Posted February 20, 20232 yr November 622 – February 623. Vol 8, Issue 1 Pirates Terrorize Terraversa and Cocovia Seas! Sea Rat Scum Make Multiple Attacks Merchants sailing through the Terraversa Sea these past months were set upon like never before! The Sea Rats’ Hand of Fate II fleet, led by the notorious Sea Rat pirate Katrin DeKruger, attacked trading fleets of both Eslandola and Oleon. From Eltina we hear that the RNTC’s Le Gros fleet was attacked soon after leaving port, and that DeKruger’s 6-ship flotilla captured the sloop Le Petit Bleu. Our man in Breshaun sends word that, when the heavily damaged Eslandian frigate Golden Grasshopper docked, her commander immediately reported the loss of the remainder of her fleet! The Eslandians had been led by the galleon Thunderer, and the fleet also included the man-o-war El Genio and the MCTC clipper ship Piece of Eight II. All three were captured by DeKruger’s pirate fleet, current location unknown. Furthermore, the MCTC galleon Prince Fernando II was lost to Davy Jones’ Locker in the encounter. And from right here in Kings Port, commander of the Eslandian galleon Espada de Luna, Admiral de Flynt, reports only slightly better results under harrowing circumstances. DeKruger’s Rats captured the brig The Gallant and sunk the brig Swift, but the remaining ships were able to escape in a running battle that saw the fleets temporarily separate before the Sea Rats were able to re-engage as the Greenies made their way in to port. Meanwhile, to the southeast, the Sea Rats’ Soberano De Los Mares fleet, comprised of several heavy war galleons and commanded by the self-styled Kane the Magnificent, menaced small squadrons throughout the Cocovia Sea and had no concerns attacking naval vessels. We hear from Quinnsville that one their gunboat patrols, which have been so effective of late, was attacked by a fleet of eight ships, including the 103-gun Soberano De Los Mares and Kane’s former flagship, La Gomera. Already reduced in size after an encounter with Greenie pirate Captain Nordau (more about that below), the Quinnsville patrol lost both HMS Barracuda II and FV No.4, with only the heavily damaged brig Swift II making it back to port. At least the news was better from King’s Harbour, where the crews of HMS Indefatigable and Lady Jacqueline report that they were able to escape the massive pirate fleet near Alicentia, with only minor damage to Indefatigable. Captain Nordau Raids Mooreton Bay It wasn’t only the Sea Rats terrorizing the Brick Seas. Eslandian pirate Captain Nordau launched an epic raid on the Corish city of Mooreton Bay. Approaching the settlement under false colors and the cover of a light fog, Captain Nordau managed to maneuver the Buccaneer's Dread within point blank range of Fort Denison, the Martello tower protecting the harbor mouth. Letting fly a full broadside on the unsuspecting garrison, the tower was quickly silenced. However, the settlement was not yet without teeth, and just after letting loose his landing party upon the town, shore-based guns opened up, damaging the ship. At the same time, the shore party turned a corner to see a well-organized militia five times their number, forcing a rout back to the ship under fire. Apart from a few flirting glances at the local womenfolk, Nordau's battered crew is said to have stolen nothing but a few chicken coops snatched during their retreat, and the Buccaneer's Dread will be in need of repairs at its destination. Perhaps the Captain will think twice before testing the meddle of a redcoat settlement in the future? But we hear from Mesabi Landing that, even before Nordau reached Mooreton Bay, he attacked an ETTC squadron in the coastal waters of Alicentia. The crew of the ETTC Muharib report that the pirate took them by surprise, damaged ETTC Cherub with a broadside, then deftly separated Tuna King from her squadron mates and quickly boarded and took control of the ship. Captain Nordau wasn’t finished after the raid on Mooreton Bay. From Quinnsville we hear that he overpowered one of their gunboat patrols, capturing QV Gunboat No. 1 and FV No. 1 while damaging HMS Barracuda II and Swift II (which would severely handicap the Corrie efforts later against the Sea Rats’ Soberano De Los Mares fleet [see above]). Word for Corlander officials is that Nordau likely was able to plunder much in the way of weapons and ammunition from the captured gunboats. We’ve received somewhat encouraging word from our reporter in Lavalette, with the crew of Le Noix reporting that they encountered Buccaneer’s Dread in the South Prio Sea near Stephanique and were able to damage the goliath ship before Nordau escaped. Alas, close but no cigar! * * * The Brick Seas have not seen such a savage and rapid succession of attacks, especially within Terraversan waters. The editors of the Kings Port Advertiser call on leaders of all the nations of the island of Terraversa and the Halosian colonies to assemble their fleets to hunt down Katrin DeKruger, Kane the Magnificent, Captain Nordau, and all other pirates responsible for these atrocities and see them all hang! From the War Zone: Lotii Dreams of Naval Supremacy Dashed! After exchanging heavy blows with Corrish warships, and having their blockade swept away last season, recent news from Corlander naval officials in Spudkirk suggests the end of the last known Lotii war fleet. A squadron of four heavy war junks, led by the massive 4-masted Leatherneck, made a brazen attempt to renew the blockade, as they sailed towards Seawatch. Notably, the captured Corrie class 10 HMS Dominance was absent, and one may speculate whether the heavy damage last season and the unfamiliar Halosian construction of the behemoth has made it hard or even impossible for Lotus shipwrights to repair her. This absence may have spelled the doom for the rest of the squadron, which, upon reaching the approaches to Seawatch, found itself once more facing the flag of Corrish rear-admiral Fletcher in the HMS Legion, leading a battle fleet of frigates and heavy sloops. As the war junks rounded the cape between Oryant and Seawatch, they found themselves instantly outnumbered and outmaneuvered, frigates and sloops swarming them from windward. Rear admiral Fletcher in the van in HMS Legion led his battle line through the Lotus line, separating the Limpkin and Lizard war junks from Leatherneck and Langur. Apart from the Legion taking some fire on the approach, the Lotus ships were unable to meet these aggressive tactics, and with the Leatherneck damaged, the Lotus admiral quickly ordered the retreat, managing to avoid the pursuing HMS Alexandra and HMS Wentham II by hugging the shallow reefs of the shore, saving both his flagship and the accompanying Langur. Limpkin and Lizard, however, finding themselves separated and heavily outgunned, immediately struck their colors and took to their boats, pulling back round the cape to safety, leaving their ships in Corrie hands. Asked about the fight, Fletcher is said to have expressed regret that the Lotus did not offer a proper fight, worthy of her Majesty's Royal Navy. But this was not the end for the Lotii warships. In an attempt to salvage victory and morale, the Lotii admiral took a chance and engaged the infamous pirate Montroy near Anettaskrona. And once more, the Lotii warships proved ineffective against Halosian ships and strategy, as Montroy, without a moment's hesitation, took Cardinal's Shadow yardarm to yardarm with the Leatherneck, while the Langur was caught in stays, lying motionless and unable to do more than watch their comrades taken. Rumors in the taverns have it that the Lotii never loosed a shot, and that the damage caused to Cardinal's Shadow was solely due to its crashing its side against the massive war junk. It is said that the ferocity of the pirate boarders overwhelmed the Lotii crew instantly, and some claim Montroy decapacitated the Lotii admiral himself and now flies the severed head upon his bowsprit! What is quite clear, though, is that Montroy now has the powers of a large war junk added to his fleet of pillagers and pirates, and some wonder whether this is better or worse for Halosian shipping. And in a report from Brickford, we hear that the Langur, as it attempted to make its way back to Lotii settlements, was set upon by a small patrol led by the HMS Ymir. Ironically, the HMS Ymir had been temporarily in service with the Lotus before being recaptured by the redcoats, and was now leading a patrol of Lotii prizes. It is possible that the captain of the Langur took the Corrish patrol for friends, and approached in hope of salvation, but it was soon forced to put up a proper fight! Exhausted from two former battles, and demoralized from losing all consorts, the Langur nonetheless put up an excellent fight, slugging it out with a smaller war junk, the Limpet, which took heavy damage before the HMS Ymir, a brig with excellent maneuverability, placed itself to rake and sink the Lotii junk. Apart from the odd absence of the HMS Dominance, this appears to have spelled the destruction of the last known Lotii war fleet in the waters of El Oleonda, and while some reserves may still exist, one might well expect the Lotus to turn their attention to the fight ashore, where their forces are still unknown, but believed to be formidable. - page 2 - Pirate Round-Up Gentleman Privateer Strikes Again We received several reports that the Corish pirate known colloquially as The Gentleman Privateer was out and about these past months. From Port Raleigh the crews of two different Sea Rat traders report encounters. The crew of The Octopus II says they were damaged in an attack by the ships Audacious and Maverick, both associated with the gentlemanly pirate. Meanwhile, the crew of Sea Rat trader The Firefly came into port with battle damage, but claimed to have chased off the same two ships. And finally, various ships reported seeing an inconclusive battle between the Gentleman Privateer and the Rabid Ranger, a brig known to be sailed by the pirate Francois the Elder. Jan Van Sud Narrowly Escapes Mardier Hunting Fleet From Nola Mar we hear that the Mardier pirate-hunting fleet led by the man-o-war Mongo surprised the infamous pirate Jan Van