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8 hours ago, Kaijumeister said:

I can’t imagine this won’t sell like hotcakes though.

It's always funny when people compare multi-hundred-dollar collector's items to cheap little cupcakes (or whatever hotcakes are, idk). Not because it's wrong or anything, but because it actually makes some sense here.

21 minutes ago, jackiesmith5 said:

My favorite movie is Star Wars The Force Awakens. It was the greatest part of star wars for me because of Harrison Ford. I liked his acting and character very much. Moreover, I was amazed by the dual lightsaber used by the Ashoka Tano. This is what makes this movie more exciting and phenomenal.

I too was amazed by the dual lightsaber Ahsoka used in Star Wars The Force Awakens.

And when she shouted It's Morbin Time before decapitating Kylo Ren!

Truly SWTFA was a film of all time.

I almost don't want to Flag as Spammer ban you so this post can stay, but alas, that isn't how we do things.

I’m tickled that the new Gunship is getting such a divisive reaction in the community. I feels we mostly give a set high praises with a few people nitpicking, or we universally think a set is bad and some go out of there way to defend it.

today we have a generally “all over the board” reaction. Always nice to remember our afoul community is anything but a monolith.

23 minutes ago, Archer said:

I’m tickled that the new Gunship is getting such a divisive reaction in the community. I feels we mostly give a set high praises with a few people nitpicking, or we universally think a set is bad and some go out of there way to defend it.

today we have a generally “all over the board” reaction. Always nice to remember our afoul community is anything but a monolith.

What I've found interesting is that, unlike where some sets are divided by love it/hate it reactions, this really does feel like we get the whole spectrum. Some love it, some hate it, some think it's decent but imperfect, some think it's mostly bad with a few highlights, some are not bothered by it at all, some think it's just fine. It's honestly kinda great seeing such diverse opinions on a set.

And of all the sets for this to happen with, I'm surprised it was a gunship of all things!

I'm not bothered by the set very much and i am not gonna buy it but i do think it looks great! The colors really pop and although it maybe looks like some phat bumblebee i am sure many kids and afols alike will have a lot of fun with this gunship. I mean, it really looks like it's fun and the figures are good too.

And now let's talk about this "space" cmf. Futurama or SW, i'll take both :laugh:

11 hours ago, Legoman123 said:

I feel that MBS is just basically it’s a building and UCS is saying it’s a vehicle.  

Yeah that is how I see it too. Tends to have many more figures as well. 

Upon closer review of the gunship, I really do like the set. I have 2 AT-TEs from last year and it would be nice to have those are part of a republic display with the Venator presiding over everything. Just don't love the stud shooters on the wings. Also, the more I look at Fox, he's alright but could be so much better in my opinion and I would like to believe that LEGO has the resources to accomplish these improvements. New thoughts, I think I will get 2 of them. 

Edited by McMurder_them_softly

I think Star Wars CMF line would thrive tenfold. Isn't it just a myth that "licensing" prevents them from doing it?

On a realistic note, yeah, "space" is way to much of a dead giveaway if this was in fact a Star Wars project. Futurama could actually be likely.

The gunship is really odd to me because there isn't really anything super overtly wrong with it, but it also just feels a little off? I feel like maybe it just should have been slightly bigger but I'm not sure if that would really be accurate or whatever. 

As for 2024 stuff, I think the only sets I'm really too interested in are the battle pack and Mando set. Kinda sucks we're getting yet another clone pack but I also am a complete sucker so I will definitely be buying it. I need to see the Mando set but it sounds promising so if it looks decent I'll get it too.

12 hours ago, Legoman123 said:

I feel that MBS is just basically it’s a building and UCS is saying it’s a vehicle.  

100%. Making something MBS just means Lego might take a few liberties on the accuracy of the design to have it work with minifigures. Which makes sense for buildings that are way larger than the set can capture like Cloud City, Hoth, and the Ewok Village, as well as buildings with ill-defined proportions and with random add-ons designed for the set like the Mos Eisley Cantina. For ships they are contained designs that aren’t overly large and have lots of clear designs from the source material to go off of, so they can make the design as accurate as possible to the source material. (While also throwing a bunch of play features in for the minifig-compatible sets.)

