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15 minutes ago, PreVizsla said:

The issue is that even if I wanted to build Nite Owls and Mandalorian warriors together, I would still end up with 20 figures and 10 builds that have no use for every 10 sets I get. Even a clone trooper command station has better value. It's not even worth buying these figures separately because these sets go on sale for $12-$15 in December, meaning I would break even and have to deal with the hassle of shipping. At the same time, there is a 332nd battle pack with 3 figures and an accurate vehicle for $20 as comparison or both superior older Mandalorian battle packs where figures are all the same or they all belong to the same covert. I really hate these droideka vs clones type of battle packs with mixed factions. 

I just bought 8 Imperial Commandos for 30 euro and that's better than the battle pack since you only get 2, however the battlepack is a great parts pack with useful pieces

What’s most likely to be the next battlepack? I’m worried that Lego’s going to make another clone one. Hopefully it’s something with amassable units (So no specific Clone Legion or faction’s special forces). Preferably imperial or rebel tbh. Or both.

Edited by CloneCommando99

38 minutes ago, CloneCommando99 said:

What’s most likely to be the next battlepack? I’m worried that Lego’s going to make another clone one. Hopefully it’s something with amassable units (So no specific Clone Legion or faction’s special forces). Preferably imperial or rebel tbh. Or both.

A Night Troopers battle pack could make sense to go along with Peridea, right? Personally, my hopes are for that or something related to the Bad Batch, containing shinies and commandos. :pir_tong2:

3 hours ago, ArrowBricks said:

Mon Cala in Bob’s SF = correct. 

Ooh, intriguing (intruiging? *huh*) !
Nice to have another Mon Cala. I wonder what kind of outfit he'll wear :sweet:  (if not the clone trooper armor :grin: ) 


35 minutes ago, Ben S said:

A Night Troopers battle pack could make sense to go along with Peridea, right? 

It would, considering Thrawn and Enoch currently have no troopers to command. It would have made even more sense to release such a set this summer, but maybe they were afraid of cannibalising the sales of the Armoured Commando & Mando BP? :shrug_oh_well: Then again, they don‘t seem to care about that when it comes to clones… Maybe they‘re the sole exception :snicker:

4 hours ago, ArrowBricks said:

Mon Cala in Bob’s SF = correct. 

Wait, did my joke about Grand Admiral Ackbar become a quasi reality?!!

38 minutes ago, Ben S said:

A Night Troopers battle pack could make sense to go along with Peridea, right? Personally, my hopes are for that or something related to the Bad Batch, containing shinies and commandos. :pir_tong2:

Maybe, I know a lot of people on here want Night-troopers. I’m hoping for an Imperial Remnant Battlepack with: 2 stormtroopers, a Scout Trooper and a Incinerator Trooper.

2 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said:

What’s most likely to be the next battlepack? I’m worried that Lego’s going to make another clone one. Hopefully it’s something with amassable units (So no specific Clone Legion or faction’s special forces). Preferably imperial or rebel tbh. Or both.

None of these will do.

I need my 327th Battle Pack and I need it now. I've waited over 10 years for this. :laugh:

Also, we just got a phase 2 shiny battle pack. Time to break out the rest of the Power Rang-I mean, clones :grin:

T&N Bricks on Instagram posted a story hinting at an Endor MBS with the 2013 one, I wonder if it'll release in Spring 2025 since it's a bit early to know about it ?

1 hour ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

T&N Bricks on Instagram posted a story hinting at an Endor MBS with the 2013 one, I wonder if it'll release in Spring 2025 since it's a bit early to know about it ?

Not everything posted by leakers is a hint towards upcoming sets :laugh: And even if it was, there‘s a bunch of 2013 set boxes on that picture, so why the Ewok Village in particular?

21 minutes ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Not everything posted by leakers is a hint towards upcoming sets :laugh: And even if it was, there‘s a bunch of 2013 set boxes on that picture, so why the Ewok Village in particular?

You’re missing some context. TandN has used vault photos to hint at future sets before, it’s a recurring theme. The caption is “redwood?”, which is a reference to the real world location Endor was shot in, Redwood national park. 