Sud in the waters near Holder’s Rock and turned the tables on him quite nicely. While Mardierian officials report the loss of the converted Terraman Midnight Sun, they sailed into port with three ships in tow: Flying Colt, Archer, and Corland Supplier 2, all ships that the pirate had previously captured and put to use in his dastardly trade. While Mardierian spirits were high after the encounter, there was some regret that Van Sud himself escaped on his flagship, Mermaid’s Secret. LeColeon Strikes the Bluecoats From Breshaun we hear that the infamous pirate captain LeColeon captured the Oleon trader Belus. The captain of the trader Augeus made the report to Bluecoat officials after their long voyage from Terraversa. The attack reportedly happened shortly after the two traders set sail. Captain Gore Targets Redcoats Our man in Ulric sends word that Captain Gore attacked two Corish traders as they sailed around the horn. The captain of Satyr was telling the tale and lamenting the capture of their squadron mate Dolfijn. No word on the fate of the crew. Bloody Bill Avoids QV Gunboats Bloody Bill seems to have had a lot of run-ins with the Quinnsville gunboat patrols of late, but we have heard of no such encounters this month. Instead, from King’s Harbour we hear that he made a run in the waters near Port Raleigh at HMS Indefatigable and Lady Jacqueline to no avail before the Corish traders were attacked by the enormous Sea Rat Soberano De Los Mares fleet later in their voyage (see above). Missing In Action Several ships have not arrived at their planned port of call, and among them we fear the following may have fallen victim to foul play. In Balmin, Namerean officials are still awaiting word on the brig Nighthawk, expected from Bardo. Reports from Lavalette are that the Eslandian nao Eslandita has yet to arrive. From New Haven we hear that Corlander officials are concerned about the fate of Marlinspike. And Oleon officials in Fatu Hiva have heard no word on the fate of LBSF Demeter. We at the KPA sincerely hope that these ships and crews turn up soon. Weather Report A large storm system disrupted shipping in the New Haven Sea last month, making its way south from the vicinity of Chiquara south-southeast to El Oleonda. From Punto Sur we hear that Oleon’s HRS Royal Philip was forced to make port due to wind damage, cutting short its trip to Fort Arltrees. Our man in Spudkirk reports that the Carnite brig Caribou was forced into the Corish port to take shelter from the storm, and that the Eslandian galleon Gotheborg similarly made port shortly after it departed Seawatch. And from Mesabli Landing we hear from Carnite officials that the captured Lotii junk Lory, which Carno had pressed into service resupplying troops, was lost at sea. Significant storms in the Prio Seas impacting shipping around the islands of Stephanique and Isla de Victoria before heading off to the northeast. From Fuerte Unido we hear that Oleon’s La Blonde was separated from squadron mate Le Noix during the storm and was forced to cut short its voyage to Lavalette. From Corlander naval reports out of Quinnsville we have learned that the galleon Trinidad, one of the black-flagged Sea Rat ships causing so much trouble, appeared to have storm damage when it engaged the Corish gunboat patrol. And our man in Lavalette reports that the 50-gun AQAR, just recently recouped by MAESTRO from a rogue captain, was dashed on rocks off the coast of Stephanique. Scattered storms from the continent across the Sea of Storms eastward to Terraversa caused some minor disruptions. From Eltina we hear that Oleon vessel HRS Helios was forced to make port there when it took on water in the storm, and from Weelond we hear that the Eslandian sloop Lady of Madrice II had to cut its voyage short in the rough seas. Mercantile News Pirate attacks caused some big losses, and not just in the cost of replacing and repairing ships. Eslandola’s MCTC estimates they lost more than 1400 DBs worth of goods (not counting the value of the ships themselves) with the loss of Piece of Eight II and Prince Fernando II, and Oleonder officials estimate more than 500 DBs worth of cargo were lost with the Belus. RNTC officials report that, although the Le Gros fleet earned more than 400 DBs, it is offset by the loss of Le Petit Bleu to the Sea Rats. Meanwhile, reports from Prinport are that black market activity has surged there, and we her similar reports from various known pirate havens across the Brick Seas. Mardierian officials report that their main trade fleet brought in more than 500 DBs worth of goods in its return to Londa. And our own national trade fleet was able to avoid the pirate scourge and turn a decent profit calling on Nola Mar. From Trador we hear that the Prio national fleet also did well calling on that Eslandian city, making more than 600 DBs profit. And from Spudkirk we hear that Carno officials unloaded various exotic goods from their fleet of captured Lotii ships. From Corlander officials we hear that the ETTC Sussex fleet turned a tidy profit in Port Raleigh, and that the ETTC Cherub fleet did ok in Mesabi Landing, except for the loss of Tuna King and her cargo, which was valued at 130 DBs. Additionally, the crews of Albatros and Turaco II were seen celebrating strong profits with stronger drinks in King’s Harbour. And Octan Tanker successfully delivered needed whale oil to Mooreton Bay. Reports from Oleon’s RNTC are that the Le Gaillard fleet made more than 500 DBs in Nova Terreli, and from Granoleon we hear that HRS Phoebe made nearly 200 DBs on her run, although it would have been more if HRS Helios hadn’t turned back. Despite tough losses to the Sea Rats, Eslandola still had some trading successes this month. Our man in Weelond reports that the crews of cutters Finch and Lark were celebrating in their return, while from Nova Terreli we hear that La Contessa and Far Horizon combined for nearly 600 DBs in profit. MCTC officials also report that the venerable sloop Cotton Lady II did well in their call in Granoleon. Not to ignore the Sea Rats that obey the laws of the sea, we hear from Charlatan Bay that Vengeful Arrow and Triton’s Pitty made nearly 700 DBs on their most recent voyage. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ships Lost to Davy Jones’ Locker AQAR (Maxim I) Cutlass (Bloody Bill) FV No.4 (LM71Blackbird) HMS Barracuda II (LM71Blackbird) Lory (Carno) Lucky Strike (Capt Wolf) Midnight Sun (Mardier) Prince Fernando II (MCTC) Stormbringer II (Sea Rats) Swift (Weelond) Trinidad (NOD) Ships Captured MOC’d Belus (taken from merc by LeColeon) Corland Supplier 2 (taken from Jan Van Sud by Mardier) Dolfijn (taken from Bregir by Captain Gore) Dozy Dragon (taken from Bregir by Bloody Bill) El Genio (taken from Capt Wolf by Kwatchi) Eslandita (taken from MCTC by NOD) Flying Colt (taken from Jan Van Sud by Mardier) FV No.1 (taken from LM71Blackbird by Garmadon) LBSF Demeter (taken from LBSF by Garmadon) Le Petit Bleu (taken from Oleon by Kwatchi) Marlinspike (taken from Bregir by NOD) Piece of Eight II (taken from MCTC by Kwatchi) QV Gunboat No.1 (taken from Quinnsville by Garmadon) The Gallant (taken from Bardo by Kwatchi) Thunderer (taken from Eslandola by Kwatchi) Tuna King (taken from ETTC by Garmadon)Un-MOC’d Archer (taken from Jan Van Sud by Mardier) Leatherneck (taken from Lotus by Montroy) Limpkin (taken from Lotus by Corrington) Lizard (taken from Lotus by Corrington) Nighthawk (taken from Namere by LeColeon) Known Black-Flagged Ships Still at Large(all of their crews scoundrels and wanted for piracy) Audacious Blackjack Black Sam Bonefish Buccaneer’s Dread Dreamchaser El Lobo Esperanza Estrella FTA Apollo’s Mirth Habana Hand of Fate II Joker’s Folly Jolly Rogers Kate’s Gambit Komodo Dragon II Lachesis La Gomera Marlin Marvel II Maverick Nightingale Nightwing II Paraiso Peregrine II Puck’s Jest II Purple Rain Sailfish Soberano De Los Mares Swordfish Tarpon The Andromeda The Drunken Monkey Villain’s Boat Viper Note that Black Flag Sea Rat ship locations are hidden when docked in Sea Rat ports and Garveyian ports, and all black flag ships are hidden when docked at Barracuda Bay or Dragon Lair or other pirate hideouts. Result tables to follow shortly.
February 20, 20232 yr Author Results sorted by faction Part 1 (Altonia through Eslandola): Spoiler Ship Flagship Owner Nationality Fate of Vessel Destination DBs Notes Aurora Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 50 Antelope Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 50 Alpaca Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 50 Anaconda Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 50 Caracal Caracal Carno Carno Seawatch 0 Coyote Caracal Carno Carno Seawatch 0 Comorant Caracal Carno Carno Seawatch 10 Caribou Caracal Carno Carno Diverted Spudkirk 0 Diverted by storm to Spudkirk Greedy Guppy Caracal Carno Carno Seawatch 10 Lemur Lemur Carno Carno Mesabi Landing 0 Llama Lemur Carno Carno Mesabi Landing 220 Lory Lemur Carno Carno Sunk XXX 0 Sunk in storm Liger Lemur Carno Carno Mesabi Landing 0 Longspur Lemur Carno Carno Mesabi Landing 0 Audacious Audacious Bregir Corrington No Harm ??? 0 Attacked SR traders and pirate Francois the Elder Maverick Audacious Bregir Corrington No Harm ??? 0 Attacked SR traders and pirate Francois the Elder Bonnie Bonnie Spud The VIking Corrington Jameston 20 Dozy Dragon Dozy Dragon Bregir Corrington Captured ??? 0 Captured by pirate Bloody Bill ETTC Muharib ETTC Muharib ETTC Corrington Escape Mesabi Landing 60 Escaped from Captain Nordau Tuna King ETTC Muharib ETTC Corrington Captured ??? 