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I think that the x-mansion in the fall is essentially a guarantee at this point, after close to 3 years of marvel d2cs the pattern now is obvious. 

janurary-small/medium sized set(s)

late summer/ early-to-mid fall- large d2c that compliments the smaller set and has minifigures that bleeds between them. 


full spiderman wave in janurary with brand new Minifigures for the year 

bugle in June with all of the new Minifigures plus some exclusives 

sidenote: the only real outlier because it was the first


gargantos showdown in Janurary, has brand new minifgs for the year. 

sanctum in September with minifigs from gargantos showdown and exclusives 


quinjet in January with (mostly) new minifgures for the year 

tower in November with minifugs from the quinjet and some exclusives 


rumored x-jet in January (medium sized, has (mostly) brand new minifigures for the year)

leaked x-mansion in late summer early fall, with rumored Minifigures from the jet and some exclusives. 


I think that they might start another pattern? one comic based set for every other MCU based set. the only other possibility for this pattern to continue with something other than the x-jet is maybe the no way home expansion set? but its significantly weaker, because its at a smaller price point and its something they've don't before. (large scale spiderman d2c) 


7 hours ago, Scarilian said:

FalconFan1414's was solely confirming that we would get movie tie-in sets for films released in 2024, he was not confirming or denying any Marvel movie tie-in sets in 2024.

Now personally, I'd lean to it being a movie tie-in set for Despicable Me 4 releasing in July given we had tie-in sets for The Rise of Gru and I could easily see them repurpose the Lego Robotnik figures body into a Lego figure of Gru if desired if they feel a normal figure would not work.

None of his remark confirms or denies Deadpool 3 sets.

Context below:

Not that it confirms or denies anything outright, but this isn't entirely accurate. I'm not going all the way back to quote it again, but when someone said we wouldn't get deadpool 3 sets a few months ago, Falconfan said "never say never". So the movie comment on it's own doesn't mean much, but taken together with that, there's at least a chance.

7 hours ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

They won‘t throw a movie minifig into a comic-/cartoon-based set, but if they did, it would count :tongue: Still no way this is happening unless they changed the rating a while ago. As @THELEGOBATMAN pointed out, this is a line they won‘t cross, and neither should they IMO. Not just because I don‘t wanna buy a Skullpoopl cosplay :laugh_hard:

What if it wasn't 1-to-1, but clearly film inspired, like Miles's design in the bugle? 

Not that I want them to cross that line either- as much as I'd want sets for *title card* or netflix daredevil, lego is primarily a children's toy line and shouldn't do MA/R rated properties even in sets meant for adult collectors-, but they did technically get duped into producing a fig for a TV-MA rated show already with Echo's show costume. Even if the movie ends up being R, if they played with it being PG-13 for long enough to send art to LEGO, I could see a movie-inspired deadpool and/or wolveriene showing up in the mansion or something.

11 hours ago, wesker said:

Professor X, Mystique, Sabretooth and Emma Frost as they were present in the preliminary image

I am hesitant to expect Emma Frost to be included, since most of her costumes are NSFW! That said, her ‘97 series appearance is as revealing as Wonder Woman’s costumes, so I suppose that version would be OK. 

11 hours ago, wesker said:

Maybe Deadpool (to circumvent the 18+ rating) and Mr. Sinister (main villain of the new show)

I am not convinced of Deadpool, but this is also LEGO’s only opportunity to make him; I would say 50/50 on him. 
Mr. Sinister, however, is quite unlikely. I am expecting the set to include core ‘97 and movie characters, along with a few popular minor characters; Mr. Sinister is neither, and he has a greater chance than some others of being included in a future ‘97 set. 

11 hours ago, wesker said:

I suspect many of 97's new recruits (Nightcrawler, Archangel, Sunspot, Forge, Morph and Cable) and legacy X-Men (Colossus, Iceman, Psylocke and Kitty) will be released gradually over the coming years like Spider-Man's supporting cast was. 

