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Interesting; I wonder if it will be in tomorrow's sale. Where did this news come from Whittleberry?

The 10189 Taj Mahal will be available at "All Myer stores except Werribee, Forest Hill and Colonnades" soonish, if not now, for $499.

Good news! If only they were selling the 10194 Emerald Night instead....

The news came from this Emporium magazine Myer sent out...it basically had the highlights of the new things Myer is selling, and it had an interview with the person who chooses the toys Myer buys in. There weren't any other sets there.

EDIT: I'll be checking the sale tomorrow, but I won't be buying the Taj. I'd buy the Emerald Night if they sold that, though. The sale is tomorrow from 5:30pm right?

Edited by Whittleberry

The news came from this Emporium magazine Myer sent out...it basically had the highlights of the new things Myer is selling, and it had an interview with the person who chooses the toys Myer buys in. There weren't any other sets there.

EDIT: I'll be checking the sale tomorrow, but I won't be buying the Taj. I'd buy the Emerald Night if they sold that, though. The sale is tomorrow from 5:30pm right?

Yes, from 5.30pm.

I'm sure the Emerald Night will eventually be in a limited amount in retail stores, but I wouldn't be surprised if they knocked the price up before selling it... just like the VW & the Taj itself.

Venator is up on S@H, $229, more than i thought, i picked up the ISD on ebay for $200.

Venator is up on S@H, $229, more than i thought, i picked up the ISD on ebay for $200.

Looks like we've got a price increase for Star Wars. Maybe due to the very weak dollar when they were setting prices for this line :sceptic:

$69.99 for Drawbridge Defense also seems kind of high.

City is a bit higher than I would have thought, too - $20 for the Tow Truck? $100 for City Corner? $13 for that tiny little car? *huh*

I wish everything was available at once instead of the 'half of its here, half of its not' approach.

Looks like we've got a price increase for Star Wars. Maybe due to the very weak dollar when they were setting prices for this line :sceptic:

$69.99 for Drawbridge Defense also seems kind of high.

City is a bit higher than I would have thought, too - $20 for the Tow Truck? $100 for City Corner? $13 for that tiny little car? *huh*

I wish everything was available at once instead of the 'half of its here, half of its not' approach.

Hmmmm yes, most annoying! You are right that some sets seem a little pricey too, guess I wont be too surprised when they list Echo base for $50 then.

I don't understand how they come up with their prices. A look at a lot of 100 US sets shows some at $149 Aus and others like Brickbeards Bounty $139 Aus!

The Spongebob Krusty Krab set is double US $20-$40, same for the Hyena droid bomber.

End rant price discussion.

I like the look of the Space Police sets this summer very nice colours and figures, I look forward to getting some when the sales are on though.

Non-licensed sets used to be around 1.5 times the US price.

Licensed sets (Spongebob, Indy, SW) usually fall in the 1.5-2x range.

Looks like licensed sets are back on the upper end of that ratio and non-licensed are climbing too.

The other factor is what retailers will buy. Most stores will not go past the $150 limit (apart from DJs which is upper end, and Myer for its promo exclusives, but only during July sales) as they know parents won't fork over more than that for a kid's building toy.

With 20% off, the highly-priced Venator will sit around $180 which makes me think the sales are already stitched up. It's 'Hard to Find' designation also makes me think it will be limited to a few retailers or all retailers for a limited sale price period of around $180. I just can't see K-Mart and Target doing regular restocks of a $230 set :sceptic:

Obviously the Motorised AT-AT was repriced a few months ago so that it would be in line with the Venator when it came out. The mystic Lego price-setters set trends in reverse!

EDIT: Since I made this post, they've actually delisted 3 of the SW sets from the 'What's New' page, which is interesting. I wonder if they'll come back? :look:

$69.99 for Drawbridge Defense also seems kind of high.

That is rather disappointing, usually we get pretty good prices on castle, even grabbing this at a 20% off sale doesn't seem like that good a deal. I fear what's coming with the prices of the star wars sets. It might end up cheaper shipping them from the US.

I fear what's coming with the prices of the star wars sets. It might end up cheaper shipping them from the US.

Indeed. :cry_sad: With the exchange rate back around 0.8 it's a viable option again. Eitherway this will probably be a lean LEGO year for me...

Indeed. :cry_sad: With the exchange rate back around 0.8 it's a viable option again. Eitherway this will probably be a lean LEGO year for me...

I was thinking that too...

Eg, the Venator at US$120 plus say $45 for postage is at today's rate about $205AUD. For the smaller sets its even more attractive.

But they haven't been released there yet, let's hope the dollar doesn't crash again!

That is rather disappointing, usually we get pretty good prices on castle, even grabbing this at a 20% off sale doesn't seem like that good a deal. I fear what's coming with the prices of the star wars sets. It might end up cheaper shipping them from the US.

