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I wonder if the Tantive IV boarding diorama is actually the boarding scene from ANH? It could be the Profundity hallway scene from Rogue One as that would only need Vader plus 2-3 rebel fleet troopers. Given that sets around that 55€ pricepoint usually only have 3-4 minifigs, and the Tantive IV boarding would also have stormtroopers and possibly Captain Antilles as well as Vader and the rebel troopers.

Podrace diorama sounds promising, as does the buildable droideka. Still somewhat disappointed that the battlepack will be the third clone battlepack in a row but at least the super battledroids are finally coming back.

7 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Ranked/special troops? "bad for a battle pack" (I agree about, say, higher ranks in a bona fide battle pack, but disagree about special troops and lower ranks in stuff like the hovertank.). All generic troops? Complaints about the lack of ranked troops.

For me it depends on how high the rank is. 1 sergeant or squad leader in a battlepack with 3 regular troopers would be fine, but a commander is way too high rank for a massable set. Specialists in a battlepack are fine so long as they don't outnumber the regular troopers like in that 75266 TROS Sith battlepack a few years ago.

I’m ok with yet another Clone BP under two conditions:

  • For the love of Ole, please no 501st. I’m sick and tired of them :laugh_hard: Just do any other legion.
  • Have some variety. BPs with identical troopers are boring to me.

Shouldn’t be too hard. Best case for me would be Bly’s 327th :excited:

9 hours ago, PreVizsla said:

Clone and droid battle pack: I hate it, I have no use for B2 and super battle droids cause they are so outdated and brittle and they don't give us anything good like tactical droids or super tactical droids. Build will most likely be as awful, oversized and inacurate as the 501st $30 set was and I will end up paying $30 for 4 clones again. If the clones are all plain phase 2 they are awful for army building cause there are no proper ranks as in officers, sergeants, lieutenants, commanders, majors, generals. Will most likely not get them at all unless the builds are accurate and focus on current 501st and 332nd. I would have preffered 2x $20 battle packs over this one. 


"Awful for army building" Their base armor is all identical all the way up the rank structure. The phase 2s don't have visually distinct sergeants, lieutenants, captains or commanders. (and majors and generals are not canon) They have a base armor (the plain P2) and then they put their legion paint over that and then high ranking officers get to add pauldrons, kamas, visors and other stuff. All of which you can do to any troopers you like.

For example I have 42 212th Minifigs to make up a platoon, My 36 generic troopers are visually indistinct from the 4 sergeants because that's accurate to the on-screen material for phase 2 and my first and second lieutenants have kamas and range finders.

If we got a P2 Battlepack with just plain P2s you could literally make ANY officers or specialists you want, you'd just need to add in the accessories yourself. Which I would say is 100x better than getting a battlepack with 2 regs, a clone officer with ugly printed kamas and printed pauldrons and some random p2 battlefront rip off design like a specialist. Especially when the actual ratio of troopers to officers in the command structure is 36 troopers and 4 visually indistinct sergeants to one or possibly two lieutenants. And then 4 of ALL THAT before a captain even enters the picture.

My point being, officers make up like 1% of the army in SW, if we're counting sergeants (who have no notable visual distinctions on screen anyway) then it's like 10% officers. Even 1 officer in a 4 figure battlepack would be a waste because we can make (much better looking) officers out of plain troopers with accessories anyway. I've done it with my 212th and my 187th. I would have done it for the 501st and 332nd but we got a battlepack with 501st officers in them and I might as well use those figures for something. Though I added my own kamas.

Now if we were talking Phase 1? Then we have a reason to care about officers because they would all require new printing. Even then IMO we shouldn't be getting anything above a sergeant in a battlepack. Save Lieutenants and Captains for actual sets.

1 hour ago, ToaDraco said:

As for the Clones vs Droids bp I do hope they've fixed the clips on the Super Battle Droids. That's really all I ask.

I wonder if they will still even use clips? One thought that's just crossed my mind is whether we could see the Super Battle Droid redesigned as a standard minifigure in the way both Huyang and the Dark Troopers were.

4 minutes ago, wesker said:

One thought that's just crossed my mind is whether we could see the Super Battle Droid redesigned as a standard minifigure in the way both Huyang and the Dark Troopers were.

