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Vikings are part of medieval period so it is worth. Viking village is same scale as LKC and MTS. Unfortunately I have not enough space to display them all. Also we need one really good vikings ship. This in 3 in 1 set is not enough detailed

Hi all, I have the Lion Knight's castle and will soon be getting the Medieval Town Square too.

I am planning to build these sets and let my nephews (ages 5.5 and 4.5) play with them. Is it too soon for them to play with these sets when they are fully built?

Edited by CentennialPark

  On 4/5/2024 at 2:32 AM, CentennialPark said:

Hi all, I have the Lion Knight's castle and will soon be getting the Medieval Town Square too.

I am planning to build these sets and let my nephews (ages 5.5 and 4.5) play with them. Is it too soon for them to play with these sets when they are fully built?

I have 2 sons that are both teenagers now.  I will say this if you want to keep the sets nice and not messed up then no I wouldn't let them play with them as kids will usually knock things off and lose parts etc.  If you don't mind having things missing and the sets partially rearranged then let them have at it.  I let my oldest play with my lego's when he was around that age and things got messy and parts of my MOC's and sets would get knocked off.  

It really comes down to how you like to use your lego.  Do you like to display them?  Do you like to play with and use the sets?  If you like to display them and leave the sets as is then it's probably better to leave them out of reach of the kids. If you don't mind then have fun and play with them and make a fun story with the kids.  

I used to come up with battle scenes for my son and let him choose to be the good guys or the bad guys and we would have battles.  Younger kids is tough because they have a tendency to drop things but it's fun when they get older and you can swoosh around your dragons and attack villages, castles, etc.  My younger son is still into lego and likes the Lion knights.  He's still into Ninjago and likes a lot of the dragons.  We still build together and even set up fun battles and create new minifigs.  



  On 4/5/2024 at 2:32 AM, CentennialPark said:

Hi all, I have the Lion Knight's castle and will soon be getting the Medieval Town Square too.
I am planning to build these sets and let my nephews (ages 5.5 and 4.5) play with them. Is it too soon for them to play with these sets when they are fully built?

Here's a vote for let them play with it. And, to my mind, let them add in whatever they want with imaginative play. My children are 3 and 7 and they love the modulars, especially Brick Bank and Detective's Office for the storyline aspects of them. But they've also had loads of other stuff added to them, Friends minidolls, Unikitty, loads of extra pieces. To a collector it's carnage. To a child it's amazing. I always figure that in 15 years I will have time take them all back to instructed perfection. Until then, they can be playtime perfection.

The only thing I try to maintain (fairly successfully) is not losing anything from the sets, but they can add all they want. If it stresses you out, then find something else do to with them that will bring more joy.

Have fun either way!

I’d second Richard’s comments. If you can cope with them losing bits, let them go wild.


Otherwise, no. I have a 6 and 4 year old. Any Lego set will soon get broke and all the minifigs broken down into their component pieces.

And then left round the house/shops when they decide to take pieces with them out. 

I'm supportive of letting the kids play with the big, adult-focused Castle sets too. I've had great fun sharing my Castle Lego with my daughter since age 5, with minimal mishaps. She mainly enjoys customising the Black Falcon knights to make kick-megablocks fantasy 'warrior queen' type heroines! (e.g. adding golden golden helmet, armor and wings from the CMF Flying Warrior).

The Lion Knights Castle seems pretty play-friendly for kids: great doll-house style design and not too much fine detail to knock off.  In terms of permanent loss/damage, I think in the worst case you might end up with a broken shield or two, but  as long as you're ok with that, go for it!. You can order a few spares on PAB, which limits the risk.

  On 4/5/2024 at 2:32 AM, CentennialPark said:

Hi all, I have the Lion Knight's castle and will soon be getting the Medieval Town Square too.

I am planning to build these sets and let my nephews (ages 5.5 and 4.5) play with them. Is it too soon for them to play with these sets when they are fully built?

I think a good policy for this sort of situation would be to allow playing with those sets only when you're there to supervise or play along. After all, I feel like kids under six years old might just get just as frustrated as you would if the set they're playing with breaks in a way that they can't figure out on their own how to fix! So they'll probably appreciate you being available for any sort of emergency repairs like that, instead of them having to run up begging for assistance when you're working, cooking, or otherwise occupied.

