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15 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

The newest hulk is the only bigfig hulk to have a moveable head, unfortunately. (And a smiling one at that- hulk should be ANGRY. That's his entire thing!)

I also unfortunately wouldn't put much hope into getting a comic-based bigfig hulk anytime soon. Lego very rarely does non-infinity saga/MCU, non-spider-man sets, and a bigfig is a significant portion of a set's budget, meaning we don't often see them anyway.


I guess I'll ask that one more generally, since now I'm curious what people think- with the MCU starting to sink, do you think we'll see more general comic-based marvel sets beyond spider-man? Or do you think we'd see more the route of DC, where it's just a few sets a year based on older, more popular films? I think everyone'd hope for the former but I expect the latter unfortunately. We need a non-MCU avengers cartoon.

Thank you. Then I'll look for an older version. An olive green Hulk does not work for me ^^'


I think we will get a huge d2c for Batman on a regular basis as well as a small set here and there with him and an A-tier-list villain at least. The rest will be decided by how good future DC products are. I think the Lego Batman Movie is a problem. There was very little that looks good in comparison since then... minifig scale tumbler, black recolour of the TLBM Catwoman, Ace the Bathound...

I'd love to get Colossus and Cable like in the Deadpool movies. Any Chance with Deadpool 3 as Part of the MCU?

Edited by Gorilla94

I'm not going to get the blackbird but I hope it's a popular set.

Everybody is talking about what could come in the next "set," but I think it doesn't matter- if Xmen95 is popular and the set sells semi-well, Xmen could be a Spidey-level sub theme and we could get plenty of sets.

5 minutes ago, thebricksbear said:

I'm not going to get the blackbird but I hope it's a popular set.

Everybody is talking about what could come in the next "set," but I think it doesn't matter- if Xmen95 is popular and the set sells semi-well, Xmen could be a Spidey-level sub theme and we could get plenty of sets.

And then we can all be complaining about how we got movie Toad and Ultimate Toad and Wolverine and Friends Toad but still haven’t gotten classic comics Toad.

Please, Lego Gods, make this happen. 🙏

As much as I don't like the price of the Blackbird, the more I think about the set, the more it becomes apparent that it's a VERY clever business strategy... just applied to the wrong model.

It's got very few pieces, sure, but has virtually identical play value to other, better priced sets in that price range. The Quinjet, Bowie, that Black Panther ship, they're all about $80 and include one ship and four or five figs. The ships are all roughly the same size in terms of footprint, too, the Blackbird is just sleeker and thinner so uses less parts.

If the X-Men was a theme kids were big into, this would fly off the shelves regardless of its price, I think. Parents who don't pay much attention to part counts probably wouldn't think twice seeing a similar size box and similar size build to the other sets in that range.

The issue is doing this with a set that's honestly going to be mostly for adult fans. A revival of a 90s cartoon, exclusive to Disney+, featuring characters who haven't had a well received adaptation in years? Yeah. Kids don't know the X-Men, on the whole.

If they could manage to build up a pretty sizable model with very few pieces for a more popular theme, though? That'd make them so much money!

Just a thought haha 

1 hour ago, poisonbricks said:

As much as I don't like the price of the Blackbird, the more I think about the set, the more it becomes apparent that it's a VERY clever business strategy... just applied to the wrong model.

It's got very few pieces, sure, but has virtually identical play value to other, better priced sets in that price range. The Quinjet, Bowie, that Black Panther ship, they're all about $80 and include one ship and four or five figs. The ships are all roughly the same size in terms of footprint, too, the Blackbird is just sleeker and thinner so uses less parts.

If the X-Men was a theme kids were big into, this would fly off the shelves regardless of its price, I think. Parents who don't pay much attention to part counts probably wouldn't think twice seeing a similar size box and similar size build to the other sets in that range.

The issue is doing this with a set that's honestly going to be mostly for adult fans. A revival of a 90s cartoon, exclusive to Disney+, featuring characters who haven't had a well received adaptation in years? Yeah. Kids don't know the X-Men, on the whole.

If they could manage to build up a pretty sizable model with very few pieces for a more popular theme, though? That'd make them so much money!

Just a thought haha 

Also note that they included like 20 1x1 tiles to try and inflate the part count a little more (If I'm wrong and these are actually meant to be something other than ammo, please let me know). They know full well what they're doing and are just banking on enough people liking the X-men, and enough kids being drawn in by the show, that they can get away with it.

