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22 minutes ago, ArrowBricks said:

This is correct. However, I think the current climate involves celebrating anniversaries more than an in the past. 

ROTS has so many options, I wonder if they’ve decided to celebrate both to accommodate as much as they can. For example, an ARC-170 is a great way in to a 20th celebration (because 20th celebrations have not been celebrated in the past), than a 25th anniversary because there are so many better, more iconic options out there. 

Look, I wouldn’t expect a ton of stuff in the summer but I still think there’s potential for a few more (excluding Plo Koon’s). 

After all, the vast majority love the movie. 

Fair enough. But i still just don’t understand why many members of the community are like “why isn’t it a ROTS set?!!” Whenever a new 2025 set gets leaked.

i mentioned it before, but the biggest criticism of the Night trooper BP leak i saw that it wasn’t Wolfpack or Galactic Marines. Not that it was fake and had no evidence.,


I swear that Clone Bros are the most entitled faction within the LSW fanbase. I love SW militaries, if Lego makes a trooper or vehicle i like the look of i just get it. But Clone Bros find ways to complain even if they get exactly what they want (a la 2022 AT TE)

We're now at the point where there are so many movies and shows that literally every year could be the 10th, 20th, 25th, etc. anniversary of something, and I really doubt all of them will be acknowledged. The years most likely to get specific anniversary celebrations are probably 2027 (50 Years of Star Wars), and 2029 (30 Years of Lego Star Wars)

I think the best way to go is just to never let too many years pass without having the most important/iconic characters, vehicles or scenes represented in sets.

47 minutes ago, CloneCommando99 said:

I swear that Clone Bros are the most entitled faction within the LSW fanbase.

Kinda real for this one, although a little ironic coming from someone with your name + pfp

I see people act like it's a travesty that certain vehicles or troopers have never been made by Lego, and the way they talk about them you'd think they had some massive presence within the franchise, it's pretty jarring to look it up and find out they have like 2 seconds of screen time in Revenge of the Sith or The Clone Wars

5 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said:

I really don’t get why people are expecting a massive amount of ROTS sets in 2025. None of the other PT movies have gotten sets specifically for their 20th anniversaries.

Honestly I feel like all the film/show anniversaries have had roughly the same amount of stuff. We know there's an ARC and Plo Koon's fighter coming, so throw in a brickheadz and 1-2 ROTS styled sets in the august wave and we're there.

2 hours ago, Coryo said:

We're now at the point where there are so many movies and shows that literally every year could be the 10th, 20th, 25th, etc. anniversary of something, and I really doubt all of them will be acknowledged. The years most likely to get specific anniversary celebrations are probably 2027 (50 Years of Star Wars), and 2029 (30 Years of Lego Star Wars)

Kinda real for this one, although a little ironic coming from someone with your name + pfp

I see people act like it's a travesty that certain vehicles or troopers have never been made by Lego, and the way they talk about them you'd think they had some massive presence within the franchise, it's pretty jarring to look it up and find out they have like 2 seconds of screen time in Revenge of the Sith or The Clone Wars

Yeah. I can't wait for our Kenobi wave celebrating five years of the greatest miniseries of all time. Or our Young Jedi Adventures anniversary giving us the first-ever UCS 4+ set.

Hey he's a Clone Fan, not a Clone Bro.

It is really funny. I've seen big numbers of people who say stuff like "lego hates the prequels because we don't have commander Doom." Commander Doom. Who was in like one scene of one episode in clone wars. We haven't had Doom, the character he homages, in 12 years, for comparison.

Edited by Mandalorianknight

3 hours ago, Coryo said:

I see people act like it's a travesty that certain vehicles or troopers have never been made by Lego, and the way they talk about them you'd think they had some massive presence within the franchise, it's pretty jarring to look it up and find out they have like 2 seconds of screen time in Revenge of the Sith or The Clone Wars

Yeah I get annoyed with LEGO for stuff like the 501st Jet trooper, Fox, and Vaughn where they are objectively just wrong and inaccurate, but stuff like "nooo they haven't made the 420th legion airborne trooper from one panel of the 2003 comics" does go a bit far sometimes. (Though unless they get rid of the hybrid armour style I'm not particularly interested in new Clone figures anyway tbh.)