Edited by QuiggoldsPegLeg

But then again, the Death Stars are both classified as UCS, though by todays standards they would most definitely be MBS.

1 hour ago, Old Master said:

Also, some serious HD great pics of Rex just dropped. I think this fig is actually really solid

I agree. If it had the kama, I could rest my case. Extra helmet hole doesn't seem really too bad. 

8 minutes ago, McMurder_them_softly said:

I agree. If it had the kama, I could rest my case. Extra helmet hole doesn't seem really too bad. 

I think I will take the route of buying a custom kama with blue trim to cover the print, cause even if Lego included a kama, it likely would've just been plain black.

On 8/1/2023 at 2:03 PM, Balrogofmorgoth said:

I don’t think you understand the purpose of a battle pack

I don't think you understand what army building is. Lot of you guys devoid the "art form" of any creativity, imagination and canon and minimize it into this depressing and repetitive stacking of the same figure on a baseplate. Your superficial view overlooks the dedication and passion that drives half of people in the army building community.

Speaking of the gunship build I really like it, especially the size. To nitpick a bit I don't like the stud shooters, but I understand I can easily remove them. I really don't like that the republic insignia (idk if the word is correct) is a sticker considering how much we are paying for the set.
From the figures I love the Coruscant Guards and Padme. Would prefer Palpatine having legs and not the dress piece, but the print and everything else looks really good. I hate Fox from inacurate torso print to the lack of kama and would have prefered another figure like a pilot instead if they couldn't do him justice. I am definitely getting one, but not day one as I need to focus on clone battle packs.

9 minutes ago, PreVizsla said:

I don't think you understand what army building is. Lot of you guys devoid the "art form" of any creativity, imagination and canon and minimize it into this depressing and repetitive stacking of the same figure on a baseplate. Your superficial view overlooks the dedication and passion that drives half of people in the army building community.

Speaking of the gunship build I really like it, especially the size. To nitpick a bit I don't like the stud shooters, but I understand I can easily remove them. I really don't like that the republic insignia (idk if the word is correct) is a sticker considering how much we are paying for the set.
From the figures I love the Coruscant Guards and Padme. Would prefer Palpatine having legs and not the dress piece, but the print and everything else looks really good. I hate Fox from inacurate torso print to the lack of kama and would have prefered another figure like a pilot instead if they couldn't do him justice. I am definitely getting one, but not day one as I need to focus on clone battle packs.

What are you even saying. What use would I have for more than one or two 501st specialist packs? The overwhelming majority of clone troops look the same, no specialized armor. It makes far more sense to mass an armies of regular foot soldier clones from each legion. Save the specialized clones for other sets, and put more generic clones in battle packs, with maybe one that’s different. Also, canon? There’s not much canon in the 501st specialist pack…

16 minutes ago, PreVizsla said:

I don't think you understand what army building is. Lot of you guys devoid the "art form" of any creativity, imagination and canon and minimize it into this depressing and repetitive stacking of the same figure on a baseplate. Your superficial view overlooks the dedication and passion that drives half of people in the army building community.

"army building lego minifigures is an art form" is my new favorite take on EB. C'mon, man. Not to invoke the plastic toys argument, but... it's collecting minifigures, most of whom are identical. Not a ton of creativity and imagination going on there even if you're doing it the "right" way. Let people do what they want.

Edited by Mandalorianknight

57 minutes ago, PreVizsla said:

I don't think you understand what army building is. Lot of you guys devoid the "art form" of any creativity, imagination and canon and minimize it into this depressing and repetitive stacking of the same figure on a baseplate. Your superficial view overlooks the dedication and passion that drives half of people in the army building community.

I am also someone who likes to lore accurately army build. It is not an art form. Nor is it something you should be elitist about. How can you combine creativity, imagination AND canon? Canon is canon. Your imagination is worthless when you're just mindlessly following canon. Sounds like YOU'RE the one lacking creativity. I say that as someone who builds armies featuring lore-accurate unit sizes, officer ratios and customises them as such according to canon. The difference between us though is that you seem to have a holier-than-thou attitude about the way you arrange your toys. Have some self-awareness.

