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4 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

The Chad move would be firing absolutely everyone and making a phase without the big three. Make the core trio Alfred, Perry White, and Steve Trevor with a rope.

I'm listening.

4 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Pipe Dream: Red hood. Given that they'll only put Punisher in an 18+ set I doubt we'll see Jason's Hood anytime soon

Why not? We already got Jason Todd Red Hood once in that one weird Killer Crock set.

Like I don't think we're getting him this wave, but he doesn't seem more unlikely than, let's say, Red Robin.

4 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Semi-realistic: Clark and Diana in the sets. It's been years since our last versions of the characters. A really nice batmobile would be nice too.

Give me Superman or give me death. I swear, if we get a good Superman minifigure I'll rebrand my whole account to celebrate it.

Edited by PGBQW

44 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

(Or, you know, making solo films off core Leaguers and then capping the phase with the formation of the league. Which is what it sounded like they were doing. But now we don't even have a full WW film, no Flash, no Aquaman, no Cyborg, mm, other leaguers.)

Rumor is Momoa may be returning as Lobo, but there isn't even an aquaman project this phase. Gadot, maybe, but still. All that lip service about a clean slate when he fired Cavill right after he came back and blam, his personal ones are back. 

The projects that Gunn announced today were explicitly stated not to be the entirety of the first chapter of the DCU, so I expect that the other JL members will appear. Also, there are movies for the Flash and Aquaman, along with a movie (Shazam 2) that is rumoured to have a Wonder Woman cameo, releasing soon, so I doubt that there will be any official announcements of those characters being recast or appearing in the DCU proper until sometime after their respective films have come out. 

Could anyone confirm that the sets are definitely generic Batman sets? From what I could see the Tumbler sold pretty well, any chance these sets could be based off of the Dark Knight trilogy? Lego has seen how popular it is to go back and make sets on past Marvel movies, maybe they’re thinking the same might work for DC. 

4 hours ago, Legocentrico said:

Batman summer 2023 relaunch!  :-O 

Oh yeah! $300 Gotham City diorama, let's go!

19 minutes ago, Grabdatgem said:

Could anyone confirm that the sets are definitely generic Batman sets? From what I could see the Tumbler sold pretty well, any chance these sets could be based off of the Dark Knight trilogy? Lego has seen how popular it is to go back and make sets on past Marvel movies, maybe they’re thinking the same might work for DC. 

No one knows, but hopefully leaks will come soon.

I'd be 100% down with generic Batman sets that allow for random character inclusions that don't directly tie into anything. GIVE ME KINGSHARK! Although, I am worried the age of bigfigs are over and he really needs to be a bigfig. I'd also love a new Nightwing with dual-molded legs and arm printing.

Okay but I also want sets for Creature Commandos. Sucks that we'll never get them (unless they appear in a movie LEGO would cover).

They would make amazing minifigures.

I‘ll keep my expectations low. After the last three years, it‘d be better not to expect anything beyond Bat-vehicles, new variants of Batman villains we‘ve had before (that are still inferior to the ones from TLBM), and perhaps 1-2 new baddies. If we‘re lucky :tongue:

Edited by BrickBob Studpants

I'm thinking/hoping we'll get "Brave and the Bold" styled sets. The Lego designers keep saying we don't get DC content because they're not making films aimed at kids. Well, this year they are, so it's time to start capitalizing on it.

First up, we just got a Black Adam film and now we're getting a Shazam film. The Rock isn't gonna like it, but I say throw them in a set together. Throw in that blue Shazam and the girl Shazam so we got a Shazam family going that will never ever be completed as per the rules of DC superhero teams. Throw in a big Batwing with Batman. And, just to even the odds for Adam, Penguin with a helicopter. Boom, you've got yourself a $70 set.

Next up, The Flash. We're getting Flash and... one of his darker villains who I'm not gonna spoiler here in a film but probably won't get that second one in a set. Throw them both together with a Batcycle and maybe give the villain a little helicopter for the lols. There we go, a $20 set.

Still on Flash, we've got Supergirl and an evil dude with a cool beard coming. Throw them in a set together. Throw in Superman. Give Batman a mech suit with some kryptonite blasters. Give that bearded guy a dumb little space pod. You got yourself a $50 set.