You're right, we normally do pretty well for mid-size Castle sets:

The Skeleton Tower was $US50 and here $60, so a ratio of 1.2

Dwarves Mine $US60 and here $70, so a ratio of 1.16

Drawbridge Defense $US40 and here $70 so the ratio of 1.75 :sceptic:

DJ's half yearly clearance sales start tonight for card holders and tomorrow for the plebs :laugh:

Whilst they didn't specifically mention Lego, they did say that a large range of Toys including blah blah blah will be marked down 30-50% off.

Could be worth a look, if I see anything I will report back.

DJ's half yearly clearance sales start tonight for card holders and tomorrow for the plebs :laugh:

Whilst they didn't specifically mention Lego, they did say that a large range of Toys including blah blah blah will be marked down 30-50% off.

What time, Mr ISC?

What time, Mr ISC?

5pm to 9pm, look like you may get in earlier than I :wink: Let me know what you see.

Pah, whenever DJ has had a sale in the recent past, saying "toys including blah blah blah", it has NEVER included LEGO. But you never know. I agree that the new prices are too high, this year's city sets are being priced like last year's CW sets :(

Indeed. :cry_sad: With the exchange rate back around 0.8 it's a viable option again. Eitherway this will probably be a lean LEGO year for me...

Yeah it's looking a little lean for me too. I'll be keeping an eye on www.starwarsshop.com to see when they have the new range of sets and hoping the exchange rate stays the same. Although sometimes they sell at above RRP, and they refuse to ship some of the larger sets.

ISC - I eagerly await your report from DJs.

5pm to 9pm, look like you may get in earlier than I :wink: Let me know what you see.

The DJs sale flyer just mentions Thomas, Fisher Price, Barbie etc so I doubt they will have a Lego discount. Probably have to wait until July.

I'm sticking to Myer (it's open to everyone as well). I'm meeting someone there anyway, so I have to allow enough time to run off to the Toy Dept and run back! :laugh:

Yeah but half now half later means a bit more balanced sales margin, other wise if you put everything new out Jan 1st everyone jumps on it there and sales drop later in the year.

Its funny though, because when you look at it, lego SW is more expensive than Hasbro SW toys.

Echo Base is up for sale on S@H and a big sigh of relief, it's $39.99 which is what I was quoted a while back from a reliable source.

Echo Base is up for sale on S@H and a big sigh of relief, it's $39.99 which is what I was quoted a while back from a reliable source.

Yes but it doesn't make up for Endor costing $200, ouch! Guess I wont get two of these now!

Echo Base is up for sale on S@H and a big sigh of relief, it's $39.99 which is what I was quoted a while back from a reliable source.

Yeh it's what I thought too, ehich is alright I guess, maybe two?

But I'm quite shocked :sceptic: The prices are way too high, King's Chariot is $30!!!!????!!!!!! :hmpf_bad: The Camper set is what I expected which is alright, The squid man is also quite pricey, I think $8 would have been better though :sceptic: although freeze ray frenze is a good price :thumbup: River heist is a good proce also but the gold toth set could have been lower

So overall mixed thoughts on the prices. :thumbup::thumbdown:

$200 for Endor is ludicrous.

Just... wow.

I thought the Venator was bad but that is so misjudged :sceptic:

It wouldn't surprise me if about $50 of that $200 for for the Endor set is for all the figs (minifigs are aparently the most expensive parts of sets)

Also, dont assume anything about the prices in the shops, knowing previous form, we will likely see some new stock on the shelves soon just before the sales that hit the mid-year school holidays (they likely arent putting the new stuff out yet since they dont want to sell it all before the sales start)

It wouldn't surprise me if about $50 of that $200 for for the Endor set is for all the figs (minifigs are aparently the most expensive parts of sets)

The Euro price for Endor is about 100 Euros, which would put it in line with something like the Twilight or AT-TE. You can also see that the Venator price is 40 Euros more but Australians only pay a difference of 30 AUD between it and Endor, which doesn't make sense either.

Much hoo-ha is made about minifigs being expensive to produce and thus driving up set prices, but I personally don't buy it a lot of the time. 7195 Ambush in Cairo has 4 new figs at $US11. Lego can also make a profit off things like the Advent Calendars which have 8 figs for around $40 (less in Europe and the UK). The Agents Robo Attack set has 6 figs - 3 new - for $80. Conversely, the V-19 Torrent only had one fig (and it only had a different helmet print) but that didn't drive the price down.

Yes, figs do obviously play a part in pricing, but not as much as everyone thinks, and not to the extent that the Endor set is priced sky-high.

Yeah im not surprised, it man be tiny but the endor bunker has lots of minifigures so makes sense.

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