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29 minutes ago, CloneCommando99 said:

Anyone else notice that there’s been a lack of Tanks this year? I know we have the Skiff and Barc Speeder but those are more speeders than tanks.

The only tank that’s been made this year is the Octuparra from the BP.

Not sure if you are serious or trolling.

22 minutes ago, PreVizsla said:

Not sure if you are serious or trolling.

WDYM. I class a tank in Star Wars as an armoured ground vehicle used by factions. I class the Republic Swamp Speeder as a Tank because it has armour and big weapons.

I’m actually serious there has been a lack of Tanks this year. I do not Troll. 

2019: AT AP, 20th Anniversary AT RT, AT ST Raider
2020: 501st AT RT, AT AT and AAT

2021: Armoured Marauder and UCS AT AT 

2022: Republic Fighter Tank, AT ST, AT TE and 4+ AT ST

2023: 332nd Swampspeeder and Spider Tank. (Arguably the Stormtrooper Mech could also be counted as a tank due to its armour and heavy weapons)

2024: Octuparra Tri-droid (and that’s barely a tank)

I’m seeing a significant lack of Tanks this year compared to most previous years.


Edited by CloneCommando99

Welp, woke up to find two new reveals with some very... interesting revelations.

Starting with Peridea, it should be noted that I haven't actually watched Ahsoka, so I'm mostly judging this as a LEGO set with some limited knowledge sprinkled in. The build is... fine? Obviously it's essentially just a base to display minifgures on, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't an incredibly nice base. I'm a big fan of the shaping and angles - it's clearly a very smart build, which is what I mainly go for in LEGO sets. 

The minifigures are... a mixed bag. It's great that Ahsoka has arm printing again, but I think LEGO missed the memo that this I'd supposed to be Ahsoka the WHITE - when I first saw the picture, my immediate thought was that they'd just reused the 2023 version! Morgan looks good (I'm glad they switched to legs here, it works better for a fight scene), as does Thrawn. Ezra looks goof aside from the eyes (an issue which also plagues Ahsoka), and the Night Trooper is... very disappointing. Some dark gray printing would have gone a long way. $55 is way too much (it feels like you get so much more with the Tantive hallway at the same price), but I might pick this up if I can find it on sale, though it's one of the only August sets I can see selling well enough to avoid the clearance bins.

Desert Skiff and Sarlacc Pit (much less fun name than the leak) is pretty good. The Skiff is about on par with previous versions (though the breakaway railing is a nice touch), but the Sarlacc is fantastic, not to mention massive - this is the first version that feels like a true Sarlacc Pit, not just a dinky sidebuild. I love that you can puppeteer the tentacles as well, a very nice feature. For the minifigures, it's time to play the GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY!

The Good: The new Luke looks incredible. Torso and legs are great (I was worried they'd reuse Luke's robes from The Mandalorian), and the new hairpiece feels more natural now that it's not awkwardly placed on a decade-old figure. Lando also looks good (though I do wish his head was in the newer medium brown color), and the updated Han is nice. Very glad to finally get Nien Nunb regardless of circumstances, though he could be better - his bottom face fold should be a darker color, and boots would've been a very nice premium touch.

The Bad: Boba is a reused as rumored, and it doesn't work at all. Sand blue Boba looks bizarre alongside the Sarlacc Pit, and the lack of a cape might make this the worst Boba since before 2010. Massive disappointment.

The Ugly: How has it been 10 years and Chewbacca is still the wrong shades of brown? His main fur color is the same shade as Han's hair (for which LEGO uses reddish brown), and his lighter color isn't nearly as contrasting as how he currently looks. Imo reddish brown and dark orange would look so much better on Chewie - and while we're at it, make a new mold to close his darn mouth.

$80 is insane though, so this I'd a set I'll pick up the moment I can find it on sale. Now all that's left is the Bobfighter, which at this point may well end up being the highlight of the summer for most people.

4 minutes ago, CloneCommando99 said:

WDYM. I class a tank in Star Wars as an armoured ground vehicle used by factions. I class the Republic Swamp Speeder as a Tank because it has armour and big weapons.