47 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Also note that they included like 20 1x1 tiles to try and inflate the part count a little more (If I'm wrong and these are actually meant to be something other than ammo, please let me know). They know full well what they're doing and are just banking on enough people liking the X-men, and enough kids being drawn in by the show, that they can get away with it.

The biggest fault that I think this set has if they want it to feel like a Bowie or Quinjet-level set is foregoing the black stand. It would have added some parts to the count, and it would have made it a "display model" that could have appealed to more collectors. 

10 minutes ago, NoOneOfImportance said:

The biggest fault that I think this set has if they want it to feel like a Bowie or Quinjet-level set is foregoing the black stand. It would have added some parts to the count, and it would have made it a "display model" that could have appealed to more collectors. 

Yeah, a stand would've gone a long way for me, actually. Sells the feel of a 'premium' model without adding much to production cost. I wonder if kids like the stands, too, so the ships can 'fly' while they're not holding them? 

Just now, poisonbricks said:

Yeah, a stand would've gone a long way for me, actually. Sells the feel of a 'premium' model without adding much to production cost. I wonder if kids like the stands, too, so the ships can 'fly' while they're not holding them? 

I have a feeling kids are much more enthused by a handle than a black display stand, but I think in this case the ideal would be having the stand there for adult interest, since the average kid probably thinks its just a cool expensive ship like the others no matter what. 

10 hours ago, psqidexslizer said:

I’m the exact opposite. I’d rather get Kitty Pryde, Nightcrawler, Iceman, Psylocke, and Colossus before Gambit, Jubilee, Cable, Bishop, or anyone else on the X-Men ‘97 team that isn’t Jean Grey. I’m a big fan of the comics, specifically the Claremont run from the 70’s and 80’s, so I just see X-Men ‘97 as a way to get X-Men sets as opposed to being excited at X-Men cartoon sets specifically. Also probably why I’m really hoping the Mansion will take more inspiration from comics than the show and give us a wider variety of characters (specifically the ones I want).

I wouldn’t be mad if they made all of them. Just please for the love of god stop cheaping out on the prints. They cheap out on everything! Am I the only one who expected Lizard to be a big fig? 🙄

26 minutes ago, cosmic said:

I wouldn’t be mad if they made all of them. Just please for the love of god stop cheaping out on the prints. They cheap out on everything! Am I the only one who expected Lizard to be a big fig? 🙄

This version of Lizard absolutely does not need to be a bigfig.

He's barely any bigger than the other characters.

1 hour ago, THELEGOBATMAN said:

This version of Lizard absolutely does not need to be a bigfig.

He's barely any bigger than the other characters.

He’s the same size as Thanos and Hulk.

42 minutes ago, psqidexslizer said:

He’s the same size as Thanos and Hulk.

He's certainly tall, but he's a lot ganglier than thanos and hulk. At best, he could have used the 3 long arms and legs instead of the traditional 2 long ones.

Would have gone with Faun legs myself. Bigfig would feel too much for the movie version

Theory about today's build in the Advent Calendar 

Loki's Throne

This thing has now more meaning than when the reviews went out, especially considering the character not being in the Calendar, could this be a teasing ?

Edited by SpiderFan44
Spoiler balise

10 hours ago, psqidexslizer said:

He’s the same size as Thanos and Hulk.

Maybe, but he's much sleeker than them. He does not look like a bulky bigifig.

Demogorgon legs would've made him much better imo.

5 hours ago, THELEGOBATMAN said:

Maybe, but he's much sleeker than them. He does not look like a bulky bigifig.

Demogorgon legs would've made him much better imo.

I can't find a picture of that build- which version of it is it? The older one or the new one?

Also, is one of the days  literally only 


the cape part for dr strange?

because that's completely absurd. Advent calendars should have something for you to BUILD, even if it's just a few parts.

On 12/15/2023 at 2:45 PM, hikouki said:

This is interesting. Wonder what the next set will be for Lego X-men, apart from the X-Mansion?

Agree about that purple shade.

Perhaps Lego might do something for Wolverine's 50th Anniversary next year? Hasbro are releasing a bunch of 2-packs next year with a fancy anniversary logo for it and we've already seen both companies promote similar anniversary celebrations across the Star Wars theme (including Clone Wars and ROTJ this year)

Hopefully we can start getting some summer wave rumors soon to get a better idea of what to expect.

On 12/15/2023 at 4:09 PM, Surge said:

my fear is they learn the wrong lesson like they did last time and think people just dont want x men sets resulting in another drought 

Lego wasn't the reason for the drought. Marvel had blacklisted all X-Men and Fantastic Four merchandise and media tie-ins shortly after Days of Future Past released which lasted up until Disney bought out Fox Studios. It affected everybody not just Lego.

