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Posted (edited)

All that was missing was a voice saying "I will return". Yet, am I the only one who found the new DiD chapter really boring and, forgive me, even bad? =/ Takanuva's blog was interesting. I'm eagerly anticipating the next blog update.

Edited by Refia
Posted (edited)

Yeah, the new DiD sucked. They could have done something else like bring in an old character, sacrifice Turaga Vakama (xP), or anything else. It was really lame..

Takanuva's Blog, for as long as I can remember, just turned awesome.

Edited by Mizzeh
The best update was the blog! I wonder what it is that is chasing them? A new Vahki-like being?

Rahkshi, perhaps? Seems more Makuta-like.


Great thought and possibility on the issue of Makuta's reign. Greg said on BZP that there wasn't any reason for him to actually kill the Toa, but I don't think he actually said straight out that Makuta wouldn't. He done these things in the past, so I presume he might do it again because it would make the state of the MU more critical, we are leaving next year, and killing the main characters of the MU would make returning to it in story however many years later so much easier.


Pft, the Toa wouldn't get their megablocks kicked so badly by the Rahkshi. Come on. The Toa of Light is on their side.

I'm pretty excited for 2009 so we can bid this horribly mutilated plot goodbye and embrace this new, retro, refreshingly simplistic storyline.

Pft, the Toa wouldn't get their megablocks kicked so badly by the Rahkshi. Come on. The Toa of Light is on their side.

I'm pretty excited for 2009 so we can bid this horribly mutilated plot goodbye and embrace this new, retro, refreshingly simplistic storyline.

Chances are Makuta has made super rahkshi of some sort.

Vahkshi - The new law order of Metru Nui.


The best update was Bionicle The Truth podcast. Especially when Mr. Wedgewood said “I am everywhere. I am everything you see” with that Teridax voice. I've ripped this part and keep listening to it over and over.

But I hoped that the full mini-movie will be without narration, but with music, like earlier version on Cartoon Network.

How about a Bionicle RTS (real-time strategy) wargame.

Think about it, you could have all of the tribes act like factions. You can recruit Agori and Glatorians to fight against another tribe. You could even purchase upgrades for them. Then you can command them to fight each other.

I thought about modding my copy of Supreme Commander or Battle for Middle Earth 2 for bionicle, but I dont have the technical know-how to do it.

It's the only Bionicle game I'll accept instead of GOOD action)) But more like Dawn of War 2, with more RPG feel, without boring base building. The only RTS I played that didn't suck at base building was Red Alert 3.


I don't think they will kill off the Toa Nuva, and I certainly hope they don't! We can't avoid the Matoran Universe, we have to come back to it eventually, and I am sincerely hoping that when BIONICLE does end, LEGO will give them one more year of free reign so we have can have Toa Nuva like the original Toa, Mata Nui as a Titan set, and Makuta as a new Titan set.

After all, when BIONICLE ends, you don't need focus groups any more, do you?

So, I hold out hope. I am looking forward to a refreshing new start, however, as it provides room for a lot more mystery. I like that it is still tied in to the whole saga of the last 8 years. These movies were a great way to end it, and while some may be upset that the Toa Nuva basically woke up Makuta, I'm actually convinced that somehow Mata Nui will put his body back to sleep and the Toa Nuva will at last go to awaken the real Mata Nui.


I'm pretty excited for 2009 so we can bid this horribly mutilated plot goodbye and embrace this new, retro, refreshingly simplistic storyline.

You still don't get it, Algernon. 2009 is not this magical eraser that wipes away all the storyline of the previous 8 years - it's only a continuation set in a different land. Everything that happened before is still very significant, and will probably play a lot more in 2010 and beyond. :pir-tongue:


Woah - careful now. By saying that, you're also dreaming for the erasement of 2001 as well - which seems to be the real sacred cow here. Would you rather have that erased as well or just keep the entire 8 years of storyline and enjoy what parts you liked? It's like Starwars - just because the movies started to decline after Episode V doesn't mean that you should wish that the first two never happened. You take the good with the bad, since no storyline can ever hope to be perfect.

