9 seconds and Sloane wasn't even in that movie

The RotJ anniversary sticker on the box is just branding (like the CW'03 anniversary sticker on the 2017 BF2 Clone Battle Pack); the box art clearly depicts the asteroid field scene from ESB. As for Sloane, she is a difficult character to include in any set, as she has only appeared in comics, books, and one game (Squadrons) - The latter of which is the inspiration for her inclusion in this set, given her rank and proximity to a TIE Bomber (also, Sloane was actually present during the Battle of Endor, though she had the rank of Admiral by then). 

6 hours ago, Hhalcyon said:

what's that spider droid doing at the battle of utapau, 

The Dwarf Spider Droid is just a small side-build to provide some conflict, though I do think that it should have been a Crab Droid. This is hardly the same as including the wrong version of Boba, however, and the actual contents of the set (box art aside) correspond accurately to the Battle of Yerbana (though I doubt that this was LEGO's intention). 

6 hours ago, Hhalcyon said:

when did Palpatine and Padme ever ride a red gunship

Padmé was near the Coruscant Guard LAATs in the episode where they appeared, albeit wearing a different outfit from the one that is rumoured for the set. More broadly, however, both Padmé and The Senate are somewhat difficult to include in the sets that LEGO generally makes, as they both typically stay out of the large battles that we typically get sets for (though Padmé could absolutely be added to an Anakin's JSF set!); thematically, though, Padmé, Sheev, and Fox make sense to include in a Coruscant Guard LAAT, despite their inclusion not being an accurate recreation of any scene(s). 

6 hours ago, Hhalcyon said:

the 187th troopers were never purple in canon

Non-Canon material can and should be be made into sets, and this has nothing to do with ESB Boba in a RotJ set. 

6 hours ago, Hhalcyon said:

we never saw a tie interceptor fight a fang fighter

There is concept art of such a fight, and (IIRC) according to Katee Sackhoff, the scene actually exists but was cut for time. 

6 hours ago, Hhalcyon said:

wasn't there a cyborg operating that spider tank

This is probably just a matter of LEGO not getting concept art of the cyborg piloting the spider tank. 

6 hours ago, Hhalcyon said:

when did boba fett, vader and stormtroopers use mechs, 

Mechs (like Microfighters) are gimmick sets, so the builds are just meant to be toys rather than recreations of any particular scenes. 

6 hours ago, Hhalcyon said:

when did we ever see a hoth scout trooper

In the cross-sections book that also provided the interior design of the AT-AT (sand blue chairs, speeder bike placement, etc); there was also an action figure of the Hoth Scout. 

6 hours ago, Hhalcyon said:

Tala never wore that oufit in that scene and Obi-wan never fought those 3 inquisitors, 

True, but we only got two sets for Kenobi, so some things needed to be compressed. Additionally, having Tala in her accurate costume would have been a spoiler, as she only appeared in trailers in her Imperial uniform. Also, Obi-Wan wore the outfit from the Scythe set during the scene when those three Inquisitors arrived in said ship; no fight took place, but the contents of the set are accurate. 

6 hours ago, Hhalcyon said:

there were no artillery troopers in that scene

True, but I appreciate getting a new trooper variant in a generic Imperial vehicle set (a variant that was unlikely to appear outside of an Imperial lander set, since an accurate set for that episode would just be a massive Battle Pack with some rock builds!). 

6 hours ago, Hhalcyon said:

we never saw any sith jet troopers 

This is just objectively false (see 1:40). 

6 hours ago, Hhalcyon said:

Ahsoka and the 332nd never fought battledroids 

That set is weird; I think that Mandalore Ahsoka and the 332nd Trooper were late additions that got thrown into an AAT to capitalise on TCW S7. This is probably your best piece of evidence, though I do not think that it is equivalent to using ESB Boba in place of RotJ Boba. 

