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19 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

I thought Thrawn was handled quite well- putting aside the canon trilogy of books, since Filoni didn't write them, Rebels and Ahsoka are both pretty solid. He's shown as very smart and competent in both- he destroys the rebel base, prevents a major rebel assault on Lothal TWICE, and only loses in the end when he's drawn away to deal with politics and upon his return is taken out by space whales, which are a total wild card from his perspective (even if the show plants the seeds for it well from Ezra's). In Ahsoka, he suceeds on a monumental level: He escapes exile with witches capable of building him an army, his flagship, and a fanatically loyal legion, with the bonus of stranding the second biggest threat to a resurgent empire out in The Beyond.

That's just like, your opinion man. (So is mine) Ahsoka was trash to me, and Disney!Thrawn feels like a Saturday morning cartoon villain, not a legitimate tactical genius. He has his moments, I'll admit, but he's far from what Timothy Zahn portrayed in his original trilogy.

That's all the media discussion from me for now.

1 hour ago, ARC2149Nova said:

V-19 is superior to the Z-95 and I will fight any who dare say otherwise. Also, they fill two distinct roles: the V-19 is a dogfighter, ARC-170 is a Capital Killer. The reason that the V-19 was replaced in TCW had nothing to do with design (which, in Legends, it served the entire war), but more to do with the visual transition to Phase II (which, the Venator-class should've also been absent until Phase II, but I digress). But, it's true replacement should have been the Nimbus-class, AKA the V-Wing. God only knows why Filoni decided to use the Z-95 as the mainline fighter instead of its pre-existing (and quite capable) counterparts.

P.S. Yes I know the Z-95 was a Legends vessel, but more commonly associated with the Rise of Rebellion Era, not the Clone Wars.

Going by the movies/CWMMP, the visual path from Phase I-II of the war is as follows: V-19 - ARC-170, Acclamator - Venator, Delta-7 - ETA-2, etc.

It always annoyed me how we never saw V-wings or AT-AP's in the later seasons of TCW 

1 hour ago, ARC2149Nova said:

Z-95 is a precursor to the X-Wing, yes. But you know what else is a precursor to the X-Wing?

The ARC-170.

The V-Wing's role as an interceptor makes it the obvious replacement for the V-19, as the ARC-170 was built more like a bomber (not too dissimilar to the B-Wing).

The ARC-170 is a fighter-bomber hybrid that requires three crew - I get what the Republic was going for when designing it (an all-in-one craft), but ultimately the Y-wing was a superior bomber and the Z-95 was a more agile and effective interceptor/dogfighter. It is also worth noting that the Z-95, unlike the V-19 or the V-wing, actually had shields. 

1 hour ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Never thought about the V-wing's similarities to a TIE fighter, that's cool. 

They literally sound the same (see the end of RotS)! 

36 minutes ago, Darth_Bane13 said:

It always annoyed me how we never saw V-wings or AT-AP's in the later seasons of TCW 

I sort of agree, but there also was a lot that we do not see in TCW (P2 Gree, P2 Bly (barring a quick cameo), Bacara, any development for Neyo, etc!), so I am not overly bothered by it. 

1 hour ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Boba certainly's not been great in Tbobf but if I remember correctly Filoni wasn't as involved in that, whereas he was involved with Mando, where boba's a lot stronger.

Boba was kriffed over by both the budget and movie-chopped-into-chunks pacing of TBoBF; the story itself was fine (albeit a bit too low-stakes), but the plot needed to be tighter (such as establishing Cad Bane as an antagonist earlier, having some surviving Tuskens aid Boba (maybe instead of Mando?) retake Mos Espa from the Pykes, focus more on alliances that Boba forms (maybe he reaches out to Cobb Vanth and proposes an arrangement to bring Freetown into his territory in exchange for protection from the Pykes and other crime syndicates), etc). 

46 minutes ago, Classic_Spaceman said:

The ARC-170 is a fighter-bomber hybrid that requires three crew - I get what the Republic was going for when designing it (an all-in-one craft), but ultimately the Y-wing was a superior bomber and the Z-95 was a more agile and effective interceptor/dogfighter. It is also worth noting that the Z-95, unlike the V-19 or the V-wing, actually had shields. 

