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Can’t wait to get an MTT, an ARC-170, a STAAP, a Separatist Landing Craft, and a Crab Droid in this $30 set. Lego is very generous this year 


  On 8/8/2023 at 12:45 AM, Balrogofmorgoth said:

Can’t wait to get an MTT, an ARC-170, a STAAP, a Separatist Landing Craft, and a Crab Droid in this $30 set. Lego is very generous this year 

also no helmet holes and Zeb coming too!

  On 8/6/2023 at 6:24 PM, BrickBob Studpants said:

Couldn't agree more, I've had it with 501st sets :tongue:

It's almost as if TLG are mocking us. "Oh, you want a 501st CT BP, do ya? Enough to harass us with endless social media campaigns to rival the Snyder cut nonsense, huh? Well, here you go, ya greedy goobers, the 501st BP you've been demanding! And here's another one! And another one!! 501st up your megablocks! Satisfied yet?" :laugh_hard:

Please, anything but the 501st again. Pretty please?


  On 8/6/2023 at 6:24 PM, BrickBob Studpants said:

Couldn't agree more, I've had it with 501st sets :tongue:

It's almost as if TLG are mocking us. "Oh, you want a 501st CT BP, do ya? Enough to harass us with endless social media campaigns to rival the Snyder cut nonsense, huh? Well, here you go, ya greedy goobers, the 501st BP you've been demanding! And here's another one! And another one!! 501st up your megablocks! Satisfied yet?" :laugh_hard:

Please, anything but the 501st again. Pretty please?

I mean, would anyone actually complain if they released a $20 set with Phase 1 Fives, Echo, Jesse, and Rex? Or one with Phase 2 Hardcase, Tup, Kix, and Appo? Nahhhhhh. But we know it would actually just be some random blue clones that have nothing to do with anything, but still specific enough that it doesn’t make sense to mass them


  On 8/8/2023 at 1:06 AM, Balrogofmorgoth said:

I mean, would anyone actually complain if they released a $20 set with Phase 1 Fives, Echo, Jesse, and Rex? Or one with Phase 2 Hardcase, Tup, Kix, and Appo? Nahhhhhh. But we know it would actually just be some random blue clones that have nothing to do with anything, but still specific enough that it doesn’t make sense to mass them

Hello there, I'm anyone. 

Actually, though, I would be really annoyed if they gave us yet another 501st battle pack, and one consisting of NAMED CHARACTERS, no less. I hate when named characters show up in battle packs, so a 501st named characters pack is like a worst-case scenario for me right now. Forget getting another clone legion, I just want another FACTION for a battle pack. Stormtroopers, Endor Rebels, any FO, etc.

  On 8/8/2023 at 1:47 AM, Mandalorianknight said:


Hello there, I'm anyone. 

Actually, though, I would be really annoyed if they gave us yet another 501st battle pack, and one consisting of NAMED CHARACTERS, no less. I hate when named characters show up in battle packs, so a 501st named characters pack is like a worst-case scenario for me right now. Forget getting another clone legion, I just want another FACTION for a battle pack. Stormtroopers, Endor Rebels, any FO, etc.

I’m not saying they would call it a battle pack. Just $20 sets with those characters. Personally, I would gladly sacrifice a year of actual battle packs for those characters in cheap sets like that

  On 8/8/2023 at 2:13 AM, Balrogofmorgoth said:

I’m not saying they would call it a battle pack. Just $20 sets with those characters. Personally, I would gladly sacrifice a year of actual battle packs for those characters in cheap sets like that

Just to weigh in on this, I think the Bounty Hunter pack from 2017 was the right way to do a named figure "battle pack", one where none of the named characters are mass-able. This seems to be what you suggested above. I know some people never want to see named characters in BPs, but that Bounty Hunter set doesn't get anywhere near the hate the Clone Jedi One gets and i think it's because the Jedi one came with two clones people would loved to make an army with anchored down by figs you need exactly 1 of. I personally was happy for two cheap well done Jedi without creepy CW faces, I think the blame has been on their inclusion instead of the fact that Lego should have made that set into two separate BPs. A BP with four Jedi (hopefully all exclusive, new or upgrades) and a BP with 4 clones or 3 clones and one special clone (pilot, officer, Kamino jumpsuit, etc). I think the issue was Lego going in two directions at once with that particular set. The battle pack model could be simultaneously used to flush out characters that don't fit into sets easily and to continue releasing supplements for armies. For every person who likes to build an army you've got someone like me who just wants 1 of every fig with as many new characters/ troopers as possible. 

  On 8/7/2023 at 5:52 PM, Mandalorianknight said:

I would have been fine with unnamed variants if the 2023 packs hadn't released already, but you'd buy many a battlepack with named figures?

No, I meant the variants you listed. 