6 hours ago, Hhalcyon said:

rey never fought a knights of ren transport 

No, but they at least appear in the same movie (and Rey does fight near the KoR); Kylo (redeemed Ben) would arguably have been a better choice, but I understand why LEGO went with a more obvious hero character. 

Edited by Classic_Spaceman

3 hours ago, omegabadbatch said:

I dont think that c-3po from ucs landspeeder will be in another set. Only legs are exclusive in this c3po. C-3po from death star trash compactor is now main c-3po which will be in other sets.

or dual moulded leg c3-po could be in another ucs set? but im sure that he wont be in play sets

I don’t think it’s happening soon. But I think it’s a good chance he has a dual-moulded leg in playsets 5-10 years from now. Just like how arm printing used to be an extreme rarity, but is becoming more and more common now.

8 hours ago, Hhalcyon said:

"we've had 3" yes and many of us were 6 years old, 9 years old and 15 years old at the time of the 3 turbo tanks we've had and as such didn't have hundreds of dollars to buy one (or several). I *could* buy one of the old ones for like $400, I *could* part out an older one for like $100.

My only point is that the set isn't significantly more iconic than the other GAR vehicles we've either only had once or never had at all. 

As for the venator, a what, $650 set without an interior is significantly different than a $170 max playscale one. Are you really saying if they released a $600 UCS turbo tank with no fig-scaled interior, you'd rather get it than a used one (for $255 with all figs for the 2016 version, by the way. Or $125 if you only want the tank itself. I keep pretty updated on BL since I'm a seller there.)

6 hours ago, Hhalcyon said:

that's something that Lego definitely cares about and would put effort into making a unique version of for an ROTJ set in current year, yep 100%

All I'm gonna say about this is that lego routinely has made separate versions of boba fett for eps 5 and 6 and puts them in sets accurately.

1 hour ago, MKJoshA said:

I'm in charge. And I say you're out of bounds with this one. Please dial it back.

Since this started with ESB Boba Fett I know there's an "altering the deal" joke here but I'm not witty enough to make it.



To try and get back on topic, does anyone think the mechs are gonna come back next year? Obviously it's sale-dependent, but say the Vader and Stormtrooper ones do poorly. Do you think we'd still have a 2024 wave?

29 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

To try and get back on topic, does anyone think the mechs are gonna come back next year? Obviously it's sale-dependent, but say the Vader and Stormtrooper ones do poorly. Do you think we'd still have a 2024 wave?

Probably (barring a massive flop in sales), since the sets are already designed and in production. My guesses would be Mando (brown or dark grey with flat silver accents, Darksaber accessory), P2 Cody, and Rebel Pilot Luke. 

18 minutes ago, Classic_Spaceman said:

Probably (barring a massive flop in sales), since the sets are already designed and in production. My guesses would be Mando (brown or dark grey with flat silver accents, Darksaber accessory), P2 Cody, and Rebel Pilot Luke. 

I wanna see Tie and AT-AT mechs. And maybe an R2 mech.

For the sheer ridiculousness, of course.

1 hour ago, Classic_Spaceman said:

Probably (barring a massive flop in sales), since the sets are already designed and in production. My guesses would be Mando (brown or dark grey with flat silver accents, Darksaber accessory), P2 Cody, and Rebel Pilot Luke. 

I could see that. Though this almost feels too optimistic. I'm gonna guess we end up getting 501st clone trooper mech, beskar mando mech, and emperor palpatine mech.

35 minutes ago, jdubbs said:

Man when this place goes off the rails it REALLY goes off.

UCS Conveyex confirmed. Let's now spend 5 pages discussing it.

1 hour ago, danth said:

I wanna see Tie and AT-AT mechs. And maybe an R2 mech.

For the sheer ridiculousness, of course.

A TIE Walker (not a real vehicle, BTW) would actually be cool as a crazy EU vehicle like the TIE Crawler. 

43 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

I could see that. Though this almost feels too optimistic. I'm gonna guess we end up getting 501st clone trooper mech, beskar mando mech, and emperor palpatine mech.

