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  On 4/3/2023 at 2:43 AM, SuperSquidman said:

Hopefully Storm’s outfit is her white one. It seems most prevalent in images from the show and it would be more unique than just another figure of her black outfit from the 2014 set (it would be more detailed this time but I’d rather have a new costume or a new character altogether since X-Men minifigures are sparsely and/or seldom made.)

Considering that u/FluffySky6 said that the X-Men Minifigs look like their '90s incarnations rather than their modern ones, I assume that Storm will have her white suit (since all film depictions of her over the past ~20 years have the black costume). I also hope that she has appropriately voluminous hair (either this or a new piece)! 

Wow, that line-up sounds too good to be true! Definitely want most of them but my top picks in order are: Werewolf-By-Night, Moon Knight, Mr. Knight, and Beast. I'm so happy we're at least getting something for Werewolf-By-Night. I would have loved Elsa Bloodstone too but we'll see both of them and Man-Thing again at some point, I just hope it's relatively soon. I need an official LEGO Man-Thing! I'm really glad we're getting both Moon Knight and Mr. Knight. Hopefully they both come with alternate heads for both personalities. Beast is one of my favorite X-Men of all time so I'm definitely excited for him too. 

Pretty solid line up! Surprised a Secret Invasion version of Nick Fury isn't included to represent that show, and sad that Ms. Marvel is excluded since the one we're probably getting in The Marvels set is a different suit from the show version. Just wish we would start getting sets for the Disney+ shows because it's hard to cover everything with just 12 minifigures in a series.

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For X-Men fans who missed out on LEGO's previous offerings I'm happy, but as a long-time LEGO buyer it's frustrating to get overlaps yet again.

Obviously Wolverine is super popular, but he's been available - did we really need another one? How about an accessible Jean Grey? Or Professor X!

Hopefully a set with more characters does materialise, although if it's a massive $300 one or whatever, that's out of reach for me unfortunately.

Luckily nothing about this list makes me too sad that I won't be buying any of the series due to it being in boxes, though I'm sure they'll have great details and stuff I want once pics come out.

I still feel like we'd need to be getting a Disney+ CMF series every year to keep up with all the content if we don't start getting sets.

Edited by spiderfan2000

Mixed feelings about the X-Men's inclusion in the CMF series. I'm thankful we're getting something from the show and its nice to be getting another new character with Beast, but I feel the show would've benefited more from getting proper sets like the Blackbird and having the complete 97 team available instead of only 3 members.

Of course there's still the possibility we may eventually see sets next year based on the whole X-Mansion leak from a few months back, but given that Wolverine, Storm and Beast were present in there as well it does make their CMF inclusion feel somewhat redundant if that set does end up releasing.

Not a single What If…? character in sight? Someone pinch me! :grin: That‘s an excellent line-up!

  On 4/3/2023 at 5:20 AM, wesker said:

I feel the show would've benefited more from getting proper sets like the Blackbird and having the complete 97 team available instead of only 3 members.

Of course there's still the possibility we may eventually see sets next year based on the whole X-Mansion leak from a few months back, but given that Wolverine, Storm and Beast were present in there as well it does make their CMF inclusion feel somewhat redundant if that set does end up releasing.

The Minifigs in the leaked prototype are not final, so I would not worry about redundancy. Also, I can see us getting a $100 Blackbird (like the Quinjet) in 2024, with a lineup like Cyclops, Jean, Wolverine (reused from the mech), Magneto, and 1-2 other characters. 

Excited about the line up generallly. Mainly Kang and Beast. 

I feel Werewolf by Night is a bit of a waste as I have 4/5 different wolf man/werewolf minifigures. Same with Wolverine and Storm - as I feel any future X-Men Blackbird or mansion will include both again - to be honest it would probably also include a Beast variant such as in a lab coat. 

Avengers tower being MCU/Age of Ultron based - makes me feel like we will get a lot of the Quinjet avengers again. Perhaps a new Quicksilver? I feel Age of Ultron has already been well represented with minifigs so doubt there will be any in particular that are totally new. 

Fantastic list. Only disappointing aspect is that they didn’t increase the number of characters, I thought for sure we would see an increase after the Disney got 18.

Glad we're finally starting to get more LEGO X-Men content.

The CMF line-up is surprisingly good. It offers a wide variety of characters, without a single What If...? minifigure in sight. Kang is a weird inclusion — is he supposed to represent Loki S2, or is he a Quantumania minifigure? I would've gladly taken more X-Men figures tho.

Saying all of that, I'm only interested in X-Men minifigures and Werewolf by Night. Other minifigures are from projects that I couldn't care less about.

