April 26, 2024Apr 26 On 4/26/2024 at 2:35 AM, Takanuinuva said: Interesting new torso piece in the Never Witch's nightmare creatures set. Doesn't appear to be in the other sets though. I would guess you are talking about the torso piece used for the nightmare creatures, which is just the cauldron piece that is also included in the Midnight raven set.
April 26, 2024Apr 26 On 4/26/2024 at 4:09 AM, Takanuinuva said: Yea the cauldron. Looks to have click point in the sides for the arms. Actually, the larger Raven set shows it with small Technic wheels filling those gaps, not female ratchet joints. So it seems to be hollow on the inside and capable of having stuff built within it, somehow. So I’m very curious to find out how that part works. Maybe it’s actually two half cauldrons?
April 27, 2024Apr 27 On 4/26/2024 at 11:13 AM, Fenghuang0296 said: Actually, the larger Raven set shows it with small Technic wheels filling those gaps, not female ratchet joints. So it seems to be hollow on the inside and capable of having stuff built within it, somehow. So I’m very curious to find out how that part works. Maybe it’s actually two half cauldrons? Possibly. As in the Nightmare creatures set there is female ratchet joints in the cauldron. So might be the original hip piece inside there.
April 27, 2024Apr 27 I'm curious about the pauldron piece on the panda too, looks like a smooth shell shape with 2 studs at one end (spaced 3 apart) and antistud gaps at the other end (4 apart?). And hollow inside. Can't tell what the interior attachment point is, maybe it's got a bar inside like the other shoulder piece. Edited April 27, 2024Apr 27 by Stereo
April 27, 2024Apr 27 On 4/27/2024 at 7:21 AM, Stereo said: I'm curious about the pauldron piece on the panda too, looks like a smooth shell shape with 2 studs at one end (spaced 3 apart) and antistud gaps at the other end (4 apart?). And hollow inside. Can't tell what the interior attachment point is, maybe it's got a bar inside like the other shoulder piece. It's the same piece used for the faceplate on the Z-Blob the Knight mech: https://brickset.com/sets/71485-1/Mateo-and-Z-Blob-the-Knight-Battle-Mech
April 27, 2024Apr 27 Wondering about those macaroni pieces used on the arms/legs of the Panda As they don't appear to be the same ones uses in last years Dreamzzz sets. Perhaps a thicker version? As they also appear to be on Z-Blob the Knight.
April 27, 2024Apr 27 On 4/27/2024 at 5:48 PM, Takanuinuva said: Wondering about those macaroni pieces used on the arms/legs of the Panda As they don't appear to be the same ones uses in last years Dreamzzz sets. Perhaps a thicker version? As they also appear to be on Z-Blob the Knight. Yup, there's a thicker macaroni tube used on the panda, Z-Blob the Knight, Izzie's Dream Animals, and Cooper's C-Rex. It seems to be 3x3 on each end, with cross axles able to connect in a 3x3 cross shape (similar to the 3x3 "weapon barrel" piece used with it in the Z-Blob set).
April 28, 2024Apr 28 On 4/27/2024 at 5:55 PM, Lyichir said: Yup, there's a thicker macaroni tube used on the panda, Z-Blob the Knight, Izzie's Dream Animals, and Cooper's C-Rex. It seems to be 3x3 on each end, with cross axles able to connect in a 3x3 cross shape (similar to the 3x3 "weapon barrel" piece used with it in the Z-Blob set). This is the second time I’ve been impressed by DREAMZzz introducing a new part and immediately making it in lots of colours. Just like the ‘flames’ part from last year, this new 3x3 tube seems to be available in purple, the new reddish orange, actual orange, trans green and blue. (I’m not completely certain that the C-Rex doesn’t have the same reddish orange as is in Izzie’s Dream Animals but it does look like actual orange.)
April 30, 2024Apr 30 Could some of the parts from the Dreamzzz January sets be added to bricks and pieces on Lego.com in May?
April 30, 2024Apr 30 On 4/30/2024 at 2:05 PM, Darth Shadowthrone said: Could some of the parts from the Dreamzzz January sets be added to bricks and pieces on Lego.com in May? I could not remember if the parts from the Wave 1 did show up on PaB but i feel. Like they (Wave 2 from January) will show up in May or June. Ijust want to get Never Witch’s minifigure parts and accessories. And that Sneak too.