If the average army builder likes to just buy hundreds upon hundreds of the same piece of plastic and put it on a baseplate and it makes them happy who are you to call their way of doing things "depressing", "repetitive" or "superficial" I'd say if you're gonna buy a hundred battlepacks and spend hours putting the figures onto a baseplate, (which takes forever) you're pretty bloody passionate about it.

This is the single most depressing thing I've ever been exposed to in the LSW fanbase and lemme tell ya, we have some real scary depths of depressing takes in the LSW fanbase.


Does anyone think that the inclusion of the apparent tiny gunships with the UCS Venator could lead the landing strip being functional?

Brick Reporter is saying the battle pack build is an ARC-170 as well in the scale of the Yavin Y-Wing. If this rumor is fake news someone should say what the build ACTUALLY is. 

I mean, I don’t want to get into a conversation that sounds wishlist-y, but I always have to ask whenever this conversation comes up: realistically, what would a Star Wars CMF be able to cover that hasn’t already been covered? We’ve already got hyper detailed figs for characters such as Boba Fett and Vader, and there aren’t a lot more that need those. I can’t see it being efficient for army building. We’ve got most of the major characters that have appeared in the shows, and most of the minor characters that appear in the movies. We have the 20th anniversary yellow figures from 2019, so not a lot of reason to do classic figures. I suppose there’s no hard law stating that all characters in a theme have to adhere to one theme, but I can’t really imagine a mixture of Cobb Vanth, a Zorii Bliss with arm printing, a 327th figure, a Nien Numb, and a classic Boba Fett.

There is never going to be a way to please everyone or make a perfect CMF, obviously—I love the new Marvel ones, but I can absolutely understand the desire for more comic designs in it. With that said, I really don’t see the need for a Star Wars one or any way to appeal to a majority of the audience.

2 minutes ago, Brickroll said:

I mean, I don’t want to get into a conversation that sounds wishlist-y, but I always have to ask whenever this conversation comes up: realistically, what would a Star Wars CMF be able to cover that hasn’t already been covered? We’ve already got hyper detailed figs for characters such as Boba Fett and Vader, and there aren’t a lot more that need those. I can’t see it being efficient for army building. We’ve got most of the major characters that have appeared in the shows, and most of the minor characters that appear in the movies. We have the 20th anniversary yellow figures from 2019, so not a lot of reason to do classic figures. I suppose there’s no hard law stating that all characters in a theme have to adhere to one theme, but I can’t really imagine a mixture of Cobb Vanth, a Zorii Bliss with arm printing, a 327th figure, a Nien Numb, and a classic Boba Fett.

There is never going to be a way to please everyone or make a perfect CMF, obviously—I love the new Marvel ones, but I can absolutely understand the desire for more comic designs in it. With that said, I really don’t see the need for a Star Wars one or any way to appeal to a majority of the audience.

You make the CMF’s based on a one movie so for TPM we could get 

Boss Nass,Padme Handmaiden,Padme Battle Attire,Nute Gunray,Shimi,Anakin Padawan,Yaddle,Yareel Poof,Sabe,Rune Haako,Sio Bibble,Pod Racer Announcers. 

13 minutes ago, Legofan2001 said:

Brick Reporter is saying the battle pack build is an ARC-170 as well in the scale of the Yavin Y-Wing. If this rumor is fake news someone should say what the build ACTUALLY is. 

Renown told it's a fake before, but maybe we should ask him again 

Looking at the latest Rex pictures, to nitpick his arm printing perplexes me a bit - it has a weathering effect with missing bits of blue paint on the shoulders in the blue stripes, yet the rest of the figure has no weathering like this at all (though in the skywalker saga dlc there was actually similar paint weathering on the helmet). And then the blue striping does not follow the minifig arm's bend at the elbow, instead the stripe changes angle too early then goes straight across the elbow, matching neither the bicep nor the forearm. It makes those parts of the print look rather weird to me, as the striping should be in line with each armour piece on the arm. Design confusion aside though it is impressive how well the print seems to have been applied, with the blue going right to the top of the arm.

