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I absolutely love the Sail Barge. I don’t mind the safer approach with Leia, it gets the proper design across while also keeping it more family friendly. Win/win. And that hair piece is gorgeous! While I would have liked more figures, I’m happy with the ones included, taking the Sarlacc set into account as well, which I think was actually a great move. Probably a 9/10 set, maybe slightly lower if I take the price into consideration, but at this point I’ve just accepted that lego is going to bleed me dry and there’s nothing I can do about it

The Sailbarge looks excellent but far too rich for my blood. I'm hoping they reuse Jabba in another, cheaper set. It might still be too soon for another palace set even though that one was for Boba. I'm glad Max Rebo is nearly identical tocthe original, hopefully that brings his price down a little. The biggest disappointment to me is the lack of Ree-Yees because I really like Gran and would love to see the price of that figure go down. 

I'm definitely getting the Rebels vs Imperials bp and $40 is not a terrible price.

Happy to see the Rebels vs Imperials battle pack finally revealed! I think $40 is reasonably fair for 2024. Maybe in a perfect world it would be $35, but it's a great army builder and I think easily worth it with x2 VIP or another promo.

$40 for the Rebels and Stormtroopers battlepack? ….Fine. I’ll buy one and probably be done unless I see it on a discount. $35 would’ve been preferred (yes, I realize that’s absolutely too optimistic for the year 2024) but $40 isn’t terribly out of the realm of possibility.

I still maintain that the set could’ve and even should’ve included R2-KT and been some kind of charity tie-in with the 501st; something really special for their 25th anniversary to give back. Instead, we get more branding to drive up TLG’s sales and line their pockets. It’s not like they had to, sure, but it would’ve been really nice anyway.


On the topic of the Sail Barge, it looks alright. Too many studs along the outside for my taste, but I can live with it, I suppose. I can’t see the build as being any more than $400. However, for the minifigs and the massive sails, I’d be willing to pay $450 at most; $425 would be better though. So $500, in my opinion, is too far of a stretch for what it is.

The Bib fig is a shameful reuse of that minifig headpiece. It really looks bad in this case, and only speak of pure laziness on corporate management’s part. (I’m positive the designers would’ve been more than happy to bring back that 2012 mold, if not create a brand new one.)

Great to have a Jabba back in the system, though! I hope to see another set with him, maybe a diorama, along the lines of what was falsely rumored last year? I believe that his inclusion alone would boost up the price of the set, albeit marginally.

5 hours ago, ForgedInLego said:

Keep in mind that there is no such thing as perfect minifig scale.

I agree. Even talking about "minifigure scale" is a bit ambiguous, because minifigures are not downscaled humans - they have huge heads and overly wide torsos. Hence, the absolute "minifigure scale" depends, whether we talk about the length, or the height, or the size compared to the head/helmet.

For this reason, usually small vehicles seem reasonably "minifigure scaled" even if they were absolutely longer than they were supposed to, because they usually look just perfect in comparison to the size of the head and helmet of the figures then.

For bigger buildings and ships I don't think a perfect match to reality is even desirable to pursue. Think about a MOC of a hotel for example. Hotels in real world tend to have hundreds of rooms, but if you make a MOC hotel with even ten rooms, that would be huge, and merely adding its size by replicating rooms would not give you anything interesting to the build anymore.

I think the same is true for Star Wars builds in most cases. Sail Barge, or any other Star Wars vehicle, is reasonably minifigure scaled to my mind if it contains all the iconic and interesting locations within it (perhaps some compromises might be necessary but as a general idea), it is wholesome in the sense that the minifigures can access all the rooms via doors and ladders etc. and the outcome compares in a reasonable way to its environment, in this case to the skiff set. Hence discussion whether it should measure a few centimeters shorter or longer according to some itself ambiguous metric seems a bit misleading and unimportant to my mind, if all the previous conditions are met anyway.

I’m hoping to “complete” the cast of characters present for the sail barge scenes, and so far I have the following minfigures that Lego has made before, who also appear either on the sail barge or the skiff. Am I missing anyone?

1. Bossk

2. Ree-Yees

3. Pagetti Rook

4. Rintel Aren

5. Jawas!

Edited by Flawless Cowboy

Btw a fact about molds in the Lego company: I learned that each mold is given five years of stock time. If within that period the mold does not get reused in a new set, it gets destroyed and the only way to get it back is to craft it from scratch (very expensive).

Hence, the old mold for male twilek/Bib Fortuna has been destroyed in around 2019.

