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31 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

(also important to note that I don't think we have the actual figure list for the death star confirmed besides Cal)

The fig list from the Death Star was confirmed in Max baut’s YouTube video. He is the editor for Promobricks.

75394: Death Star

  • Price: $89.99
  • Piece Count:
  • Minifigs: Darth Vader, 2x stormtrooper, Death Star Trooper, Imperial Officer, Cal Kestis (Jedi: Fallen Order)

Edited by avengers777

18 minutes ago, Kit Figsto said:

stonewars (I'm pretty sure the only thing they've gotten majorly wrong was the Indy 5 set numbers

That was Promobricks. I recently asked maxbaut, who is from the promobricks team and he said that their initial info regarding the set numbers 77016 till 77019 was that these will be sets for Indy 5. They don't know if the info was wrong or if these sets have been cancelled early. But yeah, Promobricks and stonewars are both reliable sources.

5 hours ago, Modal said:

It's almost insane how much he complains now, it's such a negative vibe I can't imagine holding in that anger so much for something your career is based on. And then he wonders why he doesn't get invited to LEGO things, like dude who would want to hang out with someone who constantly shits on you.

I feel like his gripe here is totally valid. Years ago when Lego was much cheaper, the waist capes used to be included with figs that needed them and weren't printed on but now when Lego is maybe the most expensive toy on the market the product is worse. It doesn't make any sense and I don't get why there's always a keyboard warrior defending everything a billion-dollar company does unless they're giving you special treatment in which case I do get it (ie LAN members who do reviews). They have to be complimentary to Lego regardless but for the rest of us on this forum, I just don't get it why would you not want a better product when past products have been?

Anyway, I like the Fives figure apart from the lack of waist cape and helmet print, but the torso and arms are fantastic and make me really hopeful for the Cal fig cause I need them to do him justice. The rest of the rumors sound like TLG is stepping outside the box which I love to see though would love to see more TPM sets for the anniversary apart from the 1 we're getting. 

25 minutes ago, Yperio_Bricks said:

That was Promobricks. I recently asked maxbaut, who is from the promobricks team and he said that their initial info regarding the set numbers 77016 till 77019 was that these will be sets for Indy 5. They don't know if the info was wrong or if these sets have been cancelled early. But yeah, Promobricks and stonewars are both reliable sources.

Ah, thank you for the correction!  I get those two mixed up from time to time since they seem to leak info in very similar manners and are probably two of the only sources I can think of that have actual websites and don't just use social media or message boards.

34 minutes ago, avengers777 said:

The fig list from the Death Star was confirmed in Max baut’s YouTube video. He is the editor for Promobricks.

75394: Death Star

  • Price: $89.99
  • Piece Count:
  • Minifigs: Darth Vader, 2x stormtrooper, Death Star Trooper, Imperial Officer, Cal Kestis (Jedi: Fallen Order)

Given that this minifigure list is from a proven source, I feel like there's no way this is the conference room, since I don't know why the bulk of the figures would be army builders and not actual officers (especially since the officers that would be likely included are named ones that are pretty recognizable).  I mean, there is absolutely no way they'd do this set without Tarkin, and he'd definitely be identifiable and unlikely to be just a generic "Imperial Officer."  

Since there's no good guys included, I wonder if this isn't something akin to one of the old Kenner Death Star playsets, where it's got a couple of different rooms and is more of a play-oriented thing, as opposed to representing one specific scene.  Besides the conference room, any of the major DS locations either necessitate including hero characters (detention block, trash compacter, control room, tractor beam, lightsaber duel area), which wouldn't work with this minifig list.  

36 minutes ago, kidtheboss611 said:

I feel like his gripe here is totally valid. Years ago when Lego was much cheaper, the waist capes used to be included with figs that needed them and weren't printed on but now when Lego is maybe the most expensive toy on the market the product is worse. It doesn't make any sense and I don't get why there's always a keyboard warrior defending everything a billion-dollar company does unless they're giving you special treatment in which case I do get it (ie LAN members who do reviews). They have to be complimentary to Lego regardless but for the rest of us on this forum, I just don't get it why would you not want a better product when past products have been?

Anyway, I like the Fives figure apart from the lack of waist cape and helmet print, but the torso and arms are fantastic and make me really hopeful for the Cal fig cause I need them to do him justice. The rest of the rumors sound like TLG is stepping outside the box which I love to see though would love to see more TPM sets for the anniversary apart from the 1 we're getting. 

