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I wouldn’t be so sure about that cashgrab show getting sets. TLG are very cagey when it comes to shows compared to movies, and streaming shows especially. Even for a hit show like Mando, it took a good while before they fully committed to that one :shrug_confused: We’ve never had sets for an HBO… sorry, Max (:laugh_hard:), show before either.

1 hour ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

I wouldn’t be so sure about that cashgrab show getting sets. TLG are very cagey when it comes to shows compared to movies, and streaming shows especially. Even for a hit show like Mando, it took a good while before they fully committed to that one :shrug_confused: We’ve never had sets for an HBO… sorry, Max (:laugh_hard:), show before either.

All this^^^ plus, just look at the Disney Princess minidoll line. Despite there being over half a dozen live action princess adaptations at this point, Lego’s only done sets based off of the latest Little Mermaid. Combined with how contentiously the news of the series is being received and I don’t think we’ll have to worry about the new media format completely replacing the old in merchandise anytime soon. 

Fair enough, I just thought WB might push for new HP merchandise as soon as possible, to try and capitalise on the inevitable publicity. The Fantastic Beasts series underperformed (i.e. didn't make them nearly enough money), and WB must be desperate to resume printing money like the heyday of the Potter brand. It's not like Disney's shows where they don't want a Lego set to reveal spoilers months in advance; having a minifigure of Quirrell with Voldemort on the back of his head isn't a spoiler (for example), so they can put out accurate merchanise more easily.

6 hours ago, Bugbot20082 said:

I can definitely imagine more Hogwarts modules added to the castle, the front silhouette is ‘done’ but it does cheat a bit by repurposeing the clock tower module as the Astronomy Tower for example. There is capacity to add more ‘behind’ the present castle as shown combined in the new wave. 

Bell Towers, a new Astronomy Tower for the new modular system, another courtyard set, some other 2x1 room modules to fill out the Astronomy Courtyard rear sides etc, the Owlry

Meh. With the exception of the Astronomy Tower (which we won't get, because there's an Astronomy "tower" on top of the Chamber of Secrets set, and it even includes the professor for the subject), none of these are iconic enough locations to carry a set. LEGO don't even think that something like the library (where many scenes happen) can attract buyers on its own, it had to be paired with Dumbledore's Office - so I'm pretty sure we won't get a stand-alone Owlry. If buyers want another courtyard they can buy another copy of Sirus' Rescue. If they want small room modules, well, they can buy multiples of PPM and start MOCing, I guess? Like I've said many times before, while I think there would be a market for smaller modular sets, LEGO clearly doesn't want to go in that direction. And anything "big" that's actually part of the castle (so not Hagrid's Hut or the Quidditch Pitch) has been covered - not very well in many instances, but it has been covered.

Edited by brickbride

18 hours ago, Felkin said:


I think the current modular system is finished due to the new reboot TV series in development. It's probably coming out in 2025/26, and any Lego sets from that point on will probably feature the new actors' likenesses, so 2024 is the last guarenteed year to have sets based on the 2001-2011 movies.


LEGO hasn’t done a Hogwarts free year since 2005, a year with only 4 sets. Even if LEGO was going to reboot the theme to adhere to the HBO- I mean MAX series, they probably wouldn’t just have a year without Hogwarts. The castle is going to be the same in the series anyway based on the promo material and the fact that aside from needing to play into nostalgia, the design language of the movies is what got a lot of people into the movies in the first place. Even if LEGO did abandon the movies once the series came, the castle will be relatively the same and it’s not like the sets we’ve gotten (even in 2018-2020 when they were trying) were ever all that accurate to the films. Of course, LEGO won’t be abandoning the movies. At most I’d expect to maybe see one token set tied to the series (maybe a D2C?) but LEGO didn’t even bother doing that for FB3, and that was a mass release movie and not limited to a streaming service. Maybe after a few years we’ll get something if it does really well (same way it took years to get sets based on the Disney movie remakes) but I wouldn’t bet on them doing anything major. 