19 hours ago, CowabungaCat said:

Would have gone with Faun legs myself. Bigfig would feel too much for the movie version

Those legs would've been perfect for Lizard. Its a shame we don't see them appear more frequently in sets. The Geonosians and Zeb could certainly use them in the Star Wars theme.

6 minutes ago, wesker said:

Perhaps Lego might do something for Wolverine's 50th Anniversary next year? Hasbro are releasing a bunch of 2-packs next year with a fancy anniversary logo for it and we've already seen both companies promote similar anniversary celebrations across the Star Wars theme (including Clone Wars and ROTJ this year)

The Superheroes theme has never celebrated anniversaries including 10 years of the theme and Spider-Man 60th last year. I wouldn't get your hopes up until we hear something to change that pattern.

On 12/14/2023 at 4:24 PM, Mandalorianknight said:

The newest hulk is the only bigfig hulk to have a moveable head, unfortunately. (And a smiling one at that- hulk should be ANGRY. That's his entire thing!)

I also unfortunately wouldn't put much hope into getting a comic-based bigfig hulk anytime soon. Lego very rarely does non-infinity saga/MCU, non-spider-man sets, and a bigfig is a significant portion of a set's budget, meaning we don't often see them anyway.

Right now, the only options for a comic based version are the 2014 or 2017 lime green Hulk bigfigs. Looking at what we've been getting since then made me buy the 2014 one a few weeks ago as it's pretty much THE perfect comic Hulk bigfig, from the angry facial expression, the proper shade of green, and the right color for the purple pants. The only way it could be topped for me is if Lego ever remembers that they can make sets based on the comics since the MCU is flatlining, and create an updated version that's pretty much the same design but with a moveable head.


3 minutes ago, TheBatstan said:

Right now, the only options for a comic based version are the 2014 or 2017 lime green Hulk bigfigs. Looking at what we've been getting since then made me buy the 2014 one a few weeks ago as it's pretty much THE perfect comic Hulk bigfig, from the angry facial expression, the proper shade of green, and the right color for the purple pants. The only way it could be topped for me is if Lego ever remembers that they can make sets based on the comics since the MCU is flatlining, and create an updated version that's pretty much the same design but with a moveable head.

Jeez... hulk hasn't been truly angry since 2017.I knew the last two were happy, but I'd forgotten the endgame hulk was happy. Even the professor hulk is more of a closed-mouth annoyed than grimacing in rage.

I mean look at the expressions:

2012-2017- varying shades of rage

2019- a calm grin.

2019 professor- mildly upset

2020- positively BEAMING

2023- trying really hard to use the bathroom

(Personally my favorite is the 2017 comic hulk. I know the shade is lighter than it'd normally be, but something about it just looks excellent.)

Edited by Mandalorianknight

You call 2020 positively Beaming?!

3 hours ago, upliftingbricks said:

The Superheroes theme has never celebrated anniversaries including 10 years of the theme and Spider-Man 60th last year. I wouldn't get your hopes up until we hear something to change that pattern.

That’s not entirely true. They celebrated the 30th anniversary of Batman ‘89 by releasing that giant Batmobile. But that’s the only anniversary that comes to mind as far as Superheroes sets are concerned.

3 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Jeez... hulk hasn't been truly angry since 2017.I knew the last two were happy, but I'd forgotten the endgame hulk was happy. Even the professor hulk is more of a closed-mouth annoyed than grimacing in rage.

I mean look at the expressions:

2012-2017- varying shades of rage

2019- a calm grin.

2019 professor- mildly upset

2020- positively BEAMING

2023- trying really hard to use the bathroom

(Personally my favorite is the 2017 comic hulk. I know the shade is lighter than it'd normally be, but something about it just looks excellent.)

I'd say the 2019 Endgame suit bigfig looks like he gambled on a fart...and lost, probably shouldn't have worn all white. At this rate he should be renamed the Jolly Green Giant.

I like how the 2017 comic bigfig is colored to look like how Hulk was in the 70s/80s, but yeah, the 2014 bigfig still takes the top spot for me.

Edited by TheBatstan

8 ore fa, Mandalorianknight disse:

2023- sforzando davvero di usare il bagno

 The expression “hulk smash” is very well done actually

Damn the X-Jet is insanely overpriced. What are the chances we'll get another X-Jet with similar quality/piece count as the Benatar and recent Quinjet?

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