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See to me Star wars is so much more than the movies, they're only a tiny part of it. It's the shows, the cartoons, the books, even comics and video games. Of the time I've invested in consuming star wars media the movies probably account for less than 10% of it would be the movies. I'm the sort of weirdo that rereads books and rewatches while TV shows so whole I rewatch the movies they're still but a tiny fraction.

I've liked most star wars stores I've watched, read or played. And I do find it quite hard to rank them because that list is not static and also because it depends on  the metric we are using to quantify. There are some that do some things better than others but other things worse. Of course the logical way to rank is simply by basing it on how much you like each one but that in and of itself can be hard to quantify, to compare, to even put into words.

That said here's my vague attempt a loose ranking 

Love: Rogue one, Revenge of the Sith, The Empire strikes back.

Also love but slightly less: Return of the Jedi, The Phantom menace, Solo

Like: The Clone Wars Movie, A New Hope, The Last Jedi, The Attack of the Clones, The Force Awakens.

I do not like: The Rise of Skywalker.

The first 2 sequel films are in a weird place where I like them as movies but I don't think they fit well with eachother and I wish the sequels had taken a less repetitive direction but I still enjoy them for what they are. The third sequel film I do not enjoy, though it's far from the worst thing I've ever seen and it is nice to see Billy Dee back as Lando.


18 minutes ago, Alexandrina said:

I've dug out the "Duel of the Fates" script, but I can't actually find any source confirming it's real. Even the Wiki article just says 'before it was confirmed as real' but doesn't give any source for that.

I dunno... it doesn't read to me as especially well-written, the dialogue in particular, and it feels more like the sort of thing you'd get if a fan of the books tried to marry their favourite Legends material with the sequels pre-TROS. Even the apparently-great Ben/Luke ghost scene is just all a bit meh to me.

From what I know of it, it's totally absurd and a very bizarre direction to take the story in. But I still think I'd have liked it more than tRoS simply because it does it repeat that films greatest flaw... Which is just being kinda boring. Duel of the fates would probably have been a bad film but at least it would have been interesting.

22 minutes ago, icm said:

For me, the character development of Luke, Rey, and Kylo is the strongest part of TLJ.

But he is aware of the darkness in his own soul and the darkness in his family, and presumably it wasn't a single bad dream that Ben Solo had - it must have been an extended pattern of bad behavior. It doesn't seem wildly out of character to me that a man with such a pattern of impulsive derring-do and violent solutions to problems as a youth would, in a moment of weakness, briefly yield to an intrusive thought so far as to pull out his lightsaber - and then, just as quickly, repent and "be left with shame - and consequences." It also seems entirely in character to me that he would consider himself responsible for provoking the slaughter and destruction that followed, and then withdraw from society to dedicate his life to the pursuit of wisdom in a remote ascetic hermitage like his two Jedi trainers, Obi-Wan and Yoda. Let's not forget that ascetic hermits in remote locations were the only Jedi he ever knew in the OT, so that's his idea of what it means to be a Jedi! Luke knows that his two mentors went into exile after failing to stop Vader and Palpatine, so he thinks it's only natural and proper for him to go into exile after causing this great disaster and failing to stop the rise of Ren and Snoke. He goes into exile because he's so ashamed, he doesn't know how Han and Leia can ever forgive him for what he almost did to their son, and what their son became in response. He goes into exile because he doesn't think it's safe for him to be around other people anymore.

When Rey finds him and asks for help, years later, I do think it's a little out of character for him to toss the lightsaber away like a banana peel. I don't like that moment. But it makes perfect sense to me that he would initially refuse to help her, and then slowly come around. He's been on the island for so long, and she's making a really big request of him. Does she think he's going to march out there with a laser sword and take on the whole First Order himself? He learned at Cloud City, decades ago, that he can't just march in there with a laser sword and take on the whole Empire himself. He learned at Hoth, just before that, that he can't just jump in a snowspeeder and take on the whole Empire himself - he may take down one walker, but he'll get shot down in his turn. And he has vowed never to leave the island. So for me it's actually quite a powerful moment that he manages to do everything Rey has ever asked of him - to go to Crait to help the Resistance, to confront Kylo Ren, to march out there with a laser sword and take on the whole First Order himself - without sacrificing his own hermetic vow to himself to live and die on that island. Moreover, in his unprecedented (at least in the feature films) display of Force projection, he is actually more effective than if he was there in person. As a flesh and blood man with a laser sword standing on the salt flats of Crait, he could not possibly survive being bombarded by however many First Order walkers at once, but as a Force projection he can. This draws Kylo Ren out for single combat, thus delaying the First Order advance longer than if he were actually there in person. This gives the Resistance more time to escape, and a greater symbol of hope in miraculous intervention. Then, having aided his friends and his sister and the Resistance without violating his vow, he is able to pass away with "peace, and purpose" like his mentors Obi-Wan and Yoda. I think it's an ingenious solution to his dilemma, and it has great thematic resonance for me.