Because that’s just an opinion? Some of us don’t mind the printed waist capes and helmet holes as much as others. The clone treatment right now is better than it has ever been, no question. Look how much we’ve gotten, including named clones that we never thought we would see again or for the first time. They’re not going to please everyone. But there’s a vial group of crybabies led by king crybaby MandR that just HAVE to whine about something, no matter how good us fans are eating with this theme right now. Nothing is ever enough, and it’s exhausting to constantly see the crappy attitude that brings the fandom down. He exists to throw tantrums at this point, and his sheep followers do the same.

Balrogofmorgoth, cheers. About the anniversary figs. I thought those would been figures that would been normal for the sets.

1 hour ago, avengers777 said:

The fig list from the Death Star was confirmed in Max baut’s YouTube video. He is the editor for Promobricks.

75394: Death Star

  • Price: $89.99
  • Piece Count:
  • Minifigs: Darth Vader, 2x stormtrooper, Death Star Trooper, Imperial Officer, Cal Kestis (Jedi: Fallen Order)

I don't think it'll be the conference room, then- it seems really odd to me that they'd make that room without Tarkin.

51 minutes ago, kidtheboss611 said:

I feel like his gripe here is totally valid. Years ago when Lego was much cheaper, the waist capes used to be included with figs that needed them and weren't printed on but now when Lego is maybe the most expensive toy on the market the product is worse. It doesn't make any sense and I don't get why there's always a keyboard warrior defending everything a billion-dollar company does unless they're giving you special treatment in which case I do get it (ie LAN members who do reviews). They have to be complimentary to Lego regardless but for the rest of us on this forum, I just don't get it why would you not want a better product when past products have been?

I'm speaking as someone who does think lego either needs to bring cloth kamas back or dual-mold, but c'mon, man. Are you really going to say the current clones are worse than the old ones?

36 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

I'm speaking as someone who does think lego either needs to bring cloth kamas back or dual-mold, but c'mon, man. Are you really going to say the current clones are worse than the old ones?

Personally I'd say yes to that- even forgetting helmet holes and kamas in my opinion they haven't made a good Clone figure since 2019 as I can't stand the 2020 TCW/movie hybrid design. 

Yeah I'm not a fan of the hybrid clone art design and definitely think 2014 clones were the absolute peak, but I'm not going to complain about the new ones. Like the other guy said we've been eating so well in terms of clones. Infact maybe too well, some of us are a little sick. And idk I just cringe a little with all the clone hype that's been created on social media the past 2-3 years, I mean I'm  not saying you can't enjoy clones, I enjoy them too but there's just so many people in recent times who have taken up army building on a grey baseplate as their only defining factor, there's like 500 channels on youtube all doing the same thing, with the trap music in the background, worshipping clones. No individuality, just carbon copy soulless channels. I'm not saying Mandr, lifebricks are the sole reason for them (less so lifebricks), but I feel alot of people that are kinda impressionable worship these guys on insta and youtube. Army building was nowhere near this cringe level in 2008, call it nostalgia but those times felt more like genuine passion, whereas nowadays it's more just buying 30 40 battlepacks and arraying them because you saw lots of other people do it and want to do it too, because it's the cool new thing. Maybe you'll agree maybe you'll disagree.

Edited by Minishark2000

1 minute ago, Minishark2000 said:

Yeah I'm not a fan of the hybrid clone art design and definitely think 2014 clones were the absolute peak, but I'm not going to complain about the new ones. Like the other guy said we've been eating so well in terms of clones. Infact maybe too well, some of us are a little sick. And idk I just cringe a little with all the clone hype that's been created on social media the past 2-3 years, I mean I'm  not saying you can't enjoy clones, I enjoy them too but there's just so many people in recent times who have taken up army building on a grey baseplate as their only defining factor, there's like 500 channels on youtube all doing the same thing, with the trap music in the background, worshipping clones. Army building was nowhere near this cringe level in 2008, call it nostalgia but those times felt more like genuine passion, whereas nowadays it's more just buying 30 40 battlepacks and arraying them because you saw lots of other people do it and want to do it too, because it's the cool new thing. Maybe you'll agree maybe you'll disagree.