This approach should also help ensure parts don't "wander off" when your nephews are done playing, or roll away under the furniture without anybody noticing or remembering to retrieve them later. 'Cuz I know from my own childhood memories that even if I meant to go back later to return something I'd "borrowed", or fetch an adult to retrieve something that fell somewhere out of reach, I didn't always have the memory or attention span to follow through! Of course, I learned a few years later that I had ADHD, which was probably a contributing factor in those sorts of mishaps. :blush:

Obviously, how practical this sort of approach is depends on how often you're available to play or supervise when your nephews are around. I'm sure it'd feel a little unfair to make that sort of arrangement with them if it seems like you're always too busy to follow through! And of course, we've all got various adult responsibilities which will occupy our attention at least part of the time, and won't always neatly line up with when younger kids decide it's "playtime". But I definitely feel that enjoying LEGO together rather than separately can be a really meaningful bonding experience for both kids and adults, so if this sort of arrangement is an option for you, I would embrace that opportunity!

Edited by Aanchir

I was 5 years old when I got my first Lego in 1984.I was a quiet, shy boy and I always played with my Lego with the greatest care. This has resulted in a big collection in excellent condition. Ofcourse when friends came over to play with my Lego I always supervised to be sure they played the 'correct' way :classic:

My folks recently came up to Canada to visit and to watch the eclipse, and took that opportunity to deliver this set to me in person as a late birthday present! I just finished building it yesterday and I'm very pleased. The variety of different buildings made the building experience a lot of fun, and the models have a lovely level of detail. It's also compact enough to look convincing in relation to the castle while still being large enough to feel really impressive on its own.

I'll probably keep it on the coffee table for a while before I go about re-arranging the stuff on top of the bookshelf to make room for it next to my other medieval sets. In the meantime it'll be great inspiration to try and make progress on some medieval MOC ideas.

One small frustration — I accidentally knocked the tall flower behind the weaver's workshop off its base yesterday without realizing it, and I guess our two kitties must've found it and knocked some of the pieces around. I've found most of the pieces but am still missing the lowermost Bright Green leaf plate and the Earth Green flower plate. I'm sure they'll turn up, but I'm kinda kicking myself for not noticing when those parts came loose and saving myself a bit of trouble!

The kitties have left the rest of the set alone overnight, though, unlike the Lion Knights' Castle and Medieval Blacksmith which they used to love knocking tree and plant pieces off of. Maybe that's 'cuz they're a bit older now and no longer quite so prone to that sort of kitten mischief.

Edited by Aanchir

  On 4/5/2024 at 2:32 AM, CentennialPark said:

Hi all, I have the Lion Knight's castle and will soon be getting the Medieval Town Square too.

I am planning to build these sets and let my nephews (ages 5.5 and 4.5) play with them. Is it too soon for them to play with these sets when they are fully built?

I recently had my 6 & 7 year old niece and nephew over and they wanted to play with my castle (my kids are pretty much in their dark ages now). Let's just say it took me a fair while afterwards to find all the bits on the floor, fix the drawbridge mechanism and swap back all the minifig components that got swapped around.

  On 4/16/2024 at 4:43 AM, TeufelHund said:

I recently had my 6 & 7 year old niece and nephew over and they wanted to play with my castle (my kids are pretty much in their dark ages now). Let's just say it took me a fair while afterwards to find all the bits on the floor, fix the drawbridge mechanism and swap back all the minifig components that got swapped around.

And they wonder why people resort to Kragle

My parents got me the Carribbean Clipper for my 9th birthday and wanted to use kragle. I insisted on it not be glued together and my mother reluctantly agreed but told me she would not be assembling it a second time. I was very protective of the ship and wouldn't let my younger cousins or siblings play with it because I knew it would end up in bits. It stayed intact, albeit covered in a thick layer of dust for years but unfortunately ended up in a mixed LEGO storage bin when I entered my dark ages because "LEGO wasn't cool anymore". That bin of LEGO ended up being put in a dumpster decades later when my sister moved house in 2020. The worst thing about that is it happened six months to a year prior to falling in love with LEGO again, and was even asked if I wanted it all. However I didn't have the foreknowledge that I was going to be getting back into LEGO as an AFOL or that Bricklink existed meaning that I could have sourced missing pieces. My biggest regret was not properly storing the pieces after I took it apart. I also owned Lagoon Lockup, Eldorado Fortress and Renegade Runner along with the Wolfpack Fortress and Forrestmen Tree Fortress that all shared the same fate as the Clipper. However, it's the Clipper I lament rhost. 