So the rebel vs stormie bp shows how much they can add to a set. Januarys bp was £25 in January so by chucking an anniversary figure in its an extra £10 for a droid. I still want one if it’s an exclusive just one but if it’s sold in other stores I might get it from there but cheaper 

Edited by Llewop

5 minutes ago, Samppu said:

Hence, the old mold for male twilek/Bib Fortuna has been destroyed in around 2019.

Even so, they brought it back in 2012 and originally made it for a super cheap set back in 2003.

Honestly for a $500 set it isn't too unreasonable to expect every single figure to have exclusive moulds. (Obviously not necessary but if they can do it for CMFs then they can do it here)

4 minutes ago, CallumPears said:

Even so, they brought it back in 2012 and originally made it for a super cheap set back in 2003.

Honestly for a $500 set it isn't too unreasonable to expect every single figure to have exclusive moulds. (Obviously not necessary but if they can do it for CMFs then they can do it here)

CMFs have a different budget entirely for their own stuff. Star Wars has a single overall theme budget generally (not a budget for UCS, other sets, etc. separate), so the moulds in this set depend on the number of new moulds they can make for the year (which is generally assigned). For all we know, they only had the number of moulds for Jabba, Wooof, Leia, Salacious, and Max, and so they compromised on Bib. The price of a set on release doesn't determine how many moulds it can have in a 1:1 relationship like a lot of people seem to think. 

To add to this, 2003 (and even 2012) were very different times. LEGO is now budgeting for FAR more themes than they had then when special fig moulds were just starting (and probably cost a lot, but they made less then). LEGO designers are given a limit within themes/sets for number of new parts, recolors, etc. they are allowed, and even then there are situations like the Jurassic gate where a designer wanted to add a goat mould, and LEGO didn't let them since there wasn't versatility outside of that set at the time (obviously they do make a lot of one-off moulds, but it's dependent on outside factors sometimes). 

I will also say, by the looks of it, this set has VERY few stickers, which is great. Max's instrument, and maybe a couple of panels. 

Edited by NoOneOfImportance

40eur for the battlepack is terrible deal. Not to mention i have to get the old helmets for all the new stormtroopers (i have maybe 30 old stormies + 20 sandtroopers - so maybe ill upgrade the body for most of them)

But 75387 is constantly on discount for around 38-45 eur with a really good bonus figure and a rebel captain and usable bricks to make a big Tantive corridors MOC so ill pass on that battlepack unless its on 50% discounts and rather get more of the Tantive sets (Fives will be much more valuable in the future as pink R2 and there will be more demand for him) and i can sell excess Vaders to kids for like 5 eur as the mech is still available for 15e.

Wondering what to do with few old rebel BP i still have as MISB in stock, ill probably sell them to get the funds for old stormie helmets.


6 hours ago, ForgedInLego said:

At 77cm for a 30m long in universe ship this puts the set at ~1/38, firmly in the minifig scale range. For reference, the UCS AT-AT is about 1/36 

The 75396 Skiff is around 1/42 scale. Not a perfect match but should still be close enough to look good displayed with the barge.

19 minutes ago, NoOneOfImportance said:

CMFs have a different budget entirely for their own stuff. Star Wars has a single overall theme budget generally (not a budget for UCS, other sets, etc. separate), so the moulds in this set depend on the number of new moulds they can make for the year (which is generally assigned). For all we know, they only had the number of moulds for Jabba, Wooof, Leia, Salacious, and Max, and so they compromised on Bib. The price of a set on release doesn't determine how many moulds it can have in a 1:1 relationship like a lot of people seem to think. 

To add to this, 2003 (and even 2012) were very different times. LEGO is now budgeting for FAR more themes than they had then when special fig moulds were just starting (and probably cost a lot, but they made less then). LEGO designers are given a limit within themes/sets for number of new parts, recolors, etc. they are allowed, and even then there are situations like the Jurassic gate where a designer wanted to add a goat mould, and LEGO didn't let them since there wasn't versatility outside of that set at the time (obviously they do make a lot of one-off moulds, but it's dependent on outside factors sometimes). 

I will also say, by the looks of it, this set has VERY few stickers, which is great. Max's instrument, and maybe a couple of panels. 

Its their stupidity to not use some of the specific molds. In SW they could make a hutt like every 2nd year
Gardula for Ep1 set
Jabba for a current Underwold set
Ziro for a Clone Wars set
the 2 hutts in Book of Boba

Same with any small SW animal which could be placed in any set. Like i dont understand why we dont have something like the Friends pockets - a small pocket/pod with a minifig, few bricks and a small collectible animal - there is so much great small animals in SW to collect and use in moc.

30 minutes ago, CallumPears said:

Even so, they brought it back in 2012 and originally made it for a super cheap set back in 2003.