0 Captured by Captain Nordau in Buccaneer's Dread ETTC Cherub ETTC Muharib ETTC Corrington Damaged Mesabi Landing 220 Damaged by Buccaneer's Dread ETTC Sussex ETTC Sussex ETTC Corrington Port Raleigh 130 ETTC Royal George ETTC Sussex ETTC Corrington Port Raleigh 140 ETTC Pallace ETTC Sussex ETTC Corrington Port Raleigh 50 ETTC Endymion ETTC Sussex ETTC Corrington Port Raleigh 50 ETTC Covenanter ETTC Sussex ETTC Corrington Port Raleigh 140 Filly Winds Filly Winds SilentWolf Corrington Elizabethville 130 HMS Alice HMS Alice Puvel Corrington Kieg 100 HMS Growler HMS Growler Quinnsville Corrington Quinnsville 0 QV Gunboat No.2 HMS Growler Quinnsville Corrington Quinnsville 0 HMS Indefatigable HMS Indefatigable Corrington Corrington Damaged King’s Harbour 0 Escaped from both Bloody Bill and Soberano De Los Mares fleets Lady Jacqueline HMS Indefatigable Ayrlego Corrington Escape King's Harbour 90 Escaped from both Bloody Bill and Soberano De Los Mares fleets HMS Legion HMS Legion Corrington Corrington Damaged Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet, captured Limpkin and Lizard HMS Alexandra HMS Legion Corrington Corrington No Harm Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet HMS Unicorn HMS Legion Corrington Corrington No Harm Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet HMS Publius II HMS Legion Corrington Corrington No Harm Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet HMS Perseus II HMS Legion Corrington Corrington No Harm Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet HMS Paladin HMS Legion Corrington Corrington No Harm Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet HMS Pegasus II HMS Legion Corrington Corrington No Harm Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet HMS Peregrine HMS Legion Corrington Corrington No Harm Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet HMS Wentham II HMS Legion Corrington Corrington No Harm Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet HMS Queen HMS Queen LM71Blackbird Corrington King’s Harbour 0 Albatross HMS Queen LM71Blackbird Corrington King’s Harbour 250 Turaco II HMS Queen LM71Blackbird Corrington King’s Harbour 350 HMS Ymir HMS Ymir Corrington Corrington No Harm Brickford Landing 0 Sank LOT junk Langur Lobster HMS Ymir Corrington Corrington No Harm Brickford Landing 0 Attacked LOT junk Langur Limpet HMS Ymir Mesabi Corrington Damaged Brickford Landing 0 Attacked LOT junk Langur Marlinspike Marlinspike Bregir Corrington Captured ??? 0 Captured by Soberano De Los Mares fleet Lusty Princess Minerva Mardier Corrington Londa 0 Octan Tanker 1 Octan Tanker 1 Brickwolf Corrington Mooreton Bay 140 Pinto Filly Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington Elizabethville 30 The Ant Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington Elizabethville 20 Mint Parrot Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington Elizabethville 20 QV Gunboat No.1 QV Gunboat No.1 Quinnsville Corrington Captured ??? 0 Captured by Captain Nordau in Buccaneer's Dread FV No.1 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington Captured ??? 0 Captured by Captain Nordau in Buccaneer's Dread FV No.4 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington Sunk XXX 0 Sunk by Captain Nordau in Buccaneer's Dread HMS Barracuda II QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington Sunk XXX 0 Sunk by Soberano De Los Mares fleet Swift II QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington Damaged Quinnsville 100 Damaged in battles with Buccaneer's Dread and Soberano De Los Mares Sapphire Seas Sapphire Seas Bregir Corrington Port Woodhouse 0 Satyr Satyr Bregir Corrington Damaged Ulric 0 Attacked by pirate Captain Gore Dolfijn Satyr Bregir Corrington Captured ??? 0 Captured by pirate Captain Gore WTC Bully Boy II WTC Bully Boy II Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 50 WTC Bully Boy III WTC Bully Boy II Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 WTC Agnes B1 WTC Bully Boy II Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 50 WTC Agnes B5 WTC Bully Boy II Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 50 WTC Agnes Y3 WTC Bully Boy II Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 50 HMS Indomitable WTC Icarus Returning LM71Blackbird Corrington Jameston 100 HMS Thunderclap WTC Icarus Returning LM71Blackbird Corrington Jameston 0 Northern Ganet WTC Icarus Returning LM71Blackbird Corrington Jameston 120 Puffin II WTC Icarus Returning LM71Blackbird Corrington Jameston 100 Razorbill WTC Icarus Returning LM71Blackbird Corrington Jameston 60 WTC Icarus Returning WTC Icarus Returning Mesabi Corrington Jameston 50 WTC Red Sun WTC Icarus Returning Mesabi Corrington Jameston 50 WTC Teamwork WTC Icarus Returning Mesabi Corrington Jameston 60 WTC Stoned Serpent WTC Stoned Serpent Drunknok Corrington Jameston 10 WTC Aurora WTC Stoned Serpent Mesabi Corrington Jameston 30 WTC Checkered Past WTC Stoned Serpent Mesabi Corrington Jameston 30 Blackjack Blackjack Capt Wolf Eslandola Freeport 0 El Lobo Blackjack Capt Wolf Eslandola Freeport 0 Kate's Gambit Blackjack Capt Wolf Eslandola Freeport 90 Lucky Strike Blackjack Capt Wolf Eslandola Sunk XXX 0 Sunk in storm Nightwing II Blackjack Capt Wolf Eslandola Freeport 0 Buccaneer's Dread Buccaneer's Dread Garmadon Eslandola No Harm ??? 150 Raided Mooreton Bay, attacked COR and OL fleets, captured Tuna King, QV Gunboat No.1, FV No.1, and LBSF Demeter El Dorado El Dorado Eslandola Eslandola King’s Harbour 0 Eslandita Eslandita MCTC Eslandola Captured ??? 0 Captured by Soberano De Los Mares fleet Espada de Luna Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola Escape Kings Port 0 Fought off Hand of Fate II in running battle The Gallant Espada de Luna Bardo Eslandola Captured ??? 0 Captured by Hand of Fate II fleet Swift Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola Sunk XXX 0 Sunk by Hand of Fate II fleet La Descoberta Espada de Luna Elostirion Eslandola Escape Kings Port 80 Escaped from Hand of Fate II fleet Holder's Secret Espada de Luna MCTC Eslandola Escape Kings Port 10 Escaped from Hand of Fate II fleet Lady of Madrice II Espada de Luna Capt Wolf Eslandola Diverted Weelond 0 Rough seas forced crew to make port at Weelond Finch Finch Capt Wolf Eslandola Weelond 220 Lark Finch Capt Wolf Eslandola Weelond 220 Fishing Boat Fishing Boat Weelond Eslandola Weelond 170 La Comete III La Comete III Eslandola Eslandola Lavalette 10 La Raya Venenosa III La Comete III Eslandola Eslandola Lavalette 0 Oscuridad IV La Comete III Eslandola Eslandola Lavalette 0 La Sirena La Comete III Capt Wolf Eslandola Lavalette 10 Mysterious Lady La Comete III Capt Wolf Eslandola Lavalette 70 Lady's Revenge II La Comete III Capt Wolf Eslandola Lavalette 50 Puppy Hustler La Comete III Maxim I Eslandola Lavalette 60 Deuxieme Comete La Comete III Maxim I Eslandola Lavalette 10 AQAR La Comete III Maxim I Eslandola Sunk XXX 0 Sunk in storm Alexander La Comete III Maxim I Eslandola Lavalette 50 Midas Touch II Midas Touch II Nova Terreli Eslandola Nova Terreli 0 La Contessa de Victoria Midas Touch II Capt Wolf Eslandola Nova Terreli 240 Far Horizon Midas Touch II Capt Wolf Eslandola Nova Terreli 340 Myth Chaser Myth Chaser MCTC Eslandola Granoleon 160 Red Dragon Myth Chaser MCTC Eslandola Granoleon 0 Long Beard IV Myth Chaser Puerto Desafio Eslandola Granoleon 0 Asesino II Myth Chaser Nova Terreli Eslandola Granoleon 0 Clearance Myth Chaser Salida Este Eslandola Granoleon 30 Cotton Lady II Myth Chaser MCTC Eslandola Granoleon 280 Esmerelda Myth Chaser Capt Wolf Eslandola Granoleon 50 Dark Spirit Myth Chaser Kai NRG Eslandola Granoleon 30 Pearl Diving Canoe Pearl Diving Canoe Elysabethtown Eslandola Port Raleigh 10 Sleeping Siren II Sleeping Siren II Weelond Eslandola Jameston 0 Blood Diamond Sleeping Siren II Weelond Eslandola Jameston 0 Colonial Storm Sleeping Siren II Capt Wolf Eslandola Jameston 10 Island Rose Sleeping Siren II gedren_y Eslandola Jameston 40 Hidalga Sleeping Siren II Capt Wolf Eslandola Jameston 70 Gotheborg Sleeping Siren II Maxim I Eslandola Diverted Spudkirk 0 Diverted by storm to Spudkirk La Mystique Sleeping Siren II Maxim I Eslandola Jameston 0 Princesse Feline Sleeping Siren II Maxim I Eslandola Jameston 50 Thunderer Thunderer Eslandola Eslandola Captured ??? 0 Captured by Hand of Fate II fleet Golden Grasshopper Thunderer Eslandola Eslandola Damaged Breshaun 0 Damaged by, escaped from Hand of Fate II fleet El Genio Thunderer Capt Wolf Eslandola Captured ??? 0 Captured by Hand of Fate II fleet Prince Fernando II Thunderer MCTC Eslandola Sunk XXX 790 Sunk by Hand of Fate II fleet Piece of Eight II Thunderer MCTC Eslandola Captured ??? 0 Captured by Hand of Fate II fleet Verde Oro Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola King’s Harbour 150 Argenta Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola King’s Harbour 150 Valiant Phoenix Verde Oro gedren_y Eslandola King’s Harbour 0 Part 2 (Garvey through Terraversa): Spoiler Ship Flagship Owner Nationality Fate of Vessel Destination DBs Notes Gilded Lilly Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey Bardo 100 Goldfish Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey Bardo 80 Gardenia Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey Bardo 60 Golden Shekel Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey Bardo 60 Grasshopper Grasshopper Garvey Garvey Salida Este 90 Garter Grasshopper Garvey Garvey Salida Este 90 Gazelle Grasshopper Garvey Garvey Salida Este 70 Gecko Grasshopper Garvey Garvey Salida Este 70 Leatherneck Leatherneck Lotus Lotus Captured ??? 0 Captured by pirate Montroy Langur Leatherneck Lotus Lotus Escape Oryant 0 Escaped from COR HMS Legion fleet Limpkin Leatherneck Lotus Lotus Captured Spudkirk 0 Captured by COR HMS Legion fleet Lizard Leatherneck Lotus Lotus Captured Spudkirk 0 Captured by COR HMS Legion fleet Leech Leech Lotus Lotus Luyang 0 Lorikeet Leech Lotus Lotus Luyang 180 Leaf Leech Lotus Lotus Luyang 180 Lion Lion Lotus Lotus Oryant 0 HMS Dominance Lion Lotus Lotus Oryant 0 Minerva Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 0 Meteor Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 0 Marauder Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 115 Maria Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 300 Magpie Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 100 Mongo Mongo Mardier Mardier No Harm Nola Mar 0 Captured JVS ships Flying Colt, Archer, and Corland Supplier 2 Midnight Sun Mongo Mardier Mardier Sunk XXX 0 Sunk by Jan Van Sud's Mermaid's Secret Midnight Ruby Mongo Mardier Mardier No Harm Nola Mar 10 Attacked pirate Jan Van Sud Wyvern Mongo Mardier Mardier No Harm Nola Mar 10 Attacked pirate Jan Van Sud Nexus Nexus Namere Namere Balmin 70 Nuthatch Nexus Namere Namere Balmin 60 Nymph Nexus Namere Namere Balmin 50 Nighthawk Nighthawk Namere Namere Captured ??? 