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Hey All,

Myer has a 2 day special this week (Wed 14th & Thurs 15th) which gives every Myer One card holder an extra 10% off store wide ontop of any

discounted or catalogue price already, and if your a Gold Myer One card holder (whooooooo) then you get 15% off !!!!!!!!

So, the new Lego city Airport was $149, on sale at $109 and with 15% off is = $92.65 and Atlantis Neptune Carrier was $89.95, on sale at $69.95 but with 15% off = $ 59.45. GREAT PRICES !!!!!!!

With those prices, they're better then K-Mart even if they have a 25% off !!!!!!!

The word from Lego Australia is that the minifig bags were shipped out in MARCH to TARGET, TOYWORLD and TRU !

It appears they are being held in their warehouses for a later date (that's what I think anyway).

PoP is in May (hopefully) - I'm a conformist! ! :sweet:

sorry lightningtiger I am going to disagree with you on this one, I also called Lego Australia and again they said Kmart and Target were the stores. We have 2 people calling them and getting different answers, however an order for 2 retailers was done before Christmas and at that time it was Kmart and Target and nothing has changed according to Lego Australia. I'll have someone track down the state Lego rep tomorrow and see what is going on.

If Toyworld had them in stock we would have seen them by now, I believe they are shipped from Lego to the store so no warehouses in between.

Anyway time will tell and they'll be out soon. :classic:

I have resently gotten a debit card (and worlds have imploded :tongue: ) And I was wondering where was the best place to buy custom minifigs and weapons etc. I've already checked out http://www.minifigworld.com/ and they seem good, especially with shipping. What are your guys recommendations? Also, what was that Australian shop that someone found a couple of months back? Thanks.


sorry lightningtiger I am going to disagree with you on this one, I also called Lego Australia and again they said Kmart and Target were the stores. We have 2 people calling them and getting different answers, however an order for 2 retailers was done before Christmas and at that time it was Kmart and Target and nothing has changed according to Lego Australia. I'll have someone track down the state Lego rep tomorrow and see what is going on.

If Toyworld had them in stock we would have seen them by now, I believe they are shipped from Lego to the store so no warehouses in between.

Anyway time will tell and they'll be out soon. :classic:

I spoke to a lady at Lego in Sydney mid-afternoon just before I posted, I confirmed with her that Kmart had not received any minifig packs, but Target, TRU and Toyworld did.

Now Lego ship stock to main warehouse for each retailer - now I thought it was a June release date ?

Now Kmart might have wanted them, but maybe the other three got in first, only so many might by comming to Australia.

Or those three might be sharing an exclusive for a short time before the other stores get them.

I'm a conformist! ! :sweet:

Its a good idea to come up with an Aussie trade thread rather than have it lost amongst the sales topic. I suggest each person post what they have and what they are after once the figs are for sale in Aus. Lets face it, most of us wont swap for other stuff, we all want to complete the set, or to stock up on particular figs.

Forestmen and Cowboys on!

Even better idea! ISC, you can have all the cowboys I get, I really want a zombie (or is that in the second wave?).

Save the cheerleader save the world!!

I must have her! :tongue:

Anyone know what's a good perspex box to put the mini figs in? I saw some on ebay but they seem expensive. maybe a Group Buy?

Edit: Double post

Edited by d00dz

I spoke to a lady at Lego in Sydney mid-afternoon just before I posted, I confirmed with her that Kmart had not received any minifig packs, but Target, TRU and Toyworld did.

Now Lego ship stock to main warehouse for each retailer - now I thought it was a June release date ?

Now Kmart might have wanted them, but maybe the other three got in first, only so many might by comming to Australia.

Or those three might be sharing an exclusive for a short time before the other stores get them.

I'm a conformist! ! :sweet:

I spoke to Lego just last week and like I said we are getting different stories, it's not unusual when speaking with different people at Lego Australia after all didn't they say that 10197 was a David Jones exclusive for later in the year? but they are on the shelf at TRU. :classic:

I still believe Kmart will get these and it has always been a May release date in Australia.

I don't think Toyworld has a warehouse so it is sent straight to the store from Lego and we would have seen it by now if stores received it in March.

Like I said they'll be here soon enough.

Trade thread is a great idea, myself and a few others in Perth have already agreed on one of us buying several boxes so we can get complete sets.

Toyworld Parafield get there stock from a master warehouse for Toyworld - that has come directly from two people working there.