Z-95 doesn't belong in the Clone War era, and it's presence within it is a Dave Filoni retcon. The ARC-170 is a superior fighter because it's a hybrid. The firepower of a Y-Wing, the speed and maneuverability of the V-19, as well as the capacity for long-range operations behind enemy lines (and I believe a hyperdrive, but I could be wrong). Yes, it had three crewmen, but many real world bomber craft employed that and more. Besides, what dogfighting weaknesses it did have were circumvented by another, more nimble vessel, the V-Wing.

The Z-95 was (originally) a later vessel which was used by the early Rebellion and was eventually replaced by the X-Wing. Hence why it seems like an upgrade to the ARC-170: it's not supposed to be its contemporary. The Y-Wing sacrificed speed and maneuverability for increased payload, the A-Wing served as a fast and nimble interceptor, and the B-Wing was a hybrid fighter, with improved crew requirements (1).

But all that is missing the point: George Lucas intended for the ARC-170 (and the V-Wing by extension) to serve as the mainline vessels of the Republic's Starfighter Corps. The Z-95 is an unnecessary inclusion. I like the ship, but it's presence has usurped other vessels that are meant to be in its place.

1 minute ago, ARC2149Nova said:

Yes, it had three crewmen, but many real world bomber craft employed that and more.

Not just bombers, insert P-61 Black widow, which served the US Air Force as a night fighter during WW2, and later as a long range interceptor. Also it was the direct real life inspiration for the ARC-170!


I agree that the Z-95 doesn't really fit in the Clone Wars, although I only remember it being in a few episodes

3 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said:

Funny, I actually agree with her assessment.

Case in point: Thrawn...

For real. They massacred my boy, and turned him into a one-dimensional cartoon supervillain rather than an actual complex character that grapples with morals. 

51 minutes ago, ARC2149Nova said:

Z-95 doesn't belong in the Clone War era, and its presence within it is a Dave Filoni retcon. The ARC-170 is a superior fighter because it's a hybrid. The firepower of a Y-Wing, the speed and maneuverability of the V-19, as well as the capacity for long-range operations behind enemy lines (and I believe a hyperdrive, but I could be wrong). Yes, it had three crewmen, but many real world bomber craft employed that and more. Besides, what dogfighting weaknesses it did have were circumvented by another, more nimble vessel, the V-Wing.

First, George Lucas produced and funded TCW, so all retcons/additions to the lore would need to be approved by him (remember "Darth Icky" in TFU?); second, the ARC-170 strikes me as a ship that tries to do everything but ends up not performing as well as more specialised starfighters do. The Y-wing is a better bomber and only requires two crewmen, while the Z-95 and V-wing serve as more nimble interceptors. The major downside to the V-wing when compared to the Z-95 and V-19 is its lack of shields and limited firepower; the V-19 did not have shields either, but it actually packed a decent punch, and the Z-95 had an excellent balance of shielding, firepower, and manoeuvrability. The limited weapons and lack of shields on the V-wing make it better for swarm tactics (as we see the Empire implement later with the standard TIEs), but it is not capable of dogfighting in the way that the Z-95 is. 

1 hour ago, ARC2149Nova said:

The Z-95 was (originally) a later vessel which was used by the early Rebellion and was eventually replaced by the X-Wing. Hence why it seems like an upgrade to the ARC-170: it's not supposed to be its contemporary. 

I see the Z-95 as a more stripped-down take on the ARC-170 (or beefed-up V-19); I do not think that it was intended to be an upgrade to the ARC-170 (as an upgrade would have retained the dual role), just that it (alongside the Y-wing) ended up performing better than the over-engineered ARC-170. 

As a huge fan of Thrawn, I thought he was okay in Ahsoka. Nothing can beat Lars Mikkelsen’s terrifying performance, but I felt his brilliance wasn’t on full display. (At the very least, place a sniper or two inside the hanger so that if, however unlikely, Ezra, Sabine, or Ahsoka manages to get aboard, they won’t make it long. If all hands were needed to get the Chimera up and running so that no troops could be on standby in the hanger, that should’ve been better communicated, I feel.) He needed to be outstanding, and unfortunately he wasn’t. Nevertheless, I’m not overly upset about it, nor will I call Ahsoka garbage. It’s not the greatest, no, but it brought in fresh designs and visuals (especially Peridiea :P) as well as the live action debut of several of my favorite animated characters (and the E-Wing; did I mention live action E-Wings?). Writing was so-so, though, and I hope S2 improves on that point.

