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Theme: Agents

Set Name: 8637 Volcano Base

Piece Count: 738

Price: $AUD99.99; 49.99 GBP; EUR 69.99

Dr Inferno is a supervillain on the move. So far this year he's had a plethora of vehicles released but nowhere to call home. Thankfully with the advent of 8637 he finally has a lair to call his own. Featuring built-in thermal heating, the Volcano Base is warm and cosy all year round! It's also a tastefully themed pad in shades of trans orange, dark brown, orange and lime, although the interior decoration is a little lacking. For security reasons, the architect had to be thrown into the built-in firepit so as not to reveal the base's secrets, but join us on our leisure tour of the must-see anti-hero holiday house of 2008 - viva the Volcano Base!

Part 1: From out of the box

Front view:


Back view:




Random instruction page:


2 x DSSs:



Polybagged goodness:


Parts unveiled! I love to swirl everything together in one big mess, it reminds me of how I built as a kid.


BURPy-LURPy goodness - 5 large red brown ones and 4 of the smaller trans-orange ones. This set is a bonanza for landscaping :wub:.


Part 2: Minifigs and Agents Jet

Nothing new with the Agents and their confusing rhyming names - Agents Chase and Trace are obviously destined to be together and have several kids called Lace, Case and Mace. Agent Fuse sends most of his time in this set indulging in a little light bondage - see handcuffs - which is a nice change after the sexist Mission 4 had Agent Trace chained to the shark buoy. Good to see gender equality, TLC!


Three villians - two new ones - the deadly Claw-Dette and Fire-Arm.



It's always good to have another Dr Inferno, although compulsory arm-replacement seems to be a mark of loyalty to the great man, as all three figs here have the modified cyber-hands. Fire-Arm is a bit of a waste as the giant gun just looks ludicrous - but what do I know, after weeks of knowing about this fig, I only just got the pun 'fire-arm' = 'firearm' :blush: . Claw-Dette is a vision of loveliness, the Irina hair fits perfectly, and how wonderful that TLC has given us *another* female torso for this line. That's 2 female minifigs in a non S@H exclusive set! :oh: Worlds may implode! The new face is nice, with just a hint of lime green eyeshadow - now that's scary :tongue: .

The jet:



I didn't like the jet from the pics, but the build is a fun one and it looks good. The technic axle, when pushed, releases a net. This function works better than I thought it would. On the box art they show this net dropping onto the villain controlling the fire-pit, but how tangling someone in a web is going to stop Agent Fuse from turning into Agent Flambe is beyond me. This is one of those rare situations when one of those Fire helicopters so beloved of the City designers would actually be useful! :tongue:

Underside showing net in position:


Part 3: Volcano Day!


This set has been one of the most anticipated of the year for me, mainly because of the great concept, well-executed design and wonderful landscaping. It is also a treasure trove for parts enthusiasts. Apart from the BURPs, there's 43 large dark brown slopes, 23 smaller dark brown slopes, 19 1x1 trans orange bricks, 45 small orange slopes, 13 trans orange cheese pieces and a smattering of metallic silver :wub: . The colours all work well together to form the rocky mountain sides and give a real depth and play of light to the set - I'm glad they released this in a year where we now have dark brown, as it wouldn't look nearly as good in all red-brown or with black instead. The colours are really textured, and the intricate cascading lava slopes add a real MOC feel to the set.

It's hard to tell from the pics, but the lava flows that start in the midsection actually match up with the left and right 'wings' of the volcano when the base is closed up (see further below for pic). Indeed, this is one of those sets that actually looks good when photographed with an overbright flash as the trans-orange flares into life! (The rest of this review uses natural light though.)


Closer view of the midsection:


The front door is really well designed with metallic silver teeth (as seen on the box art for Turbocar Chase). They click neatly into place when closed.




Behold above, the throne of Dr Inferno! Yes, it's in a bit of a weird spot. They could have at least elevated it so he could gloat *over* intruders. The interior is the weakest part of this set, as we shall see.

Choc-orange lava goodness atop the midsection - so pretty:


Behold, Dr Inferno's enormous.... laser cannon, naturally. He rides this baby like a pro :tongue: . The lime green is an unusual colour choice but the bright, cartoony feel really adds to the set as a whole and is much better than a standard bley/ black type superweapon. Next season's look in devastating WMDs: hot pink! (Maybe.)


And yes, it rotates 360 degrees:


And because Batbrick wondered about it in another thread, here's a pic with the laser folded down. Hardly discreet. Maybe you don't notice it what with all the magma and steam and flames etc.


View of the firepit side of the mountain.


