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Just now, ArrowBricks said:

Jango Fett Helmet 

Kylo Ren Helmet 

AT-AT Driver Helmet

I personally think that’s a really strong lineup. 

Are there going to be any significant helmets left after those? Perhaps Zam Wesell's helmet and the triumphant return of sand purple

2 hours ago, Darth_Bane13 said:

That's not "the whole point of the prequels" the prequels literally showcased what happens when Anakin gives into his attachments and leads to his turn to the dark side (quite literally proving the Jedi code correct). The fall of the jedi order was due to the Sith grand plan that was in the making for a thousand years, Palpatine is responsible for the downfall. Sure the Jedi were probably a bit arrogant and got too comfortable with having peace for so long. The emotions, attachments, and passion as you said, were the downfall of the Jedi because Anakin gave into his attachment to Padme which led to him killing mace instead of destroying the Sith. Yes Luke's philosophy was different in the EU regarding attachment and that stuff but that's not George's story. Also the Jedi order was doing just fine for a thousand years keeping the peace in the galaxy, if Palpatine and Plagueis hadn't been manipulating everything behind the scenes everything would've been fine. Perhaps it is you who watches with your eyes closed.

I've never read anything from the EU. What I just described was literally George's story for the Original Trilogy. The whole third movie is about Luke winning with the Emperor because he's attached to his friends and his father with the power of friendship and forgiveness.

I don't want to tell people how to interpret movies, but I don't think you really understand the meaning of Anakin's and Jedi Order's relationship in the Prequels. He didn't get corrupted because of his attachement to Padmé—he got corrupted because the Jedi Order told him to suppress those emotions and attachments, leading to him blowing up like a growing time-bomb.

I've no idea how you got the impression that the point of those movies is that the Jedi were right, and you shouldn't be attached to others or you'll become a Sith Lord. The whole philosophy of the Order was wrong in its core, and that's what the Original Trilogy (retroactively) builds upon. Luke gets stronger because of his attachments and emotions, not weaker.


3 minutes ago, Alexandrina said:

Are there going to be any significant helmets left after those? Perhaps Zam Wesell's helmet and the triumphant return of sand purple

Gone all out with 3 after having 0 this year, so I’d suggest they have another wave in mind. Without speculating too much, I still think there’s options such as an Imperial Royal Guard, Snowtrooper, Lando Skiff Guard, Grievous, Death Star Gunner etc etc. This is ignoring more recent Star Wars media, too. 

Love or hate the sequels I think most can agree that Kylo Ren should be a part of the helmet collection. Jango is a solid "meh" since we have mando and boba tho. 

2 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said:

As far as the friendship thing, I know reading in this fandom is like the devil to some (not saying you), but seriously, read the comics and the books that released with the CWMMP (Star Wars Republic/Clone Wars, Labyrinth of Evil) they'll take you on the journey in a way that matches the films much better than later materials. The Prequels could've used more time to tell it's full story, granted, but again, the story flows together. The Sequels have a lot of potential, but they lack the narrative cohesive, the intentionality that the first two trilogies had.

I will also agree that hearing Obi-Wan in ANH makes less sense with knowledge of the Prequels. But again, a lot of things changed in Lucas' story as time went on.

I did read the novel between the movies 😁 I still remember the headline on a german fansite from 2002 that the Clone Wars are happening NOW, in the 3 years between the movies. Also the Jabiim arc from the comics I do remember, with a first appearance of an early AT-AT. And while I don‘t like TCW, I will always say that they got the relationship between Anakin and Kenobi right. 

But that‘s my major gripe maybe: The movies didn‘t. 

4 hours ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Why of all things should a TROOPER be exclusive to a set that isn‘t a battlepack? They‘re supposed to be massable! :tongue: The other four minifigs in that set are not only much likelier to be remain exclusive, it also makes a lot more sense for them :snicker:

Also, my movie ranking:

  1. ROTJ
  2. TLJ
  3. RO
  4. TESB
  5. ROTS
  6. TFA
  7. ANH
  8. Solo
  9. TROS
  10. TPM
  11. AOTC

Plus the live-action show ranking:

  1. Mando S2
  2. Ahsoka
  3. Mando S1
  4. Mando S3
  5. Obi-Wan
  6. TBOBF
  7. Andor
  8. The Acolyte

And the animated show ranking:

  1. TCW
  2. TBB
  3. Rebels
  4. Resistance

Not interested in any helmets so skip on all 3 as well as the midi scale ship.

AOTC was so bad during my last rewatch that I no longer want the UCS Jango's Slave 1 nor the Jango minifigure.

My top 12 favorites overall
1. The Phantom Menace
2. Revenge of the Sith
3. TCW
4. Mando S1
5. Mando S2
7. Mando S3
9. TFA
10. Jedi Tales
11. R1
12. Ahsoka
Worst 3:
Resistance (unwatchable animation), Rise of Skywaker and Andor.