I definitely agree about the passion of collecting and army building just not being what it used to be. Now it’s all about buying every army builder set to make a post and get likes and followers. It’s tiring. I enjoy buying multiple battle packs and building small armies from them but the scale that some are doing it on is just over the top for no reason. It’s like a contest to see which “influencer” can hoard the most absurd amount of battle packs so that I can never find one for my kids. And those same people will also do nothing but complain about the set. There’s no real passion for the product

6 minutes ago, Balrogofmorgoth said:

I definitely agree about the passion of collecting and army building just not being what it used to be. Now it’s all about buying every army builder set to make a post and get likes and followers. It’s tiring. I enjoy buying multiple battle packs and building small armies from them but the scale that some are doing it on is just over the top for no reason. It’s like a contest to see which “influencer” can hoard the most absurd amount of battle packs so that I can never find one for my kids. And those same people will also do nothing but complain about the set. There’s no real passion for the product

EXACTLY. I really do despise this habit of complaining about the smallest parts of a set, and then buying so many copies that you're legitimately disrupting the ability of people in your area to find them in-store. It's so disingenuous. If you legitimately believe these issues are serious enough to make video after video complaining about, why are you buying so many of the set? (The real answer is assumably that they get views/money from having the largest gray baseplate armies, but also from ragebait/controversy baiting by complaining so much about stuff. I doubt/hope most of these guys don't actually care as much about helmet holes on their plastic toys as they act in their videos. It's a personality put on for the videos, which I somewhat respect from a business level, but it does impact the lego community here by breeding this generation of constant complaints about clones not being perfect on social media)

2 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

EXACTLY. I really do despise this habit of complaining about the smallest parts of a set, and then buying so many copies that you're legitimately disrupting the ability of people in your area to find them in-store. It's so disingenuous. If you legitimately believe these issues are serious enough to make video after video complaining about, why are you buying so many of the set? (The real answer is assumably that they get views/money from having the largest gray baseplate armies, but also from ragebait/controversy baiting by complaining so much about stuff. I doubt/hope most of these guys don't actually care as much about helmet holes on their plastic toys as they act in their videos. It's a personality put on for the videos, which I somewhat respect from a business level, but it does impact the lego community here by breeding this generation of constant complaints about clones not being perfect on social media)

And to be clear, I don’t think the current clones are perfect. Cloth kamas would be better, more than one helmet mold would be better, holes for ones that use attachments, no holes for ones that don’t. And I would personally prefer fully live action versions instead of the hybrid. BUT I feel zero need to complain about it because they’re still great figures, in my opinion better than any other clones we’ve ever gotten, and I’m so grateful that we’re even getting all of these clone variations that the nitpicks just don’t bother me much. It’s just not worth the negativity

7 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

EXACTLY. I really do despise this habit of complaining about the smallest parts of a set, and then buying so many copies that you're legitimately disrupting the ability of people in your area to find them in-store. It's so disingenuous. If you legitimately believe these issues are serious enough to make video after video complaining about, why are you buying so many of the set? (The real answer is assumably that they get views/money from having the largest gray baseplate armies, but also from ragebait/controversy baiting by complaining so much about stuff. I doubt/hope most of these guys don't actually care as much about helmet holes on their plastic toys as they act in their videos. It's a personality put on for the videos, which I somewhat respect from a business level, but it does impact the lego community here by breeding this generation of constant complaints about clones not being perfect on social media)

I mean I know you said business, but like I said before there's like 500 of these clone channels on youtube of which I guarantee you maybe only 5% take off and are able to make a bit of money on youtube. The vast majority are teens and young adults whose channels have below 1000 subscribers, and are not making any money whatsoever on vids that I get recommended to me for some reason that have like 500 views. The big influencers are making their money back on this army building somewhat, but these kids that want to army build and see a grey baseplate, that convince their parents to buy 20 501st battle packs for their youtube channel, for 500 bucks instead of a nice birthday $120 wave flagship set (e.g. ghost, malevolence, AT-AT, etc). These are the people that are legitimately being financially harmed, sure it's their own actions but they are definitely caught up in a wave of hype.

And yeah I agree the persona of "hating" something instead of their actual feeling being of slight dislike is a social media thing.

Edited by Minishark2000

47 minutes ago, Balrogofmorgoth said:

And to be clear, I don’t think the current clones are perfect. Cloth kamas would be better, more than one helmet mold would be better, holes for ones that use attachments, no holes for ones that don’t. And I would personally prefer fully live action versions instead of the hybrid. BUT I feel zero need to complain about it because they’re still great figures, in my opinion better than any other clones we’ve ever gotten, and I’m so grateful that we’re even getting all of these clone variations that the nitpicks just don’t bother me much. It’s just not worth the negativity

Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't either. I think the Kamas are something lego is legitimately doing poorly- they should be including cloth or dual molding. It's an issue, just not one that warrants as much vitriol as it does, or those weird "lego secretly hates the prequels and/or wants prequel sets to fail" theories that pop up all over social media, and even here sometimes.

The helmet holes I will disagree on- this is a creative toy at the end of the day, and having two separate molds for the same helmet, one where kids can't attach rangefinders/antenna/etc, limits playability and customizability. If we only need the holes on figures using accessories covering them, all mando helmets should have either no holes or only a hole on the right side of the helmet. 

