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12 minutes ago, icm said:

Some kids get allowances.

Some kids get paid for chores.

Some kids mow their neighbor's lawns.

Those kids spend their own money when they buy Lego sets.

This is true; I was spending lawn money on LEGO (exclusively LEGO and nothing but LEGO) from 10 years old.

1 hour ago, ArrowBricks said:

When that happens, imma fall off a balcony again and meet my death. 


Hold on a second here

1 hour ago, icm said:

Some kids get allowances.

Some kids get paid for chores.

Some kids mow their neighbor's lawns.

Those kids spend their own money when they buy Lego sets.

The overwhelming majority of kids sets are purchased by adults, for kids. Most families that even have the luxury of getting toys for their kids don’t do privileged things like “allowances” and “chore money”. I’m willing to bet more adults buy kids sets for themselves, than kids who buy sets for themselves. 

Edited by Flawless Cowboy

1 hour ago, ArrowBricks said:

You will spoil it for the rest of us when this thread gets locked and the rest of the March wave leaks. When that happens, imma fall off a balcony again and meet my death. 

“No one’s ever really gone.” 

For what it’s worth, I agree with the sentiment that the QC problems with clones point to a systematic issue that Lego don’t see as a priority to resolve more than anything else. Sure the helmet printing on Fives is weird, but it was to be expected given the past ~2 years we’ve seen of this. The kama problem merits an actual response in my opinion because it genuinely does impact the quality of the minifigures, one only needs to see customs with kamas to see how much they can elevate a minifigure.

Beyond that, I really love the look of Fives. It’s genuinely crazy to think that he, Rex, and a BP full of shinies are all being released within 6 months of each other.

The March sets look fantastic, I can’t believe I’m saying this but even R2 is a must buy! Also not sure if I’m being colour blind but is Fives’ rangefinder black? I can’t tell if it’s just the lighting on the box art and lifestyle image.

Also - it’s not yet confirmed whether the 4 anniversary figures we know of (Fives / Malak / Cal / Leia / book exclusive figure) are the only ones that are releasing right? The insane quality on Fives and Malak have really elevated my expectations for Cal.


2 hours ago, Legofan2001 said:

Commander Fox might be the worst LSW Minifigure of the past 10 years. There is ZERO excuse for the torso inaccuracies or terrible helmet print or the fact his torso is pink

I'd genuinely say he's the worst Clone figure they've ever made. Sure, the 2005 ones had oversized helmets but even then they maintained reasonable accuracy within that style (also those 2002-2010 torsos are unironically more accurate to the movies than the Clones we get now, 2nd only to the 2013-2019 design).

Fox has parts of his armour which are straight up wrong. I've said previously that I don't like the 2020 style but this is completely separate from that and would be a problem with any armour template. 

2 hours ago, Horation said:

kids won't even be able to appreciate these small and expensive extras

Making Fox's chestplate and knees the correct colour would've cost them literally $0 (unless the designer were to charge for the 2 seconds it should have taken to look at a picture of Fox and use the fill tool in MS Paint); if anything it might've saved them some money since it'd use less ink on the torso.

Same goes for getting Fives's helmet right- this issue has been present since the very first figures to use the new helmet mould (212th troopers) and could've been avoided if they put more effort into making sure that design for the mould would work with their printing processes. 

A cloth kama would cost more, you're right about that, but again I'll go back to the argument that they managed it perfectly fine a decade ago, and are still using them today in other themes which are aimed at kids even moreso than Star Wars (seriously, how many adults care about the new Dreamz sets?). 

4 minutes ago, Kaijumeister said:

Also - it’s not yet confirmed whether the 4 anniversary figures we know of (Fives / Malak / Cal / Leia / book exclusive figure) are the only ones that are releasing right? The insane quality on Fives and Malak have really elevated my expectations for Cal.


I think the usual YouTubers etc have hypothesised Jedi Bob’s Starfighter and the Dark Falcon as maybe having anniversary figures, too. 

Now, personal speculation here but I think the Tie vs X-Wing might have one too. We are missing a few of those figures. 

I reckon C3-PO and the Skiff might as well, but that’s a guess. 

Ultimately, I strongly believe there are more anniversary figures out there. 

3 minutes ago, CallumPears said:

I'd genuinely say he's the worst Clone figure they've ever made. Sure, the 2005 ones had oversized helmets but even then they maintained reasonable accuracy within that style (also those 2002-2010 torsos are unironically more accurate to the movies than the Clones we get now, 2nd only to the 2013-2019 design).

Fox has parts of his armour which are straight up wrong. I've said previously that I don't like the 2020 style but this is completely separate from that and would be a problem with any armour template. 