I disagree I don't think it's in character for Luke when he's a grandmaster to succumb to an impulse like igniting his lightsaber over his nephew thinking about murdering him, that's not jedi-like at all, especially not for an old wise grandmaster Luke. The Jedi code is 

  • There is no emotion, there is peace.
  • There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
  • There is no passion, there is serenity.
  • There is no chaos, there is harmony.

An old master Luke should have accomplished these feelings and be wise more like Yoda, could you imagine Yoda doing that in the prequels?

To your next point, obi wan went into exile with the intention of watching over and training Luke (crucial to destroying the empire). Yoda did indeed go into exile however Yoda and Luke are different in that sense because when yoda went into exile they were legitimately defeated, Palpatine won, there was nothing left. When Luke left there was still time to stop and prevent the first order.

Next, why instead of trying to make things right, would a stoic jedi hero just accept defeat and wait to die? 


As for his death... I don't think he should've died at all in this film, we just finally got to see him after almost 40 years and for most of the movie he just drinks green alien titty milk, He could've done force projection and not died, he just died because he was tired...? We never even got a reunion between the OT cast, granted this more JJ Abrams fault.


2 hours ago, Darth_Bane13 said:

I'm kind of surprised to see so much love for the sequels here, I thought most people hated them.

I'm not. A large portion of the forum are NuCanon fans. Seeing them ranked so highly, is a surprise though.


2 hours ago, TotoMagnus said:

See, for me the PT is the one trilogy that tries to be something, in this case a shakespearean tragedy. To me a tragedy needs for example better dialogue, something better than „I wish I could wish away my feelings“. Don‘t get me wrong, there are strong scenes I really dig which are tragic in the right way, like the immolation scene or Padme‘s rumination in 3 but it‘s spread to thinly. 

Dost thou partake of Shakespeare? The dialogue is hardly what defines the genre, and even if that were true, ham dialogue is par for the course. The whole story is tragedy. Anakin's journey, the fall of the Republic/rise of the Empire, the movies have a sense of impending doom. No matter what highs our heroes experience, the brutal end is inevitable. A lot of the Prequels is about what isn't said, reading the scene to get the bigger picture.

2 hours ago, TotoMagnus said:

I wouldn‘t say that it’s awful. Least favorite of the ST, yeah maybe but there are still things I do like and scenes that pull my strings in a good way. The last shot for example. The whole bit on Tatooine gives me a warm farewell and god speed feeling. 

I respect that you like it, but it's pretty bad. You seem to like the "feel good" aspects of Star Wars, so to each their own. But even casuals hated it.

1 hour ago, icm said:

For me, the character development of Luke, Rey, and Kylo is the strongest part of TLJ.

A lot of assumptions being made here. I'll give you Rey and Kylo, but Luke is not a natural progression of the character. This is the same man who fought to redeem a father with whom he had no connection to, other than knowing he was a good man at some point. To do that and then attempt to murder his nephew? That's laughable storytelling.

Also, Kylo being inspired by his grandfather makes no sense on the face of it. Did nobody tell him Darth Vader redeemed himself when he died? That he died a Jedi? That would've nipped several problems right in the bud.

It was a moment of weakness, an intrusive thought. It's right there in the dialogue. Everyone has intrusive thoughts, and sometimes we momentarily yield to them before quickly pulling back as we realize our mistake. Momentary intrusive thoughts of murdering our nephews? Well, this is space opera storytelling. Everything is heightened.

If you told Kylo that Darth Vader redeemed himself and died a Jedi, would be believe you? I don't think so. The galaxy as a whole didn't believe Leia - she lost virtually all her mainstream political influence after the secret got out that she was Darth Vader's daughter. In the eyes of the galaxy he's still a Bad Dude.

3 hours ago, Darth_Bane13 said:

In regards to The Last Jedi I just can't get over how they ruined Luke Skywalker. The whole idea of him just running away to live on an island for ten years while the empire rises again and instead of helping the resistance he does nothing...

Anyway I haven't seen anyone defending TROS here, can we all agree it's awful?

Technically, he was missing for six years, but that's not really here nor there. 

For The Rise of Skywalker, I would not necessarily call it awful, but it is definitely disappointing. This was also the film I had the most expectations and theories for going in, but still. Hux was wasted, Finn and Poe didn't do much, and I hate that Rose got sidelined. I liked Rey's arc in the film. Though I would have preferred her not having a special bloodline, I understand how it fuels her struggles with belonging. I also get what they were going with with Kylo's arc, but I wish they had fleshed out that "everything he thought he wanted isn't actually what he wanted" instead of making him subservient to another big bad. For Palpatine, I am not sure that I love that he came back, but the way they did it made sense to me, and I love Exegol and the Sith cultists and all of that. There are many small things that I like, so I cannot say that I hate it, but it is a big letdown. 

