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No reviews here as of yet, so I thought you all would be interested in some pretty high-quality pictures I took of the Axalara and Takanuva I recently received. I've also got some pictures of the two Mistika, Tahu and Krika, that I purchased from Shop at Home. I will put them in review format, to give my thoughts and how the two sets stand up to some of my favorites such as Karzahni and the Bahrag.

Now, I don't know how to resize pics, and these I'm betting are pretty large, so I'm going to give the link for each pic--by now the gallery should be public as well.


Well, first off the box for the T9 is pretty large, though it is in fact the usual large boxed set size, it matches the size of my Troll Warship box if any of you have that for comparison.

Box Pic

Opening the box you find five numbered bags of pieces in addition to two non-numbered bags, one containing the larger BIONICLE pieces in the set and the other containing loads of size-15 technic beams! These beams are huge, and certainly a great MOC addition for those wishing to create larger structures. To be honest, I don't remember the last time I saw size-15 beams--certainly not in this quantity or in BIONICLE sets. There variety of BIONICLE parts is nice, includes three of those new Onua Mistika shields in red, three Bordakh staffs, two Lewa Nuva swords, some Nuparu Inika claws, Mahritoran blades, some Kopaka Phantoka wings, and the new little Mistika wings, which after looking closely I realized were exact miniature copies of the Kopaka. They've got the same design, except on a tiny scale.

Another item of interest is that the set included not one, nor two, but three instruction manuals, which is more than I've ever seen. Most large-scale sets these days seem to include two, unless they are special-editions or Factory Exclusives. But Axalara has three.


As usual, the instructions are split by bag, which does make things easier, as each bag has a lot of pieces and piling them all together would have taken a lot longer to build. Now, forgive me, but I was so excited I forgot to take pics of the building process, but I have tried to make up for it by including some pics of the interiors. Unfortunately, my digital camera does not seem to do well at close-range, so they are somewhat blurry but you can get the idea.

Lewa Nuva

The new Lewa Nuva figure, IMO, has a better mask than the Lewa Phantoka. I really like the overall shape and the spiked visor, I think it adds a neat touch. He is basically the same as introduces yet another way to attach the Inika armor of that type to the Inika body. Don't ask me why they don't just use the same way every time, I'm lost on it. This time he does not include the Matoran backpack and has silver Toa Metru feet-- this is so he can attach nicely to the vehicle as you'll see later. They could have used grey Metru feet which would have done better on the color scheme but I think the silver gives him a look of metal cleats so he can cling on to his vehicle, so I am okay with the differing colors.

Entire Lewa Nuva

Visor Close-Up

Mask Close-Up

As you can see by the visor close-up, the visor does have some markings on it unlike the non-spiked version. it has two eye markings, and a forward-symbol arrow marking, like those speedway arrows in racing video games. These are not visible on Lewa, though the eye markings do add an excellent dimension to his eyes. I assume these markings are more for the Pohatu that comes with Rockoh T3, since his lower mask part is the same as the old one.

Axalara T9

For those interested in builds, the build of the T9 is probably one of the best, if not the best, BIONICLE build of all time. It easily joins the Bahrag and Kardas for its complexity and sheer size of build. It is very interesting to see how turning those small knobs on the back of the vehicle can open up the Midak compartment or unleash the tri-blades (the latter of which is more for show). Even the landing gear is more complex that I originally thought, moving in a couple different directions instead of just swinging outwards like I suspected. Another fun thing is how long it takes for you to realize what part of Axalara you are actually building, something I remember having loads of fun with in the old days with the more technic Rahi and Titans. For those longing for 2001 or having fond memories of it, this build really brings back the kid--I haven't felt this way about a BIONICLE in a long time. Even Kardas did not bring it back that much, great as he was. \


Now in the pic above you'll notice under Lewa there are two small wheel knobs. The forward one unleashes the Midaks, while the back one opens the tri-blade arms. The large wheels near the bottom open and close the landing gear.

Closed Midak

Partly Open

Mostly Open


Now, I'm sorry that last pic is so blurry, but it is just to show the gears that open the Midaks. There are two gear areas, one that transforms the side-to-side energy of turning the knobs into a forward axle that extends the length of the machine, and another gear area in the Midak compartment that re-transforms the energy into side-to-side energy that opens up the compartments while extending the Midaks.

