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Went into David Jones today and saw they had 25% off so picked up the Carousel for $300 :)

Do we know if this 25% off sale was a 1 day only event. DJ's don't do a great job of advertising these events.

If anyone wants the Lamborghini at the k-mart price, good luck finding one. NONE of the K-marts I can easily get to have any in stock :(

There were still 2 at K-Mart Bondi Junction for Sydney-siders this arvo. Somebody had taken the clearance tag off the shelf which is why they were probably still there.

David Jones doesn't *want* us to know when sales are on! :laugh:

There is aparently a sale at MYER that starts tomorrow. I dont know details, what happened is that I was in MYER in Morley buying the police helicopter and the person said "If you come back tomorrow to buy one there is a sale" (I bought it anyway, any saving on a set that small wouldn't be enough to make the difference)

Just saw a TV ad, the MYER sale is for 25% off all LEGO.

Well Legowars continue, you have to feel sorry for the independent Lego outlets. Like they don't really have the buying power and can not match it with the big guns. The big guns don't usually carry a great range neither.

Now from what I can see at BigW there are still plenty of wind turbine transports left and 20 bucks cheaper than S@H. I need to find another 60 bucks to buy my second one - my country town need more power !

The Kmart sales are great but unfortunatly most of the good sets are taken within a day or two. At my local kmart (Hurstville, NSW) the Lego shelves are pretty bare. I hope this means they will start putting on some of the 2010 sets soon (most likely Atlantis and Space Police 3 going by the sets released in the US).

As for the Myer 25% sale - I was hoping that the 25% discount applies to the $99 pirate ship but sadly the discount doesn't apply to existing offers :(

At my local kmart (Hurstville, NSW) the Lego shelves are pretty bare. I hope this means they will start putting on some of the 2010 sets soon (most likely Atlantis and Space Police 3 going by the sets released in the US).

That's why I don't really understand K-Mart's crazed aggression. Their margins must be so low. Usually in the lead up to Christmas everything vanishes off the shelves anyway - 90% of stock is gone by Xmas Eve and only the really unwanted stuff remains - last year it was large Technic sets, Racers and Mars Mission.

We normally don't get the 2010 sets on shelf until the end of the first week or the second week of Jan. Maybe things are different this year, which would be a surprise indeed. The US market isn't really an indication for Australia, since our retailers are serviced by the European LEGO HQ.

All these sales and discounts may indicate that we will see less lego on the shelves in 2010 (i.e. that the stores won't stock as much)

I just wish I had cash to buy more stuff :)

Just to add that those looking for good deals on S@H come Boxing Day may find themselves disappointed - a lot of the good stuff is now showing as sold out, including the remaining 2007 City sets (Recycle Truck, Cement Mixer, Train Station, Garage) and the King's Castle Siege, and from 2008 most of Indy is now gone, as well as a lot of the early Star Wars sets, most of Agents 1.0 and the Jan City transport theme. Eiffel Tower and VW Beetle are now gone from Exclusives along with Town Plan.



I can't wait until kmart start cancelling old Xmas laybys. My girlfriend works in layby at my local so she has strict instructions to check for any sets on clearance ;)

There is some good news I've noticed. Target shops seem to be restocking all the Spongebob sets, so if you're into them I'd recommend getting in quickly as they seem to sell very fast, even at what I think are over the top prices for what you get. I know when Target stock them for their big July sale that most disappear even before the sale starts.

Thanks to JonWil for the info on the Myer sale, with a myer one card it's almost like getting 27% (ok it's actually 26.5% but I didn't want to go into the calculations here) off. I'll have to check it out at lunch time.

Edit: Update from Myer sale. It goes until Friday, I have just been at Myer Adelaide and they're out of Brickbeard's bounty, I bought the 2nd to last Soldier's Fort (6242). Plenty of power miners there, and still a stack of the construction site set, that is proving massively unpopular, maybe something to do with a half complete looking set not appealing to anyone. Expect this to be on sale on S@H. Star wars sets were well stocked at Myer, I guess everyone bought them much earlier in the year and are now waiting for next year's line.