But if lego made it so generic troops didn't have helmet holes, my response would be something like "this is a bad move in my opinion, lego should have kept the holes, it adds playability" not a video where I angrily explain that lego thinks we're stupid and the removal of the playability means they hate children or something, then proceed to buy 50 copies of the helmet hole-less clone battle pack.

47 minutes ago, Minishark2000 said:

I mean I know you said business, but like I said before there's like 500 of these clone channels on youtube of which I guarantee you maybe only 5% take off and are able to make a bit of money on youtube. The vast majority are teens and young adults whose channels have below 1000 subscribers, and are not making any money whatsoever on vids that I get recommended to me for some reason that have like 500 views. The big influencers are making their money back on this army building somewhat, but these kids that want to army build and see a grey baseplate, that convince their parents to buy 20 501st battle packs for their youtube channel, for 500 bucks instead of a nice birthday $120 wave flagship set (e.g. ghost, malevolence, AT-AT, etc). These are the people that are legitimately being financially harmed, sure it's their own actions but they are definitely caught up in a wave of hype.

And yeah I agree the persona of "hating" something instead of their actual feeling being of slight dislike is a social media thing.

You're 100% right, and I should have specified- I was meaning more the bigger guys like MandR and Lifebricks. The younger/smaller ones are often just kids/young adults caught up in the frenzy.

40 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

 But if lego made it so generic troops didn't have helmet holes, my response would be something like "this is a bad move in my opinion, lego should have kept the holes, it adds playability" not a video where I angrily explain that lego thinks we're stupid and the removal of the playability means they hate children or something, then proceed to buy 50 copies of the helmet hole-less clone battle pack.

I may end up buying a lot of this latest BP even though I prefer no helmet holes. Commonly with Lego, even though I'm not satisfied with the end-product, I often still buy it because it's just good enough. To me, the fact that I often do spend so much gives me even more reason to be dissatisfied with the sub-par product (relative to what TLG is capable of).

Personally, I do think the 2014 Clones are the best they've done. They're even better when you combo the helmets + torsos with the newer heads + legs. It baffles me that some parts got better while others got worse, which seems to be the trend with Clones. A lot of people say the same about Stormtroopers (e.g. Family Guy helmets) so it's not just Clones but they're the ones I'm most personally disappointed about. I can go back and get old 212th, old Stormtroopers, etc. I can't go back and get 2014 variant helmets + torsos of the 501st, 332nd, Fox, Fives, etc.


I should clarify that I think Lego Star Wars, and the brand in general, has been doing a lot right. For that matter, I agree with a great deal of the things that are said on this forum - I just happen to post/respond to/about things that I dislike/disagree with most of the time.

My TLG fandom is like rooting for an underperforming sports team that you know can do better. I'm passionate about them, I want the best for them, I see opportunity for improvement, and I focus on that. But I can do a better job of being more balanced and voicing praises more often.

5 hours ago, Balrogofmorgoth said:

Because that’s just an opinion? Some of us don’t mind the printed waist capes and helmet holes as much as others. The clone treatment right now is better than it has ever been, no question. Look how much we’ve gotten, including named clones that we never thought we would see again or for the first time. They’re not going to please everyone. But there’s a vial group of crybabies led by king crybaby MandR that just HAVE to whine about something, no matter how good us fans are eating with this theme right now. Nothing is ever enough, and it’s exhausting to constantly see the crappy attitude that brings the fandom down. He exists to throw tantrums at this point, and his sheep followers do the same.


4 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

I'm speaking as someone who does think lego either needs to bring cloth kamas back or dual-mold, but c'mon, man. Are you really going to say the current clones are worse than the old ones?

To be clear, I think most current clone figs and pints have been great and I haven't made a 10 min video on yt saying they suck and are the worse thing ever I was just pointing out that if older models have features that newer ones don't it seems stupid to attack the guy whose critiquing that change rather than the company that made the regressive change. If you disagree with a take on LSW, that's par for the course, everyone's opinion is gonna be different but it's not an attack on you if someone else's opinion is different from yours. 

Also looking through a lot of the comments most people seem to agree that the kamas and the holes mold r issues but are not worth complaining over because (and I'm paraphrasing here) "its good enough" or "don't whine its more clones than before". While I disagree with the way MandR does things, I do think fans should be able to critique and point out issues with Lego that will hopefully urge TLG to make better products in the future because since it's a very expensive product "good enough" shouldn't be the bar. I don't think it's a crazy take that TLG should build on the success of the past to make new sets better. 