Next up, Blue Beetle. No one knows who anyone else in that film will be. And that's great. Lego can just go with the classic Batmobile vs Joker. Throw Blue Beetle in that and you've got yourself a $30 set.

Now, the only one we're missing is Dr. Fate. And realistically, Lego is just gonna leave it at that. But since this is my fantasy, I'm gonna say Lego heard our cries for a Tower of Fate and rushed that into production. Throw in Batman, Dr Fate, Zatanna, Wonder Woman, and Raven (hey, it's my fantasy, I can dream) defending the tower. Now, who is gonna attack? Klarion the Witch Boy of course, there's a huge demand for him. Throw in a bigfig Soloman Grundy and a brickbuilt Trigon to back him up. There you go. You've got a $100 shelf-warmer.

Tower of Fate aside, I don't think my list is too unrealistic of an expectation seeing as most of the characters will be in the limelight this year and Lego will want to capitalize on it. 

Edited by psqidexslizer

14 hours ago, PGBQW said:

I'm listening.

Why not? We already got Jason Todd Red Hood once in that one weird Killer Crock set.

Like I don't think we're getting him this wave, but he doesn't seem more unlikely than, let's say, Red Robin.

Give me Superman or give me death. I swear, if we get a good Superman minifigure I'll rebrand my whole account to celebrate it.

Listening isn't enough. If you're not actively campaigning for the Alfpersteveiverse, you aren't allowed to watch the films.

We did, but I feel like the lego of 2023 isn't the same as even the lego of 2015/2016 in terms of what they'll put in sets.

I'm holding you too this, but you have to rebrand your account as "Morb Adam"

10 hours ago, ToaDraco said:

I'd be 100% down with generic Batman sets that allow for random character inclusions that don't directly tie into anything. GIVE ME KINGSHARK! Although, I am worried the age of bigfigs are over and he really needs to be a bigfig. I'd also love a new Nightwing with dual-molded legs and arm printing.

I keep hearing this, but I can't understand why they'd introduce a new bigfig style in 2021 and then just...stop. It's been a year and a half. We don't need to panic yet.

I would say overall I want more or less the same as you for this wave. Nightwing with arm printing or dual-molded arms would be a nice stretch goal, though I'll settle for any new or updated members of the bat family (aside from batgirl and damian, we've had them recently enough.)

14 hours ago, Classic_Spaceman said:

The projects that Gunn announced today were explicitly stated not to be the entirety of the first chapter of the DCU, so I expect that the other JL members will appear. Also, there are movies for the Flash and Aquaman, along with a movie (Shazam 2) that is rumoured to have a Wonder Woman cameo, releasing soon, so I doubt that there will be any official announcements of those characters being recast or appearing in the DCU proper until sometime after their respective films have come out. 

I suppose there is some hope then. Though, re: aquaman and flash... so what? There was just a batman movie. The general audience can handle the concept of multiple iterations of the same character at this point. (Plus, all they'd need to do to differentiate them is a more standard aquaman and, like, Wally or Jay as flash. Or just a Barry played by someone who didn't get really into reverse-flash method acting.)


the discussion about what the new sets will be based on seems pretty fair. It will probably be generic batman stuff but I am betting it will also deal with general DC popularity of late. What I mean by this is our king: Dick Grayson! If y'all are up to date on comics DC has been killing it with Nightwing and soon the Titans will be replacing the jsutice league. Along with Teen Titans go (I know a very kiddy show but still relevant kinda) a set with Titans characters could happen. I think LEGO recognizes that DC doesn't sell as well without Batman but I hope they try and expand that to the bat family as a whole. We don't need batman in every set but if you include cool Batgirl or robin, etc figures then I think they will still do well.

Well, after spending a few hours of excitement, I remembered that when I think of upcoming lego sets there are options from great to disappointing, and in the end the right one is always the disappointing one.  The most disappointing option I thought of are the buildable figures, so be prepared, because the “multiple sets” will be Batman, Joker and Harley Quinn buildable :-D

27 minutes ago, Legocentrico said:

Well, after spending a few hours of excitement, I remembered that when I think of upcoming lego sets there are options from great to disappointing, and in the end the right one is always the disappointing one.  The most disappointing option I thought of are the buildable figures, so be prepared, because the “multiple sets” will be Batman, Joker and Harley Quinn buildable :-D

This is a very fair point. Although with marvel mechs they at least give new figures, so they wouldn't be all bad. 