Of course, this applies to you guys, not me - as I have found good in all years of the storyline. Yes, even 2005, chaotic and poorly strung together that it was. :pir-wink:


End of 2002? What, the Toa becoming Nuva? It could've been a fine ending to Bionicle on it's own. And what was the fail part of '08? I loved '08, best year since 2004 [and that was one awesome year for Bionicle].


Bah. 2005 was one of the worst years. 2001, 2004, and 2006 were all top-notch stories. Coincidentally, they're also the starter years for their respectful sagas...


I have high hopes for 2009, despite the woeful lack of redesign when it comes to the sets.

Posted (edited)

Okay, here are my problems with each year, story-wise -- just my thoughts. ;-)

2001 - too short, wanted more of that awesome world. =D

2002 - a tad repetitive and the ending seemed like a silly power upgrade in a game. Nuva fail.

2003 - way repetitive with the Kal, plus Mask of Light. Enough said, I should think.

2004 - secondary colors would have been nice, and so would good titans.

2005 - had much potential that was not explored, but still one of the best years in terms of story. Sets are horrendous for the most part.

2006 - horrible humor, too many powers, horribly simplified builds with not even variety to make up for it. Too much rubber and gimmicks.

2007 - again with the humor, though less. Squids. Bit of a confusing / convoluted plot, though not that bad.

2008 - the fantasy/mythology aspect entirely lacking until the Awakening. Up 'til then it was mostly random battles.

2009 - none so far! :pir-sweet:


Edited by Ikki o' Moopyville
2001 - too short, wanted more of that awesome world. =D

2002 - a tad repetitive and the ending seemed like a silly power upgrade in a game. Nuva fail.

2003 - way repetitive with the Kal, plus Mask of Light. Enough said, I should think.

2004 - secondary colors would have been nice, and so would good titans.

2005 - had much potential that was not explored, but still one of the best years in terms of story. Sets are horrendous for the most part.

2006 - horrible humor, too many powers, horribly simplified builds with not even variety to make up for it. Too much rubber and gimmicks.

2007 - again with the humor, though less. Squids. Bit of a confusing / convoluted plot, though not that bad.

2008 - the fantasy/mythology aspect entirely lacking until the Awakening. Up 'til then it was mostly random battles.

2001 - Well, the main problem that year was that the sets didn't come out until July, so the year was kinda only a half year. At least we had the MNLOG!

2002 - Repetitive, in some ways yes - the reuse of the mask hunts and the "combine all powers into one ultimate beam" was annoying. I wouldn't call the power upgrade silly though - back then it was brand new for bionicle. Also, I'm one of the few who has never hated the original Nuva. Personally, I like that the masks stay fairly close to their originals (lewa's and pohatu's excluded), that the weapons all stayed true to form, and the awesome armor pieces. As sets though, they're nothing more than the Olda with more powerful gear.

2003 - Totally agree with the Kal. They are still the ultimate incarnation of clone sets, plain and simple. Mask of Light was actually not that bad, IMO, even though it was way below what we would expect from a Bionicle movie. Come on, couldn't the Toa actually hit the Rahkshi instead of the ground just once? And why did the script have to make it sound like a LOTR ripoff with the "the mask has chosen you" stuff? Did like the graphics and some of the voices, though.

2004 - Yes, secondary colors were needed badly. There was so much new grey that year that it's not even funny. However, I personally liked the Titans - ever single one of them. To me, they were the highlight of the sets that year. Krekka was a nice bipedal build (aside from the arms), Nidhiki was cool with his spidery design, Dume and Nikwak was highly original, and Lhikan and Kikanolo just plain rocked. Oh well, different tastes, I guess.

2005 - I dunno, I just though the storyline there was a bit too all over the place. I mean, how can 6 half beast Toa and six midgets build several giant airships, find the mask of Light, build a tower of Toa, take back the Colesium, find Keetongu, and fight off hordes of spiders, all while losing one of their own, just in one year of storyline? Plus, it took ages for everyon to figure out where all the different stories took place in the timeline for that year - and this is the sole year to have that problem. I totally agree about the sets, though - except for the Titans, which I really liked.

