June 26, 2024Jun 26 13 hours ago, BrickBob Studpants said: It‘s interesting, because SW is one of the few themes where this happens regularly. For most other themes, pictures of the entire wave still drop all at once (the other current example being Marvel with the 4+ Hulk set and the stilling missing Helicarrier) They must have marketing reasons for this strategy as I doubt they do it on a whim Personally, I don‘t mind too much but I have to admit it‘s kinda getting annoying now. At least we should see the remaining sets on Monday at the latest! This happened with the Marvel January 2024 wave, we waited so long for the pictures, I'm sure you remember it 8 hours ago, Yperio_Bricks said: Oh wow, C-3PO looks pretty good actually! I'm just as surprised as you are, once I heard the rumor I said I was never gonna buy it but it actually looks very good and will be nice next to R2 This proves droids will always look better than buildable humans/aliens/wookies, Chewbacca and Gru haunt me so much so that I forgive the look of Buildable Captain America.
June 26, 2024Jun 26 C-3PO looks amazing! He was on my radar cause I thought he'd look with Artoo, but I'm impressed at actually how good he looks on his own. Ever since The Mighty Bowser in 2022, I've been much more interested in the more sculptural character builds lego does when they look nice. I do hope that the set might come with the same C-3PO minifig from the Landspeeder. I've already got one, but it's such a nice figure it would seem a shame not to include it in THE C-3PO set. Hard to tell from the blurry top of the box if it's a grey boot or just a blur, but I still have hope even if it's unlikely.
June 26, 2024Jun 26 51 minutes ago, HatBricks said: C-3PO looks amazing! He was on my radar cause I thought he'd look with Artoo, but I'm impressed at actually how good he looks on his own. Ever since The Mighty Bowser in 2022, I've been much more interested in the more sculptural character builds lego does when they look nice. I do hope that the set might come with the same C-3PO minifig from the Landspeeder. I've already got one, but it's such a nice figure it would seem a shame not to include it in THE C-3PO set. Hard to tell from the blurry top of the box if it's a grey boot or just a blur, but I still have hope even if it's unlikely. Just wait for the C-3PO Microfighter with him included.
June 26, 2024Jun 26 17 hours ago, Llewop said: He also mentioned that the budget kind of went on the other figures. Aren’t we getting a new Thrawn, Ahsoka all in white and A new Ezra. Enochs helmet was always going to be a hard one to do right. My expectation is low to avoid disappointment Exactly. Hence not enough left for a new Enoch mold (In lego's mind) 18 hours ago, QuiggoldsPegLeg said: The Dark Falcon looks great. But $240 CAD is really rough. My wallet isn’t going to be doing so hot, especially with the Sail Barge coming out in the fall. I’ll probably consider buying it next May the 4th, depending how it compares to other stuff I’d want. I feel bad saying this but this is a set I can't wait to buy at 40% off. As fun as it is I just don't know that it does well at all among the general population. 8 hours ago, Agent Kallus said: - Only in green lantern sets? Nope none of the known or rumoured figs or sets involve any members of the green lantern corps or related material??!?!!! Wait is the R2-KT anniversary fig not coming in the Oa D2C set then? 8 hours ago, BrickBob Studpants said: I don‘t get why they should‘ve picked a Legends character that will never ever be relevant again Darth Malak at least can easily be made canon again once they delve into that era. Mara on the other hand cannot be reintroduced into canon unless they change pretty much everything about her, except for the design and character traits maybe Also, it‘d be kinda weird to celebrate 25 years of LSW with a character who hasn‘t been relevant in 25 years …Yeah yeah, get your pitchforks ready, I‘m not afraid of you!! To your last point, as yoda once said... "you will be... you will be" (Because you'll fear how much I love a fictional character that hasn't been relevant in some time) First of all, Mara not only CAN be somewhat easily slotted in, but SHOULD (IMO), as having her die shortly before Ben turns would make Luke's decision at least slightly more sympathetic. You can easily put her into Filoni's loose Thrawn adaption he's cooking up, have her die before ben's turn like I said, etc. Only thing that'll bump into is any books or comics taking place between where Mara should show up, but doesn't, and Lucasfilm clearly has no issue soft-breaking books and comics. (Nor would I be opposed to "Luke just didn't bring her up to other people much") Second, in the scenario where Mara never IS relevant again, would it not make more sense to put her in as an anniversary fig, seeing as it'd be the only way? 16 minutes ago, Lego Nostalgia said: Just wait for the C-3PO Microfighter with him included. A c-3po microfigher that's just the UCS figure piloting a larger C-3po would be an instant buy from me. I don't even care about the figure. Oh, and this C-3po set looks fine. Nothing especially interesting but it's well done and seems to have a very solid amount of pearl gold.
