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On 10/4/2023 at 3:49 PM, Duke27 said:

Set based on Acolyte...

Source? While there was a rumour that Keanu Reeves would be playing Revan in The Acolyte, it has not been substantiated. Also, that just sounds like hopeful fancasting to me. 🫤

6 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

"Just to make sure nobody forgets this one: I will film myself eating a Deadpool minifig dressed as Deadpool and put it on Youtube for the world to see if TLG release at least one minifig-based tie-in set for that film. And by that I mean actual tie-in products, no Suicide Squad shenanigans" - BrickBob Studpants

This you?

I'll make my stance clear here. "If Renown's hint about Revan/Kotor ends up resulting in the only Kotor/revan related lego product releasing being a Darth Malak Plushie, I will eat the darth Malak plushie on camera and upload it to youtube within one week of the plushie's release"

Nice to see my signature is helpful for something. 

I'll have to make an addition to it.... 

1 hour ago, Classic_Spaceman said:

Interesting. . . The phrase "To set the cat among the pigeons" means to say/do something that would cause trouble or controversy. BrickHeadz are one possibility, as well as is a GWP. LEGO is not doing Comic-Con exclusives anymore, so that is likely out. 🤔

I honestly would be ok with KOTOR brickheadz, but that would definately fit. We don't know for sure what he's referring to though, as he was replying to another guy's insult.

5 hours ago, Renown said:

I came on again today with another quote - one which would seriously set the cat among the pigeons, possibly even cause some of you to implode - but I think you can wait a little longer for this. 

Aw, man. Sorry about that guy, some of us like the hints and qoutes.

28 minutes ago, Classic_Spaceman said:

Source? While there was a rumour that Keanu Reeves would be playing Revan in The Acolyte, it has not been substantiated. Also, that just sounds like hopeful fancasting to me. 🫤

If the source is that it's an Acolyte set, that would certainly set my cat amongst the pidgeons or whatever the metaphor would be. I do NOT like the high republic era, and am not looking forewords to that show based on some of the things the showrunners have said about SW as a whole, but I suppose when it comes down to it a lego Revan would be a lego Revan.

Keanu Reeves has been the go-to Revan fancast as long as I can remember, which hurts the validity of those rumors.... not to mention Reeves is known for turning down contracts with big companies, such as supposedly marvel multiple times, so I'd be shocked if they got him for a disney+ show.

1 hour ago, Classic_Spaceman said:

I am not particularly familiar with the character, but I do want to see more from the Mortis gods and other esoteric aspects of the Force/Star Wars lore. Additionally, Abeloth is a terrifying cosmic entity (not just a bad guy with a red laser sword), so she would be different and unique as a main villain. 


18 minutes ago, NoOneOfImportance said:

Nice to see my signature is helpful for something. 

I'll have to make an addition to it.... 

I'm honored.

1 hour ago, Classic_Spaceman said:

Maybe, but I feel like the shell might be too big for the Noti (also, the Noti have more turtle-like shells; this looks like a snail shell). 

How???! BrickHeadz? May the 4th promo? I doubt that we would get a set with Revan unless they show up in a High Republic show (Young Jedi Adventures, The Acolyte) for some reason. 🤔

I am not particularly familiar with the character, but I do want to see more from the Mortis gods and other esoteric aspects of the Force/Star Wars lore. Additionally, Abeloth is a terrifying cosmic entity (not just a bad guy with a red laser sword), so she would be different and unique as a main villain. 

I disagree; @Renown is cryptic, but he puts our discussions on the right track. 

Who says "Watch those wrist rockets!"? Renown posted that quote to hint that we are going to get B2s, not Clones. 

Interesting. . . The phrase "To set the cat among the pigeons" means to say/do something that would cause trouble or controversy. BrickHeadz are one possibility, as well as is a GWP. LEGO is not doing Comic-Con exclusives anymore, so that is likely out. 🤔

Counterintuitively, for all his manner might be lacking, the point he makes is valid. 

44 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

I'm honored.

Glad I can be helpful with im-mort(is)-alizing this important moment. 

Guess only time will tell the outcome. 