Also if it wasn’t obvious from the last 3 years, LEGO want to string collectors along as long as they can. It took 3 years to get 3 DH sets and Gringotts, stuff we would’ve expected back in 2021. In the meantime they’ve sold plenty of us on plenty of other sets we probably wouldn’t have bought otherwise. And now that we’ve got it, it’s been long enough and our expectations have been lowered enough that some of the remakes of other 2018-20 sets look pretty appealing and they’re selling us on a new DA series. A clear universal reboot of the builds and figures based on a reboot series is as good of a jumping off point as collectors could ask for, outside of LEGO just cancelling the line. There’s no way they’d make it that easy. 

21 hours ago, Felkin said:

It's probably coming out in 2025/26

Unless they're already in production (which I've heard nothing about; correct me if I'm wrong) 2025 is wildly optimistic. There's currently a writer's strike preventing new productions from getting going, with no end currently in sight. Even beyond that, high end television production takes a long time - realistically there's no chance of starting filming before 2024 (since the earliest they could likely start is going to be November, and there wouldn't even be time for a single block before Christmas break) and you'll be looking at 8-10 months from then. Given Harry Potter is also very VFX intensive, even in the best case scenario I would expect nothing before 2026.

10 hours ago, MaxHeadroom said:

The castle is going to be the same in the series anyway based on the promo material

I’m pretty sure the castle isn’t going to be the same - WB and HBO are just using images of the movie castle because the tv series is so early in the pre-production process that it doesn’t have its own castle design yet. Which tracks with the fact that I haven’t heard a single casting announcement or even rumor yet. I wouldn’t be shocked to learn that the people in charge of designing the shows Hogwarts hadn’t even been hired yet when they made the announcement, never mind anywhere close to having a finalized design. Max seem to have decided to preempt any rumors by announcing the show as soon as JKR signed on. 

Which all goes to say that we won’t be seeing any effect on the available merchandise for years.

Free Dobby! :laugh: I think it's hysterical. 

So, looking ahead, do we think we’ll be seeing further diagon alley expansion sets or do we reckon WWW is a one-off? I’d have thought that it would make sense for Lego to keep producing individual buildings and there’s certainly enough to chose from…

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20 minutes ago, TheInvisibleMan said:

So, looking ahead, do we think we’ll be seeing further diagon alley expansion sets or do we reckon WWW is a one-off? I’d have thought that it would make sense for Lego to keep producing individual buildings and there’s certainly enough to chose from…

It's impossible to extrapolate from one data point. I could see them doing Ollivaner's because of the iconic scene there, but I doubt they'd have confidence in doing some of the more general stores.

23 minutes ago, TheInvisibleMan said:

So, looking ahead, do we think we’ll be seeing further diagon alley expansion sets or do we reckon WWW is a one-off?

It's impossible to say from just a single set, but I think that's could be an idea. Anyway I don't think they will produced the same locations as the Diagon Alley set, but I wouldn't rule out new sets to complete a different an smaller Diagon Alley display. Imagining this case, I would say that Leaky Cauldron, Ollivander's, Borgin and Burkes and Gringotts could be the chosen locations.

I think we may see the following shops included in sets as the 'WWW' part, and one of the smaller shops taking up the 'Owl Post' office. I've added in random small shops you you can see what I mean. 

Ollivanders (and Potages) 

Flourish and Blotts (and Madam Malkins) 

Leaky Cauldron (and Eyelops) 

Borgin and Burkes (and Menagerie) 

I also don't think it's out of the question we could get a set called Diagon Alley shops with a few of the lesser known stores. 

Is there any hope for a Durmstrang Ship remake at this point? We've somehow not gotten a figure of Igor Karkaroff in the modern waves yet and I want to hope that's because they have the ship in mind for a future release.

1 hour ago, FrightFlight said:

Is there any hope for a Durmstrang Ship remake at this point? We've somehow not gotten a figure of Igor Karkaroff in the modern waves yet and I want to hope that's because they have the ship in mind for a future release.