7 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said:

Honestly, if the Clone Pilot set is indeed a V-19 Torrent (unlikely and pointless as the ARC-170 makes it redundant since they are both fighters) I’ll have to pass on it. I don’t really like the V-19’s design, and feel like there’s a good reason for why the ARC-170 and Z-95 replaced it in TCW.



I believe that redundancy, in TLG’s view as well as that of the average consumer, depends more on visuals than on the purpose of each fighter. We currently have a X-Wing and an E-Wing on shelves, and soon the ARC-170 in the E-Wing’s stead, when all three fighters serve a similar purpose in combat. I don’t believe TLG would release two X-Wings back to back nowadays. (Yes, I know they did; I’m also sure TLG learned a valuable lesson then which they practice today.)

I’m not crazy about Republic vehicles overall (I much more appreciate the handmade artistry of the X-Wing or Y-Wing), but I enjoy the V-19 for its unique look and mechanism. It certainly makes for a fun toy—a sentiment I feel stretches throughout all of the GaR designs. That’s just my opinion, though.

5 hours ago, Coryo said:

Lamest scenario would be something like a Republic Gunship Microfighter

The Mara Jade/Ahsoka/Hera/Sabine stoic arm-crossing contest gonna go hard in Ahsoka season 3

The scariest part is the likelihood of that becoming true.

Surprisingly, that applies to both statements.

On 12/10/2024 at 4:21 PM, Rokswi said:

75409 : Jango Fett's Starship



Am I about to be hyped for a UCS set of the lesser paint job of my favourite ship in Star Wars?

OH YEAH. In the words of a PG Dealpoopl, let’s go!

Edited by Swordy

@Classic_Spaceman The ARC-170 is the best Republic starfighter because it could do everything. Lucas intended for the ARC-170 to be the Republic's mainline fighter by the time of ROTS, as a precursor to the X-Wing. We cannot debate this. It's in the movie he made. Anything in ROTS superceeds the cartoon canon. The Z-95 was an EU creation that was meant as a "missing link" between said fighters. This is also not debatable. Dave Filoni didn't create the Z-95, he simply included it into TCW. It's addition to the Prequel Era served to circumvent the role intended for the starships of the G-Canon (aka, the movies). George was not as invested in TCW as most believe, and gave a great deal of creative freedom to the showrunners. He didn't even pay close enough attention to realize that Trade Federation ships/generals were constantly depicted in the series until the Umbara Arc (hence why the Supply Ship was created). Regardless of how you think the ship actually is, the story materials depict it as a rather capable and OP starship, with its crew requirement being the only "weakness". You don't have to like it, that's fine, but in-universe, the ARC-170 is the best ship in the GAR's Starfighter Corps.

I hate that suddenly the Z-95 is "just so great" because Filoni never used the actual fighters seen in the movies (aside from the Battle of Kamino). If it were used in conjunction with its counterparts, this would be less of an issue. Perhaps the ARC-170 cost more to animate (the S-Foils, Three Pilots, moving tailgun, etc), ditto for the V-Wing (at least for the landing/takeoff sequences), but that ignores why we even started this discussion: the replacement of the V-19.

The V-19 was replaced by better starfighters in-universe, aka ships like the ARC-170, the V-Wing, and (as of 2012) the Z-95. This is because nearly all Republic equipment underwent massive changes and the visual identity of the army changed as the war progressed. Out of universe, it was replaced for the same reason, to show the progression of wartime technology, not because it was ugly. The Z-95 was chosen because of the starship lineage (conveniently ignoring that the ARC already did this), and likely the ease of animation, as there's no need to animate an elaborate landing sequence or S-Foil deployment.

What sucks about all of these ships (save the V-Wing) is how far apart the main guns are. :laugh: Though that's just Star Wars at that point. This has been fun, but I'm tapping out on this debate.

