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Below an overview of all my GBC machines with correct links and background information with newest on top. All image thumbnails link to the Youtube video. Green title means the GBC is present in my collection, with red title is demolished and no longer exists. Bold text is the Mould King set, all licensed. All machines are 100% LEGO and 100% mechanical. If a machine has a building instruction it is for free and linked below the video. About 25 machines survived as I only keep the reliable modules that are suitable for events. When put after each other the length would be about 16 meters. I will be updating this post when I create new machines (or demolish one). Some machines have a dedicated topic on Eurobricks but most of them not. Feel free to comment or ask questions about any module. This Youtube Playlist will show all GBC machine videos.

I started eight years ago with building GBC machines when I saw a big circle of machines at LEGO World Utrecht while being an exhibitor myself with a modular squash center and RoscoPC F1 models. After that I started building the more difficult Akiyuki machines, for fun and to learn from them. This would not have been possible without the Akiyuki project thread here on Eurobricks! It wasn't long before I designed my own GBC and actually that first one has been the most successful one to date (Rainbow Wave). Since then I've build over 30 machines and exhibited all of them on several events, mainly LEGO World Utrecht. A highlight was the invitation to show 3 machines to Eva Longoria in a very popular Spanish live TV show called El Hormiguero.

  1. Snake Circle
    The best of two GBCs with lots of ball action. The Snake (redesigned Serpentine by Fernando) from the Logarithmic Counter and the Circles from the Wall Wave. The module can be run by hand (without PowerFunctions motor) and can return to its own Inbox. 18 balls will make a nice continuous loop.
    Length 34 cm
    1842 parts
    Building Instructions
  2. Speeder Bike Ball Pump
    Brick build Speeder Bike and a Ball Pump ‘powered’ by the Storm Trooper. Inspired by Scout Trooper Speeder Bike but no parts are the same. The tree was inspired by 10236 Ewok Village. I know a Scout Trooper is commonly seen on a Speeder Bike but I had a 75114 Storm Trooper lying around.
    Length 45 cm
    3106 parts
    Building Instructions
  3. Crane Loader Type 2
    Re-design and modernisation of the Akiyuki Train Loader for the Type 2 train. Many modifications were needed to run the bigger Type 2 train. Drive and timing system replaced by a long gear rack and a clutch switch.
    Length 99 cm (with three train tracks)
    3298 parts
    Building Instruction
  4. Wall Wave
    A Wave up a Wall. This LEGO Great Ball Contraption has a switch to drive by hand and an option to re-route the balls into the inbox.
    Length 34 cm
    1945 parts
    Building Instruction
  5. Rollercoaster
    Fully mechanical Rollercoaster with 24 Carts and one Power Functions XL motor. Only Light Bluish Gray tracks were used, tracks gaps to align the tracks correctly are filled with rigid hoses.
    Rollercoaster GBC
    Length 119 cm 
    5011 parts
    Building instruction not available.
  6. Inception
    Machine with three flipping cubes and steppers create a never ending ball path for four balls. Based on the Penrose Stairs from Yosuke Ikeda. The machine is operated by hand and needs a soft touch to let it work well. Technically not a GBC but the intention was/is there to create one with the same concept. For this version the x45 GBC balls were too light so the 18mm steel balls from Mindstorms were used. It took wo years of trail and error to create this machine.
    1707 parts
    Building Instruction
  7. Push Ups
    Based on the Serpentine by Akassin, runner-up in the Eurobricks TC23 GBC contest. This compact machine has an option to switch to hand crank and has a reroute to the inbox. With this it is possible to run it by hand as a stand alone machine.
    Push Ups
    Length 35 cm
    1670 parts
    Building Instruction
  8. Container Transporter V3
    'Akiyukification' of the Container Transposer by Geoff. The original Container Transporter by Akiyuki was controlled by a NXT, three motors and three touch sensors. The version from Geoff is 100% mechanical and timed via differentials and a timing disc, a masterpiece in engineering with 136 gears! This 'V3' version lifts these genius mechanics into a GBC frame.