In other news, is anyone else surprised that there's only one rumored diorama for next year? 

44 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Keanu Reeves has been the go-to Revan fancast as long as I can remember, which hurts the validity of those rumors.... not to mention Reeves is known for turning down contracts with big companies, such as supposedly marvel multiple times, so I'd be shocked if they got him for a disney+ show.

Also, if Keanu played Revan in a hologram or flashback, who would play him in an Old Republic era show/movie? Keanu is almost 60 and he still looks basically like he did decades ago, so Lucasfilm would be painting themselves into a corner if they ever want to use the character again. IMO, if they decide to have Revan show up in The Acolyte, they should keep the mask on and have their voice be modulated (with a voice actor in the role). 

18 minutes ago, Renown said:

Counterintuitively, for all his manner might be lacking, the point he makes is valid. 

So are we getting Darth Malak instead of, or in addition to, Revan? 


Brickstory Builds on YouTube posted an interesting video on Venator mods, including an added interior. It doesn't seem too complicated; just some sections that slide into the open space. Will definitely be doing this when I get my hands on the set. 


Regarding the potential KOTOR set/figure, I agree with @Hhalcyon. Malak seems more likely. Having Revan named in the quote makes it too easy, and not as Renown-like as the hints usually are. 

Edited by Unknown Jedi Master

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I know we're part of the Lego Star Wars community and we have a reputation. But guys, you don't have to live up to that reputation. We can have civil discussions without slinging mud or calling names. Please double check your posts for venom or rancor before posting. 

I personally would be extremely annoyed if there was a new KOTOR set considering Lego have not touched the Jedi fallen order/survivor games. They already have the BD mold, the inquisitor blade molds, purge troopers would just need a new colour for the airborne trooper helmets. 

I know it was back when there was less material out but it was great that they used to release Lego sets based on video games feel like KOTOR had their wave. I just want Cal and the gang in Lego form 

5 hours ago, Classic_Spaceman said:



Renown’s second hint confuses me even more. There are shenanigans afoot, and I don’t know what any of it means :laugh:

One thing is for sure, it has nothing to do with The Acolyte. The show’s set 100 years before TPM, whereas Revan was alive around 3700 BBY :tongue: Not sure why people keep bringing him up

8 hours ago, MKJoshA said:

Please double check your posts for venom or rancor before posting. 

I can't help but point out the irony that is... your profile pic.

10 hours ago, NoOneOfImportance said:

In other news, is anyone else surprised that there's only one rumored diorama for next year? 

Aren't there 3 1HY sets we know are coming but don't know the contents of? I would be shocked if one of them wasn't a diorama.

10 hours ago, Classic_Spaceman said:

Also, if Keanu played Revan in a hologram or flashback, who would play him in an Old Republic era show/movie? Keanu is almost 60 and he still looks basically like he did decades ago, so Lucasfilm would be painting themselves into a corner if they ever want to use the character again. IMO, if they decide to have Revan show up in The Acolyte, they should keep the mask on and have their voice be modulated (with a voice actor in the role). 

So are we getting Darth Malak instead of, or in addition to, Revan? 

Honestly just don't have him show up. 

I'd honestly be super stoked for even just a Malak brickheadz. Anything lego Kotor would be awesome for me. Midi-Scale Leviathon, maybe?

4 minutes ago, jdubbs said:

I can't help but point out the irony that is... your profile pic.

Hey, the rancor is smiling there!

Not to pry, but if you've got anything to add, I think we'd all appreciate it. I need to know!

4 hours ago, BrickBob Studpants said:


I'm a man of my word. If it's the plushie, I will do what I must.

5 hours ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Renown’s second hint confuses me even more. There are shenanigans afoot, and I don’t know what any of it means :laugh:

One thing is for sure, it has nothing to do with The Acolyte. The show’s set 100 years before TPM, whereas Revan was alive around 3700 BBY :tongue: Not sure why people keep bringing him up

Something's up. I'm putting my money on a midi-scale leviathon that inexplicably has either only a malak fig or no figs, but I'd honestly still be stoked for that. I cannot imagine a single KOTOR lego product that would be seen as seriously disappointing given we've had nothing but a single revan polybag back in 2014. Maybe if it was something weirdly obscure, like a Calo Nord polybag?

