September 14, 20231 yr 7 minutes ago, TeddytheSpoon said: Does Yularen have anything on his arms that would warrant arm printing? I thought it was just plain gray sleeves. He has double cuff bands in black on each lower sleeve. The figure's belt printing is wrong (there should be no stud to the right of the buckle), and he lacks his shoulder straps. Not a big deal for a play set. I would love such a figure in a play set. But in a UCS... no, I want perfection, because that is Lego's own aspiration.
September 14, 20231 yr 36 minutes ago, TeddytheSpoon said: Don't think so. There's a lifestyle video on S@H which shows it partially built, and you can see that at least the back half has Technic pins holding in the lower panel. The last LEGO set to use magnets structurally I believe was the 2002 ISD, and by all accounts it wasn't a great solution. On a related note, the same shot I mentioned is also great for a look at the internal structure - as expected it's a big ol' block of interlocked Technic bricks. Does Yularen have anything on his arms that would warrant arm printing? I thought it was just plain gray sleeves. I thought so too, but when looking at the lower section in the forward hangar notch area on either side by the red sub-assembly, it looks like magnets. I hope not, since I have the 10030 set (2002 ISD) and it really is so bad. I have to set it every day.Â
September 14, 20231 yr 1 hour ago, McMurder_them_softly said: I thought so too, but when looking at the lower section in the forward hangar notch area on either side by the red sub-assembly, it looks like magnets. I hope not, since I have the 10030 set (2002 ISD) and it really is so bad. I have to set it every day. The last SD worked just fine without magnets, so I don’t see why they would bring that terrible outdated solution back for the Venator Also, they don’t use magnets anymore outside of train sets because the round ones from the 90s were incredibly dangerous for small kids Edited September 14, 20231 yr by BrickBob Studpants
September 14, 20231 yr 1 hour ago, McMurder_them_softly said: I thought so too, but when looking at the lower section in the forward hangar notch area on either side by the red sub-assembly, it looks like magnets. I hope not, since I have the 10030 set (2002 ISD) and it really is so bad. I have to set it every day. Hm, can't say I see the same thing anywhere. I guess reviews will be out in a few weeks so we'll see then, but I would be very surprised. Having now had a good look at the underside off the back of that, I kinda wish they'd broken up the surface a bit more with tiles or greebles. I'm all for studs on a LEGO model, and I get that the underside isn't as visible as the rest, but it looks quite unfinished.
September 14, 20231 yr The Venator is definitely cool but I am not at all the target audience (not that into UCS and don't have the money), but what does have me more interested is the new Rex figure. I can't imagine he is going to remain exclusive (aside from maybe the head print) for too long, given how much money Lego will make off whatever set they throw him in. Personally I'm hoping we get him in something smaller next summer, both so that it is more affordable and because if he shows up in a bigger set, they might end up taking up some of the minifig slots with more 501st clones. I guess I wouldn't mind if they were named characters, but that seems unlikely to me and otherwise I would prefer we either get new legions or entirely separate factions. Edit: I realized after I wrote this comment that I hadn't actually checked the 2024 set list again to see if Rex could show up in anything we know about, but so far that doesn't seem to be the case. Unless the set list in the 2024 news thread hasn't been updated, nothing we know anything about seems to suggest he might show up. There are a few sets we know nothing about currently though, so perhaps he'll appear in one of those. Edited September 14, 20231 yr by Meadius
September 14, 20231 yr 43 minutes ago, TeddytheSpoon said: Hm, can't say I see the same thing anywhere. I guess reviews will be out in a few weeks so we'll see then, but I would be very surprised. Having now had a good look at the underside off the back of that, I kinda wish they'd broken up the surface a bit more with tiles or greebles. I'm all for studs on a LEGO model, and I get that the underside isn't as visible as the rest, but it looks quite unfinished. Biggest thing I didnt like about the SD as well. I ended up tiling the entire top, and expanded some underneath, and then placed it at a height where I only see the top! So that the bottom doesnt bug me!
September 15, 20231 yr The Venator has: No play features. Appears to lack opening dorsal hangar doors. Just 2 minifigures (again with this, Lego? Why include figures at all? Like... including them is clearly an acknowledgment that we want figures...). A very bland and non-display-friendly stand.  I get it - it's not intended for kids. But just because I'm an AFOL doesn't mean I don't see the purpose of interiors (even small, vignette interiors) and figures. I also feel like when you're dropping north of half a grand (well north) on a set, it should be a bit more than a permanent shelf-sitter (or if it IS a permanent shelf-sitter, then by golly at least the stand should look nice).  A set of this magnitude should check boxes for all comers - there should be at least a handful of features intended to satisfy childlike wonder. Because, you know, I'm just a grown up kid still buying Legos.  It's releases like these that make me think Lego doesn't really understand a lot of their adult customers - especially when you compare it to something like Rivendell, which just NAILS what a set intended for adults (but can be enjoyed by kids and kid-like adults) should present as.