2 hours ago, icm said:

For me, the character development of Luke, Rey, and Kylo is the strongest part of TLJ...

I once read a blog post that argued that Luke's "superpower" was empathy for others...

Amazing. Every word of what you just said, I loved. I agree about Luke. I completely find TLJ to be in character for him. I can also see when people say that they wish he wasn't in that situation to begin with, too, but then I rewatch the movie and love it. 

2 hours ago, Alexandrina said:

I've dug out the "Duel of the Fates" script, but I can't actually find any source confirming it's real. Even the Wiki article just says 'before it was confirmed as real' but doesn't give any source for that.

I dunno... it doesn't read to me as especially well-written, the dialogue in particular, and it feels more like the sort of thing you'd get if a fan of the books tried to marry their favourite Legends material with the sequels pre-TROS. Even the apparently-great Ben/Luke ghost scene is just all a bit meh to me.

I was not a fan of Duel of the Fates, either. I liked the B-plot with Finn and Rose, but everything with Rey, Kylo, and Luke were just not it. Especially that Ben/Force Ghost Luke scene. Force Ghost Luke grabs a lightsaber blade, and tells his nephew that he's not a Skywalker, even though "no-one's ever really gone?" And Kylo's "redemption" in that is so much more rushed and just worse than in TRoS. All he basically did was go, "oops, my bad" and then die. Some of people's opinions about the Sequels I can kind-of understand when I read this. 


In regards to Luke in The Last Jedi, I maintain that he did not try to kill Ben. He was struck with an overwhelming vision of death and turned on his lightsaber, but instantly regretted it. The only thing of him turning it on and then trying to kill Ben is from Kylo's story, which was a lie to begin with, and Kylo also conveniently left out the part where he went and slaughtered the other students after. However, I will say that the fact that it can be perceived as Luke contemplating killing Kylo is a flaw, one that should have been made more explicit in the film. 

On the topic of Kylo's story, I love (not sure if that's the right word) how manipulative he is to try to get Rey to join him. In TLJ, it's "You have no place in this story You come from nothing. You're nothing, but not to me." Then, in TRoS, when it's revealed that Rey does have a powerful bloodline, Kylo just goes: "Hey, you come from a dark background, just like me. You should join me." 

2 hours ago, icm said:

Edit - I mostly stay quiet about it because there's a lot of sequel hate, but I actually do really like TFA and TLJ. TFA is basically a beat-for-beat remake of ANH, but it's got big gleeful energy, whiz bang this is so fun! and it's got great set pieces, effects, acting, and music. 

I totally agree. The Force Awakens is just so endearing, it's got great energy. 


This is my general ranking:

A++: ANH

A+: TFA & TLJ (tied)

A: RotJ & RotS & R1 (tied)

A-: ESB & Solo (tied)



B-: AotC

I must note that all of these tiers are extremely close, hence the weird-letter grading. I enjoy them all. The shows are trickier to rank, as I have seen each only once in entirety. It probably goes: Rebels, Clone Wars, Bad Batch, Mandalorian, Andor, and then the rest. It's hard for me to accurately judge these since I haven't seen many of them in a while. For both rankings, too, part of what gives certain entries higher scores is how much it stays with me and how much I enjoy it outside of watching it, if that makes sense. 

Also, it's nice to have civil discussions about Star Wars. Thank you all for your thoughts and opinions and for being open to those of others. 

1 hour ago, icm said:

If you told Kylo that Darth Vader redeemed himself and died a Jedi, would be believe you? I don't think so.

So...his highly influential, "was there when it happened", light of the galaxy, Uncle Luke, has about as much sway on him as some random internet commenter lightyears away. :laugh:

In that case, you'd think Anakin himself would show up to tell Ben the whole story, being a Force Ghost and all. There's no defending this.

1 hour ago, icm said:

It was a moment of weakness, an intrusive thought. It's right there in the dialogue. Everyone has intrusive thoughts, and sometimes we momentarily yield to them before quickly pulling back as we realize our mistake. Momentary intrusive thoughts of murdering our nephews?

I feel like you're missing the point. If Luke was pulled out of his hate for Vader on a hunch/hope of redemption, someone who is the epitome of an absent father, why wouldn't he extend that much more grace to a little perceived darkness in his nephew, who'd been by his side for years? Momentary thoughts and planning a whole bedroom assassination (which he almost carried out, btw) are two totally different animals.

20 minutes ago, Rwbricks said:

On the topic of Kylo's story, I love (not sure if that's the right word) how manipulative he is to try to get Rey to join him. In TLJ, it's "You have no place in this story You come from nothing. You're nothing, but not to me." Then, in TRoS, when it's revealed that Rey does have a powerful bloodline, Kylo just goes: "Hey, you come from a dark background, just like me. You should join me." 