IMO, supporting characters are more likely to show up in the Mansion than they are in future sets, since LEGO tends to focus on the most popular/well-known characters in regular sets. 

Saw the minifig leak for Cyclops.... wow is it bad.

No yellow spandex, no dual-molded legs, and should've given the batman belt accessory instead of print. The printed visor is probably the worst part, a dedicated hair/visor piece would've been ideal considering the cost of the X-Jet.

Edited by LegendaryArticuno

3 hours ago, Classic_Spaceman said:

Mr. Sinister, however, is quite unlikely. I am expecting the set to include core ‘97 and movie characters, along with a few popular minor characters; Mr. Sinister is neither, and he has a greater chance than some others of being included in a future ‘97 set.

Mr. Sinister is supposed to be the main villain of the new series. Still has a good chance at being in system sets, but I still think he's pretty likely to show up if this is taking inspiration in any way from the new show.

1 hour ago, LegendaryArticuno said:

No yellow spandex, no dual-molded legs, and should've given the batman belt accessory instead of print. The printed visor is probably the worst part, a dedicated hair/visor piece would've been ideal considering the cost of the X-Jet.

While I agree with some of this, I've come around to the printed visor over the molded one. Aside from the printed visor allowing for either mask-over-hair Cyclops or a multitude of hairstyles, the molded visor would probably look pretty oversized and clunky like the majority of lego's dual-molded hairstyles.

Funko also recently revealed “goblin queen” as the villain, and he might get a minifigure

36 minutes ago, Legocentrico said:

Funko also recently revealed “goblin queen” as the villain, and he might get a minifigure

I was gonna say there’s no way we’d get her in minifigure form, but from the Funko Pop it looks like they toned her outfit down for the show. Toned it down a lot.

I posted about the Goblin Queen a few months ago on here. All the skin is basically gray now to cover her up.

16 hours ago, Scarilian said:

Now personally, I'd lean to it being a movie tie-in set for Despicable Me 4 releasing in July given we had tie-in sets for The Rise of Gru and I could easily see them repurpose the Lego Robotnik figures body into a Lego figure of Gru if desired if they feel a normal figure would not work.

This is genious and I hope you're right.

10 hours ago, psqidexslizer said:

I fully disagree. Getting comic based version of characters is never a waste of a slot.

For an Avengers set sure. But when we're almost 12 years into the Marvel theme and still have barely any X-Men characters we don't really need those spots taken up by characters we've already gotten before.

8 hours ago, Classic_Spaceman said:

I am hesitant to expect Emma Frost to be included, since most of her costumes are NSFW! That said, her ‘97 series appearance is as revealing as Wonder Woman’s costumes, so I suppose that version would be OK.

She was a playable character in the first Marvel Superheroes game so her costumes shouldn't be that big of an issue. I assume they will just give her plain unprinted legs like Cyclops anyway which would help tone the costume down a bit.

8 hours ago, Classic_Spaceman said:

Mr. Sinister, however, is quite unlikely. I am expecting the set to include core ‘97 and movie characters, along with a few popular minor characters; Mr. Sinister is neither, and he has a greater chance than some others of being included in a future ‘97 set.

He is the main villain of X-Men 97 and a major antagonist from the original 1992 series which is reason enough to include him. He also has the benefit of being a fairly cheap and easy figure to pull off. While I don't think its a certainty he will appear in the mansion I wouldn't rule him out either.

Even if he doesn't appear in the mansion he surely has to be front of the line if we get future waves of system sets. With Magneto, Mystique and Sabretooth out the way the next biggest names from the X-Men's rogues gallery come down to him, Juggernaut and Apocalypse.

8 hours ago, Classic_Spaceman said:

IMO, supporting characters are more likely to show up in the Mansion than they are in future sets, since LEGO tends to focus on the most popular/well-known characters in regular sets.

Many of them are popular and well known though. They might be supporting players in the animated series but Colossus, Iceman, Nightcrawler, Archangel and Psylocke are still mainstay X-Men in other media and wouldn't have any issue appearing in regular system sets. Kitty Pryde too despite never appearing on the show.