Couldn’t think of anything worse than named characters, personally. 

I think a big part of the problem with the battle pack debate is that, probably starting with the 501st set in 2020, any smallish set which contains a majority of infantry themed minifigs - especially if they're clones - immediately gets referred to as a 'battle pack' by large portions of the fan base and then subjected to whatever arbitrary rules have been created to dictate the ideal composition of battle packs, when this designation was never meant to be the case. It reminds me of the 'Is this a butterfly?' meme, except with a clone instead of the butterfly and a caption of 'Is this a battle pack?'. Personally I have no problem with a cheap set containing Rex, Echo, Fives etc. as it's simply just another set, and not a battle pack at all.

These rumours are getting ridiculous. First an Arc-170, and now an MTT? What next, are the clones piloting a miniature Venator? :tongue:

My two cents in regards to the BP discussion: as a collector who doesn‘t buy multiple copies of the same set, I don‘t mind BPs including named characters and/or highly specialised troops. I do see how that causes a big issue for army-builders though, so ideally, there should be a bit of balance.

My personal favourites are thus BPs that can satisfy both collectors and army-builders by including 2 identical (or very similar) troopers, a variant, and and a specialist of sorts (or an officer, captain, commander etc) :classic:

I will never understand the army building side of this hobby but I respect it. It has enough fans with enough money to make these sets very profitable for Lego. And clones are way more popular than any other faction right now so they will keep selling until we stop buying. 

We're like the Galactic Republic people who got tricked by the Senate to get a clone army. Lego are just the Kaminoans.

Edited by Nobricksleft

  On 8/7/2023 at 11:50 PM, Mandalorianknight said:

Part of me wants to make this comment my signature so I can just copy/paste it whenever I see that "lego hates the prequels" garbage.

I want to build up my empire, and my rebels, AND MY FIRST ORDER. I want rogue one, I want Black One, I want Exogol. I want a system Y-wing, a TIE interceptor, TIE advanced, etc. For that matter, I wouldn't mind a new vulture droid, or Tri-fighter, or ARC-170. Lego only seems to care about clones right now, and it's entirely because half the fanbase is absolutely rabid over getting clones, and then whines about all the clones we DO get.

Feel free to make it your signature if you want.

I want variety. And the only real variety we get now are what shows we get content from. LEGO only does really care about clones at the moment, and I'm rather tired of it. Are they all perfect? No. But they've done some VERY well done figs in the style they are using right now (like it or hate it), and they've made almost everything people have campaigned to get for a while now - Rex P2, Cody P2, Venator, Gunship (new type), UCS Gunship, etc. - even legions like the 187th. No one can say they don't care anymore. Even if the design isn't your cup of tea, beyond the few inaccuracies, no one can say they don't care about the figs either. The 2013 ones were NOT all better, and if they released now, people would be complaining that LEGO failed them because Kenobi was in the 75021 cockpit on the box art and Padme didn't have leg printing, much less the clones. 

I understand that we went a while without many clones, but there is a balance. Right now, we just get Mando, Clones, and maybe a system OT set occasionally... 

Edited by NoOneOfImportance

  On 8/8/2023 at 3:06 AM, Archer said:

Just to weigh in on this, I think the Bounty Hunter pack from 2017 was the right way to do a named figure "battle pack", one where none of the named characters are mass-able. This seems to be what you suggested above. I know some people never want to see named characters in BPs, but that Bounty Hunter set doesn't get anywhere near the hate the Clone Jedi One gets and i think it's because the Jedi one came with two clones people would loved to make an army with anchored down by figs you need exactly 1 of. I personally was happy for two cheap well done Jedi without creepy CW faces, I think the blame has been on their inclusion instead of the fact that Lego should have made that set into two separate BPs. A BP with four Jedi (hopefully all exclusive, new or upgrades) and a BP with 4 clones or 3 clones and one special clone (pilot, officer, Kamino jumpsuit, etc). I think the issue was Lego going in two directions at once with that particular set. The battle pack model could be simultaneously used to flush out characters that don't fit into sets easily and to continue releasing supplements for armies. For every person who likes to build an army you've got someone like me who just wants 1 of every fig with as many new characters/ troopers as possible. 

I know this isn't the case for everyone, but I wouldn't even mind a battle pack like the Jedi and Clone one again as long as the Jedi's robes are generic enough that you could use them for homemade background Jedi. My problem with the old one is that they chose to put in Barriss Offee, who has a very distinct design compared to basically every other Jedi (so you can't really make generics with her). That all said, I would still prefer if they just keep the Jedi and clones separate since I imagine most army builders don't need nearly as many Jedi.

  On 8/8/2023 at 2:00 PM, Meadius said:

 My problem with the old one is that they chose to put in Barriss Offee, who has a very distinct design compared to basically every other Jedi (so you can't really make generics with her). 