Anyway Lego has been wrong on more than once haven't they ? :laugh:

Toyworld Parafield get there stock from a master warehouse for Toyworld - that has come directly from two people working there.

Anyway Lego has been wrong on more than once haven't they ? :laugh:

Regardless of how they work, other companies with the likes of Kmart don't work in the same way. The stock is sent directly to the stores and they have very limited storage area. The night fill staff put out as much as possible every night. I know this as I work for one of these companies, hence why you often see stock in stores a day or 2 before they are due to be released. I doubt that Lego would send stock out so far in advance if there was this risk of them being put out early, if they did not want it to happen that is.

Regardless of how they work, other companies with the likes of Kmart don't work in the same way. The stock is sent directly to the stores and they have very limited storage area. The night fill staff put out as much as possible every night. I know this as I work for one of these companies, hence why you often see stock in stores a day or 2 before they are due to be released. I doubt that Lego would send stock out so far in advance if there was this risk of them being put out early, if they did not want it to happen that is.

From my experience in transport and storage also knowing how different retail chains operate, some what 'Notorious Guf' is true.

But TOYWORLD is a buying group, stores carring that name must get their stock from a central warehousing point.

Now Lego not sending stuff early and stores withholding to a later date, well they used to do it to Star Wars sets with 'Do not display until' sticked on their brown shipping boxes.

Only really indepedent stores like my friends at TOY CORNER, are a one store operation - hence what comes in a big yellow truck is direct from Lego.

All major chains have their stock first sent to a state warehouse for distrubution to the various stores in their buying group or that they own. So Target would have their stock first go to their HQ warehouse, then shipped to each states warehouse (of course it's more of distrubuting than long term storage) then it's on to the stores in question.

Various factors effect when and what arrives on store shelves, from simple human error to a breakdown in communications or transport.

I think we'll just wait and see who gets what and when, just remember Lego could be feeding us mis-information too - but I doubt though, I think human error or communication breakdown more like it.

Anyway, this is a sales forum, so back to commenting on sales for me..........Kmart has 8402 sports car for $ 10 stating Thursday.

Save the cheerleader save the world!!

I must have her! :tongue:

I'm with you d00dz! Also, the Wrestler might be nice.
From my experience in transport and storage also knowing how different retail chains operate, some what 'Notorious Guf' is true.

But TOYWORLD is a buying group, stores carring that name must get their stock from a central warehousing point.

Only really indepedent stores like my friends at TOY CORNER, are a one store operation - hence what comes in a big yellow truck is direct from Lego.

All major chains have their stock first sent to a state warehouse for distrubution to the various stores in their buying group or that they own. So Target would have their stock first go to their HQ warehouse, then shipped to each states warehouse (of course it's more of distrubuting than long term storage) then it's on to the stores in question.

Anyway, this is a sales forum, so back to commenting on sales for me..........Kmart has 8402 sports car for $ 10 stating Thursday.

Ok I spoke with Toyworld this morning and yes they do have a central warehouse and when they have a catalogue or offer to buy in bulk they do this as a group and the stock is sent to the Toyworld warehouse to be distributed. But they are still able to buy directly from Lego as independents and at my store it will arrive in a small yellow truck. My Lego used to arrive on a thursday afternoon :classic:

Not all retailers have State warehousing so a lot of stock is sent from a national warehouse direct to the store, this avoids double handling, stores are able to have offsite storage for large bulky items. TRU stock arrives in WA in containers from the east, so when the Fire Brigade started appearing in the east we just waited for the next truck to come in and they were on it.

And onto the sports car #8402 for $10 thats not on special until they beat Coles price of $2.50 earlier this year :classic:

Oh and Toyworld believes they have the Minifigs as an exclusive for release in June :sceptic:

Nice find!

There's plenty on bricklink

Hot pants

Thanks hewman! Pharaoh Hotep can get his proper pants now :classic::classic:

Its a good idea to come up with an Aussie trade thread rather than have it lost amongst the sales topic. I suggest each person post what they have and what they are after once the figs are for sale in Aus. Lets face it, most of us wont swap for other stuff, we all want to complete the set, or to stock up on particular figs.

Forestmen and Cowboys on!

Count me in on the mini-fig trading!

And thank you to everyone for all the sales updates and minifig news in the last few days. Tempted to buy another set of limo and copter - $31 is great value!