Ewewewewewewewewew no thanks

Edit: Pretty sure they only did that because, for one thing, I doubt dark troopers would look good as a specially moulded piece or two (plus it would cost them a lot more), and for another, Huyang isn't really surprising given that similarly shaped droids (protocol droids, etc.) are already full minifigs and have been forever. The B2s look even less humanoid than the dark troopers; the only way I could see it coming close to looking decent is with a super chunky sandwich board head/torso piece.

Edited by AD_Bricks

42 minutes ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Shouldn’t be too hard. Best case for me would be Bly’s 327th :excited:

Same :wub: 

Also, I just ordered the Spider Tank Droid(?) at Dutch/Belgian webshop Bol.com.
I was relieved to find it over there (for pretty much the same price as S@H), since on S@H I came up short for free delivery and I couldn't find anything nice and small to add to it :innocent2:


52 minutes ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

I’m ok with yet another Clone BP under two conditions:

  • For the love of Ole, please no 501st. I’m sick and tired of them :laugh_hard: Just do any other legion.
  • Have some variety. BPs with identical troopers are boring to me.

Shouldn’t be too hard. Best case for me would be Bly’s 327th :excited:

I disagree, identical troops make it way easier to army build and let’s be honest, the vast majority of clone troops are identical. I don’t like the recent 501st specialist pack because it’s not massable. I don’t need an army of clone specialist troops we never even see in Star Wars canon. I want massable troopers I can get a ton of

1 hour ago, ToaDraco said:

As for the clones, I'll take anything but 501st, 212th or 51st. As much as I love them, we've had those guys enough. 

Agreed on the 501st and partially on the 41st (Kashyyyk camo only - we still need the dark green BF2 and grey RotS versions!), but I disagree that we have enough 212th. We only got three of the current design 212th Clones in the AT-TE, one in this year’s advent calendar, and one Airborne Trooper in Grievous’ starfighter back in 2020; I think that we (in North America, at least) are due a good 212th army-builder (with at least one Airborne Trooper) at this point! 
Also, Crab Droid. 

1 hour ago, 1340cc said:

I wonder if the Tantive IV boarding diorama is actually the boarding scene from ANH? It could be the Profundity hallway scene from Rogue One as that would only need Vader plus 2-3 rebel fleet troopers. Given that sets around that 55€ pricepoint usually only have 3-4 minifigs, and the Tantive IV boarding would also have stormtroopers and possibly Captain Antilles as well as Vader and the rebel troopers.

You could feasibly do both in one set. A slight change of figs to swap out and a alternative quote included. 

11 hours ago, PreVizsla said:

Grogu's escape: this is the set I am looking forward the most. We can get barc speeder, pram, Naboo guards, clones, Kelleran and all those things are exciting to me.
The skeleton crew ship: depends if I like the show or not
Podrace Diorama: getting it unless it's miniscale
Droideka and R2-D2: 0 interest
Midi-Scale sets: 0 interest, hate midi scale stuff, but happy they stopped making those awful helmets
Tantive boarding diorama: sounds like a great set, need to see how it looks though
Clone and droid battle pack: I hate it, I have no use for B2 and super battle droids cause they are so outdated and brittle and they don't give us anything good like tactical droids or super tactical droids. Build will most likely be as awful, oversized and inacurate as the 501st $30 set was and I will end up paying $30 for 4 clones again. If the clones are all plain phase 2 they are awful for army building cause there are no proper ranks as in officers, sergeants, lieutenants, commanders, majors, generals. Will most likely not get them at all unless the builds are accurate and focus on current 501st and 332nd. I would have preffered 2x $20 battle packs over this one. 
Young Jedi adventure sets: not really interested as I don't watch the show, but if the set is looking good I might get it.


I don’t think you understand the purpose of a battle pack

Options for Clone units in 75372: 