0 Captured by pirate LeColeon Nova Nova Namere Namere Balmin 0 Numbat Nova Namere Namere Balmin 0 Cardinal's Shadow Cardinal's Shadow Montroy NPC Damaged ??? 20 Attacked LOT fleet, captured Leatherneck Lucky Corsair Cardinal's Shadow Montroy NPC No Harm ??? 0 Attacked LOT Leatherneck fleet Night Pillager Cardinal's Shadow Montroy NPC No Harm ??? 0 Attacked LOT Leatherneck fleet Crimson Revenge Crimson Revenge Bloody Bill NPC No Harm ??? 70 Captured Dozy Dragon Little Scavenger Crimson Revenge Bloody Bill NPC No Harm ??? 60 Attacked Dozy Dragon Cutlass Crimson Revenge Bloody Bill NPC Sunk XXX 0 Sunk by Dozy Dragon Hades' Doubloon Hades' Doubloon Captain Gore NPC No Harm ??? 210 Attacked COR Satyr fleet, captured Dolfijn HMS Carnage Hades' Doubloon Captain Gore NPC No Harm ??? 0 Attacked COR Satyr fleet Rhodos Hades' Doubloon Captain Gore NPC Damaged ??? 630 Damaged by Satyr Mermaid's Secret Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC Escape ??? 0 Escaped from MAR Mongo fleet Flying Colt Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC Captured Nola Mar 0 Captured by MAR Mongo fleet Aardvark Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC Damaged ??? 90 Damaged by MAR Mongo fleet Abalone Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC Escape ??? 90 Escaped from MAR Mongo fleet Archer Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC Captured Nola Mar 0 Captured by MAR Mongo fleet Corland Supplier 2 Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC Captured Nola Mar 0 Captured by MAR Mongo fleet Rabid Ranger Rabid Ranger Francois the Elder NPC Damaged ??? 230 Damaged in battle with Gentleman Privateer! Reaver's Revenge Reaver's Revenge LeColeon NPC No Harm ??? 0 Attacked NAM and OL ships, captured Nighthawk and Belus Angelfish Reaver's Revenge LeColeon NPC No Harm ??? 360 Attacked NAM and OL ships Augeas Augeas merc Oleon Escape Breshaun 0 Escaped from pirate LeColeon Belus Augeas merc Oleon Captured ??? 0 Captured by pirate LeColeon Destrier Destrier Jeff of Clubs Oleon Nouveau Oleandia 0 HRS Phoebe HRS Phoebe CapOnBOBS Oleon Granoleon 180 HRS Helios HRS Phoebe CapOnBOBS Oleon Diverted Eltina 0 Took on water in storm, forced to make port at Eltina HRS Royal Philip HRS Royal Philip Breshaun Oleon Diverted Punto Sur 0 Suffered damage from high winds in storm, forced to make port at Punto Sur HRS Tonnant HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Fort Arltrees 0 HRS Ardent HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Fort Arltrees 0 HRS Terrible HRS Royal Philip Lavalette Oleon Fort Arltrees 0 HRS Tigre HRS Tigre Nola Mar Oleon Weelond 0 Fleur Verte HRS Tigre Oleon Oleon Weelond 330 Wolf II HRS Tigre Oleon Oleon Weelond 60 La Recouvrance La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon Kings Port 200 Santa Clara La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon Kings Port 160 Malto Express La Recouvrance RNTC Oleon Kings Port 130 Comtesse de Praenia La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon Kings Port 200 États de Boussac La Recouvrance Astrapi Oleon Kings Port 180 Lady of the Bog Lady of the Bog Jeff of Clubs Oleon Nouveau Oleandia 160 LBSF Demeter LBSF Demeter LBSF Oleon Captured ??? 0 Captured by Captain Nordau in Buccaneer's Dread Le Gaillard Le Gaillard RNTC Oleon Nova Terreli 150 The Lightning Le Gaillard Dukesc Oleon Nova Terreli 170 Étoile du Sud Le Gaillard Captain Genaro Oleon Nova Terreli 120 The Argo Le Gaillard Phred Oleon Nova Terreli 90 Le Gros Le Gros RNTC Oleon Escape Eltina 120 Escaped from Hand of Fate II fleet The Aspiration Le Gros Phred Oleon Escape Eltina 160 Escaped from Hand of Fate II fleet Le Petit Bleu Le Gros Oleon Oleon Captured ??? 0 Captured by Hand of Fate II fleet Slippery Banana Le Gros RNTC Oleon Escape Eltina 140 Escaped from Hand of Fate II fleet Le Noix Le Noix Bodi Oleon No Harm Lavalette 50 Fought off attack by Captain Nordau in Buccaneer's Dread La Blonde Le Noix Bodi Oleon Diverted Fuerte Unido 0 Separated from Le Noix in storm, made port at Fuerte Unido Prio's Fortune Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Trador 260 Peacock Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Trador 260 Phanish Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Trador 50 Patriot III Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Trador 50 Pronghorn II Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Trador 50 Hand of Fate II Hand of Fate II Kwatchi Sea Rats No Harm ??? 30 Attacked OL and ESL fleets, captured Le Petit Bleu, Thunderer, El Genio, Piece of Eight II, and The Gallant Dreamchaser Hand of Fate II Kwatchi Sea Rats No Harm ??? 30 Attacked OL and ESL fleets Stormbringer II Hand of Fate II Sea Rats Sea Rats Sunk XXX 0 Sunk by OL Le Gros fleet FTA Apollo's Mirth Hand of Fate II Gulagurag Sea Rats No Harm ??? 30 Attacked OL and ESL fleets Marvel II Hand of Fate II Kwatchi Sea Rats No Harm ??? 30 Attacked OL and ESL fleets Puck's Jest II Hand of Fate II Gulagurag Sea Rats No Harm ??? 30 Attacked OL and ESL fleets Margaret Margaret Fraunces Sea Rats Port Raleigh 30 The Hitch Margaret Fraunces Sea Rats Port Raleigh 0 Odin's Scorn Odin's Scorn Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 0 Vengeful Arrow Odin's Scorn roadmonkeytj Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 340 Triton's Pithy Odin's Scorn roadmonkeytj Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 340 Soberano De Los Mares Soberano De Los Mares NOD Sea Rats No Harm ??? 40 Attacked ESL and COR ships, captured Eslandita and Marlinspike La Gomera Soberano De Los Mares NOD Sea Rats No Harm ??? 0 Attacked ESL and COR ships Habana Soberano De Los Mares NOD Sea Rats No Harm ??? 0 Attacked ESL and COR ships Paraiso Soberano De Los Mares NOD Sea Rats Damaged ??? 0 Attacked ESL and COR ships, damaged by Swift II Esperanza Soberano De Los Mares NOD Sea Rats Damaged ??? 0 Attacked ESL and COR ships, damaged by HMS Barracuda II Estrella Soberano De Los Mares NOD Sea Rats No Harm ??? 0 Attacked ESL and COR ships Trinidad Soberano De Los Mares NOD Sea Rats Sunk XXX 0 Attacked ESL and COR ships, sunk by HMS Indefatigable Peregrine II Soberano De Los Mares NOD Sea Rats No Harm ??? 70 Attacked ESL and COR ships The Firefly The Firefly Fraunces Sea Rats Damaged Port Raleigh 0 Attacked by Gentleman Privateer in Audacious The Octopus II The Octopus II Fraunces Sea Rats Damaged Port Raleigh 60 Attacked by Gentleman Privateer in Audacious Typhoon Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa Nola Mar 0 Tyche II Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa Nola Mar 140 Trident Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa Nola Mar 120
February 20, 20232 yr Author Results sorted by destination Part 1 (Balmin through Nouveau Oleandia): Spoiler Ship Flagship Owner Nationality Fate of Vessel Destination DBs Notes Nexus Nexus Namere Namere Balmin 70 Nuthatch Nexus Namere Namere Balmin 60 Nymph Nexus Namere Namere Balmin 50 Nova Nova Namere Namere Balmin 0 Numbat Nova Namere Namere Balmin 0 Gilded Lilly Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey Bardo 100 Goldfish Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey Bardo 80 Gardenia Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey Bardo 60 Golden Shekel Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey Bardo 60 Augeas Augeas merc Oleon Escape Breshaun 0 Escaped from pirate LeColeon Golden Grasshopper Thunderer Eslandola Eslandola Damaged Breshaun 0 Damaged by, escaped from Hand of Fate II fleet HMS Ymir HMS Ymir Corrington Corrington No Harm Brickford Landing 0 Sank LOT junk Langur Lobster HMS Ymir Corrington Corrington No Harm Brickford Landing 0 Attacked LOT junk Langur Limpet HMS Ymir Mesabi Corrington Damaged Brickford Landing 0 Attacked LOT junk Langur Odin's Scorn Odin's Scorn Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 0 Vengeful Arrow Odin's Scorn roadmonkeytj Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 340 Triton's Pithy Odin's Scorn roadmonkeytj Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 340 Filly Winds Filly Winds SilentWolf Corrington Elizabethville 130 Pinto Filly Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington Elizabethville 30 The Ant Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington Elizabethville 20 Mint Parrot Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington Elizabethville 20 HRS Helios HRS Phoebe CapOnBOBS Oleon Diverted Eltina 0 Took on water in storm, forced to make port at Eltina Le Gros Le Gros RNTC Oleon Escape Eltina 120 Escaped from Hand of Fate II fleet The Aspiration Le Gros Phred Oleon Escape Eltina 160 Escaped from Hand of Fate II fleet Slippery Banana Le Gros RNTC Oleon Escape Eltina 140 Escaped from Hand of Fate II fleet HRS Tonnant HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Fort Arltrees 0 HRS Ardent HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Fort Arltrees 0 HRS Terrible HRS Royal Philip Lavalette Oleon Fort Arltrees 0 Blackjack Blackjack Capt Wolf Eslandola Freeport 0 El Lobo Blackjack Capt Wolf Eslandola Freeport 0 Kate's Gambit Blackjack Capt Wolf Eslandola Freeport 90 Nightwing II Blackjack Capt Wolf Eslandola Freeport 0 La Blonde Le Noix Bodi Oleon Diverted Fuerte Unido 0 Separated from Le Noix in storm, made port at Fuerte Unido HRS Phoebe HRS Phoebe CapOnBOBS Oleon Granoleon 180 Myth Chaser Myth Chaser MCTC Eslandola Granoleon 160 Red Dragon Myth Chaser MCTC Eslandola Granoleon 0 Long Beard IV Myth Chaser Puerto Desafio Eslandola Granoleon 0 Asesino II Myth Chaser Nova Terreli Eslandola Granoleon 0 Clearance Myth Chaser Salida Este Eslandola Granoleon 30 Cotton Lady II Myth Chaser MCTC Eslandola Granoleon 280 Esmerelda Myth Chaser Capt Wolf Eslandola Granoleon 50 Dark Spirit Myth Chaser Kai NRG Eslandola Granoleon 30 Bonnie Bonnie Spud The VIking Corrington Jameston 20 Sleeping Siren II Sleeping Siren II Weelond Eslandola Jameston 0 Blood Diamond Sleeping Siren II Weelond Eslandola Jameston 0 Colonial Storm Sleeping Siren II Capt Wolf Eslandola Jameston 10 Island Rose Sleeping Siren II gedren_y Eslandola Jameston 40 Hidalga Sleeping Siren II Capt Wolf Eslandola Jameston 70 La Mystique Sleeping Siren II Maxim I Eslandola Jameston 0 Princesse