    Container Transporter V3
    Length 97 cm
    3686 parts
    Building Instruction
  9. Ferris Wheel
    Entrant and winner of the TC23 GBC Competition. The wheel is held together by 128 strings and has 63 ball pods. 64 were planned but the strings had too much tension with 64. Currently eight strings have been replaced by axles to make transport in a flat position to events possible.
    Ferris Wheel
    Length 84 cm
    Building Instruction not available.
    TC23 entry topic
  10. Planetary Lift
    This is the feed module of the Ferris Wheel but as a stand alone GBC module. It has a straight line mechanism based on the idea of ord and others. The stepper ball feed timing has a fine-adjustment through a differential.
    Planetary Lift
    Length 37 cm
    687 parts
    Building Instruction
    Mould King 26015
  11. Parallel Steppers
    A mix of my Rainbow Stepper and the Switchback idea by John Sherman. A reliable module suitable to use as a corner module and including a build-in recycle gate.
    Parallel Steppers
    Length 29 cm
    1350 parts
    Building Instruction
  12. Rimo Buckets
    Original design by Rimo Yaona, reverse engineered and build together with NDL-GBC. Main principle is locking the tower turn movement which initiates the bucket turn, after the bucket turn, the tower turn movement is unlocked.
    Rimo Buckets
    Length 76 cm
    1796 parts
    Building Instruction
    26011 Mould King
  13. Logarithmic Ball Counter
    Original design by JK Brickworks through a ball clock which is based on the wooden ball clock by Harley Mayenschein. Ball feed idea based on the double Serpent by Fernando Quintara but rebuild to a studless back frame. Every 10th ball on the ramp is passed on to the ramp below.
    Logarithmic Ball Counter
    Length 52 cm
    881 parts
    Building Instruction
    Eurobricks topic
    26012 Mould King
  14. Shoot the Loop
    Entry for the 2021 Great Ball Pit height challenge on Discord (runner-up). A rollercoaster GBC attempt to loop at very high speed, only six weeks of (allowed) development time! The rollercoaster cart is loaded with one ball and launched by high speed spinning wheels. The ball is unloaded at the top. All within about one second!
    Shoot the Loop
    Length ?
    Module has been demolished as it was not reliable enough for events but a great learning moment to may be create another rollercoaster GBC in the future.
    Building Instruction not available.
  15. Staggered Lift
    Series of ramps that lift to move balls from left to right onto other ramps.
    Staggered Lift
    Length 43 cm
    1541 parts
    Building Instruction
  16. Akiyuki Five Tilted Rings
    Rings with pods placed under an angle pass on ball to the upper Ring. Blackout version, inbox turned 90 degrees, Lime accents.
    Length 63 cm
    2966 parts
    Free building instruction not available because original building instruction is sold by Akiyuki under copyright.
  17. The Zebra
    Entry for the 2021 Great Ball Pit Spring Into GBC Contest on Discord (runner-up). In this contest the trapezoid flag (44676) and Technic crank shaft (2853) had to be used, preferably functional. Build in 3 days from stock parts and uses 66 of the mandatory elements in a functional way. This module has been featured by TLG.
    Length 59 cm
    Module has been demolished to make room for other modules.
    Building Instruction not available.
  18. Framed Robot Dreams
    My version of the very attractive Robot Dreams, 1st GBC by JK Brickworks. This version is using normal gears instead of splat gears, has six robots and is build on a frame.
    Framed Robot Dreams
    Module has been demolished as I unfortunately after many attempts could not get it reliable enough for events.
    Length 88 cm
    3353 parts
    Building Instruction
  19. Mechanical Container Transporter
    Original design by Akiyuki which is controlled by a Mindstorms NXT, three motors and three touch switches. This version has one XL motor and a mechanical gearbox controlled by gears and clutches only.
    Mechanical Container Transporter.jpg
    Length 85 cm
    Eurobricks topic
    Module has been demolished as it was not reliable enough for events. A new attempt based on the Container Transposer by Geoff will be ready soon.
    Building Instruction of this version not available.
  20. Tensegrity