Beast in the X-Mansion prototype had a labcoat on so his inclusion in the CMF series could be specifically to make a version of him without the labcoat. However, I agree with others that I'd rather see more X-Men characters included besides the usual staple we've seen. Jean, Iceman, Angel, Rogue, Gambit, Psylocke, etc.

  On 4/3/2023 at 2:58 AM, Classic_Spaceman said:

Considering that u/FluffySky6 said that the X-Men Minifigs look like their '90s incarnations rather than their modern ones, I assume that Storm will have her white suit (since all film depictions of her over the past ~20 years have the black costume). I also hope that she has appropriately voluminous hair (either this or a new piece)! 

In the 90s comics, Storm's outfit was actually a metallic black. The shading used to make it look shiny meant it appeared silver or white and when the TAS debuted, they portrayed her specifically in pure white which is why most people associate Storm wearing white in that costume now. Her 90s costume was a variant of her 80s costume from the Outback X-Men era which was specifically black.

Her lightning bolt earrings are a trademark staple of her 90s look, especially in TAS, so I do hope she gets a new hairpiece that can include the earrings.

Edited by JeanGreyForever

  On 4/3/2023 at 5:52 AM, Classic_Spaceman said:

The Minifigs in the leaked prototype are not final, so I would not worry about redundancy. Also, I can see us getting a $100 Blackbird (like the Quinjet) in 2024, with a lineup like Cyclops, Jean, Wolverine (reused from the mech), Magneto, and 1-2 other characters. 


I'm surprised!  Someone was on my list but Agatha, Echo and Antman's Kang I didn't expect them, since they belong to a series from the past, a series too far in the future and a movie.. a bit surprised even by Werewolf but we know that lego loves the werewolves.  In this case I would have preferred a set, because out of its context it loses the charm of the special.  I'm also surprised by Mr Knight, superfluous in my opinion, but I'm biased because I hated the show.  The x-Men are a pleasant surprise but as others have said I'm disappointed we always go back to the usual characters, and Beast is not one of my favourites.  Surely they will have incredible detail and we will forget the old minifigures… Daredevil is an inexcusable absence :-(

I wouldn't mind if the whole cmf were just the primary x-men





-jean grey





-professor x with a wheelchair


and kitty pride

Also, i was thinking, could the checklist leak? For some reason we only get fig leaks, why dont get a pic of the check list? And if so, when should we expect CMF leaks

  On 4/3/2023 at 7:40 AM, Legocentrico said:

I'm surprised!  Someone was on my list but Agatha, Echo and Antman's Kang I didn't expect them, since they belong to a series from the past, a series too far in the future and a movie.. a bit surprised even by Werewolf but we know that lego loves the werewolves.  In this case I would have preferred a set, because out of its context it loses the charm of the special.  I'm also surprised by Mr Knight, superfluous in my opinion, but I'm biased because I hated the show.  The x-Men are a pleasant surprise but as others have said I'm disappointed we always go back to the usual characters, and Beast is not one of my favourites.  Surely they will have incredible detail and we will forget the old minifigures… Daredevil is an inexcusable absence :-(

I think the She-Hulk version of daredevil is a “now way home” sutuation.

no one knew he was in the show and no promo art was sent out to toy companies.

agatha could be from the coven of chaos show and because its part of the cmf the cant delay it. Im hoping she is based off wandavision.

new marvel legends leak included secret invasion figs and wandavision agatha so im leaning towards wandavision agatha.

the inclusion of villians is nice too. Kang is a welcomes surprise! Now can we get a ant-man poly bag?

Rumors are the fig selection for AoU avengers tower is wider than just AoU.

they could include all the films inwhich the tower is present…so maybe vulture and spiderman, happy hogan, pepper potts, helen cho, all the avengers, updated ultron, updated wanda with dual molded legs and red power pieces!, updated quicksilver, more iron man suits!

with this price point how many figs could we expect? 12? 16?

Not sure if I am personally excited for a fourth Wolverine, but I am generally happy about the inclusion of Storm and Beast. The latter is not one of my favourite X-Men (and not very visually interesting, in his TAS iteration at least) but I am excited to be getting mutants who haven’t received figures before. Kang is also a pretty big surprise for me, as he is ostensibly the only non-Disney+ character, and I’m really glad that we’re getting Agatha and especially Werewolf By Night! Solid selection overall, aside from being in the clear minority that would’ve been fine with one MK figure I would barely change a thing.

Eh, im personally not gonna buy agatha, she's honestly the last marvel character i'd ever buy, heck i'd even buy that one awful incarnation of ben reilly as a minfig before it.

  On 4/3/2023 at 8:10 AM, BusterNut31 said:

Penso che la versione di She-Hulk di daredevil sia una sutuazione "ora a casa".

nessuno sapeva che fosse nello spettacolo e nessuna arte promozionale è stata inviata alle aziende di giocattoli.

agatha potrebbe essere della congrega del caos spettacolo e perché la sua parte del cmf il non può ritardarlo. Spero che sia basata su wandavision.