Honestly for a $500 set it isn't too unreasonable to expect every single figure to have exclusive moulds. (Obviously not necessary but if they can do it for CMFs then they can do it here)

I totally agree, though as NoOneOfImportance commented, it seems to be difficult for the designers to get new molds. Though, as customers, we really do not care how they get the new molds, as long as they make them, so having unreasonable factory process causing poor quality in the product makes no excuse really.

I merely wanted to point out the fact that the designers cannot simply take an old mold off the shelf, if it has been more than five years since its passing.
Additionally, this sometimes explains odd design or minifigure choices in some sets, because I also learned that they sometimes purposefully try to push in particular parts even if those parts didn't exactly fit the theme of a set just to prevent the mold from getting destroyed.

Edited by Samppu

1 minute ago, STARHAWK said:

Its their stupidity to not use some of the specific molds. In SW they could make a hutt like every 2nd year
Gardula for Ep1 set
Jabba for a current Underwold set
Ziro for a Clone Wars set
the 2 hutts in Book of Boba

Same with any small SW animal which could be placed in any set. Like i dont understand why we dont have something like the Friends pockets - a small pocket/pod with a minifig, few bricks and a small collectible animal - there is so much great small animals in SW to collect and use in moc.

Its on time to have SW CMF every year a new one where they can reuse any new molds and give us armiguilding capabilities for many alien species - can you get a quaren head for a moc of a Mando s2 scene ?
Its licensed so the excuse is that you cant buy such parts at PaB. There is so many characters and figures that can be done while still not canibalize on regular reisue of x-wings and ties and falcons and landspeeders ...


3 minutes ago, STARHAWK said:

Its their stupidity to not use some of the specific molds. In SW they could make a hutt like every 2nd year
Gardula for Ep1 set
Jabba for a current Underwold set
Ziro for a Clone Wars set
the 2 hutts in Book of Boba

Same with any small SW animal which could be placed in any set. Like i dont understand why we dont have something like the Friends pockets - a small pocket/pod with a minifig, few bricks and a small collectible animal - there is so much great small animals in SW to collect and use in moc.

Yep, totally agree. Just generic nobodies would be welcome in Star Wars theme to get some alien molds to populate our own creations.

10 minutes ago, STARHAWK said:

Its their stupidity to not use some of the specific molds. In SW they could make a hutt like every 2nd year
Gardula for Ep1 set
Jabba for a current Underwold set
Ziro for a Clone Wars set
the 2 hutts in Book of Boba

Same with any small SW animal which could be placed in any set. Like i dont understand why we dont have something like the Friends pockets - a small pocket/pod with a minifig, few bricks and a small collectible animal - there is so much great small animals in SW to collect and use in moc.

I'm going to say it, but none of those Hutts are appealing (much less known) except Jabba to the average consumer, especially to likely add a large amount of cost to the respective set. 
And I'm not sure what small animals you mean. They put Correlian hounds in multiple sets during Solo, etc., but Star Wars doesn't have consistent "small creatures" like friends cats and dogs. 

6 minutes ago, Samppu said:

Yep, totally agree. Just generic nobodies would be welcome in Star Wars theme to get some alien molds to populate our own creations.

Generic nobodies only show up in sets like the Cantinas, etc. where they make sense, and even then, if they put "non-canon" aliens, etc. into sets, then people would complain excessively about how they were "paying more for non-canon stuff" and "why didn't they put this other clearly recognizable unknown character there instead." As stupid as it sounds, we all know the drill. 

7 minutes ago, STARHAWK said:


Also, we know they can't do a CMF for whatever licensing reasons, and even if they did make one, it would NOT be one per year, since it would be competing with other unlicensed and licensed (and now themed - like space, F1, etc.) CMFs. At best, it would be 1 per 2-3 years, if they even could make them. 

10 minutes ago, Samppu said:

I totally agree, though as NoOneOfImportance commented, it seems to be difficult for the designers to get new molds. Though, as customers, we really do not care how they get the new molds, as long as they make them, so having unreasonable factory process causing poor quality in the product makes no excuse really.

I merely wanted to point out the fact that the designers cannot simply take an old mold off the shelf, if it has been more than five years since its passing.
Additionally, this sometimes explains odd design or minifigure choices in some sets, because I also learned that they sometimes purposefully try to push in particular parts even if those parts didn't exactly fit the theme of a set just to prevent the mold from getting destroyed.