April 30, 2024Apr 30 On 4/30/2024 at 3:28 PM, Lion King said: I could not remember if the parts from the Wave 1 did show up on PaB but i feel. Like they (Wave 2 from January) will show up in May or June. Ijust want to get Never Witch’s minifigure parts and accessories. And that Sneak too. Do none of the wave 3 sets with the Never Witch appeal to you? I think her fig is the same in those as in the Sandman's Tower set (and her new appearances come with that additional "smoke column" piece to stand her on).
April 30, 2024Apr 30 On 4/30/2024 at 5:52 PM, Lyichir said: Do none of the wave 3 sets with the Never Witch appeal to you? I think her fig is the same in those as in the Sandman's Tower set (and her new appearances come with that additional "smoke column" piece to stand her on). Oh I like all sets throughout DreamZzz theme but I’m on a tight bugdget So far, I have Mateo & Z-Blob the Robot, Izzy & Bunchu the Bunny, Mr. Oz’s Space Car sets plus the first polybag. I am little torn between Neve Witch’s Midnight Raven and Nightmare Creatures and Cooper’s C-Rex sets I did ask that quesiton if Never Witch’s appearance /design is same as one from Wave 2 and no one answered it. But thank you for being enough kind o answer my quesiotn!
May 6, 2024May 6 DREAMZ is great for my kids.....seem to like the show and the sets go on sale frequently enough
May 17, 2024May 17 On 4/24/2024 at 1:41 PM, DreamsOfReality said: I’m an adult and I’m into dreamzzz. where did you find those? I’m still looking for 3 sets and haven’t found them on sale yet. I watch the sales in my area all the time but anyways beyond that. Here the sales of dreamzzz are pretty high. Most stores in my area sell out pretty quick so I don’t know? Just my input on that one. On 5/6/2024 at 2:14 AM, AndrewJohnN said: DREAMZ is great for my kids.....seem to like the show and the sets go on sale frequently enough 40% in LEGO stores Too much coloful and childish but too expensive And, at least in Spain, there ara no people (adult or kids) interested in the theme
May 17, 2024May 17 Night of the Never Witch thoughts Reveal hidden contents So the Never Witch's plan is to rid the dream world of dreamers so it remains as is. Night Hunter is Zoey's father. And Zoey's timepiece came from him. The timepiece is now broken so no more rewinds for a while. Nightmare king got freed but turned into the guardian of the realm and is now stuck as a statue. But Z-Blob is back Was a bit odd everyone just went with Madteo as Mateo and didn't question his design. And the fact the Night Hunter kidnapped Mateo yet everyone thought he was checking in on Z-Blob. Should have been more obvious he got caught. Bit odd the clips of the group fighting their evil counterparts wasn't in here. Or Zoey's Cat Motorcycle. But guess both are clips from part 2.
May 18, 2024May 18 I personally find the tv show borderline unwatchable, I'm not exactly the target audience, so I do hope kids and some adults get enjoyment out of it though. I do think it's an excellent concept, with fantastic looking realms and villains, just not well executed. The sets are ultimately what matter to me and they are, by far, exceptional. Regardless, I scanned through season 2 part 1 to see how the wave 3 sets are realised and specifically, to see how the new hourglass hilts are used and evil doppelgangers come about. I will also put some observations as spoilers: Reveal hidden contents Still no full sized dream Logan as seen in 71477, 71480 and 71485. Though I understand there are still 10 more episodes. Mateo starts season 2 in his new puffy vest outfit yet the other dream chasers all have the season 1 outfits. When the evil versions are inevitably created, will the dream chasers change their look to differentiate themselves? (Like the black and purple isn't obvious) When I saw the Astrid minifigure in 71478 I just assumed she was a class mate like Nova and Jayden, based on what looks like a preppy school uniform, But then I realised they don't go to private school, lol. In the set she's using the Ginny Weasley hairpiece but in the show it's the Violet from The Incredibles hairpiece, if I'm not mistaken. No red panda or hourglass hilt yet. The faun/baby dream deer is adorable. The 3-in-1 71483 The Never Witch's Nightmare Creatures is a must buy for me, I'm not sure which build I like the most but it's probably the evil mech. It's also good to get a smaller raven build and the wolf, which I forgot was in season 1. Looking at the pictures more closely I realised the new cauldron in wave 3 is not a cauldron but it's featured twice in 