Feline Sleeping Siren II Maxim I Eslandola Jameston 50 HMS Indomitable WTC Icarus Returning LM71Blackbird Corrington Jameston 100 HMS Thunderclap WTC Icarus Returning LM71Blackbird Corrington Jameston 0 Northern Ganet WTC Icarus Returning LM71Blackbird Corrington Jameston 120 Puffin II WTC Icarus Returning LM71Blackbird Corrington Jameston 100 Razorbill WTC Icarus Returning LM71Blackbird Corrington Jameston 60 WTC Icarus Returning WTC Icarus Returning Mesabi Corrington Jameston 50 WTC Red Sun WTC Icarus Returning Mesabi Corrington Jameston 50 WTC Teamwork WTC Icarus Returning Mesabi Corrington Jameston 60 WTC Stoned Serpent WTC Stoned Serpent Drunknok Corrington Jameston 10 WTC Aurora WTC Stoned Serpent Mesabi Corrington Jameston 30 WTC Checkered Past WTC Stoned Serpent Mesabi Corrington Jameston 30 HMS Alice HMS Alice Puvel Corrington Kieg 100 El Dorado El Dorado Eslandola Eslandola King’s Harbour 0 HMS Indefatigable HMS Indefatigable Corrington Corrington Damaged King’s Harbour 0 Escaped from both Bloody Bill and Soberano De Los Mares fleets HMS Queen HMS Queen LM71Blackbird Corrington King’s Harbour 0 Albatross HMS Queen LM71Blackbird Corrington King’s Harbour 250 Turaco II HMS Queen LM71Blackbird Corrington King’s Harbour 350 Verde Oro Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola King’s Harbour 150 Argenta Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola King’s Harbour 150 Valiant Phoenix Verde Oro gedren_y Eslandola King’s Harbour 0 Lady Jacqueline HMS Indefatigable Ayrlego Corrington Escape King's Harbour 90 Escaped from both Bloody Bill and Soberano De Los Mares fleets Espada de Luna Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola Escape Kings Port 0 Fought off Hand of Fate II in running battle La Descoberta Espada de Luna Elostirion Eslandola Escape Kings Port 80 Escaped from Hand of Fate II fleet Holder's Secret Espada de Luna MCTC Eslandola Escape Kings Port 10 Escaped from Hand of Fate II fleet La Recouvrance La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon Kings Port 200 Santa Clara La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon Kings Port 160 Malto Express La Recouvrance RNTC Oleon Kings Port 130 Comtesse de Praenia La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon Kings Port 200 États de Boussac La Recouvrance Astrapi Oleon Kings Port 180 La Comete III La Comete III Eslandola Eslandola Lavalette 10 La Raya Venenosa III La Comete III Eslandola Eslandola Lavalette 0 Oscuridad IV La Comete III Eslandola Eslandola Lavalette 0 La Sirena La Comete III Capt Wolf Eslandola Lavalette 10 Mysterious Lady La Comete III Capt Wolf Eslandola Lavalette 70 Lady's Revenge II La Comete III Capt Wolf Eslandola Lavalette 50 Puppy Hustler La Comete III Maxim I Eslandola Lavalette 60 Deuxieme Comete La Comete III Maxim I Eslandola Lavalette 10 Alexander La Comete III Maxim I Eslandola Lavalette 50 Le Noix Le Noix Bodi Oleon No Harm Lavalette 50 Fought off attack by Captain Nordau in Buccaneer's Dread Lusty Princess Minerva Mardier Corrington Londa 0 Minerva Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 0 Meteor Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 0 Marauder Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 115 Maria Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 300 Magpie Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 100 Leech Leech Lotus Lotus Luyang 0 Lorikeet Leech Lotus Lotus Luyang 180 Leaf Leech Lotus Lotus Luyang 180 ETTC Muharib ETTC Muharib ETTC Corrington Escape Mesabi Landing 60 Escaped from Captain Nordau ETTC Cherub ETTC Muharib ETTC Corrington Damaged Mesabi Landing 220 Damaged by Buccaneer's Dread Lemur Lemur Carno Carno Mesabi Landing 0 Llama Lemur Carno Carno Mesabi Landing 220 Liger Lemur Carno Carno Mesabi Landing 0 Longspur Lemur Carno Carno Mesabi Landing 0 WTC Bully Boy II WTC Bully Boy II Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 50 WTC Bully Boy III WTC Bully Boy II Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 WTC Agnes B1 WTC Bully Boy II Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 50 WTC Agnes B5 WTC Bully Boy II Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 50 WTC Agnes Y3 WTC Bully Boy II Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 50 Octan Tanker 1 Octan Tanker 1 Brickwolf Corrington Mooreton Bay 140 Flying Colt Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC Captured Nola Mar 0 Captured by MAR Mongo fleet Archer Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC Captured Nola Mar 0 Captured by MAR Mongo fleet Corland Supplier 2 Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC Captured Nola Mar 0 Captured by MAR Mongo fleet Mongo Mongo Mardier Mardier No Harm Nola Mar 0 Captured JVS ships Flying Colt, Archer, and Corland Supplier 2 Midnight Ruby Mongo Mardier Mardier No Harm Nola Mar 10 Attacked pirate Jan Van Sud Wyvern Mongo Mardier Mardier No Harm Nola Mar 10 Attacked pirate Jan Van Sud Typhoon Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa Nola Mar 0 Tyche II Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa Nola Mar 140 Trident Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa Nola Mar 120 Destrier Destrier Jeff of Clubs Oleon Nouveau Oleandia 0 Lady of the Bog Lady of the Bog Jeff of Clubs Oleon Nouveau Oleandia 160 Part 2 (Nova Terreli through Weelond, unknown/hidden, and sunk): Spoiler Ship Flagship Owner Nationality Fate of Vessel Destination DBs Notes Le Gaillard Le Gaillard RNTC Oleon Nova Terreli 150 The Lightning Le Gaillard Dukesc Oleon Nova Terreli 170 Étoile du Sud Le Gaillard Captain Genaro Oleon Nova Terreli 120 The Argo Le Gaillard Phred Oleon Nova Terreli 90 Midas Touch II Midas Touch II Nova Terreli Eslandola Nova Terreli 0 La Contessa de Victoria Midas Touch II Capt Wolf Eslandola Nova Terreli 240 Far Horizon Midas Touch II Capt Wolf Eslandola Nova Terreli 340 Langur Leatherneck Lotus Lotus Escape Oryant 0 Escaped from COR HMS Legion fleet Lion Lion Lotus Lotus Oryant 0 HMS Dominance Lion Lotus Lotus Oryant 0 ETTC Sussex ETTC Sussex ETTC Corrington Port Raleigh 130 ETTC Royal George ETTC Sussex ETTC Corrington Port Raleigh 140 ETTC Pallace ETTC Sussex ETTC Corrington Port Raleigh 50 ETTC Endymion ETTC Sussex ETTC Corrington Port Raleigh 50 ETTC Covenanter ETTC Sussex ETTC Corrington Port Raleigh 140 Margaret Margaret Fraunces Sea Rats Port Raleigh 30 The Hitch Margaret Fraunces Sea Rats Port Raleigh 0 Pearl Diving Canoe Pearl Diving Canoe Elysabethtown Eslandola Port Raleigh 10 The Firefly The Firefly Fraunces Sea Rats Damaged Port Raleigh 0 Attacked by Gentleman Privateer in Audacious The Octopus II The Octopus II Fraunces Sea Rats Damaged Port Raleigh 60 Attacked by Gentleman Privateer in Audacious Sapphire Seas Sapphire Seas Bregir Corrington Port Woodhouse 0 HRS Royal Philip HRS Royal Philip Breshaun Oleon Diverted Punto Sur 0 Suffered damage from high winds in storm, forced to make port at Punto Sur HMS Growler HMS Growler Quinnsville Corrington Quinnsville 0 QV Gunboat No.2 HMS Growler Quinnsville Corrington Quinnsville 0 Swift II QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington Damaged Quinnsville 100 Damaged in battles with Buccaneer's Dread and Soberano De Los Mares Grasshopper Grasshopper Garvey Garvey Salida Este 90 Garter Grasshopper Garvey Garvey Salida Este 90 Gazelle Grasshopper Garvey Garvey Salida Este 70 Gecko Grasshopper Garvey Garvey Salida Este 70 Caracal Caracal Carno Carno Seawatch 0 Coyote Caracal Carno Carno Seawatch 0 Comorant Caracal Carno Carno Seawatch 10 Greedy Guppy Caracal Carno Carno Seawatch 10 Caribou Caracal Carno Carno Diverted Spudkirk 0 Diverted by storm to Spudkirk HMS Legion HMS Legion Corrington Corrington Damaged Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet, captured Limpkin and Lizard HMS Alexandra HMS Legion Corrington Corrington No Harm Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet HMS Unicorn HMS Legion Corrington Corrington No Harm Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet HMS Publius II HMS Legion Corrington Corrington No Harm Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet HMS Perseus II HMS Legion Corrington Corrington No Harm Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet HMS Paladin HMS Legion Corrington Corrington No Harm Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet HMS Pegasus II HMS Legion Corrington Corrington No Harm Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet HMS Peregrine HMS Legion Corrington Corrington No Harm Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet HMS Wentham II HMS Legion Corrington Corrington No Harm Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet Limpkin Leatherneck Lotus Lotus Captured Spudkirk 0 Captured by COR HMS Legion fleet Lizard Leatherneck Lotus Lotus Captured Spudkirk 0 Captured by COR HMS Legion fleet Gotheborg Sleeping Siren II Maxim I Eslandola Diverted Spudkirk 0 Diverted by storm to Spudkirk Prio's Fortune Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Trador 260 Peacock Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Trador 260 Phanish Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Trador 50 Patriot III Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Trador 50 Pronghorn II Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Trador 50 Aurora Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 50 Antelope Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 50 Alpaca Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 50 Anaconda Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 50 Satyr Satyr Bregir Corrington Damaged Ulric 0 Attacked by pirate Captain Gore Lady of Madrice II Espada de Luna Capt Wolf Eslandola Diverted Weelond 0 Rough seas forced crew to make port at Weelond Finch Finch Capt Wolf Eslandola Weelond 220 Lark Finch Capt Wolf Eslandola Weelond 220 Fishing Boat Fishing Boat Weelond Eslandola Weelond 170 HRS Tigre HRS Tigre Nola Mar Oleon Weelond 0 Fleur Verte HRS Tigre Oleon Oleon Weelond 330 Wolf II HRS Tigre Oleon Oleon Weelond 60 Audacious Audacious Bregir Corrington No Harm ??? 0 Attacked SR traders and pirate Francois the Elder Maverick Audacious Bregir Corrington No Harm ??? 0 Attacked SR traders and pirate Francois the Elder Belus Augeas merc Oleon Captured ??? 