Edited by Pirate_King_1982

That is the saddest thing ever, all of those sets are terrific. At least the rats at the tip got to play with it all. Along with the red Futuron minifig (you know, the really rare one) that I lost somehow after it fell off the table and was never seen again. Don't know how many times I searched... vacuum cleaner must have eaten it.

Oh no! Such sad stories. :cry_sad:

Carribean Clipper is one of my favorite sets, and I fortunately still have it. My kids have loved playing with it too.

  On 4/17/2024 at 6:11 AM, Pirate_King_1982 said:

My parents got me the Carribbean Clipper for my 9th birthday and wanted to use kragle. I insisted on it not be glued together and my mother reluctantly agreed but told me she would not be assembling it a second time. I was very protective of the ship and wouldn't let my younger cousins or siblings play with it because I knew it would end up in bits. It stayed intact, albeit covered in a thick layer of dust for years but unfortunately ended up in a mixed LEGO storage bin when I entered my dark ages because "LEGO wasn't cool anymore". That bin of LEGO ended up being put in a dumpster decades later when my sister moved house in 2020. The worst thing about that is it happened six months to a year prior to falling in love with LEGO again, and was even asked if I wanted it all. However I didn't have the foreknowledge that I was going to be getting back into LEGO as an AFOL or that Bricklink existed meaning that I could have sourced missing pieces. My biggest regret was not properly storing the pieces after I took it apart. I also owned Lagoon Lockup, Eldorado Fortress and Renegade Runner along with the Wolfpack Fortress and Forrestmen Tree Fortress that all shared the same fate as the Clipper. However, it's the Clipper I lament rhost. 

That's incredibly wasteful. They couldn't have at least given it to a kid who could enjoy building with the pieces? I'm sure you didn't realize it was worth over a thousand dollars when you decided to throw it away, but why wouldn't you let someone else get some enjoyment out of it?

  On 4/17/2024 at 12:25 PM, jodawill said:

That's incredibly wasteful. They couldn't have at least given it to a kid who could enjoy building with the pieces? I'm sure you didn't realize it was worth over a thousand dollars when you decided to throw it away, but why wouldn't you let someone else get some enjoyment out of it?

I wasn't the one who threw it out it was my sister. And I did suggest putting it up on Facebook for someone to grab for free. However, in her defence she had very little time to vacate the premises as the landlord wanted to redevelop and she was moving into a much smaller house. I'm pretty sure the LEGO wasn't the only thing of worth that ended up in the skip bin. But yes it was incredibly wasteful and I'll regret not taking possession of the LEGO for the rest of my life, as not only could I have had fun rebuilding my childhood sets but I'd also have had plenty of bricks and pieces for MOC building.

  On 4/18/2024 at 2:08 AM, Pirate_King_1982 said:

I wasn't the one who threw it out it was my sister. And I did suggest putting it up on Facebook for someone to grab for free. However, in her defence she had very little time to vacate the premises as the landlord wanted to redevelop and she was moving into a much smaller house. I'm pretty sure the LEGO wasn't the only thing of worth that ended up in the skip bin. But yes it was incredibly wasteful and I'll regret not taking possession of the LEGO for the rest of my life, as not only could I have had fun rebuilding my childhood sets but I'd also have had plenty of bricks and pieces for MOC building.

Man, that's rough. Since it was at an apartment building, there's a good chance that someone else pulled it out. Hopefully someone rescued it. But that sounds like a horrible situation your sister was going through. I hope you can recreate your collection someday.