I’m actually serious there has been a lack of Tanks this year. I do not Troll. 

2020: 501st AT RT, AT AT and AAT

2021: Armoured Marauder and UCS AT AT 

2022: Republic Fighter Tank, AT ST, AT TE and 4+ AT ST

A walker is not a tank. A walker is OBVIOUSLY not a tank. Calling a walker a tank is the kind of nonsense I expect from a US presidential debate, not a Eurobricks forum.

I didn't even realize it was a night trooper. It really just looks like a regular storm trooper.

This was the set I was really waiting for all year and the parts that the leaks got wrong really killed it for me. I have the newest Ahsoka but would've been interested in a white dressed fig. Thrawn and Ezra are great but I could care less about Morgan or Ahsoka, and the Night trooper is all but useless by itself.

I hope we see Enoch in s2 of Ahsoka because he's the most intriguing character in SW in a while.

Wow, that Night Trooper looks bad. Too shiny and clean; on the front action shot of the box art it is hard to distinguish from a regular shiny white Stormtrooper. A very few gold and red highlights are not a enough. The lack of grey is bad enough, but would have been ok if the armour was otherwise worn out. It is not. It is clean af. The lack of arm-printing and more elaborate helmet printing hurts the minifigure additionally. I know those would have cost more but we are paying premium already. (...and are asked to tolerate huge stickers which are crucially needed in this set).

Don't get me wrong, I would gladly pay the price - and more, if need be! - had the Night Trooper been better.

Also, Thrawn has the same problem: no belly from the beer, no wear and tear, no Peridea-flair.
(I know some people like that. I prefer screen accuracy).


23 hours ago, Shiva said:

Imperial Armored Commandos, 2 episodes. + ain't there the possibility that some might have survived?

True, but it does not change much. Obviously some could have survived but what narrative purpose would they serve? Their master is defeated, and if they are indeed Mandalorians they have a very hard time ahead of them (again: very little information on them). They are done.


Edited by Flieger

Duel on Peridea looks like a £30 set, maximum. Figures are excellent, shame about Enoch. The set looks really average, so a 30% off sale is needed. 7.5/10. 

Skiff & Sarlacc was so so close to being a 10/10 set. If Boba was accurate and a Skiff Guard was included I’d have paid the extortionate price. Nien, Lando, Luke are really great minifigures! I think it’s the best Skiff to date, and the Sarlacc looks like great fun. 9/10.

Edited by ArrowBricks

2 hours ago, TheUnusualBuilder said:

A walker is not a tank. A walker is OBVIOUSLY not a tank. Calling a walker a tank is the kind of nonsense I expect from a US presidential debate, not a Eurobricks forum.

Sorry, my mistake.

Quite a few playsets this year. 

Boarding on Tantive, Moff Gideon vs Paz Battle, Duel on Peridea. 

Arguably the Skiff & Sarlacc and the Mandalorian Battle Pack fit into that category too. 

Could be good news for ROTS next year, but that’s purely speculative. 

Edited by ArrowBricks

I believe they didn't include Enoch to save costs, and also because the set includes a figure with arm printing and another with dual-molded legs. I wouldn't be surprised if they save Enoch for a big set when the second season of Ahsoka comes out.

Regarding the Sarlacc set, if you look at it, the set is called Desert Skiff & Sarlacc Pit. Lego is including two constructions: on one hand, the desert skiff, which alone would probably be worth around 35/40 euros, and then the Sarlacc, which is "detailed" and looks like a UCS version of it. Additionally, it will fit with the supposed UCS sail barge. About Boba Fett, many people have criticized it because it's the same one from the mech. It doesn't surprise me that Lego is reusing it; that figure was probably made beforehand and included in the mech because it was going to sell, but obviously it was made for this set. And the cloth it had before, it's likely the same situation as with the clones: Lego will justify not including it by saying it could get damaged if placed next to the jetpack and things like that.


