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Are these Jan 1 leaks? Or March?

NGL other than the Lizard set, one thing or another keeps me from being interested. Never gonna join the mech gang, and $80 for a $40 Blackbird is unspeakable. I understand the hype for the characters but its funny that this is hyped but the Hoopty is considered so overpriced

  On 12/10/2023 at 3:43 PM, thebricksbear said:

Are these Jan 1 leaks? Or March?

They're Jan 1

Wait, so... the X-Men Jet is real?
I thought it was fake, 'cause... what's up with Magneto? And Rogue's hair (and head?) looks different somehow...

Regardless, the War Machine Mech looks pretty decent, actually. Might get it at some point. The minifig seems nice, too :sweet: 


Wow. I like the Hoopty. I like the X-Jet. But those prices are abominable.


  On 12/10/2023 at 3:49 PM, CF Mitch said:

Wait, so... the X-Men Jet is real?
I thought it was fake, 'cause... what's up with Magneto? And Rogue's hair (and head?) looks different somehow...

Regardless, the War Machine Mech looks pretty decent, actually. Might get it at some point. The minifig seems nice, too :sweet: 


Magneto's in his Uncanny X-Men costume, which he'll also wear for part of X-Men '97. Rogue's very much the same as the fig leak, though. 

More leaks this morning, and I wasn't expecting to like the War Machine Mech as much as I do. With that said, the X-Jet is very disappointing for me. I actually like Cyclops and Rogue, but the supposed Wolverine repeat from the mech and the Magneto push me away. The jet itself isn't bad, I just wish it wasn't based on the '97 series. I much would've preferred a sleek black variant with a stand in line with last years Quinjet.

It's actually extremely disappointing that Magneto is based on his '97 appearance, like I get it's a different property, but I just want a classic Magneto that isn't 12 years old and $100

The venom mech looks nice, but the minifigures don't look new :-/

Edited by Legocentrico

The War Machine mech looks good, I might pick it up. I've always liked War Machine better than Iron Man

The X-Jet looks fantastic! Phenomenal update to the original set! The price still sucks but at least it seems pretty sizeable and the the shape is perfect. I'm absolutely going to get it.

I was expecting a new Venom minifig, but I'm surprised to see the 2021 Miles here. I never got that figure, so that's good news for me, though it seems they dropped the dual molded legs he had. The build itself looks pretty good, but I suspect the dark grey limbs will look pretty rough in person. Honestly, both of these mechs are pretty good, but I think the War Machine one wins between the 2. Only 2 sets left now!

mtdbricks says the car isn't a recolour of the Miles Vs Morbius set after all, that was just on prelims

  On 12/10/2023 at 4:43 PM, TheJackBricks said:

More leaks this morning, and I wasn't expecting to like the War Machine Mech as much as I do. With that said, the X-Jet is very disappointing for me. I actually like Cyclops and Rogue, but the supposed Wolverine repeat from the mech and the Magneto push me away. The jet itself isn't bad, I just wish it wasn't based on the '97 series. I much would've preferred a sleek black variant with a stand in line with last years Quinjet.

It's actually extremely disappointing that Magneto is based on his '97 appearance, like I get it's a different property, but I just want a classic Magneto that isn't 12 years old and $100

I actually welcome the '97 Magneto. Bring on all the X-Men variations!

I do agree, that they could have done a better job in the choices of costumes or characters but I will take what they give us for now, as long as Lego does a better job next time, and they keep more X-Men coming.

  On 12/10/2023 at 4:50 PM, ToaDraco said:

The War Machine mech looks good, I might pick it up. I've always liked War Machine better than Iron Man

The X-Jet looks fantastic! Phenomenal update to the original set! The price still sucks but at least it seems pretty sizeable and the the shape is perfect. I'm absolutely going to get it.

I do have to agree that the X-Jet looks good, but that it is overpriced.

I think Lego is really getting that many will buy it no matter what since it has been a long time coming.

Sigh, same old Venom design and that Magneto looks awful, luckily I have the 2012 and the 2014 Magneto figures.

Idk if I should buy the X-Jet, maybe if Magneto was good I would so I might just bricklink the figures since it will be cheaper than wasting 80 euro on a crappy build.

Edited by Lego Nostalgia

  On 12/10/2023 at 4:21 PM, poisonbricks said:

Magneto's in his Uncanny X-Men costume, which he'll also wear for part of X-Men '97. Rogue's very much the same as the fig leak, though. 

Huh, alright then... 

Well, the jet itself doesn't look too bad, but other than that I'd be getting it for Rogue and Cyclops only. 
What do you guys think the odds are Cyclops will appear in the X-Mansion as well? 
Or hasn't that set been confirmed, yet? :blush: 


  On 12/10/2023 at 8:15 AM, THELEGOBATMAN said:

They easily could've. 