If it wasn't for X-Men 97 pushing the likes of Morph and Sunspot onto the main team I'd say those characters would naturally be next in line once the 90s TAS team is covered.

On 11/18/2023 at 8:26 PM, Mandalorianknight said:

I've been wondering this too. My local retailers didn't buy very many, and I see the few they did buy hanging around on sale.

I also never hear anyone talk about these movies. Even the new one. It's nuts to me how they make this much money, yet the number of people I know personally who saw it is significantly lower than that of your average pre-endgame superhero or star wars film, and the most positive thing I've heard in person about it is "it was fine, looked pretty cool."

Yes, I think they have a more mainstream audience than superhero movies or even Indiana Jones. Which is fine, but those probably aren't the sort of adult viewers to get excited about LEGO sets.

And again, the movie's absolutely unsuitable for kids. The smallest new set, the Ilu Discovery, is 8+, but who'd let their eight-year-old watch that movie? So you'd just get "two little blue men and a fish-dragon-thingie". I think most kids would prefer the cooler-looking Ninjago dragons and figs, or even Dreamzzz.

Bottom line: I can see SOME of the Avatar sets appealing, like the Soul Tree, if they look cool enough on their own. But not the majority. And I wonder if LEGO knew what the movie was going to be like when they agreed to make sets for it. The cast of figs for the Mako Sub (one character who kids might actually like, one school bully, one character who dies in the movie, and the main bad guy) makes me doubt it.


On 11/20/2023 at 3:27 AM, Classic_Spaceman said:

IMO, including characters who have appeared in the MCU like Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver would be a waste of Minifig slots; I would much prefer that we get characters who have not appeared in LEGO form yet and that are unlikely to show up in other sets. Scarlet Witch already has gotten a few sets, and Quicksilver is an easy addition to an AoU set.

AoU came out in 2015, nearly ten years ago. If they haven't made an AoU set with Quicksilver by now, they're clearly not in a hurry to. It might have to do with the fact that he dies in that movie? LEGO seem to shy away from that for the most part (not always, though).

Also, Quicksilver would actually be well-known to casual X-Men fans from the more recent movies. And he's not played by the same actor as the MCU Quicksilver or even the same character, really, so I doubt many moviegoers would consider the two "the same".

Scarlet Witch is clearly associated with the MCU due to several appearances in movies that were either huge box office successes (Infinity War) or fairly recent (Dr Strange MoM), plus her own streaming series. If - like MCU Quicksilver - she'd only ever appeared in one movie several years back, I doubt we'd be getting figs of her today.

Edited by brickbride

1 hour ago, brickbride said:

AoU came out in 2015, nearly ten years ago. If they haven't made an AoU set with Quicksilver by now, they're clearly not in a hurry to. It might have to do with the fact that he dies in that movie? LEGO seem to shy away from that for the most part (not always, though).

He's coming. There was a leaked pic of a new Quicksilver torso a couple weeks ago.

5 hours ago, wesker said:

He's coming.


8 minutes ago, PGBQW said:


Once you go Rogue you never go back. Just like this forum.

On 11/8/2023 at 9:34 PM, Mandalorianknight said:

Should be Jan 1. I look forewords to staying up until midnight to secure a purchase.

I'm saving my money for that deku tree and this set 

8 hours ago, PGBQW said:


You didn't see that coming? 

17 hours ago, brickbride said:

AoU came out in 2015, nearly ten years ago. If they haven't made an AoU set with Quicksilver by now, they're clearly not in a hurry to. It might have to do with the fact that he dies in that movie? LEGO seem to shy away from that for the most part (not always, though).

He did come in one of the AoU sets, and his torso leaked, so he's likely coming next year too.