Making Fox's chestplate and knees the correct colour would've cost them literally $0 (unless the designer were to charge for the 2 seconds it should have taken to look at a picture of Fox and use the fill tool in MS Paint); if anything it might've saved them some money since it'd use less ink on the torso.


Makes you lose faith in the decision makers on the LSW team. 

How did that pass? 

Edited by ArrowBricks

4 minutes ago, Horation said:

I just looked at brickset, and out of 18 comments mentioning fives in the news announcement, ONLY 1 was remotely critical of the figure's looks (and even then, the person that made the comment still said they liked the figure overall).

Cool. Now scroll through the hundreds of comments on MandR, Lifebricks, or any other Lego sensationalist’s video on it. 18 comments on brickset is your sample size? 

I have never heard of anyone buying a set for their kid because of warm nostalgic feelings

”I’ve never heard about this, therefore it must never happen”, the post. 

Straight from Lego’s own product page on the Indiana Jones set: 

  • Daring adventures – LEGO® Indiana Jones™ toys let parents revel in nostalgia and introduce their children to the action-packed stories of the first 3 movies with a range of playsets

Malak is in a UCS set,  AKA aimed at adults who are buying for themselves or teens”

Nope, he’s in a 10+ set, which is only two years off from the set Fives is in. Ten year olds are adults now?

4 minutes ago, Flawless Cowboy said:

Cool. Now scroll through the hundreds of comments on MandR, Lifebricks, or any other Lego sensationalist’s video on it. 18 comments on brickset is your sample size? 

All these people live in a very small bubble (echo chamber) of angry young men. These people will never be happy. Never. For every person in this bubble there are a thousand Lego Star Wars fans who don't care about such things as helmet holes or clones at all. It's tiring to read/hear the same people complain about everything year after year. Of course, if you are a youtuber, non-stop complaining is a way to make money, for the rest i hope they will grow up eventually.

6 minutes ago, Yperio_Bricks said:

All these people live in a very small bubble (echo chamber) of angry young men. These people will never be happy. Never. For every person in this bubble there are a thousand Lego Star Wars fans who don't care about such things as helmet holes or clones at all. It's tiring to read/hear the same people complain about everything year after year. Of course, if you are a youtuber, non-stop complaining is a way to make money, for the rest i hope they will grow up eventually.

Unfortunately, the biggest lego channels are the ones who create angry echo chambers. It’s what sells. 

I have to say that I don't contribute a lot to the forum, but man these last couple of pages are seriously ridiculous. Members blasting each other for what. Can you not have a different opinion anymore and respect that? Helmet holes, kamas, helmet printing...I get that it is your (and mine) hard earned money, but jeez is there a possibility that we can talk about something else than this moaning on who is right or wrong. Some of you are seriously taking this too seriously. 

Edited by Robi-wan

Pics of the midi-scale ships have leaked, and y'all are still busy arguing about the clones :laugh_hard:

The ships look fairly good, I think the Invisible Hand is my favourite of the 3, with the Millennium Falcon looking a bit too chunky for my liking.

5 minutes ago, Horation said:

Ok, first things first, ten year olds are pre-TEENS, are you blind sir? (I have underlined it above, you are clearly IGNORING parts of my post to fit your narrative, so I REPEAT , AKA AIMED AT ADULTS OR TEENS

Now, yes it is not a UCS set, sorry for the misuse of the term, but it is intended as a detailed scale model, so I'm not that wrong, either.

So no, 10 yr olds aren't adults, but that is usually the part where they grow into teens, so again, stop cherrypicking parts of my posts, I always reply to your FULL COMMENT.

Cool, now I've scrolled through the HUNDREDS of comments on those sensationalists' videos, and I think you are missing the point. Things which elicit a strong emotional reaction are likelier to be shared than not, in other words a boring "all is well" post won't be as shared as a "TERRIBLE MINIFIGURE!!!!" post, so you've got confirmation bias here. 

Also, the backlash isn't as unanimous as you think it is, I (partly) counted 70 of the comments on Mandr's video, and the public was split, with many of the comments being favourable to the new fives or saying it had no issues. 

@Robi-wanNo worries, we aren't blasting each other for having different opinions, we are merely having an arguably heated discussion.

Cool...then let's talk about the new midi-scale line that was just leaked. Loving the Falcon, not so much the other two.

Edited by Robi-wan

Pictures of the midi-scale ships are out. Overall, I think they look really good. The Tantive looks a bit long to me, but other than that (and the prices), I don’t have any issues with them. The Falcon in particular looks fantastic. 

Edited by Rwbricks

Just happened to be watching a let's play of The Complete Saga and noticed Captain Tarpals has a blue outfit in the game- could that be the blue Gungan in the Falcon? 