MBS Endor is a given imo, I just hope they include the bunker. 

Edited by Flawless Cowboy

27 minutes ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Not everything posted by leakers is a hint towards upcoming sets :laugh: And even if it was, there‘s a bunch of 2013 set boxes on that picture, so why the Ewok Village in particular?

He hinted at it before 

52 minutes ago, Flawless Cowboy said:

MBS Endor is a given imo, I just hope they include the bunker. 

It would have to be either the bunker OR the Ewok Village. They don't go together aside from existing on the same planet, and an MBS featuring both would require too many sacrifices to both locations.

15 hours ago, Swordy said:


I checked over pilots seen in Rebels, helmet cosmetics in Squadrons, and the NR Adelphi Rangers, and none of them have this kriffing helmet! This is either in deep-cut Legends character, or (more likely) a tremendous missed opportunity to give us a missing OT Rebel pilot or obscure NR pilot! Also, the meme/meta vibe of RTG would have lent itself well to someone like Trapper Wolf, or one of the other director-cameo NR pilots. 

13 hours ago, Agent Kallus said:

This from lifebricks though and he's not known to me as a trusted source ( though it adds up from what Max Bautde said)

LifeBricks is consistently full of Bantha poodoo; ignore him. 

9 hours ago, ArrowBricks said:

Mon Cala in Bob’s SF = correct. 

Interesting - Can you say more, either about the Mon Cal, or about any other figures that appear in the set? 

6 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said:

What’s most likely to be the next battlepack? I’m worried that Lego’s going to make another clone one. Hopefully it’s something with amassable units (So no specific Clone Legion or faction’s special forces). Preferably imperial or rebel tbh. Or both.

5 hours ago, Ben S said:

A Night Troopers battle pack could make sense to go along with Peridea, right? Personally, my hopes are for that or something related to the Bad Batch, containing shinies and commandos. :pir_tong2:

The next battle pack probably depends on what the R2-KT set includes; if it really is Stormies vs. Rebel Fleet Troopers, we can rule out those as BP possibilities. We already got P2 Shinies this year, so not likely for a set that will coexist on shelves with the current set. 
I personally am wondering if we will start to see Clones in $30 packs, while other factions take the $20 slot - The $30 501st pack sold incredibly well, and I imagine that the Shinies/Shock pack is selling equally well. $30 Clone packs also allow Battle Droids to be included, which is something that we need, and it can also allow new/remade droid types to appear (Commando Droids, Tactical/Super Tactical Droids, Aqua Droids, etc). This would also allow LEGO to effectively give us three BPs each year, and cater to a wider array of fans. 

My hopes/predictions: 
$20 Night Trooper pack - 2x Night Trooper (white helmet), 1x Night Trooper (grey face helmet), 1x ‘Double Death Trooper’ 
$30 212th Clone pack - 3x 212th Trooper (fixed helmet print!), 1x 212th Airborne Trooper, 1x Tactical Droid, 4x B1 Battle Droid / Build includes a Crab Droid 
I do want a 327th pack, but I feel like they are more likely to appear in a large set (AT-OT or Juggernaut, perhaps) in order to include Bly, and we really need fixed 212th helmets and 212th Airborne Troopers! 

5 minutes ago, TheUnusualBuilder said:

It would have to be either the bunker OR the Ewok Village. They don't go together aside from existing on the same planet, and an MBS featuring both would require too many sacrifices to both locations.

I hope that it is the bunker, since the Ewok village still holds up, and the bunker is long overdue for a remake! 

1 hour ago, TheUnusualBuilder said:

It would have to be either the bunker OR the Ewok Village. They don't go together aside from existing on the same planet, and an MBS featuring both would require too many sacrifices to both locations.

I don't have an issue with combining the two. Both the original Bunker and Ewok Village were pretty inexpensive compared to most D2C's we're seeing today and both sets did contain a lot of overlap in terms of side builds and minifigures. Alternatively they could also just release both locations simultaneously as separate sets like the UCS Sail Barge and Desert Skiff are doing this year.