I don't think dying in the movie stops lego from putting the fig in a set. Off the top of my head, aside from sets based on movies where the villain dies in the movie (ROTJ Vader, Palpatine, and Jabba, AOTC Jango Fett, ROTS Grievous and Nute Gunray,  Endgame Thanos, AoU Ultrons, Obidiah Stane, etc), they have done it for heroes a good number of times, even if we don't count sets releasing before/around a new movie, where they might not have known they were dying. Some examples being Captain Antilles w/dying face print, Old Ben Kenobi on the death star, Endgame Tony, Endgame Black Widow, Qui-Gon Jinn (also with dying face print), Coleman Trebor, Mace Windu, Agen Kolar, Kit Fisto, Sasee Tinn, etc. 

There aren't a ton of marvel examples simply because marvel heroes don't often die, and they haven't revisited older movies until recently. We did get Yondu and Quicksilver figs alongside their movies, but like I said, I won't count those since lego may not have known they were dying, and I'm not counting Snapped heroes even in legacy sets just because it feels disingenuous.

9 hours ago, PGBQW said:


You know, Optimus Prime's catchphrase.

53 minutes ago, Classic_Spaceman said:

You didn't see that coming? 

*collapses from bullet wounds*

  • Author
18 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Some examples being Captain Antilles w/dying face print, Old Ben Kenobi on the death star, Endgame Tony, Endgame Black Widow, Qui-Gon Jinn (also with dying face print), Coleman Trebor, Mace Windu, Agen Kolar, Kit Fisto, Sasee Tinn, etc. 

Don't forget the darkest of all, Nahdar Vebb, a minor who came in a set with his murderer! Good one LEGO!

1 hour ago, Clone OPatra said:

Don't forget the darkest of all, Nahdar Vebb, a minor who came in a set with his murderer! Good one LEGO!

Oh boy! After seeing Attack of the Clones, I can’t wait to go home and re-enact my favorite scenes with my brand new Tusken Raider Encounter playset!

Man I just want an Ultron Prime remake… we got a million Thanoses and now a couple of Lokis, we need some Ultron love

1 hour ago, hvader said:

Man I just want an Ultron Prime remake… we got a million Thanoses and now a couple of Lokis, we need some Ultron love

Hopefully we get a new Ultron in the Quicksilver set.

4 hours ago, hvader said:

Man I just want an Ultron Prime remake… we got a million Thanoses and now a couple of Lokis, we need some Ultron love

True! Kinda crazy we haven‘t seen a remake amidst all the Infinity Saga sets :laugh: Fingers crossed he‘s included in that alleged Quicksilver set!

Still kinda hard to believe there‘s a completely unknown AuO set coming. Unless it‘s actually a 2HY set! Early part leaks like that are rare, but they‘ve happened before :classic:

The 2015 sets were so satisfying that I honestly never wanted remakes, but it's also true that the "infinity saga" theme is turning out to be a huge waste of potential, and at this point I'd prefer new Ultrons to almost anything they've given us :-p if there really is a new Quicksilver, I hope it's in a more consistent set than the traditional Cap's motorcycle chase >.>

4 ore fa, hvader disse:

abbiamo un milione di Thanos

We still don't have a good Thanos Infinity War, which is very disappointing

8 minutes ago, Legocentrico said:

The 2015 sets were so satisfying that I honestly never wanted remakes, but it's also true that the "infinity saga" theme is turning out to be a huge waste of potential […]

Really? The Infinity Saga sets gave us the best Quinjet and Hulkbuster yet, a greatly improved Thanos, plus lots of highly-requested characters :laugh: Of course they could still do WAY more, but I‘m confident they will!

Edit: My 10‘000th post!!! Do I receive a medal now? :tongue:

Edited by BrickBob Studpants

The Infinity Saga sets have been some of the best we've gotten out of the theme over the past few years. Aside from wanting to see a couple more missing characters covered (mainly from Thor, Doctor Strange and Guardians of the Galaxy) I don't really have any complaints.

The Multiverse Saga on the other hand has been very hit or miss when it comes to both the set quality and character selection while Spider-Man has been completely forgettable lately outside of the Daily Bugle and Final Battle diorama.

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