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13 minutes ago, Legocentrico said:

lego reading the comments rubbing his hands: good good maximum result with minimum effort >:-) guys, this thing sucks!  they are still making the buildable figures, dressing it up as a set for quantumania without giving us the minifigures from the movie is a bad joke :-D

Minimum effort isn't true, I don't like it either but can see that just because it isn't for me doesn't mean it's lazy.

Set looks okay, but still ridiculous this is all we're getting for the movie.

Also I see some people hoping we get another set with minifigs, but I think the box art confirms we won't. Ever since the No Way Home sets, the new MCU movie set's box art have had renders of the main characters on the front, with their minifig versions on the back (that's how we knew Okoye and M'Baku were coming after the 3 small Wakanda Forever sets leaked). But lo and behold for this set, the Ant-Fam are on the front of the box, but there's no minifigs to be seen on the back. :sceptic:


rioting in the streets seems like a great idea to me

25 minuti fa, l'agente Kallus ha detto:

Lo sforzo minimo non è vero, non mi piace neanche ma posso vedere che solo perché non fa per me non significa che sia pigro.

Lego has a line of buildable figures and they took advantage of that to sell off the movie.  adding the microfigure to say "hey look this is still a playset" seems very lazy to me :-P and fits perfectly into this policy of reducing minifigures to a minimum, to make money on existing bricks, the trend that started last year and that unfortunately is becoming the rule.  Minifigures don't have to be a bonus, minifigures are the foundation.  Without minifigures we probably wouldn't be here talking

I am still disappointed the set went in that direction but based on the first description I don’t mind it too much. Not a terrible giant man though mask is a bit off. Wasp microfigure will be a good add to my collection. 

Will pick it up at a significant discount later in the year. 

Wasp Microfig for those who wanted that. Personally I'm just hyped to see those new shoulder pad pieces in dark red, definitely getting those at some point.

59 minutes ago, Legocentrico said:

[…] and fits perfectly into this policy* of reducing minifigures to a minimum […]

*citation needed :tongue:

No, there isn’t an anti-minifig conspiracy going on. Just because we’re getting sets without minifigs doesn’t mean they’re somehow limiting them. The buildable objects are an addition, not a replacement. If they cancelled Cap’s Shield for instance, they wouldn’t replace it with a $200 minifig set. There simply wouldn’t be a $200 set.

Something you don’t like existing doesn’t mean something you would’ve liked would’ve been produced in its place :shrug_oh_well:

17 minutes ago, Scarilian said:

Wasp Microfig for those who wanted that. Personally I'm just hyped to see those new shoulder pad pieces in dark red, definitely getting those at some point.

It's certainly something I've been wanting for a while, but the lack of wings is disappointing. Yes it would've required a new mold, but a microfigure with wings can be used everywhere for fairies like Tinkerbell. I'll still happily take it though, but it's unfortunate that this tiny microfigure is a better looking Wasp than her actual minifigure to me

Bigger disappointment about this set is just that LEGO hit the mark when they made the last Giant Man. A brickbuilt recreation of an actual LEGO figure was genius as opposed to a brickbuilt action figure. It's not a concept they've ignored if you've seen the pirate leak, or those Harry Potter ones (which was a weird choice for Harry Potter of all themes to get, and I guess annoying for people that liked it that they never went back and made Ron)

For what we're getting though, I don't think it actually look too bad aside from the helmet, but I'll just be buying Wasp off Bricklink


Just watch The Marvels set be brickbuilt Carol, Kamala and Monica. This set is $30 for one, that set is $90... Now I've put that out in the world, let the chaos begin :devil_laugh:

34 minutes ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

*citation needed :tongue:

No, there isn’t an anti-minifig conspiracy going on. Just because we’re getting sets without minifigs doesn’t mean they’re somehow limiting them. The buildable objects are an addition, not a replacement. If they cancelled Cap’s Shield for instance, they wouldn’t replace it with a $200 minifig set. There simply wouldn’t be a $200 set.

Something you don’t like existing doesn’t mean something you would’ve liked would’ve been produced in its place :shrug_oh_well:

Whilst I agree with this statement in general, in this case it's not absurd to think that the buildable figure is replacing a system scale minifig set as it is seemingly the only release for Ant-Man 3 ( ant man without the charm ?) and usually we'd get a minifig set for every MCU release.

The set is actually good imo, I like it! But I agree there should be a Kang minifig at least in the set!

2 hours ago, Agent Kallus said:

Lego buildable figure Ant-Man walks into a bar.

The bartender asks 'why the long face?

First thing I noticed as well. They're really pushing that face mold past it's limits.

2 hours ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Pushback? In what form? Riots in the streets? :laugh_hard: Just vote with your wallet by not buying them if you don’t like them

Yes. 100% Violence is completely justified, we didn't get the plastic figure we wanted.

9 minutes ago, PRbrickbuilder said:

The set is actually good imo, I like it! But I agree there should be a Kang minifig at least in the set!

Exactly. If there'd been a Kang minifig, I would have been ok with the set, weird face notwithstanding. As is, it's a construction figure that one of the designers was nice enough to get a Wasp microfig placed into.

59 minuti fa, BrickBob Studpants ha detto:

*citazione necessaria:lingua:

No, non c'è una cospirazione anti-minifig in corso. Solo perché stiamo ottenendo set senza minifigs non significa che li stiano in qualche modo limitando. Gli oggetti edificabili sono un'aggiunta, non una sostituzione. Se avessero cancellato Cap's Shield, ad esempio, non lo sostituirebbero con un set di minifig da 200 dollari. Semplicemente non ci sarebbe un set da 200 dollari.

