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1 hour ago, Mandalorianknight said:

I wonder when this is meant for release.

I think it was initially supposed to be released last December and was then delayed by a full year, hence it switching positions with The Acolyte :shrug_oh_well: Towards the end of the year sounds plausible to me.

1 hour ago, Mandalorianknight said:

100% these are Marketable Space Flashlights. Gives it a very 80s ET/Goonies vibe.

That, and Stranger Things, which the show is often compared to (which is of course itself inspired by a ton of 80s movies) :classic:

This leak made me feel very nostalgic. It’s a nice throwback to all the times when we would first learn about the names of new SW characters through LEGO leaks, like Ahsoka, Rex, Zeb, Tasu Leech, and many more :laugh:

Curious there‘s no villain included since it could potentially be the only set based on the show. Then again, we don‘t even know what kind of enemies the kids will face. Well, except for


Edited by BrickBob Studpants


The ship itself isn't terribly interesting (neither shape nor color scheme), and the figures are also kinda meh.

I don't understand what Skeleton Crew is even supposed to achieve, so I guess it's fitting that I couldn't care less about the LEGO set.

On a slightly positive note, could have some interesting figure parts for customization, but again, especially when you put this next to the Dark Falcon on a shelf, doesn't strike me with as much "Wow" as I thought it would.

It's probably show-accurate, so that's nice.

Glad for those who like it, just not for me.

Wow, I love the Onyx Cinder! The overal design is fantastic and the set itself is so well done. I'm happy with how much interior and storage it has and I really like the Ortolan and official Jude Law minifigs(crazy that we're just now getting him in LEGO given he was theain villain in a Marvel movie and was young Dumbledore in the Harry Potter franchise).

This is the set the Night Buzzard wished it could be(and I wished it could be given how much I love that ship design). Hopefully the show is good. 

The Onyx Cinder looks good! There seems to be a decent amount of interior space (cockpit, cargo hold, ‘living room’), and the VTOL engine feature is a very cool surprise. The Minifigs are good, and I like that the eyepiece girl has a new hair mould, but a villain and some leg printing for the kids would have been nice.
The ship design itself is interesting and unique, though it does not really look like a hero ship (both in the colour-scheme and the aggressive design). That said, considering that the rumour is that the kids steal a ship and go on adventures with it, perhaps this is the villain’s ship? That would also give a reason for the show to have recurring antagonists, as the villains are trying to get their ship back! 

The Onyx Cinder just looks like another Knight of Ren ship to me. At least it has something resembling an interior this time. Without having seen the show the minifigures don't appear all that exciting either aside from the Max Rebo looking character. Maybe I might pick it up on clearance if I end up liking the show but for now its a pass for me.

5 hours ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

I hope so, I want 2 Night Troopers, A Death Trooper and Enoch since that way we can get him early instead of having to wait.

I'd prefer getting Enoch in a Police Gunship remake. We haven't had one since 2014 so its about time we got another. Plus I would hate for Lego to wrap up Ahsoka without giving us the Great Mothers. How does one have a zombie army without some Nightsisters around to bring them back from the dead?

Keep the battle pack focused on the army builders. :classic:

Onyx Cinder looks interesting, like a classic space style ship. Change out the white for yellow and it could easily be a new Blacktron ship. Having said that there's too much black and bley in ships at the moment, but that's the in-universe design and not Lego's choice. Also names like Onyx Cinder (or Dark Falcon) don't give much wiggle room in the colour pallete. Don't know anything about the show so can't say about the minifigs, except that a new Ortolan is always good and I can see a lot of 2B customs popping up with that white hair.

Regarding the other sets: I like that the turntables in the Peridea set give it some play features and make it more than just a display stand for the figs, but at that price... I'm not invested enough in the show or the characters to be wanting to spend that much for Thrawn, Ezra and a new Ahsoka.

Having said that, as an OT fan, I probably will get the Skiff. On sale of course (but everything goes on sale here fairly quickly, so it's not a big issue). Definitely a skiff guard would have been welcome but I actually like the expanded Sarlacc build. It looks substantial and not just a dinky side build thrown in there to pad the part count. I get that some people don't like how it sticks up like that, but it's impossible in Lego to properly represent anything that's underground when everything usually sits on a flat table top or shelf. I've never liked the appearance of Jabba's castle sitting high up in the air on top of the Rancor pit. Maybe it's one time where the black base of a diorama would have been useful as the ground level is already elevated.

Gotta say that the constant price increases are really starting to price me out of Lego. The skiff might be the only summer set I end up getting. I like the ISD as it's the most detailed one to date at that scale - even if it is smaller than other playscale models - but at this new price level... Even on sale it's not much less than the retail price of the previous price point. But I probably said that last time too; every price hike is a bit of grumbling till I see a model I want (like the Skiff) then it's time to suck it up and give TLG their money.

4 hours ago, Classic_Spaceman said:

I like that the eyepiece girl has a new hair mould

I think it might just be the one that they introduced for Bo-Katan last year.