 - Plain (Shinies) - Possible, and highly-requested. More associated with the Empire, though, so maybe less likely in a set with droids? 
 - 212th - Extremely likely, given that they are the second most prominent unit, and considering that enough time has passed since the AT-TE came out. Also, our last worldwide army-builder and cheap source of Airborne Troopers came out in 2014! 
 - Shock Troopers - Would be great, but not likely with the LAAT coming out and Grogu’s Escape potentially including 1-2. 
 - 327th - Very possible, and probably on LEGO’s radar considering their creation of the Macrobinoculars attachment. Also, a $30 “super battle pack” could conceivably include a commander, so Bly is not off the table. 
 - Wolfpack (104th) - Very possible; Wolffe appeared in the Skywalker Saga game (which gave us our first looks at Fox and Sheev), and the unit is one of the more popular. 
 - 91st - Moderately likely, but I have doubts; LEGO has not really prioritised the 91st (we only ever got two Troopers!), and considering that Grogu’s Escape is almost certainly going to include a BARC speeder, I really cannot see us getting either BARC Clones without a speeder or two speeders at the same time. Maybe in a few years. 
 - 41st (Green/Grey/Camo) Definitely possible. While the Kashyyyk variant is seen as overused, our last battle pack for the 41st came out in 2014, so there is an entire generation of kids who have not had the opportunity to get them (I feel very old right now! 😬). Also, Gree appears in the Skywalker Saga game. 
 - 442nd - The wildcard; not prominent at all, but the right balance of obscure, recognisable, and colourful that I could actually see LEGO going there. Points against are that they are just a colour-swap of the 212th, and that only one type of Trooper has made any kind of appearance (battle packs usually include 2-3 types). 
 - 13th (Jaro Tapal’s unit) - Unlikely. While nice, LEGO has been avoiding making even more significant things from J:FO/J:S; additionally, they look like a combination of the 327th and the 212th, so they lack adequate visual distinctiveness to warrant appearing right now. 
 - 187th (Canon brown/dark red version) - Very unlikely; far too obscure to appear in a battle pack. I would legitimately expect the return of purple 187th before we get Canon 187th! 

Overall, I would rank the order of likeliness as: 212th -> 327th, 41st (same level) -> Shinies -> Wolfpack. 

8 minutes ago, Agent Kallus said:

And don't they look glorious! 

Yeah I'm pleasantly surprised, the build looks pretty decent and I'm a fan of the figures personally! I hope it reflects well in person :)

Gunship looks good, mostly. A few bits of exposed Technic I'm not crazy about, and the tip of the nose does look a little squared off, but this is a really tricky area to pull off well. Otherwise, glad it's dark red, and will never say no to a bit of variety! I think I'll pick this up, almost more for the Padmé figure than anything.

Is this the first time we've had the version of the gunship with completely sealed doors and no bubble turrets as well? I think so, right?

Minifigs for the Gunship are incredible! I’m disappointed in the Gunship itself. The scale is so weird and it’s so small and stubby. And the wing turrets look dreadful. It looks like one of those mid scale Mocs people make that still have the full scale wind screens on them making them look really messed up

I knew it would be dark red, yes! Love the figures. It does look rather small though. I wonder how it will look next to last years AT-TE. Wish they did something creative in the interior as well. I think I will get one. 

That Gunship looks really bad. The wings are too long for the overall size (and the bubble turrets are stud shooters!), the ship itself is too short and stubby (there needs to be more space between the cockpits and the point where the cannons connect, and the cannons are too short as well), the nose is blocky and full of gaps and awkward angles, and the sides are not smooth and curving as they should be (none of the SNOT plates seem to align). The Minifigs are the only redeeming part of the set, and even then Padmé has a reused head and Fox is very mid (inaccurate amount of white on the chestplate, grey (rather than black) visor, white legs (red with white printing would have looked better, IMO), and the lack of a cloth or moulded kama really stands out for some reason). Overall, I am quite disappointed! 

"Minifig-scale" is always hard to define given the non-human proportions of a figure, but this gunship seems to be pretty close going off Lego's size description. It looks about 10% smaller than it "should" be, but no doubt the previous playsets were somewhat oversized compared to what would be canon accurate.

Dangit, I don't want to collect CW era stuff, but this new gunship looks so good. I had the original as a kid and this is better in so many ways, that deep red really pops. These gunships have always been top tier play-sets IMO: great swooshability, capacity for a ton of minifigs, and iconic to the era.

It's basically the falcon of the CW, if there can be such a thing, there was never a specific ship, but the main cast spent so much time on these ships.

Also If they release a more reasonably sized interpretation of the barc speeder in the battlepack it would probably fit well with that rear door, not to mention the escape set will pair nicely with this.

Edited by Alex_South

Whoo, the gunship looks great if you ask me!
The minifigures definitely do :wub: 
Gotta get me some extras of those Shock Troopers :devil:


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