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4 hours ago, CallumPears said:

Also good news: high quality images are now up on the LEGO site and while there's still no transparent frog there is an olive green one! 

Hooray! :excited: The frog tradition lives on! 

And by it‘s good to see that Jabba has his tattoo after all :sweet:

10 hours ago, TotoMagnus said:

I think it is even slightly bigger than minifig scale. According to an older Brickset article, the length for minifig scale is roughly 72cm. This set is 77cm long , according to leaks

Ahh, well, that is very close to minifig scale then :)

1 hour ago, NoOneOfImportance said:

Tons of people in the LEGO community are fans of D&D, otherwise there wouldn't be the hype around the set and CMFs all over. They are selling like crazy because of people liking D&D and medieval, so that's wrong to say nobody is a fan. 

The thing is, LEGO sets are for kids, who are growing up and haven't been able to buy a Luke's landspeeder in 4 years - the kid who was 2 years old in 2020 is now 6, and may want one. Same with any other fighter. There's a reason why we get vehicles like those frequently - because they sell to the main target audience of retail LEGO Star Wars - kids. Someone like Ziro wouldn't be interesting/pertinent to kids (since he was last focused on in CW heavily about 14 years ago in a couple of 20 minute episodes). Kids want their recognizable vehicles, etc.
There's a reason why the Coruscant gunship doesn't do well, as much as the Justifier, or the Bad Batch shuttle, or anything else like that - the price isn't viable (main problem with the Justifier), and the content isn't known enough by the main interested consumer. You can appeal to the diehard fans too, which is why they make weird things like the red gunship, but those things don't always do well, and Landspeeders and X-Wings sell better. 

I mean people in my country - im not aware of a big D&D community, but the figures are so good as for medieval and generic fantasy that they are constantly sold out - all of them, not just paladins. Also the D7D movie was a failure, yet its getting sets. Seems anything that is castle/medieval or can be generic fantasy will sell well.

Sure the XW/TIEs will be constantly rereleased for some new kids. Not sure how much new SW fans there are - all the kids oriented shows and toy lines are cancelled after a short period. The brand is bleeding fans and new ones are not pouring in in masses.

Cor Gunship - probably could get more figs to sell better. Justifier was too expensive for what it was. Bad Batch shuttle has not sold much ? Dont know, its sold out while the Justifier still can be found here.


So I just found out because of this set that Jabba is Slavic?! Ilijic is literally a Serbian surname this is crazy new lore to me. Speaking of, I just realized our word for toad is phonetically very similar to Jabba (zhaba)... This can't be a coincidence :oh:

The barge itself looks phenomenal I must say, it's just perfect. The only downside being the figures and price. Even though I have the 2013 version I see myself picking this up for a reasonable price in a few years.

Hopefully the new Leia hairpiece will be relatively cheap on bricklink so I can update my 2013 figure. 

17 minutes ago, Stefanisimo said:

So I just found out because of this set that Jabba is Slavic?! Ilijic is literally a Serbian surname this is crazy new lore to me.

Reminds me of the goober that gave police a fake name (Desilijic Tiure) in hopes of them not catching on. They did. :laugh_hard:

Jabba’s sail barge looks great, that leak in 2023 didn’t do it any favors and final version is great! But it has issues for me: price and separate skiff and Sarlacc pit, minifigs.

Sail barge price for 500$ is very overpriced for what it offers to buyers. Either it should have been 400$ as is or include Skiff and Sarlacc pit for the 500$ price. The fact that to complete a scene in a Ucs set we have to spend 580$ is crazy to me! Why did they even make a skiff in a separate set instead of combining the 2 for one big Ucs set?!

As for the minifigs count and quality it’s a mixed bag. Jabba and Max Rebo look great, and his guards and R2 do too. But Bib Fortuna reusing his fat lekku pice form Boba Fett show instead on more slim one is just another example of LEGO cutting corners. It’s a Ucs set aimed at adult collectors but they don’t even bother making accurate Bib Fortuna for the scene! Also Sullacious B Crumb looks terrible without pupils! It’s like he’s possessed or something. C-3PO not having silver leg is just lazy especially considering they’re already producing the version of him with more accurate leg at the moment. And slave Leia’s skirt being dual molded when in the movie it doesn’t fully cover her is weird choice. I get they made a safe choice and minifig looks really accurate otherwise but I’m mixed on this choice myself.