Tri-Wing Closed

Tri-Wing Open

Now here you can see how the Tri-Wings open and close using the three-pronged beam. The Tri-Wings are like Nui-Jaga arms, that they open up when pulled downwards, here pulled downwards when the tri-prong beam turns and pulls in those black beams.

The finished product is very large and very streamlined, though I think it is not as huge as Kardas--then again, Kardas has nothing in length against the Axalara. Here are some pics of the finished product:




Tri-Wing Closed

Tri-Wing Open

Front Engines

Lewa Off Vehicle

Landing Gear Down

Landing Gear Retracted

All in all, I would highly reccomend Axalara T9 when you get the chance. The price at 80 USD is pretty heavy, though at near 700 pieces the set comes in at a price-per-part ratio similar to most BIONICLE sets. You may want to wait for a sale instead of spending the money to get it, but I would really not pass this one up. The design is nicely streamlined, the functions are neat and plentiful, and the parts included are fabulous. Though the Lewa figure himself is not anything special, his new mask and visor are neat and certainly add to the value of a great vehicle.




The box for the Takanuva set is the same size as its 30 dollar Castle counterpart, the Tower Raid, and the same size as Maxilos and Spinax of last year, I would guess from memory. The set includes only one instruction book, but it is a thick one.


Takanuva also has a variety of new parts in three bags. Like Maxilos, his body is custom although the build includes an Inika body in there. Never fear, however, a good number of technic beams separates the Inika body from the lower waist, and two grey pieces are placed along the beams to keep Takanuva's lower body at near the same width as his upper Inika body. If I can say one thing in favor of this set, it is that the attention to detail is very nice. They could have left a gap between the upper and lower bodies as they did partly with Icarax, but they didn't. They included two pieces that widen the lower body and keep Takanuva in balance.

See Here

In the above pic you can see what I mean--I removed the armor front plate to show what is beneath. The build is also interesting of its own accord, though obviously nothing in comparison with Axalara. To pace myself I built this first, so that I would be able to judge it fairly and then afterwards build Axalara. The set is definitely worth 30 dollars, both for its size (later) and its piece count at around 270, more than Maxilos and Spinax at the same price point. The build of the body and the arms are interesting, and so is especially teh build for the legs, although both share the same build and the instructions just include a X2 at the end.



Arm and Back


Back of Leg

As you can see by these pics, the legs are huge, as is the body. In fact, the entire Takanuva leg alone is about the size of Tahu Mistika, and larger than my brother's Bitil. Also, Takanuva's only downside is his back, a direction from which his interior build is easily visible. This weakness has been seen before, such as in Axonn and Sidorak. While the two Av-Matoran arms help with the appearance, giving a muscled look, it is still obvious that his back is lacking.


Here you can see Takanuva's mask and upper body including armor. The armor goes well with him, and here you can also see how those two grey egg-shaped pieces help with the overall look of the upper and lower body parts. Still, each individual part of Takanuva is not as impressive as a whole. I must confess, I was actually more impressed with Takanuva's size than with Axalara's. The magazine said 12 inches, but he is actually closer towards 14 by my ruler.

Magnificent in Size!

There you can see him in all his glory, and below is a comparison pic to my Tahu Mistika.


There you go. So, as you can see, Takanuva is huge and IMO easily worth the 30 dollars. Most modern-day Toa are about half his height, maybe perhaps Lewa Phantoka due to his size and feet. I would also highly reccomend him, probably before Axalara due to the price of the vehicle. It is a lot easier to get Takanuva and display him, and he is really very impressive in his own right and easily dwarfs all my other Titans, save of course the giant Kardas. So, highly reccomend, he's got good piece count and great size and design. He is very streamlined, but still manages to say, "I pack a massive punch, kid!"

Also, if you are interested, here are three pics of Tahu and Krika, also great sets. Though he is lacking in pieces and build, Krika is just so cool with his look. Tahu is also pretty neat, and the new Hau does bear some resemblance close-up of the old Hau. Tahu's build is nothing special despite his 70 piece count, the extra pieces are really just small pins. I would reccomend both these, but I suggest you wait for the sale as they are less worth it for 13 USD than for 10. My first reccomendation would be Takanuva, as he has no ill-effects from price increases and is way worth his price, moreso than any of the other sets I have reviewed here.