My thoughts exactly. Barriss and Ki-Adi Mundi are literally among the worst-possible choices for figures to have multiples of. Even AotC Anakin and Obi-Wan could be made into generic Jedi by swapping their heads but Ki-Adi and Barriss have two of the most distinct robe designs. 

That is one thing I'm using to cope with how bad the Vaughn figure is: at least we can just say he's a generic 332nd officer or something rather than an inaccurate figure of a named character.

  On 8/8/2023 at 2:33 PM, CallumPears said:

That is one thing I'm using to cope with how bad the Vaughn figure is: at least we can just say he's a generic 332nd officer or something rather than an inaccurate figure of a named character.

Can pretty much put a Jetpack on the Vaugh’n versions too, to help. 

  On 8/8/2023 at 2:13 AM, Balrogofmorgoth said:

I’m not saying they would call it a battle pack. Just $20 sets with those characters. Personally, I would gladly sacrifice a year of actual battle packs for those characters in cheap sets like that

That's understandable, but personally I would much rather have battle packs than cheap sets with named characters, since like you say it'd be one or the other, not both. It's been 5-6 years since the last non-hoth imperial and rebel battle packs (being the Rogue One ones, or the Solo pack if you want to count that for the empire). 

  On 8/8/2023 at 3:06 AM, Archer said:

Just to weigh in on this, I think the Bounty Hunter pack from 2017 was the right way to do a named figure "battle pack", one where none of the named characters are mass-able. 

I think that one had two major things going for it. The first was that some of the figures were exceedingly rare at the time, and we hadn't had 4-LOM ever. The other part, at least for me, was that it worked well as a sort of scum and villany pack, where you could switch parts around to make other trandoshan, droid, and human hunters. I think I bought 3 or 4, and had a couple trandoshan hunters, IG-88 bodies from legends, and used the dengar/4-lom parts for cybernetic hunters.

  On 8/8/2023 at 6:53 AM, ArrowBricks said:

No, I meant the variants you listed. 

Couldn’t think of anything worse than named characters, personally. 

Ah. I'd be down for ARFs, maybe ARCs, but I would not be a fan of getting non-canon 501st variants like airborne instead of other legions/factions, or instead of the battlefront 2 specialists we did get.

  On 8/8/2023 at 1:35 PM, NoOneOfImportance said:

I understand that we went a while without many clones, but there is a balance. Right now, we just get Mando, Clones, and maybe a system OT set occasionally... 

And people STILL claim that lego only cares about the OT, or worse, that lego is "sabotaging" their PT sets by what, intentionally making Fox's print weird? (I want to clarify I haven't seen that particular take on this forum, just stuff like instagram and youtube) Now don't get me wrong, stuff like the lack of kamas really does annoy me. But nobody can claim that lego isn't HEAVILY focusing on clones. It's time to focus on something else.

  On 8/8/2023 at 8:38 AM, BrickBob Studpants said:

These rumours are getting ridiculous. First an Arc-170, and now an MTT? What next, are the clones piloting a miniature Venator? :tongue:

Who said anything about miniature? The 215 pieces are seperated as follows:
12 for 3 B2s, 24 for 4 B1s (with blasters), 20 for 4 clones (with blasters), 6 for the visor/antenna pack, making a total of 62 for the figures. The remaining 159 pieces are split into a 27-piece STAP, 32 piece clone bunker, a 50-pc -but system sized- MTT using absolutely massive parts, and the same for a 50 pc venator. The $30 cost is a typo, it's supposed to be $300

I think it’s ridiculous to say that lego is sabotaging the prequels lol, but no one can deny the OT is pretty well covered while the Prequels have so much material that has never been touched

  On 8/8/2023 at 4:31 PM, Balrogofmorgoth said:

I think it’s ridiculous to say that lego is sabotaging the prequels lol, but no one can deny the OT is pretty well covered while the Prequels have so much material that has never been touched

Agreed, though I would also argue that there is a lot in the PT that wouldn't make good kids sets. For example, I don't really want a scene of "your kiss still haunts me," and LEGO isn't going to make a set of "Anakin kills all the CIS and younglings." While adults may think they are great for figs, etc., I don't think LEGO wants those sitting on shelves next to young jedi adventures (no matter if they branded those scenes 18+ or not). 

  On 8/6/2023 at 6:24 PM, BrickBob Studpants said:

Couldn't agree more, I've had it with 501st sets :tongue:

It's almost as if TLG are mocking us. "Oh, you want a 501st CT BP, do ya? Enough to harass us with endless social media campaigns to rival the Snyder cut nonsense, huh? Well, here you go, ya greedy goobers, the 501st BP you've been demanding! And here's another one! And another one!! 501st up your megablocks! Satisfied yet?" :laugh_hard:

Please, anything but the 501st again. Pretty please?