Overall Sail barge is a good  set with the flaws that could have easily been avoided if Lego wasn’t cutting corners and penny pinching.

Edited by benderisgreat

30 minutes ago, benderisgreat said:

Sail barge price for 500$ is very overpriced for what it offers to buyers. Either it should have been 400$ as is or include Skiff and Sarlacc pit for the 500$ price. The fact that to complete a scene in a Ucs set we have to spend 580$ is crazy to me! Why did they even make a skiff in a separate set instead of combining the 2 for one big Ucs set?!

They 100% designed this as one set and then saw a place they could make some extra cheddar. To me the level of detail on the Sarlaac is the give away. 

Lego has decades of history of making complimentary sets either to be sold side by side or to follow up a popular set, many of these are nice ways to break up the price and seem justified. What I can't justify is a "UCS" of a scene where half the main characters are subjugated to a side set. I see this as them trying to sell the "complete" set for nearly $600, when I would only accept both sets as one set around $500 (still a high price but I'd find it acceptable). I will also maintain that what they've done with Bib and Boba is, cheap, sloppy and simply unacceptable for the money they are asking for.

Crazy to compare with the set from 2005 that managed to capture the exterior design, the same three interior sections, plus the skiff and Sarkac Pitt. And as a bonus there was alternate build for Jabba’s palace. All for under $100!

13 hours ago, STARHAWK said:

Slave Leia (not to mention they are afraid of the name so it has to be changed to huttslayer)

Unlike Slave One, which is just the name of an inanimate object and in-universe was part of a whole thing about Jango and his freedom, not wanting to call slave leia slave leia makes sense to me. When you've got the word there combined with the figure being so scantily clad, if a parent isn't a star wars fan that definitely does not give off the right impression about what Jabba's up to.

12 hours ago, Tariq j said:

Yeah, looking back (only 5-6 years ago) at some of the sets coming out, you had things like Duel on Naboo, Duel on Mustafar, Yoda’s hut, the Hoth Medical Bay, the Ach To set, the landspeeders from the Solo film, I think you even had a small Mos Eisley Cantina set - there was a really nice range of < $50 sets. 

EXACTY. I'd love to see more.

9 hours ago, Kaijumeister said:

You will take your buildable Mandalorian’s™️ Right Pauldron™️ and you will like it. 

Oooh, is that the one with the mudhorn signet? Does it combine with the buildable Mandalorian's™️ Right Shoulder™️ set?

8 hours ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

To me, the scoreboard looks like this:


  • Leia (better hairpiece and dual-moulded legs)

All in all, I don‘t think we can complain too much :laugh: Especially since UCS sets rarely have more than two figures.

I'll give you Kithaba, he really does look much better.

Honestly Leia's a sidegrade. I think given lego's printing abilities the dual molded legs are fine, but I don't think you can call it a unilateral upgrade given it is technically less accurate.

I think most of the figure compatible ones tend to have more than two nowadays. It's only the may ones, which are rarely figure scale/compatible, and the giant ships without interiors that get the 1-2 figs.

The thing about this is I really don't think the Barge should be counting as a UCS set, I feel it's much more like an MBS set. It's not like the AT-AT or Falcon, I don't think nearly as many people love the design of the barge, I think it's more the scene being represented, and with so few figures, I don't think it represents it well, putting aside the $80 DLC set.

7 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said:

“A blessing from the lord”

My prayers have literally been answered!!!

Parralax controls the price of lego sets? 

$35 is a godsend and pretty much a direct fix for what I was saying yesterday. It's only one set of course, but if you keep pumping these out, I'll keep buying them. This is an immediate two copies with another one or two around christmas and who knows how many more.

Aw man, 35 euros in europe is $40 in the US, according to lego. Not a terrible price by any means but I got my hopes up for $35. One day one, one around christmas, probably another one or two over the proceeding years if it hits a sale.