I wonder how that Falcon will size up against the X-wing and Tie fighters of the Death Star Trench diorama...

I've got the 2009 midi Falcon and while the new one is a lot more detailed I don't think I need the upgrade. 

Invisible Hand looks great, definitely buying at some point during its lifetime. Really like how they made the bridge with a tile in a clip. 

Tantive IV also looks pretty great, though maybe a little flat in the midsection with those big 12x3 wedge plates. Love the little easter egg of Leia and C-3PO inside. 

Also glad to see they're continuing the trend of including a large brick with the anniversary logo printed on. 

The ship models look great, especially the Invisible Hand. The Falcon is just whatever. I'd rather they stick to capital ships for this subline. It's disappointing they don't come with anniversary figures... or figures at all. Having a relevant figure to place on the stand would have really put these over the top. One other thing about the Invisible Hand, it doesn't look like it has a feature to rip it in half like was leaked so that's interesting. Not a huge deal to me personally but it would have been nice. I also don't see tiny representations of the ETA-2s in the hangar which was also supposed to be a feature, though looking at the scal of this ship, I don't see how that eould have been possible anyway. Interesting that the bridge of the ship is just a green 1x1 tile just clipped into place. I feel like that could have been done with a more secure connection.

9 minutes ago, Horation said:

Ok, first things first, ten year olds are pre-TEENS, are you blind sir? (I have underlined it above, you are clearly IGNORING parts of my post to fit your narrative, so I REPEAT , AKA AIMED AT ADULTS OR TEENS

A 10+ set is not aimed at adults anymore than an 8+ set. That’s what 18+ is for. We’re talking about a two year difference on the box, one deserves a Malak that you claim is suitable for adult-level detail, but the one in the 8+ set doesn’t have to be? And I’m cherry picking? Stop moving the goal posts. If I was being extra pedantic, I’d point out that the (+) on the box of Lego sets indicates that it’s for literally all age groups. 

Also, the backlash isn't as unanimous as you think it is, I (partly) counted 70 of the comments on Mandr's video, and the public was split, with many of the comments beingfavourable to the new fives or saying it had no issues”

I don’t know if you’re trolling or not, but you don’t need to count comments, people simply upvote the opinions they agree with, and the most popular comments on those videos are crapping all over the figure. 

Those midi scale sets look great. I like the stands they’ve included too - looks like there’s space to place a figure on them if you wanted too.

I'm relieved to see that none of these really tempt me. I'll hold out for a midsize ISD and keep buying all the Bluebrixx Star Trek midsize models I can afford, but I'm content to pass on the midi Millennium Falcon, Tantive IV, and Invisible Hand.

3 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said:

I honestly think that Fives looks good. Sure, the helmet print isn’t as accurate as it could be but it looks recognisable enough and it isn’t the end of the world since he comes as an extra to a great set.

I do hope they do better and go above and beyond with Cal Kestis in the summer though. (arm printing and printed poncho)

I'm not 100% sure he'll have arm printing, but a printed poncho I feel is almost certain. Fives has a printed cloth and arms, Malak has a new mold, etc.

1 hour ago, ArrowBricks said:

I think the usual YouTubers etc have hypothesised Jedi Bob’s Starfighter and the Dark Falcon as maybe having anniversary figures, too. 

Now, personal speculation here but I think the Tie vs X-Wing might have one too. We are missing a few of those figures. 

I reckon C3-PO and the Skiff might as well, but that’s a guess. 

Ultimately, I strongly believe there are more anniversary figures out there. 

Makes you lose faith in the decision makers on the LSW team. 

How did that pass? 

I believe C-3PO (and the skiff) have their figure counts leaked already with no anniversary figs, but that said, IIRC we'd originally heard about the hallway long before Fives was leaked to be part of it. The X-wing V Tie 100% will, though.

9 minutes ago, SketchBrick said:

Pics of the midi-scale ships have leaked, and y'all are still busy arguing about the clones :laugh_hard:

The ships look fairly good, I think the Invisible Hand is my favourite of the 3, with the Millennium Falcon looking a bit too chunky for my liking.

These are EXCELLENT. Incredible detailing. I don't collect this scale, but even I'm considering the Falcon now.

8 minutes ago, CallumPears said:

Just happened to be watching a let's play of The Complete Saga and noticed Captain Tarpals has a blue outfit in the game- could that be the blue Gungan in the Falcon? 

My turn to be extremely irrationally upset about lego details- if we get TCS's Tarpals variant before Rebel Friend, I will construct the death star to utilize a single-chamber reaction on Denmark.

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