Qualcosa che non ti piace esistere non significa che qualcosa che avresti voluto sarebbe stato prodotto al suo posto:shrug_oh_well:

Sorry but I don't speak English, I use google translate: you said that if minifigures are limited doesn't that mean they are limiting minfigures?  :-D

I think you already answered yourself… for the shield instead I think so, I think lego has a budget and manages the sets according to that budget, so if there hadn't been a shield we would have had one or more other sets.  Last year we had a lot of sets without minifigures, even very expensive ones.  Hulkbuster only received a new bust, for €550.  Hulkbuster 2023 has a shameful minifigure selection, Quinjet has an incomplete selection.  This Ant-Man is the first movie without a minifigure in many years.  Add that the big figures have disappeared.  

Maybe it's not a conspiracy but it doesn't take a genius to understand that the minifigure is becoming the EVENT, and it's no longer the norm, as it should be, or at least as it has always been…

That said, I still want to emphasize that I respect everyone's tastes and I'm happy for those who are happy.  It's my lego-collecting side that's angry, I'm aware it's a game and a pastime :-)))

Head looks halfway decent, compared to iron man and the Spiderman figures

I'm just frustrated we didn't get Kang or modok in this set as a side build

12 minutes ago, Legocentrico said:

Sorry but I don't speak English, I use google translate: you said that if minifigures are limited doesn't that mean they are limiting minfigures?  :-D

No, what I meant is that minifig-less sets (like the helmets) are not an indication that minifigs are less important overall. It’s just a diversification of TLG’s product portfolio. Also, we’ve had entire minifig-less THEMES for ages, and those were never seen as a threat :tongue:

41 minutes ago, Agent Kallus said:

[…] and usually we'd get a minifig set for every MCU release.

Sure. But we don’t know (and probably never will) what they would’ve done if builable figures weren’t a thing. It’s not unthinkable that there simply wouldn’t have been a tie-in set at all :shrug_oh_well:

Maybe the first two Ant-man sets really sold poorly, as others have pointed out :laugh:

Not entirely pleased with the set, but not too upset. I wish we had gotten Minifigures, but Ant-Man is certainly the exception and not foreshadowing of future sets without figures. Ant-Man can grow to giant size and Wasp can shrink to bug size. As disappointed as I am to not figures, their powers are reflected in the set. And it's cool to finally get a newWasp Microfigure to pair with Ant-Man from Civil War/Endgame.

Microfig Wasp is definitely a nice surprise, although I echo the sentiment that the lack of wings is a shame. At least it's something though. 

I'll definitely try and pick her up at some point to pair with the Civil War Giant Man. 

Marvel lego collectors are here basically because the minifigs are action figures, lets be real. Sure, Lego broadens their customer base by making buildable figs, but not making a set with the minifigs is mind boggling as currently the only toy line that serves Marvel collectors better than Lego is Hasbro's Legends figures (and Funko, lol). I'm not gonna lose sleep over this but nobody should be pretending this isn't a reason for collectors to be bummed- it's the ENTIRE reason many of us are here.

I'll be crucifixed for this, but so far all the buildable figures look very good, and I really love the Antman one.

Still, I won't buy them. My problem with them is not the design or the lack of minifigures, is that they seem very expensive for it's size.

Folks there def is another set, lego never includes a character on the box unless there’s an official minifig of them... And they included Cassie

4 minutes ago, hvader said:

Folks there def is another set, lego never includes a character on the box unless there’s an official minifig of them... And they included Cassie

Look at the back of the box though, usually it's renders of the characters on the front and renders of the minifigs on the back. But here they're nowhere to be seen on the back of the box. :sad:

17 minutes ago, PGBQW said:

I'll be crucifixed for this, but so far all the buildable figures look very good, and I really love the Antman one.

Still, I won't buy them. My problem with them is not the design or the lack of minifigures, is that they seem very expensive for it's size.

I think the only weird ones were Spidey and Venom because they don't have the same human-like body compared to a suit. I also think that most just prefer locations/ship builds with minifigs over buildable figures that are only targeted to young kids and can't really be displayed. Added on the fact that it's basically a mech variation makes it worse. Now we have 8 mechs and 3 buildable figs a year LOL

2 minutes ago, Wonkyeye1 said:

Look at the back of the box though, usually it's renders of the characters on the front and renders of the minifigs on the back. But here they're nowhere to be seen on the back of the box. :sad:

Still I don't think there has ever been an instance where a character is on the box and Lego doesn’t make a fig of them.

Call me optimistic, but I feel like there can still be another set with Cassie, Kang, and MODOK

Edited by hvader

16 minutes ago, hvader said:

Folks there def is another set, lego never includes a character on the box unless there’s an official minifig of them... And they included Cassie

There isn't. 

Also, notice how the box art doesn't include minifigure versions of the characters? They always do that — minifigs on the front, live-action on the back.


1 ora fa, BrickBob Studpants ha detto:

No, quello che intendevo è che i set minifig-less (come i caschi) non sono un'indicazione che le minifigure siano meno importanti nel tutto. È solo una diversificazione del portafoglio di prodotti di TLG. Inoltre, abbiamo avuto interi TEMI senza minifig per secoli, e quelli non sono mai stati visti come una minaccia:lingua:

If there were 5 traditional sets and 5 construction only I would agree with you.  But this is not diversification, this is replacement.  The constructions obviously cost less than the minifigures, but take advantage of the love of collectors, they bring home the result.  There are many warning signs already from 2022, as I pointed out in my previous post, you can't turn a blind eye..

Edited by Legocentrico



1 minute ago, THELEGOBATMAN said:

Also, notice how the box art doesn't include minifigure versions of the characters? They always do that — minifigs on the front, live-action on the back.

Tbh that’s just generally a 2023 thing. None of the 2023 sets have the minifig renditions on their boxes. 

I just think there’s hope because we’ve never seen a character on a box who does not eventually get released as a fig

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