16 hours ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

I have a feeling the Skeleton Crew set is canceled, we haven't heard anything about it besides that Minifigure leak, we don't know if the show is still coming out so I don't know at this stage, not that I care anyway.

Also when do you guys think we'll get set prices for the January 2025 wave ?

If I see a set price for 20 or 21 Euro then I can imagine it being a Battle Pack (hopefully a Night Trooper one)

How ironic the set leak for this was posted to Reddit shortly after this comment.

I guess I'm on the outs but I am not interested in this at all. It has a very 2007-2009 vibe to the box and build which I appreciate but I actually hate the character designs and find both the interior and exterior to be kind of ugly. Easy pass. This has got to be one of the worst summer waves ever, to me at least. But yeah good for my wallet.

I love Bob’s starfighter! The inspiration taken from the Azure Angel is a nice touch and just as good as whatever my idea was. It’s not $40 worth, but that was expected sadly.

I agree with Clone O’Patra that the shaping looks too wide, similarly to how the new X-Wing looks. It’s interesting to see the shift in design language from 2021/22 with 75301 and 75333 compared to these new sets. Of course, I gotta have an opinion on every matter, and I prefer the older looks.


The Onyx Cinder looks great. It’s a unique ship for a unique show. Obviously, whether or not I’ll buy the set depends on what I think about the show, but at least it doesn’t look like garbage. The minifigs are stellar, if lacking in leg print. Looks like the cockpit can only fit one minifig, but maybe that’s alright.

Still, I eagerly anticipate a LEGO Fondor. The Cinder is fine, though.


Sign me up on potentially two Imperial Battlepacks, even at the cost of anything RotS related. As long as one contains a Death Trooper (or a Double Death Trooper) or an Incinerator Trooper, I’m game. Maybe the clone fans can accept a Turbo Tank with Gree as an olive branch? Yeah, who am I kidding?

Thinking a bit more about the Skiff and things that were left out that could easily have gone in. To get the unpopular opinion out of the way: I'm not too bothered by the reuse of ESB Boba as opposed to a proper Ep6 colouring. They had one to hand that had been just used in the Mech and threw that in. Either way a cape would have been very nice, but maybe that's not there for the same reason. What they also had to hand though was a Weequay from the Throne Room set (or a Nikto from the Pirate Snub fighter); either could have gone in without too much trouble.

Part of me thinks, well, they based the design on the part of the scene which is Lando's rescue and Luke's fight with Boba BUT there's also the gang plank play feature included so who pushes Luke onto the plank. And if the set is based on the latter part of the scene - where the large Sarlacc build is featured - some sort of pole/6l bar for Han to reach out to Lando with (I know Lando has the spear/axe in the set but something that figs can grab onto either end of would be better) plus that transparent curved piece from the Mando battle pack to show Boba flying around would have been fantastic inclusions. I don't have the Mando pack yet, but when I do it will mostly become a parts pack - the transparent piece will definitely go to the skiff.

Just little things, and nothing they don't already have in inventory, that would have made the price point a little more palatable.

TL;DR the Skiff set tries to include aspects of all the action that occurs on the skiff, but falls short in each area.

Luke walks the plank - needs a skiff guard to push him out

Luke vs Boba - needs a transparent piece to make Boba fly

Lando's rescue - needs a pole for Han to reach out to Lando with

Edited by MaximillianRebo

2 hours ago, cosmic said:

How ironic the set leak for this was posted to Reddit shortly after this comment.

I guess I'm on the outs but I am not interested in this at all. It has a very 2007-2009 vibe to the box and build which I appreciate but I actually hate the character designs and find both the interior and exterior to be kind of ugly. Easy pass. This has got to be one of the worst summer waves ever, to me at least. But yeah good for my wallet.

It is a bit of a let down compared to the last 2 summer waves, The ISD,Peridia and Jedi Bob's SF are the only ones worth buying, I hope next year will be better, and I hope we get info about the January wave soon

Also the Ship reminds me of the Knights of Ren ship, I have a feeling this set will never sell and be on shelves for 3 years and end up in some toy shop in a small town somewhere, there is no hype for Star Wars at the minute, and this Show isn't interesting by the sound of it, basically another guy babysitting kids again in space haha

Also some guy called Jedi Bricks or something like that on YT said we'd only be getting one ROTS set next year but I think he's full of bs, where did he get that rumor from  haha, even Lifebricks is more credible than him and that's saying a lot.

Edited by Lego Nostalgia

22 minutes ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

Also some guy called Jedi Bricks or something like that on YT said we'd only be getting one ROTS set next year but I think he's full of bs, where did he get that rumor from  haha, even Lifebricks is more credible than him and that's saying a lot.

Just ignore this person, full of utter waffle. 

3 minutes ago, ArrowBricks said:

Just ignore this person, full of utter waffle. 

Yep. He’s always trying to claim that other people’s more credible leaks are his.


3 hours ago, MaximillianRebo said:

Thinking a bit more about the Skiff and things that were left out that could easily have gone in.