  • Author

GUYS! I said you could go off topic if you kept it succinct! 24hrs later we have 3 new pages. Let's dial the media discussion back down a little. Keep having civil conversations though, that's been great to read :thumbup:

So now that sequel sets are on the table next year… anyone have any suggestions for the summer wave? (I’d rather the set slots went to Andor S2 but they inevitably won’t)

2 hours ago, PreVizsla said:

Not interested in any helmets so skip on all 3 as well as the midi scale ship.

AOTC was so bad during my last rewatch that I no longer want the UCS Jango's Slave 1 nor the Jango minifigure.

My top 12 favorites overall
1. The Phantom Menace
2. Revenge of the Sith
3. TCW
4. Mando S1
5. Mando S2
7. Mando S3
9. TFA
10. Jedi Tales
11. R1
12. Ahsoka
Worst 3:
Resistance (unwatchable animation), Rise of Skywaker and Andor.

Interesting choices. Gotta say that I respect it.

16 minutes ago, CloneCommando99 said:

So now that sequel sets are on the table next year… anyone have any suggestions for the summer wave? (I’d rather the set slots went to Andor S2 but they inevitably won’t)

Interesting choices. Gotta say that I respect it.

ROTS and OT sets I need

Endor Bunker,Palpatine's Arrest,Jedi Temple,Mustafar Duel,327TH BP,Galactic Marines BP, Star Destroyer Bridge Diorama, UCS Death Star II 

AT-ST,TIE Advanced

17 minutes ago, CloneCommando99 said:

So now that sequel sets are on the table next year… anyone have any suggestions for the summer wave?

If it‘s the ST generally, I‘ll say two words. Babu. FRIK. With TROS Palpy off the list, he‘s now my number one guy!

If it‘s TFA specifically, maybe a remake of Poe‘s X-Wing? :laugh:

A Kashyyyk Shadow Box would be funny

1 minute ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

If it‘s the ST generally, I‘ll say two words. Babu. FRIK. With TROS Palpy off the list, he‘s now my number one guy!

If it‘s TFA specifically, maybe a remake of Poe‘s X-Wing? :laugh:

FO Troop Transport remake would be nice, A Starkiller Base too

Edited by Lego Nostalgia

44 minutes ago, CloneCommando99 said:

So now that sequel sets are on the table next year… anyone have any suggestions for the summer wave? (I’d rather the set slots went to Andor S2 but they inevitably won’t)

I would love a remake of Rey’s speeder with modern pieces and techniques.

In terms of making the main characters accessible, I could see Takodana, Kylo’s T.I.E. Whisperer, a Pasaana chase, or something from Starkiller, if Exegol’s off the table. 

Poe's X-Wing seems like a safe choice to go with. Takodana also gets my vote if it includes some of the background characters like Sidon Ithano and Bazine Netal.

Would love to get Babu Frik but I suspect we'll probably be getting some of his species when The Mandalorian and Grogu movie wave comes out.

9 hours ago, omegabadbatch said:

I wanted to have a rare minifigure


Insiders days are coming on lego shop. I want set with young leia. I would like discount on that set

My guy why would you buy a $55 set with 5 minifigures and hope the generic trooper is the one that stays exclusive? Everything else aside, there are four other figures in that set who are more likely to stay exclusive.

1 hour ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

If it‘s TFA specifically, maybe a remake of Poe‘s X-Wing? :laugh:

Poe's X-wing  brought me back into lego star wars. I would be estatic if we got a remake.

5 hours ago, THELEGOBATMAN said:

I've never read anything from the EU. What I just described was literally George's story for the Original Trilogy. The whole third movie is about Luke winning with the Emperor because he's attached to his friends and his father with the power of friendship and forgiveness.

I don't want to tell people how to interpret movies, but I don't think you really understand the meaning of Anakin's and Jedi Order's relationship in the Prequels. He didn't get corrupted because of his attachement to Padmé—he got corrupted because the Jedi Order told him to suppress those emotions and attachments, leading to him blowing up like a growing time-bomb.

I've no idea how you got the impression that the point of those movies is that the Jedi were right, and you shouldn't be attached to others or you'll become a Sith Lord. The whole philosophy of the Order was wrong in its core, and that's what the Original Trilogy (retroactively) builds upon. Luke gets stronger because of his attachments and emotions, not weaker.

Generally Jedi who let their emotions control them and form attachments turn to the dark side, this is quote from Yoda in TPM  "Fear is the path to the dark side … fear leads to anger … anger leads to hate … hate leads to suffering." Just because one Jedi (Luke) was able to have some attachment doesn't mean the entire philosophy of the Jedi is wrong, and friendship and forgiveness are very in line with the old Jedi. My original point was that I don't think it was in character for Luke to almost kill his nephew because of fear, he's a grandmaster at that point and it's not a jedi-like thing to do.