6 hours ago, Coryo said:

Republic Gunship Microfighter

I wouldn't even be mad at that, tbh. Great way to get a desirable figure at a cheap price, am I right? :tongue: (No, I haven't forgot about Plo Koon and his glorious Starfighter)

5 hours ago, QuiggoldsPegLeg said:

For real. They massacred my boy, and turned him into a one-dimensional cartoon supervillain rather than an actual complex character that grapples with morals. 

Hot take: it seems this way because he was a book character first and foremost. It's easier in relative terms to demonstrate depth and complexity in book form, as authors and narrators can basically tell us what a character is thinking. Additionally, you tend to spend more time with characters in books, so there's more time to explore things like morals. It's much harder to do that in film or even TV, as a) you don't have a direct link to a character's inner thoughts - you have to show it through dialogue and actions, and b) so much less time is spent with them. (It's why I prefer reading books to watching films or series!)

I think they did a great job with Thrawn in Rebels, considering it's a kids' show. Ahsoka Thrawn was fine IMO.

9 hours ago, QuiggoldsPegLeg said:

For real. They massacred my boy, and turned him into a one-dimensional cartoon supervillain rather than an actual complex character that grapples with morals. 

Are you talking about Legends or new Canon books? If Canon, you are correct (though I must admit that I hate the idea of Thrawn being a Chiss nationalist, preferring him to be an die-hard Imperial); in Legends though he was plain irredeemably evil, a disgusting cliché 'evil Imperial officer', who 'compensated' his horrible incompetence with 'smart' talking.

6 hours ago, Swordy said:

He needed to be outstanding, and unfortunately he wasn’t.

I absolutely agree with you. Not only Ahsoka Thrawn didn't do anything outstanding, but he also had a beer belly :pir-huzzah2: I personally prefer to imagine him being as thin as possible.

On the Republic fighters debate, here are my thoughts: in my headcanon, they are meant to be predecessors of the Rebellion's fighers, rejected because of the TIE fighter's magnificent performance and multiple narrow-profile modifications; the Z-95 (Legends version; I detest the TCW version for looking nothing like the X-wing's predecessor) for the T-65 and T-65B; the BTL-B for the BTL-A4, and the V-19 Torrent for the B-wing. The Alliance's best fighter, the RZ-1 A-wing, has no predecessor (the R-22 Spearhead has no real visual differences), and the ARC-170 simply doesn't exist; I hate its heavy cannons under the wings and meaningless S-foils (the X-wing's an B-wing's ones, at least, had a purpose). The TIE outperformed them all due to the light construction (rejecting life support was a good idea, since space suits are much more reliable; shields are useless in combat because you cannot shoot through them, so they must be turned off; hyperdrives aren't necessary because the TIE's are carried in battle by cruisers or Star Destroyers) and better engine and became the Empire's main starfighter; others were given to the Rebels  But it's just my headcanon 

5 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said:

I hate that suddenly the Z-95 is "just so great" because Filoni never used the actual fighters seen in the movies (aside from the Battle of Kamino). If it were used in conjunction with its counterparts, this would be less of an issue. Perhaps the ARC-170 cost more to animate (the S-Foils, Three Pilots, moving tailgun, etc), ditto for the V-Wing (at least for the landing/takeoff sequences), but that ignores why we even started this discussion: the replacement of the V-19.

To be fair, the ARC-170 DID appear in some TCW episodes 

Edited by Max_Lego

6 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said:

I wouldn't even be mad at that, tbh. Great way to get a desirable figure at a cheap price, am I right? :tongue: (No, I haven't forgot about Plo Koon and his glorious Starfighter)

We only seem to get one microfighter each year now, and next year‘s is indeed Plo Koon‘s JSF, so that‘s unlikely :tongue:

Since it‘s too early for another Gunship, the rumoured pilot kinda has to be included with a starfighter from TCW. Unless they pull a weird stunt and include one in a 4+ set or in the AC, despite not appearing anywhere else :laugh_hard: Also, if it’s indeed a Phase I pilot, can we finally have a new helmet piece without the fin? Pretty please?

20 hours ago, Alexandrina said:

I just hope she doesn't make her triumphant appearance in something with Filoni's hands on it - he's demonstrated that he's incapable of doing justice to characters that aren't his own babies, and I'm not sure he's capable of writing a good story either (certainly he has a terrible track record of Star Wars projects). I wonder if there's the possibility for a spin-off "what could have been" series pulling from Legends, so we can get not only Mara but Jaina Solo as well

I‘m subscribing to your hope. 
These characters are too big for him to handle imho. 