    Based on the Tensegrity concept by JK Brickworks. The balls going down create unbalance in the Tensegrity structure but not enough to let them collapse.
    Module has been demolished, it was reliable but for events it took up a lot of space and (by design) could not be moved without collapsing of the ramps.
    Length 92 cm
    2156 parts
    Building Instruction
    26006 Mould King
  21. Akiyuki Hockey Stick Lift XXL
    Original design by Akiyuki. This version has almost triple the amount of pass points to get the ball higher for purposes shown in the video.
    Akiyuki Hockey Stick Lift XXL
    Length 35 cm
    Free building instruction not available because original building instruction is sold by Akiyuki under copyright.
  22. Bling Color Sorter
    Geneva drive ball feed with manual ball color switch through Power Functions remote and servo motor.
    Bling Color Sorter.jpg
    Module has been demolished because the ball exit with colored hoses was too cramped and too many balls dropped. Also kids tend to overpush the PF remote, a remote lasted only one event day!
    Length 76 cm
    1964 parts
    Building Instruction (by 9V System)
  23. Akiyuki Peanuts
    Original design by Akiyuki, changes to the original design are turning the upper part 45 degrees and adding a frame for sturdiness.
    Akiyuki Peanuts.jpg
    Length 60 cm
    Free building instruction not available because original building instruction is sold by Akiyuki under copyright.
  24. Turntable Cup to Cup
    My version of a Cup to Cup module using six 60 teeth turntables. It took a few years to get this module reliable for events.
    Turntable Cup to Cup.jpg
    Length 67 cm
    1153 parts
    Building Instruction
    Eurobricks topic
  25. Rainbow Stepper
    At most GBC events there are many modules with steppers (and belts) as main mechanism. This is my attempt to make an attractive but simple stepper GBC.
    Rainbow Stepper
    Length 52 cm
    946 parts
    Building Instruction
    26004 Mould King
  26. Akiyuki Ball Factory V3
    Original design by Akiyuki. Without doubt one of the the most iconic LEGO Great Ball Contraptions which has drawn me into building GBCs. With 15 synchronized components the Ball Factory is also one of the most complex LEGO GBC ever designed. Originally placed on two big baseplates, it was hard to relocate and reliability was a concern with balls dropping into the complex mechanisms causing jams and need for time consuming resynchronizing. This version is an attempt to make it more reliable and easier to relocate.
    Akiyuki Ball Factory V3
    Length 73 cm
    4381 parts
    Building Instruction
  27. Centipede
    Original design by Great Ball Pit making good use of the well known Brick Separator.
    Length 60 cm
    Module has been demolished as it was not reliable enough for events.
    Building Instruction not available.
  28. Vertical Train Loader Unit
    Vertical Train Loader for the Akiyuki Type 2 Great Ball Contraption train system. This is a compact and reliable GBC to work together with any Type 2 Train Unloader.
    Vertical Train Loader Unit
    Length 38 cm
    1234 parts
    Building Instruction
  29. Pneumatic Scissor Lift Unit with compact Akiyuki train layout
    Module to lift the balls over the train tracks with pneumatics. Inspired by the Akiyuki train layout but made much compacter to be able to run on events on a single table.
    Pneumatic Scissor Lift Unit
    Length 70 cm, complete circuit minimum of 280 cm
    Building Instruction not available, building instruction for the Compressor is available.
  30. Rotary Dumper &Train Elevator
    Original design by Akiyuki, heavily modified with a new timing system by Doug72 and counterweights to save battery and speed up the cycle. My version uses the original and faster lift but with a lock at the bottom to be able to make full use of the counterweights which in turn saves battery power of the train.
    Rotary Dumper & Train Elevator
    Length 80 cm (with 1 track)
    2640 parts
    Building Instruction
  31. Train Loader Unit
    Original design by Akiyuki. Modified (more open) version of the train loader working with V2 Akiyuki train system.
    Akiyuki Train Loader Unit
    Length 58 cm (with 1 track)
    Building Instruction (by Akiyuki).
  32. Train Unloader Unit
    Original design by Akiyuki. Modified version of the train loader working with V2 Akiyuki train system.
    Akiyuki Train Unloader Unit
    Length 49 cm (with 1 track)