Instead of Integrated Suit Spider-Man we could've gotten his Upgraded or Black & Gold ones.

Electro could've been in his pure energy form. And if not, it would've been a good opportunity for Green Goblin with his mask.

Would it make sense in context of the scene? No. But it would've been a much better choice if they were going to sell it as an expansion to a 100€ set.

Ok, let me phrase it differently- "It's not like there were other characters present in the battle the set is based off of"

No matter how you slice it, no figures here would have made sense as an addition to the NWH set besides lizard, because all the other characters are there. (And maybe sandman, but he spends the vast majority of the fight in the sort of form we get in the set). A battle-damaged Tom Holland Spidey or a non-charged face for electro would have been nice, but it's not exactly shocking they aren't there. We know how this theme's budget works.


My thoughts on what we can see, starting with the more negative stuff and moving positive:

The Venomized Villains- man, this is weak. First of all- these should have been fully venomized. This weird partially venomized thing not only looks kinda dumb on display, but is probably pretty annoying for kids too- I know if I was a kid I'd be annoyed that venom had only partially gotten the villains. It also makes them look significantly worse, since lego wasn't gonna put the effort in to go all the way on partial venomization, so now goblin and ock just have splotches of venom on their faces and torsos, with nothing on their legs and nothing on their hair/hat. It makes sense lego wouldn't want to expend the budget to add printing to the goblin hat or ock hair... which is another point for fully venomizing them, so they could just put the pieces in black (which may have required a total of 1 (1) recolors for goblin's hat), instead of these things. These are abominations in all of the ways they shouldn't be.

X-Jet- Somehow, the Hoopty returned. Dark Science, inflation, secrets only lego knew. But actually, it's basically the same thing. Cyclops and Rogue are fine- we'd seen them already of course- Wolverine is just a dumb choice considering the vastly superior CMF figure currently on shelves, and I know the fault for magneto's design is on disney, not lego, but man, he looks stupid. The jet itself looks fine, but like a $40 build. That thing is paper-thin towards the back there (which is part of the design, I know, but it helps to illustrate how there is nowhere near $80 of plastic here), and this set should have been $50. I could see lego charging $60. I would have been shocked if I found out they were charging $70 for this. $80 is insane and ANYONE WHO WANTS TO BUY THIS, PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF STAN, WAIT UNTIL IT'S ON SALE. THESE PRICES CANNOT BE ENCOURAGED.

Venom Mech- not really for me, but I think it's objectively the best of the $15 mechs. The main selling point obviously being the second figure, but the build actually looks really nice too, and lends itself to being just a large venom symbiote rather than a mech, which I think is nice. A great set for kids, or anyone who missed 2021 miles. If I had a minor complaint I'd have liked them to use the miles in his suit, not casual clothes over it, since it'd be more like a Spider Man 2 tie in, but it doesn't really matter to me, and between the two ITSV Miles is probably a LOT more popular with kids, so the design inspired by it makes sense here.

War Machine Mech- I'm gonna be a hypocrite here and buy this, even though it shouldn't be $15. That comic war machine figure is just AWESOME, and it looks like there's a LOT of gunmetal parts here. It's gonna be a great parts pack for mech MOCS, and that figure is going to be taking center stage in my hall of armors.


I'm 100% buying the NWH expansion and likely the War Machine mech. If the Venom Ock set has a good second figure or an incredible build, I might buy it, but I doubt it will. I'm not getting the venom goblin set- the spider-buggy exists, guys, stop giving him sports cars- even IF the peter variant is great, but I'm sure it'll be fine for kids. Warbird and venom mechs are good, just not for me, and Rocket is nightmare fuel but seems priced alright, so if people enjoy it, they enjoy it. I actively hope people do not purchase the X-jet at that price, though. *Someone put that "He can't keep getting away with it" meme here, lego's really pushing their luck with these prices*

Edited by Mandalorianknight

War Machine mech is nice but figure is disappointing. It has similarities to comic designs but is not quite accurate itself. It’s not an MCU or comic accurate War Machine which feels like a waste, because this just feels random, which it is. Skipping this mech.

The X Jet is mid all the way through. From the build to the figures. Rogue needs dual molded legs she looks so cheap from the side. Magneto is accurate just wish they gave him a shorter hair piece, preferably Han Solo’s hair in white. Dumbledores hair is a bit too long for the reference images I’ve been able to find for this Magneto. Couldn’t care less about Wolverine unless he was a new variant. Figures and build are all mid, yes I’ll pick it up. It’s not terrible but it’s certainly not what it could be.

  On 12/10/2023 at 8:05 PM, Mandalorianknight said:

Ok, let me phrase it differently- "It's not like there were other characters present in the battle the set is based off of"


100% agree. You're left over with 2 repeat figs if you only get 2 sets. They could've improved this by excluding Integrated suit spidey, Ned and MJ from the Statue of Liberty set. Use their budget to improve prints, and then include all 3 and Lizard in the Sandman set. Spidey + MJ figs would be previously available in the Sanctum Workshop. This allows you to get a pretty good fig selection in the Sandman set, without repeats.