When it comes to the builds the bunker isn't a large building in the movie and doesn't need to be any bigger in size than what the original set was. The only thing they can really improve on there is the detail and better landscaping. With the Ewok Village the main area I think they can improve on is the build for the trees. They were fine for their time but look dated now compared to modern sets like the Lego Ideas Tree House and Speeder Bike Chase Diorama.

One thing that would make me favor a new Ewok Village is that its our chance to finally get minifigures of the three Force Ghosts.

2 hours ago, Classic_Spaceman said:

I hope that it is the bunker, since the Ewok village still holds up

Most of us don’t have/want to overpay on a decade-old set with brittle brown pieces no longer in production. 

2 hours ago, Classic_Spaceman said:

The next battle pack probably depends on what the R2-KT set includes; if it really is Stormies vs. Rebel Fleet Troopers, we can rule out those as BP possibilities. We already got P2 Shinies this year, so not likely for a set that will coexist on shelves with the current set. 
I personally am wondering if we will start to see Clones in $30 packs, while other factions take the $20 slot - The $30 501st pack sold incredibly well, and I imagine that the Shinies/Shock pack is selling equally well. $30 Clone packs also allow Battle Droids to be included, which is something that we need, and it can also allow new/remade droid types to appear (Commando Droids, Tactical/Super Tactical Droids, Aqua Droids, etc). This would also allow LEGO to effectively give us three BPs each year, and cater to a wider array of fans. 

My hopes/predictions: 
$20 Night Trooper pack - 2x Night Trooper (white helmet), 1x Night Trooper (grey face helmet), 1x ‘Double Death Trooper’ 
$30 212th Clone pack - 3x 212th Trooper (fixed helmet print!), 1x 212th Airborne Trooper, 1x Tactical Droid, 4x B1 Battle Droid / Build includes a Crab Droid 
I do want a 327th pack, but I feel like they are more likely to appear in a large set (AT-OT or Juggernaut, perhaps) in order to include Bly, and we really need fixed 212th helmets and 212th Airborne Troopers! 

I hope that it is the bunker, since the Ewok village still holds up, and the bunker is long overdue for a remake! 

I think the Tantive IV set already puts that idea to rest. It's not really a battle pack, sure, but Lego doesn't care.

I've always believed in two things: 327th Supremacy, and 212th Supremacy :grin:. I'd happily take either or over another 501st pack (unless it include my boy Denal, that I'll allow)

I also got a chuckle out of "Double Death Trooper".

"bUt tHe BuNkeR iSn'T BiG eNouGh!" _ someone, inevitably :tongue: (I personally would prefer the bunker to the village, too. Much more useful imo)

Edited by ARC2149Nova

20 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said:

The 2012 X-Wing and TIE are pretty great. Never owned them, but my buddy had the X-Wing and it was awesome. I've always admired those two sets.

I'm only slightly intrigued by the Rebel Pilot, since it's always good to have new ones, but not making them an established character is unfortunate. I agree though, there's too much canon (and legends) content for Lego to be wasting slots on their own thing. It was fine in 2013, imo, before Disney gave us a slew of new content, even the Freemakers sets didn't feel like they interfered with the other Star Wars content. This just seems poorly timed.

The Droid Factory set looks horrible, like it's objectively bad, the RTG, while an interesting concept, didn't need three sets and its own cast, I'll let the mech slide, it seems that most themes will have a mech sub-line, but I can agree that this year pales in comparison to summer waves past. I still remember the 2013 wave like it was yesterday, :wub: those were the days.

You should pick them up if you have the chance. They have the best scale of any release. Also the engines on every X-Wing since has been really ugly. The details, build, and scale have not been matched since imo. And don’t even bring up 2013 I may start to cry, lol.

19 hours ago, PreVizsla said:

I agree with 99.9% of the things you said, but I have to politely disagree with your comment about the Mandalorian battle pack. It's a great set, but a horrible battle pack. If you want to get one, it's amazing. If you want to get > 5 to set up a scene, build a MOC, or add builds to your bunker set, then it's again amazing, especially if you catch them all on sale. However, if you are going to army build with them, it's an absolute nightmare. Not only are you stuck with the other figures, but you also end up with a ton of builds that are useless unless you enjoy building MOCs or selling LEGO.