    Building Instruction (by Akiyuki).
  33. Train Unit V2 (rechargeable)
    Original design by Akiyuki. Modified version of the train designed around the rechargeable 8878 LiPo battery.
    Train Unit V2 Rechargeable
    234 parts
    Building Instruction
  34. Roulette
    100% LEGO version of a Roulette wheel with full set of 37 numbers (European style). This GBC is a buffer at the start of a full GBC circuit dispensing two balls per two seconds. The spring loaded shooters have been replaced by weights for reliability (see below).
    Length 80 cm
    Building Instruction not available.
  35. Hammers
    Feed module for the above Roulette with a vary large Inbox to hold many balls. Weights (part 73090b) are dropped and shoot the balls in the Roulette.
    Building Instruction not available.
  36. Ball Counter
    100% mechanical counter based on the 1 to 10 ratio design by Parax77. This module has been featured by TLG.
    Ball Counter
    Length 57 cm
    Module has been demolished after a few events where the counter mechanism jammed repeatedly.
    Building Instruction not available.
    Eurobricks Topic
  37. Ball Shooter Marble Run V2
    Complete re-design to make this module GBC compliant. The balls are launched by a rotating wheel at 3000 rpm. A first version with two spinning wheels (video here) was not reliable enough. Improvement over the V1 after more than 300 hours of running; Elimination of half plate offset in the drive line, one L motor (M motor gone), longer inbox, centered exit and optimized ball gate with return lock at the top.
    Ball Shooter Marble Run
    2362 parts
    V2 Building Instruction
    Building Instruction (by Duneswithout the improvements
    26002 Mould King (uses flexible hoses)
  38. Solaire
    Original design by Great Ball Pit. The module uses the 40385 skateboard ramps as pathways.
    Length 30 cm
    Module has been demolished as it was not reliable enough for events.
    Building Instruction (by 9V System)
  39. Ball Catcher
    Platform together with the Paternoster and Ball splitter. In de video is a mouse as Ball Catcher. The mouse is controlled by Power Functions. The mouse has been replaced by a motorized Wall·E of set 21303 (not in the video). Future plans are to convert this platform to the robot pathways of the Pixar movie.
    Ball Catcher
    Length 90 cm
    Building Instruction not available.
  40. Paternoster
    Designed after the Paternoster in the Pixar Wall·E movie.
    Length 33 cm
    2357 parts
    Building Instruction (by 9V system)
  41. Double Bucket Wheel
    Having bought two 42055 Excavators for parts to get started with GBC, this module was to see if I could put the buckets to work. It worked.
    Double Bucket Wheel
    Module has been demolished, basically because it did not get much interest during events and I needed the storage room for other modules.
    Length 44 cm
    999 parts
    Building Instruction (by 9V System)
  42. Ball Shooter Marble Run
    Original design by Akiyuki. First attempt to transform the Marble Run to a stand alone GBC compliant module with two high speed spinning wheels..
    Ball Shooter Marble Run V1
    Building Instruction not available (for V2 available).
    Demolished as it was not reliable enough, especially the ball intake and uncontrollable ball speed at the top.
  43. Rainbow Wave
    My first GBC. Balls are surfing on a wave of 38 Lego colors. This GBC has app. 1150 moving parts!
    Rainbow Wave
    1988 parts
    Length 93 cm
    Building Instruction (first version by Courbet).
    Eurobricks Topic
  44. Akiyuki Invisible Lift
    Original design by Akiyuki. I have modified this GBC up to a point where it is reliable and transportable enough to take to events. All modifications are listed here on Flickr. After about 7 days of running on event days the Power Functions XL motor breaks down and needs replacing. Where possible the red axles and blue pins were replaced by black ones. 
    Akiyuki Invisible Lift (updated)
    Length 68 cm
    Building Instruction (without my modifications) available in the Akiyuki topic.
  45. Akiyuki Ball Factory
    Original design by Akiyuki. First GBC build for me, for fun and to learn from. It was hard to relocate and got out of sync when balls dropped.
    Akiyuki Ball Factory V2
    Module has been demolished and replaced by my V3 re-design (building instruction available).
    Building Instruction available in the Akiyuki Topic.