2006 - Now this is where I start to totally disagree. While I understand the complaint about the powers, I personally loved the humor in the book series, mainly because it was dark and sarcastic, two things which I really enjoy in books. The books from that year are still enjoyable reads for me, and I liked that a lot of the Voyatoran and Inika broke the common elemental stereotypes (a nervous le-matoran and far more serious air toa, a mystereous po-matoran, a far less reckless fire toa, a gruff and fierce ga-matoran, etc. Plus, for the most part I think the personalities of Jaller and Co were fairly true to the originals, and Greg threw in a lot of little nods to their MNOG personalities in this year and 2007. Also, you can't reasonably complain about the sets being to simiple - they had more pieces than the original Toa Mata and far more joints. It is annoying that they keep using the Piraka and Inika body designs, but back then they were brand new. I really loved the Voyatoran, which had a lot of the cuteness of the original Tohunga, and the titans were good as well (Especially Vezon and Fenny).

2007 - I don't get how 2007 was any more convolted than the aformentioned 2005 storyline. At least 2007 had a definite timeline right from the start. Also, for the answer to the humor, read above.

2008 - This was somewhat true, but there were some interesting things like the keystones and the Codrex. Plus, the flashbacks in Book 10, the great Makuta personalities, and the general maturity of the Toa Nuva really made the storyline this year good, IMO. And seriously, the Awakening blows away everything storyline related since 2001, so I don't really care about the otherwise lack of mythological elements.

Just some of my personal thoughts. :pir-wink:

You still don't get it, Algernon. 2009 is not this magical eraser that wipes away all the storyline of the previous 8 years - it's only a continuation set in a different land. Everything that happened before is still very significant, and will probably play a lot more in 2010 and beyond. :pir-tongue:

Applied practically, 2009 is restarting Bionicle with some loose connections to past years in order to keep Bionicle fanboys from whining.

In terms of what year is the best... anybody who refuses to admit that 2001 was not only the best but perhaps the only real year for Bionicle is, in my opinion, a fan of something else altogether.

I will elaborate on this statement later.

2001 - too short, wanted more of that awesome world. =D

2002 - a tad repetitive and the ending seemed like a silly power upgrade in a game. Nuva fail.

2003 - way repetitive with the Kal, plus Mask of Light. Enough said, I should think.

2004 - secondary colors would have been nice, and so would good titans.

2005 - had much potential that was not explored, but still one of the best years in terms of story. Sets are horrendous for the most part.

2006 - horrible humor, too many powers, horribly simplified builds with not even variety to make up for it. Too much rubber and gimmicks.

2007 - again with the humor, though less. Squids. Bit of a confusing / convoluted plot, though not that bad.

2008 - the fantasy/mythology aspect entirely lacking until the Awakening. Up 'til then it was mostly random battles.

2001 - Who wouldn't want more 2001? If there's ever an opportunity to have another Many Deaths-style exclusive story, I'd love it if it were from the POV of a member of the Chronicler's Company. Maybe that could even be explored in the MU serial next year - these guys have been through battle before, and six Matoran are less likely to attract Makuta's attention than the Mahri or something.

2002 - I liked it just as much - the story updates and nature of the Bohrok did it for me. And I see the Nuva-ization more as a sign of good to come.

2003 - I agree.

2004 - I don't think they needed secondary colors - the sets were pure awsum as is, and it brought about a more technological feel to the Metru. And I disagree on the titans point - Nidhiki was awesome.

2005 - Storyline fail - there was so much they could've gone into, if only there were serials in 2005. Sidorak and Roodaka were the only great sets too IMO.

2006 - Who doesn't like rubber and gimmicks? :pir-wink::pir-tongue:

2007 - Just as bad as 2005. Mahri EWW. Storyline - resounding MEH.

2008 - I suppose it was just battles, but I'm loving the art.

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