Regarding the Z95:

Design-wise it‘s totally OT for me, therefore, it never did fit in the Clone Wars era, it was just too simple in comparison. Maybe it would have worked as a ship for Pirates, but not as a fighter for the GAR. (Wasn‘t it even a ship for Pirates in the TIE Fighter and X-Wing Lucasarts games?)

So I never gave any credence to the idea that Lego was purposely avoiding Jabba’s Palace because of the “controversy” (if it can even be called that) that it looked vaguely similar to a mosque. Although between the bad build of Boba Fett’s Throne Room, and this video that Star Wars Kids released that seems to go out of its way to not depict the iconic main structure of Jabba’s Palace, it seems like there might be something behind the idea that Lego is somehow still worried about it even now. Which is just extremely disappointing. Both because I desperately want Jabba’s Palace sets, and also because even I, who is about as far left as they come, think that whole thing is ridiculously stupid. There’s so many ways that Star Wars is unintentionally racist and discriminatory, but this is not at all one of them.

3 hours ago, Max_Lego said:

Are you talking about Legends or new Canon books? If Canon, you are correct (though I must admit that I hate the idea of Thrawn being a Chiss nationalist, preferring him to be an die-hard Imperial); in Legends though he was plain irredeemably evil, a disgusting cliché 'evil Imperial officer', who 'compensated' his horrible incompetence with 'smart' talking.

Canon. Honestly I’m not crazy tied to him being a Chiss nationalist, but I really enjoyed him being in the Empire for his own goals. Seeing a morally complicated (and very autistic, which is fun) character who actually cares about people and has complex motivations is fun. Book Thrawn would never have the complete disregard for human life that TV show Thrawn does, and also book Thrawn would never have loyalty to the Empire once it was no longer useful to him, which the fractured Empire is definitely not even remotely as powerful by the time of Ahsoka. Is book Thrawn a fascist? Maybe. But he definitely isn’t a fascist just for the sake of being evil and accruing power like he is in Ahsoka, and in the books actually thinks that he’s helping people.

Granted I realize different people want different things out of Thrawn, it’s just canon book Thrawn is one of my favourite characters in Star Wars, whereas TV show Thrawn is a fine and maybe even above average villain. So the canon books made TV show Thrawn extremely disappointing and fall flat as opposed to if he had just come in as a villain without any expectations and been fine enough in the role. 

7 hours ago, TeddytheSpoon said:

Hot take: it seems this way because he was a book character first and foremost. It's easier in relative terms to demonstrate depth and complexity in book form, as authors and narrators can basically tell us what a character is thinking. Additionally, you tend to spend more time with characters in books, so there's more time to explore things like morals. It's much harder to do that in film or even TV, as a) you don't have a direct link to a character's inner thoughts - you have to show it through dialogue and actions, and b) so much less time is spent with them. (It's why I prefer reading books to watching films or series!)

I think they did a great job with Thrawn in Rebels, considering it's a kids' show. Ahsoka Thrawn was fine IMO.

I see what you’re saying, and that might be relevant for other characters. Canon book Thrawn and Filoni’s Thrawn are completely different characters. Filoni’s Thrawn is mentioned as doing a genocide in Rebels, in the books it turns out that was Arihnda Pryce framing Thrawn for what she did. In the shows Thrawn is loyal to the Empire long after it falls, in the books Thrawn has little loyalty to the Empire, and is only an imperial officer because he thinks a partnership with the Empire is necessary to defend the Chiss Ascendancy. In the books, if Thrawn hadn’t been taken off the board by the Purrgil, there’s a good chance Palpatine would’ve had him executed for treason. So yeah, TV characters are going to be more flat, but it’s obvious Dave Filoni and Timothy Zahn have fundamentally different views of who the character is. 

15 minutes ago, QuiggoldsPegLeg said:

Although between the bad build of Boba Fett’s Throne Room, and this video that Star Wars Kids released that seems to go out of its way to not depict the iconic main structure of Jabba’s Palace, it seems like there might be something behind the idea that Lego is somehow still worried about it even now. 