That's one way to look at it. I'm more irritated by how much of an obvious spit-in-the-face to Rian Johnson it was to make her a Palpatine.


11 minutes ago, ARC2149Nova said:

So...his highly influential, "was there when it happened", light of the galaxy, Uncle Luke, has about as much sway on him as some random internet commenter lightyears away. :laugh:


I feel like you're missing the point. If Luke was pulled out of his hate for Vader on a hunch/hope of redemption, someone who is the epitome of an absent father, why wouldn't he extend that much more grace to a little perceived darkness in his nephew, who'd been by his side for years? Momentary thoughts and planning a whole bedroom assassination (which he almost carried out, btw) are two totally different animals.

Just like Luke can hold out hope for his evil father based on the spark of good he senses in him, Kylo can continue to admire his grandfather for his decades of evil deeds despite his one good deed at the end.

Like a stage play, everything is heightened for dramatic effect.

People discussing Star Wars, and the sequels at that, online, and it's all pretty civil? What planet is this? :laugh:

As far as sequels go, my order of preference is definitely TLJ - TFA - TRoS. Even if there were a few moments in TLJ that raised some eyebrows, and it could've been a half hour shorter, I liked the overall vibe and character developments. And visually it's a stunner (Crait and the Kylo-Rey fight in the throne room especially).

TFA is fine, TRoS was a victim of poor production planning IMO. If they'd had one person in charge of the whole trilogy it might have come out better; the story beats of all 3 movies is enough to give you whiplash.

Overall film ranking for me: Rogue One, TPM, the rest. You can't make me choose!

To get back on topic towards the end, I like the sound of a Kylo helmet. It'd be awesome if they had parts to swap between its TFA and kintsugi TRoS design, but I doubt that's likely.

Edited by TeddytheSpoon

In terms of Luke's arc and talking about the "Jedi code," I think people forget that thr whole point of the Prequels and The Last Jedi is that the Order was flawed in its core, destined to fall.

The whole point of all those movies is how "values" (derogatory) such as "no emotions," "No attachments," and "no passion" aren't actually values, but the things that led to the fall of the Jedi Order. Suppressing them doesn't lead to a higher form of existence, it only makes you weaker and hurting in the long-term.

Hell, the only reason Luke wins in the Original Trilogy is because he has emotions, because he has attachments, and because he has passion.

Do people watch those movies with their eyes closed and ears covered?

11 hours ago, Darth_Bane13 said:

In regards to The Last Jedi I just can't get over how they ruined Luke Skywalker. The whole idea of him just running away to live on an island

See the thing with that is really it wasn't the The Last Jedi's choice to go in this direction.

The force awakens set up the idea of Luke hiding away on an island and I think TLJ gave the most logical answer it could as to why. I mean there could've been other reasons, maybe he wanted some peace and quiet to give him the space to learn some super secret special technique to defeat the first order, maybe he got space amnesia and forgot about the first order. But neither of those options feel satisfying to me, Luke has always followed his emotions whether it leads to cloud city, redeeming Vader or running away from Kylo. I think he was more scared of idea of him turning into someone ruthless and cold then he was scared of the first order. I like the idea that he seems what he could have become and runs from it rather than embracing it and joining the dark side like he did for a short while in legends.

But to me the world and world building of star wars has always been more interesting to me than any individual character.

But back to the Last Jedi, I think Rian Johnson shows better skill as a storyteller here than JJ Abrams does in his whole catalogue of work, and I wonder what we could have gotten if he had had control of the whole trilogy from the word go. ( And if Disney hadn't rushed them to realise in such a tight timeframe, because I feel that seriously hampered things).

9 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said:

I'm not. A large portion of the forum are NuCanon fans. 

I'd argue that most NuCanon expanded universe fabs are also fans of alot of the legends continuity too. I myself am at least. My favourite star wars book series would be the High Republic books but if was asked for star wars book recommendations I'd probably say the OG Thrawn trilogy or the Calrissian chronicles trilogy. ( Mostly because the High Republic is 24 Novels, + several short stories, Audio plays, and then you can also the Manga and the comics as well whereas both the trilogies mentioned are just 3 books.)

2 hours ago, THELEGOBATMAN said:

Do people watch those movies with their eyes closed and ears covered?

Only if it gets scary :laugh: so no...

8 hours ago, Rwbricks said:

I totally agree. The Force Awakens is just so endearing, it's got great energy. 

See that's that's what makes the sequels so hard to rank for me. TFA is definitely the one I had most fun watching first time round, but I do think it sets up most of pitfalls of the later films.