Falcon also post on ig from another source that the Batman the Animated Series Set (Gotham skyline) might be real. It would be a big leap if LEGO goes for this. I mean I love BTAS but a $300 ish set for Batman when the theme has been under $80 sets since the UCS tumbler seems risky. Although if we get a Gotham set I would be hype but I feel like it may have the issue with the Black Panther mold, a big cool set, but expensive and not lots of demand. 

12 minuti fa, bricksbyjim ha detto:

Questo è un punto molto giusto. Anche se con i marvel mech danno almeno nuove cifre, quindi non sarebbero tutti cattivi

Buildablle figure, no mech :-P

1 hour ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Listening isn't enough. If you're not actively campaigning for the Alfpersteveiverse, you aren't allowed to watch the films.


1 hour ago, Mandalorianknight said:

I'm holding you too this, but you have to rebrand your account as "Morb Adam"

I was thinking of becoming "THELEGOSUPERMAN" and have my pfp be a png of the minifig render, but I like that idea too. Gimme a few hours.



15 minutes ago, PGBQW said:


I was thinking of becoming "THELEGOSUPERMAN" and have my pfp be a png of the minifig render, but I like that idea too. Gimme a few hours.

THELEGOBATMAN v THELEGOSUPERMAN: Dawn of LEGO movie incoming? *huh*

preliminary photos have leaked of this supposed Gotham skyline. Looks a little iffy but there have been soooo many leaked images today. If its real I like it but again, not sure how much everyone wants a BTAS Gotham skyline, I'll get it but they could've done sets based on BTAS, like the the custom sets I've designed

The Gotham set just leaked, and it looks extremely impressive. 

Not sure who this set really is for. Feels like something that would sell better as a cheaper set.

It looks great, but it looks like a somewhat extended art set. Doesn't really matter though if we get animated series figures.

On 1/29/2023 at 12:07 AM, JeanGreyForever said:

There's a Batman set in production based on the Batman animated series. I've seen a picture of it but I'm not allowed to post it here. It's basically the Gotham City skyline in the Art Deco style of the show and the description of the set says that it can be displayed on a shelf or mounted on a wall. The price is given to be in a range of $240-$390, probably $300, and it comes with 3238 pieces. The dimensions are 13 inches/32 cm high, 30 inches/77 cm wide, and 2 inches/6 cm deep. It's basically the Gotham skyline over a background of red sky with black clouds. In the sky there is also a white moon, police blimps with searchlights, the Bat signal, and the Batplane. There are water marks all over the image so it's hard for me to read out the details of the buildings but many of the buildings feature logos or signs that reference the show. There's a Joker's World theme park with ferris wheel and big Joker face as a sign as well. In front of the cityscape, at the bottom, is the word Gotham in all caps Art Deco style letters. The description of the set also mentions that there are panels that can be opened.

There are five minifigures included but they weren't included in the pic I saw. The five were named to be Batman, Joker, Harley Quinn, Mr. Freeze, and Phantasm. 


Dude we’re finally getting an Animated series Batman AND PHANTASM! Day 1 buy. I can’t believe lego is doing this lol

Drat! I display the Art sets in my hallway, but since this monstrosity includes minifigs, it has to go in my LEGO room. But I don‘t have any wallspace in there…

Maybe I‘ll stick it to the ceiling :laugh_hard:

If the Lego gods are feeling particularly benevolent, I would very much like this set to get past the preliminary stage. Even with the watermarks it looks to capture the aesthetic really well.

Wow I really like this, although concur with @THELEGOBATMAN that the price seems high (hard to say without more detail though). 

But MY LORD what went wrong with the X-Mansion?

Gotham looks like maybe the best DC set ever? Can’t wait to see the figures and it’s definitely gonna be a day 1 buy. 

That leak looks stunning. If it’s real i am really curious how the final look is

25 minutes ago, Borex said:

That leak looks stunning. If it’s real i am really curious how the final look is

I hope it's sized down.

Looks like a great set, but imo it should be 200€ at most. Too many buildings would be completely unnecessary.

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