June 26, 2024Jun 26 Lot of speculation about Enoch's helmet, is it possible they'd use the Phase II Clone Pilot helmet (from the 2010 ARC 170 and a few other sets)? It wouldn't look particularly accurate, but it has a cutout for a minifigure face that I could see LEGO using as an alternative for printing a face onto the helmet.
June 26, 2024Jun 26 40 minutes ago, TheUnusualBuilder said: is it possible they'd use the Phase II Clone Pilot helmet (from the 2010 ARC 170 and a few other sets)? I highly doubt it. That helmet hasn't been seen in over a decade. I imagine once we hit July, they'll drop all of the missing August images fairly quickly. I'm not going to stress over it, personally.
June 27, 2024Jun 27 4 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said: A c-3po microfigher that's just the UCS figure piloting a larger C-3po would be an instant buy from me. I don't even care about the figure. Ditto, but even better would be if it was a microfighter GNK Cruiser from LSWTSS
June 27, 2024Jun 27 If enoch's helmet cut corners I assume they're just going to use an existing mold? I haven't watched the show but from what I remember on the shape, they could use a tank trooper helmet from RO and do the face print on the front.
June 27, 2024Jun 27 7 hours ago, joebiwankenobi said: If enoch's helmet cut corners I assume they're just going to use an existing mold? I haven't watched the show but from what I remember on the shape, they could use a tank trooper helmet from RO and do the face print on the front. That’s if they still have them in production at worst it’s the current stormtrooper helmet with the gold printing on don’t think there are any other real imperial or even clone variants that they could use for it
June 27, 2024Jun 27 3 minutes ago, Llewop said: That’s if they still have them in production at worst it’s the current stormtrooper helmet with the gold printing on That wouldn‘t work at all with the moulded eyes. Both the size and position are completely off
June 27, 2024Jun 27 3 hours ago, Llewop said: That’s if they still have them in production at worst it’s the current stormtrooper helmet with the gold printing on don’t think there are any other real imperial or even clone variants that they could use for it Honestly, my money's on the First Order Trooper helmet. It appeared as recently as 2020 (and I highly doubt LEGO threw out the mold, considering that last year we got Rey's hairpiece which hadn't been seen in just as long), and it's essentially a Stormtrooper shape with a completely smooth surface to print on.
June 27, 2024Jun 27 4 hours ago, BrickBob Studpants said: That wouldn‘t work at all with the moulded eyes. Both the size and position are completely off I wouldn't underestimate Lego
June 27, 2024Jun 27 14 hours ago, AD_Bricks said: Ditto, but even better would be if it was a microfighter GNK Cruiser from LSWTSS I'm gonna need a UCS one now. 1 hour ago, TheUnusualBuilder said: Honestly, my money's on the First Order Trooper helmet. It appeared as recently as 2020 (and I highly doubt LEGO threw out the mold, considering that last year we got Rey's hairpiece which hadn't been seen in just as long), and it's essentially a Stormtrooper shape with a completely smooth surface to print on. I think you may be right- there aren't many other good options. 12 hours ago, joebiwankenobi said: If enoch's helmet cut corners I assume they're just going to use an existing mold? I haven't watched the show but from what I remember on the shape, they could use a tank trooper helmet from RO and do the face print on the front. I'm pretty sure that mold's gone unfortunately. However, a new Enoch mold could be pre-molded to also work as a Tank Trooper mold if we were ever going to revisit them... or if Enoch was gonna have a new mold. :(
June 27, 2024Jun 27 C3-PO looks great, except the eyes. Wow they look bad. Doesn’t help seeing the price, too. Shame. If I liked this set, I would have splashed out on getting this and the new R2-D2.
