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/begin rant Also, am I the only one somewhat dissapointed in the 2007, 2008 and the latest line-up of on Technic sets?. Where have all of the awesome functions of yesteryear gone?. The Off-Roader LOOKS awesome, but it doesn't have a gearbox or pneumatics. At least it's not as lame as those giant Technic Ferrari sets. AFOL's would go absolutely nuts for them if they at least had a gearbox, let alone a linked axles for the engine and interior steering, but they don't even have that despite 1300 pieces!. Why don't Lego see this?. These new linear actuators are just a cheap cop-out replacement for wicked pneumatics IMHO /end rant

I might start a topic on this as it's a good question. The short answer is I miss the old but I also love the new. I want all the new Technic sets! :tongue:

Not sure if this is old news but the vintage mini-fig collection is avalible at S @ H for $29.95 AUSD

Yes... and I won't be paying that much per fig.

Sinner will probably be on the news atop a 10179 with that feral grin with the headline 'tasmanian devil rediscovered in suburban K-Mart' :wink:

:tongue: I'll get back to you. I'm not going to get around to checking out K-Mart for another 4 hours... :cry_sad:

Toys R Us has a new catalogue just up - they're advertising Peril in Peru for $10 off, $89.99.

Too late, TRU! My sale dollars have been allocated!

Hope everyone does well today. I got what I wanted and am looking forward to the Myer sale tomorrow.

Was a bit disappointing to see one obvious scalper couple piling AT-ATs and Police Stations into their trolley, but at 8am everyone else looked like suburban mums stocking up for Xmas which is as it should be!

It has begun!. Report in soldiers :D

I was really excited about that Peril In Peru set until I learned that the yellow windows are actually just 2 big stickers with holes in them on big rounded transparent pieces, and it has no interior, not even seats. We need interiors, Lego!

Do you work casual/part-time svelte?. I work full-time so I'm hoping to go to Myer tomorrow night after work for Friday night shopping in Brisbane City.

i'm working from home today - i get to do that, very occassionally. i just made sure today was one of the occasions! there's a kmart close by but the nearest big w is miles away - i wanted to get some castle stuff so had to make a trek. in sydney anything good tends to sell out in the first day or two in the big sales so i like to get in early if i can. i was thinking of stopping off at TRU on the way home but decided not to - typical :tongue:

and i agree re the Peril in Peru stickers - especially since they seem to be the transparent kind and show through quite badly. i was initially excited by Peril in Peru but there's too much stuff all out at once and it can wait.

Edited by svelte_corps

Thought I'd make a topic about it because we've taken over the other thread and we'll give it back to them...for a While
Well I got there at about 10, should have got there earlier because it was like animals in peek hour traffic :sceptic::wacko: I only got the dwarfs mine defender because im gonna try and get the bat buggy 2moz at the Myer sale because I mght be going to brissy! Vamprah and radiak wasnt there though and I was going to get them :cry_sad:
Anyway the point of this topic is pretty much spam to tell about your luck and news!!!!!

EDIT: I got the dwarf mine defender not the dwarf mine :wacko:

Edited by hollisbrick

Thought I'd make a topic about it because we've taken over the other thread and we'll give it back to them...for a While

I agree; the last 3 pages are 90% us! :tongue: I'm moving a lot of the older posts here. :sweet:

I went to Kmart and Big W to check out the prices... i ended up buying $45 worth of the new castle line, i think i now am in love with the new mini figs!!

what i got for my $45 was

4x 5615 the knight

2x 7090 cross bow attack

1x 7040 mine defender

i think i want to break my bank and go shopping again tomorrow, might have to pull the starter plugs out of my car to stop myself!!!

Regards Cpt. PB

I checked out K-mart last night and was very good and resisted buying anything seeing I've just spent $445 on the death star. They had a heap of AT-ATs (anyone else seen they're actually advertising this set on tv, so I think they must have bought them in huge numbers) and SW minifig battle packs there still, lots of Indi, but no millenium falcons. For castle fans there was just one dwarves mine and one skeleton tower left as well as the impulse sets.

i only saw one millennium falcon, but it was in that secure area where they do refunds from at the front - and i was there pretty early.

they were doing a fair amount of promotion though, there was a full-page print about that specific set at the layby counter (handy place for it at $775!) so i assumed they must have had some stock and maybe you had to ask for it.

was also nice to see the kmart staff running around in Lego themed t-shirts!

i only saw one millennium falcon, but it was in that secure area where they do refunds from at the front - and i was there pretty early.