I don't think his hint has anything to do with the Acolyte, since even if he did appear in the show I doubt he'd be in sets, especially not ones that'd be in development this early on, but Revan is being heavily rumored for that show to appear as a spirit or something. Like I've said, I don't think he should, but there are rumors.

14 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Not to pry, but if you've got anything to add, I think we'd all appreciate it. I need to know!

To be honest I've stopped paying attention to LEGO Star Wars. The quality of the shows fell off a cliff, and my interest in the line went with it. Perhaps when Andor returns...

Trying to refrain from blatant guessing, but another tin-foil hat moment...10 years since Revan plus the 1 quotes...I think mentioned on here before, but Revan minifig GWP coming back for May? 

If it is a plushie, I am going to have to buy 2.   My girls are going to want to chase me around the house with those for sure. 

10 hours ago, Llewop said:

I personally would be extremely annoyed if there was a new KOTOR set considering Lego have not touched the Jedi fallen order/survivor games. They already have the BD mold, the inquisitor blade molds, purge troopers would just need a new colour for the airborne trooper helmets. 


I too would be. I feel like the game was a big enough hit that they could easily do a Purge Trooper BP or maybe a "fight" scene with Trilla, Cal, and a couple of PTs. At this point they got all the right ingredients, but don't want to cook it; excuse the bad phrasing. But alas, this will probably not happen for some time, if ever :sceptic:

1 minute ago, Chazinski said:


I too would be. I feel like the game was a big enough hit that they could easily do a Purge Trooper BP or maybe a "fight" scene with Trilla, Cal, and a couple of PTs. At this point they got all the right ingredients, but don't want to cook it; excuse the bad phrasing. But alas, this will probably not happen for some time, if ever :sceptic:

You’d also think the fact that purge troopers were in Kenobi as well so they have already debuted in live action. They are on the top of most wanted list

6 minutes ago, Llewop said:

You’d also think the fact that purge troopers were in Kenobi as well so they have already debuted in live action. They are on the top of most wanted list

Precisely. The fact that they have shown up in not one, but two forms of media suggest that they're rising in popularity. I just hope that Lego sees this and can capitalize in the moment. I personally feel like they would make a wonderful addition to the Imperial lineup and with that popularity, we may see some other Imp BP sets in the future :shrug_oh_well:


You could say I am cautiously optimistic about all this. 


20 minutes ago, Chazinski said:

Precisely. The fact that they have shown up in not one, but two forms of media suggest that they're rising in popularity. I just hope that Lego sees this and can capitalize in the moment.

*Sad Saw Gererra noises*

3 hours ago, Chazinski said:

Precisely. The fact that they have shown up in not one, but two forms of media suggest that they're rising in popularity. I just hope that Lego sees this and can capitalize in the moment. I personally feel like they would make a wonderful addition to the Imperial lineup and with that popularity, we may see some other Imp BP sets in the future :shrug_oh_well:


You could say I am cautiously optimistic about all this. 


Lego will probably keep the purge troopers for if they want to do a somewhat low effort easy money battlepack in the future (once clones have dried up) 1 Purge Trooper, 1 Death Trooper, 2 Shadow Troopers badabing, badaboom ye have a battle pack that everyone will buy in incredible numbers despite just being a reskinned airborne clone, a remade death trooper and 2 black versions of current storm troopers, which i am going to be very very snooty about as someone who can give you about 15 seperate battle pack ideas i'd buy 100 of that all just involve taking 3 clone helmets and giving me them in different colours. I mean these OT fans will just buy aaaaaaaaaanything smugface

for legal reasons, that is a joke

22 minutes ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

Do we know if there is going to be any more dioramas besides the pod race one ?

There do not seem to be, based on our current information. 

45 minutes ago, Classic_Spaceman said:

There do not seem to be, based on our current information. 

Well surely there will be since we got 2 last year. We got 3 the year before that but the 3rd slot has been replaced with Midi-scale.

Edited by Lego Nostalgia

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