June 27, 2024Jun 27 Another picture of 3PO is out. Fortunately, it does come with the dual-molded minifigure, which is excellent. The bottom of his hands look to be stickered, and the set also includes a 25th anniversary brick. I guess R2 gets an exclusive anniversary minifigure and 3PO just gets a brick. It’s his lot in life.
June 27, 2024Jun 27 15 minutes ago, Rwbricks said: Another picture of 3PO is out. Fortunately, it does come with the dual-molded minifigure, which is excellent. The bottom of his hands look to be stickered, and the set also includes a 25th anniversary brick. I guess R2 gets an exclusive anniversary minifigure and 3PO just gets a brick. It’s his lot in life. I mean, it is a very special brick, it's only included in like 36 other sets. Definitely a better inclusion than a special minifigure (/j, getting the UCS 3PO figure more than makes up for it in my eyes) Looking closely, it seems like all of the gold pieces with decoration (mouth, chest, stomach dot) are printed while all of the black pieces (wires, hands) are stickered. Color scheme is pearl gold and dark tan (no metallic gold), and the silver leg is metallic silver and light bluish gray.
June 27, 2024Jun 27 3-P0 definitely looks excellent and I'm glad he comes with the UCS figure but he, like the Droideka, should have come with an anniversary figure too. That said, looking at his face, all I can see is his appearance in the Tartakovski Clone Wars. It looks just like that and I can't unsee it. Edited June 27, 2024Jun 27 by ToaDraco
June 28, 2024Jun 28 A new picture’s appeared of the extras in the Droid Factory set . . it’s Go Brick Me all over again, with glasses, funny hats, a duck floatie, etcetera. I . . hope that a lot of eight year olds have lots of fun with this set. That’s the nicest thing I can think to say. Also how dare they not include a QT-KT minifigure-scale droid anywhere if they’re doing this. (I love that L3-GO exists but I honestly would have preferred QT-KT.) Maybe she’ll be somewhere in the 2025 January wave?
June 28, 2024Jun 28 Imo what really kills the Droid Factory set is the size and price. If it was just two droids (probably R2 and Chopper, maybe with a few extra pieces to swap R2 into KT or R4-P17) and some accessories for like $40, I could see this being a fun toy for kids. As-is, I can't imagine any kid choosing these tiny droids with goofy accessories over the large R2-D2 for the same price, much less an actual playset.
June 28, 2024Jun 28 I agree about the price of the droid factory (but not the droid factory I was looking for). $100 for a fun mix-and-match set seems too steep, so we’ll have to see how well it does. More “official” looking images of the set are out, including images of Young Leia and L0-LA, who is indeed a printed 2x2 dish, like the type they put underneath ships. L0-LA also has a 2x2 round tile with a hole in the middle connected to the dish for Leia’s hand. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn’t that. Leia does get a new face print, though.
June 28, 2024Jun 28 My Lucas. Why the Jar Jar is L0-LA that Kriffing large. A printed tile would have been better. The set itself looks fun. But just not for me.
June 28, 2024Jun 28 While it‘s a nice print, that L0-LA is totally oversized! She‘s supposed to fit in the palm of a hand, not cosplaying as a frisbee It‘s a cute set though!