  On 4/18/2024 at 2:40 AM, jodawill said:

Man, that's rough. Since it was at an apartment building, there's a good chance that someone else pulled it out. Hopefully someone rescued it. But that sounds like a horrible situation your sister was going through. I hope you can recreate your collection someday.

Yeah it was really rough on her. My sister and her husband and my two nieces along with their next door neighbour, an elderly woman, were told to move out and given not much notice. She offered to pay more rent but the landlord said he wanted to redevelop and put more units on the lot. Stupid thing is is that after the duplex she was in was bulldozed, the lot now sits vacant with a for sale sign on it. What makes things even worse is that three years later the landlord of the house she moved into next has done the same thing and she had to move again. Both times she offered to pay more rent and both times that respective landlords said no. At least my niece's didn't have to swap schools twice and are still at their new school because they managed to stay in the same district. Her youngest daughter, the youngest of my five nieces, enjoyed looking at my LEGO when they came by to borrow the trailer to move house the second time . The reason Mum gave her the box of LEG was that her other daughter got heavily into LEGO after watching the LEGO Movie. She even nagged my sister to build Metal Beard's ship when she saw the ship hulls, which my sister attempted to the best of her ability, lol. Not only was my pirate and castle stuff in there, but also our other sister's Paradisa stuff and some western sets our brothers had, along with elements from 1980's town sets. The rental market in our city is brutal and I am thankful everyday that my Dad, two brothers and I are able to share a mortgage and are home owners, or at least will be once we finish paying the bank. Sometimes there is conflict, four grown men sharing a residence, but we're lucky we're not renting and at the end of the day we got each other's backs 

Edited by Pirate_King_1982

  On 4/18/2024 at 6:07 AM, Pirate_King_1982 said:

The rental market in our city is brutal. 

The government should create more social housing. Vote for a polital party that is willing to do so. And if the government doesn't care... Well maybe it's time for a revolution and overthrow the government! :pir-triumph: Yaargh!!

Edited by DonQuixote

I haven't got the MTS yet, nor built the Lion Knights Castle, but I will do both soon. However, I have accompanying things from the Bricklink MOC Pop-Up Store that I will enjoy putting with them.

The Medieval Stonemasons Guild by Arselus (now available on Rebrickable - LEGO MOC Medieval Stonemasons Guild by arselus | Rebrickable - Build with LEGO)



The Caravan Theatre by NicolasCarlier:


There is also a really nice looking expansion for MTS on Rebrickable by Isibricks that puts the MTS against a city/castle wall and expands things a little, that I'm tempted by - LEGO MOC Medieval Town Square with city wall by Isibricks | Rebrickable - Build with LEGO


i don’t have both Medieval Town Square and Lion Knights’ Castle. But the more I look at them, the more unsure i feel.

I never owned a big castle in my past other than Harry Potter theme’s Hogwarts from 2000s.  So is LKC too faithful to its original verison or is it ompetley remade jsut like Galaxy Explorer? I ahve seen MTS and LKC next to teach other and they look very great in taht scale. But…I’m hesitant on LKC because I’m not too crazy about nostalgia/faithfulness in Lego stuff. I like remake of the old sets (new building techieus, new parts, etc). 

  On 4/20/2024 at 12:41 AM, Lion King said:

i don’t have both Medieval Town Square and Lion Knights’ Castle. But the more I look at them, the more unsure i feel.

I never owned a big castle in my past other than Harry Potter theme’s Hogwarts from 2000s.  So is LKC too faithful to its original verison or is it ompetley remade jsut like Galaxy Explorer? I ahve seen MTS and LKC next to teach other and they look very great in taht scale. But…I’m hesitant on LKC because I’m not too crazy about nostalgia/faithfulness in Lego stuff. I like remake of the old sets (new building techieus, new parts, etc). 

Which set do you think the original version of the Lion Knight's Castle is?

Except for the name, the Lion Knights Castle is completely new.

Yes the extension to MTS is really nice, you end up with a pricy set though…

  On 4/20/2024 at 6:46 AM, MAB said:

Which set do you think the original version of the Lion Knight's Castle is?


  On 4/20/2024 at 6:51 AM, GeoBrick said:

Except for the name, the Lion Knights Castle is completely new.

Thank you. 

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