I kind of miss when LEGO used to have a subtheme for a wave, like in 2013 we had a bunch of AOTC sets, or the rogue one waves in 2016/2017. The sets would just complement each other well and they'd have box art and commercials with the sets together which would encourage people to buy them all.

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I know the QC comments are technically off topic, but it's a soap box of mine so they are allowed :pir-yoda:

On 10/5/2024 at 4:43 PM, Lordhelmet said:

I never had problems with quality until the last year and a half.  I have had at least three or four times where I reached out to Lego for replacement parts due to quality issues or missing pieces, never had to do that in the past.   The higher prices have also led me to not be willing to look over mistakes as quickly.  I think if I had a missing part and felt I had a good deal on the set I would just grab a spare part, but with the higher prices I’m not willing to let the quality issues go.  

22 hours ago, PreVizsla said:

To be fair, they replaced everything for free and their customer service was excellent. But it’s really frustrating.

I have these same feelings. I've overlooked issues in the past (which were far less frequent). But with increased issues and increased prices I feel like Lego is really missing the mark.

On 10/5/2024 at 5:18 PM, Yperio_Bricks said:

Quality issues are the downside of Lego's quasi-monopoly. Without real competitors there is no incentive for Lego to up the quality of their product when people pay any price anyway. What i find very annoying are the injection mould marks becoming bigger and that they are visible in prominent places.

21 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said:

That sounds really bad. I've noticed a lot of fragility in recent models.

Appreciating the QC testimonials, guys. It's unacceptable to go through so many problems when they charge premium prices.

Just...how!? :wacko:

Mega used to be notorious for QC issues, but I caved and started a Halo collection right around Infinite's release. Their QC has markedly improved: clear instructions, no missing parts, sturdy construction. Lego needs to maintain superiority if they want to stay on top. Only the best is good enough.

Yes, Lego has a monopoly in some ways. But brands like Megablocks have really improved in the last 10 years. Hopefully that competition will force Lego to step up their game. They've done it before. Other brands are doing it now. It's possible! I think we all need to keep reaching out to CS with issues and be polite but very insistent that they hold to their own company motto: Only the best is good enough.

2 hours ago, Darth_Bane13 said:

I kind of miss when LEGO used to have a subtheme for a wave, like in 2013 we had a bunch of AOTC sets, or the rogue one waves in 2016/2017. The sets would just complement each other well and they'd have box art and commercials with the sets together which would encourage people to buy them all.

that AOTC waved happened, because in the earlies 2010 the prequels were announced to be released as 3D movies, so during 2011/22 we got episode I sets, 2013 atoc sets and 2014 revenge of the sith sets.

Edited by starlego98

I’ve seen the discussion of declining QC crop up again and again on this forum. I just want to say that, as someone who lives in the middle of the wide USA, I’ve personally never had a significant issue with a LEGO set. The only missing parts I’ve ever had I later found stuck in the plastic bags. I’ve had 1 bad misprint on a P1 clone helmet in 2022, but I find that more cool than annoying for me. Scratched up windscreens and windows are a problem, though, and an easily solvable one at that too.

I will preface, I’ve only purchased 19 sets in the last year (not counting minifigs or polybags) so I probably don’t have a large range to survey. I just figured that I’d share my experience as a fan of LEGO and member of Eurobricks.

I do agree that LEGO has a monopoly, especially as it pertains to LSW. All we can do is voice demands for higher quality standards to match increasing prices, and hope for the best.

8 hours ago, Coryo said:

Kinda real for this one, although a little ironic coming from someone with your name + pfp

You got me. I’m more of an Empire guy. But i grew up with TCW so i have a soft spot for clones. Also, what can I say? i can’t resist a cheeky spot of alliteration.