The part selection is really nice, notice the silver radar dish. The sticker control panel display has a countdown from 12 seconds.


This connects to the firepit, with a little gliding platform to travel between the two:


Notice the decals on the chairs - a classy touch. Kudos to Dr Inferno's upholsterer.


There's some great detail in this set which I really appreciate. For example, the chairs are built on the base, which has 2 1x3 orange plates assymetrically arranged. You wouldn't even notice this, and there's no reason for it, it's just a quirly little design touch which adds to the build - see below. Note also, there's a 1x1 round lime green plate on the firepit mechanism - nowhere else does this element appear in the set, and they could have easily used some other colour, but it adds a nice touch that says the designers have really put in as much originality as they can.


The right-hand side of the mountain (looking front on):


Close-up of the oddly protruding giant flatscreen monitor. Maybe Dr Inferno has really bad eyesight but for vanity's sake won't wear glasses, hence the need for a giant plasma screen to help aim his laser cannon :wacko: . Again, the lime green and orange works well.


They don't show this on the box or instructions, but the 'wings' of the volcano can fold in for a more defensive, mountainous look:


Part 4: Interior decorating

Sadly, the interior is the weakest part of the set, with a sparse selection of goodies. What's there is also mostly stickered. Compared to the bright, light facade, the whole of this section is very industrial and dark. Over all view:


Middle section, with throne and stickered display screens:


The laser section does have 2 cool power cone type things, with trans neon green, dark blue and metallic silver detailing. Very retro sci-fi.


The section behind the firepit has a control panel - with elevated chair! - and stickered screen:


The other section doesn't have anything apart from a red tank. More spare room for dead bodies, I guess. Or treasure. Or back issues of 'Supervillain Monthly'. I don't know, TLC, couldn't you have put some empty new Indy crates back there, or something? :wacko:


The interiors are a bit sparse, but maybe it's just because the place is brand spanking new and Dr Inferno has only just moved in. To be honest, I don't mind this really as it gives you a lot of chance to customise in whatever way you want. I am already planning to transfer the interior section of my Seabase MOC somewhere to the Volcano Base, so Dr Inferno can chill out in style. :grin:


Really, it looks as if the designers spent all the money on the exterior facade, but I have no real problem with that. The Mobile Command Center has a wonderfully detailed interior, but the whole set is based around the truck whereas this is really just a cool looking base with a stonking great laser on top and a firetrap. For $AUD99.99 ($30 less than the Mobile Command Center) I'd rather pay less and buy another copy of this set to do some serious volcano landscaping anyway. On that score, the Volcano Base can not be beat!

Part 5: In Conclusion

This is a great set. Buy it! Buy several! For a retail release not aimed at AFOLs, the level of landscaping could not be nicer. This means that the Volcano Base midsection may look a little low, but it does add opportunity for clever MOCers to build astounding, enormous creations which dwarf the original. The whole volcano wall design is really a template for people to build bigger and better volcanoes! As a playset, it is let down by the lack of detailed interior, but at this pricepoint I don't mind. The figs are good, Claw-Dette especially is great and the part selection is amazing.

Leftover parts:


Final view:


Thank you and enjoy! :tongue:

Edited by svelte_corps

Looks good so far, cant wait to see the rest! :thumbup: Thank You for doing a review! :classic:


EDIT: That honestly one of the better reviews I've seen on here! Thanks a lot!

Edited by darthperson8

Looks awesome so far, should have figured you'd be the one to do the review :tongue: . Great review, can't wait for the rest :thumbup: .

EDIT: Great review, svelte_corps, it really looks like a good set!

Edited by Adam

that is the most thorough review I've ever seen svelte_corps. A great job you did, right down to putting all those stickers on perfectly. Thanks for pointing out all those great little details. I love all the trans-orange. The metallic door is just superb. Also the price of just under $100 Aus seems pretty good, was that full retail price?

Did you get this from shop at home or is available retail somewhere?



Edited by hewman

  • Author
that is the most thorough review I've ever seen svelte_corps. A great job you did, right down to putting all those stickers on perfectly. Thanks for pointing out all thsoe great little details. I love all the trans-orange. The metallic door is just superb. Also the price of just under $100 Aus seems pretty good, was that full retail price?

$AUD99.99 is the full retail Australian price, as ordered from S@H. I think it is supposed to be an exclusive when released here in September, probably to TRU.

All Dr. inferno needs now is a space station. And maybe a "Shoop Da Whoop" laser. And lions.