Have you noticed that in the Yavin IV set they use Han Solo's face from the 2018 movie, and in the Sarlacc set as well, but with a different expression? I suppose sooner or later they'll release a carbonite block, either made of pieces or a new mold, which wouldn't surprise me to see in a small set of Cloud City, Jabba's Palace, or the Slave I. But I hope the next version is Jango's

Does anyone know if reddish copper has been discontinued (maybe through LAN or a blog post somewhere since that’s how we usually learn about colour discontinuations)? It hasn’t appeared since 2020, but has been used rather sparingly even then.

I’m asking because I realise I was wrong: they recently unveiled a replica of the Stranger’s helmet and it actually is copper :blush: Dark pearl grey, as I suggested, would be completely off.

1 hour ago, starlego98 said:

About Boba Fett, many people have criticized it because it's the same one from the mech. It doesn't surprise me that Lego is reusing it; that figure was probably made beforehand and included in the mech because it was going to sell, but obviously it was made for this set.

If it was made primarily for this set, why isn't it the RotJ version?

Edited by Graupensuppe

16 hours ago, Llewop said:

 Lego removing figures from past sets again. 

There are more figures in this set than the old one. Now it's also significantly more expensive, but that's mainly due to the sarlacc now having the rough footprint of the Daily Bugle. Was that the best choice? No. Is it meant to coincide with a UCS sail barge hence the massive size? yes.

14 hours ago, Clone OPatra said:

This take feels slightly abstracted to absurdity. The Obi-Wan location in-universe is a grey nothing, and as a LEGO set is still a flat grey nothing. The Peridia set in-universe has some design to it and in-LEGO is worthy of display.

That doesn't mean it's a great set or value, but at least there's something to it... not to mention 4-5 decent figures of cool characters, unlike the Obi-Wan set.

Exactly! I'd actually say it's a much better build- putting aside that it's an alter as opposed to just... some terrain, so it actually has some significance and recognizability, it's also built a lot more like a diorama or display set than the grey nothing, which was a grey nothing.

12 hours ago, THELEGOBATMAN said:

It seems LEGO will reveal anything but Jedi Bob's Starfighter, which will obviously be legendary.

I'm waiting for an exact remake of the 2020 Anakin's Interceptor (but in red and white instead of yellow and grey) with Bob and an Astromech and it's just $40 now.

5 hours ago, TheUnusualBuilder said:

A walker is not a tank. A walker is OBVIOUSLY not a tank. Calling a walker a tank is the kind of nonsense I expect from a US presidential debate, not a Eurobricks forum.

I think an argument could be made that something like an AT-TE fulfills a tank-like role at the very least. In star wars we're already loosening the definition of a tank, as most star wars "tanks" aren't treaded vehicles.

Wow. Well I like the Battle on Peridea is nice. Simple seeming build. I like the figures but not enough to push me over the edge. Would be nice to get the Ezra sometime. 

Skiff and Saarlac pit I really like but the US price is rough at the moment. We shall see how it pairs with the barge. 

Anxiously awaiting anything for Jedi Bob!

Duel on Peridea does a good enough job with the build at recapturing the scene but I really can't behind the high price for what's essentially a small platform. Ahsoka's new minifigure looks great even if it is more grey than white and the recolored darksaber works well for Morgan's sword. Its a shame the rumors about Enoch were incorrect but I don't mind Lego holding off on him for a future set if it means doing his helmet justice. Plus we still need the Great Mothers to go alongside him.

The Desert Skiff looks good for the most part but the design of the nose does throw the look off a bit and like Peridea the price feels a bit too high here. Still its nice to have a more substantial build for the Sarlacc Pit this time and the new figures for Luke, Lando and Nien Nunb look fantastic. But as others have stated there's no excuse or cheapening out on Boba Fett the way they did with both the lack of cape and inaccurate costume. If there are plans for a Jabba's Palace set in the near future I hope they can rectify this with a proper ROTJ Boba Fett.

7 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said:

WDYM. I class a tank in Star Wars as an armoured ground vehicle used by factions. I class the Republic Swamp Speeder as a Tank because it has armour and big weapons.