@Pedilego 's post above mine is a perfect way of explaining my views on Lego in 2023, and my sadness for the San Jose Sharks.

Edited by kidtheboss611

6 hours ago, avengers777 said:

The fig list from the Death Star was confirmed in Max baut’s YouTube video. He is the editor for Promobricks.

75394: Death Star

  • Price: $89.99
  • Piece Count:
  • Minifigs: Darth Vader, 2x stormtrooper, Death Star Trooper, Imperial Officer, Cal Kestis (Jedi: Fallen Order)

With two ANH sets coming with Vader, I hope that LEGO finally gives us the correct torso for him!
I wonder what rank/design the Officer will have - Maybe a black uniform with four blue squares (previously exclusive to the UCS Death Star), or grey with six yellow (Captain Khurgee)? 


  • Author

Just want to drop a note saying the past 2-3 pages of discussion has been a good example of civil debate. Differing opinions which are on-topic and which don't resort to name calling are totally allowed. I call out the bad examples often enough I wanted to point out a positive example for once.

To be honest, my only real problem with Fives in particular is that his legs should have been light bluish grey or dark bluish grey. Normally I’d suggest that dual moulding would have been better than a printed kama, and so Fives would have had grey on the top half and white on the bottom half, with white printed in the middle of the top where the kama is open. However, in reference material, the armour on the bottom half of his legs is grey like his kama, and so LEGO could just have given him grey legs with white printing on the knees and feet (and it really is just the front of his feet that are white, look it up) and solved both problems with one solution that doesn’t even cost them extra for dual moulding or fabric, but instead he just has the weird looking kama that’s only on the front and white legs missing his grey lower-leg and foot armour with only a small grey stripe before they can’t print any lower. That tiny change would have made the figure utterly perfect in my eyes. 

Pictures of Malak can be found in the usual places. He looks really good! The mouth/mask piece is a bit bulkier than it is in the character design, but to me, it’s consistent with other pieces and has a certain LEGO charm. It’s also just a cool piece. It’s nice to be getting Malak, and to finally be seeing him (and Fives). 

I'm a huge fan of clones in general, and I also think that the p1-clones peaked in 2014.

However, I clearly prefer the 2023 p2-clones to those of 2014.

I'm still not pleased with the design of the visor and other minor points (printing of the cheeks that is meant to resemble "shadow" etc.)

While I prefer printed kamas to clothed kamas (I have not yet seen any clothed kamas I found convincing), I think that the printing should have extended to the sides of the hips and legs as well.

I don't like printed arms, though; I can't see that the printing has any function whatsoever in increasing the perceived detail of armor.

I'm not really sure what this thing is that Fives has around his neck; to me, he looks a bit like a bat or Dracula.

So to me, both Fives as well as the new Captain Rex, are totally expendable.

Malak looks great, will definitely Bricklink him separately. Pleased to see no anniversary prints on the minifigures too. 

I struggle to buy a lot of the newer stuff because I think the Minifigure quality is lacking. Because my interest largely stems from TCW, this means I’m talking for the most part about Clone Troopers. 

I started collecting in 2010, and the quality across the board was really strong. The fact we are in 2024 and I feel the quality is regressive through measures implemented directly by Lego, is staggering. Certainly, I’m glad they exist and I can enjoy them by talking about them, watching reviews, speculating, and seeing others enjoy them. But, personally, I refuse to spend money on sets I feel would have been better if they were released 10 years earlier. 

The problem with the Clone Trooper is if they change them now they lose all consistency, and consistency is what they talk about over and over. They’ve got to follow through with this BUT the question really is about who thought this quality was good enough in the first place. I don’t think we will ever know. 

Lego lose my sales, but I know I’m in the minority. 


1 hour ago, Rwbricks said:

Pictures of Malak can be found in the usual places. He looks really good! The mouth/mask piece is a bit bulkier than it is in the character design, but to me, it’s consistent with other pieces and has a certain LEGO charm. It’s also just a cool piece. It’s nice to be getting Malak, and to finally be seeing him (and Fives). 

On the other hand, Malak is a great example where there are so many positives over negatives. A great minifigure! 

While I also prefer cloth kamas and agree they should’ve designed a new visor piece to accomodate helmet holes in the proper location, these are minor complaints in the grand scheme of things. We get so many clone sets it’s almost ridiculous and we finally have an updated Rex, P2 Cody & Fox, shinies, plus an all-new Fives with arm printing and everything :thumbup: This should be a huge W!

Being positive or at least reasonable doesn’t net you YT clicks tho, I get it :tongue:

Edited by BrickBob Studpants

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