Krika Pose

Tahu Pose

Swamp of Secrets Book Cover Pose

I hope you've all enjoyed these two reviews and the pics I've supplied, and remember you can find all the pics here and a few more at the Gallery.



Edited by Visorak-kal

A little off subject, but looking at Tahu inside the pics of the other sets makes me not like him just that much more.

Thanks for showing a good pic of the trans dome with Lewa. I might not want to get the whole set, but that one part, in a quantity larger than ONE, could be a very fun thing to play around with.

Thanks for the review. :sweet: I really don't think the gaps in Takanuva's shins are particularly noticable.

Also I was wondering how well does Takanuva size up against Brutaka.

Thanks for the great reviews Kal. :thumbup:

I totally agee with basically everything you said. Alaxara and the other two vehicles look wonderful if you want giant technic builds, and Takanuva is total OWN. I'll get Taka for sure, although I probably won't get Alaxara because of the HUGE price tag. :tongue:

Amazing Reviews.

I'll probably get Takanuva.

However, who do you think is more worth the price, Jetrax or Axalara?

Oooh. :oh: Finally a Takanuva review with good pics! From the pics I've seen on BS I've been undecided, but he looks great here. Some issues with the back, but it's fine, IMO.

He does look big- a lot bigger than Maxilos. Finally a good super-titan! We've been missing one...

How flexible are his arms? Can he reach above his head?

Again, great review, VK. :sweet:

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Sorry for the delay in getting back--I've had a busy week. To answer some comments and questions...

Thanks for showing a good pic of the trans dome with Lewa. I might not want to get the whole set, but that one part, in a quantity larger than ONE, could be a very fun thing to play around with.

It really is a cool piece, what with the designs on the visor that give it a different appearance than teh old visor besides just the fins. I've tried it on a Pohatu Phantoka mask I have (to emulate the Rockoh Pohatu) and it really gives his mask a whole new look, even though the lower portion is exactly the same. It is a shame, though, that it only fits on certain masks, since the visors stick out. The Lewa Axalara mask and the Pohatu mask are the only ones I know of in which the visor fits. I am sure there will be other uses for it, though, in MOC world.

Also I was wondering how well does Takanuva size up against Brutaka.

Unfortunately, I don't have my Brutaka on hand, however to put it this way--I've got a shelf in which I store my BIONICLE sets. Brutaka fits in the shelf, Takanuva doesn't. I am positive he is quite a bit taller than Brutaka, but I am not positive by how much. Maybe 1-3 inches.

Alaxara and the other two vehicles look wonderful if you want giant technic builds, and Takanuva is total OWN. I'll get Taka for sure, although I probably won't get Alaxara because of the HUGE price tag. default_tong.gif

Yeah, my favorite part of any set is always the build, and of course the playability and functions are always welcome additions. That is why I really like Axalara and why I intend to get Jetrax as well when I get the chance. But price-wise, Takanuva is easily the best deal, and his lower overall price just makes him my highest recommendation.

However, who do you think is more worth the price, Jetrax or Axalara?

I don't have Jetrax yet, though from what I have seen Axalara is about the same length as Jetrax, plus taller, but not as wide. It is overall bulkier, however, Jetrax is more thin from top to bottom. So, size-wise and build-wise (obviously) Axalara wins, however I'm not sure how this would translate into price. It depends on how highly you value build and size. As for price-per-part ratio, Jetrax is 422 for 50 USD, while Axalara is near 700 for 80 USD. So, Jetrax has more pieces for the price. The best price-per-part ratio is Rockoh, which has 390 for 40 USD.

It depends on how you judge price, by better build, design, size, or price-per-part ratio.

Oooh. default_oh.gif Finally a Takanuva review with good pics! From the pics I've seen on BS I've been undecided, but he looks great here. Some issues with the back, but it's fine, IMO.

Yes, the back does have some issues, like most sets. I have found it hard to get a set with a fully armored back, though sets like Roodaka and Brutaka have been pleasing exceptions. Takanuva is like Hydraxon in that respect--he has no back detail purposefully, but certain aspects give a feel to the back. In Takanuva's case, it is the two Matoran arms that give him the muscled look, without which it would just be technic beams like on Sidorak from 05.