Edited by Berthil
Snake Circle added

this thread is excellent i shall add this to the Akiyuki project page as well. i have instructions for the ball counter and ball catcher input as well. currently building tensegrity and its a very enjoyable build, some errors in the instructions though so i will post those when im finished

also regarding framed robots, i have been testing my grabber design for several days now and its fairly reliable with only a couple of adjustments needed, i guess the real test for it will be at brickvention 23

Edited by 9v system

  • Author

I'm using the holidays clean and check most of the machines listed. Some I further improve, like the Marble Run. That really needed a clean because the high spinning wheel is a dust magnet somehow, I guess it 'cleans' the balls with the wheel and the dust needs to go somewhere. I'm also extending the 'lime theme' to all the machines. The Marble Run got a longer inbox, the exit is now parallel with the machine and the ball catcher at the top has been modified to prevent balls shooting right back into the up shoot.

Below a picture of a 24t gear that ran with PTFE (dry teflon) for about 30 event days as first drive gear against an 8t gear in the Marble Run. At the top a new gear. It didn't fail and I didn't clean it as you can see. The black fibers are from the black cloth that covers the exhibition tables and the black dust is from the balls that pick up dust going through the machines and black paint coming from the soccer ball prints. It shows gears have a hard life in GBC machines but mostly keep working.


Thanks Berthil for sharing your work, it has been an inspiration for my GBC journey.

 I proudly have 17 Berthil modules amongst my collection.

Keep up the good work.

  • Author

@OneMoreRobot Wow, 17! Excellent and thank you for letting me know. I make the machines and free instructions for feedback like yours, happy to read you enjoy them.

hi Berthil is it possible i can make a file for the double ball shooter? if so could you send me a couple of photos from the other side and drivetrain?

i finished tensegrity yesterday and its a very impressive module.

now onto parallel steppers 

Edited by 9v system

  • Author

I've updated the Ball Shooter Marble Run with a longer inbox to make the entry better reachable for the previous module. The exit is now centered, previously the rigid hoses ended from the side. The top ball gate that takes out the speed of the ball has been optimized. Sometimes the ball would bounce right back into the tubing to fall back to the spinning wheel causing congestions. The gate would also come apart because of the high velocity ball impact. It seems that after about 300 hours runtime on events the ball goes up faster and faster. Both problems have been solved with the update. By the way, the first tire is still being used, it shows little wear.


The overview in the first post has been updated. The free building instruction is NOT updated. I use Stud.io and it is nearly impossible to bend all those rigid hoses in Stud.io. If time permits I might give it a try and create new building instructions including all the updates. The video before the update is here.

Edited by Berthil
tire remark added

thank you so much Berthil for your amazing GBC modules and for this nice recap.

Do you mind if I reference several of them on Planet GBC in 2023 ?

  • Author
24 minutes ago, turbopolofr said:

Do you mind if I reference several of them on Planet GBC in 2023 ?

You can but do not copy and rebrand building instructions and videos, only use links to the original content on Rebrickable and Youtube please.