6 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Honestly I feel like all the film/show anniversaries have had roughly the same amount of stuff. We know there's an ARC and Plo Koon's fighter coming, so throw in a brickheadz and 1-2 ROTS styled sets in the august wave and we're there.


6 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

It is really funny. I've seen big numbers of people who say stuff like "lego hates the prequels because we don't have commander Doom." Commander Doom. Who was in like one scene of one episode in clone wars. We haven't had Doom, the character he homages, in 12 years, for comparison.

And what’s even sadder is that we’ll never get Doom Guy. 

What do you mean Lego won’t make Commander Glup Shitto of the 69th platoon?! Do they hate their fans?!

3 hours ago, Darth_Bane13 said:

I kind of miss when LEGO used to have a subtheme for a wave, like in 2013 we had a bunch of AOTC sets, or the rogue one waves in 2016/2017. The sets would just complement each other well and they'd have box art and commercials with the sets together which would encourage people to buy them all.

I completely agree. Let’s hope that if the Ewok Village rumour is true, we get a bunch of companion sets.

1 hour ago, starlego98 said:

that AOTC waved happened, because in the earlies 2010 the prequels were announced to be released as 3D movies, so during 2011/22 we got episode I sets, 2013 atoc sets and 2014 revenge of the sith sets.

true but my point stands, in 2010 we got a bunch of empire strikes back sets (granted it was the 30th anniversary), 2012/13 we got a bunch of Rotj sets, 2015 we got a bunch of TPM sets. nowadays we'll get a set like obi wans starfighter or the Sith infiltrator but kids wont have anything to pair it with.

13 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said:

I really don’t get why people are expecting a massive amount of ROTS sets in 2025. None of the other PT movies have gotten sets specifically for their 20th anniversaries.

I guess the line of thinking is that since ROTS is the most popular of the prequels and the culminating movie of the original saga so its anniversary will be given more emphasis.

I haven't been on the sub for a while so this has probably been answered but are the current instagram rumors around Jango Fett Slave 1 and other prequel sets in 2025 verified by anyone big; haven't seen falconfan post in a while. 

8 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

It is really funny. I've seen big numbers of people who say stuff like "lego hates the prequels because we don't have commander Doom." Commander Doom. Who was in like one scene of one episode in clone wars. We haven't had Doom, the character he homages, in 12 years, for comparison.

Funny enough, I rewatched the clone wars 8 times (some arcs even more) and I had to google who Commander Doom even is.

14 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said:

I honestly have only really been missing very small, common parts in my sets recently. So the QC issues are there, it just doesn’t ruin the set for me.

I really don’t get why people are expecting a massive amount of ROTS sets in 2025. None of the other PT movies have gotten sets specifically for their 20th anniversaries.

I don't think anyone is expecting a massive amount of sets for ROTS. Full waves for a single movie have become a thing of the past and the last couple of anniversaries have only given us a handful of sets to celebrate them.

11 hours ago, Coryo said:

We're now at the point where there are so many movies and shows that literally every year could be the 10th, 20th, 25th, etc. anniversary of something, and I really doubt all of them will be acknowledged. The years most likely to get specific anniversary celebrations are probably 2027 (50 Years of Star Wars), and 2029 (30 Years of Lego Star Wars)

I think the best way to go is just to never let too many years pass without having the most important/iconic characters, vehicles or scenes represented in sets.

The recent anniversaries celebrating specific media (ROTJ, TPM, Clone Wars) have all been cross promotion across different brands directed under Lucasfilm. Its not something Lego alone has decided to do. A good indicator of knowing if anything is on the table is if another company like Hasbro is releasing any product since they all share the same anniversary branding.

The only anniversaries that have been exclusive to Lego in recent years are the ones celebrating the Lego Star Wars theme as a whole.