We do see the palace at 1:27, though, and we do not see the exterior of the cantina, so I think that this is reading into things a bit much. As for the Boba’s throne room set, it was focused on the main hall and entryway (based on the Mando S2 epilogue scene); additionally, if there were any real controversy over the palace, then it would not have appeared as the main location in TBoBF! 

Honestly, I became a Thrawn fan after reading the new Canon books. I still like the way he dealt with the Rebel island (it was a brilliant idea!) Had I read The Thrawn trilogy first, I would've hated him

41 minutes ago, QuiggoldsPegLeg said:

Book Thrawn would never have the complete disregard for human life that TV show Thrawn does

Totally agreed. That's why I hate Rebels Thrawn - he's arguably even more evil than in Legends books. The only time I remember Legends Thrawn to order genocide was the Dark Force rising RPG sourcebook. I somehow believe that senseless cruelty is absolutely out of character for Thrawn.

Then again, Canon Thrawn didn't care about the non-Chiss hostages of the Grysks in "Treason"... Which was weird to me even back then 

46 minutes ago, QuiggoldsPegLeg said:

Is book Thrawn a fascist?

palpatine-please-dont.gif...But yeah, he was a supporter of the idea of an oppressive and corrupt government bringing 'order' to the Galaxy, so I agree with your point (not with Zahn's perception, though)

1 hour ago, QuiggoldsPegLeg said:

I see what you’re saying, and that might be relevant for other characters. Canon book Thrawn and Filoni’s Thrawn are completely different characters. Filoni’s Thrawn is mentioned as doing a genocide in Rebels, in the books it turns out that was Arihnda Pryce framing Thrawn for what she did. In the shows Thrawn is loyal to the Empire long after it falls, in the books Thrawn has little loyalty to the Empire, and is only an imperial officer because he thinks a partnership with the Empire is necessary to defend the Chiss Ascendancy. In the books, if Thrawn hadn’t been taken off the board by the Purrgil, there’s a good chance Palpatine would’ve had him executed for treason. So yeah, TV characters are going to be more flat, but it’s obvious Dave Filoni and Timothy Zahn have fundamentally different views of who the character is. 

Perhaps I have a selective memory then - I read the canon books after having seen Thrawn in Rebels, and I can't remember anything jumping out as being contradictory. The Pryce framing thing seems very much on brand for her. I do agree with your last sentence though, even if they might have been aligned to begin with; I doubt Zahn would've followed this same thread for Thrawn post-Empire.

On 12/12/2024 at 4:23 PM, Darth_Bane13 said:

It always annoyed me how we never saw V-wings or AT-AP's in the later seasons of TCW 

I think that this is somewhat due to clone wars ending early. It got cancelled during season 5, so 6 is shorter than intended, and they had story ideas for roughly 2 more seasons. I think that is why so many late war vehicles, like the ones you mentioned, end up missing from the show entirely, they just weren't to that point in the timeline yet.

12 hours ago, Brickwraith said:

I think that this is somewhat due to clone wars ending early. It got cancelled during season 5, so 6 is shorter than intended, and they had story ideas for roughly 2 more seasons. I think that is why so many late war vehicles, like the ones you mentioned, end up missing from the show entirely, they just weren't to that point in the timeline yet.

Yeah I'm glad they gave The Clone Wars a proper ending but I was always disappointed how many episodes they left unfinished and gave us those horrible Martez sister episodes.

1 hour ago, Darth_Bane13 said:

Yeah I'm glad they gave The Clone Wars a proper ending but I was always disappointed how many episodes they left unfinished and gave us those horrible Martez sister episodes.

I have a feeling the planned Youzhan Vong arc was scrapped specifically because it would have jeopardised any of Disney’s plans for the sequel trilogy.


We were robbed of Rex’s Top Gun. I will never forgive Disney for that. 

Edited by CloneCommando99

They were going to do a Vong arc in TCW? We sure dodged a bullet with that one.

Edited by icm

On 12/11/2024 at 8:41 PM, Classic_Spaceman said:

I suspect that it will be slightly larger (restricted by the cockpit canopy size) and also have an interior - The cockpit seat needs to be wide enough for two Minifigs to sit side-by-side ("After we're done, we can go get some ice cream") and there needs to be a place to store seismic charges (with a dropping feature!); the interior will likely be based on a combination of cross-section artwork and what we see in The Mandalorian/TBoBF. 