0 Captured by pirate LeColeon Buccaneer's Dread Buccaneer's Dread Garmadon Eslandola No Harm ??? 150 Raided Mooreton Bay, attacked COR and OL fleets, captured Tuna King, QV Gunboat No.1, FV No.1, and LBSF Demeter Cardinal's Shadow Cardinal's Shadow Montroy NPC Damaged ??? 20 Attacked LOT fleet, captured Leatherneck Lucky Corsair Cardinal's Shadow Montroy NPC No Harm ??? 0 Attacked LOT Leatherneck fleet Night Pillager Cardinal's Shadow Montroy NPC No Harm ??? 0 Attacked LOT Leatherneck fleet Crimson Revenge Crimson Revenge Bloody Bill NPC No Harm ??? 70 Captured Dozy Dragon Little Scavenger Crimson Revenge Bloody Bill NPC No Harm ??? 60 Attacked Dozy Dragon Dozy Dragon Dozy Dragon Bregir Corrington Captured ??? 0 Captured by pirate Bloody Bill Eslandita Eslandita MCTC Eslandola Captured ??? 0 Captured by Soberano De Los Mares fleet The Gallant Espada de Luna Bardo Eslandola Captured ??? 0 Captured by Hand of Fate II fleet Tuna King ETTC Muharib ETTC Corrington Captured ??? 0 Captured by Captain Nordau in Buccaneer's Dread Hades' Doubloon Hades' Doubloon Captain Gore NPC No Harm ??? 210 Attacked COR Satyr fleet, captured Dolfijn HMS Carnage Hades' Doubloon Captain Gore NPC No Harm ??? 0 Attacked COR Satyr fleet Rhodos Hades' Doubloon Captain Gore NPC Damaged ??? 630 Damaged by Satyr Hand of Fate II Hand of Fate II Kwatchi Sea Rats No Harm ??? 30 Attacked OL and ESL fleets, captured Le Petit Bleu, Thunderer, El Genio, Piece of Eight II, and The Gallant Dreamchaser Hand of Fate II Kwatchi Sea Rats No Harm ??? 30 Attacked OL and ESL fleets FTA Apollo's Mirth Hand of Fate II Gulagurag Sea Rats No Harm ??? 30 Attacked OL and ESL fleets Marvel II Hand of Fate II Kwatchi Sea Rats No Harm ??? 30 Attacked OL and ESL fleets Puck's Jest II Hand of Fate II Gulagurag Sea Rats No Harm ??? 30 Attacked OL and ESL fleets LBSF Demeter LBSF Demeter LBSF Oleon Captured ??? 0 Captured by Captain Nordau in Buccaneer's Dread Le Petit Bleu Le Gros Oleon Oleon Captured ??? 0 Captured by Hand of Fate II fleet Leatherneck Leatherneck Lotus Lotus Captured ??? 0 Captured by pirate Montroy Marlinspike Marlinspike Bregir Corrington Captured ??? 0 Captured by Soberano De Los Mares fleet Mermaid's Secret Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC Escape ??? 0 Escaped from MAR Mongo fleet Aardvark Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC Damaged ??? 90 Damaged by MAR Mongo fleet Abalone Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC Escape ??? 90 Escaped from MAR Mongo fleet Nighthawk Nighthawk Namere Namere Captured ??? 0 Captured by pirate LeColeon QV Gunboat No.1 QV Gunboat No.1 Quinnsville Corrington Captured ??? 0 Captured by Captain Nordau in Buccaneer's Dread FV No.1 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington Captured ??? 0 Captured by Captain Nordau in Buccaneer's Dread Rabid Ranger Rabid Ranger Francois the Elder NPC Damaged ??? 230 Damaged in battle with Gentleman Privateer! Reaver's Revenge Reaver's Revenge LeColeon NPC No Harm ??? 0 Attacked NAM and OL ships, captured Nighthawk and Belus Angelfish Reaver's Revenge LeColeon NPC No Harm ??? 360 Attacked NAM and OL ships Dolfijn Satyr Bregir Corrington Captured ??? 0 Captured by pirate Captain Gore Soberano De Los Mares Soberano De Los Mares NOD Sea Rats No Harm ??? 40 Attacked ESL and COR ships, captured Eslandita and Marlinspike La Gomera Soberano De Los Mares NOD Sea Rats No Harm ??? 0 Attacked ESL and COR ships Habana Soberano De Los Mares NOD Sea Rats No Harm ??? 0 Attacked ESL and COR ships Paraiso Soberano De Los Mares NOD Sea Rats Damaged ??? 0 Attacked ESL and COR ships, damaged by Swift II Esperanza Soberano De Los Mares NOD Sea Rats Damaged ??? 0 Attacked ESL and COR ships, damaged by HMS Barracuda II Estrella Soberano De Los Mares NOD Sea Rats No Harm ??? 0 Attacked ESL and COR ships Peregrine II Soberano De Los Mares NOD Sea Rats No Harm ??? 70 Attacked ESL and COR ships Thunderer Thunderer Eslandola Eslandola Captured ??? 0 Captured by Hand of Fate II fleet El Genio Thunderer Capt Wolf Eslandola Captured ??? 0 Captured by Hand of Fate II fleet Piece of Eight II Thunderer MCTC Eslandola Captured ??? 0 Captured by Hand of Fate II fleet Lucky Strike Blackjack Capt Wolf Eslandola Sunk XXX 0 Sunk in storm Cutlass Crimson Revenge Bloody Bill NPC Sunk XXX 0 Sunk by Dozy Dragon Swift Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola Sunk XXX 0 Sunk by Hand of Fate II fleet Stormbringer II Hand of Fate II Sea Rats Sea Rats Sunk XXX 0 Sunk by OL Le Gros fleet AQAR La Comete III Maxim I Eslandola Sunk XXX 0 Sunk in storm Lory Lemur Carno Carno Sunk XXX 0 Sunk in storm Midnight Sun Mongo Mardier Mardier Sunk XXX 0 Sunk by Jan Van Sud's Mermaid's Secret FV No.4 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington Sunk XXX 0 Sunk by Captain Nordau in Buccaneer's Dread HMS Barracuda II QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington Sunk XXX 0 Sunk by Soberano De Los Mares fleet Trinidad Soberano De Los Mares NOD Sea Rats Sunk XXX 0 Attacked ESL and COR ships, sunk by HMS Indefatigable Prince Fernando II Thunderer MCTC Eslandola Sunk XXX 790 Sunk by Hand of Fate II fleet
February 20, 20232 yr Author Results sorted by owner Part 1 (Altonia through Kolonialbeamter): Spoiler Ship Flagship Owner Nationality Fate of Vessel Destination DBs Notes Alpaca Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 50 Anaconda Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 50 Antelope Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 50 Aurora Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 50 États de Boussac La Recouvrance Astrapi Oleon Kings Port 180 Lady Jacqueline HMS Indefatigable Ayrlego Corrington Escape King's Harbour 90 Escaped from both Bloody Bill and Soberano De Los Mares fleets The Gallant Espada de Luna Bardo Eslandola Captured ??? 0 Captured by Hand of Fate II fleet Crimson Revenge Crimson Revenge Bloody Bill NPC No Harm ??? 70 Captured Dozy Dragon Cutlass Crimson Revenge Bloody Bill NPC Sunk XXX 0 Sunk by Dozy Dragon Little Scavenger Crimson Revenge Bloody Bill NPC No Harm ??? 60 Attacked Dozy Dragon La Blonde Le Noix Bodi Oleon Diverted Fuerte Unido 0 Separated from Le Noix in storm, made port at Fuerte Unido Le Noix Le Noix Bodi Oleon No Harm Lavalette 50 Fought off attack by Captain Nordau in Buccaneer's Dread Audacious Audacious Bregir Corrington No Harm ??? 0 Attacked SR traders and pirate Francois the Elder Maverick Audacious Bregir Corrington No Harm ??? 0 Attacked SR traders and pirate Francois the Elder Dozy Dragon Dozy Dragon Bregir Corrington Captured ??? 0 Captured by pirate Bloody Bill Marlinspike Marlinspike Bregir Corrington Captured ??? 0 Captured by Soberano De Los Mares fleet Sapphire Seas Sapphire Seas Bregir Corrington Port Woodhouse 0 Dolfijn Satyr Bregir Corrington Captured ??? 0 Captured by pirate Captain Gore Satyr Satyr Bregir Corrington Damaged Ulric 0 Attacked by pirate Captain Gore HRS Royal Philip HRS Royal Philip Breshaun Oleon Diverted Punto Sur 0 Suffered damage from high winds in storm, forced to make port at Punto Sur Octan Tanker 1 Octan Tanker 1 Brickwolf Corrington Mooreton Bay 140 HRS Helios HRS Phoebe CapOnBOBS Oleon Diverted Eltina 0 Took on water in storm, forced to make port at Eltina HRS Phoebe HRS Phoebe CapOnBOBS Oleon Granoleon 180 Blackjack Blackjack Capt Wolf Eslandola Freeport 0 El Lobo Blackjack Capt Wolf Eslandola Freeport 0 Kate's Gambit Blackjack Capt Wolf Eslandola Freeport 90 Lucky Strike Blackjack Capt Wolf Eslandola Sunk XXX 0 Sunk in storm Nightwing II Blackjack Capt Wolf Eslandola Freeport 0 Lady of Madrice II Espada de Luna Capt Wolf Eslandola Diverted Weelond 0 Rough seas forced crew to make port at Weelond Finch Finch Capt Wolf Eslandola Weelond 220 Lark Finch Capt Wolf Eslandola Weelond 220 La Sirena La Comete III Capt Wolf Eslandola Lavalette 10 Lady's Revenge II La Comete III Capt Wolf Eslandola Lavalette 50 Mysterious Lady La Comete III Capt Wolf Eslandola Lavalette 70 Far Horizon Midas Touch II Capt Wolf Eslandola Nova Terreli 340 La Contessa de Victoria Midas Touch II Capt Wolf Eslandola Nova Terreli 240 Esmerelda Myth Chaser Capt Wolf Eslandola Granoleon 50 Colonial Storm Sleeping Siren II Capt Wolf Eslandola Jameston 10 Hidalga Sleeping Siren II Capt Wolf Eslandola Jameston 70 El Genio Thunderer Capt Wolf Eslandola Captured ??? 0 Captured by Hand of Fate II fleet Étoile du Sud Le Gaillard Captain Genaro Oleon Nova Terreli 120 Hades' Doubloon Hades' Doubloon Captain Gore NPC No Harm ??? 210 Attacked COR Satyr fleet, captured Dolfijn HMS Carnage Hades' Doubloon Captain Gore NPC No Harm ??? 0 Attacked COR Satyr fleet Rhodos Hades' Doubloon Captain Gore NPC Damaged ??? 630 Damaged by Satyr Caracal Caracal Carno Carno Seawatch 0 Caribou Caracal Carno Carno Diverted Spudkirk 0 Diverted by storm to Spudkirk Comorant Caracal Carno Carno Seawatch 10 Coyote Caracal Carno Carno Seawatch 0 Greedy Guppy Caracal Carno Carno Seawatch 10 Lemur Lemur Carno Carno Mesabi Landing 0 Liger Lemur Carno Carno Mesabi Landing 0 Llama Lemur Carno Carno Mesabi Landing 220 Longspur Lemur Carno Carno Mesabi Landing 0 Lory Lemur Carno Carno Sunk XXX 0 Sunk in storm HMS Indefatigable HMS Indefatigable Corrington Corrington Damaged King’s Harbour 0 Escaped from both Bloody Bill and Soberano De Los Mares fleets HMS Alexandra HMS Legion Corrington Corrington No Harm Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet HMS Legion HMS Legion Corrington Corrington Damaged Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet, captured Limpkin and Lizard HMS Paladin HMS Legion Corrington Corrington No Harm Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet HMS Pegasus II HMS Legion Corrington Corrington No Harm Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet HMS Peregrine HMS Legion Corrington Corrington No Harm Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet HMS Perseus II HMS Legion Corrington Corrington No Harm Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet HMS Publius II HMS Legion Corrington Corrington No Harm Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet HMS Unicorn HMS Legion Corrington Corrington No Harm Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet HMS Wentham II HMS Legion Corrington Corrington No Harm Spudkirk 0 Fought LOT Leatherneck fleet HMS Ymir HMS Ymir Corrington Corrington No Harm Brickford Landing 0 Sank LOT junk Langur Lobster HMS Ymir Corrington Corrington No Harm Brickford Landing 0 Attacked LOT junk Langur WTC Agnes B1 WTC Bully Boy II Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 50 WTC Agnes B5 WTC Bully Boy II Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 50 WTC Agnes Y3 WTC Bully Boy II Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 50 WTC Bully Boy II WTC Bully Boy II Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 50 WTC Bully Boy III WTC Bully Boy II Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 WTC Stoned Serpent WTC Stoned Serpent Drunknok Corrington Jameston 10 The Lightning Le Gaillard Dukesc Oleon Nova Terreli 170 La Descoberta Espada de Luna Elostirion Eslandola Escape Kings Port 80 Escaped from Hand of Fate II fleet Pearl Diving Canoe Pearl Diving Canoe Elysabethtown Eslandola Port Raleigh 10 El Dorado El Dorado Eslandola Eslandola King’s Harbour 0 La Comete III La Comete III Eslandola Eslandola Lavalette 10 La Raya Venenosa III La Comete III Eslandola Eslandola Lavalette 0 Oscuridad IV La Comete III Eslandola Eslandola Lavalette 0 Golden Grasshopper Thunderer Eslandola Eslandola Damaged Breshaun 0 Damaged by, escaped from Hand of Fate II fleet Thunderer Thunderer Eslandola Eslandola Captured ??? 