Maybe not a great army builder, but an amazing set regardless! I’ll take what I can get, this wave is bad lol.

2 hours ago, Flawless Cowboy said:

Most of us don’t have/want to overpay on a decade-old set with brittle brown pieces no longer in production. 

Yep. I just took apart my Ewok Village, which I've had unpacked and built since 2016, and I must have tossed around a dozen brittle brown pieces. It shouldn't be hard to bricklink replacement parts, but I'd be all for just keeping the minifigs from the old version and getting a new one if they release it. I agree with some others who think a bunker and village would work well. I really hope they do that someday.

3 hours ago, wesker said:

When it comes to the builds the bunker isn't a large building in the movie and doesn't need to be any bigger in size than what the original set was. The only thing they can really improve on there is the detail and better landscaping. With the Ewok Village the main area I think they can improve on is the build for the trees. They were fine for their time but look dated now compared to modern sets like the Lego Ideas Tree House and Speeder Bike Chase Diorama.

Plus, the bunker is literally a gray box.  You can throw in some trees, Ewok traps, maybe the shield generator dish, and an AT-ST, but at the end of the day, it's not that exciting of a build if the bunker is the focal point of the set.  I know that the Cantina is essentially just a tan box, but it's got a lot of interesting interior details going for it, plus enough exterior greebles and stuff to where it was both an interesting build experience and looks nice, whereas the shield bunker only really has one room that we see, and it's just a command station.  The Ewok Village seems way more interesting as both a building experience and a display piece.

The Ewok Village was $250 when it came out, I think looking at it, it seems like a good candidate to increase the size a bit and put it in the $350 MBS slot, same as the Cantina and Cloud City.  I could see them combining the two, though, and doing a $500 MBS with the Ewok Village, bunker, shield generator, some trees, an AT-ST, and a couple of speeder bikes.  Not only would that encompass all of the Ewok Village + Battle of Endor scenes, but also the speeder bike chase. 

Basically, something similar to what they were trying to do with Assault on Hoth, except now they have the MBS label so people won't get as mad, probably.

4 hours ago, Flawless Cowboy said:

Most of us don’t have/want to overpay on a decade-old set with brittle brown pieces no longer in production. 

I meant that the design itself is still decent; the main parts that stand out to me as exclusive are the flex-tubes. A MOC-mod with some clever sausage use (phrasing!) to make up for the lack of tubing would be fairly easy (and you could go further and improve the foliage/tree canopy with modern parts and techniques). 

4 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said:

I also got a chuckle out of "Double Death Trooper".

Thank! I cannot take credit for it, though - I got it from Star Wars Explained! 

6 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said:

"bUt tHe BuNkeR iSn'T BiG eNouGh!" _ someone, inevitably :tongue: (I personally would prefer the bunker to the village, too. Much more useful imo)

A lot of people on here seem to be forgetting that the Bunker is only the tip of the Endor instillation’s iceberg. Corridors, power generators, command centre, landing pad. Hell they could even include elements of the Battlefront maps for inspiration. Easily enough to make a sizeable MBS.

Edited by CloneCommando99

18 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said:

What’s most likely to be the next battlepack? I’m worried that Lego’s going to make another clone one. Hopefully it’s something with amassable units (So no specific Clone Legion or faction’s special forces). Preferably imperial or rebel tbh. Or both.

I still want Bad Batch BP: 1x Elite Squad Trooper, 1x Republic Commando, 2x TK Stormtrooper, but that is more wishful thinking than possible reality at this point.

13 hours ago, Classic_Spaceman said:

$20 Night Trooper pack - 2x Night Trooper (white helmet), 1x Night Trooper (grey face helmet), 1x ‘Double Death Trooper’ 
$30 212th Clone pack - 3x 212th Trooper (fixed helmet print!), 1x 212th Airborne Trooper, 1x Tactical Droid, 4x B1 Battle Droid / Build includes a Crab Droid 

That sounds great. Double Death Trooper lol :laugh_hard:

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