This film did do a lot right; Finn feels like the lead, or at least an equal Co-star to Rey, whereas in later films he gets more and more shafted. Takodana feels new and yet at the same time it fits in the galaxy perfectly , it's similar to the cantina but unlike the First Order/Empire or the resistance/rebellion it's different enough that I don't mind it. I do wish Old Han had met up with the whole OT Gang (So Luke, Lando, Chewie, Leia and the droids) before he died. 

I think in a vacuum TFA might be one om favourite SW films but it's not in a vacuum. It sets up too many mystery boxes with no thought of the pay off and it's too much of a ANH copy. The Aesthetic similarities honestly bother me in some ways more than the plot similarities.

11 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said:

Dost thou partake of Shakespeare? The dialogue is hardly what defines the genre, and even if that were true, ham dialogue is par for the course. The whole story is tragedy. Anakin's journey, the fall of the Republic/rise of the Empire, the movies have a sense of impending doom. No matter what highs our heroes experience, the brutal end is inevitable. A lot of the Prequels is about what isn't said, reading the scene to get the bigger picture.

I respect that you like it, but it's pretty bad. You seem to like the "feel good" aspects of Star Wars, so to each their own. But even casuals hated it.


Well, of course dialogue does not define a whole genre. But when you say that one side is a space opera and the other is a shakespearean tragedy I expect more „gravitas“ from the latter. A deeper layered story, more edged out characters and also better dialogue. I see the attempts of the PT to be that what you describe, but in my eyes it fails to deliver, sadly. 
To me the tragedy of the fall of Anakin isn‘t depicted very well since I don‘t see him acting much like a hero in 2&3. To me he acts more like a creep towards Padme, overly arrogant towards his Teacher and other Jedi. Even „good friend“ I don‘t see in him. When in 3 Obi-Wan and Anakin say goodbye to each other they speak very highly of them and their friendship but this I didn’t get from watching the movies. 
The old rule of Show don‘t tell in full effect. 

Regarding Episode 9: „it’s pretty bad…but even casuals hated it“. I‘m sorry, but that is a non argument. Do you remember the time Prequel time? How the terrible phrase of George Lucas doing bad things to childhoods was coined?

I do remember it, since back then, I defended the Prequels. I remember the big points people brought up, like Jar Jar, the acting of nearly everybody, overuse of CGI, contradictions to the established lore, soulless movies, wooden dialogue, demystification of Boba Fett, boring politics…

but also the minor nitpicks that blew out of proportions, like the double bladed Maul lightsaber, Flubber-Yoda, Clones being described as „rainbow troopers“, R2 having Rockets, Chewbacca meeting Yoda. I even remember buzz droids being some kind of laughing stock and thats coming of the top of my head. The force.net was full of that crap 😂

Again, I do like the Prequels but please remember that an argument like „even casuals hated it“ could be brought up against them as well. 

1 hour ago, Agent Kallus said:


I think in a vacuum TFA might be one om favourite SW films but it's not in a vacuum. It sets up too many mystery boxes with no thought of the pay off and it's too much of a ANH copy. The Aesthetic similarities honestly bother me in some ways more than the plot similarities.

Oh yeah JJ sure loves em mystery boxes. He is a genius in getting a story started. He just need to learn to end them properly ☺️

im the owner of peridea battle set and I wanted my night trooper to be exclusive to that set. And with night troopers battlepack coming everyone will be able to have a cheap night troopers. Im dumb ok :pir_wacko:


3 minutes ago, omegabadbatch said:

im the owner of peridea battle set and I wanted my night trooper to be exclusive to that set. And with night troopers battlepack coming everyone will be able to have a cheap night troopers. Im dumb ok :pir_wacko:

Wow, what a statement! So you do not enjoy what you have, but what others do not have?

21 minutes ago, Yperio_Bricks said:

Wow, what a statement! So you do not enjoy what you have, but what others do not have?

I wanted to have a rare minifigure


Insiders days are coming on lego shop. I want set with young leia. I would like discount on that set

Edited by omegabadbatch

16 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said:

I will say, my biggest is with Disney is that their stuff is good in a vacuum. Once you start lining things up with the six Lucas films, the tone is off, and a lot of story decisions don't fit with the established universe. By that metric, I'd say Andor and the first two Mandalorian seasons are the best.

In my opinion, Andor has become essential viewing. It gives modern, Star Wars-only viewers the reason why ANH was and still is special. Andor represents the dark, gritty sci-fi that plagued the 70s. It was the Star Wars that brought back hope, fun, unbridled adventure, with optimism for the future in cinema. People don’t watch THX-1138 when watching Star Wars for the first time, though they should for understanding the tone shift Star Wars brought about. Andor is a perfect encapsulation of the Dark Times, the oppressive, depressing and bitter era that George created to reflect the world in which audiences in 1977 lived. To the people who say that Andor is too dark, too adult to be Star Wars, you’re right. Nonetheless, if not for things like Andor, Star Wars would never exist. In a poetic way, Andor is the reason for Rogue One, and Rogue One is the reason for A New Hope.