June 28, 2024Jun 28 The droid builder set is definitely an easy pass. They should have just done 2 droids or split this into 2 sets. I don't see many people going out to get this set for $100. On top of that, the young Leia minifig isn't very desirable and wow that L0-LA is massive. Why on earth is it so huge?? It should have just been a 1x1 round printed tile. Perhaps they were concerned that they wouldn't be able to get a decent level of detail on such a small piece? Edited June 28, 2024Jun 28 by ToaDraco
June 28, 2024Jun 28 Purist custom Captain America shield: New Lola + this handle or this whole shield (pretend they never made him and that his shield looks like that.) On 6/26/2024 at 2:43 PM, BrickBob Studpants said: I don‘t get why they should‘ve picked a Legends character that will never ever be relevant again Darth Malak at least can easily be made canon again once they delve into that era. Mara on the other hand cannot be reintroduced into canon unless they change pretty much everything about her, except for the design and character traits maybe Also, it‘d be kinda weird to celebrate 25 years of LSW with a character who hasn‘t been relevant in 25 years …Yeah yeah, get your pitchforks ready, I‘m not afraid of you!! I mean I can think of multiple ways she could be made relevant again and only one of them is her becoming part of the canon continuity. Examples include: 1- her inclusion in a new star wars game like a star wars dynasty warriors game called star wars star warriors that has a huge cast of expanded universe characters from books and comics ( both legends and canon) 2- an adaptation of any of the legends content featuring her ( though TBH the only story I've read with her in is the Thrawn Trilogy and I have long reading list to get through before I read any more star wars books that aren't High republic or Plagueis) 3- a version of her in a Canon story, 4- a 'Women of force' merchandise push, 5- her appearance in new non-canonical storytelling ( e.g visions, a Lego star wars special, detours ( okay detours is probably never gonna happen)), 6- something else ! 7 - a different something else, I could go on. Also the idea of the split was never to make all the legends stories forgotten, irrelevant and doomed to obscurity (Despite what some internet whiners might say). They wanted the freedom to tell new stories without having to work around and retcon the existing expanded universe ( something legends did to itself all the time). If they really wanted legends forgotten they wouldn't be reprinting books, remastering and rereleasing video games or creating entirely new audiobook adaptations of legends stories? Legends exists today as much as it did in it's heyday. And surely the fact that she's unlikely to be made otherwise makes her all the better a candidate for a special anniversary figure. A much better inclusion than say Nein Numb (who looks to be a great OT figure dint get me wrong) who as a character didn't really need the special anniversary treatment in order to be made. On 6/26/2024 at 11:37 PM, Mandalorianknight said: Wait is the R2-KT anniversary fig not coming in the Oa D2C set then? Dammit I'd already made a ( very much non-UCS) digital Moc OA set for a wishlist wave, now I have to sneak that in there ( or Mara Jade obviously) before I render it. Also (though I've just said I've got a pretty long reading list), I'll ask you as a clear clergyman of the church of Mara Jade ; do you have any book recommendations for stories featuring her? ( Other than the og Thrawn Trilogy of course ( which iirc you were one the people who recommended it to me in the first place)) On 6/26/2024 at 2:35 PM, CloneCommando99 said: This one hurts too much. I notice you’re becoming more and more insane with each day that passes. Can’t wait for the 30th LSW Anniversary Larfleeze Figure. It should have been Mara Jade!!!! I will hold a grudge against Lego until the day I die for choosing the most boring possible variant of a character we already have instead of Mara. Mara Jade!!!! Mara Jade!!! Mara Jade!!! I can only hope my above post can convince you of my sanity ( or my charade of it) Also Mara Jade!!!! Mara Jade!!!! Mara Jade!!! Mara Jade!!! 22 hours ago, BrickBob Studpants said: That wouldn‘t work at all with the moulded eyes. Both the size and position are completely off Yeah I think that would be the worst possible option, other options might not look much like Enoch but could still look cool, that would just look plain bad. Kinda unlikely as I haven't seen any myself but perhaps this Enoch minifig will be based on some earlier concept art where he had a less unique helmet? Edited June 28, 2024Jun 28 by Agent Kallus
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