Anakin was corrupted by Palpatine. Palpatine literally groomed him and planted the dreams about Padme. What were the Jedi supposed to tell Anakin? Yeah sure give into all your emotions, go kill sand people like on Tatooine.

I think the "point of those movies" is about Anakin"s fall to the dark side and the fall of democracy and the rise of the empire. While the Jedi order could've been more understanding, they don't deserve the sole blame for everything that happened, Anakin went down the wrong path and suffered for it , he's not an innocent victim.

6 hours ago, Alexandrina said:

Are there going to be any significant helmets left after those? Perhaps Zam Wesell's helmet and the triumphant return of sand purple

I read this as 'the triumphant return of sand PEOPLE' and thought 'hmm, actually a Tusken Raider helmet wouldn't be a bad idea'. Could be an interesting build to see how they get all the facial features. Probably not the most popular choice for a helmet, but definitely something different to the steady stream of Imperial and Mandalorian helmets we get.

7 hours ago, Alexandrina said:

Are there going to be any significant helmets left after those? Perhaps Zam Wesell's helmet and the triumphant return of sand purple

Zam Wesell helmet before we get a new minifigure of her would be absolutely hilarious (I know it's never happening but still).

56 minutes ago, MaximillianRebo said:

I read this as 'the triumphant return of sand PEOPLE' and thought 'hmm, actually a Tusken Raider helmet wouldn't be a bad idea'. Could be an interesting build to see how they get all the facial features. Probably not the most popular choice for a helmet, but definitely something different to the steady stream of Imperial and Mandalorian helmets we get.

Unironically I think that would be the most interesting helmet they've ever done if it happened, but yeah not expecting it and admittedly I still probably wouldn't buy it since I just don't have much interest in the helmets.

2 hours ago, MaximillianRebo said:

I read this as 'the triumphant return of sand PEOPLE' and thought 'hmm, actually a Tusken Raider helmet wouldn't be a bad idea'.


1 hour ago, AD_Bricks said:


Same here. Whoops. But now I kind-of want one. The Tusken Raider Brickhead is the only one that I’ve purchased, and it’s great. 

7 hours ago, Rwbricks said:

I would love a remake of Rey’s speeder with modern pieces and techniques.

In terms of making the main characters accessible, I could see Takodana, Kylo’s T.I.E. Whisperer, a Pasaana chase, or something from Starkiller, if Exegol’s off the table. 

It would be great to get a standard TIE/fo. We got the Special Forces variant but a regular TIE/fo is sorely lacking. I would also be really happy with a TIE Whisper.

6 hours ago, wesker said:

Poe's X-Wing seems like a safe choice to go with. Takodana also gets my vote if it includes some of the background characters like Sidon Ithano and Bazine Netal.

There are a lot of fun background characters on Takodona. Those are good suggestions.

A new AAL would certainly be welcome. They could even do a Sith Eternal variant from Exogal. Perhaps it could be released alongside a new Resistance trooper or Company 77 battle pack. 


8 hours ago, Rwbricks said:

I would love a remake of Rey’s speeder with modern pieces and techniques.

Aging GIFs | Tenor

1 hour ago, Zap Rowsdower said:

It would be great to get a standard TIE/fo. We got the Special Forces variant but a regular TIE/fo is sorely lacking. I would also be really happy with a TIE Whisper.

There are a lot of fun background characters on Takodona. Those are good suggestions.

A Takodana set would definitely be interesting! I love the 2016 set, but a larger version with more of the side characters would be great to see! And a TIE Whisper would be an excellent choice too! Kinda baffling we didn‘t have one back in 2019/20.

So now that we've cooled down the media talk we seem to be wishlisting instead :snicker:.

Is there are chance the Bo Katan and Jango Helmets could actually be one set? Maybe it's just one of them but less likely it could be a 2 in 1. Which would be relatively new ground for SW.

1 hour ago, Agent Kallus said:

Is there are chance the Bo Katan and Jango Helmets could actually be one set? Maybe it's just one of them but less likely it could be a 2 in 1. Which would be relatively new ground for SW.

When the first rumours came about my first thought was that maybe it's two different people seeing the same blurry image of a Mando helmet with blue on and coming to different conclusions. Maybe one of them wasn't a SW fan and just googled "blue mando" and went with the first name that came up. I kinda hope it's Bo-Katan since then at least the shaping would be different from the Boba and Din ones, though I don't really have a stake in this since I never buy the helmets (or any other non-system stuff except the occasional midi-scale and UCS).

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