As much as consumers may not "care how they get the molds," there does need to be some recognition that there isn't free reign from any designer for anything, like people also want to pretend. It doesn't inherently matter how much a theme sells, etc., it matters what budget the company sets for things, and other such constraints that supersede. Having a process cause less molds (not the same as "poor product quality" in the same sense), also likely means that budget is going into something else desired by a consumer (or known to be desirable to the consumer group overall), which would lead to other complaints if not addressed. It's a game of compromises based on ability and budget, not LEGO just being evil and greedy like people like to assume (yes, they are greedy, but there are lines that people ignore). 

Edited by NoOneOfImportance

2 minutes ago, NoOneOfImportance said:

I'm going to say it, but none of those Hutts are appealing (much less known) except Jabba to the average consumer, especially to likely add a large amount of cost to the respective set. 
And I'm not sure what small animals you mean. They put Correlian hounds in multiple sets during Solo, etc., but Star Wars doesn't have consistent "small creatures" like friends cats and dogs. 

But to kids it would be a different colored hutt to play with. There was also a TV series with a new hutt - also not supported by lego and that was explicitly aimed at kids.
Here almost nobody really is a fan of the D&D universe, yet the D7D minifigs are constantly sold off as they appear in stores.

You dont need to appeal only to the avg consumer, but also to the SW fans who are tired of constant XW, TF, Lukes speeder etc reeditions.

Kovakian monkey lizard - appeared in mando, in other shows

Loth cat

massiff - appeared in Ep2 as well as in Mando

there are many animals in SW, totally overlooked by lego - yet i constantly see one of molds used in CMF

SW animal could be reused at least 2-3 times

Just now, STARHAWK said:

But to kids it would be a different colored hutt to play with. There was also a TV series with a new hutt - also not supported by lego and that was explicitly aimed at kids.
Here almost nobody really is a fan of the D&D universe, yet the D7D minifigs are constantly sold off as they appear in stores.

You dont need to appeal only to the avg consumer, but also to the SW fans who are tired of constant XW, TF, Lukes speeder etc reeditions.

Kovakian monkey lizard - appeared in mando, in other shows

Loth cat

massiff - appeared in Ep2 as well as in Mando

there are many animals in SW, totally overlooked by lego - yet i constantly see one of molds used in CMF

SW animal could be reused at least 2-3 times

Tons of people in the LEGO community are fans of D&D, otherwise there wouldn't be the hype around the set and CMFs all over. They are selling like crazy because of people liking D&D and medieval, so that's wrong to say nobody is a fan. 

The thing is, LEGO sets are for kids, who are growing up and haven't been able to buy a Luke's landspeeder in 4 years - the kid who was 2 years old in 2020 is now 6, and may want one. Same with any other fighter. There's a reason why we get vehicles like those frequently - because they sell to the main target audience of retail LEGO Star Wars - kids. Someone like Ziro wouldn't be interesting/pertinent to kids (since he was last focused on in CW heavily about 14 years ago in a couple of 20 minute episodes). Kids want their recognizable vehicles, etc.
There's a reason why the Coruscant gunship doesn't do well, as much as the Justifier, or the Bad Batch shuttle, or anything else like that - the price isn't viable (main problem with the Justifier), and the content isn't known enough by the main interested consumer. You can appeal to the diehard fans too, which is why they make weird things like the red gunship, but those things don't always do well, and Landspeeders and X-Wings sell better. 

The lightsaber set reminds me of a hilariously mean joke someone made years ago on another forum:

"I see you've constructed a new lightsaber. Your training as a loser is complete."

As someone who has constructed my fair shared of SW Lego sets, I have no right to repeat that joke, but I still find it funny.

Anyway, that on/off switch looks massive.

Edited by danth

1 hour ago, Flawless Cowboy said:

I’m hoping to “complete” the cast of characters present for the sail barge scenes, and so far I have the following minfigures that Lego has made before, who also appear either on the sail barge or the skiff. Am I missing anyone?

1. Bossk

2. Ree-Yees

3. Pagetti Rook

4. Rintel Aren

5. Jawas!

That’s basically it in terms of figures that already exist. You could also fill it out with a Gamorrean or two, and make a custom Tessek using the one from Bib Fortuna’s Throne Room. I’m also going to try and see if I can piece together custom Yoxgit, Brock Starsher, and Barada as well. (Although Barada might be difficult since as far as I can tell the bandanna mould doesn’t exist in yellow.) Kicking myself that I didn’t get Rintel Aren when he first released, since he’s pretty expensive on the aftermarket now. 

And, in other news 40755 is now on LEGO's website - with a RRP of £34.99 in the UK (link).