There were none left in my store. I ended up buying the AT-AT and a Town Plan.... and I've promised my wife no Lego until November! :sing: :sing: Myer have a lot of Town Plans. I have already seen a few of eBay. :hmpf:

I went to the Big W sale today again ad they had every bionicle besides the one I wanted :cry_sad: the rest are crap :hmpf_bad:

EDIT: the one i wanted was vamprah

Edited by hollisbrick

I saw absolutely masses of Town Plans at Myer today, about 10 Eiffel Towers and a lot of the Cargo train set. Laybyed an Eiffel tower - the box is normal sized, thank the Lord - it will look

Sinner, if you're desperate for a 10179 you could try and order it through the online catalogue - maybe they have back stock somewhere or are warehousing it. Worth trying, maybe. When it comes to Lego, to coin a phrase, promises made to spouses have no validity.

Sinner, if you're desperate for a 10179 you could try and order it through the online catalogue - maybe they have back stock somewhere or are warehousing it.

Sorry if I gave the wrong impression; I have no interest in buying 10179 unless it's under $600 AUD. I was just reporting stocks to give people an idea of demand. :wink:

Sorry if I gave the wrong impression; I have no interest in buying 10179 unless it's under $600 AUD. I was just reporting stocks to give people an idea of demand. :wink:

It was the 'nom nom nom' chewing gestures that confused me, but you are right about the price :classic:

Edited by svelte_corps

It was the 'nom nom nom' chewing gestures that confused me, but you are right about the price :classic:

Ahhh... I see. :blush: The whole point of that was it might be my one and only chance to see that set. It was the first thing that sprung to mind aside from opening and assembling it there and then. :wink:

.... and I've promised my wife no Lego until November! :sing: :sing:

Im in the same boat as you Sinner, As my wife is off work till January with bub no2. My lego expenditure has been cut dramatically (gotta pay that mortgage i guess).

Hewman has made me very jealous with pre-ordering the Death Star. :hmpf_bad:

When it comes to Lego, to coin a phrase, promises made to spouses have no validity.

Its a very tricky issue indeed....

Hewman has made me very jealous with pre-ordering the Death Star. :hmpf_bad:

Yes, but I don't have a spouse to have to justify buying lego too, but I'm sure your wife gives you more happiness than a lego set could ever give me!

Edit: I just saw on shop at home that the 6211 imperial star destroyer is down to $125, several other star wars sets are also heavily discounted, as are a couple of last year's batman sets.

Edit 2: Death star now $630, I would never have bought it at that price, but given they've billed my credit card they better not cancel my order.

Edited by hewman

Yes, but I don't have a spouse to have to justify buying lego too, but I'm sure your wife gives you more happiness than a lego set could ever give me!

Edit: I just saw on shop at home that the 6211 imperial star destroyer is down to $125, several other star wars sets are also heavily discounted, as are a couple of last year's batman sets.

Its true, Lego doesn't replace the love of a fine woman / or man for that matter, but geeezz its a great hobby! :classic:

SW sales on! im off to check out the goodies!

EDIT I managed to score the 7048 Troll Warship from Big Whoop for $68, good times! but the two Big W's didnt even get in Tower Raid 7037 :angry: Oh well im sure i will see it everywhere in a few months, and besides, ive got to save $445 for DS

Edited by I Scream Clone

I recently got a message from qantas frequent flyer saying my points are expiring next month, but seeing I have no intention of flying in the next month I ignored it, then I get a letter in the mail saying I can use my points to buy stuff at their rewards shop. They had 6 lego sets to choose from including the fire station which was mighty tempting but Icould also get a Target voucher for $100, with the sale coming up I chose that so it looks like I'll be getting myself a bat tumbler and still have money left over for some smaller sets, yay!

I know it's been said many times that the Coast Guard sets are available on Shop @ Home for a while now, and have been instore at TRU in the States or Europe. I just wanted to let the fellow Aussies on here know that even though the most recent Lego catalogue says the Coast Guard sets will be in-store in Australia in August, they are hitting the shelves NOW.