He does look big- a lot bigger than Maxilos. Finally a good super-titan! We've been missing one...

How flexible are his arms? Can he reach above his head?

Well, he is taller than Brutaka, and I know for a fact Brutaka is taller than Maxilos, so he is definitely a good few inches taller than Maxilos. Not to mention the fact that he's white, and I don't recall us ever getting a white Titan before--it is a nice new color scheme.

His arms are flexible, though less so than normal arms due to the double-socket joints. They make the arms sturdier, like the pistons and double-hip joints aid the sturdiness of the legs. He can do a variety of normal poses, though he can't "reach for the sky", as his arms will not go up that far. Still, he can make any ordinary pose that a Toa or warrior would have, and I have really not found in my experience that his arms are lacking in that area, as I don't see reaching all the way up as any normal pose.

You're all quite welcome for the reviews, I am glad you found them helpful! :classic:


Great review! Thanks :thumbup:

Better if you managed to reduce the pictures and displayed them into the post.

I've just ordered one Axalara T9, for the new red panels...

I believe they could be of great use in some TECHNIC MOCs. :hmpf:

Sorry for the delay in getting back--I've had a busy week. To answer some comments and questions...

It really is a cool piece, what with the designs on the visor that give it a different appearance than teh old visor besides just the fins. I've tried it on a Pohatu Phantoka mask I have (to emulate the Rockoh Pohatu) and it really gives his mask a whole new look, even though the lower portion is exactly the same. It is a shame, though, that it only fits on certain masks, since the visors stick out. The Lewa Axalara mask and the Pohatu mask are the only ones I know of in which the visor fits. I am sure there will be other uses for it, though, in MOC world.

Unfortunately, I don't have my Brutaka on hand, however to put it this way--I've got a shelf in which I store my BIONICLE sets. Brutaka fits in the shelf, Takanuva doesn't. I am positive he is quite a bit taller than Brutaka, but I am not positive by how much. Maybe 1-3 inches.

Yeah, my favorite part of any set is always the build, and of course the playability and functions are always welcome additions. That is why I really like Axalara and why I intend to get Jetrax as well when I get the chance. But price-wise, Takanuva is easily the best deal, and his lower overall price just makes him my highest recommendation.

I don't have Jetrax yet, though from what I have seen Axalara is about the same length as Jetrax, plus taller, but not as wide. It is overall bulkier, however, Jetrax is more thin from top to bottom. So, size-wise and build-wise (obviously) Axalara wins, however I'm not sure how this would translate into price. It depends on how highly you value build and size. As for price-per-part ratio, Jetrax is 422 for 50 USD, while Axalara is near 700 for 80 USD. So, Jetrax has more pieces for the price. The best price-per-part ratio is Rockoh, which has 390 for 40 USD.

It depends on how you judge price, by better build, design, size, or price-per-part ratio.

Yes, the back does have some issues, like most sets. I have found it hard to get a set with a fully armored back, though sets like Roodaka and Brutaka have been pleasing exceptions. Takanuva is like Hydraxon in that respect--he has no back detail purposefully, but certain aspects give a feel to the back. In Takanuva's case, it is the two Matoran arms that give him the muscled look, without which it would just be technic beams like on Sidorak from 05.

Well, he is taller than Brutaka, and I know for a fact Brutaka is taller than Maxilos, so he is definitely a good few inches taller than Maxilos. Not to mention the fact that he's white, and I don't recall us ever getting a white Titan before--it is a nice new color scheme.

His arms are flexible, though less so than normal arms due to the double-socket joints. They make the arms sturdier, like the pistons and double-hip joints aid the sturdiness of the legs. He can do a variety of normal poses, though he can't "reach for the sky", as his arms will not go up that far. Still, he can make any ordinary pose that a Toa or warrior would have, and I have really not found in my experience that his arms are lacking in that area, as I don't see reaching all the way up as any normal pose.

You're all quite welcome for the reviews, I am glad you found them helpful! :classic:


Okay, so I think I'll get Jetrax.

I kind of prefer his awesome turbines and wings.

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