The Daily Prophet photographer in the D2C Diagon Alley had a unique head which looks way more like Karkaroff than the actual character it's supposed to portray, suggesting that a set featuring Karkaroff entered production but was later cancelled. We don't know what the set could have been (or if he was originally meant to be in another set, such as the Beauxbatons Carriage), but it seems that Lego backed out of putting him in a set, probably because he wasn't seen as a big enough draw to customers to justify the extra printing costs. His appearance is always possible in the future, but it doesn't seem to be a priority for Lego.

If you want to make a custom Karkaroff minifig the Daily Prophet photographer's head is a good place to start.

That said, personally I'd expect a Durmstrang ship within the next few years. Reasoning:

1) LEGO does seem much more comfortable retreading well-worn paths than giving us actual new content. It's worth noting that of the old 2001 to 2010 sets, most have been remade in some fashion, excluding by my count:

- The Final Challenge (but we did get Quirrell, Harry, and the Mirror of Erised in the Great Hall set)

- The Sorting Hat (but there's a buildable Sorting Hat rumoured)

- Chamber of Winged Keys (???)

- Troll on the Loose (but we did get a stand-alone bathroom set)

- Dobby's Release (but we did get that awful buildable figure)

- Slytherin (but we did get the polyjuice scene with Ron/Crabbe and Harry/Goyle instead)

- Dueling Club (but that scene was sort of included in the new Chamber of Secrets)

- Draco's Encounter with Buckbeak (???)

- Harry and the Marauders' Map (???)

- Quality Quidditch Supplies, Knockturn Alley (but both are possible candidates for a Diagon Alley expansion)

- Lupin's Class (but we did get Moody's class in a Moments book instead)

- Durmstrang Ship (???)

So the Durmstrang ship is one of the more noteworthy omissions.

2) It would make a good stand-alone set. Within the last years, LEGO has done stand-alones based on the Triwizard Tournament (the Beauxbatons Carriage some time ago, the Hungarian Horntail last year, this year the Lake Task), so they might well continue with it.

3) The Karkaroff head as described above

4) LEGO could offer the large group of AFOL pirate fans a pirate ship without actually having to revive the Pirates theme. ;-)

5) Apart from Krum, who already exists in LEGO form, we don't really know any of the Durmstrang students. So - put in Karkaroff's existing head, Krum's existing head and hair, some uniform and some random re-used heads and hair pieces, and you can include a fairly large minifigure selection fairly cheap.

6) I guess you could argue that the ship doesn't really feature in the story, but that didn't stop them when they made the Beauxbatons Carriage. All you really can play with that is "The guests arrive and have tea". (While standing, 'cause three out of four characters in this set are incapable of sitting.) Really, the main draw in that set was the winged horses (and the carriage itself with its suspiciously princess-y colours, but it's not like LEGO have a lack of princess carriages in their portfolio). I have no doubt a pirate ship - branded Harry Potter or not - would sell much better.

Edited by brickbride

Currently owning the 2018 hog warts express and thinking of getting the 2023 one, is there a preference over the 2018 over the 2023 and viceversa? What’s the general consensus on it? To be honest, the only selling factor for me is the hogsmeade station because I think the train looks barebones compared to the other one but I can’t compare both yet, thanks

I hope for a Durmstrang ship very much, i think it’s on the top of my wanted list. I can imagine it at the same price as the Burrow and could look fantastic. I wonder if they delayed putting one on the market due to there being other ‘pirate ships’ about at the same time (Bowser’s airship, the Ideas Pirate Bay, the creator 3 in 1).

I would be very satisfied with one which used the same hull parts as Bowser’s ship, i think that’s a great scale for playability and detail 

7 minutes ago, Bugbot20082 said:

I wonder if they delayed putting one on the market due to there being other ‘pirate ships’ about at the same time (Bowser’s airship, the Ideas Pirate Bay, the creator 3 in 1).

There is also the Goat Boat from Thor and the 3 in 1 Viking ship, so there are a lot of boats knocking about at the moment, also not including the new Pirate ship in the EL Dorado set. 

I can see a Dumstrang Ship coming out in the next few years with a new hat mold and including some grindylows and maybe even a merperson in addition to Krum, Karkaroff and a few non-Dumstrang figures. 