0 Captured by Hand of Fate II fleet Argenta Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola King’s Harbour 150 Verde Oro Verde Oro Eslandola Eslandola King’s Harbour 150 ETTC Cherub ETTC Muharib ETTC Corrington Damaged Mesabi Landing 220 Damaged by Buccaneer's Dread ETTC Muharib ETTC Muharib ETTC Corrington Escape Mesabi Landing 60 Escaped from Captain Nordau Tuna King ETTC Muharib ETTC Corrington Captured ??? 0 Captured by Captain Nordau in Buccaneer's Dread ETTC Covenanter ETTC Sussex ETTC Corrington Port Raleigh 140 ETTC Endymion ETTC Sussex ETTC Corrington Port Raleigh 50 ETTC Pallace ETTC Sussex ETTC Corrington Port Raleigh 50 ETTC Royal George ETTC Sussex ETTC Corrington Port Raleigh 140 ETTC Sussex ETTC Sussex ETTC Corrington Port Raleigh 130 Rabid Ranger Rabid Ranger Francois the Elder NPC Damaged ??? 230 Damaged in battle with Gentleman Privateer! Margaret Margaret Fraunces Sea Rats Port Raleigh 30 The Hitch Margaret Fraunces Sea Rats Port Raleigh 0 The Firefly The Firefly Fraunces Sea Rats Damaged Port Raleigh 0 Attacked by Gentleman Privateer in Audacious The Octopus II The Octopus II Fraunces Sea Rats Damaged Port Raleigh 60 Attacked by Gentleman Privateer in Audacious Buccaneer's Dread Buccaneer's Dread Garmadon Eslandola No Harm ??? 150 Raided Mooreton Bay, attacked COR and OL fleets, captured Tuna King, QV Gunboat No.1, FV No.1, and LBSF Demeter Gardenia Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey Bardo 60 Gilded Lilly Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey Bardo 100 Golden Shekel Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey Bardo 60 Goldfish Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey Bardo 80 Garter Grasshopper Garvey Garvey Salida Este 90 Gazelle Grasshopper Garvey Garvey Salida Este 70 Gecko Grasshopper Garvey Garvey Salida Este 70 Grasshopper Grasshopper Garvey Garvey Salida Este 90 Island Rose Sleeping Siren II gedren_y Eslandola Jameston 40 Valiant Phoenix Verde Oro gedren_y Eslandola King’s Harbour 0 FTA Apollo's Mirth Hand of Fate II Gulagurag Sea Rats No Harm ??? 30 Attacked OL and ESL fleets Puck's Jest II Hand of Fate II Gulagurag Sea Rats No Harm ??? 30 Attacked OL and ESL fleets Aardvark Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC Damaged ??? 90 Damaged by MAR Mongo fleet Abalone Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC Escape ??? 90 Escaped from MAR Mongo fleet Archer Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC Captured Nola Mar 0 Captured by MAR Mongo fleet Corland Supplier 2 Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC Captured Nola Mar 0 Captured by MAR Mongo fleet Flying Colt Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC Captured Nola Mar 0 Captured by MAR Mongo fleet Mermaid's Secret Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC Escape ??? 0 Escaped from MAR Mongo fleet Destrier Destrier Jeff of Clubs Oleon Nouveau Oleandia 0 Lady of the Bog Lady of the Bog Jeff of Clubs Oleon Nouveau Oleandia 160 Dark Spirit Myth Chaser Kai NRG Eslandola Granoleon 30 Comtesse de Praenia La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon Kings Port 200 La Recouvrance La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon Kings Port 200 Santa Clara La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon Kings Port 160 Part 2 (Kwatchi through Weelond): Spoiler Ship Flagship Owner Nationality Fate of Vessel Destination DBs Notes Dreamchaser Hand of Fate II Kwatchi Sea Rats No Harm ??? 30 Attacked OL and ESL fleets Hand of Fate II Hand of Fate II Kwatchi Sea Rats No Harm ??? 30 Attacked OL and ESL fleets, captured Le Petit Bleu, Thunderer, El Genio, Piece of Eight II, and The Gallant Marvel II Hand of Fate II Kwatchi Sea Rats No Harm ??? 30 Attacked OL and ESL fleets HRS Terrible HRS Royal Philip Lavalette Oleon Fort Arltrees 0 LBSF Demeter LBSF Demeter LBSF Oleon Captured ??? 0 Captured by Captain Nordau in Buccaneer's Dread Angelfish Reaver's Revenge LeColeon NPC No Harm ??? 360 Attacked NAM and OL ships Reaver's Revenge Reaver's Revenge LeColeon NPC No Harm ??? 0 Attacked NAM and OL ships, captured Nighthawk and Belus Albatross HMS Queen LM71Blackbird Corrington King’s Harbour 250 HMS Queen HMS Queen LM71Blackbird Corrington King’s Harbour 0 Turaco II HMS Queen LM71Blackbird Corrington King’s Harbour 350 FV No.1 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington Captured ??? 0 Captured by Captain Nordau in Buccaneer's Dread FV No.4 QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington Sunk XXX 0 Sunk by Captain Nordau in Buccaneer's Dread HMS Barracuda II QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington Sunk XXX 0 Sunk by Soberano De Los Mares fleet Swift II QV Gunboat No.1 LM71Blackbird Corrington Damaged Quinnsville 100 Damaged in battles with Buccaneer's Dread and Soberano De Los Mares HMS Indomitable WTC Icarus Returning LM71Blackbird Corrington Jameston 100 HMS Thunderclap WTC Icarus Returning LM71Blackbird Corrington Jameston 0 Northern Ganet WTC Icarus Returning LM71Blackbird Corrington Jameston 120 Puffin II WTC Icarus Returning LM71Blackbird Corrington Jameston 100 Razorbill WTC Icarus Returning LM71Blackbird Corrington Jameston 60 Langur Leatherneck Lotus Lotus Escape Oryant 0 Escaped from COR HMS Legion fleet Leatherneck Leatherneck Lotus Lotus Captured ??? 0 Captured by pirate Montroy Limpkin Leatherneck Lotus Lotus Captured Spudkirk 0 Captured by COR HMS Legion fleet Lizard Leatherneck Lotus Lotus Captured Spudkirk 0 Captured by COR HMS Legion fleet Leaf Leech Lotus Lotus Luyang 180 Leech Leech Lotus Lotus Luyang 0 Lorikeet Leech Lotus Lotus Luyang 180 HMS Dominance Lion Lotus Lotus Oryant 0 Lion Lion Lotus Lotus Oryant 0 Lusty Princess Minerva Mardier Corrington Londa 0 Magpie Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 100 Marauder Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 115 Maria Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 300 Meteor Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 0 Minerva Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 0 Midnight Ruby Mongo Mardier Mardier No Harm Nola Mar 10 Attacked pirate Jan Van Sud Midnight Sun Mongo Mardier Mardier Sunk XXX 0 Sunk by Jan Van Sud's Mermaid's Secret Mongo Mongo Mardier Mardier No Harm Nola Mar 0 Captured JVS ships Flying Colt, Archer, and Corland Supplier 2 Wyvern Mongo Mardier Mardier No Harm Nola Mar 10 Attacked pirate Jan Van Sud Alexander La Comete III Maxim I Eslandola Lavalette 50 AQAR La Comete III Maxim I Eslandola Sunk XXX 0 Sunk in storm Deuxieme Comete La Comete III Maxim I Eslandola Lavalette 10 Puppy Hustler La Comete III Maxim I Eslandola Lavalette 60 Gotheborg Sleeping Siren II Maxim I Eslandola Diverted Spudkirk 0 Diverted by storm to Spudkirk La Mystique Sleeping Siren II Maxim I Eslandola Jameston 0 Princesse Feline Sleeping Siren II Maxim I Eslandola Jameston 50 Eslandita Eslandita MCTC Eslandola Captured ??? 0 Captured by Soberano De Los Mares fleet Holder's Secret Espada de Luna MCTC Eslandola Escape Kings Port 10 Escaped from Hand of Fate II fleet Cotton Lady II Myth Chaser MCTC Eslandola Granoleon 280 Myth Chaser Myth Chaser MCTC Eslandola Granoleon 160 Red Dragon Myth Chaser MCTC Eslandola Granoleon 0 Piece of Eight II Thunderer MCTC Eslandola Captured ??? 0 Captured by Hand of Fate II fleet Prince Fernando II Thunderer MCTC Eslandola Sunk XXX 790 Sunk by Hand of Fate II fleet Augeas Augeas merc Oleon Escape Breshaun 0 Escaped from pirate LeColeon Belus Augeas merc Oleon Captured ??? 0 Captured by pirate LeColeon Limpet HMS Ymir Mesabi Corrington Damaged Brickford Landing 0 Attacked LOT junk Langur WTC Icarus Returning WTC Icarus Returning Mesabi Corrington Jameston 50 WTC Red Sun WTC Icarus Returning Mesabi Corrington Jameston 50 WTC Teamwork WTC Icarus Returning Mesabi Corrington Jameston 60 WTC Aurora WTC Stoned Serpent Mesabi Corrington Jameston 30 WTC Checkered Past WTC Stoned Serpent Mesabi Corrington Jameston 30 Cardinal's Shadow Cardinal's Shadow Montroy NPC Damaged ??? 20 Attacked LOT fleet, captured Leatherneck Lucky Corsair Cardinal's Shadow Montroy NPC No Harm ??? 0 Attacked LOT Leatherneck fleet Night Pillager Cardinal's Shadow Montroy NPC No Harm ??? 0 Attacked LOT Leatherneck fleet Nexus Nexus Namere Namere Balmin 70 Nuthatch Nexus Namere Namere Balmin 60 Nymph Nexus Namere Namere Balmin 50 Nighthawk Nighthawk Namere Namere Captured ??? 0 Captured by pirate LeColeon Nova Nova Namere Namere Balmin 0 Numbat Nova Namere Namere Balmin 0 Esperanza Soberano De Los Mares NOD Sea Rats Damaged ??? 0 Attacked ESL and COR ships, damaged by HMS Barracuda II Estrella Soberano De Los Mares NOD Sea Rats No Harm ??? 0 Attacked ESL and COR ships Habana Soberano De Los Mares NOD Sea Rats No Harm ??? 0 Attacked ESL and COR ships La Gomera Soberano De Los Mares NOD Sea Rats No Harm ??? 