2 minutes ago, Berthil said:

You can but do not copy and rebrand building instructions and videos, only use links to the original content on Rebrickable and Youtube please.

of course. This is what I always do (like for Rainbow Wave, a couple of years ago: https://www.planet-gbc.com/gbcmodule-berthilvanbeek-rainbowwave/ )

thanks for your agreement and keep on the awesome work !!

  • Author

@turbopolofr That's good although the article on the Rainbow Wave is outdated, that's why I ask to link to the original material and not make copies. You have copied the building instruction to your website, please don't do that and link to Rebrickable where the latest updates are.

3 minutes ago, Berthil said:

@turbopolofr That's good although the article on the Rainbow Wave is outdated, that's why I ask to link to the original material and not make copies. You have copied the building instruction to your website, please don't do that and link to Rebrickable where the latest updates are.

The article was indeed done at the time when you were not yet on Rebrickable, I was pointing to Courbet bricksafe folder, only hosting part lists on Planet GBC

>> I'll refresh the Planet GBC form in the coming days, pointing to Rebrickable version above, and to Eurobricks forum article.

  • Author

First post updated with a new machine, the Container Transporter V3. 'Akiyukification' of the Container Transposer by Geoff. The original Container Transporter by Akiyuki was controlled by a NXT, three motors and three touch sensors. The version from Geoff is 100% mechanical, a masterpiece in engineering with 136 gears! This 'V3' version lifts these genius mechanics into a GBC frame. V3 because this my 3rd attempt, I expect this version will be reliable enough for events.

Free building instructions on Rebrickable:



This looks like an absolutely brilliant job on the Container Transport V3, and of course brilliant work by Akiyuki and Geoff leading up to it. Thanks especially for making free instructions.  All the finest AFOL traditions of innovation and collaboration on display here!

  • Author

Version 2 of the Ball Shooter Marble Run with several improvements (after more than 300 hours of running) and new building instruction, as always free.

Improvements over the V1 after more than 300 hours of running; elimination of half plate offset in the drive line, one L motor (M motor gone), longer inbox, centered exit and optimized ball gate with return lock at the top.


Edited by Berthil

  • 4 weeks later...
  • Author

My latest machine although technically not a GBC. Three flipping cubes and steppers create a never ending ball path for four balls. The machine is operated by hand and needs a soft touch to let it work well. Designing a functional LEGO version of this machine took 2 years of trial and error. May be I will make a GBC based on the concept of flipping cubes. Free instructions on Rebrickable.


Very, very clever.

The one ball that goes against the other 3 never passes through the middles of the sides, so you could craft an insert/extract point there to turn it into a GBC mechanism that utilises the 3 ball path.

Reliability could be challenging in an exhibition setting but I'm fairly certain that it would get a lot of attention as people try to understand the mechanism.

  • Author

First post updated with Mould King set numbers. 4 of my GBC machine designs have been issued as a set by Mould King with my approval. They have acquired more of my designs but I don't know if (or when) they will become a set. But since they made 4, probably more will follow.

17 hours ago, Berthil said:

First post updated with Mould King set numbers. 4 of my GBC machine designs have been issued as a set by Mould King with my approval. They have acquired more of my designs but I don't know if (or when) they will become a set. But since they made 4, probably more will follow.

Well done! They are at very affordable prices, certainly with those motors included. Chance missed for Lego, but then they would have been 2-3x the price I imagine. Did you get to build them yourself before going in full production, to see if they work the same/fine? That "ball shooter marble run" looks really good, and will have great sales I imagine.

  • Author

@Mr Jos I have received a set per module but did not build them for approval. Support is handled by MK and when I get the set it is finished. So whatever they make as a set from the design is their own responsibility. I've seen reviews, for the marble run a choice was made to use softer hoses, more like the pneumatic hoses. This has worked out differently as intended in my design but still a lot of fun to build and play with. Especially for that price as you say correctly. All bricks are ABS and good quality, come in a box with good  instructions. But also for MK there are fakes out there, if not delivered in a box it's not from MK although the webshops have MK branding.

MK is the only one trying GBC in good way honoring the designer.


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