January 16Jan 16 I think the C64 LEGO Lines works similarly - it has a ‘loader’ written in BASIC that displays the title screen, but the main part is written in assembly language for speed. I’d never gone further with working out how the code worked but there are similar registers in the C64 for user port data direction and bit values. Well done for figuring it out, Thorsten :)
January 16Jan 16 Author Hi Alex, thank you for the flowers! 5 hours ago, alexGS said: it has a ‘loader’ written in BASIC that displays the title screen, but the main part is written in assembly language for speed. Yes, that was the same in Sinclair world - and the reason I could crack copy protection of video games, which made my fellow chemistry students happy in the 1980s. I guess they can't cancel my SOE on that ... I never played video games. A nerd I am. However, the strange thing here is, that only a few lines of code are in assembly. Most of the program (featuring quite a number of CHAIN statements for switching between (sub) BASIC programs. I also believe BBC Lines does not have the power setting 0-7 or did it? That would need assembly for sure, doesn't it? But once again: I love the way Beep's BASIC allowed to code assembly: "[" and off you go, with line numbers and assembly mnemonics(!), no CHR$ poking ... nice! All the best, Thorsten
January 17Jan 17 @alexGS you're correct. Commodore BASIC requires you to tell it which user port bits are outputs before proceeding. @Toastie I never use Lines so I don't know if it has power control. I could RTFM but you seem to enjoy that so much! :) I do know TC Logo has the 0-7 power control. I wish there was an easy easy to enable this in Applesoft BASIC, which as you guys know is my favorite. (Toastie that can be your next project, after which I'd have to rename my website ... it's nearly more your work than mine!)
January 17Jan 17 Hi everyone. I don't think that any variant of LEGO Lines offers power levels. The UI also only allows zeros and ones (and "don't care" for inputs). So only binary — on or off. Also, I don't think there was a hidden option — for Block Lines I reverse engineered the file formats and the encoding also would not support that. Edited January 17Jan 17 by maehw
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