La nuova perdita di leggende della meraviglia includeva fichi di invasione segreti e wandavision agatha, quindi mi sto appoggiando verso wandavision agatha.

anche l'inclusione dei cattivi è bella. Kang è una sorpresa di benvenuto! Ora possiamo prendere una borsa di plastica ant-man?

Le voci sono che la selezione di fichi per AoU avengers tower è più ampia di AoU.

potrebbero includere tutti i film in cui è presente la torre...quindi forse avvoltoio e spiderman, happy hogan, potts di pepe, helen cho, tutti i vendicatori, ultron aggiornato, wanda aggiornato con doppie gambe modellate e pezzi di potenza rossi!, quicksilver aggiornato, più abiti da uomo di ferro!

con questo prezzo quanti fichi potevamo aspettarci? 12? 16?

You're right, it was definitely a secret, but I was hoping the massive popularity of the character would produce a little encrypted mail to toy makers :-D

Echo was supposed to come out this year but Agatha wasn't (as far as I know) so it's very likely that it is WandaVision 100%.  I'm happy because even if she's not a memorable character, she still has a nice design.  And the fact that they are back to 2021 makes me hope for a Devil minifigure in series 3 :-D

Kang is inexplicable to me, they give us a construction set and occupy a CMF slot, but why?  It is true that this way it will be much more detailed, there is always a positive side…

if the tower is real we will finally have an answer to the big question: WHERE ARE THE BIGFIGURES???  :-D

So happy that the X-Men are getting some love from LEGO (and that "What-If...?" isn't wasting a third of the selection)!

This minifigure selection is solid, although would have prefered a larger wave, for example 16 or 20 minifgures, to include more supervillains.

Sometimes I feel like Marvel needs to remember that supervillains are a big draw to why people love the comic book genre, not just superheroes.


Oh, man, the $500-plus set turns out to be an Avengers Tower, after all!
Intrigued to see how it turns out! :sweet: 

Furthermore, that CMF2 lineup sound terrific! Not everything is my taste, but I'm very happy X-Men included (though a little disappointed there's no Cyclops :blush: ) and that they're from the animated series.
Kang will be great, too (haven't even seen Ant-Man: Quantumania yet, but hey :innocent2: )
I haven't seen Moon Knight, Hawkeye and Werewolf By Night, but they might produce some interesting minifigures :purrr: 


Edited by CF Mitch

  On 4/3/2023 at 9:20 AM, RobbieHxC said:


Sometimes I feel like Marvel needs to remember that supervillains are a big draw to why people love the comic book genre, not just superheroes.


That is a really good point, we only have a handful of villains produced into figures (not counting different versions) which really sucks when you look at the games, all we get is Loki, Thanos and stuff, we haven't seen another Ultron since 2015, but why not get a Barok the leaper or Bullseye or something?

  On 4/3/2023 at 8:10 AM, BusterNut31 said:


they could include all the films inwhich the tower is present…so maybe vulture and spiderman, happy hogan, pepper potts, helen cho, all the avengers, updated ultron, updated wanda with dual molded legs and red power pieces!, updated quicksilver, more iron man suits!

with this price point how many figs could we expect? 12? 16?

I think thats the way it will go. It would be daft to limit them to just AOU appearances when it's been in so many films. 

Hard to predict figures. I'd hope for something similar to the bugle which was 25, especially given the price. The bugle did feel like they put lots of effort into the figures, whereas the Sanctum was a bit lacklustre. Maybe it will depend on who the designers are and what they are pushing for. 

Honestly surprised, yet satisfied, with the lineup. I'm curious the logic behind including/excluding particular characters.

One theory:

Characters from Hawkeye, Moon Knight, She-Hulk, and Werewolf by night are included to represent their shows. Both Ms. Marvel and Nick Fury will presumably be in the Marvels set, so perhaps Lego chose to exclude Secret Invasion and Ms. Marvel for that reason. We also got Loki and What If characters last series (unless you count Kang and 2021 Gamora as representation). Plus we're getting characters from Echo, Coven of Chaos, and X-Men.

The only show to not get acknowledged is Daredevil, so my guess is his exclusion could be because his show isn't scheduled till next year, or Lego has plans to produce sets for his series.

  On 4/3/2023 at 10:23 AM, Buckethead said:

The only show to not get acknowledged is Daredevil, so my guess is his exclusion could be because his show isn't scheduled till next year, or Lego has plans to produce sets for his series.

It's definitely because his show isn't until next year. Echo and Agatha are unfortunately victim to delays, but we've already met their characters at least

But the actual only show to not get represented is Ironheart. Maybe because she was included in Black Panther sets

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