71483, once as a caldron but also the creatures chest piece including sockets. I haven't seen this before, is this a new piece or in other mech sets? Regarding the six, what look like, large satin trans-dark pink energy pieces used as feathers in 71478, are they new or are they reused from Ninjago? Finally, in season 1 the Never Witch is introduced as an old crone who then reveals/takes on her true form as the witch she is. Her appearance in the show is a bit different from the minifigure. I'm sort of more and more convinced the minifig hairpiece is repurposed from a cancelled Vidiyo minifigure like the witch hat/hair from 21341, and that could explain the difference. It's the same sort of tousled hair seen in the witch hat and Candy Mermaid hair. Those cancelled sets were: Reveal hidden contents Monster Metal Castle Dinosaur R&B Skate Park Cutesy Goth Carriage Llama’s Tropicorn Parade Goth Witch BeatBox Rock Viking BeatBox It could be from one of the Goth or Castle sets, the fact it is raven themed could be a happy coincidence or proves my theory is garbage ;) Edited May 18, 2024May 18 by rebelpilot
May 18, 2024May 18 The fact that the new season showed almost none of the builds from the new Wave 3 sets really makes me think the show and the sets were developed concurrently and separately with only minor input from each other. Add that to the fact that a couple of the episodes were mostly filler, which makes me more suspicious. It’s also weird and random that they changed Mateo’s look but not any of the other characters’? Anyway, full thoughts on the season below. Reveal hidden contents Though what they did use was pretty impressive. Doom-Blob was legitimately terrifying. Full props there. The last three episodes were absolutely the best of the season, I was on the edge of my seat, and really make up for the rest of it being kinda rubbish. The episode about Logan ‘beastcrafting’ (is that a word now?) the DJ setup by accident was pure filler. Though, on that topic, I’m surprised and impressed that they went and addressed something as real-life and mundane as ‘single dad remarrying’. Speaking of filler, what was with that whole flashback episode about destroying the Nightmare King’s sword? It somehow simultaneously felt like it dragged on too long and yet wasn’t long enough, because after all that we still didn’t even see how and why Beau became the Night Hunter? If I’d seen that episode without the context of the rest of the show, I would never have guessed that Beau backslid into power through corruption after that ‘trial of love’ thing, it seemed to be indicating the opposite. I also really want to quibble about them bringing Z-Blob back, though, because it feels like Mateo’s character development is stalled out because of that. This season should have been about him moving on, not just looping right back to relying on Z-Blob again, it’s narratively unsatisfying. Did the writers get forced to do that because the set designers wanted more Z-Blob and made The Knight Mech? Wouldn’t surprise me. I will say that the whole ‘turn the Nightmare King himself into the Realm Guardian’ was a really clever way to execute that, props to Mateo. Oh, and we had the ‘Night Bureau superiors being megablocks’ subplot again. Why. Just. Why. We did that already. At least we got Astrid out of it, who I wasn’t sure about at first, but now support her being part of the main cast. (Weird that she’s only in one set, though, so fingers crossed for Wave 4.) She and Logan are adorable, and honestly the whole ‘met someone who pushes him to be better’ is probably the best thing that could have happened for Logan’s character arc. Speaking of character arcs, the dynamic between Zoey and Beau/Night Hunter is absolutely the standout. That was gorgeous. The heel/face turn felt a bit dramatic - we really could have gotten a bit more exposition about how Beau, having replaced the Nightmare King, thought he had everything he’s ever wanted only to find it was all hollow and worthless - but that’s only a minor blemish on what was otherwise the best part of this season. Last note; that bit about the Never-Witch needing a New Year’s Resolution memory absolutely cracked me up. Because everyone forgets their New Year’s Resolutions. :P
May 18, 2024May 18 I realized that there is Zoey’s dream jet pack booster polybag and I looked it up. It looks like there is no picture yet.
May 21, 2024May 21 "To celebrate Season 2 kicking off", most Italian stores are marking 2023 and 1st wave of 2024 Dreamzzz sets 35% to 45% off.
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