Don't want to get off topic, but if we use that logic and find an example on Earth it would mean a security van, weed minivan and those armored cash transport cars that banks use would all be considered tanks. Speeders are basically a mix of ATV and a motorcycle with really minimal armor and light weapons. You could make a very valid argument for walkers though.

5 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

I think an argument could be made that something like an AT-TE fulfills a tank-like role at the very least. In star wars we're already loosening the definition of a tank, as most star wars "tanks" aren't treaded vehicles.

"Skywalker's tanks are gone..." Commander Jet (SW:TCW S2E5 Landing at Point Rain)

AT-TEs are most definitely the Republic's mainline tanks, far more so than obvious tank models like the TX-series. Same with the AT-AT I'd argue.

But for the Seppies, Tri-Droids are just heavy assault units. The actual tanks would be the AAT and the Snail Droid (Corporate Alliance Tank Droid).

15 hours ago, TheUnusualBuilder said:

A walker is not a tank. A walker is OBVIOUSLY not a tank. Calling a walker a tank is the kind of nonsense I expect from a US presidential debate, not a Eurobricks forum.

Walkers are so obviously the Star Wars equivalent of tanks though.

“Johnston said Lucas wanted the walkers to look like anthropomorphic walking tanks to make them frightening.” -Wikipedia

“A tank was an armored frontline vehicle equipped with large or heavy weapons and were a staple in many ground armies, their main function usually being to assist or spearhead attacks. Some hovertanks ran on repulsorlifts, others used caterpillar treads, and others were walkers.” -Wookiepedia 

and as @ARC2149Nova points out, there are times on screen when walkers are referred to as tanks. I admit I made a mistake in calling an AT RT a tank though.

But yeah. Anyone else notice the lack of walkers/ heavier ground vehicles this year?

Edited by CloneCommando99

15 minutes ago, CloneCommando99 said:

But yeah. Anyone else notice the lack of walkers/ heavier ground vehicles this year?

Honestly, not before you brought it up :grin: I don’t see it as a problem though. It’s not like they have a yearly quota of location sets, cruisers, starfighters, interceptors, speeders, and walkers/tanks to fulfill:shrug_oh_well: Also, a lot of the classic walkers or tanks are either still on shelves or have retired rather recently.

57 minutes ago, TheUnusualBuilder said:

Bricksie just uploaded a review of the Duel on Peridea set, confirming the Night Trooper gets a new zombie head underneath the helmet.

I'm thankful that it wasn't a reused female head or the Hawkeye head, not accurate at all if it was, this gives me hope we'll get a battlepack in January, why else would they make a new Head print for only one small set, Lego likes to reuse prints for less cost so they probably decided to make the Zombie face since they were planning to reuse it again.

The zombie faceprint looks good. 

22 minutes ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

Hawkeye head,

I like to call that headprint “Mr Ben” because he’s just the same guy dressing up as multiple different characters.

24 minutes ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

this gives me hope we'll get a battlepack in January, why else would they make a new Head print for only one small set, Lego likes to reuse prints for less cost so they probably decided to make the Zombie face since they were planning to reuse it again.

Meanwhile I’m still holding out hope for a Stormtrooper Battlepack. Both probably aren’t allowed to exist in the same year unfortunately. However it would be ideal if Lego made a Patrol Gunship with Night troopers and a regular stormtrooper battlepack, or vice versa.

6 minutes ago, CloneCommando99 said:

Meanwhile I’m still holding out hope for a Stormtrooper Battlepack. Both probably aren’t allowed to exist in the same year unfortunately.

I mean we did have basically two 501st battle packs last year so never say never.

Seeing it from different angles and in a video (rather than a render), I must reiterate that the Night Trooper's appearance is definitely hurt by the lack of arm printing. From the side it just looks like a regular shiny Stormtrooper.

The printing per se looks actually better than what I feared, the gold is more substantial, the red has some depth.

But overall I miss the worn-out, battered look. A splash of gray would have helped a lot. ...and arm printing. For a set this size and price, without new moulds, this should have been possible.

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