We still have not gotten the Phase III Stormtrooper Clones from TFU. . . 😈

  On 8/7/2023 at 4:10 AM, Llewop said:

We all don’t want anymore 501st then it just dawned on me what if Grogus escape has 501st in and not shock troopers. It’s a kind of Lego thing to do

Quite likely that this will happen, IMO; LEGO probably does not want to release a $30 set with 1-2 Shock Troopers when the Gunship will have only been out for a few months. 

  On 8/7/2023 at 1:35 PM, McMurder_them_softly said:

Odd guess, but given what we know...and how it kinds shares some similar design features with an ARC (snoot, cockpit, engines on either side of cockpit) gonna throw something like a Freeco speeder out there. 

No (as much as I would love one, along with some Clones in snow gear). @Renown said both that there is no similarity (however superficial) between the GAR vehicle and an ARC-170, and implied that the GAR builds will not be Canon (as they emphasised that the CIS builds are): 

  On 8/2/2023 at 8:05 PM, Renown said:

It is. I'm looking at images of the set right now. Certainly an interesting interpretation of an ARC-170 build.  

  On 8/2/2023 at 10:59 PM, Renown said:

Both factions get builds, although - to my welcome, at least - those of the CIS are significantly more substantial (and actually canon vehicles).


Kinda surprised we haven't received an actual ST set since 2020. I know the ST wasn't well recieved but surely a new FO Troop Transport or Exegol duel set would sell well. 

  On 8/8/2023 at 4:31 PM, Balrogofmorgoth said:

I think it’s ridiculous to say that lego is sabotaging the prequels lol, but no one can deny the OT is pretty well covered while the Prequels have so much material that has never been touched

Maybe if you go through the full 24 year lifespan of LSW, but for the past 3 years we've been getting more prequel era than origional trilogy era for sets. And like @NoOneOfImportance said, a lot of the prequel stuff just isn't that desirable to most kids (for instance, kids want republic and CIS stuff. A naboo cruiser or gungan sub won't appeal to them nearly as much as that).

  On 8/8/2023 at 7:01 PM, Gontron said:

Kinda surprised we haven't received an actual ST set since 2020. I know the ST wasn't well recieved but surely a new FO Troop Transport or Exegol duel set would sell well. 


This might entirely just be me as TFA and Poe's X-wing got me back into Star Wars and Lego Star Wars respectively, but I LOVE black one. I want a new system set. I want a UCS Black One. Hell, give me a microfighter. It's been 8 years.

  On 8/8/2023 at 7:05 PM, Mandalorianknight said:

Maybe if you go through the full 24 year lifespan of LSW, but for the past 3 years we've been getting more prequel era than origional trilogy era for sets. And like @NoOneOfImportance said, a lot of the prequel stuff just isn't that desirable to most kids (for instance, kids want republic and CIS stuff. A naboo cruiser or gungan sub won't appeal to them nearly as much as that).


This might entirely just be me as TFA and Poe's X-wing got me back into Star Wars and Lego Star Wars respectively, but I LOVE black one. I want a new system set. I want a UCS Black One. Hell, give me a microfighter. It's been 8 years.

How do we know that if lego hasn’t made things like a Naboo Royal Starcruiser,Droid Factory,Geonosis Arena,Invisible Hand,a true Mustafar playset,Yoda vs Sidious. Not to mention much needed remakes like ARC-170,Tri-Fighter,vulture droid,Jango’s Slave One,Wheel Bike Chase with Boga,Bounty Hunter Pursuit. Heck a Dex’s Dinner for 30-40 dollars would probably sell well and could be done in the style of the Hoth Medical Bay from 2018.

  On 8/8/2023 at 7:01 PM, Gontron said:

Kinda surprised we haven't received an actual ST set since 2020. I know the ST wasn't well recieved but surely a new FO Troop Transport or Exegol duel set would sell well. 

Providing Lego were clever, I think the chosen sets could sell well. I’d certainly buy them. But sadly, I think we are a long way away from them, and I don’t think Lego would be bold in their choices. 

Maybe we might see a little resurgence with TFA’s 10 year anniversary and the new Rey film. 

Not a 2023/24 set, but has anyone had any stability issues with their UCS AT-AT? Today, I moved mine aside to gain access to a display cabinet and more and more side panels on the legs and underside started to fall off. I tried to fix it for like an hour to no avail and got so fed up I ended up smashing the thing to a thousand pieces with a single stroke :damn: Instant regret kicked in, looking at the mess I just made.

Not looking forward to repairing it. Sigh… Something to keep me busy until the Ahsoka sets arrive, I guess

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