8 hours ago, Seaber said:

There is also the Goat Boat from Thor and the 3 in 1 Viking ship, so there are a lot of boats knocking about at the moment, also not including the new Pirate ship in the EL Dorado set. 

I can see a Dumstrang Ship coming out in the next few years with a new hat mold and including some grindylows and maybe even a merperson in addition to Krum, Karkaroff and a few non-Dumstrang figures. 

yes! My figure wishlist is: Krum, Karkaroff (new hat/hair mould), Karkaroff’ assistant/student, Flur & Cedric (lake task), merperson, Dumbledore and Barty Crouch Sr. And if there is budget a manakin for Krum’s quidditch outfit in his room.

To make some of the figures make sense on the boxart there is a little side build of a small wooden jettty for the ‘welcome’ party to stand on and wave on the ship’s arrival. 

swimming characters just put In the lake beneath the ship 


Edited by Bugbot20082

Are we expecting the theme to still carry on after this year? 

Personally I hope it does, I’d love to see them forget about the exterior of the Hogwarts building somewhat and concentrate on giving us solid interiors.  I feel like the new style started off like that but the interiors went very lacklustre very quickly.  I also felt like this with Diagon Alley as well.

It’d be nice to get some more location based sets such as Malfoy Manor and Lunas house.


Then D2C wise I’d love to see Grimwald  place with a full interior, they could really do something good with that.  

The list of ships forgot the Vidiyo one.

@Bugbot20082, I could picture them making things like Cedric and Fleur CMFs (yes, I'm aware of the curse :tongue:) instead. I'd bet making them affordable and accessible would increase the sales for the 2nd Task as well before it goes EOL. Obviously I've no idea if something like that ultimately gives them a bigger sales bump than including figures with the ship would give them, though. (One day I'd really love to see their calculations on that, the difference a fig more or less makes to sales. Never going to happen, obviously, but that doesn't make me any less curious. :wink:)

Skeeter is another character that makes sense in that grouping, either CMF or set, if they chose to recycle parts of her from the book fig. They could include a beetle in a jar, either with her or with Hermione's minifig.  

Krum in his Hungarian uniform would make another good CMF, and maybe they could do some of the others characters from the World Cup. I can't picture them releasing a set for it, except maybe an AC, or maybe they wait another x years (<- clearly not a footie fan :laugh:) for the next World Cup and do a small one to piggyback on their publicity. With a small set it's a budget problem with the new prints and moulds though (hence pairing it with an AC), but if they ever gave us the Death Eater attack after the match, maybe with the Weasley tent, they could squeeze in a few figs more. I can't be the only one wanting that tent...

@Legoman123, it's consistently in their top 5 selling themes, so I can't picture them pausing it yet. 

@deskp, if you'd still lurking around, do you happen to have a picture of Ginny's outfit in the Grimmauld Place Christmas scene? Orange shirt, dark tan (possibly crocheted) jumper?

On 7/2/2023 at 6:48 AM, brickbride said:

- The Sorting Hat (but there's a buildable Sorting Hat rumoured)

The Build Your Own Adventure book had a build essentially identical to the old 2001 Sorting Hat set with the stool and a spinner underneath. So I’d consider that covered. 

Also, Quality Quidditch Supplies was very well represented in the Diagon Alley D2C, so as far as updates to London sets go we’re really only missing Borgin & Burke’s (and Gringott’s but that’s being remedied)

Oh, yeah, I don't have the DA set and forgot that QQS was in it.

When I made my list, I did notice that most of the old sets have been redone in some fashion. The ones that to the best of my knowledge haven't been (the ones I marked with ???) are mostly smaller sets - Draco's Encounter with Buckbeak had like 30 pieces - and we all know that LEGO HP simply doesn't go in for small sets anymore because clearly a theme marketed primarily to kids needs LOTS of DC2s and not a SINGLE set per year in the allowance/small gift range /sarcasmoff. But the Durmstrang ship is the notable exception in that it's the only one on the list that has never been redone AND is big enough to easily carry a set. So I'd be really surprised if they did't remake it soon.

Edited by brickbride

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