I was thinking primarily about 1.) what Minifigs LEGO has in production right now, 2.) playability, and 3.) colours. Vader's mech is black, so Palpatine or RotJ Luke would overlap too much for each set to stand out on shelves, but we still need some heroes to fight the 2023 mechs - Hence pilot Luke. Mando is an obvious choice, and I chose Cody because Clones are popular and he has been locked behind the AT-TE for long enough that all AFOLs have already gotten him (meaning that LEGO can now release him in a cheap set). I doubt that we will get a 501st mech (for a few years, at least, until we get a Rex mech), since there are two $20 sets with 501st Clones on shelves right now (meaning that there would be no draw for the mech). 

I think people forget Lego is about creativity. 

Whether we like it or not, Lego Star Wars has never been completely accurate, far from it. This is especially evident when it comes to sets and inclusions of figures. 

In recent years the demand for the highest-degree of accuracy has skyrocketed; but the Lego Star Wars does not cave in. 

Go and check all those sets you feel nostalgic about. 

So I wanted to buy the executor and have just sort of brushed up on the fact that it has apparently been very difficult to find and is constantly on back order. 

What's up? This isn't an SDCC exclusive turned set, did lego just mess up majorly on this sets availability. It wasn't a limited time thing was it?

11 hours ago, ginja said:

Is that in the DSM? tune down the hyperbole a notch. You can voice an opinion without being unpleasant about it.

I think that was pleasent, what a boring world if people would not be allowed to through around insanity tags

8 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Since this started with ESB Boba Fett I know there's an "altering the deal" joke here but I'm not witty enough to make it.

Cant we have a vote on this? 😅

5 hours ago, ArrowBricks said:

I think people forget Lego is about creativity. 

Whether we like it or not, Lego Star Wars has never been completely accurate, far from it. This is especially evident when it comes to sets and inclusions of figures. 

In recent years the demand for the highest-degree of accuracy has skyrocketed; but the Lego Star Wars does not cave in. 

Go and check all those sets you feel nostalgic about. 

There's a significant different, I think, from sets that aren't completely accurate (either by the bricks simply not being available or by trying to add playability), and stuff that not only isn't actually from any star wars material but doesn't follow the SW design language. Even the stuff for lego's own non-canon shows at least look like they could plausibly be in star wars. 

23 minutes ago, Sneakguest said:

Cant we have a vote on this? 😅

No, because I am altering the deal. Pray I do not alter it further.:vader:

37 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

There's a significant different, I think, from sets that aren't completely accurate (either by the bricks simply not being available or by trying to add playability), and stuff that not only isn't actually from any star wars material but doesn't follow the SW design language. Even the stuff for lego's own non-canon shows at least look like they could plausibly be in star wars. 

Except, mechs are just cool. Plus, Star Wars Legends did in fact give us mech-esque designs, like the various Dark Trooper armors.

It's not as out of place as you might think. And if it gives Lego an excuse to give us desirable figures at a semi-decent price point, I'm all for it.

41 minutes ago, ARC2149Nova said:

Except, mechs are just cool. Plus, Star Wars Legends did in fact give us mech-esque designs, like the various Dark Trooper armors.

It's not as out of place as you might think. And if it gives Lego an excuse to give us desirable figures at a semi-decent price point, I'm all for it.

I was already thinking how cool it would be if they made a mech set for Moff Gideon given his Dark Trooper armor in S3. It'd be a super cheap and accessible way to get him. Pair it with a Din Djarrin mech and you have the makings of an affordable, fun face-off. Or better yet, make it a smaller IG-12 with Grogu piloting it and include Din on the side with a blaster. 

A plain Clone Trooper mech just like the Stormtrooper would be pretty great but I don't see how they could make it look all that much different without making it a specific legion.

I don't know, these mechs have some neat potential and are just fun but we need more like the Boba Fett mech and fewer like the Darth Vader mech.

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