I'd expected it to be higher than that, especially with 7 minifigures & 383 parts - almost a bargain! :wub:


6 minutes ago, QuiggoldsPegLeg said:

That’s basically it in terms of figures that already exist. You could also fill it out with a Gamorrean or two, and make a custom Tessek using the one from Bib Fortuna’s Throne Room. I’m also going to try and see if I can piece together custom Yoxgit, Brock Starsher, and Barada as well. (Although Barada might be difficult since as far as I can tell the bandanna mould doesn’t exist in yellow.) Kicking myself that I didn’t get Rintel Aren when he first released, since he’s pretty expensive on the aftermarket now. 

Yeah I made a bunch of them a few years ago with existing parts and some of them were tough. I ended up leaving Barada without a bandana since as you mentioned it doesn't exist in an appropriate colour. Also bought a lot of the TCW Nikto heads since that was the only Nikto available at the time; hopefully I can get a few copies of the Snubfighter cheap to replace those (though honestly I kinda prefer the expression and texture on the TCW version- the new ones look too... smooth?), and I made some custom torsos by just printing designs on paper and gluing them on (nowadays I might look to other sites to get printed ones but I don't think I did a bad job considering I was 14 at the time).

For Brock Starsher I used Unkar's Thug's head with Cad Bane's tubes. Some others like Gailid and Velken Terezi were easy enough to do without any special parts or customised torsos. 

I think my obsession with doing that is part of why I'm pretty disappointed in the overall selection of figures we've got between the two sets this year- especially the complete lack of any guards in the skiff set. 

Oh, and my custom Wooof has leg printing which I'll probably transfer to the new one. (Nothing fancy- I just used the legs off the old CMF Ice Fisherman.)

19 minutes ago, Lobot said:

And, in other news 40755 is now on LEGO's website - with a RRP of £34.99 in the UK (link).

I'd expected it to be higher than that, especially with 7 minifigures & 383 parts - almost a bargain! :wub:


I’m not surprised at the price. If you look at the clone bp from January it was £25 with 4 clones and a bunch of droids (if we count them as figures) so a similar battle pack will be in the same region except this has an anniversary figure which I’m guessing accounts for the £10 difference I’m hoping it’s not Lego hiking prices up that much in 10 months.

the price was never confirmed, the 44.99 was just some guy on Instagram guessing which everyone took as gospel. I just hope that this isn’t a Lego exclusive just so there’s a chance of picking it up cheaper somewhere else

Edited by Llewop

1 hour ago, NoOneOfImportance said:

And I'm not sure what small animals you mean. They put Correlian hounds in multiple sets during Solo, etc., but Star Wars doesn't have consistent "small creatures" like friends cats and dogs. 

Generic nobodies only show up in sets like the Cantinas, etc. where they make sense, and even then, if they put "non-canon" aliens, etc. into sets, then people would complain excessively about how they were "paying more for non-canon stuff" and "why didn't they put this other clearly recognizable unknown character there instead." As stupid as it sounds, we all know the drill. 

As much as consumers may not "care how they get the molds," there does need to be some recognition that there isn't free reign from any designer for anything, like people also want to pretend. It doesn't inherently matter how much a theme sells, etc., it matters what budget the company sets for things, and other such constraints that supersede. Having a process cause less molds (not the same as "poor product quality" in the same sense), also likely means that budget is going into something else desired by a consumer (or known to be desirable to the consumer group overall), which would lead to other complaints if not addressed. It's a game of compromises based on ability and budget, not LEGO just being evil and greedy like people like to assume (yes, they are greedy, but there are lines that people ignore). 

About the animals: Star Wars surely has plenty of iconic animals to go by, banthas, womp rats, eopies and kaadus to name a few from the movies. Plenty more if you consider e.g. Jedi Fallen Order. They could have easily included one in every Tatooine related sets in recent years, if they wanted to. Corellian hounds was actually a good example and it alone made at least me to buy a piece of those speeders.

By generic nobodies I mean canonic aliens of course, not imaginary ones. They just don't need to be any particular named characters in my opinion, but I get what you mean. Though it is not like they hadn't ever been included before. E.g. the old Mon Calamari set included exactly this kind of generic Calamari mechanic with no particular identity. Similar characters would be much appreciated generally and wouldn't probably add the licencing costs so much as the named characters do. E.g. would have been nice to have an additional generic Kaminoan with Obiwan's interceptor (though in the case of the Kaminoans, there would have been a few named options too, but you get the point).

I believe the last point in general is true, but I might counterargue that minifigures in Star Wars sets should grow higher in priority in Lego's end. They easily make it or break it whether one wants to buy a set, both for kids and adults. For adults the quality of the minifigures is a great matter, for kids it is at least the inclusion of minifigures, which matters.

Edited by Samppu

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