I picked up the entire set (except for the deep sea base which is a TRU exclusive I think) tonight from K-Mart and they are currently selling all lego 20% off, so now would be the time to pick them all up cheap.

Just thought I would share :)

Just thought I would share :)

Thanks for taking the time... but it's old news. In fact eBay is flooded with the sets now thanks to the recent sales... :sceptic: I'll merge this with the recent Aussie sales topic.

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I Lay-byed the Town Plan set :sweet: there was still 4 left after i lay-byed it. I also got the 7736 Coast Gaurd Quad/Buggy only $5.60 at Kmart i would show pics of my mods to it but camera is STILL broken :hmpf_bad:

Fellow Aussies FOL i have just emailed the following to Lego in an attempt to hopefully acquire the DS at $399 AUS, could i ask if any of you see the price drop back down from $630 aus to post it here or PM me so i can snap one up! Cheers :classic:

"Hi there,

Before I start please don't send an automated reply to me . Please take the time to read what I have to say and reply personally.

As an AFOL and Star Wars enthusiast I thought all my Christmas's had come early with the advent of the new 10188 set at AU$399.99 last week.

I went online last night to look at it again and saw the astonishing increase in price of 57% to AU$630.00. This is a ridiculous price increase on a set i was greatly looking forward to purchasing at the price of $400 AU plus postage. I had already decided to save some money until it was released on the 16th of September, however this increase has left me with no other resort than to not purchase this great Lego set.

Lego - if myself and others had known the price would rocket we would have ordered.. Just check out the negative reaction this is having on forums at Rebelscum.com and Eurobricks.com to name but a few. People now will not buy an over-hiked set.

All we ask is that you play fair.. If we had known of any increase I promise you would have had at least double your current orders for this piece..

Were you just gauging reaction to a set that all Sw fans have been screaming for and realised that you could get more money out of us?

Or was it really a marketing ploy for one week - if so where was the harm in letting the public - your Customers- know?

For 10 years I have collected SW lego and as a completist have spent more than I care to think on bricks ( Check my history if necessary). However I'm sure that i'm not alone in how I feel.

Please Lego I appeal on behalf of all Lego SW fans take the price back down for at least a week and watch the pre-orders pile in.

If nothing else Lego please explain why you can justify a price hike like this overnight.

many thanks for reading and I look forward to your (non-automated) reply."

EDIT: i also rang the Australian Lego no. and the nice lady who answered was surprised to hear that the price had increased so much and will look into it for me (im not holding out hope for a discount of $230 though, but you never know)

Edited by I Scream Clone

Fellow Aussies FOL i have just emailed the following to Lego in an attempt to hopefully acquire the DS at $399 AUS, could i ask if any of you see the price drop back down from $630 aus to post it here or PM me so i can snap one up! Cheers :classic:

Ouch...I only just realised the priced has changed, I should have got in early like i did for the green grocer. Good Luck I Scream Clone. Looks like lego have some real problems with the online pricing, i just thought it was due to the strong Aussie dollar.

I will still buy this set but it wont change my lego budget for the year.

While i am here, how have the AT-AT sold in your Kmart stores? The shelves in my local store are still quite full of them, the $179 dollars was just too much for this set. Other than that Lego sold very well during the toy sale. Only one MF left.

EDIT: i also rang the Australian Lego no. and the nice lady who answered was surprised to hear that the price had increased so much and will look into it for me (im not holding out hope for a discount of $230 though, but you never know)

I have to agree, when I've called them (only a few times in several years) the Lego sales staff here are nice, although they often have no idea what head office is doing :tongue:

Ouch...I only just realised the priced has changed, I should have got in early like i did for the green grocer. Good Luck I Scream Clone. Looks like lego have some real problems with the online pricing, i just thought it was due to the strong Aussie dollar.

I will still buy this set but it wont change my lego budget for the year.

While i am here, how have the AT-AT sold in your Kmart stores? The shelves in my local store are still quite full of them, the $179 dollars was just too much for this set. Other than that Lego sold very well during the toy sale. Only one MF left.

Still saw plenty at my Kmart, and i had contemplated buying one but $179 is still a little pricey bearing in mind what is coming out soon!

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