58 minutes ago, PreVizsla said:

Funny enough, I rewatched the clone wars 8 times (some arcs even more) and I had to google who Commander Doom even is.

Give me Wolffe and Bly, the 327th and some 2020 style updated Kashyyyk clones with an updated Gree and I'll die happy

1 hour ago, kidtheboss611 said:

I guess the line of thinking is that since ROTS is the most popular of the prequels and the culminating movie of the original saga so its anniversary will be given more emphasis.

I haven't been on the sub for a while so this has probably been answered but are the current instagram rumors around Jango Fett Slave 1 and other prequel sets in 2025 verified by anyone big; haven't seen falconfan post in a while. 

The best movie out of the Prequels and I'd say it's in the Top 5 SW Movies, It's my favorite so there might be some bias

12 hours ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Personally, I actually hope they won‘t release too many ROTS sets next year. It‘s kinda been done to death :tongue: AOTC needs more love from TLG!

It's treason then

1 hour ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

Give me Wolffe and Bly, the 327th and some 2020 style updated Kashyyyk clones with an updated Gree and I'll die happy

I would also be really happy with Wolffe and Wolfpack, but my most wanted legion right now is 212th. After waiting for ages to get phase 2 Cody, having only three 212th troopers is depressing.
(Sorry if this is wishlisting)

5 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said:

And what’s even sadder is that we’ll never get Doom Guy.

But he's such a family friendly character! He's just sad about his pet bunny!

4 hours ago, Darth_Bane13 said:

true but my point stands, in 2010 we got a bunch of empire strikes back sets (granted it was the 30th anniversary), 2012/13 we got a bunch of Rotj sets, 2015 we got a bunch of TPM sets. nowadays we'll get a set like obi wans starfighter or the Sith infiltrator but kids wont have anything to pair it with.

You've identified the issue yourself, I think. That was a decade ago, back when there were only 6 movies and one mainstream show. There's a good shot a number of those weren't even necessarily planned for anniversaries. There's so much content now, we don't get as much for anniversaries. Everything from ESB's 40th in 2020 on has gotten a significantly smaller- but still notable- amount of sets.

3 hours ago, PreVizsla said:

Funny enough, I rewatched the clone wars 8 times (some arcs even more) and I had to google who Commander Doom even is.

Exactly, it's a marvel reference. It's not a notable character by any means.

58 minutes ago, PreVizsla said:

I would also be really happy with Wolffe and Wolfpack, but my most wanted legion right now is 212th. After waiting for ages to get phase 2 Cody, having only three 212th troopers is depressing.
(Sorry if this is wishlisting)

I 100% get the sentiment as a fellow 212th fan, but honestly the BL prices aren't too bad right now, especially for a star wars character. It's like $6-8, even for groups as large as 10. If we're gonna keep getting clone sets, I wouldn't be opposed to a faction like the 327th or Wolfpack.

1 hour ago, Mandalorianknight said:

I 100% get the sentiment as a fellow 212th fan, but honestly the BL prices aren't too bad right now, especially for a star wars character. It's like $6-8, even for groups as large as 10. If we're gonna keep getting clone sets, I wouldn't be opposed to a faction like the 327th or Wolfpack.

I actually really appreciate your comment. For some reason I just assumed they are $15+ each, $6 is for more than fair. 

6 hours ago, PreVizsla said:

I would also be really happy with Wolffe and Wolfpack, but my most wanted legion right now is 212th. After waiting for ages to get phase 2 Cody, having only three 212th troopers is depressing.
(Sorry if this is wishlisting)

You can get them on Bricklink for around 7 Euro, in those paper bags from the magazine, I got 26 that way

Just finished building the new rebel/stormie bp. It is amazing but both factions are definitely missing that 4th figure - especially one that is different from the others (tie pilot or rebel friend) but I must admit since they bought the battle packs back they’ve all been pretty decent imo (except for their over reliance on one particular clone legion). I hope we get some next year I know everyone wants night trooper but I’d rather an imperial remnant one first, and maybe another clone legion. Definitely don’t want any more Mandolorian ones but anything else I’m game for

6 hours ago, Llewop said:

I hope we get some next year I know everyone wants night trooper but I’d rather an imperial remnant one first, and maybe another clone legion. Definitely don’t want any more Mandolorian ones but anything else I’m game for

I’d also like an imperial remnant pack. Scout Trooper, Incinerator Trooper and 2 Battle-damaged Stormtroopers would be the dream.