I have 75060 but would pick this next version up in a hot second if it has all the features you described. Here's hoping!

2 hours ago, icm said:

They were going to do a Vong arc in TCW? We sure dodged a bullet with that one.

Definitely! Even in the Legends continuity that wouldn‘t have made any sense, unless they killed every single character involved in that encounter :laugh_hard: Out of all the nonsense found in Legends, the Vong for sure are the worst. I hope they‘ll never make them canon.

1 hour ago, mirkwoodspiders said:

I have 75060 but would pick this next version up in a hot second if it has all the features you described. Here's hoping!

A seismic charge dropping feature is non-negotiable!

On 12/12/2024 at 11:47 PM, Swordy said:

As a huge fan of Thrawn, I thought he was okay in Ahsoka. Nothing can beat Lars Mikkelsen’s terrifying performance, but I felt his brilliance wasn’t on full display. (At the very least, place a sniper or two inside the hanger so that if, however unlikely, Ezra, Sabine, or Ahsoka manages to get aboard, they won’t make it long. If all hands were needed to get the Chimera up and running so that no troops could be on standby in the hanger, that should’ve been better communicated, I feel.) He needed to be outstanding, and unfortunately he wasn’t. Nevertheless, I’m not overly upset about it, nor will I call Ahsoka garbage. It’s not the greatest, no, but it brought in fresh designs and visuals (especially Peridiea :P) as well as the live action debut of several of my favorite animated characters (and the E-Wing; did I mention live action E-Wings?). Writing was so-so, though, and I hope S2 improves on that point.

OH YEAH. In the words of a PG Dealpoopl, let’s go!

This part's just my interpretation, but I always assumed he was fine with either Ezra or Sabine getting on board and escaping to let the galaxy know he's back, having employed the tactic previously in the legends books.

Love the idea of PG deadpool's catchphrase just being "let's go", though I think he needs a pause so it's "Let's     go"

On 12/12/2024 at 9:37 PM, QuiggoldsPegLeg said:

For real. They massacred my boy, and turned him into a one-dimensional cartoon supervillain rather than an actual complex character that grapples with morals. 

As someone who loves the original Thrawn trilogy and considers it some of the best star wars content of all time, he's not exactly grappling with morality there, nor is he in rebels. The canon books introduce that aspect to his character, and what little we see of him in Ahsoka doesn't outright contradict it or anything.

On 12/13/2024 at 9:42 AM, QuiggoldsPegLeg said:

There’s so many ways that Star Wars is unintentionally racist and discriminatory, but this is not at all one of them.

But he definitely isn’t a fascist just for the sake of being evil and accruing power like he is in Ahsoka, and in the books actually thinks that he’s helping people.

??? I mean like there's some sketchy accents in the prequels but it's not exactly song of the south.

He's certainly authoritarian- in just about every interpretation he spells out that he believes an authoritarian government is the only way to keep the populace (and/or the chiss) safe from threats. But I don't think the Ahsoka show ever implies he's doing it for personal power or being evil. I think they even make a point of him not being cartoonishly evil in the script- Morgan explicitly states that all the troopers set to receive the nightsister resurrection volunteered to stay behind/become nighttroopers. She also says something about the imperials sacrificing themselves for him, to which Thrawn clearly takes issue and states they're doing so for the Empire.

He's of course wrong to, you know, fight for the empire, but there's nothing in Ahsoka that implies he doesn't think he's in the right.

1 hour ago, icm said:

They were going to do a Vong arc in TCW? We sure dodged a bullet with that one.

Yeah, glad they never got canonized. Though IIRC it was just a one off sort of spoofing X-files- a scout ship would appear on the edge of the galaxy.

9 minutes ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Definitely! Even in the Legends continuity that wouldn‘t have made any sense, unless they killed every single character involved in that encounter :laugh_hard: Out of all the nonsense found in Legends, the Vong for sure are the worst. I hope they‘ll never make them canon.

The concept of an extragalactic threat is cool to me but the Vong specifically were something I really disliked. Though to be fair given the X-files vibes of the clone wars episode concept, I'd assume most who encountered the scout ship would be killed, and nobody would believe the survivors.

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