I agree with everything you’ve said. For me, the most egregious thing is not including any Skiff Guards for the heroes to actually fight against. They still come with handcuffs so who would pilot the thing? The lack of a cape on Boba / him not being his RotJ version is just Lego penny pinching, but I’m sure they’ll put out some nonsensical ‘we realised the cape doesn’t work well with a jet pack’ excuse. 

Solid Brix Studios put out a review of the Skiff and made a super simple mod with the transparent curved piece from the June battle pack to show Boba flying / flailing. It’s such an effective improvement. I’m glad LAN are collectively agreeing this set could’ve been so much better with a few small changes and Lego are really pushing their luck with it. I know this theme has epitomised lack of value relative to price for a good while now, but this summer wave is the first time that they’re being more blatant about it for me.

Edited by Kaijumeister

9 hours ago, MaximillianRebo said:

I actually like the expanded Sarlacc build. It looks substantial and not just a dinky side build thrown in there to pad the part count. I get that some people don't like how it sticks up like that, 

When I first saw the leaked pictures I really liked the Sarlacc build being larger and having the teeth pointing in the correct direction (the last 2 had the teeth going straight up for some reason). 

After seeing Solid Brix's review, I like it a lot less. 

The tentacle-moving feature is super lame (as he says in the review) but I also really dislike the shape of the pit. It should be basically a circle, and a squared-off one would've been acceptable given that it's LEGO, but what we've got here is a really stretched rectangular shape which looks awful to me. 

9 hours ago, AD_Bricks said:

I think it might just be the one that they introduced for Bo-Katan last year.

I think you are right - The part is positioned a bit differently, which makes it look more asymmetrical. 

random thoughts looking at this years sets:

-at this point they have released Cal, the BD-1 build, and BD-1 figure it's gotta just be a matter of time before they do a mantis.

-the more I look at the little lamppost in the grogu escape set the funnier it gets: "minimalist jedi temple display"

-onyx cinder is a good build: not grey, not plastered in stickers, play features and a good interior you don't have to crack the ship in half to access, but it's kinda a boring ship design imo, maybe if the show is great I might change my mind.

7 hours ago, ArrowBricks said:

Just ignore this person, full of utter waffle. 

All he does is makes speculation/ideas for sets and passes them off as rumors/leaks, this guy is the worst.

I'm intrigued by the Onxy Cinder!
Eagerly awaiting higher definition pictures of the minifigures :sweet: 


Definitely agree with the complaints about the skiff. The lack of a guard is really weird and honestly my biggest issue (price aside). Maybe one will come in the Sail Barge but surely it would make more sense for him to be with the ship he's supposed to be guarding, right?

R2 KT set is the only set that’s been rumoured this year that hasn’t been elaborated on as of yet. We know it exists as R2 KT has been teased on the Lego.com LSW 25th anniversary page. But I’m suprised we haven’t had any details about the build or figure updates. Looking at the current figures I still think that it’s an expansion of the Tantive Hallway with some celebratory decorations.

5 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said:

R2 KT set is the only set that’s been rumoured this year that hasn’t been elaborated on as of yet. We know it exists as R2 KT has been teased on the Lego.com LSW 25th anniversary page. But I’m suprised we haven’t had any details about the build or figure updates. Looking at the current figures I still think that it’s an expansion of the Tantive Hallway with some celebratory decorations.

I've seen this theorised in quite a few places and honestly, something like this would make a ton of sense. We've actually been spoiled with Stormtroopers and Rebel Troopers this year across so many sets which is great, so I hope next year's battle packs lean towards something fresher like the Night Troopers and Enoch.

Given that the Onyx Cinder was first supposed to release in January this year prior to the release date shake-ups, I wouldn't be surprised if some Acolyte sets are pipelined for next January. Not personally expecting much, but I'm hoping helmeted Qimir, Sol, Jacki, and either Mae or Osha at least get minifigure representation. Even a single duel set with some trees and a clearing on the scale of the Peridea set would be perfect.

Fingers crossed Jedi Bob's Starfighter gets leaked properly, it seems asinine waiting until SDCC to reveal this when the set releases in less than a month.

I guess it would be redundant but it would be accurate to have the barge include an identical skiff model full of guards to complete the scene.

Has anybody realized that the new rangefinders and visors from clone phase 2 helmet are from a softer material than the Mandalorian rangefinders and visors?

Edited by starlego98

9 minutes ago, starlego98 said:

Has anybody realized that the new rangefinders and visors from clone phase 2 helmet are from a softer material than the Mandalorian rangefinders and visors?

Unless this is something about the rex microfighter, which I still can't find in-store, I haven't noticed any difference between the mandalorian and clone visor packs recently. Do you mean from the older accessories from when they first made the packs, back when it came with the flashlight attachments?

1 hour ago, Alex_South said:

I guess it would be redundant but it would be accurate to have the barge include an identical skiff model full of guards to complete the scene.

I'd be fine with this. If it's not gonna have the sarlacc, I do think it needs a side build to add to the scene without needing another set. I also think that it needs a LOT more figures than what's currently rumored, this should be a daily bugle level figure count.

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