Thanks for ANOTHER GREAT REVIEW! :thumbup::thumbup: (No wonder you got the title that you have) i was not planning on get this set untill i saw the pics with the Agents Helicopter (Thats what it says on the catalog chopper NOT plane :tongue: ) i didnt even know it has the net thingy :blush: (Meh i will probable take it out or cover it or something :wink: ) but yea i will definatly be geting this set it will be expensive for me this year and next because Commander centre $130 + Volcano base $100 + turbo car $90 + Jetpack set $20 [?] + Speedboat $60 + Gold Hunt $50 = $450 AUSD [if my math is correct] and thats not including 2 other sets that i dont want :wacko::sceptic:

Hmm i will definatly have to get most of them on sale!

Oh and thanks again for your awesome reveiws! :cry_happy:

Once again, another outstanding review by svelte_corps! :thumbup:

I am not a very big fan of Agents, but this theme defintely offer plenty of useful parts. :sweet:

This Volcano Base is simply fanastic for parts usage, especially in doing up landscaping, with mountains, by making use of the brown BURPS. :tongue:

I must admit that the exterior looks real cool, but the interior looks rather empty. These orange slopes certainly make a great illustration of the larva, which gives the Agents a hard time to infiltrate within its compound to save his comrade.

I am quite sure, this set will defintely attracts lots of kids to coax their parents to buy it, since the bright colors will defintely caught their attention. With all those hi-tech, sleek weaponary, I am sure this is the next big thing for kids out there. Well, I am not sure if this theme works for me as well. But this set defintely works well for landscaping project. :blush:

Thanks for another great review!

I definitely like this set. Sure, the interior might be a bit bare, but I think that the outside of the base with all of the great lava and rocks more than makes up for it. :thumbup:

It is a bit weird that on the one side there is nothing on the inside. But that's easy to fix. Anyone know when this will be out in the U.S.?

Thanks again for the fantastic review! :classic:

:oh: droool

Must buy!!!!!!

To Svelte_corps:

How on this wonderful planet, did you get that???

I thought it was coming in september!!!

and thats not including 2 other sets that i dont want

Yeah, Break jaw sets are generally worse than the other ones.

Anyway, the review was great. Can we have a close-up of Fire-Arm's face?

  • Author
Anyway, the review was great. Can we have a close-up of Fire-Arm's face?

That's the best pic I have at the moment, apologies re blurriness.


Snake, it is released in Oz in Sept, this baby came from S@H :wink:

Edited by svelte_corps

Excellent review SC. Thanks for sharing. The figs are awesome. I really like the female villain - an excellent face. I also like the agent uniforms.

The laser gun is perfect. It has that Peter Sellers/Pink Panther dooms day device look that I envision when I think of laser destruction.

The volcano has some neat features as well, like the trans. red/orange lava. It is a bit heavy on stickers though, as are many new sets/themes. But overall, I think this set will really appeal to the kids.

- A great review of a neat set. :thumbup:

Honestly I'm too much of a Space fan to be interested in this set. I'd rather have the sub. Good review though. :D

Nice Set Review :thumbup: I really liked the narrative for the Review.

I must have missed your Custom Base back in June, also well constructed and great story too! :classic:

awsome review dude

im proably getting this though the main downfall is there is hardly an inside


Thanks for the step-by-step!! Set looks great!

Mmmmm, Clawdette....

Ah, great review! I have always wanted this set since it came out, but with the price, I think I will get the mobile command center first. This will need serious interior mods, like I did with my Dino Attack Chopper(pics soon).

That's the best pic I have at the moment, apologies re blurriness.


Cool. he looks a lot meaner and more damaged-terminatorsy that his brother.

GREAT REVIEW!!! Realy Thank you svelte_corps!

Maybey you can put al the Agents villains round Dr. Disco :tongue:

Like a sort of dicussionroom or something...Just an idea

Undersigned MoWo

Thanks for the review svelte_corps, I have yet to purchase an Agent set but I think that will change shortly. I am not a big fan of the stickers but the huge laser gun, the unique minifig design, and beaucoup trans-orange pieces have me sold.

I know the word "Secret" base but whats this!

The Base is hardly secret with a massive laser gun and wide screen sticking out :tongue:

It looks good, Lots and lots of Orange! Woo! :thumbup:

I'm still keeping my money payments until July 26th :tongue:

...So I won't be able to buy this set unless I get some money prize or something :wink:

However, I appreciate the review, and hopefully I will get this set sometime in the near future.

I just love these new cybernetic arms :thumbup:

This will be a wonderful set for a Mustafar MOC

Cool set. I got that firearm thing straight away lol. I might get a few of these sets and combine into mustafar. Great review :thumbup:

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