I do also find it a little strange how Rex doesn't have a black brow line printed on his helmet whereas every other 2020 style clone so far using the standard P2 helmet mould has it (besides Hunter and Echo but their helmets are so different I wouldn't compare them). He would fit in better with the rest of the clones with it and there appears to be room for it, though perhaps the visor print might have had to be shortened slightly for tolerance purposes. I'd guess it was either due to that or due to the designer sticking more closely to the Clone Wars animation for their reference, where he doesn't have it.

Ultimately though I think it's a good figure and I'm very glad they're making it - it's not perfect in my eyes with the brow line, helmet holes (a futile complaint, the mould's almost certainly here to stay for every clone now), kama, oversized pauldron and arm oddness all being areas for improvement in my opinion, but nonetheless it will fit in well enough with the rest of the current 2020-style clones, especially compared to the 2014 Rex who really doesn't. I'd like to get the Venator at some point if I can (assuming the builld is good) but hopefully Rex will be in a standard early 2024 set (either the super battle pack or one of the unnamed set numbers) so I can pick up a few and customise one to use with the rest of my 501st - I'd like to swap the arms for standard blue ones, give him a cloth kama, and drill a hole in the helmet in the proper place for the rangefinder, but there's no way I'm doing the arm swap and helmet hole mod to a UCS-Venator exclusive figure

Speaking of the 2024 sets, the super battle pack has me very interested (hopefully the clones are good and I expect the SBDs will be updated so I hope they aren't open at the back of the torso this time, and that the rocket launcher arm from some of the old SBDs can be used on the new ones without looking odd), and the Grogu temple escape has a good chance of having at least a coruscant guard and/or plain P2 in it so that's got me interested as well as I'd like to get at least a squad of each (and don't currently plan on getting the new gunship for any coruscant guard as my 2013 gunships seem superior). Though I wouldn't mind a standard 501st, and I would not be at all surprised if one turns up in one of these sets given that a complete standard 501st figure is not currently available in a set currently on shelves, but all the parts to do so are spread across 2 current sets in production. I think it's good to have them be widely available anyway since the 501st are arguably the most important legion and not everyone will have managed to amass an army from the 2020 501st set, and not everyone will be willing to kitbash them from the 2 current clone battlepacks if they're just starting out. Just so long as they don't turn out to be the only trooper type in the super battle pack or something, that would be a let down.

39 minutes ago, Brickroll said:

I mean, I don’t want to get into a conversation that sounds wishlist-y, but I always have to ask whenever this conversation comes up: realistically, what would a Star Wars CMF be able to cover that hasn’t already been covered? We’ve already got hyper detailed figs for characters such as Boba Fett and Vader, and there aren’t a lot more that need those. I can’t see it being efficient for army building. We’ve got most of the major characters that have appeared in the shows, and most of the minor characters that appear in the movies. We have the 20th anniversary yellow figures from 2019, so not a lot of reason to do classic figures. I suppose there’s no hard law stating that all characters in a theme have to adhere to one theme, but I can’t really imagine a mixture of Cobb Vanth, a Zorii Bliss with arm printing, a 327th figure, a Nien Numb, and a classic Boba Fett.

There is never going to be a way to please everyone or make a perfect CMF, obviously—I love the new Marvel ones, but I can absolutely understand the desire for more comic designs in it. With that said, I really don’t see the need for a Star Wars one or any way to appeal to a majority of the audience.

I think star wars would be a bad choice for a CMF however I think there is a good way to do it, by following the marvel blueprint and getting it based on recent D+ shows, BBS2 Andor, Mando S3 and suchlike but my guess is it's an unlicensed Space cmf, like we had the monster one. Someone suggested it could be Doctor Who, I don't think that likely but it'd be a dream come true if it did indeed come true.

1 hour ago, Legofan2001 said:

Brick Reporter is saying the battle pack build is an ARC-170 as well in the scale of the Yavin Y-Wing. If this rumor is fake news someone should say what the build ACTUALLY is. 

Gosh that would be terrible. A mid scaled vehicle in a big location based set is one thing. But a stand-alone mid scale vehicle as a playset is just ridiculous 

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