12 minutes ago, Ferder said:

Crazy to compare with the set from 2005 that managed to capture the exterior design, the same three interior sections, plus the skiff and Sarkac Pitt. And as a bonus there was alternate build for Jabba’s palace. All for under $100!

It really needed the MBS level of figs, because I don't think people really want a UCS sail barge just for the design of the barge itself. It, like the locations, relies on figures to pop, and it just doesn't have enough.

Edited by Mandalorianknight

Wow, it finally got revealed! Kept the lid on leaks pretty well this time. 

This is a big part with a lot of characters missing from my collection (also missing the Cantina...must be something about Tatooine). But with limited budget...is this the set to settle everything on? I am very interested in next year with potentially something ROTS related. Decisions decisions...

I really like the promo and have the other Lukes lightsaber. Would make a nice matched set. 

Build looks very nice but also a little rich for the price. 

I can't help but compare this to the Haslab one, and I kinda like LEGO being distinct (granted they are on the same source material, so there will be similarities). It just feels like a carbon copy this time, which I know sounds very silly. 

Anyways, can't wait to see more and maybe that will help inform my decision. 

56 minutes ago, Ferder said:

Crazy to compare with the set from 2005 that managed to capture the exterior design, the same three interior sections, plus the skiff and Sarkac Pitt. And as a bonus there was alternate build for Jabba’s palace. All for under $100!

At a fraction of a percentage of the craftsmanship and presentation 

1 hour ago, Mandalorianknight said:

It really needed the MBS level of figs, because I don't think people really want a UCS sail barge just for the design of the barge itself. It, like the locations, relies on figures to pop, and it just doesn't have enough.

Yeah this sums it up nicely. 

I like the vehicle, but it's all the unique alien guards that really make the scene. That's also why the skiff set is so unappealing to me. Sure, it's a good build for the skiff itself (Not a fan of the sarlacc; yeah it's nice to have an actual pit but the shaping is terrible. 2006 still reigns supreme for me.) but the figures included aren't great aside from the "bonus" Nien Nunb and it's again missing the Glup Shittos. 

(Still, it features Boba's RotJ armour which is my favorite design. At least they managed to get that righ- oh.)

9 hours ago, QuiggoldsPegLeg said:

if you watch Return of the Jedi you can see him on the barge. 

I couldn't remember seeing him but just checked and you can indeed see his back and headtails in some shots. No logical explanation as to how he escaped the explosion though.

11 minutes ago, TeufelHund said:

I couldn't remember seeing him but just checked and you can indeed see his back and headtails in some shots. No logical explanation as to how he escaped the explosion though.

There’s a closeup of Bib in one of the shots, he’s front and center. Bossk too is on the barge, although he’s hard to spot. Both managed to survive “somehow”

I'm pleasantly surprised about the 'battle pack' price: a remake of two older sets that in modern prices would be ~$30 combined and more than double the piece count this time around. Only 6 figs instead of the original 8 though but including an anniversary fig. They could have easily asked for $45, so in the words of Sheev...

As an aside, this new set is exactly one piece more than Battle on Peridea but costs $15 less. Sure the figs are mostly repeats rather than the unique characters and I guess Peridea has more large pieces, but it shows how much a messed up metric PPP can be. Or that the marketing gurus at Lego know how much people will pay for Thrawn...

5 hours ago, STARHAWK said:

I mean people in my country - im not aware of a big D&D community, but the figures are so good as for medieval and generic fantasy that they are constantly sold out - all of them, not just paladins. Also the D7D movie was a failure, yet its getting sets. Seems anything that is castle/medieval or can be generic fantasy will sell well.

I would go even further and say that any generally usable CMF series will sell well.
I personally go all in for the D&D figures from the perspective of my Star Wars MOCs. Particularly the torsos and the boots are highly reusable for Star Wars figures as well, unlike 90% of the regular CMF lines. Perhaps I sell the excess dragon heads etc. on Bricklink, but generally the parts are excellent for reuse.

Namely, their color scheme is natural. Colors and prints that fit the Star Wars universe as well as medieval MOCs and other adventure themed worlds. The regular CMF lines come with so bright and unnatural colors, often coupled with yellow figure parts not matching the flesh tones in Star Wars, that they are rarely very usable for Star Wars or other MOCs. Take the series 26, for example. Where would you naturally reuse dark pink torso or transparent violet legs? They do not fit Star Wars, they do not fit fantasy or history themes, they do not really fit even the regular City theme.