  On 12/10/2023 at 8:05 PM, Mandalorianknight said:


I don't like the price increases, and will be waiting for a discount, but is LEGO even aware that sets aren't selling well because of prices? It feels like they chalk it up to problems with the theme/subtheme

  On 12/10/2023 at 8:23 PM, TheJackBricks said:

100% agree. You're left over with 2 repeat figs if you only get 2 sets. They could've improved this by excluding Integrated suit spidey, Ned and MJ from the Statue of Liberty set. Use their budget to improve prints, and then include all 3 and Lizard in the Sandman set. Spidey + MJ figs would be previously available in the Sanctum Workshop. This allows you to get a pretty good fig selection in the Sandman set, without repeats.

There are two major issues with this-

1. you really cannot exclude the main character of the film from the statue of liberty battle. Even if the expansion set released at the same time, you can't omit the main spidey from a set based on the climax of his trilogy. 

2. That's not really how budget works for this. It's been alluded to by the designers a few times now that there's a print budget. Omitting Ned and MJ might get more parts for the statue of liberty set, but it wouldn't "improve prints"- Also, since people already have qualms about the value of that set, I don't think dropping three figs to give Goblin leg printing would have helped there.

If I was the designer for this theme, the only thing I can think of doing that keeps the budget the same would be removing electro's leg printing- we don't need it. Now with the reference to six printing zones, my guess is it's one each for left and right curved part of leg, flat part of leg, and toe. Either way, we'll assume electro is a 2-zone print for the legs, same as a standard torso or head. Then we can transfer it to battle damage on spidey's mask and/or a non-electrified face for electro in the smaller set, to get some semblance of exclusivity- though I don't know for sure if print budget transfers between sets. Depending on how printing per zone is budgeted, we might also have removed the non-toe printing on lizard's legs to get battle damage for spidey's torso.

  On 12/10/2023 at 8:23 PM, TheJackBricks said:

I don't like the price increases, and will be waiting for a discount, but is LEGO even aware that sets aren't selling well because of prices? It feels like they chalk it up to problems with the theme/subtheme

Lego can say whatever they want, but if the realization that their price spikes are hurting sales hasn't been found, something is very wrong over there. What's more likely is they know the sets are priced more than they should be and are trying to see how far they can stretch it- which, yeah, the price of a product is whatever people'll pay for it. Hence, don't pay full price on the overpriced stuff unless you want lego to keep doing it.

Edited by Mandalorianknight

  On 12/10/2023 at 8:05 PM, Mandalorianknight said:

Ok, let me phrase it differently- "It's not like there were other characters present in the battle the set is based off of" 

I think Electro had the most potential to be easily altered:

  • Alternate facial expression for Electro as the star-mask only appeared briefly, so a non-powered version would be more accurate
  • Alternative torso design for Electro showing the electric eminating from the arc reactor as the one from 76261 lacked any emphasis of the power supply being on

They could have also went with a battle damaged version of the Spider-man suit, though admittedly the fight was only just starting at the stage those characters appeared so having him battle damaged at this point in the fight (for those only getting this set) would'nt really fit.

  On 12/10/2023 at 8:41 PM, Mandalorianknight said:

Hence, don't pay full price on the overpriced stuff unless you want lego to keep doing it.

Pretty much this, if the sets don't sell well then stores will be forced to do discounts to clear the stock and hopefully on a larger scale Lego will stop trying to price gouge and exploit its customers.

  On 12/10/2023 at 8:41 PM, Mandalorianknight said:

1. you really cannot exclude the main character of the film from the statue of liberty battle. Even if the expansion set released at the same time, you can't omit the main spidey from a set based on the climax of his trilogy. 

2. That's not really how budget works for this. It's been alluded to by the designers a few times now that there's a print budget. Omitting Ned and MJ might get more parts for the statue of liberty set, but it wouldn't "improve prints"- Also, since people already have qualms about the value of that set, I don't think dropping three figs to give Goblin leg printing would have helped there.

That's fair. I think whatever LEGO would do there would be issues with. It would be very difficult to not have repeat figs and not have complaints

  On 12/10/2023 at 8:46 PM, Scarilian said:

I think Electro had the most potential to be easily altered:

  • Alternate facial expression for Electro as the star-mask only appeared briefly, so a non-powered version would be more accurate
  • Alternative torso design for Electro showing the electric eminating from the arc reactor as the one from 76261 lacked any emphasis of the power supply being on

They could have also went with a battle damaged version of the Spider-man suit, though admittedly the fight was only just starting at the stage those characters appeared so having him battle damaged at this point in the fight (for those only getting this set) would'nt really fit.