Edited by hewman

The latest Target catalogue (on Lasoo.com) has 20% off all toys inclduding Lego starting this Thursday (and goes for one week). But seeing as how Myer is 25% off it might only be worthwhile for Target exclusive sets like Spongebob Squarepants.

Can't wait until the Venator goes on further discount at Kmart!

All these sales and discounts may indicate that we will see less lego on the shelves in 2010 (i.e. that the stores won't stock as much)

I just wish I had cash to buy more stuff :)

Just look at the mixature of themes in 2010, those chain stores have to put a cross section of these themes on their shelves.

Which means exclusives could be the order of the day for particular sets in the usual places.

Went to David Jones and their sale goes to the 13th and is 25% off full priced toys.

Also has anyone seen any bus stop advertising for LEGO. I noticed one yesterday thst had a picture of the minifig Santa on a white background. First time I've ever seen LEGO advertising. It was right near my local Kmart which has almost been stripped bare of LEGO due to these sales.

Edited by MicroM

Went to David Jones and their sale goes to the 13th and is 25% off full priced toys.

Also has anyone seen any bus stop advertising for LEGO. I noticed one yesterday thst had a picture of the minifig Santa on a white background. First time I've ever seen LEGO advertising. It was right near my local Kmart which has almost been stripped bare of LEGO due to these sales.

yep i saw that too, and with the line of "santa's little helper"

i might check out DJ soon, really want the carousel

Question, everybody:

So I was looking over at the Star Wars 2010 Picture and Rumor thread, and it seems like some people (probably in the US) who have already gotten their hands on some 2010 SW sets (the TIE Defender, to be correct).

I have neither lived in Australia very long nor stayed up to date with release dates, so I ask; has anyone got a clue of when we get the sets, and at what prices?

Also, why do we pay such an overprice? GST?

Not likely until next year, yes GST is a factor, and they like to rip us off.

I would advise you to wait until after they are released and get them during a sale, there is usually a 15% or more sale every month, Kmart Target and BigW are the places to go.

Or import from America if you can find some where that will ship here, its your best bet as its like $1US is about 92cents AU, about as good as it gets.

Kmart's at it again.

7079 drawbridge defence now only $ 50.00

8964 titanium command rig now $ 99.00

8961 crystal sweeper $ 35.00 YES thats right 35 bucks !!!

8265 technic front end loader also now $ 99.00

When will the madness end, their shelves are starting to get a little bare.

Could there be something waiting in the wings ?

No Lego on sale at Kmart this week.

This month some places in the world are getting the new star wars sets of 2010, so maybe making way for them, hope so what the battle packs and freeco.

I just grabbed that Drawbridge defense from DJ's with their 25% off deal and thought I was getting a good deal. I must have checked that kit on the price checker at KMart at least a dozen times these past few months waiting on the inevitable clearance price.

They really are going to be bear come Christmas. I can remember last year on Christmas Eve having a big splurge on the Castle sets and the shelves were really well stocked with all kits. This year there wont be any last minute LEGO gifts coming from KMart.

Yep, went to two Kmart's this evening and their shelves are getting very very bare, no garages, duplo - almost none, Star Wars just the least popular one's left.

Note; Coles have cut the price on sports car and tow truck again, car under 9 bucks and tow truck $12.60 - wait a bit I think they may really drop and we can all go in for the kill.

Oh like which SW sets?.

Those dam Assassin Droid Packs - heaps of them everywhere.

Ah, well you get that you know.

NEWS FLASH - TARGET 20% OFF TOYS !!!!!!! starts 10th December

After more than a decade in the dark age, I have returned to Lego! I've only started collecting in the last few months. Anyway, after seeing all the posts about 25% off Lego at Myer and DJ, I went to buy the 7280 Straight & Crossroad Plates for my town after work yesterday. They were all gone from Myer Melbourne! They are restocking the shelves at Myer though but didn't have those ones. Anyway, rush off to DJ...GOLD! Found some of those plates :classic:

Oh and all the carousels at DJ are gone, ppl taking advantage of the sale.

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