September 15, 20231 yr 1 hour ago, LordsofMedieval said: The Venator has: No play features. Appears to lack opening dorsal hangar doors. Just 2 minifigures (again with this, Lego? Why include figures at all? Like... including them is clearly an acknowledgment that we want figures...). A very bland and non-display-friendly stand.  I get it - it's not intended for kids. But just because I'm an AFOL doesn't mean I don't see the purpose of interiors (even small, vignette interiors) and figures. I also feel like when you're dropping north of half a grand (well north) on a set, it should be a bit more than a permanent shelf-sitter (or if it IS a permanent shelf-sitter, then by golly at least the stand should look nice).  A set of this magnitude should check boxes for all comers - there should be at least a handful of features intended to satisfy childlike wonder. Because, you know, I'm just a grown up kid still buying Legos.  It's releases like these that make me think Lego doesn't really understand a lot of their adult customers - especially when you compare it to something like Rivendell, which just NAILS what a set intended for adults (but can be enjoyed by kids and kid-like adults) should present as. I don't think you can really compare a set like this to Rivendell. Sure, they have similar part counts, but one is a minifigure-scale, minifigure-centric scene, which is supported by a nice wide base. The other is a scale model, nowhere near minifigure-scale, that has to be able to float and support its own weight on stands that don't take away from the model. I'm not saying the Venator is immune from criticism, but comparing it to Rivendell feels a bit like apples and oranges to me. As for play features, that's sort of been discussed already; but for a set like this which first and foremost is a display piece, what play features would you like to have seen included? Not a jab - genuinely curious.
September 15, 20231 yr 4 hours ago, LordsofMedieval said: The Venator has: No play features. Appears to lack opening dorsal hangar doors. Just 2 minifigures (again with this, Lego? Why include figures at all? Like... including them is clearly an acknowledgment that we want figures...). A very bland and non-display-friendly stand.  I get it - it's not intended for kids. But just because I'm an AFOL doesn't mean I don't see the purpose of interiors (even small, vignette interiors) and figures. I also feel like when you're dropping north of half a grand (well north) on a set, it should be a bit more than a permanent shelf-sitter (or if it IS a permanent shelf-sitter, then by golly at least the stand should look nice).  A set of this magnitude should check boxes for all comers - there should be at least a handful of features intended to satisfy childlike wonder. Because, you know, I'm just a grown up kid still buying Legos.  It's releases like these that make me think Lego doesn't really understand a lot of their adult customers - especially when you compare it to something like Rivendell, which just NAILS what a set intended for adults (but can be enjoyed by kids and kid-like adults) should present as. Why would you expect more than 2 figures and play features from a Star Wars UCS ship set? Thats the standard Edited September 15, 20231 yr by LemonFlavouredBleach
September 15, 20231 yr 18 hours ago, Flieger said: He has double cuff bands in black on each lower sleeve. The figure's belt printing is wrong (there should be no stud to the right of the buckle), and he lacks his shoulder straps. I'm not too upset about Yularen not having arm printing (yes he has those black bands but they aren't too noticeable- I was more upset when the Bespin Guard in 75060 didn't have his red cuffs) but yeah his torso is pretty bad.  The top left part of his outfit is a big pad that stretches across most of his chest and over onto his left shoulder but on the minifigure it's only represented as a vaguely-curved horizontal line between the two vertical lines which I guess they just copied over from the Imperial Officer design. This causes the distinctive S-shape of his uniform to not be very well-defined. Those vertical lines shouldn't really be there. He doesn't have one at all on his left side and the one of the right should be a lot fainter and closer to the edge. Having it overlapping with part of the S-shape makes his whole torso feel a bit squished. The shaping of the design around his neck is wrong too. Imperial Officers do have a semi-circular dip in the chest padding around their collar but Republic Officers like Yularen do not.  Overall they really should've had another go at his torso from scratch. Â
September 15, 20231 yr Seems like first Venator review for anyone curious. Wonder how much he paid for the set...?Â
September 15, 20231 yr I've just finished rewatching Andor, and I'm really mad we still haven't gotten Luthen's ship as a set. One of the collest Star Wars vehicles imo. Could make a fantastic set with a lot of play functions. Also, tried Lloyd's / Harry's hair on Andor, and he looks so much better with it. They should've used that hairpiece for him.
September 15, 20231 yr 55 minutes ago, ForgedInLego said: Looks like LAN reviews are up now too Yup! Plenty to occupy my day haha  5 minutes ago, THELEGOBATMAN said: I've just finished rewatching Andor, and I'm really mad we still haven't gotten Luthen's ship as a set. One of the collest Star Wars vehicles imo. Could make a fantastic set with a lot of play functions. Also, tried Lloyd's / Harry's hair on Andor, and he looks so much better with it. They should've used that hairpiece for him. Agreed. We need Luthens ship, it's so cool!