Even better idea! ISC, you can have all the cowboys I get, I really want a zombie (or is that in the second wave?).

Well Yeehaw!

Series 1


Series 2


Bring it on!

For those interested, I am after Forestmen, Cowboys, Zombies and Cavemen in multiples at this stage. :tongue: (You know, all the good ones)

The law has changed in respects to the "gifts", all gifts that are declared as > $1000 will incur GST + Duty. - http://www.customs.gov.au/site/page5549.asp

So that above statement doesnt apply.

Dont forget to add postage. Becomes approx $USD2.8 per fig. Still pretty cheap. ~$AUD3.2 per fig landed.

Im thinking of getting it , but anyone know if these will be released here in Australia?

The MUGS group in Melbourne have been able to order these in bulk (many boxes full) from Toyworld. We are not sure when we will receive them but expect it to be May/June. Toyworld has accepted our money, so one must assume that they are doing so in good faith, and therefore they expect to be able to fullfill the order. From my point of view (since I'm part of this order) I can't see any stronger proof that they will be available in Australia from at least Toyworld. BTW we have payed a RRP of $3.99 a figure

Imagine If chain in Adelaide have got stock in three new impulse sets, two from Altantis and the other is a friendly traveller pushing his cart. Price $ 5.99 - same as always, but when Big W get them - hello $ 4.88 - SWEET, but I might just have to spend the extra buck ten.

I'm a conformist! ! :sweet:

BTW we have payed a RRP of $3.99 a figure

Ouch! That sucks. I can't say I'm surprised though when they announced the UK price of GBP1.99 per figure :sceptic:

It makes the Big Bad Toystore look more enticing, even with their markup on everything - $US130 for 60 figures is only $US10 what they will be over if you bought them all from US stores, although Big Bad is obviously enjoying the retail discount by buying per box or their markup would be higher.

I suspect it will be more economical just to buy the ones you want off a US based BL seller when they hit in large quantities.

Imagine If chain in Adelaide have got stock in three new impulse sets, two from Altantis and the other is a friendly traveller pushing his cart. Price $ 5.99 - same as always, but when Big W get them - hello $ 4.88 - SWEET, but I might just have to spend the extra buck ten.

I'm a conformist! ! :sweet:

Toys R Us Adelaide already have them too, $4.99.

Toys R Us Adelaide already have them too, $4.99.

*huh* That's out of my league.

*huh* That's out of my league.

He's talking about Impulse sets, not the collectibles...

He's talking about Impulse sets, not the collectibles...

You're smart: You knew what I was on about.

I'm a dolt: I read that post too fast. :blush:

Question regarding Costco.

Does Costco in Australia sell Lego.? Has anyone ever seen it for sale? If so, what was the price? There is 1 costco in Melbourne and soon to be one in Sydney.

Price update. 10197 Fire brigade has now gone up to $299 at TRU. still 2 left at Hurstville. On the flip side, they have the current airport at $ 107.99 We maybe lucky and get a 20% sale soon and you could pickup the airport cheap if you haven't got it already.

Price update. 10197 Fire brigade has now gone up to $299 at TRU. still 2 left at Hurstville. On the flip side, they have the current airport at $ 107.99 We maybe lucky and get a 20% sale soon and you could pickup the airport cheap if you haven't got it already.

Seriously how can they justify a price hike like that, I know it is the R.R.P but to increase it after having them at $250 is just plain greedy (Thankfully I got mine for $200), thats just as bad as selected Toyworld's selling the Battle of Endor #8038 for $250.

On a brighter note Toyworld in Fremantle WA has confirmed they have the upcoming Minifigs 8683 on order and are due to arrive next month. :classic:

Seriously how can they justify a price hike like that, I know it is the R.R.P but to increase it after having them at $250 is just plain greedy (Thankfully I got mine for $200), thats just as bad as selected Toyworld's selling the Battle of Endor #8038 for $250.

On a brighter note Toyworld in Fremantle WA has confirmed they have the upcoming Minifigs 8683 on order and are due to arrive next month. :classic:

Wow, I'm glad I wasn't really after the Fire Brigade, my nearest TRU still doesn't have it but said they will get them in. But yeah, greedy TRU probably saw lots of AFOL coming in to ask for them and thought they can just up the price :cry_sad::cry_sad:

And thank you to MinifigHQ for your earlier reporting of Big W sale, finally got around to getting the Repair Truck :classic::classic:

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