Marvel figures have had better color schemes but they tend to have superheroes' logos messing up the torsos... D&D series really is the first one with natural color scheme without any particular logos messing up the reusability of otherwise interesting prints.

1 minute ago, MaximillianRebo said:

Or that the marketing gurus at Lego know how much people will pay for Thrawn...

As far as I know, one of their main motivations to buy Bricklink was to access exactly this kind of information...

2 hours ago, Flawless Cowboy said:

There’s a closeup of Bib in one of the shots, he’s front and center. Bossk too is on the barge, although he’s hard to spot. Both managed to survive “somehow”

Same with Max. 

I guess everyone has seen the pictures of the UCS Khetanna by now and i thought i would be fun to create a poll and ask people to rate the Khetanna out of ten and also ask if you guys plan to buy it on day one, later or not at all.

Find the poll in this thread:


12 hours ago, Flawless Cowboy said:

There’s a closeup of Bib in one of the shots, he’s front and center. Bossk too is on the barge, although he’s hard to spot. Both managed to survive “somehow”

Bib is also holding Leia in place when Jabba tells her that she will worship him soon

it's a cool set, basically a star wars pirate ship, as always the value is abysmal unless you're a committed adult collector.

Easy pass, but cool for OT fans.

Now show me the spring wave, I cannot wait to see the updated jedi interceptor and arc-170 builds, those are going to be really really fun to see considering the interceptor has remained the same core build since it first released. Then for the arc-170 they have tried some different things with x-wings in the last few years so i am curious how they will handle the s-foil mechanisms on this new one.

Edited by Alex_South

The real question is does it make more sense to buy the set, or wait and see if the mini figures will be worth buying on Bricklink much cheaper in the near future.


After watching a few reviews on YT, this is an unfortunate pass simply due to the price. Sure, you could buy day one and hopefully secure the GWP to sell and offset the cost, but it's the principle of this set being $500 that's wrong. 

Granted they are two different IPs, comparing this to Rivendell at the price point is an actual joke when considering which set is "better."

I've seen a few people say it already, but the blatant greed in selling the Sarlaac set separately for $80 when there is ample wiggle room under the $500 umbrella for what you get is just disappointing and disrespectful. 

42 minutes ago, Old Master said:

I've seen a few people say it already, but the blatant greed in selling the Sarlaac set separately for $80 when there is ample wiggle room under the $500 umbrella for what you get is just disappointing and disrespectful. 

Tbh I am ok with the skiff and sarlacc not being included.

Obviously not everyone's in this situation but I already have several skiffs and sarlaccs from previous sets so at this point an additional one with the barge would just be spare parts (and it's better as a separate set so people can get 2 to complete the scene... though I have no idea where we're supposed to get the guard figures to put on them). 

Still, the point of not wanting them together should be to save money by not getting the skiff I don't need. It should be a good $100 cheaper for what you get (and the skiff set should be a lot less too).

Either that or include a dozen more minifigures of the various guards between the two sets. Most of them could even reuse parts like Wooof and Vizam's heads for the various other Nikto guards, Wooof's helmet for Klaatu, and some of them wear similar clothes so a new torso print for that style could be spread across like 3 figures between the sets (I'm thinking Vedain in the skiff then Klaatu and one of the human guards on the barge- they don't have exactly the same outfits but imo it's close enough and would be better than just never making those characters at all).

Saying "a dozen extra figures" sounds completely crazy at first but compared to the Cantina and other cheaper sets I genuinely don't feel like I'm exaggerating at all, especially when I think they could get away with no new moulded parts now that we've got Wooof's helmet as several of them have that same helmet design (and again, they could've split them between the barge and skiff since both sets are severely lacking in the Glup Shitto department, with the skiff not having a single one). 


ALSO I noticed from some reviews that only some of the window panels with the grille pieces on can actually open, so it doesn't have the hatch that Luke pulls a weequay out of when he's climbing up the side of the barge :hmpf_bad:

Edited by CallumPears

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