Would work well as both a mando tie in and with Endor if the rumours are true.

6 hours ago, Llewop said:

 hope we get some next year I know everyone wants night trooper but I’d rather an imperial remnant one first, and maybe another clone legion.

The beauty about Star Wars is that we get an infinite number of BP options. And most of them are good. It is really beyond me why Lego does not capitalize on it at least a little more.

Naboo forces, Imperial army troopers (Andor and Solo variety), New Republic troopers, Coruscant Underworld Police, the countless clone legions as you said, Crimson Dawn enforcers - there is no limit to what is possible.

Obviously they would not be equally popular, and a simple 4x clean Stormtrooper set would sell insanely well, but still... I think Lego should be doing more when it comes to BPs.

34 minutes ago, Flieger said:

It is really beyond me why Lego does not capitalize on it at least a little more.

I think Lego should be doing more when it comes to BPs.

That is something i really would like to understand! Why does Lego not pump out SW battlepacks (and battlepacks for other themes as well)?? For a toy like Lego, it seems logical to have a wide array of battlepacks on shelves all the time. Children and adults alike love minfigs, love to armybuild, love to put minifigs into their mocs, etc, so why not have more battlepacks??

We can only speculate about the reasons. I would give a kingdom for a official and honest statement about this topic.

2 hours ago, Flieger said:

The beauty about Star Wars is that we get an infinite number of BP options. And most of them are good. It is really beyond me why Lego does not capitalize on it at least a little more.

Naboo forces, Imperial army troopers (Andor and Solo variety), New Republic troopers, Coruscant Underworld Police, the countless clone legions as you said, Crimson Dawn enforcers - there is no limit to what is possible.

Obviously they would not be equally popular, and a simple 4x clean Stormtrooper set would sell insanely well, but still... I think Lego should be doing more when it comes to BPs.

Yeah we had some really good years for battle packs in the 2010s (other than the stud shooters). I doubt we'd have any chance at a Senate Commando pack today, for example. Bring back the glory days of 4 per year. One for Clones, one for some Stormtrooper variety, and a couple wildcards.

3 hours ago, Yperio_Bricks said:

That is something i really would like to understand! Why does Lego not pump out SW battlepacks (and battlepacks for other themes as well)?? For a toy like Lego, it seems logical to have a wide array of battlepacks on shelves all the time. Children and adults alike love minfigs, love to armybuild, love to put minifigs into their mocs, etc, so why not have more battlepacks??

We can only speculate about the reasons. I would give a kingdom for a official and honest statement about this topic.

My guess is that they don't want to oversaturate the market, but at the same time, I think there's a difference between too many and having a good assortment of cheaper minifigure packs available.  Like, having 8 different BPs on shelves, they probably would cannibalize each other in sales, but I think 3-4 regular and one "mega" BP (like the Clone and Droid one or the 501st one) on shelves at a time is a good number.  That's pretty much what we're at right now, but I think the reason it seems less exciting is that the shelf life seems to be way longer, so you can still find the 501st Specialist or 332nd BP on shelves even though those are, what, like two years old at this point?  I'm actually kind of confused why their life cycle has been so long, because the 501st one in particular seems to hang around constantly on store shelves.

I'd like it if they did 3-4 new BPs per year and just kept them at either a 12 or 18 month shelf life, maybe two in the winter wave and two in the summer wave.  That way, we're consistently getting new factions and minifigures, and there's not a ton of overlap.  

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