September 15, 20231 yr 1 hour ago, McMurder_them_softly said: Seems like first Venator review for anyone curious. Wonder how much he paid for the set...? No expense spared, so he can be the first to complain about Rex in person ;)
September 15, 20231 yr The Rex complaints feel disingenuous and petty. He is vastly superior to the old figure. I owned that one for a bit but I've been dreaming of armored characters getting arm printing for years and finally LEGO is caving and giving us more and more arm printing. IMO Rex is the best clone fig to date, the graphic design is way cleaner than the old one and I never liked cloth kamas, minifigs get cluttered too easily and I would rather have solid prints than cloth goods. I also would be shocked if he didn't show up in next summers wave. Do we have any confirmation on what sort of clones will be in the Grogu escape set? I am very curious about that one, especially if it has a little bit of temple structure. I figured it would be shock troopers but I think lego has that covered in the battle pack, it might be normal 501st.
September 15, 20231 yr 1 hour ago, THELEGOBATMAN said:  I've just finished rewatching Andor, and I'm really mad we still haven't gotten Luthen's ship as a set. One of the collest Star Wars vehicles imo. Could make a fantastic set with a lot of play functions. Also, tried Lloyd's / Harry's hair on Andor, and he looks so much better with it. They should've used that hairpiece for him. This. The Ferrix set is retiring and I'm really in doubt if I should buy it or wait until Lego hopefully makes the Fondor, Luthen's ship. I really hope they make a play scale version of it, could indeed have nice play features. But Andor is my favorite show, but is also a rather 'mature' show, so I'm unsure if they'll ever make such a large playset for it.Â
September 15, 20231 yr 1 hour ago, Alex_South said: The Rex complaints feel disingenuous and petty. He is vastly superior to the old figure. I owned that one for a bit but I've been dreaming of armored characters getting arm printing for years and finally LEGO is caving and giving us more and more arm printing. IMO Rex is the best clone fig to date, the graphic design is way cleaner than the old one and I never liked cloth kamas, minifigs get cluttered too easily and I would rather have solid prints than cloth goods. I also would be shocked if he didn't show up in next summers wave. Do we have any confirmation on what sort of clones will be in the Grogu escape set? I am very curious about that one, especially if it has a little bit of temple structure. I figured it would be shock troopers but I think lego has that covered in the battle pack, it might be normal 501st. I am inclined to agree. The helmet alone is really what sells it for me. I never liked the 2013 Rex helmet. The range finder and the better printing (in my opinion) just adds so much. Lamenting the lack of a waist cape. That's really it.Â
September 15, 20231 yr I feel that if Marvel CMFs get printing around the legs, Star Wars figures in a $650 set absolutely deserve the same treatment
September 15, 20231 yr 3 hours ago, THELEGOBATMAN said: I've just finished rewatching Andor, and I'm really mad we still haven't gotten Luthen's ship as a set. One of the collest Star Wars vehicles imo. Could make a fantastic set with a lot of play functions. With the ongoing strikes, there’s no way Andor S2 won’t be delayed to 2025. If the set gets made, it certainly won’t release next year 33 minutes ago, Flawless Cowboy said: I feel that if Marvel CMFs get printing around the legs, Star Wars figures in a $650 set absolutely deserve the same treatment You cannot compare a CMF figure to one from a set. The budget of CMF series is on a completely different level
September 15, 20231 yr 1 hour ago, BrickBob Studpants said: You cannot compare a CMF figure to one from a set. The budget of CMF series is on a completely different level This. And for anyone who is about to say "but they're $5" - yes, they are, but they are a $5 figure made to be available for 2 months with a completely different budget setup. Just because a set is $850 doesn't mean that they necessarily have the budget to make every figure with arm and side leg printing. There is very clearly a lot of budget that goes into a build, and designers do not get to pick the price or budget when they are given the task of creating a set.Â
September 15, 20231 yr anyone aware of anyone produces mods for the new UCS to replace the sticker portion of the Republic symbol?
September 15, 20231 yr 4 hours ago, Alex_South said: The Rex complaints feel disingenuous and petty. He is vastly superior to the old figure. I owned that one for a bit but I've been dreaming of armored characters getting arm printing for years and finally LEGO is caving and giving us more and more arm printing. IMO Rex is the best clone fig to date, the graphic design is way cleaner than the old one and I never liked cloth kamas, minifigs get cluttered too easily and I would rather have solid prints than cloth goods. I also would be shocked if he didn't show up in next summers wave. Do we have any confirmation on what sort of clones will be in the Grogu escape set? I am very curious about that one, especially if it has a little bit of temple structure. I figured it would be shock troopers but I think lego has that covered in the battle pack, it might be normal 501st. I wouldn't go as far to say vastly superior. I think the 2013 one is more accurate to his TCW appearance whereas this new one is more accurate to live action. Sorry if that's a spoiler but official Star Wars pages have posted it all over the place.
September 15, 20231 yr 10 minutes ago, Old Master said: I wouldn't go as far to say vastly superior. I think the 2013 one is more accurate to his TCW appearance whereas this new one is more accurate to live action. Sorry if that's a spoiler but official Star Wars pages have posted it all over the place. It's just opinion but for me armored figures with arm printing look so much better, also the torso print on the 2013 was messy unless I was close up on it, my biggest praise of this new design is that it still looks coherent from a distance. The print on the helmet is also much better to me, bigger mouthpiece and stuff. It's no reason to buy a UCS set, but if this shows up in a set next year I will most likely get it, I am really hoping to do a minimalist CW era display depending on what releases next year.
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