0 Attacked ESL and COR ships Paraiso Soberano De Los Mares NOD Sea Rats Damaged ??? 0 Attacked ESL and COR ships, damaged by Swift II Peregrine II Soberano De Los Mares NOD Sea Rats No Harm ??? 70 Attacked ESL and COR ships Soberano De Los Mares Soberano De Los Mares NOD Sea Rats No Harm ??? 40 Attacked ESL and COR ships, captured Eslandita and Marlinspike Trinidad Soberano De Los Mares NOD Sea Rats Sunk XXX 0 Attacked ESL and COR ships, sunk by HMS Indefatigable HRS Tigre HRS Tigre Nola Mar Oleon Weelond 0 Midas Touch II Midas Touch II Nova Terreli Eslandola Nova Terreli 0 Asesino II Myth Chaser Nova Terreli Eslandola Granoleon 0 HRS Ardent HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Fort Arltrees 0 HRS Tonnant HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Fort Arltrees 0 Fleur Verte HRS Tigre Oleon Oleon Weelond 330 Wolf II HRS Tigre Oleon Oleon Weelond 60 Le Petit Bleu Le Gros Oleon Oleon Captured ??? 0 Captured by Hand of Fate II fleet The Argo Le Gaillard Phred Oleon Nova Terreli 90 The Aspiration Le Gros Phred Oleon Escape Eltina 160 Escaped from Hand of Fate II fleet Long Beard IV Myth Chaser Puerto Desafio Eslandola Granoleon 0 HMS Alice HMS Alice Puvel Corrington Kieg 100 HMS Growler HMS Growler Quinnsville Corrington Quinnsville 0 QV Gunboat No.2 HMS Growler Quinnsville Corrington Quinnsville 0 QV Gunboat No.1 QV Gunboat No.1 Quinnsville Corrington Captured ??? 0 Captured by Captain Nordau in Buccaneer's Dread Malto Express La Recouvrance RNTC Oleon Kings Port 130 Le Gaillard Le Gaillard RNTC Oleon Nova Terreli 150 Le Gros Le Gros RNTC Oleon Escape Eltina 120 Escaped from Hand of Fate II fleet Slippery Banana Le Gros RNTC Oleon Escape Eltina 140 Escaped from Hand of Fate II fleet Odin's Scorn Odin's Scorn Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 0 Triton's Pithy Odin's Scorn roadmonkeytj Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 340 Vengeful Arrow Odin's Scorn roadmonkeytj Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 340 Patriot III Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Trador 50 Peacock Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Trador 260 Phanish Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Trador 50 Prio's Fortune Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Trador 260 Pronghorn II Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Trador 50 Clearance Myth Chaser Salida Este Eslandola Granoleon 30 Stormbringer II Hand of Fate II Sea Rats Sea Rats Sunk XXX 0 Sunk by OL Le Gros fleet Filly Winds Filly Winds SilentWolf Corrington Elizabethville 130 Mint Parrot Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington Elizabethville 20 Pinto Filly Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington Elizabethville 30 The Ant Pinto Filly SilentWolf Corrington Elizabethville 20 Bonnie Bonnie Spud The VIking Corrington Jameston 20 Trident Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa Nola Mar 120 Tyche II Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa Nola Mar 140 Typhoon Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa Nola Mar 0 Espada de Luna Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola Escape Kings Port 0 Fought off Hand of Fate II in running battle Swift Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola Sunk XXX 0 Sunk by Hand of Fate II fleet Fishing Boat Fishing Boat Weelond Eslandola Weelond 170 Blood Diamond Sleeping Siren II Weelond Eslandola Jameston 0 Sleeping Siren II Sleeping Siren II Weelond Eslandola Jameston 0
February 21, 20232 yr @Capt Wolf looking for status on these two The Sloop Draco Weelond Breshaun Cornucopia Captain Tewton 8, 7 Conucopia Weelond Breshaun Cornucopia Captain Tewton 8, 7
February 21, 20232 yr @Capt Wolf Even having run the calculations and written small parts of the write-up, and having seen the rest before publishing, I am still super excited every time these are published! It is absolutely thrilling to read, to look for your own ships or factions mentioned, or to follow some of your favourite characters. Even bad news make an exciting read. And of course, the defeat of the Lotus fleet is excellent news! It is a testament to the importance and entertainment these are! 3 hours ago, CapOnBOBS said: status on these two I will have a look in the orders and calculations and see what happened.
February 21, 20232 yr Loved it! I look forward to read these every time, I have such a good time reading them. Thank you for your work!
February 21, 20232 yr @Garmadon An attack on a two fort guarded Mooreton Bay (that took some cojones), followed up by a fine prize and ridding the seas of a couple of those annoying Corrie war dinghies? Edited February 21, 20232 yr by Kwatchi Forgot how to tag an image
February 22, 20232 yr 4 hours ago, Kwatchi said: ridding the seas of a couple of those annoying Corrie war dinghies There will be more... Great thrilling write-up as usual! With most of the Warships in the New Haven Sea, these pirates are getting bold!
February 22, 20232 yr Thank you everyone for the great work! There are interesting and exciting stories again.
February 22, 20232 yr Wow, a lot of action this round! Thank you as usual for the great writing up and all the boring administrative stuff behind it! A quick question… was the Scamandre (that should have left Fatu Hiva for Fort Arltrees) lost for some reason in the sheets (and hopefully not also at sea) or did I make a mess with the form (something absolutely possible)?
February 22, 20232 yr 2 hours ago, Keymonus said: A quick question… was the Scamandre (that should have left Fatu Hiva for Fort Arltrees) lost for some reason in the sheets (and hopefully not also at sea) or did I make a mess with the form (something absolutely possible)? I will add this to the list of things I need to check up on. It seems like there is something wrong in the ship registry, but whether that is on my end, or the original data, I am not sure. I will get back to you.
February 22, 20232 yr On 2/21/2023 at 11:27 PM, LM71Blackbird said: There will be more... sigh. I had hoped we had moved beyond the 'dinghies of doom'. Edited February 24, 20232 yr by Kwatchi
February 22, 20232 yr 3 hours ago, Kwatchi said: sigh. I had hoped we had moved beyond 'gaming the system'. Lol. To be fair, Corrington is really the only faction to employ them en masse and we've had decent success.
February 23, 20232 yr 14 hours ago, Kwatchi said: sigh. I had hoped we had moved beyond 'gaming the system'. Early on, we had a few instances of many very similar, and fairly low-effort, boats being licensed, but this was quickly amended with the relevant players and the rules updated and clarified. Are you finding the level 1 and 2 vessels as presented e.g. here (gunboats for the colonies) "gaming the system"? Or LM's gunboats? As far as I can see, they present good effort, and the limited utility of these vessels seems to balance out reasonably. (Which also tracks with the results above) I must admit I find this comment unconstructive and demotivating, both for builders who build these vessels, and for those of us who try to run the game for everyone's enjoyment and put effort into running the tMRCA. If you take issue with a specific set of rules or builds, please take it up either through the court or as a general discussion in the proper place (e.g. the general thread). Thank you
February 23, 20232 yr 4 hours ago, Bregir said: Early on, we had a few instances of many very similar, and fairly low-effort, boats being licensed, but this was quickly amended with the relevant players and the rules updated and clarified. This. Some of these are still active. A nice harbour defence gunboat MOC is great. A "masse" of modded rowboats sailing between colonies on the other hand...
February 23, 20232 yr 1 hour ago, Kwatchi said: A "masse" of modded rowboats sailing between colonies on the other hand... This issue is fixed now.
February 24, 20232 yr 18 hours ago, Kwatchi said: A nice harbour defence gunboat MOC is great. A "masse" of modded rowboats sailing between colonies on the other hand. I think we can all agree about this. I am simply asking that we keep a more positive and constructive tone, when communicating on this forum. I am sure this goes for all of us, and anyone can have a bad day, but this community should be a friendly and welcoming place to be, and we should motivate eachother.
February 24, 20232 yr 3 hours ago, Bregir said: I am simply asking that we keep a more positive and constructive tone, when communicating on this forum. I am sure this goes for all of us, and anyone can have a bad day, but this community should be a friendly and welcoming place to be, and we should motivate eachother. Seconded !
February 24, 20232 yr Sorry. I was trying to be half funny and it fell flat. I'll edit it to be a bit lighter in tone.
February 26, 20232 yr Interesting write up as usual. So many different events, the seas are rumbling with activity! Luckily all of my ships came in save to Port Raleigh. Let's conclude the trading deals quickly and leave before angry anti-Searat mobs make trouble on the docks... But we will file an official complaint to the Red crown expressing our concerns about nefarious ungentlemanly corrie Gentlemen Pirates roaming the Mare Liberum! Edited February 26, 20232 yr by Fraunces
March 28, 20231 yr @Keymonus and @CapOnBOBS I have looked into the missing ships, and it seems those crews have been ridden by venereal diseases, keeping them in port for this turn. (Or in other words, through the wonderful magic of highly complicated excel sheets, sometimes things get messed up, probably due to something I did) Whether you start them again in the original port, or where they were supposed to have gone is up to you. On 2/26/2023 at 2:56 PM, Fraunces said: But we will file an official complaint to the Red crown expressing our concerns about nefarious ungentlemanly corrie Gentlemen Pirates roaming the Mare Liberum! We have no record of any ungentlemanly Corries (Disclaimer: This statement may or may not exclude members of the... erhm... honourable WTC ), although any private endeavours to rid the seas of pirates seem a worthy cause!
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