I’d love if someone watched Star Wars starting with Andor. Not little kids, obviously, (Rebels would be my pick for them) but adults watching for the first time.



I guess I’ll share my current (keyword: current) ranking of the Star Wars films/shows before the rancor checks in again. Time to make some enemies!

 1. The Empire Strikes Back

 2. Return of the Jedi

 3. A New Hope

 4. The Force Awakens

 5. Revenge of the Sith

 6. The Last Jedi

 7. The Rise of Skywalker

 8. Rogue One

 9. The Phantom Menace

 10. Attack of the Clones

 11. The Clone Wars Movie


 999. The Star Wars Holiday Special



As for the shows, my top five includes: Clone Wars, The Clone Wars, The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, and Rebels. Ahsoka and Andor would be close, though.

I could write up an explanation for each choice, but that’d be way too long for anyone else to read, lol. I believe that, overall, I value good quality characters in whom I’m invested; to whom I either look up or on whom I reflect myself and see my downfalls and strengths. I love parallels between other films, deepening the connection more than just a title or Episode number. I like good visuals, but I prefer tactile environments and set pieces. Most of all, though, I want to be entertained, and that comes through sound storytelling as much as a feel good story.

40 minutes ago, omegabadbatch said:

I wanted to have a rare minifigure


I once had a rare minifigure… Mando in Beskar armour from 75299. Truly a great minifig, a prized minifig of mine. You can imagine my reaction when I found out he was coming in more sets.

Why, I was overjoyed! I could now get more Mando minifigs to replace the one that was weathered from being carried around in my pocket.

Even though that minifig’s value has decreased significantly compared to its initial value, I still appreciate that minifig for its beautiful design.

So again, do you appreciate what you have, or what others don’t have?

1 hour ago, omegabadbatch said:

im the owner of peridea battle set and I wanted my night trooper to be exclusive to that set. And with night troopers battlepack coming everyone will be able to have a cheap night troopers. Im dumb ok :pir_wacko:

Why of all things should a TROOPER be exclusive to a set that isn‘t a battlepack? They‘re supposed to be massable! :tongue: The other four minifigs in that set are not only much likelier to be remain exclusive, it also makes a lot more sense for them :snicker:

Also, my movie ranking:

  1. ROTJ
  2. TLJ
  3. RO
  4. TESB
  5. ROTS
  6. TFA
  7. ANH
  8. Solo
  9. TROS
  10. TPM
  11. AOTC

Plus the live-action show ranking:

  1. Mando S2
  2. Ahsoka
  3. Mando S1
  4. Mando S3
  5. Obi-Wan
  6. TBOBF
  7. Andor
  8. The Acolyte

And the animated show ranking:

  1. TCW
  2. TBB
  3. Rebels
  4. Resistance
24 minutes ago, Swordy said:


So again, do you appreciate what you have, or what others don’t have?

I appreciate what I have

6 hours ago, THELEGOBATMAN said:

In terms of Luke's arc and talking about the "Jedi code," I think people forget that thr whole point of the Prequels and The Last Jedi is that the Order was flawed in its core, destined to fall.

The whole point of all those movies is how "values" (derogatory) such as "no emotions," "No attachments," and "no passion" aren't actually values, but the things that led to the fall of the Jedi Order. Suppressing them doesn't lead to a higher form of existence, it only makes you weaker and hurting in the long-term.

Hell, the only reason Luke wins in the Original Trilogy is because he has emotions, because he has attachments, and because he has passion.

Do people watch those movies with their eyes closed and ears covered?

That's not "the whole point of the prequels" the prequels literally showcased what happens when Anakin gives into his attachments and leads to his turn to the dark side (quite literally proving the Jedi code correct). The fall of the jedi order was due to the Sith grand plan that was in the making for a thousand years, Palpatine is responsible for the downfall. Sure the Jedi were probably a bit arrogant and got too comfortable with having peace for so long. The emotions, attachments, and passion as you said, were the downfall of the Jedi because Anakin gave into his attachment to Padme which led to him killing mace instead of destroying the Sith. Yes Luke's philosophy was different in the EU regarding attachment and that stuff but that's not George's story. Also the Jedi order was doing just fine for a thousand years keeping the peace in the galaxy, if Palpatine and Plagueis hadn't been manipulating everything behind the scenes everything would've been fine. Perhaps it is you who watches with your eyes closed.