100%, I think there was a point where I actually thought we'd heard that the electro in this set DID have a normal face instead of the lightning one, though I'm sure I just misread someone hoping for it. Torso's a good shout too.

Eh, he's definitely accumulated some damage before Lizard, electro, and Sandman are cured, so I think it'd still work.

  On 12/10/2023 at 8:46 PM, Scarilian said:

Pretty much this, if the sets don't sell well then stores will be forced to do discounts to clear the stock and hopefully on a larger scale Lego will stop trying to price gouge and exploit its customers.

This works, too, at least on the more direct scale of "if you hold off on buying an overpriced set for a few months you can get a pretty solid discount".

It also isn't like a boycott of lego or anything- there are plenty of sets at good prices. Ninjago has a battle pack with 4 figs for $10. Star Wars has the most reasonably priced battle pack since January 2020. 

  On 12/10/2023 at 8:55 PM, TheJackBricks said:

That's fair. I think whatever LEGO would do there would be issues with. It would be very difficult to not have repeat figs and not have complaints

Yup, there was no perfect solution here- though if I'm being honest, I think this was about the best way to do it with the set number of prints.

  • Author

Those new leaked venomised figs and Magneto looks weird. Why is LEGO so obsessed with venomised everything?

On Magneto, it's nice to get a different look I guess, but I prefer the classic ones.

Edit: whole X-jet/Blackbird image is out. Its design looks quite good! Better than the first one.

  On 12/10/2023 at 8:17 PM, cosmic said:

Il mech di War Machine è bello ma la figura è deludente. Ha somiglianze con i disegni dei fumetti ma non è del tutto preciso di per sé. Non è un MCU o una macchina da guerra accurata a fumetti che sembra uno spreco, perché questo sembra solo casuale, che è. Saltando questo mech.

Rocket Raccoon 2023 was inspired by a fairly dark comic version, I trust that this War Machine too. We just have to wait for some expert to find it :-)

  On 12/10/2023 at 10:49 PM, Clone OPatra said:

Quei nuovi fichi velenizzati trapelati e Magneto sembrano strani. Perché LEGO è così ossessionato dal veleno di tutto?

I think the character's popularity with movies and video games play a fundamental role in this obsession

I'm waiting for the official images, but I'm happy with this wave! Lots of playsets with minifigures, lots of variety in themes, it's what I was waiting for after all these damn buildable things! I hope the rest of the year continues like this <3

  On 12/10/2023 at 8:05 PM, Mandalorianknight said:

No matter how you slice it, no figures here would have made sense as an addition to the NWH set besides lizard, because all the other characters are there.

Who cares? Lego has never cared much about accuracy or common sense. Just throw in something cool, I doubt anyone would complain.


  On 12/10/2023 at 8:05 PM, Mandalorianknight said:

The Venomized Villains- man, this is weak

They look so bad it's almost surreal. I know they're legit, but they genuinely look like they've been poorly edited.

  On 12/10/2023 at 10:49 PM, Clone OPatra said:

Edit: whole X-jet/Blackbird image is out. Its design looks quite good! Better than the first one.

Yes! It looks insanely good!

At least the Venom mech is big enough where I can consider it the Insomniac version

Really like the War Machine mech. X-Jet is phenomenal but that price tag is ouch. 

  On 12/10/2023 at 11:25 PM, PGBQW said:

Who cares? Lego has never cared much about accuracy or common sense. Just throw in something cool, I doubt anyone would complain.

With the MCU based sets they tend to generally stick to which characters were in which scenes, at least over the last few years (excluding the tower). 

Also, remember this is primarily a children's set. They want Spider-man in it.

  On 12/10/2023 at 11:25 PM, PGBQW said:

They look so bad it's almost surreal. I know they're legit, but they genuinely look like they've been poorly edited.

Dude, back when the "venom ock" set leaked I was gonna post my prediction of what it'd look like, and as part of it I crudely edited half the current venom figure's print onto the doc ock parts.. it looked almost exactly like this, and I decided it wasn't good enough to post.

  On 12/10/2023 at 11:11 PM, Legocentrico said:

I think the character's popularity with movies and video games play a fundamental role in this obsession

This is correct- we get so much venom because he sells so well (Which is yet another reason I think it's a misstep for him to not fully cover figures- kids are gonna be more drawn in by a venom creature with four extra giant mechanical arms than doc ock spilling ink on himself, or a flying venom creature than goblin after a pumpkin bomb mishap). 

  On 12/10/2023 at 11:56 PM, hvader said:

At least the Venom mech is big enough where I can consider it the Insomniac version

Really like the War Machine mech. X-Jet is phenomenal but that price tag is ouch. 

I'm warming up to the venom mech. It's already good value, but if it had a better head, it'd be perfect for an imsoniac venom.

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