I don't think that attachments in Star Wars are inherently good or bad. Sometimes, they are good - like Leia keeping hope alive that Kylo will come back to the light. Sometimes, they're bad - like Sabine giving up the map to Thrawn in order to see Ezra. And I don't think that attachment as defined in the Jedi code forbids any and all relationships of friendships (such as Obi-Wan and Satine - there was some kind of line there that Obi was toeing, but he didn't want to cross it due to the Jedi code, for better or worse). As with a lot of things, if they're taken to their extreme on either side of the spectrum, there can be issues, which I think was one of the main points from the Prequels, as seen with Anakin and the Jedi Order. I think that Rebels is one of the better showcases of what the balance between them could look like - you can have deep relationships with others, but not to the point that they supersede your own personal convictions or duties for the "greater good" - which informs how both Kanan and Ezra ended their arcs in that show. Overall, though relationships, friendships, and attachments are all central themes to pretty much any piece of Star Wars media, and different movies/shows portray things differently, so I think it makes sense why there's be a wide range of opinions on the matter.

Also, thanks for everyone for sharing your opinions - opinions are cool, and Star Wars doesn't come with an instruction guide saying how we should or shouldn't view certain things. I've gotten some good insights from y'all about the Sequels - I don't agree with a lot of them, but I do understand those viewpoints more. I think we're all rational people who are seeing things clearly-not the same, but mostly reasonable overall. So, thanks!

2 hours ago, omegabadbatch said:

im the owner of peridea battle set and I wanted my night trooper to be exclusive to that set. And with night troopers battlepack coming everyone will be able to have a cheap night troopers. Im dumb ok :pir_wacko:


Um... Sorry, but no. Yes, having a cool minifigure that has some rarity to it can feel pretty neat, but that's overall not a great outlook to have - especially with a character who is massable with army-building. I think out of all of the minifigures in that set, the Night Trooper is probably the most likely to be put into other sets, and for that exact reason. Morgan Elsbeth is probably the most likely to stay exclusive to that set - seeing how she only has that look in that one scene, and she's now dead.

2 hours ago, TotoMagnus said:

Regarding Episode 9: „it’s pretty bad…but even casuals hated it“. I‘m sorry, but that is a non argument. Do you remember the time Prequel time? How the terrible phrase of George Lucas doing bad things to childhoods was coined?

I understand all your points. But TROS is still bad, I'm sorry. :laugh:

It's biggest issue that it's a mess of story, pacing is terrible, too much stuff to fit into a tight window, made worse when you realize the movie is supposed to take place all within a 24-hour period. Best things to come out of that movie is Rey's yellow lightsaber, Papa Palpatine, Zori Bliss, and Finn finally being Force sensitive. Jannah's character had potential, and the Anzellans are cool, but yeah. It's just a visual overload of "isn't that cool!?" Which, even if it is cool, doesn't make for a compelling story.

Like I said, the ST is trying to be epic fantasy, but fails to take the time to hit story beats properly.

Prequels are subtle masterpieces, not everyone will like or understand them, casuals may even hate them, but the Rise of Skywalker was just a mess, and casuals hated it.

2 hours ago, TotoMagnus said:

To me the tragedy of the fall of Anakin isn‘t depicted very well since I don‘t see him acting much like a hero in 2&3. To me he acts more like a creep towards Padme, overly arrogant towards his Teacher and other Jedi.

He's a flawed character, much more so than we the audience would expect. He's a warrior hero, not a superhero. Vader was always there, hidden underneath. But at some point, the question becomes whether or not Anakin will conquer his dark impulses, but because he's so withdrawn and socially inept (not helped by being whisked away at nine years old to be a monk messiah), he never receives the help he needs. To the council, he just needs to get over his feelings, to Obi-Wan, he needs to get over his feelings. The only person who gets him just so happens to be the big bad, the greatest evil in the galaxy.

Him being a creep towards Padme is by design. He's a monk, damn near incapable of flirting, so of course his flirting would come across as weird. Also, all romance is creepy on some level, it's all about whether the other person's into it. Luckily, Padme was into it. His arrogance is, again, a flaw. But, he is the greatest Jedi warrior of the time (not named Windu or Yoda), he's constantly hyped up as "The Chosen One", these things tend to go to one's head.

As far as the friendship thing, I know reading in this fandom is like the devil to some (not saying you), but seriously, read the comics and the books that released with the CWMMP (Star Wars Republic/Clone Wars, Labyrinth of Evil) they'll take you on the journey in a way that matches the films much better than later materials. The Prequels could've used more time to tell it's full story, granted, but again, the story flows together. The Sequels have a lot of potential, but they lack the narrative cohesive, the intentionality that the first two trilogies had.

I will also agree that hearing Obi-Wan in ANH makes less sense with knowledge of the Prequels. But again, a lot of things changed in Lucas' story as time went on.

3 hours ago, omegabadbatch said:

im the owner of peridea battle set and I wanted my night trooper to be exclusive to that set. And with night troopers battlepack coming everyone will be able to have a cheap night troopers. Im dumb ok :pir_wacko:



3 hours ago, TotoMagnus said:

Oh yeah JJ sure loves em mystery boxes. He is a genius in getting a story started.

This is an undeniable fact. There's a reason the first episode of LOST is still considered the gold standard for making a television pilot episode.

5 hours ago, Agent Kallus said:

I'd argue that most NuCanon expanded universe fabs are also fans of alot of the legends continuity too. I myself am at least.

You can add me to the list. I'm currently working on a brickfilm script that basically exists as a way to fit Mara Jade into the new canon. My favourite Star Wars is the Thrawn duology/Survivor's Quest, and for some reason The Crystal Star (why haven't we had a Waru fig yet, Lego? :pir_laugh2:)

50 minutes ago, Darth_Bane13 said:

That's not "the whole point of the prequels" the prequels literally showcased what happens when Anakin gives into his attachments and leads to his turn to the dark side (quite literally proving the Jedi code correct). The fall of the jedi order was due to the Sith grand plan that was in the making for a thousand years, Palpatine is responsible for the downfall. Sure the Jedi were probably a bit arrogant and got too comfortable with having peace for so long. The emotions, attachments, and passion as you said, were the downfall of the Jedi because Anakin gave into his attachment to Padme which led to him killing mace instead of destroying the Sith. Yes Luke's philosophy was different in the EU regarding attachment and that stuff but that's not George's story. Also the Jedi order was doing just fine for a thousand years keeping the peace in the galaxy, if Palpatine and Plagueis hadn't been manipulating everything behind the scenes everything would've been fine. Perhaps it is you who watches with your eyes closed.

Two things can be true at the same time. Both the Jedi and Anakin were wrong. After all, it was Luke's attachment to his father, the idea of his redemption: "I am a Jedi, like my father before me" that saves Anakin. The Jedi were manipulated by the Sith, yes, but they were already blinded by politics and the belief that they themselves always knew what was best, even when faced with the folly of their so-called wisdom. The mishandling of Anakin, treating him with coldness instead of the empathy he needed, these are all fatal flaws in the Prequel-era Jedi.

The one thing TLJ Luke gets right is that the Old Ways needed to end. In the EU, Luke's Jedi are organized as such because the Prequel Era rules had not been established. It was perfectly reasonable to assume that Jedi could have families and such, and Lucas at the time, never contradicted this. Star Wars is a tale about family(ies), belief in redemption, and the prevailing of Good over Evil. Anakin didn't prove the Jedi code right, they were destroyed because of their own arrogance. Anakin fell to the same manipulative power. His redemption ironically proves that attachments can be powerful in a good way, as without Luke's attachment to the very idea of his father, the galaxy would still be flying the Imperial Cog.

1 minute ago, Alexandrina said:

You can add me to the list. I'm currently working on a brickfilm script that basically exists as a way to fit Mara Jade into the new canon.

Ben kills her in his raid on the school. :laugh:

In all seriousness, sounds interesting. Looking forward to see what you came up with.

13 minutes ago, ARC2149Nova said:

Best things to come out of that movie is Rey's yellow lightsaber, Papa Palpatine, Zori Bliss, and Finn finally being Force sensitive.

Objection: Dominic Monaghan is always the best thing to come out of anything that Dominic Monaghan is in

Just now, ARC2149Nova said:

Ben kills her in his raid on the school. :laugh:

In all seriousness, sounds interesting. Looking forward to see what you came up with.

At the moment I'm kinda coalescing on Mara as Emperor's Hand tracking down any Jedi survivors who emerge after the fall of the Empire, and coming upon a Jedi Master who had been working on experiments with the Force and time - thus catapulting her irreversibly some thirty years in the future. When she then does meet Luke (as a Force ghost ofc) she has to grapple with the idea that she could have been a good person, she could have been redeemed, she could have been happy, but all of that's been taken away from her and now she's a relic from an old time who has no place in the world. Possibly involving a Force dyad between her and Luke, as I think any Legends fan would agree that they had a special bond

45 minutes ago, ARC2149Nova said:

Two things can be true at the same time. Both the Jedi and Anakin were wrong. After all, it was Luke's attachment to his father, the idea of his redemption: "I am a Jedi, like my father before me" that saves Anakin. The Jedi were manipulated by the Sith, yes, but they were already blinded by politics and the belief that they themselves always knew what was best, even when faced with the folly of their so-called wisdom. The mishandling of Anakin, treating him with coldness instead of the empathy he needed, these are all fatal flaws in the Prequel-era Jedi.

As I said in my comment, the Jedi were arrogant and blind since they had peace for so long. I just feel like people give them a bit too much of the blame, like they're the only reason the order collapsed. The prequel Jedi were forced in a lose lose situation most of the time due to the Sith. And Anakin probably would've been fine if Qui Gon trained him as originally intended by the Jedi. The Luke part is a good point but the Jedi code wasn't really a thing at that point.

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